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03x08 - City Folks Under Wraps

Posted: 09/01/21 18:55
by bunniefuu
Director Hirst.

Hi, Stuart.

- She k*lled Stuart.
- We gotta take her down.

You will revoke Zapata's FBI clearance.

I'll testify against her.

It's done.

Van Gogh is dead.

I'll do you the courtesy

of assuming this is very important.

It is.

I'm... doing everything in my power

to protect your interests
and move things forward,

but my position at the Bureau

is becoming untenable.

I'm under direct threat
from some of my own people.

- So handle them.
- I'm about to.

But should something go awry,

I'd like your assurance that you'll do

everything in your power to protect me.

Well, how about this?

How about you do everything you can

to get out from under this,

but if you can't, then you make sure

you have an exit strategy
that doesn't involve me,

because I will do
everything to find you

and make sure no one ever learns

of our connection.

But I would never betray...

You're very useful to me
in your current position.

Lose it and you become a liability.

I think you know
how I feel about those.

Remove this threat...

or you've got a bigger one coming.

- Hello?
- Where are you?

At the office. Why?

Van Gogh was shot by a sn*per

at the safe house, and he's dead.

Hirst knows everything.

Hi, Edgar.

Everything all right?

Actually, I'm a little concerned.


I took Tasha off the task force

and stripped her of her FBI clearance,

like you suggested...
I didn't want to wait.

But now I'm starting to think

the team might be into something.

Like what?

That I don't know yet.

We used to tell each other everything,

and now they're hiding
something from me.

I hate to say it,

but they might be compromised.

Have you seen anything unusual?

Well, I know you've
always been close to them,

but, frankly,

there's nothing about
the Jane Doe task force

that seems anything but unusual to me.

I'm sorry to bring something like
this to you without any proof.

I just don't know who else I can trust.

You did the right thing.

I trust your instincts.

If anyone could sense something off

with these people, it'd be you,

but until we know what it is,

I suggest we watch each other's backs.



All right, does anyone
think they were followed?

No, but I'm getting a little tired

of taking five subways to get here.

How the hell are we
supposed to catch this woman

when she keeps murdering

all the people that could
help put her away?

Maybe we can take what we know
to the Justice Department,

see if it's enough to build a case.

What do we have?

Circumstantial evidence,

inadmissible testimony from a dead man.

I mean, if we play our cards now,

Hirst will destroy us.

Weller's right. I'm frustrated, too,

but until we get her dead to rights,

all we can do is go in,

stand right next to her,
and keep doing our jobs

like it's business as usual.

I think she still trusts me.

All right. Just be careful, all right?

It's gonna be very useful

keeping you that close to her.

It's a dangerous position to be in.

As long as Hirst is running the FBI,

we're all in danger.

It looks like it's my time to check in.

It won't be the same without you.

I know.

Good luck.

I served you Van Gogh on a platter,

so why is Eleanor Hirst
still director of the FBI?

Why don't you just stop playing games

and tell me what you want?

Playtime's over.

You need to take her out
yourself, permanently.

I am a federal agent.

I am not murdering
someone in cold blood.

We can still take her down
the right way.

No. You needed Van Gogh's
testimony for that.

I spent over a year
perfecting this plan,

and you screwed it up in a day.

The only way she goes down now

is with a b*llet,

or I tell Jane the truth about Berlin.

- Jane Doe.
- How do you know Jane?

She's my mother.


- Hey.
- Who was that?


Why is he calling you?

He's just trying to mess with my head.

Pull us apart.

There's nothing he can do
to get between us.

I have to meet Patterson.
We'll talk more later.

I ordered your coffee.

Tom, is everything okay?

Yeah. Yeah, just...

just a job that fell through.

I wouldn't think a man who bids $20,000

on a child's wish bracelet

would worry about gainful employment.

It's not about the money.

It'd just be nice to have
a greater sense of purpose

than writing checks.

Sorry. You don't need to hear
about my nouveau riche crisis.

