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03x07 - Fix My Present Havoc

Posted: 09/01/21 18:52
by bunniefuu
Hey, I have been working
on this, this tattoo,

and I'm pretty sure these little lines

in the molecule are a code.

You think I should loop in
Patterson to work on it together?

I mean, she's not a big fan
of... of "pretty sure,"

and, come to think of it, she's
not really a big fan of me.

Maybe I should wait
till I crack the code.

What do you think?

Those... Those are cool, yeah...

I'll just keep
working on it then, yeah.


You wanna maybe forget
about your pet tattoo

and focus on the satellite

that just fell out of the sky?

Sorry, sorry, it's just...
something about this one's

just really rubbing me
the wrong way, you know?

I know the feeling.

Stuart! Are you kidding?

Please tell me you're
not using up bandwidth

on that molecule tattoo.


Buy me wireless ear buds.

Purchasing wireless ear buds.

Van Gogh?

Director Hirst!

Hi, Stuart.

May I come in?

Of course.

I was just having dinner

at a restaurant
in the neighborhood and...

I got your text.

It sounded pretty important,

so I thought I'd just come right over.

Okay, um... thank you.

Can I get you a drink or...

Better not.

Right, right.


This tattoo, it decoded
to a list of names.

Every person that's ever
owned this one painting.

Van Gogh's selfportrait.

Yeah, and I remembered
when I ran into you

on 14th Street, you were with a friend.

He said everyone called him
Van Gogh because he was...

he was missing an ear.

Anyway, maybe the
tattoo's not about him.

But I just thought in case it is...

I just wanted to warn you.

Now that I say it out loud,
sounds kind of stupid.

No, Stuart.

It's not stupid.

I'm glad you came to me about this.

Did Santa bring that for you?

- My goodness...
- Okay, kiddo,

it is way past your bedtime.

Can you say good night?

Big hugs.

Thank you for bringing her
for an early Christmas.

Yeah, she's gonna be really
confused when this all

happens again in three weeks
with Conor's family.

Hey, it's the least I could do.

You guys have made the trip
to Colorado a lot more often.

You think I could rewrap
these presents and, um,

give them to Bethany on the plane

as prizes for not screaming?


Hey, what's going on with you?
You've been quiet all night.

When Jane finds out the truth,
it will destroy her.

This one? I'm fine.

Just tired.

Hey, it's okay to breathe.

She's back now.

You're not gonna lose her again.

What about this one? No?

Isn't she beautiful?

Jane? Jane?


It could be a way
of communicating...


Good morning.

Have you been here
the whole night, Patterson?

We can't keep going like this.

Investigating Hirst at night and then

keeping up the charade
all day at the office

so she doesn't find out.

It's exhausting. And...

I think Patterson's
starting to lose it.

Morse code?

More like horse code.

So dumb.

Okay, it's Saturday morning.

So, we've got the whole weekend

to focus our attention
on nailing Hirst.

Um, I forgot.

This came in the mail for Bethany.

I think it's a Christmas
present from your sister.

- Black...
- Mmhmm.

Very festive, Sarah.

What'd she get her?

"Merry Christmas, Bethany.
Love, Uncle Roman."

My God.

So, he just tried to put
something into my child's hands.

Could be a toxin, a w*apon.

No, I don't think so.

What kind of alphabet blocks

doesn't have all the vowels?

Or all of these Cs?

I think Roman's trying
to give us a clue.

T I had a lead on
Stuart's Kinga last night,

but it all fizzled out.

Any luck with Loewe?

Nope, all circumstantial.


I know it's been a busy couple days,

and we haven't really
had a chance to talk...

You mean about the whole
"accusing me of treason" thing?

Or the whole
"you believing Hirst over me" thing?

All right, call it even.


So, Patterson told me that
you're getting your girlfriend

a food processor for her birthday.


You know what? The deal is off.

Always something.

Okay, well...

You guys just have a lot of stuff.

Maybe you guys should do

that thing where you
hold all your stuff

to see what brings you joy?

