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03x12 - Two Legendary Chums

Posted: 09/03/21 17:29
by bunniefuu
Okay, so what's the location?

This doesn't
have to be difficult.


Do it the hard way.

Avery, we know that
you've been through a lot.

We need to know how you
got mixed up with Roman.

Just start from the beginning.

What if I don't want to?

Can I go?

You wiped Roman's memory
and locked him in a cage.

Are you gonna do the same thing
to me if I don't cooperate?

This is different.

Why? Because I'm your daughter?

He was family, too.

Roman wanted to convince us
that you were dead.

Why did you help him do that?

He told me he would help me
avenge my father's death.

The man that actually raised me,
not whoever knocked you up.

So, someone k*lled your father?

No, but he might as well have.

After my mom died of cancer,

my dad poured himself
into his work.

Then he got a call
from his boss letting him go.

What kind of work
did your dad do?

He was a corporate advisor.

He loved his job.

Me and that job were
the only thing that he had left.

Then... he just had me.

Threw himself off a bridge.

They never found his body,

and I never got to say goodbye.

I'm so sorry.

So, I don't know,

I... I just decided
to look for you.

Then Roman got wind
of my search and reached out.

What did he tell you?

That you weren't
worth looking for.

That my energy was better spent

searching for the man
who drove my dad to su1c1de.

Who is this guy?

Your dad's former boss.

Hank Crawford.

So, what do we think?
Can we trust her?

I don't know. And her dad really

worked for HCI Global? Yeah.

Senior advisor,
just like she said.

Everything that
Avery's told us lines up

with what we know so far.

Maybe that's by design.

We have to question
everything she says,

how she met Roman,
how her father died,

if he's even dead... everything.

She's not a criminal mastermind.

She's a teenager.

We should give her
a polygraph before

we use any of the intel
she gives us.

If we give her a polygraph,
she won't trust us.

I mean, she barely does now.

Jane, what do you think?

Yeah, do it.

We don't know Avery
or what she's capable of.

All right.
I'll call a specialist.


Jane... if you want to talk...

I can't just
go back to trusting you

and forget how you lied to me.

And I wish I could.

My God.

I was hoping to check in
with you about Hirst.

Until we vet Avery,

Hirst is our only link
to Crawford.

Has the CIA gotten
any intel from her yet?

The CIA can't hold
and interrogate US citizens,

so I have no idea
what you're talking about.

But off the record, no.

Not yet.

Who's in charge, Keaton?

Well, maybe he's not
asking the right questions.

Why don't you take a run at her?

You know the tattoo cases
way better than he does.


I could take a day trip
and see what I come up with.

In theory, I'd say go for it.

Patterson's got another tattoo.

All right,
I'll keep you updated.

You do the same? Yeah.

Please tell me you traced this.

We tried. The video's encrypted,

bounced around the world
ten times over,

and the Kumiki puzzle
he's assembling,

available at almost
any toy store.

Well, there's no ships
on my body.

No, but the individual pieces
that make up the ship,

they're scattered
throughout the new tattoos.

I would never have
connected them

without this video.

So, Roman wants us
to solve this today.

And he's showing us how.

If you build the ship
with the tattoos,

there's a message.

If you look at the ship
from the top,

it says "Donald,"

and when you look at it
from the bottom,

it spells out... "Ley."

Who's Donald Ley?

The ship is part of the answer.

We're not looking
for Donald Ley.

We're looking
for Donald Shipley.

Your first partner
at the bureau?

I remember you telling me
about this guy.

Isn't there
bad blood between you?

Yeah, he left the FBI,

halfway through
a sixmonth operation,

to take a job
at a private weapons firm.

Elyria Technologies. Yeah.

They develop everything
from automated w*apon systems

to fighter jet technologies.

But why is Roman pointing us
to Weller's old partner?

Well, according
to his financials,

Shipley amassed a huge debt,

all of which just
got paid off last week.

Someone's bribing him to get
insider access to Elyria.

