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03x02 - Enemy Bag of Tricks

Posted: 09/01/21 18:48
by bunniefuu

Same time last year, I
bagged a 14-pointer on mine.

Got 'em not a mile in with this baby.

Not a good day to be in the woods.

There's wolves about.

Who the hell are you?

No one.

Why don't you go back
to grandma's house,

Little Orange Riding Hood?

You are trespassing on my land.

So you're gonna get gone, now,

or my friend here is
gonna call the police.

My friends here don't want
the authorities involved.

Please, hold on, we can talk about this!


- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Did I wake you?

No. I was out like a light.

That air mattress is
surprisingly comfortable.

Don't worry about that,
'cause I'm gonna have

our bed and everything
else shipped over today.

Did you do something
different with your hair?

Well, do you like it?

I love it.

Hey, what's all this?

Uh, nothing.

Don't worry about that.

These are all final notices.

Kinda spent a lot of money.

Trying to find you.

How much?

All of it.


Nearly had to sell the apartment
to get back in the black.

It's all good now. We're
both back at work.

Things'll be back to normal very soon.

- What?
- Mm...

What's wrong?

I'm actually vegan now.

- Really?
- Yeah.


Well, all the monks in
Kathmandu were vegan,

and then, you know, I
kind of really liked it.

Mmm... mmm!


Any other surprises I
need to know about?

None that I can think of.

That's good.

Stuart, how many processing
cores did you redirect?

There's crazy lag in my system.

Uh... technically, it
stopped being your system

ever since you left to
create your Elftown App.

Don't do that, Stuart. You
know it's called Elfville.

Okay... it's called Wizardville.

You both know that.

It was number one in the
app store for seven weeks.

Those jerks at Elftown couldn't even get

first-round VC funding, so...

All I'm saying is it's
kind of our lab now.

A co-lab with a... a co-system.

So let's quit sweating
the small stuff and...

and focus all our energy
on this one tattoo

that has been bugging me.

One tattoo that has been bugging you

is literally the small stuff.

My system, the one I designed,

is optimized for a holistic approach.

Patterson, there's one
tattoo that's bugging me.

I want to crack it today.

Yeah! It's that easy.

You decide on a tattoo you wanna crack,

and the magic machine just cracks it.

- Which one?
- Perseus.

I think I solved some of it last night.

You solved it on your own?

I'm not just a handsome face, Tasha.

All right. Uh, how did you solve it?

- What are you doing here?
- I need a favor.

Some help with the tattoos.

What, are you insane?

Maybe. But you are gonna help me.

If I don't?

I'll tell Jane what happened in Berlin.

What do you need?

I need it solved tomorrow.

Or a lot of people are gonna die.

I'm not gonna be your Trojan horse.

I don't care about the FBI.

Or burning down the world.

I'm trying to help you save it.

Keep telling yourself that.

Jane's new tattoos are different.

- There is a sequence to them.
- So maybe I jump ahead.

I work out your end game,
and I take you down.

Won't work.

Try to climb too high, too fast...

the whole thing crumbles.

So, every now and then,

I'm just gonna tell you
where to step next.

Solve "Perseus."

The answer's already in your hands.

I was combing through the new tattoos.

I noticed something strange
about Perseus's hands.

He's got five fingers on his left hand,

six on his right.


What a math whiz you are.

There's nothing in Greek mythology

that says anything about
Perseus having 11 fingers.

But I do know one place that does.

Upstate New York. The Finger Lakes.

There's 11 of them.

All right, here's a map of the region.

Can you scale that tattoo,
fit it to the map?

All the tattoos are vectors.
I can do anything.

So let's size this up, lose the sword,

lose the Medusa head.

Look, the fingers match the lakes.

Perseus had two... rings on both hands

with matching symbols.

L-X-T and Y-1-7.

Maybe we convert the letters
and get coordinates.

No, but there still might be something

if we connect the symbols.

An intersection point.

Pull up the satellite view on the map.

Zoom in.

What's there?

It's nothing. A big, empty field.

Wait, where is this tattoo on my body?

Left breast. Chest!

The left chest area.

So what happens if you
take the new tattoo

and overlay it with the old ink tattoos

on my left chest area?

What's at the intersection point?