All right, so, you all
remember this tattoo.

It's the one Stuart was working
on right before his death.

Our working theory is that
it was pointing to something.

Hirst was trying to cover up...

badly enough that
she had Stuart k*lled.

Part of it I solved weeks ago.

Right, the lines, they decode
the Van Gogh selfportrait.

Exactly. But the molecule itself
is impossible to identify.

The letter blocks Roman sent.

Not just letters... elements.

Arranged in a specific pattern
according to Roy G. Biv order.

And... I now know what the molecule is.

Roman solved it for us.

Why give us a tattoo
that can't be solved

until Roman wants it to?

Maybe he was waiting for something.

Waiting for us to figure out
Hirst is dirty.

I think Roman knows we're onto her.

And looking for a way to take her down.

And Roman just gave us
our silver b*llet.

This is it.

This is how we take down Hirst.

The molecule is called Simsburine.

It's a new cancer treatment

currently being tested
in a clinical trial.

It's at a hospital called
the Kurtzman Clinic.

It's one of the best in the country.

There's only one thing
that seems a little strange.

So, two people working
on the clinical trials there

died within the last year.

A nurse and an intern.

- Unrelated?
- Yep, su1c1de and car accident.

Well, what's any of this
have to do with Van Gogh?

No idea, we looked at
paintings in the hospital.

Doctors with the initials "VG."

Patients with one ear... nothing.

Okay, so we start at the hospital.

We try to find more
about those dead employees.

Well, hold on, we can't just
go in there waving our badge.

Anything we do as FBI
could get back to Hirst.

She could figure out
we're investigating her.

- So, we'll do it undercover. No badges.
- And no g*ns.

Hospitals have metal detectors.
Only law enforcement can carry.

WWe don't know what
these tattoos are about yet.

It could be dangerous.

Going in without weapons
is a huge risk.

Might be our only chance to stop Hirst.

I think that's a risk we have to take.

Thank you for meeting
with us, Dr. Palmeri.

In case you're unfamiliar
with the Fern Organization,

we conduct audits

- to ensure the wellbeing...
- I know who you are.

The hospital forces these inane
meetings on me every six months.

Perk of my glamorous job.


So, you're the research coordinator

for the clinical trials.

What exactly does that entail?

In theory, I oversee
the execution of the trial.

In practice, I input
numbers into a computer

and slog through an endless
hellhole of paperwork.

Well, we're here today to ask
about a specific employee

who worked under you.

A nurse by the name of Emily Brown?

What about her?

We understand that
she committed su1c1de.

Yes, that was unfortunate.
I didn't know her, no.

There's only 25 employees
in the department.

Like I said, I didn't know her.

So, we're done here.

I'm sorry I couldn't provide
more relevant information.

Thank you for your time.

Park, we need to meet.

People are asking questions.

- She's hiding something.
- Yeah.

Let's see what Patterson
can dig up on her.


It's the same wrapping paper.

Roman's leaving us breadcrumbs.

He's telling us
something's on the server.

Our cover's not gonna
get us into that room.

Reade, Tasha, you're up.

Okay, don't be mad.

I'm getting the damn food processor.

No, it's not that.

Why did you meet with that guy
from the State Department,

Jonathan West?

I know, it doesn't have anything
to do with Hirst, but...

then why lie to me?

I met with him because I'm trying

to help someone in a tight spot.

I can't really tell you
any much more than that

because it's not my story to tell.

Otherwise I swear I would.


I believe you.

Security guard, security guard.

Let's get out of here.

- It's Hirst.
- What the hell does she want?

- Hello?
- I just got out of

a fourhour briefing,
and it's not even 10:00 a.m.

Listen, I was, thinking,

after I'm done here, maybe
I could go grab some bagels

and bring them over to your place.

- How about it?
- Um...

Come on, what could
you possibly be doing

that is more important?

Well, I... I was supposed

to get a workout in with Zapata.

Well, invite her over.

It's about time I got to know your team

as well as I know you.

- I...
- I'll see you both at 1:00.