Where is he now?

Tracking his phone.

He's headed north on the FDR.

Let me approach him. Alone.

I'll bring him in here
for questioning.

Okay, Jane and I
will back you up,

we'll stay out of sight...
Let's go.


Kurt, what the hell
are you doing here, man?

I just want to talk
to you, that's all.

Okay, fine,
but you gotta go, now, go!

Your name came up on a case.

What the hell is this?

I'm working undercover
for Homeland Security.

Play it cool,
or we're both dead.


Who are these guys?

I have no idea.

We should get out there.
Kurt's outnumbered.

Wait, no, hold on!

He just waved us off.

What the hell is this?

You know I don't like strangers.

Ameni, I needed help
with your request.

You said it was under control.

It is.

But you're asking me
to smuggle an EMP

out of one of the most secure
facilities in the country.

So, I needed someone from
electromagnetic weapons.

That's where I step in.

If you want something
from my department,

you're gonna need me.

I told Kurt
what we're all about.

He's on board.
But I like getting paid.

I'm not running a charity.

So, we good or not?

These are the specs
for the servers.

This is the Twin Rivers
power plant.

How'd you get this? All
you need to worry about

is getting an EMP
strong enough to fry

this arrangement
of servers all at once.

You see these rooms?

They usually have shields

to stop att*cks like this.

They do, which is
why we're going to do it

from inside the server vault.

How do you suggest
that we get inside?

Let the infiltration team
worry about that.

You just make sure
the EMP works once we're in.

Not a problem.
You have 24 hours.

We'll be ready.

What the hell have
you gotten into?

Agent Zapata.

I was wondering
when they were gonna

send in a friendly face.

I guess you have
to wait a while longer.

I always liked you.


Is that why you kicked me
off the task force?

Is that why you're here?

Did I hurt your feelings?

I'm here to talk
about Hank Crawford,

the man you were
actually working for

while you were supposed
to be serving your country

as director of the FBI.

You don't think your CIA buddy's
covered that already?

I don't know anything useful.

I'd like to try something new.

Torturing me isn't gonna help.

I can't tell you
what I don't know.

There's a new drug
the CIA's been working on.

A truth serum?

Just a little cocktail
of narcotics

to help open your mind.

Maybe make some connections
you'd forgotten about.

Y'all must be getting desperate.

How about this?

You take the cocktail,

and when we take down
Crawford, I put you

in a minimumsecurity facility
under an assumed name.

Or you don't...

and I put you in gen pop today.

How long do you think
it'll take Crawford

to get to you in there?


So, where are we exactly?

Crawford wanted to meet
along the main road

before caravanning
deeper into the desert.

This is the main road?

Compared to where we're going,
this is Times Square.

We need to go somewhere
more remote than this?


How secret does
this deal have to be?

Well, the people
we're meeting aren't big

on attracting attention.

Neither's Crawford.

If all goes to plan,
should be over pretty quick.

And then what?


I wouldn't worry about it.

So, Donald, how the hell
did you get wrapped up

in a power plant attack?

I work for the most innovative

weapons tech company
in the country.

Bad guys from all over
the world are trying

to get their hands on our stuff.

Last year, Ameni approached me.

Offered top dollar for me to be
her inside man at Elyria Tech.

And then I took it to my friends
at Homeland Security.

Okay, so Homeland has you
undercover with Ameni.

What have you done for her?

Get her g*ns
without serial numbers,

specs on nextgen weapons

and development,
stuff like that.

And now she wants an EMP?

And, what, you're just
gonna give it to her?

Homeland doesn't
care about Ameni.

They want her boss,
Nils Bresden.

Nils Bresden,
former Green Beret,

dishonorably discharged
for punching a superior.

Then used his military contacts

to create the largest
underground militia in the U.S.

They call themselves
the Regiment.

Their main objective
is to overthrow

the tyrannical
government machine.

Guess it's a work in progress.