The new tattoos intersect
with the old tattoos.

A circle.

No... it's a search radius.

But what are we searching for?

What's L-X-T and Y-1-7?

- We don't know.
- That's not the only problem.

Things are different this time.
We know Roman tattooed you.

We know he has ulterior motives.

There's dangers to playing Roman's game.

And there are dangers to not playing it.

I'm not saying we don't.

I'm just saying let's
be pragmatic about it.

Cautious. Let's gather more intel.

What if we don't have that kind of time?

I don't see anything on these screens

that says we need to rush
out of here right now.

We can't just blindly
follow the tattoos again.

I'm not gonna have this
office be manipulated.

You saying like I did?

That's not what I said.

My whole body's a manipulation.

We know the risks.

We all joined this task
force to take 'em.

How many times have we got
somewhere just in time?

Or sometimes seconds too late?

There could be lives at risk.

We need to move now.

It's a good thing we moved now.

There's something out here.
We just gotta keep looking.

We've been looking. All day.

Let's not make it all night.

I'll send a team to
finish up the grunt work.

Where's the fun in that?

I don't want to just quit.

It's not quitting if it's an order.

We're done here. Let's go.


You're just mad 'cause you
got mud on your Guccis.

I don't have time to chase
wild geese, Zapata.

Relax, I'm joking.

I have an office to run.

Look, maybe we got the
search radius wrong.

No. This is the right spot.

- We just haven't seen it yet.
- Seen what?

I mean, what makes you so sure

that this is the right spot?

Just a hunch.

It's a satellite.

Hey, look...


Same as the tattoo.

It's definitely why we're here.

Looks like someone else is, too.

Fall back to the satellite!

Over there!

I can't get a shot
because of the lights!

I got the 50 cal!

Reade! Down!

All right? We're not gonna win this.

Let's just survive it. Okay?

The hell are these guys?

They're taking something.

Okay, let's move!


send a recovery team.

And a ride home.

What did they take?

I don't know.

Let's find out.

Hey, Stuart, can you
hand me those pliers?

- Stuart!
- Hmm?

You wanna maybe forget
about your pet tattoo

and focus on the satellite
that just fell out of the sky?

Sorry, sorry, it's just...

something about this one's just really

rubbing me the wrong way, you know?

I know the feeling.

- So what do you got?
- Whatcha got?

Could be anything at this point.

Communications, GPS, financial.

- Each of which...
- Could be foreign spies

hiding a command- and-control server.

Each of which... has its own set

of unique and disastrous
consequences in the wrong hands.

I'll know more after
the autopsy is done.

To figure out what the satellite does,

we need to figure out who owns it.

We find out who owns it, we
ask them what it does...

- They get it.
- Once we know that,

we'll know what kind of tech was inside,

we'll know what those mercenaries stole.

Whatever it is, someone thinks
it's worth k*lling for.

Hey, maybe we can bring in
Rich to lend an extra hand?

Why, you think the satellite
fell out of the darkweb?

No, he's just trying to offload his work

on this case so he can follow
a hunch on another tattoo.

We're not bringing in Rich.
We're not following hunches.

We just followed Weller's hunch.

It's not a democracy, Stuart.

We're not voting on this.

You and Patterson on the autopsy.

Zapata, you and Jane run down
any leads on the mercenaries.

Weller, can I talk to you for a second?

Yes, sir.

What's up?

Have a seat.

Just want to make sure we're
both on the same page.

About the tattoo?

- I was right about that.
- I know...

it's a little crazy that's
the tattoo we solved today.

Is there anything I need to know?

I need a favor.

Some help with the tattoos.

Sometimes you get lucky.

I don't know if I'd
call a satellite crash

and an ambush "lucky."

- We don't have a problem, right?
- What do you mean?

I mean, we've all been
apart for two years,

and I don't want to fall
back into any bad patterns.

- Patterson's got something.
- Yep.

I guess it's my turn, huh?


I spent my life taking orders...

but now I'm on my own.

I've been trying to find a purpose...

but it all seems so pointless.

I'm starting to feel like
I can't do it anymore.

Everyone I... was ever close to is gone.

I'm... I'm tired of
being alone, you know?

But I don't know how to be...

Maybe I'm just tired of being myself.

Gets easier.