Do you think she's onto us?

She could just be trying
to play with my head.

Or, yeah, she could be onto us.

Backing out of the brunch
is too suspicious.

We have to go.

We've got three hours until then.

So, let's make the most of it.

What did you find on that server?

Okay, so...

in a clinical trial,
subjects are either assigned

to a placebo or a drug, 5050.

And that's done by a computer program

for obvious ethical reasons.

But the data server showed
that Dr. Palmeri has been

going in and manually swapping
out some of the patients.

But it's not just the Simsburine.

She's done that with six other trials.

Why would she do that?

We think she's being bribed.

Accepting money from patients
and their families in exchange

for this promising new cancer
drug instead of the placebo.

That's a pretty big risk
to take just for the money.

Not if you're as broke as she is.

I dug into Palmeri's background.

Top of her class at
Stanford Med, hotshot resident.

Went on to found her own successful
pharmaceutical startup.

So what happened?

About five years ago,
a deadly new disease

was discovered in a small
community in Kenya.

I realize this doesn't sound
like the answer to your question

but I promise you, it is.

It was known as the "KTL Virus."

Closely related to smallpox,

with an even higher mortality rate.

Dr. Palmeri was convinced
that this was gonna be

the next major global outbreak,
k*lling millions of people.

She poured all of her company
funds into finding a cure.

And she did.

Okay, but there's a reason

why I've never heard of the KTL Virus.

Yes, there is.

It infected a grand total of 19 people.

So, Palmeri was wrong.

And she bet everything on that
outbreak, and it didn't happen.

Her company went bankrupt.

She's millions of dollars in debt.

She's taking bribes to dig herself out.

Well, if these two employees
found out what she did,

maybe she k*lled them
rather than go to prison.

All right, let's go see patients
Palmeri put on the drug.

See if we can get them
to admit to bribing her.

I was diagnosed with
metastatic lung cancer.

I tried all the recommended treatments,

but none of it worked.

I was given... months to live.

We're so sorry.

I guess I buried the lead there.

That was two years ago.

This trial changed everything.

For the first time,

I'm actually getting better
instead of worse.

So, you think you might
be on the Simsburine?

Not the placebo?

I assume so.

This is a nice hospital.

Must get expensive.

We've met some of the other
patients in the trial.

They seem pretty wealthy.

Some are. I'm just lucky my
husband has great insurance.

- Well, thank you for your time.
- Mmhmm.

Speak of the devil.

This is my husband.

What does a oneeared painter
have to do

with the m*rder of an FBI agent?


Make a move, I cut the other one off.


Turn around.

Why did you run?

How do you know who we are?

Did Hirst tell you?

Did you bribe Palmeri
to get your husband

into that clinical trial?

Look, we will find out what you know,

with or without your help.

You could either be helpful

so that we could be helpful
to you... I want a lawyer.

You're FBI, but you haven't
shown me a badge once.

You got me tied up in here
in one of your apartments.

I'm guessing yours...
judging by all the Tom Clancy.

This isn't an arrest.

It's a kidnapping.

He's right...
If we want to take Hirst down,

we need concrete evidence
admissible in court,

not a confession under duress
in Weller and Jane's bedroom.

We have to turn him to our side.

Anything that we force out of him,

that won't stand up in court.

But a willing witness
to Hirst's crimes?

That is solid.

What do we know about him?

Thanks to Julian's hospital records,

we know his real name was Eric Vance.

He's a former U.S. Marshal.

But, unfortunately,
the Marshals' database

is one of the most
secure in the country.

Good for keeping witnesses
safe, not so good for us.

I can't get access
without a formal request.

And it would take days to hack.

But there is one other option.

And what is it?

Well... this explains why you wanted

to do Christmas at my Airbnb.

I'm sorry, I know it's a lot to ask.

Do you want our daughter to grow
up visiting us both in prison?

We... we don't have
anyone else we can trust.

We just need that one file,
that is all.

I brought the file.

I just want you all to feel
appropriately guilty

for dragging me down with you.