I'm the one who should apologize.

I begged you to stay on here,

and I've completely
abandoned you to work.

Well, today's gonna be all about us.

How does that sound?


We just confiscated this
from a known hitman.

He's no longer alive
to give us the password.

I need you to crack it.

Why didn't you ask Patterson?

Because I'm asking you.

Don't forget you're out of prison

because you've proved
yourself valuable.

You stop proving that,
I'll send you right back.

Like I said, not a problem.

We have got a problem.

I just cracked this laptop for Hirst,

which was insultingly easy, by the way,

and it is just chockfull of documents

pointing at Patterson
for Stuart's m*rder

and the assassination
of this Van Gogh character.

Just to be clear, you didn't actually
k*ll these people, right?

What? No. No.

Hirst did that, not me.

Wait. Hirst? What?

That is... actually kind of badass.

So Hirst knows
that we're getting close.

And she's framed you for all of this.

She's done a damn good job.

This looks bad.
This looks very, very bad.

Okay, just tell her you can't crack it.

Buy us time to prove
the evidence is false.

Can't crack it? I'm an excyber felon.

The FBI logs and reviews
everything I do in my office.

It is only a matter of time
before somebody sees this

and sounds the alarm.
She could be here any second.

Okay, then we let Hirst arrest her.

The rest of us can still find proof

that she's the guilty one
and take her down.

No! She's too dangerous.

Hirst put a b*llet in Van Gogh
before he could testify.

She put a knife into Stuart

before he could tell us the truth.

I mean, she is ruthless,
and she has a building

full of agents that are
completely loyal to her.

If you get taken into custody,

you're as good as dead.

Then we take down Hirst today,

and until we do,
we need to get Patterson

away from her and out of this building.

What are you doing?

I'm using your login
to create a virus,

knocking out the building's
security cameras,

erase the footage from today,
and give you room to maneuver.

Hey, how do you know my login?


It's a wanted alert. They're coming.

What do I do?

What do I do? What do I do?

Just find a way out of here.

We'll stop her, I promise.

Patterson just became a fugitive
in our own building.

We have to do everything
that we can to help her escape

before Hirst arrests her
on these false charges.

The security virus is almost complete.

What the hell are you doing?

Patterson released a virus
that's messing

with the security feeds.
I'm trying to shut it down.

Why the hell would she do that?

And why is her face all over my phone?

We just uncovered intel that proves

that she is responsible
for Stuart's m*rder

as well as another individual

at a US Marshall safe house.

Well, it's a setup. It's got to be.

We know Patterson. She would never...

Nobody knows anyone.

You, of all people, should know that.

Let Cybersecurity deal with the virus.

Track her phone, now!

Right. Yes.

No reason why I shouldn't
be able to do that, right?

That's right in my wheelhouse.

Easy peasy.

And there she is.

She's in the lockerroom. Let's go.

Hang on. We don't know
that she's guilty yet.

Well, then, let's just
give her a chance

to explain herself. Shall we?

She ditched it.

I want this building
turned upsidedown.

This woman k*lled one of our own.

We do not stop until we find her.

We need to lock down
the entire building...

- Blast doors, everything.
- No, no.

A lockdown hurts us and helps her.

She knows every emergency
protocol and its workaround.

I want agents at every exit.
She's a trapped rat.

It's a matter of time.
'Till we root her out.

Whatever Patterson has or hasn't done,

there is nothing in her history

to suggest that she's dangerous.

Other than the people she's m*rder*d.

- Allegedly.
- She's unarmed.

We can take her alive.

Patterson has k*lled one agent already.

I won't see her k*ll any others.

My priority is our safety, not hers.

Now let's move!

What the hell's going on?

You tell me. Patterson
just sent me a message

through her Wizardville app,
saying that she's hiding

in the Faraday cage room
and needs help to escape.

Yeah, that's because Hirst
just framed her for m*rder.

- What?
- This does not feel

like a very safe work environment.