Just need to keep comin'.

Actually, I think I'm
done with these things.

There's too many people looking at me.


Pity makes it worse. I
just want it to end.

Yeah. That's the look.

Nah, it's not pity, mate.

You just said some stuff that...

This coffee is rubbish.

I know a joint around the corner.

I'm not really up for, uh...

loud noises and crowded spaces.

All right. Twisted my arm.

My place is over in The Rocks.

What is this?

It's me making sure you
don't do something

rash or stupid.

Now, I'm out of coffee, but I got beer.

A little early for beer, isn't it?

Not in Sydney, mate. Come on.

- Whatcha got?
- Good news,

Patterson was able to identify

a proprietary piece of
tech in the satellite.

This little cryocooler right here.

The patent is held by a private
company called ProTechSat.

Unfortunately, that's all I could find.

The one-page website is
not super-illuminating.

"ProTechSat, proprietary
technology for satellites."

- Is there an address?
- Uh, it's in Midtown.

All right, let's bring 'em in.

Nikhil Thakker. ProTechSat.

Marci Booth. Also ProTechSat.

Assistant Director Reade.
This is Special Agent Weller.

Thanks for coming in.

Yeah, I'm still not entirely sure

what we're doing here.

Like I said, we found your satellite.

You did say that, it's just that,

you know, as I explained to you,

in great detail, we're not missing one.

Oh, this is for sure ours.

I should make a call.

What does the satellite do?

Well, that's hard to say.
We have so many in orbit.

I'd have to check the I.D.
code on the hatch.

It's L-X-T-Y-1-7.


Okay. Oh-kay. Okay.

All right, we were hacked.

Someone intentionally got
into our telemetric server

and crashed the satellite.

It's L-X-T-Y-1-7.

I see.

Any chance you managed
to recover the black box

that was inside this hatch?

No, it was stolen by an unidentified

group of mercenaries.

I should make another call.

You should tell us what's
really going on here.

Getting a little suspicious, guys.

A lot of red flags.

What does this satellite do?

You don't have clearance for that.

Without this team, you
wouldn't even know

that satellite was missing,
and whatever was inside it

is now in the hands of the
people who tried to k*ll us.

So next call that you're gonna make

is gonna get us that clearance.

We're from the DOD.

- Department of Defense.
- We know.

Really? H-How did you...

No, we know what DOD stands for.

Keep explaining the rest.

Right. Right, uh...

ProTechSat is a front company we use

to launch and manufacture
satellites that we're

technically not supposed to have.

Satellite L-X-T-Y-1-7

was the main hub of our MDS.

m*ssile Defense Shield.

We don't have a m*ssile defense shield.

No! No, we say we don't have
a m*ssile defense shield,

but we do.

The black box of that satellite

talks to the black box

of hundreds of other
satellites in our MSN.

m*ssile Shield Network.

If you have the black box and
a powerful enough computer

and extremely high-level coding skills,

you can connect remotely and
turn the whole shield off,

leaving our country and our
allies vulnerable to ICBMs.

Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.

Is she gonna keep doing that?

We'd never see the missiles coming.

And we can't stop what we can't see.

We'd be completely unprotected.

Great, now I have to make a phone call.

Ohh... I get it.


It protects it like it protects us.

That's a good name.

Thanks. I thought of it.

All right, let's just take a step back.

It's highly unlikely these mercenaries

are in possession of ballistic missiles,

so if you're them, what do
you do with the black box?

Hold the m*ssile shield hostage

and ransom the box back to the DOD.

Or sell it to the highest bidder.

Okay... okay, I don't
want to be an alarmist,

but I just got off the
phone with Keaton.

The CIA has reliable
intel that North Korea's

priming their nuclear missiles.

It could be another test.

It's a lot of missiles for a test.

And so if we don't recover that box,

there won't be a shield to protect us.

- Is there a timeline?
- Imminent.

North Korea's priming their
missiles as we speak.

At best, it'll be an
international incident.

At worst, nuclear w*r.

And what's the target?

CIA intel says California.

But we don't know that for sure.

Assuming it's California,

this is our estimate for
impact and fallout.

Now, keep in mind this is just

one 20-kiliton ICBM with an airburst.

They're mobilizing 13 to 21.