Well, that's...
a little mean, but okay.

Eric Vance, nicknamed "Van Gogh"

due to a missing ear he lost
his first year on the job.

He was a Marshal for
15 unblemished years.

Not a single complaint
against him, but...

take a look at his last assignment.

Security detail for Eleanor Hirst.

She was a federal
prosecutor at the time.

Working a highprofile case that
required 24hour protection.

Van Gogh drove Hirst to and from work

every day for a year.

Well, that was two years ago,
before Hirst left the DOJ

to become FBI Director.

Van Gogh left the U.S. Marshals
then as well... why?

He requested a leave of absence
to take care of his husband.

Hasn't been back to work since.

He's been working harder than
ever these past two years.

- As a Marshal?
- Yeah?

Working on what, exactly?

They got him on jobs
that he can't talk about.

But I've never seen him
so stressed out.

His hours are crazy.

And when he's home, he barely sleeps.

Tell me what's going on.

Why were they chasing him?
Is he in trouble?

That's what we're trying to figure out.

You don't have to talk this time.

Just stop me if I get anything wrong.

Now, two years ago,
you left the U.S. Marshals

to work for Hirst as a fixer.

It's good money,
but you don't like the job.

Julian tells us it's tormenting you.

Maybe your husband should know

that you've been lying
to him about everything.

That you used the money
that Hirst paid you

to buy his way into the trial.

How do think Julian would feel,

knowing that you stole
a lifesaving drug

from some innocent person
so he could have it instead?

I wonder if that person's
still alive, should we check?

Just stop! Look...

I didn't bribe anyone.

Hirst got him the drug.

I thought she was just being kind.

But then she started
asking me to do things.

If I didn't do them, then...

she'd get the drug
taken away from Julian.

He would've died.

Asking you to do what things?

No! I can't...

Look at what she's done to you.

We want to take her down. Help us.

I can't turn on her.

She has my husband's life in her hands.

Why did you believe that Hirst
could take the drug away?

She has leverage on a doctor.

Caught her taking bribes.

Instead of pressing charges,

she blackmailed her...

into getting Julian the drug.

And she could blackmail them
into kicking him off the trial.

We know who that doctor is.

Margaret Palmeri.

If we could get Dr. Palmeri
removed from that hospital,

Hirst would lose her
control over Julian's care.

Can you do that?

Would you tell us
everything you know about Hirst?

Actually testify against her.

You have to make sure.

Get rid of the doctor...

and get Julian full protective detail

so Hirst can't retaliate.

If you can do all that...


I'll testify against her.

We need evidence of that bribery scam.

We tip off the hospital board,

Palmeri gets booted.

This whole thing hinges on her now.

I'll keep eyes on her.

Allie, keep an eye on Van Gogh.


Wait, wait, just...

Please, don't tell Julian.

Everything I've done,
I gotta live with.

But he shouldn't have to.

It's a shame Megan couldn't join us.

I'm sure she's gonna
be sorry she missed it.

Work's been taking her out of town.

So, Zapata, how did y'all meet?

I love a good origin story.

Well, we both started
working at the New York office

the same day, so I naturally
assumed he was competition.

- She hated me.
- You were wearing a tie

and trying to be the best at
everything... of course I hated you.

Like you weren't trying to be
the best at everything, too.

Sounds like the beginning
of a beautiful friendship.

Well, after about a month or
so, we worked a few cases

and discovered that we're
actually a pretty good team.

Well, that's funny
after all those years

as a strong team,

you left the New York office
as soon as Reade

was promoted ahead of you.

One has nothing to do with the other.

You sure about that?

Maybe there's still some
competition there between y'all.

Where's Dr. Palmeri?

I need to talk to her,
it's very important.

She's gone for the day.

I... I don't know where she went.

Okay. I'm with the FBI.

We know your boss is into
something seriously illegal.

If you're covering for her,
that makes you an accessory.

I'm not. I... I heard her
on the phone...

She's meeting someone named Park?