- You have to get her out.
- I'm on it.

Finally, something fun around here.




I am not saying "Polo."
What took you so long?

You need to help me get out of here.

Why does everybody assume that I know

how to escape from this building?

All right, fine. I may have some plans

laying in wait in case you guys

decide to throw me
back in the big house.

Now, what day is it?

Paper shredding day.

We gotta use the vents.

Here. All right.

I want you to remember
these directions.

Up, up, down, down, left, right...

No, wait, that's Contra. Where are we?

All right, go left, right,
right, skip two rights,

right, and then left. Is that right?

I'll meet you down there.

- Wait, you're not coming with me?
- What are you, nuts?

This shirt is vintage
and these vents are gross.

I'm gonna use the hallways
like a regular person.

Besides, I've got to get you
something very important

from my office, but you've got
to promise to give it back.

- Okay.
- Here we go.

- Hup! Ho! Hup!
- I got it.

Hup! Okay.

What? What just happened?

I just asked for a chicken sandwich.

No, that is not what you asked for.

It's "pollo," with an "o."

You have to...
You have to watch the vowels.

Right. What did I say?

You know that guy?

Yeah, unfortunately.

Ever since our mugging incident,

my father has put a bodyguard on me

24 hours a day.

Honestly, I just don't like
the feeling of being watched.

So tell him you don't want it.

My father is not a man you say no to.

You want to ditch him?

Yes, I do.

Sir, I need you to open this bin.

Wait! Jeez!

I'm so glad I caught you.

I have some paper shreds
that need to go out today

or I'm gonna be in very serious...

Can we just roll it back real quick?

- It'll just take five minutes.
- Open the bin, sir.

Are you sure you want to do that?

I mean, it says "do
not open" right here.

So, I don't know if you've ever dealt

with the customer service
department at Paper Vortex,

but they are not...

That's, um... Okay. Yeah.

All right, go ahead.

Um, have you seen this woman?

No, not since... not since
she m*rder*d those people.

That's, that's rough.
Is that your case?

It's really gonna change the vibe
around the office, you know.

I can't believe that worked.

I can't believe I wore this thing.

What does Rich do with that?

He said he keeps it on hand

for quick escapes,
but I think he uses it

for more than that. You know what?

I don't even want to
think about it. Just drive.

Whatcha got?

Missing screw. Two sets of prints.

She's in the vents.

Find her, now!

How long for the lab work on those?

It's already expedited.
If they're in the system,

shouldn't be more that a few minutes.

Good. Someone's helping her.

I want to know who.

What are you doing?

Just checking for updates.

Nothing yet. Let's keep looking.

All right, now
that Patterson's escaped,

we can focus on proving she's innocent

and Hirst is the guilty one.

Great. How do we do that?

Reade said Hirst had
a second phone in her office.

Lots of agents have two phones...

One business, one personal.

She ordered the hit
on Van Gogh yesterday.

There's no way she's
working alone in this.

She needs to be in contact with people

and she'd be crazy to use a Bureau cell

or a landline for anything illicit.

That's what
the second phone is for.

Anything shady. It's a shade phone.

Yeah. So how do we get it?

We don't. I access it remotely.

I've got to use your login.

You know, they're tracing mine.

Why do you know all of our logins?

What is this, "Blue's Clues"?

Just be grateful I'm here or you
Muggles would be up a creek.

Okay, less talking, more typing.

Step away from the computer.

I asked him if he could
locate Patterson.

He just helped Patterson escape.

Your fingerprints were on the vent.

Since when is it illegal
to touch a vent?, you're under arrest

for aiding and abetting a fugitive.

Yeah, that... That sounds illegal.

Okay, look, I don't know
what you think you know,

But just know that I would
never knowingly...

Tie up a deliveryman
and use his uniform

to smuggle out a fugitive?

Leave your prints on the vent
she escaped through?

We know you helped Patterson.

Just tell us what you know,

or you're on the next transfer van

back to prison.