That's millions dead.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

North Korea is a formidable foe,

however, the ICBMs that they've launched

haven't come anywhere
close to American soil.

That's because our
m*ssile defense shield

has stopped them, every time.

Are you telling me the only thing

between North Korea nukes and
us is a satellite shield

that's about to go dark...
there's no backup?

We're not even supposed
to have this one.

It negates the whole
mutually-assured destruction idea

that keeps everyone's nukes in check.

But we designed the shield
with plenty of failsafes.

I mean, as long as just one satellite

in the network stays functional,

we're totally protected.


I'm gonna loop in the White House.

There's some good news.

North Korea hasn't fired
a m*ssile... yet.

That's probably because they
don't have the black box yet.

And if they're mobilizing warheads now,

they're not gonna wait to
ship it across an ocean.

They're gonna turn the
shields off from here.

So that means we do have
some time to stop them.

Good, keep digging into the
hacker who dropped the satellite.

Now, what do we have on...

Never mind, Stuart's got
something on the mercenaries.


Okay, so, no luck tracking the mercs

in or out the satellite crash site.

But two hunters were reported missing

in the same area, and local P.D. found

some interesting footage
on a hidden trail cam.

And by interesting, I mean horrific.

The cam's used to track black bears,

but it caught this instead.

I'll stop it there. What
comes next isn't pretty.

But we now have video
of this guy's ugly mug.

We're running facial right now.
If we can I.D. him...

His name's Dwire Lee.

You know him?

- How?
- We did some K&R together.

Kidnap and Ransom? When?

When I was on the run.

Dwire and I crossed paths on a few jobs.

Sometimes he was Dwire Lee,

sometimes Paul Kay,
sometimes Adam Stone.

I'm sure he has other aliases,

but those are the ones
that I know for sure.

If you were operating
outside of the law,

that could mean major ramifications
for this task force.

She was helping rescue
kidnapping victims.

It's not like she was running dr*gs

or assassinating politicians.

- Or were you?
- No! Of course not.

Jane's past just gave us a major lead.

Run the aliases.

Kurt, I can explain.

I need a minute.

What, you're not having another one?

Just pacing myself, mate.

Ha! Come on.

Australian Defense Force?

2nd Commando Regiment.

Ah, I was wondering what brought you

to the PTSD support group.

Helmand Province was a
special kind of hell.

That's my best mate Mike.

We were lucky enough to make it home.

I was cocky enough to think I
had a handle on my trauma,

and then Mike jumped off a bridge.

Gutted me.

'Cause it seemed like Mike had
a handle on his trauma, too,

and that's when I realized
I needed more help.

What about you?


Not officially.


I saw combat, but...

I never had a best friend.

Or any friends, really.

Just my sister.

Our parents were m*rder*d, and, uh...

well, we grew up in an orphanage

in South Africa during apartheid.

Doesn't sound like a good place, mate.

Well, then we were adopted by...
a monster.

All we ever had was each other.

Until she left.


Yeah, escape is a selfish act.

Just leaves a mess for the
ones who love you most.

You got every right to
feel angry, brother.

Half the time, I want my sister back.

Half the time, I wanna k*ll her.

Sorry, I, uh...

No, no, no. You gotta get it out.

But your next beer's gonna be a water.

I'm sorry you had to find out that way.

I wanted to tell you about the K&R,

but I just... things are still
getting back to normal.

I get it.

You were on the run.

- You did what you had to do.
- No... I didn't have to.

I chose to.

I liked it.

I have all these skills,

and it felt good to put 'em
to use to save people.

And to not be held accountable
for the lives that you ended.

Or for the lives that you
didn't manage to save.

You can't... no.

You have no idea what I did
or didn't do while I was...

Exactly, Jane! I have no idea.

It's Patterson.

One of the aliases popped.

Adam Stone, a.k.a. Dwire Lee,

landed at JFK a few weeks ago.

After that, disappeared.

No hotel, no rental
car, nothing to track.

If he's in town on a job,

someone else is footing the bill.

Can you track the company
that bought his airfare

to see if they're paying
for his safe house, too?

Already on it... I've
been looking at a web

of suspected North
Korean shell companies,

cross-referencing them
with major purchases

across the country.