This guy Bresden is
connected to a dozen

antigovernment att*cks
in the last four years.

His group set off a b*mb
in a Miami federal building.

Shot up an office park
in Phoenix.

Violent protests in six states.

List goes on. Yeah.

And I've worked
with Ameni for a year,

and I never met the guy.

But tomorrow, he's gonna lead
the infiltration team

through the power plant.

That's where we take him down.

So, why is he putting
his head out now?

Well, using an EMP to knock out
the power to New York City,

that's bigger than anything
they've ever done here.

It makes sense he'd want to oversee
it, make sure it's done right.

We'll make sure that it isn't.

This operation's over.

That's not your call.

This is a Homeland Security op.

Actually, you're both wrong.

I reached out to Don's handler

at Homeland, and it's become
a joint operation.

Just like old times, Kurt?

You, me, taking down
the bad guys?

The good old days, right?

Have you ever heard the names
Bob and Elsa Drabkin?

Or their daughter, Avery?
No, never.

Where would you meet
with Crawford?

Usually at a charity event.

Why was Crawford so interested
in the Loewe case?

The guy Loewe paid
to sabotage that train,

Crawford wanted to keep him
out of prison,

so I buried the case.


What was so special about him?

He was part of a militia.

What militia?

It was called the Regiment.

It's not that complicated.

All right?
Once the cylinder's together,

you just hook
the correct component

from the capacitor
to the oscillator

and the regulator
to the power supply.

All right?
It's just about numbers.

Lead 12 to contact 1.

7 to 13.

14 to 4.

I'll get it. Yeah, you'd better.

Or Ameni's gonna put
a b*llet in both of us.

In case you don't remember,

I have run a few undercover ops.

I remember me running 'em,

and you coming along
for the ride.

It's Ameni.
She's moved up the attack.

Wants us ready in an hour.

Time to loop in Homeland.


Gentlemen. Sir.

Welcome to the future.

What you see here

represents 35 years
of hard work.

And this land
that we're standing on

will be the cornerstone
of our operations.

And you...

you did good work
securing that coin.

Couldn't have done
this deal without it.

Just doing my job.

Good to hear.

Because I'll be
depending on you a lot

these next few months

and hopefully long
into the future.

So, what exactly
is this operation?

Eager to learn, I like that.

But all in due time.

Right now, we got
an appointment to keep.

They still on schedule?

Yep, just spoke to Bresden.

He's gathering
the troops right now.

Good, this deal doesn't go down

if he doesn't play his part.

What's up, mate,
something bothering you?

No, not at all.
Just don't get too comfy.

Yeah, why is that?

Because I know
you're not Tom Jakeman.

You're a fraud.

If we don't get you
both out there,

the mission is blown.

Agent Mackenzie's right.
We gotta move now.

Weller hasn't had enough
practice assembling the EMP.

I've run through it
a couple times.

You're supposed to be an expert
on electromagnetic weapons.

Okay, wait,
can't we stall the militia?

Say it's taking longer
to get the EMP?

Delay, and we might
lose Bresden.

Is that all Homeland Security
cares about?

What about your agents?

Hey... I just got off
the phone with Zapata.

Can I have a word with you guys?

Hank Crawford got Hirst
to tamper with several cases

directly related to the militia.

And she handled the payouts

for Bresden's top lieutenants,
all through back channels.

So, Crawford could be
behind the attack.

But how would knocking out power
to New York City help him?

I don't know... when we bring
Bresden in, we can ask him.

All right.

Hey, where are we
staging backup?

Weller and Don are
on their own at the warehouse.

Too risky to put teams
outside of there.

Then I want ears on everything.

Done, you and I can
run point at the power plant.

As soon as Bresden
arrives with the militia,

we move in to make arrests.
All right, set it up.

Do you think
I'm doing the right thing?

What do you mean?

I remember what it's like

sitting in that chair.

How it felt to be examined.

And now I'm making Avery go
through the exact same thing.

You just want the truth.

Like all of us.