She basically held me hostage.

She put a g*n to my head.

She said, "Either you help me escape"

"from this building,
or I help your brains

escape from their skull."


It feels good to get that off my chest.

Okay, you guys want the truth?

Patterson's in love with me.

We've been sleeping together
in the vents for months, okay?

She's a claustrophile.

It's a real thing.
You should look it up.

How are we supposed to get her phone

when we don't have Rich to hack it?

We do it the hard way...

Break in her office and steal it.

We can't just walk up to
the door and pick the lock.

I mean, even with Rich's security virus

keeping electronic eyes off of us,

how are we supposed to
avoid all the human eyes

in this place?

I think I might have an idea.

My office, your office,
the conference room.

You know those revolving platforms

where we scan Jane's tattoos?

We had sex in there, too.

I find that the lasers
are surprisingly conducive

- to a very satisfying...
- All right.

Much as I enjoy listening to you

burn the clock with
your little romance novel,

your partner in crime
is still out there,

so why don't we just try
a different approach?

You give up Patterson
and I'll release you,

free and clear,
with time served, today.

I'm sorry, "free and clear"?

You mean, like, free
and clear free and clear?

Will you stay loyal to a m*rder*r

or help us bring her in
and buy your life back?

What's it gonna be, Rich?

Can't say that I ever thought
that I'd be doing this.

Hold that.

First Patterson, now Rich.

She'll be coming for us next.

I don't want to lose you.

And I don't want to lose you.

So what else did Roman say

this morning on the phone?

I know you're not
telling me everything.

He said that I have to k*ll Hirst.

Or what?

He'd make sure

that we never see each other again.

Well, what is that? A death threat?

Well, what else did he tell you, Kurt?

We don't have time for this right now.

We have to get that phone.

And you're sure this is a good idea?

No, but it's all we got.

Gonna call Patterson.

This is your idea?

This morning, I was
falsely accused of a felony

and now we're committing a real one?

All right.

What does he want you to do?

Hi, this is Special Agent Patterson.

I'd like to call in a b*mb threat.

There, as promised.

You give us Patterson

and you're just a John Hancock away

from walking out that door.

All right, I'll sweeten the deal.

I know you've been looking
for your exboyfriend Boston.

We know where he is.

You give up Patterson, we'll tell you.

I don't have a lot of friends.

I'm not gonna risk
losing the ones I have

over something as superficial

and fleeting as complete
and total freedom.

Transfer this convict
to Rikers, gen pop.

I hear they're real big fans

of people who work with the FBI.

Are you serious?

All right, I authorize it.

Authorize what?

This is a code purple.

Please evacuate
the building immediately.

Patterson called in a b*mb threat.

We have to evacuate the building.

It's a bluff.
She's trying to distract us.

I'm gonna wait in my office.

You said it yourself.
She's k*lled two agents.

We've already lost one FBI director

in this building already.

I refuse to let that happen again.

We gotta follow the evacuation protocol

and let the b*mb squad do their thing.

This is a code purple.

Please evacuate the building.

Excuse me. Coming through.

All right. We got an IED.

Looks chemical. Disarming now.

All right, I'm in.

What was that?

We don't have time to find out.


Hey, my phone's erased.

It's completely bricked.

Mine, too.

That door must be magnetic.

She boobytrapped this office,

so if we walk out with this,

it'll erase all the evidence.

If she's careful enough to set this up,

then she probably also...

This is a code purple.
Please evacuate...

Someone just broke into my office.

The b*mb's still active. We can't stay.

Read me the handbook

when we arrest who's in there.

Last wire.

Get out, now!

It's a fake!

What are you doing?
She's gonna be here any second.

I'm gonna throw this phone
down the vent, all right?

So, do you want to
go around and grab it?

- What about you?
- Don't worry about me, all right?

Just get the phone to Patterson

and get out of here before Hirst

grabs you, too, all right?

I'll try to buy you
as much time as I can.