Flights, Super Duty trucks,

computer equipment, real estate...
nothing stood out.

A 50-caliber gatling g*n.

Nothing stood out until
the alias Jane provided

gave us Dwire's flight number and...

a new shell company.

Add it to the web, narrow
the search parameters

to the timeline of Dwire's
arrival in New York,

and we get...

Three short-term leases
registered to the same company.

A warehouse in Queens, a
townhouse in Brooklyn,

and a parking lot in the Bronx.

He's in Brooklyn.

- Are you sure?
- That's where I'd be.

Look at the other ones.

Parking lot's too exposed,

warehouse doesn't have enough outs.

Yeah, she's right.

That townhouse has quick
access to the water,

the freeways, the subway system.

Plus, the last time I saw Dwire,

he wouldn't shut up about Luger Burgers.

Peter Luger's like a block away.
They only take cash.

He's gotta be there.

What time you got, huh?

'Cause I got about half
past amateur hour.

They were supposed to be here at...

Show me your hands! Show me your hands!

Get down!

- Get on the floor!
- Spread 'em!

Hello, Dwire.

Remember me?

This is for Paris.

Get 'em out of here.

We've got the black box.

Hey... do you have a minute?

Depends. Has North Korea
stood down their missiles?

Not yet. Then I have a
few seconds at best.

- Walk with me.
- Okay.

Is it just me, or is there something up

- with Assistant Director Reade?
- Like how?

Like how he hasn't said a word to me

or anyone else that
isn't a direct order.

I... I would cut him a break.

When I was creating my app...

Wonderville. Wizardville.

I hired a lot of my friends,

and telling them what to do all the time

wasn't a ton of fun.

It's not like I'm
trying to be extra fun.

I'm just trying to be normal.

Okay, well, maybe you need
to find your new normal.

Look at me and Stuart.

We hate each other, and
we're still friends.

Yeah, I don't think Stuart hates you.

No, he definitely does.

This... it's like our whole thing.

Um, I don't think he knows that.

Oh... now I feel bad.

Okay, I need to... be better.

I'll fix it.

How we doing, Nikhil?

Fingers crossed the m*ssile
shield's still active.

But we don't know if the
black box was cloned.

Marci's running diagnostics on it now.

How long until we know if the
data's been copied or compromised?

Hard to say. The system's
running really slow.

Just a ton of lag.

Stuart! Are you kidding?

Please tell me you're
not using up bandwidth

on that molecule tattoo.

I just thought, since the
threat's been neutralized...

The threat has not been neutralized!

The nukes are still live.

The North Koreans are
nothing if not persistent.

I need my team scanning the DOD firewall

to find the hacker who
crashed the satellite

so he doesn't drop another
one and try again.

- Or she.
- Exactly.

Women can be hackers, too, Stuart.

I never said they... I
never said they couldn't.

This is a very high-octane situation!

Are you on this team or not?!

Honestly, you scare me,

and I'm just trying to be useful

while I stay out of your way.

Okay, Dwire's in Interrogation One,

but we're still missing
pieces to the puzzle.

Where are we on finding the hacker?

It's a signal, a noise issue,

all kinds of attempted hacks,

disguising the one that
actually got through.

But we're working on it.

I designed the satellite
security system.

I might be able to decipher
any potential breaches.

I could use all the help we could get.

All right, jump in.

Zapata, you stay with Marci.

As soon as she secures the black box,

make sure she gets an
FBI escort back to DOD.

Great, if I'm not too worn out

from arranging transportation,

then maybe I'll run down
some more CIA leads.

Good thinking. Do it.

Weller, Jane, you guys are with me.

I'll take the lead on Dwire.

If there's North Korean
operatives in the area,

he's gonna be the key to finding them.

Full immunity.

That's never gonna happen.

Did you hack the satellite yourself?

Ha! Do I look like a nerd?

You look like a guy who's gonna
spend a lot of time in prison.

Maybe. Or maybe I'll break out.

I got a bunch of cash stashed away,

a ton of aliases our little
friend don't know nothin' about.

Is she watching right now?

Hey, Jane.

Tell me who crashed the satellite.

I told you, man.

I was in the woods, minding my business,

getting ready to play
a little paint ball,

when a couple of very scary men

k*lled two very rude hunters.