She's my daughter.

And I just... wish
that I could trust her.

You don't know her.

It's not your fault.

Roman engineered this.

He wants us secondguessing
every decision we make.

No one is gonna blame you
for being extracareful.

Except for Avery.

She's still half.

She'll come around.

Just like you did.

Is it ready?

Barely. Late notice and all?

One EMP device,
neatly divided and packed,

ready for smuggling
into the power plant.

When do we leave?

Right after we test it.

I wanna see you put it together.

This is sensitive
equipment, Ameni.

Let's just wait
until we're inside.

I want to make sure it works

and that your guy can do
what he says he can.

Guess I'd better get started.

You've got ten minutes
to assemble the EMP.

Copy that.

Weller only put
the device together once.

Think he can pull it off?

We're about to find out.

Hey, hey, I'm sorry
about all this.

And I... I just want you to know

that I'm here for you
if you want to talk.

I have nothing to say to you.

I did what you asked.

I told you and Kurt the truth.

And my reward is being
strapped to a machine

and asked the same questions
a hundred more times.

Avery... Avery!

I know that this is hard.

No, it's infuriating.

And it's a waste of time.

You could be out there
getting Crawford,

but instead you're here,
interrogating me.

Well, I hope you got
what you wanted.

One minute left, champ.

No sweat.

You a gambler, Ameni?

No, I like to keep my money.

Had a horse last weekend
that was 12to1 odds.

Paid off 14 grand on top
of the four I won last week.

That's a great story.



Let's fire it up.

You sure you wanna do that?

Don't you need your phones?

Just uploaded my video
to the cloud.

Infiltration team
has everything else.

All right.

Don't say that I didn't
warn you.

The EMP knocked out
Weller's bug.

We're completely deaf and
blind until Bresden shows up.

We could call an audible.

Raid the warehouse.

It won't work.

I spent years chasing this guy.

Don and Weller are meeting him
here at the power plant

for the attack...
This is how we get him.

You don't think
the guards at the power plant

aren't gonna notice
all of us walking in

with a backpack
full of EMP parts?

You got someone inside? We were
never hitting the power plant.

What do you mean?
Where are we going?

Bresden'll brief us on the
target when we get there.

Let's load up!

That EMP test would've
burned out our bug.

So now we're on our own.


I signed up for an attack
on a power plant,

not a camping trip.

I think what Kurt's saying

is we calibrated
this EMP specifically

to take out the server
at the plant.

The specifications
we gave you will work.

So, what's the real target?

This the new recruit?

Yeah, I am.

And I'm all for you
sending a message...

The time for messages is over.

We're about to rip Big
Brother's eye out by the root.

we are a fivemile hike

away from a secret bunker

operated by
the U.S. Treasury Department.

It's not a place
you'll find on any map.

So, how'd you find it?

You just gotta ask
the right questions.

Every last shred
of our financial activity

is being scrutinized
and dissected, 247.

So we blast
their servers with an EMP,

cr*pple their ops,
blind them indefinitely.

If they won't
protect the people,

the people have
to protect themselves.

Welcome to the revolution,

If it gets out that
these servers are destroyed,

it's open season for every criminal
and t*rror1st organization.

They can move money,
fund att*cks,

completely undetected.

So we have to stop this.

Yeah, how are we gonna do that?

There's 14 of them
and two of us.

We're screwed, brother.

Our guy should've been here
with the militia by now.

Maybe they're waiting
till nightfall.

I'm not gonna risk
my agent's life

on a "maybe"...
We're pulling the plug

and taking the warehouse now.

Fine, my team stays here
in case they show up,

but I'm coming with you.

It's from Reade.

The militia noshowed
at the power plant.

They lost Weller and Don. What?

But Reade picked up
one of their guys,

someone named Merrick Faunce,
at the staging warehouse.

They're bringing him in now.

Okay, the sooner
we crack that guy,

the sooner we find them.

We gotta make a move.

Once we get to that bunker,
all bets are off.