I won't let her win, I promise.

Hey, stop!

- Whoa, whoa!
- Agent Weller,

move out of the way, sir.

Agent Weller, you're under arrest.


I'm gonna put my w*apon down, okay?

There you go.

- Please.
- I can't let you do that.

Move out of the way, sir.

Step out of the way, sir!

Take him down, now!

Agent Weller, please move!

I'm not doing that.

Take him down!

Time's almost up.

What's it gonna be, Kurt?

k*ll Hirst or... lose Jane?

I can't move.

Why can't I move?

Frankly, I...
I don't see the issue, heh.

m*rder a bad person,
or lose the love of your life.

It seems like a nobrainer to me.

I am not a m*rder*r.

Well, one way or another,

something's gotta die today.


Kurt, what did you do?

I can't...

You'll never forgive me.

You're not a k*ller.

I know you.

You don't.

I'm so sorry.

You can make all this go away

just with a squeeze of the trigger.

I'd do it to you.

Hell, maybe I still will.

I am not you.

You sure about that?

Do it.

Do it!

Kurt, no!

This is not how I pictured you

waking up next to me.

We know you and Jane
broke into my office

and stole my personal phone.
Where is she now?

Interrogating two accomplices
at the same time.

It's a great strategy.

I'm not letting either of you

out of my sight.

There is not one person
in this building

that I can trust right now,

except Assistant Director Reade.

Wake up, Reade.

This woman isn't who you think she is.

My eyes are wide open, Kurt,

and I don't like what I see.

- I trusted you.
- You still can.

She's pitting us against each other.

Stop! Enough lies.

Assistant Director, you know
the suspect better than I do.

Why don't you run point on this one?

It's from one of your lab techs.

She just texted, "Your turf, her tech."

- What the hell does that mean?
- My turf?

Does she mean my lab?

Wait, you still have access
to FBI computers?

Hirst didn't lock you out?

Immediately, which is why

you always hide a spare key.

Unknown device, heavily encrypted.

This is a phone.

Holy hell.

I think this is Hirst's phone.

That's no lab tech. That's one of us.

Now we just have to
upload it, crack it,

and see if there's
something we can use.

That's it? Yeah. Total breeze.

I can't believe you lost my bodyguard.

My God.

That was amazing!

You're amazing.

You say that like this is goodbye,

but, I've kind of
been staying here, remember?

Right. Well, then, I guess it makes it

easier to ask you to come upstairs.

You really want to
check that, don't you?

Yes. I'm so sorry.

What's wrong?

My father wants to have dinner with me.

What? Right now? Say no.

- No, my father is...
- Is not...

Not someone you say no to, right.

Well, I guess I have
a date with a cold shower.

Would you like to have dinner with us?

With you and your dad?

Right. No, I don't mean, like,

I don't... I don't mean, like,

"Do you want to meet my dad?"

I'm just saying, like,

do you want to eat with us?

I mean, everyone has to eat, right?

Sure, I'd love to.

Come on, you stupid
progress bar, progress.

Do you think Reade's okay?

I mean, he has to literally
stand next to the devil

and pretend to be on her side.

You know we're all in trouble, right?

I know, I'm worried about all of us.

Then why are you just
asking about Rea...

My God.

You like him. You like Reade.

Like, like like him.

Tasha, he has a girlfriend,
and it's Reade.

The upload's finished.

Okay. To be continued.

Look, I... I get it.

They're your friends.
They were my friends, too.

Jane's your wife.

But it's over... You're caught.

Why don't you just
save us all the trouble

and tell us where they are

and admit that you've been undermining

these Jane Doe cases
from the very beginning.

Why don't you offer him
some of that complete

and total freedom you were giving out?

Shut up, Rich!

Director Hirst's personal phone

is missing from the desk in her office.

Why did you and Jane steal it?

I'm guessing to plant
false information on,

cover up their crimes by framing me.

Not a bad plan,

except you got your hand
caught in the cookie jar.