Now, if y'all hadn't have got
to that townhouse when you did,

they even might have... k*lled me, too.

That townhouse was paid for by
a North Korean shell company.

The same one that paid for your airfare.

Is that the good Korea or the bad one?

It's the one pointing nuclear
missiles at us right now.

Are they operating stateside?

Can you confirm
California's their target?

I can confirm I sure as hell
hope it's not New York.

You know Jane from K&R. Right?

You saved lives together.

You have a chance to save
a lot of lives right now,

and you don't care, you're
just gonna sit there,

pledging allegiance to North Korea?

See, that's where you're wrong, man.

My loyalty's to Bitcoin
and immunity deals.

Make me an offer... hmm?

So that's the guy that
you chose to work with?

No. I worked with good people, too.

Guys like Dwire are an
occupational hazard.

Yeah, well, maybe the
occupation's the hazard.

I couldn't control who
else got hired for a job,

but the ends justified the means.

Haven't you ever worked with bad people

to do good things?

Yeah... we work with
Rich all the time now.

You're friend's a prick.

He's not my friend.

He's a megalomaniac

who thinks he can win
any game he's playing.

It is possible that he didn't even know

that he was working for North Korea.

Or he doesn't want to roll over on them

without an immunity deal.

You're gonna give him a deal?

If that's what it takes.

It's your office, it's your call.

If you think immunity is best...

I think ballistic missiles are in
play and we're running out of time.

Nothing else I'm doing today is working.

- You want my take?
- Sure.

Your old team is back, and
you're overcompensating.

Taking on too much,
second-guessing yourself,

and from the field report I read...

almost getting yourself k*lled.

Please, don't sugarcoat it.

Be the leader I have seen you be.

Your team is the best of the best.

Hell, that's why we formed
this task force, isn't it?

Empower them, trust them...

and they'll deliver.

Ohh, there she is!

Jane, you sold out, girl.

Or were you always a G-man?

You wasting your talents here.

I liked you a lot better
when you were unaffiliated.

- Hmm, funny...
- Mm.

I never liked you.

But I used to respect your skill set.

Which is clearly fading
with your hairline.


I should have k*lled you for
that bounty when I had a chance.

You lucky Clem waved me off.

Does Clem know you FBI?

Do you ever shut up?

You know the reason you got caught

was because you wouldn't
stop yapping about burgers.

Right? For a guy whose motto is,

"Get in, get out, get
paid," what happened?

- Hey, I didn't screw up!
- You forget to get out?

Really? As far as I can tell,

you were sitting on $1 billion
worth of stolen tech,

just waiting to get busted.

Mm, no, no. I followed the plan.

If... if my employees would
have shown up on time,

I'd have been home free.

Your employers hung you out to dry.

Mm-mmm... maybe they didn't show up

'cause they knew the
FBI was coming, huh?

Maybe I'm not the problem.

Maybe your new team sprung a leak.

If he's right, we could
be in real trouble.

Zapata's been talking
to her CIA connections,

Hirst made phone calls up the ladder.

The lead could have come from anyone.

Not quite.

Those sources only have one
piece of the puzzle each.

Some new about the satellite
and some knew about the raid.

Okay, so who knew about both?

I didn't do anything.

You have the clearance, the access.

As of yesterday,

you had $2 million in Bitcoin

and a one-way ticket to Dubai.

You think I did this for $2 million

to crash a satellite and help
North Korea nuke California?

I went to UC Berkeley!

I need a lawyer.

There's not a lawyer in the world

that could get you out of this, Nikhil.

Last night,

you used your own security badge

to access the satellite network.

From your own terminal!

I was in the hospital last night.

Call the hospital!

I... I was there all night.

Call Marci.

I... I asked her to let my dogs out

because I wouldn't be home and...

Where was your access badge?

Did you have it on you?


No, it was in my apartment.

And so was Marci.

Sale's back on. Meet me in 20 minutes.

I'll text you the location.

I'm crying, and... and Bill,

he just keeps stealing my soup, right?

And he won't leave me alone.

And I see my dad, and he's running,

and he just lines up Billy and
he kicks him over the fence.

Wait, wait, wait, your dad
kicked a kid over the fence?

- A kid?
- Yeah.