We move now, we're both dead,

followed by everyone
in that bunker.



We should leave some people
out here to keep a lookout.

We all go in, we got
ten minutes to do this thing.

We need everyone.

Mr. Hafidi.

A distinct pleasure.

Wish I could say the same.

This land has been
in my family for generations.

I've been dreading this day.

Well, I empathize
with your position.

Family's important to me, too.


In my research,
I learned all about

the contributions
that your family made

in the fight for
independence in this region.

And I stumbled across
something that...

I think you should have.

This was my grandfather's.

Yes, and I believe

he used that to purchase
this land, did he not?

He was forced to use

many rare coins
in his collection

to fund the revolution.

I've been trying
to recover them,

but I... I thought
this one was lost forever.

How did you... No, the
how, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that
it's back where it belongs.

May your legacy never be lost.

This coin is worth a fortune.

Perhaps I'll use it
to start a new chapter

in the Hafidi
family history books.


Should I make this official?

Yeah. Okay.

My people in New York,

they are prepping
the wire transfer

so that our transaction
may be completely invisible.

In the meantime,
my associate Tom here

arranged for some
very rare scotch

to kick off our celebration...
something very special.

I must say, you're
full of surprises.

Well, I hope you're
going to enjoy them.

Please, right inside here.

Smile while
you still can, Tommy.

I ran your prints.

Is that supposed
to... concern me?

I was a little disappointed
when they actually came back

as Thomas Jakeman.

But records can be
manipulated, right?

So, I decided that I would check

into your personal connections.

Or at least try to.

You know what I found
really interesting?

That the few friends
and relatives

that you actually seem to have
are all dead... Tom.

The dead best friend.

The dead family.

It's quite the sob story.

Thank God for that
PTSD support group?

Yeah, that's right.

I tracked down
the moderator in Sydney.

And he remembers Tom Jakeman.

And he remembers you,
whoever you are.

I got you, you son of a bitch.

Do you know that
I am almost going

to be sad to tell Crawford
when this is over?

'Cause I'm really
enjoying watching

that smug smile of yours
fall off your face.

I don't know what you...

I'll tell you what I think.

I think that you k*lled
the real Tom Jakeman

for his cash.

And that you're using Blake
to get to Crawford.


I don't particularly
give a rat's ass,

because you are done.

Tim, any movement on Hawthorne's
offshore banks today?

No one move! Get your hands
off those keyboards now!

Keep 'em where we can see them!

Now, you can all survive this,
but only if you cooperate.

Round 'em up.

Come with me.

Come with me!

Let's go, let's go!

I'm actually with the FBI.

All right? Is there
anyone else here?


Okay, I need you to lie.

I need to thin them out.

Is this everyone?
Is this everyone?

No! There's more
in the service hallways.

Go find 'em
before they call for help.

Yes, sir.

You two, get that EMP
up and running.

Yes, sir.

I know that one of you

has the code
to access this hall.

Who is it?

Okay, I'm gonna ask it again.

Who... has... the code?

I do.

That wasn't so hard, was it?

Now, open that door

so I don't have open
your friend's head.


The second she opens that door...

I know, he's gonna
k*ll them all.

I did what you wanted.

I'm sorry, honey.

But I'm afraid this is
the end of the road for you.


In the vault!
Go, go, go, go! Vault!

Agh! Kurt, I'm hit!

Lock it when it closes!
What about you?

Don't worry about me.

We need one of those bags.

Go, I got you.

This is the last EMP part.

We gotta draw them
away from the hostages.

Give 'em something to chase.
Can you run?

Will you settle
for a brisk limp?

Get up! Go, go!

Go! Go!

Why don't we start
at the beginning again?

What was the first favor
you did for Crawford?

Back when I was D.A.,
I expedited a Rico case

against one of his competitors.

I didn't see any harm

in bending the rules
now and then.

I'm sure you can relate.

Can I?

Well, we're here, aren't we?