Anything untoward found on there now,

we'll know exactly

who put it there, won't we?

You got it all figured out, don't you?

Look, you and I both know
you were compromised

the minute Jane Doe
walked into our lives.

Whatever incorruptible
superagent you once were,

I've watched that integrity erode,

watched you care more about Jane

and less about the badge
every single day.

- Tell me I'm wrong.
- You're wrong!

I've never disgraced
the badge that I wear... ever.

As for my feelings about Jane,

that is my business.

This isn't gonna work.

You need to give me something concrete,

something I can act on, or it's over.

Do you understand me?

You search my desk.

Search my locker.

Turn this place upsidedown.

You're not gonna find anything,

'cause there's nothing to find.

What about your place?

What are we gonna find
if we were to raid

the WellerDoe residence right now?

Do you really think
that I'd be dumb enough

to have anything incriminating
in my own home?

Yeah, I do.

How is it searching so fast?

Decryption software

I've been developing with Rich.

I will never say this to his face,

but he's annoyingly good
at what he does.

Who's playing Wizardville right now?

"Serpent attack. Retreat."

It's from Reade.

He's warning us they're coming.

We have to go, now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. Look at this.

It's a hidden contact list.

Whoa. Kinga.

The company that made.

Stuart's home voicecontrolled system.

This could be the person

that erased the recording
of his m*rder.

- Does it say who it is?
- I don't know.

I have to decrypt
the rest of the contact.

We have to go now.

We can't investigate this
from an FBI holding room.

And we can't investigate it
if we don't know

what it is, either... this isn't
something I can do on my phone.

- Patterson.
- I will stay and get the rest,

and I will try to send it to you.

They're gonna be here any minute.

Which is why you need
to get the hell out of here.

Use the fire escape. Go.

Come on.

Yes! Got it.

We know you're in there!

Hands in the air! Get on the ground!

You're under arrest!

So, how does it feel,

knowing you're finished?

Apart from the myriad of laws
broken under this roof today,

we now know that
Agent Patterson k*lled Stuart.

That is a lie and you know it.

And ordered the hit
on the man known as Van Gogh.

Although I also find
Agent Weller's proximity

to the sh**ting highly suspicious.

This was you, all of it!

The raid on your apartment
uncovered hardware

that you've all been using
to obscure the truth

about Jane's new tattoos,
that Roman designed them

solely to expose corruption
within this team.

Meaning, we catch Jane,

we can put the Jane Doe files to rest.

You know what?
You... you are... not nice.

Where are Jane and Zapata now?

We don't keep that kind of
data on our Kinga devices.

I want the recordings by end of day.

Recognize me?

Sam, can you hear me?

Wherever you are, yes, I can help you,

but I need your help, too.

Whatever it is these
people are looking for,

it obviously matters
to the woman they work for.

If you still have it,
we need it, please,

before she hurts you or anyone else.

"Bleach bottle."

Thanks, Sam.



Hey, stop!


- Hello?
- Briana, it's Tasha.

I need you to do something. We're
a little busy right now, Zapata.

I'm gonna have to call you back.

Briana, just... listen to me.

I need you to stay on the line

and access the intercom.

Briana, just do it.

This woman's extremely dangerous.

If you feel threatened,
do not hesitate to sh**t.

Jane Doe, you are under arrest.

- Director Hirst.
- Hi, Stuart.

What is that?

May I come in?

Of course.

Who's do... Who's doing that?

I was just having dinner...

Turn it off!

And... I got your text.

It sounded pretty important,
so I thought I'd just...

Turn it off.


- Cuff her!
- No, let it play.

This tattoo decoded
to a list of names...

Every person that's ever
owned this one painting.

Van Gogh's selfportrait.

Yeah, and I remembered

when I ran into you on 14th Street,

you were with a friend.

He said everyone called him Van Gogh

because he was missing an ear.

I'm glad you came to me about this.