No, no. Billy was my cat.

Did I not say that bit?

Ohh. Ohh.

Billy was your cat. Okay.

Well... thank you for the beer,

and the... company.

I... I haven't, um...

Hey, mate, no problem.

Happy to.

But I gotta ask.

All that stuff you said earlier,

feeling alone, everything
seeming so pointless...

I've heard it before.

I was too afraid to
ask Mike this, but...

you're not gonna hurt yourself, right?

No. I'm not gonna hurt myself.


'Cause I don't think I could go
through that again, you know?

Not for all the money in the world.


Yeah. My mate Mike was loaded.

Left me everything. Millions.

Just wanna get rid of it.
Use it for something good.

I don't think I've ever
told anyone that before.

Been nursing these beers all day.

My tolerance must be low.

It's not your tolerance, it's the dr*gs.

I spiked your drink with a blend

of sodium thiopental and hemlock.

Truth serum with a nasty kick.

I've been targeting you, Tom.

You come to the same PTSD
support group every week.

"Pity makes it worse, I
just want it to end"?

That's exactly what Mike emailed you

before he jumped off the bridge.

I knew I could trigger you.

Make you wanna... protect me.

Over the last few hours, you've told me

your mother's maiden name,

the city you met your best friend in,

the street you grew up on...

your first pet's name.

Everything I need to get into
your bank account undetected.

- Please...
- Don't beg.

Don't try to move.

This is hard enough.

See, I've k*lled a lot of people, Tom.

But I've never actually
liked any of them.

It felt good to talk.

Like a real friend.

I don't wanna die.

I know.

I promise it won't hurt.

And I promise I will do
something good with the money.

Why are you doing this?

For the money?


if all I wanted was your money,

I'd just take it.

I'm here for something else.

You need to think harder, Nikhil.

Marci has the black box.
We're running out of time.

I don't know anything!

Yes, you do.

Marci the hacker, Marci the t*rror1st.

She's the same woman
you've been working with.

Just because she was hiding something

doesn't mean you don't know her.

It means that you can use what you know

to figure out the rest.

Where did she go?

Marci's smart.

She'd stick to public places.


She needs to make a remote
connection to the shield.

She'd need speed to cover her tracks.

Something that's already transferring...

epic amounts of data.

Good. Good, okay.

This is where we found
the FBI escort vehicle.

That's right near River Point Museum.

And Marci's on the advisory board.

It's super public.

Its research department
transfers massive

amounts of data per day.

I love you, Kurt.

I love you, too.

You're angry.

Not at you.

There's no way running into
Dwire was a coincidence.

Roman made that happen.


These tattoos are how
you'll pay your way.

He designed these tattoos to punish me.

He wants us to lie.
He wants us to fight.

I mean, he wants to control us.

The only way to figure out his end game

is to survive whatever
landmines he puts in our path.

We can't let Roman drive us apart.

All right, give me teams in every exit.

Weller, you and Jane
take the main floor.

- Yes, sir.
- Zapata and I will head upstairs.

Patterson, send I.D. photos of Marci

- to everyone's phone.
- Done!

I'm looking at blueprints of the museum.

Marci needs a high-powered
computing station

to turn off the shield.

There's one in the planetarium.

We're heading in now.

Reade, Tasha,

keep searching upstairs in
case Marci's on the move.

Asteroids from the main belt

crash together, sending debris careening

out into the solar system,

and gravity from celestial
bodies like the earth

pull the meteoroids onto
a collision course.

But when a rogue asteroid
doesn't strike...



She's dead.

She's dead.

The black box is gone.

Uh, okay, well, there's
some more bad news.

The black box just connected
to the satellite network.

Someone is writing code to turn
off the m*ssile shield right now.

We gotta get these people out of here.

Everyone, get down! Down on the floor!

Now! Stay down!

Get down! Everybody down!

Everybody down!

Okay, it looks like
there's a computer hub

in the planetarium itself.

The North Koreans must
have their own coder.

He or she is shutting
down the m*ssile shield

at an incredible rate.

All the satellites in the
shield are going offline.


71... you need to stop that coder before

all the satellites in
the shield go dark.

58. 31.

You are very quickly
running out of time.

Yeah, we get it!

We just can't make it to the
computer room. Can't you hack them?