You're comparing this

to whatever you've done
with Crawford?

We're both just trying
to skirt the system

to get things done.

Get things done
or protect his interests?

Sometimes our interests align.

You crossed the line.

When you were a rookie cop,
did you ever think

you would drug
and interrogate a suspect

without a trial,
a lawyer, or rights?

I mean, what would
you even call that?

The line... isn't fixed.

The more you push it...
the more it moves.

What the hell's going on?

We got Feds,
but we're handling it.

We gotta get that backpack.

We can't transfer this much
money without being detected

unless that facility is down,
so handle it now.

Crawford does not
reward failure.

Hafidi's getting tired
of drinking scotch.

What the hell is the hold

I'm sorry I was
always such a prick.

Nobody would even blame you
if you left me here.

We have no a*mo,
we can't outrun them.

There's other ways
to fight, Don.


One down, ten to go.

And you're up.


We know you're part
of the Regiment militia.

And that your leader
Nils Bresden is planning

an attack
on a power plant today.

But the power plant
was a decoy, wasn't it?

Your buddies are
targeting something else.


I got some buddies I hunt with,

but the only target we got

this time of year
is Canada geese.

Really? You hunt them
with the M16s or the ACRs

we found at your place?
I got permits for those.

You also stole
six cases of dynamite

from a park ranger station,

helped plot an attack
on the NYPD,

smuggled arms
across state lines.

Should I go on?

An undercover agent has observed

everything you've done
for this militia.

You've got one chance
to help yourself.

But if the two agents we have
inside that group end up dead...

I get it.

I don't know
what the real target is.

Bresden kept us in the dark
about most of that stuff.

My job was just to pick him up
if anything went wrong.

Pick him up where?

Highway 47, mile marker 219.

What's at mile marker 219?

You're not cleared to know.

But if you were, I'd tell you

an offshoot of
the Treasury Department

has a secret bunker hidden

about three miles from there.
Why is it a secret?

Because it monitors
every financial transaction

Americans make globally.

Okay, well,
that fits the Regiment's

antigovernment M.O.,
but what's Crawford's angle?

If that monitoring
system goes dark,

he can make a transaction with anyone,
anywhere, completely undetected.

Patterson, clear the chopper
for takeoff.

Three g*ns, a knife,

and all the tree branches
we want.

Still no signal.
Let's pick off a few more

before they force us
into a last stand.

I don't think
I have much more in me.

They're over there!
Come on, come on!

Guess it's time for
that last stand?

All right, let's move. Let's go.

How am I doing?

'Cause I gotta tell you,
I don't feel so hot.

That'll be all for today.

I wish you luck
with all of this,

Agent Zapata.

I don't need it.

We've made some
solid connections already.

Well, that's exactly
why you need it.

The more connections you make

puts you more and more
on Crawford's radar.

I'm not afraid of him.

You don't know anything.

But you will soon, heh.

Here's the final EMP part.

Fan out!

Damn it!

Kurt! Go!

Don, two rounds left. Same.

Give me your g*n,
I'm gonna hold 'em off.

Kurt, I'm half in the
bag, man, come on.

I should hold them off.

I'm not gonna argue with you.


I see 'em!

I'm out. We're done.

We were a good time, weren't we?

Yeah, we were, bud.

Go, go!

Hey. You guys all right?

I'm all right,
but he's bleeding out.

We gotta get him out of here.

Come on, come on, Don.

This was a complete
waste of time.

Whatever game you're playing...
There's no game here.

Pulling funds discreetly
from offshore accounts

can be delicate...
Give me a month...

to ensure complete privacy
for this transaction,

and I'll add 20%.


This is a sign.

My ancestors are telling me
not to sell our land.

I was a fool
to convince myself I could.

This is the Regiment's fault.

Bresden couldn't
hold up his end.

I promise you,
I will make him pay.

No, Bresden didn't fail.

He was set up.

Because someone close to me...

is working with the FBI.

So, who's the Fed?