Yeah. I need a cleanup crew...

and no more meets on 14th Street.

Eleanor Hirst, you're
under arrest for conspiracy,

falsifying and suppressing evidence,

and for the m*rder of
a federal agent. Cuff her.

You seem pretty chill for someone

whose entire life just ended.

I haven't lost yet.

In fact, you're about to walk me

right out of this building.

Why the hell would I do that?

You might want to check that.

They're not gonna help you.

They're with me.

You'd better not hurt her.

If I'm not where I need
to be in 30 minutes,

Tasha's death is on you.

Hey, what'd you think of the mask?

Pretty lifelike?

Hey, thanks for the assist back there.

Sure. Do you know where
Assistant Director Reade

- is taking Hirst?
- What do you mean?

I just saw him taking her up

to the parking garage
with Berger and Kim

a few minutes ago.

Why the hell would he do that?

Cuff him to the pipe.

Don't worry, Zapata's already en route

with my ticket out of here.

Soon as I'm gone,

she'll be released to your custody.

Why not just k*ll me?
You got what you needed.

Because I don't k*ll people
I don't have to.

Besides... I like you, Edgar.

Always have.

Check the perimeter.

You really think you can disappear

with the entire FBI looking for us?

I know a guy.

I believe you're
familiar with his work.

If you want to disappear
from the face of the Earth,

apparently Rossi's your guy.


You k*lled Stuart, one of our own.

You took an oath...

Fidelity, bravery, integrity.

Those words didn't
mean anything to you?

I thought I taught you better.

I'm playing a larger game, Edgar...

and if you're smart, you'll play, too.

Why would I ever do that?

You're a realist.

The man I work for...
Someone with real power...

Could still use a realist
inside the FBI.

Want to know why
I think I'm still alive?

'Cause you're terrified.

You messed up and just took yourself

out of this larger game,
and if you don't

find yourself a replacement,

this man you work for
is gonna use all that power

to wipe you right off
the face of the earth.

Who the hell is this guy?

Someone who doesn't like to lose.

Dad, this is my friend Tom Jakeman.

Tom, this is my father, Hank Crawford.

So, this is the man who's captured

my daughter's attention.

It's a pleasure to meet you, son.

Believe me, sir, the pleasure's mine.

Right, we got a lead
on Reade and Hirst?

No, and Zapata's still MIA,

but we just got a 911 call

from a driver reporting a Latina woman

breaking out of a trunk at a stoplight

and then getting shoved back in

by a male driver who sped off.

Description matches
what she was wearing today.

That guy better hope
Zapata dies in that trunk,

'cause it is not gonna be fun for
him when she gets out again.

I'm not saying I want her to die,

of course... please don't
tell her I said that.

Driver also got plates.
We're tracking the vehicle now.

We should find it soon.

All right, Jane and
I will start heading

in the direction
that call was made from.

Let us know when you've
got an exact location.

But no backup... chances are,
Hirst is using Zapata

as leverage on Reade,
which means an exchange.

Let's move.

Thank you.

That's quite a story, Tom.

Is it?

Well, I think it's beautiful...

a friendship forged in w*r,

broken by death, and then discovering

you're the sole heir
to his secret fortune.

All this money, this gift,

this weight, wanting to do right by it,

this hidden part of him
that you never knew.

I had a dog when I was a boy,

a German Shepherd named Gus.

Very loyal animals.

He used to watch us

when we'd swim at our cabin.

If he thought we'd gone out too far,

he'd swim out, get us,

put his jaws right around our arm,

pull us back in to shore,
gentle as could be.

Wow, good dog.

The best.

And then, one day,

I was wrestling with my brother,

and Gus att*cked me.

Put his teeth right through my wrist...

42 stitches.

They had to beat him
off me with a shovel.

No one knows anyone.

Not really.

I disagree.

I think most people

spend their entire lives
trying to be known.

It's just that most of us

never find anyone who's capable of it.

But, if you're lucky,
you can find someone

who... who sees you... really sees you.