If I could hack them
in time, I wouldn't be

yelling at you to hurry up... 26!

I don't have a shot.


Weller, go! I got you covered!

12... 12 satellites left.

You need to move, now!


Agh! Ah!

Three satellites left!


Two satellites left!

Those missiles are gonna fire!


You okay?

Two left!

Two... satellites left.

You did it. Yay.

That was... not fun.

- Clear!
- Clear!

My comms went out! We get nuked?

No! No.

All the satellites are back up.

m*ssile shields online.

North Korea stood down their missiles.

They're not acknowledging the attack.

- What attack?
- Exactly.

Nice work, everybody.

Saved a lot of lives today.

Yeah, I just wanna thank you all.

Aw, you don't need to thank us.

No, I do.

This job is hard, and it's
just getting started.

And if today is any indication,

we're in for a few surprises.

There'll be some kinks to work out,

gonna take some time for us
to get used to our new roles,

but... we're a damn good team.

I will drink to that.

No, you won't, no more
drinking in the lab.

That's a new rule, but aside from that,

not much is different.

We follow the tattoos
and we take Roman down.

Whatever his true motives may be.


I'm Tom Jakeman.

Hello. Hello.

Tom Jakeman.

I have all this money.

Couldn't go through that again.

Not for all...

Not "fohr" all the money in the world.

Why are you doing this?

Why... are you doing this?

Agh! Hey.

Whoa, what... the hell's
going on out here?

It said five minutes on high heat

for those tofu steaks.

- Wait, tofu steaks?
- Yeah.

All right, all right.

Sorry. Uhh! There we go.

I'm sorry.

I'm... trying so hard

to get things right.

Well... w-wait, what...

Why are you trying so hard?

I spent so long looking for you.

In some ways...

it feels like I brought back a stranger.

I mean, there's so much that I missed.

Places, people that I'm not a part of.

Kathmandu, K&R.

Dwire. Clem.


go put on something nice.

Let's go out.

Dinner, wine. We can catch up.

You know, money's a little
tight at the moment.

Yeah, fancy date... prob'ly
not our best move.

Yeah, about that.


Turns out...

K&R pays pretty well.

I was saving it for a rainy day.

I mean, we could probably
still keep the apartment

and go to dinner.

What do you think?

Dinner's gonna have to wait.

- Hey.
- Hey...

I'm, uh, looking for my best friend.

Have you seen him?

I think he moved to Langley,

but you can leave the beer here, though.

I'm sorry about today.

I was a bit of an ass,
and I'll be better.

I'm still getting used
to having you guys back.

Me, too.

I'll try harder to
respect your authority

even though, technically,

Keaton's my real boss at the CIA.

Oh, you work at the CIA now?

That's funny, you never mentioned it.

Babe, if that's the delivery guy,

make sure to tip him extra
for coming out of the zone.

Are you on a date right now?

Not exactly, um...


This is Zapata, from work.

Tasha, this is my girlfriend Megan.

We were just about to sit
down and have dinner

in our apartment.

Do you want to join us?

Oh, this place is so great,

and we always order way too much food.

Oh... phh.

No, that is so nice of you, I'm...

Okay, seriously, Tasha.

We should have had you over ages ago.

I don't know any of Ed's work friends.

No, you and... you and Ed have plans...

Yeah, we don't have to...
Plan for another day.

- Yeah.
- Babe, she's already here.

She brought drinks. This is happening.

Tasha, this is happening.

Okay... this is happening.

This is happening.

Hey, Stuart, it's me again.

Uh, calling to apologize, again.

Uh, listen, I... I... I haven't been...

acting like myself lately.

A-And you're real good at your job,

and clearly, you are screening
your calls right now.

I promise I won't call back

because, uh... uh... I'm actually here.

Uh, at your apartment,
at your door, in person.

So, um, okay. Bye.

Oh, and if you're in, like,
a movie or something,

I'm just really sorry
about all the voicemails,

and I'll just see you when you get here.

Okay, bye.



Oh, my God.

Oh, no.

synced & corrected by PopcornAWH

A mysterious clue.

This tattoo exposes someone
in this very room.

Reveals a spy among them.

Everything is out in the open.

She's dirty, we've gotta take her down.