I have a theory.

I've always prided myself
on collecting people I trust.

Keeping them close.

That's the only way you can
move forward in this world.

So, when I find out that...

someone isn't
who they say they are,

that they made me look foolish,

kept me in the dark,

I take that very personally.

And now...

I can see again.

How'd you know it was him?

When he said...

that there was a delay
at the facility,

I made a call.

I had an associate
look into the militia

and the gobetween,
which was Victor.

And I had them
look into you, too.

I had to be thorough. Of course.

But it was Victor's
cell phone that gave him away.

Come on, man, I thought
you were getting the bill.

It turns out that Victor had

been making calls
to FBI numbers.

Hello? Hello, Jane.

And then his GPS put him
in Berlin a week ago.

When he said he was in Minsk.

What are you doing here, Roman?

I just thought it was time
that we had a little chat.

And then this morning,

he sent the FBI a video file.

Any idea what was on the file?

No, it was encrypted.

But I don't think
it's a coincidence

that a few hours later the FBI
took down their militia force

and k*lled this deal.

I'm sorry that
you had to see this, Tom.

But I'm also glad.

It's good for you to know
what loyalty means to me.

How big a mess did we leave you?

The bunker's secure,
that's all that matters.

Some of those hostages
will need major therapy,

but they were glad
you were there.

That's the Treasury Department.

Time to smooth things over
with the bigwigs.

Get some rest. All right.

Both of you.


I missed this.

What Slowing us down?

Working with you.

Saving the day, getting our man.

So, why'd you take
the job at Elyria?

I got scared.

I used to think I was the best.

Then I met you,

then everyone else at Quantico.

Yeah, turns out I wasn't
so special after all.

You were a great agent, Don.

I was fine.

I'm sorry I left
the way I did, Kurt.

But the FBI got
the better end of that deal.

I'm not perfect.

I never said you were perfect.

Are you still listening
to Matchbox 20?

I mean, they're probably
on a playlist somewhere.

But, anyway, the truth is,

I still struggle to work
with people sometimes.

I'm always trying
to do things by myself.

Guess it's a trust thing.

Don't let the people who
screwed you over in the past

push away the people
who are there for you now.



Do you want to grab
a bite to eat?

I know a great pizza place...

I'm not hungry.

Look, I just, I...
I've thought maybe

you'd want some company after...

I've got plenty of company.

They're for your own protection.

We don't know where Roman is...

So what?

You keep saying
you're trying to protect me,

but this is prison, too.

Meanwhile, Hank Crawford
is still out there.

At least Roman was honest
about holding me c*ptive.


There's something
I wanna show you.

This is everything
we have on Hank Crawford.

The man you say is responsible
for your father's su1c1de.

Companies, personal connections.

It grows
with every case we work.

Every source we talk to.

I know that it...

feels horrible being put
through all these tests.

Being held under lock and key,

but we are on the same team.

And the more we work together,

the more we talk,

the faster Crawford falls.

I wanna be there.

I wanna see his face
when everything

he cares about gets
taken away from him.



I'm not letting Roman win.

What happened?

Everything all right?


and it might not be for a while.

Look, I know that
you have a history

of being let down
by the people you love.

Your father, your old partner.


But knowing
why you lied about Avery

doesn't make me feel
any less betrayed.

And that hurt...

may never go away.

But all of this has
just made me feel...

so... lonely.

Afraid to trust the people
I should believe in the most.

You... and Avery.

And that is exactly
what Roman wants.

I'm not gonna give it to him.

Because I wanna trust Avery.

I wanna work this out with you.

I want love back in my life.

So do I.

Come join me.

This is your last chance
to enjoy authentic lamb tagine.

We won't be back anytime soon.

Are you giving up
on the land deal?

No, I don't give up, son.

We can't afford
another repeat of today.

It's your next assignment.

This is the FBI team
that's after me.

The one that Victor...
was working with.

I want them dead.

Make sure they don't
interfere again.

Not a problem.