All right, my money is on
this woman, Dr. Andrea Park.

She worked at Palmeri's startup.

Dr. Palmeri brought her on
as the other lead researcher

for the KTL Virus project.

And when it imploded
no one else would touch her.

But, despite her unemployment,

she's been consistently purchasing

massive quantities
of scientific equipment.

Enough to outfit
a very highvolume lab.

Live cell cultures.

They're used to grow viruses.


Hirst knew that Palmeri
was taking bribes, right?

And, like me, she probably
thought that it had something

to do with getting out of debt.

But what if it was
about something bigger?

KTL Virus.

Dr. Palmeri invented and patented

a cure for a deadly epidemic.

And that was supposed to make
her incredibly wealthy,

not to mention carve her
name in the history books.

And when it never happened,

I'm pretty sure she felt cheated.

Are you suggesting...

I'm suggesting she's gonna
start an epidemic.

If we move ahead now,

the casualties will be severe.

We need six more months to do it right.

But if they find out about the nurse,

we won't be able to do it at all.

Are you in or aren't you?

I'm in.

Let's get going.

We release the virus today.

If we spooked Palmeri.
She could be moving up

their timeline
to release the KTL virus.

- We have to find them now.
- Working on it.

The equipment Park bought

would require a very large lab

with very specific ventilation.

Yeah, and we assume Palmeri
bought one with the bribe money,

but we still can't find
that money anywhere.

I think I know where it is.

Todd told me that the nurse who died

was onto Palmeri.

She knew about the bribery?

Yeah, one of her
patients admitted to it

while he was on a morphine drip.

Said he deposited some cash
into a bank account

listed under "Edward Jenner."

Inventor of the smallpox vaccine?

That's a little onthenose.

Found it.

She used the account to purchase

an old factory building last year.

That's perfect for a secret lab.

Send me the address.
Jane, meet me there.

All right?
And bring our g*ns this time.


I'm coming, too.

You guys just lost half your tac
team to brunch. You need me.

Well, someone's still
gotta watch Van Gogh.

I can multitask. Go.

It's clear.

It looks like these rats were
poisoned through their water.

Kurt, come look at this.

No, I'm... I'm good right here.

Are you scared of rats?


But they are dangerous.

And I hate their eyes.

The freezer's unplugged,
but it's still cold.

They haven't been gone long.

Is it empty?


Patterson said the KTL virus
would be stored frozen.

If that's empty,

it means Palmeri and Park
took it with them.

But we don't even know for sure
the virus was ever here, right?

It's possible Patterson is wrong.



Virus spread projections.

She wasn't wrong.

Can I help clear the plates?

No, no... no, don't bother.
I got it, thank you.

Sorry to be rude.

It's Keaton. Excuse me.

I think Zapata found her tribe

when she joined the CIA.

What do you mean?

They're snakes.

And I want this task force
to proceed without them.

First thing tomorrow morning,

you will revoke Zapata's FBI clearance,

and you'll inform her that she is
no longer a part of your team.

But why?

I don't trust her.
And neither should you.

A history like yours...
illicit drug use...

It makes you vulnerable.

Someone like Zapata could
use that against you.

Well, I've got bad news
and more bad news.

That map is the projected
impact of the virus

if it's released in New York.

Our good doctors were using it
to estimate just how much

of their cure they
needed to manufacture

before releasing it.

But they're six months
away from having enough.

So, if they release it today?

We're only looking
at millions dead.

Well, this says two million
infected within an hour.

How do you infect
that many people at once

using a waterborne disease?

Water treatment plants.

There are three that feed
directly into Manhattan.

What? I listened to Radiolab.

Yeah, she's right.

Which one of the three is it?

Wait... Dr. Park

went to the Boulder Lake
Treatment Plant

four times recently.

She used a navigation app to get there.

God, I love it when
the criminals are amateurs.

- Let's move.
- Yeah.

It's Park.

What the hell is she doing?

FBI! Show me your hands!

Hands over your head!


Keep your hands where I can see them.