All right, here's what I know.

Today, you put my only child in danger.

You sped away from a security detail

at 100 miles an hour,

risking her life, to show off.

Now, why should I believe
a thing that you say?

I never asked you to.

I'm here for Blake, not you,

and I didn't put Blake's life

at risk today.

You did, when you hired

the man standing behind me
to protect her.

It took me, what? Three
seconds today to lose him?

Just like it'd take me
three seconds right now

to strip the Sig in his jacket

and use the slide
to crush his windpipe.

If you want Blake to feel safe,

hire someone who
will keep her that way.

Speeches are easy.

Followthrough, it's the hard part.

So give your man a nod.

He'll do what he does,
and I'll do what I do.

The thing is, I've already beaten him.

He knows it, and I know it.

You're fired.

Come and work for me.

Help keep my daughter safe.

Just like that?

I think that might be
a conflict of interest.

I have feelings for Blake.

Okay. So, if you
already care about her,

why not get paid for it?

If you don't know,

I'm not sure I can explain it.

Thanks for dinner. I'll see you later?

People don't tend to say no to me, son.

Well, this should be good practice.

Looks like your "disappearer"
up and disappeared.

Give up the guy you work for.

We can protect you from retaliation.

One realist to another,

you know this is your best shot.

Nice try, but my ride's here.



Game over. You're out of moves.



You, too.

Do it!

It's better than what's coming for me.

And what is that? Who do you work for?

You don't want to know!
You can't beat him!

He'll only bring pain
and suffering to all of you!

All the more reason to take him down.

I'm already dead.
Just... pull the trigger.

The only way she goes down
now is with a b*llet.

Eleanor Hirst, you're under arrest.


No... no.

- No!
- Come on.

Can't believe you guys kept
this place a secret from me.

Sorry, Rich. Now that
Hirst is out of play,

we don't have to work
in secret anymore.

Man! - I can't believe you
rejected Hirst's deal,

the chance to find Boston.

She was bluffing.

Boston won't get found
until he wants to get found.

Or maybe you care about this team

more than you want to admit.

Maybe. Besides, selling you out

destroys any chance of a sixway, so...

See? That is why you don't
know about this place.

We'll start. Everybody else...

Shut up and start helping us pack.

Hey, Kurt, I want to apologize

about what I said back
in the interrogation.

You did what you had to do
to protect your cover.

Besides, it must have
felt kind of good?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

What's wrong?

We won, remember?

We thought Hirst was
the king on the chessboard.

Turns out she's just another piece.

Roman's game isn't over, and here I am,

I just arrested my mentor,

the woman that got me this job.

You got you this job.

And even if she did help,

you decide what to do next, right?

Care for some company?


So, dinner with your dad
didn't exactly go to plan.

No, I like that you stood up to him.

No one does that, not even me.

But I wish you would
reconsider his offer.

You said it yourself,

you're looking for purpose, right?

Being your bodyguard

wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

But this would just be a way in,

and I know how smart you are

and how passionate,

and I can tell my father respects you,

even if he doesn't like you yet.

I promise you, if you're
looking for meaning,

you can find it here.

Besides... would guarding my body

really be so horrible?

I could think of worse things.

All right, I'm in.



It's Roman.

- Give me the phone.
- What do you want?

He wants to talk to you.

It sounds like you
had quite the day, Kurt.

Although I couldn't help
noticing Hirst is still alive.

Roman, I...

Relax. I've decided
not to tell Jane after all.

You and I have more work
to do, so congratulations.

You're off the hook...

for now.

What did he want?

To congratulate us
on taking down Hirst.

That's it?




There's something
that I have to tell you.

I know you've been wrestling...

whether to look
for your daughter or not,

and I haven't been very useful in

helping you make that decision.

Look, I understand.

No, you don't.

The truth is, Jane,

I don't want you to look for her

because I know you won't find her.

How do you know that?

Because I...

I k*lled your daughter.