Where is Dr. Palmeri?

It's a wastewater pipe.

And it's flowing out of this plant.

What did you do with the virus?

What did you do with the virus?!

Wait, wait! Look at her gloves.

Those aren't medical.
They're for handling animals.

Come on.

The rats weren't just test
subjects for the KTL Virus.

They're the delivery mechanism.

They're infected.

And they're already inside this plant.

All it takes is those infected
rats gettin their mouths

or noses in that water,
and it's all contaminated.

These open tanks are at the beginning

of the water treatment process.

So, the water's decontaminated
dozen of times after that.

But that pipe

is connected to this t*nk here.

It looks like a shortcut
to the last t*nk in the plant.

So, what does that mean?
Are we too late?

Park's not talking.

But I found this on her.

She texted that she's here.

Somebody responded with,
"Ready inside."

Palmeri. Look, if there's a
second piece to their plan,

maybe we can still stop it.

Patterson, any way
of shutting this plant down?

There's an emergency detection
system that shuts down

automatically if there's
been a contamination.

Looks like it's been deactivated.

Well, can you hack in
and turn it back on?

The system is ancient.

It can only be controlled
from the failsafe room inside.

Palmeri must have performed
a manual override.

This way.

You gotta hurry.
There's only four minutes

until the infected
water is out of plant,

and then there's nothing we can do.

Anyone got eyes on her?

Okay, I'm gonna draw her fire.

When she sh**t at me,
you can locate her.

Copy that.

I think I hit her!

She's running!

We have two minutes to undo whatever

she just did before it's too late.

All right, you two focus on that.

I'll go after Palmeri.

- Okay, do you see any labels anywhere?
- No.

Hey, Patterson, you still there?

Look, this thing's a nightmare.
We don't know where to start.

Yeah, I've got the employee
instruction video.

Please, give me a second.

Hello! If you're watching this,

you may have encountered an error

in the emergency detection system.

Not to worry. Together,

we'll have it back
up and running in no time.

You gotta be kidding me.

Don't come any closer.

I want you to think very carefully
about what you do next.

I've already shot you.

You're not gonna win this fight.

So, put the g*n down.

Put it down.

It isn't fair. I was so close.

So, there are three components

that could tamper with
the emergency detection system.

The first one is a big dial.
What is that set to?

Whwhich one?
The red or the yellow?

Well, that would be easier to answer

if this video were in color.

- Left or right?
- Left.

It should be pointing directly up.

- Okay, what's next?
- There's a series of buttons.

The first is labeled...

I'm just gonna save you some time.

There are no labels
anywhere on this wall.

There should be five
of them in a column,

from top to bottom.

On, on, off, on, off.

Okay, ten seconds!

The last one is a lever.
There's only one.

It should be pushed to the right.

What did I do?

No, that's the emergency
detection system.

It's working.
The plant is shutting down.

The virus can't get through.


Congratulations on
repairing the system.

Those Ruskies don't stand a chance.

Dr. Palmeri's on her way to prison.

So that means Hirst has lost
her inside man at the hospital.

And Allie made the official arrest,

so there's no FBI fingerprints

that can get back to Hirst.

Still, it's only a matter of time

before she realizes Palmeri's gone.

Which is why a team
of Marshals is headed

to the hospital right now
to bring Julian to you.

I just called to let him know.

Thank you.

Well, now it's your turn.
What did you do for Hirst?

A few weeks after she'd
gotten Julian into the trial,

she came to me with an assignment.

She was Interim Director
of the Bureau by then.

But there was another
frontrunner to take over

her position fulltime.

She had me dig up dirt on him.

So that she would get the job instead.

It worked.

So, then she made me find dirt
on all of the candidates

for Head of the New York Office.

She wanted me to find someone

with a secret she could leverage.

Someone she could manipulate.

That could've been any of us.

I became her fulltime
fixer after that.

She made me leave the Marshals

because there was far too
much for me to do for her.

A case would come across her desk,

a person or a company that was
supposed to be investigated,

and... she would task me
with making it disappear.


That's what I could never figure out.

There was never any common thread.

- Was it all blackmail?
- At first.

Which is why it was easy to tell myself

I wasn't really hurting anyone.

But... she became more and more brutal.

And so did her assignments.

Soon she had me...

beating people up.

Threatening their families.

Their children.

And then...

Make it look like a home invasion.

Erase any shred of evidence
that I was here.


- No?
- This is too far.

The reason this man is dead,

the only reason,
is that he knew your name.

I k*lled him to protect you.

And now you're gonna protect me.

At your, apartment.



Hirst actually k*lled him herself.

That's enough for now, um...

We'll get you to a safe house tonight.

Tomorrow we'll find
an attorney we trust,

get all this on record.


Safe house will be ready in an hour.

Good, thank you.

Man, I don't envy those two.

Alone in protective custody
for the whole trial.

That'll be at least a year.

I've seen the strongest couples
fall apart in that situation.

And Van Gogh's been lying
to his husband for two years.

He kept this from him to protect him.

That's not such a bad thing.

That is such a Kurt Weller response.

What's that supposed to mean?

You always think you have
to protect everyone.

But shielding someone from the truth

isn't heroic, it's just dishonest.

People can handle more
than you give them credit for.

We've got a problem.

The marshals just arrived at
the hospital to secure Julian,

only to find out that he checked
himself out 20 minutes ago.

Van Gogh just rolled over

on one of the most powerful
women in the country.

We have to find Julian
before Hirst does.

Tracked Julian's car,
he's headed upstate.

He went through a toll
a few minutes ago.

Okay, let's move.

I'm coming with you.

Thank God you're okay.

What did you do?

Julian, I don't know
what they told you.

Don't you dare lie to me again.

I was convinced that
I was paranoid, but...

you did something horrible
to get me that drug.

Look, we need to get
both of you out of here.

All right? This is not safe.

He can explain in the car.

No, no, I'm not going back.

I'm pulling out of the trial.

I'm gonna stay with my sister.

No! No!

Everything I did,
it was for you, Julian.

It was to save your life.

That night that you came home

with blood on your shirt at 4:00 a.m.

You said it was a rough
prisoner transport,

but you were shaking.

Whose blood was that?

I can't keep taking that drug
knowing that you sold

both of our souls to get it for me.

No, wait, please, just...

It can't all be for nothing.

You never have to see me again.

I did this, not you.

And you dying...
isn't gonna fix anything.

I'm begging you, just say in the trial.


So, the other
Marshals are on their way.

They'll stay with you here at
the safe house around the clock.

Guess they didn't get the memo.

I'm sorry.

Do you regret keeping
everything from him?

No... not one bit.

If I'd have told him
about the blackmail,

he'd have left the trial. I knew that.

And I had already watched him
battle cancer for two years.

He was in agony all the time.

So, I made a decision.

If lying to the person I love

means sparing them horrible pain...

I'll lie.

Hirst hired me because
I have a weakness

she could exploit, same as Van Gogh.

At least his weakness was noble.

Reade, you need to stop beating
yourself up about this.

No, you don't understand.
She's still manipulating me.

She wants me to remove
you from the team.

None of that matters anymore.

We have Van Gogh.

You don't have to do anything
for Hirst ever again.

Would you
ever let someone take Bethany?

You'd die to protect her.
I just let mine go.

I should've k*lled you for
that bounty when I had a chance.

You lucky Clem waved me off.

Hey, Clem, it's Jane.

I know we didn't
leave things on the best...

18 years ago I gave up...

a daughter, my daughter
for adoption and I... I...

I don't know what happened to her.

I don't want to interfere
with her life, but I... I...

I'd like to know that she's okay.

That she's loved.


So, I want to find her and...

I thought, if anyone can track
her down, it... it would be you.

- Hello?
- Reade, where are you?

At the office, why?

Van Gogh was shot by
a sn*per at the safe house.

He's dead.

Hirst knows everything.

Hi, Edgar.

Everything all right?