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05x18 - Ready

Posted: 08/31/21 17:22
by bunniefuu
Climate change

is no longer an abstraction.

It's an accelerating emergency

with devastating consequences
for our planet.

This year alone,

unprecedented drought
scorched Argentina,

record floods ravaged China

and typhoons destroyed Nauru.

We cannot stand idle

while whole nations go homeless.

The U.N. Climate Migration Treaty

will give climate refugees worldwide

the chance to resettle and rebuild.

We have the resources
to save countless lives.

But we must act now

or the dire consequences
of our collective neglect

can never be undone.

It's great, Matt.

Thoughts, everyone?

Undeniably powerful.

Does feel a little, um...

- Geez, what's the word?
- Dreary?

Yeah, that's it.

It's a scooch heavy on catastrophe.

Okay, news flash, guys.

Climate migration is a catastrophe.

The tone is appropriate
to the occasion.

People need to absorb the grimness.

Mission accomplished.

Well, it is a global emergency.
Stakes are high.

Listen, we're all aware
of the gravity of the situation,

but this is about messaging.

You want to energize people,

- not depress them.
- I can confirm.

I am depressed.

Yeah, but sprinkling in

a dash of uplift probably isn't
gonna change that.

This is great work, Matt.

People need to hear this.

Speaking of writing,

did you take a gander

at our faithful
U.N. ambassador's remarks?


They need to be goosed.

- Harriman go long again?
- Let me put it this way.

When Harriman is done speaking,
Miami will be underwater.

You know, he's in the building

working with Eurasian Affairs.

Get with him about cuts?

- Yeah, I'll do that.
- Okay, great.

Symposium's in four days.
Thanks, everybody.

It's great work.

Madam Secretary?

- Yeah.
- President Demko

is on SVTC. He says it's urgent.

This was recorded on the floor
of our Senate yesterday.

Dosc. Dosc. Dosc.

43 members

of the Strength and Freedom
Party chanting "Dosc."

- Dosc. Dosc.
- No more.

No more refugees
from the Middle East or Africa.

There have been riots in Kraków.

Anti-immigrant demonstrations
in every major city.

President Demko,

this has already been negotiated.

Poland has agreed to do its part.

Poland already does its part.

More than one million
displaced Ukrainians

have found refuge here.

We are asking you to accept one-tenth

of that number.

100,000 climate migration refugees.

Who will put a strain
on our already battered economy.

Respectfully, sir,
this isn't about your economy,

which has no problem
absorbing large numbers

of fellow Europeans.

It's about catering
to a xenophobic fringe.

Yes. And if I alienate
Strength and Freedom,

my government will fall.

And then you will have no partner.

You've made that argument before.

And it's even truer today
than it was six months ago.

What do you want?

Besides the umbrella
of protection we guarantee

and the base in Sokólka
we just bankrolled.

What's on the table?

I'll look into an aid
package and get back to you.

Some shakedown artist.

One we're stuck with.

As Poland goes, so
goes Eastern Europe.

If he backs out of the accord,
it jeopardizes the agreement.

Yeah, well, he knows that.

Let's give him something
he can sell to his base.

Hmm, like liberation from 50
years of iron curtain servitude?

Might catch more flies with honey.

- Oh, I'll work up some sweeteners.
- Blake.

- Listen, uh, I'm so sorry about before.
- No, don't worry about it.

You were right. Too
much doom and gloom.

Yeah, thanks for the feedback.

- You're welcome.
- Yeah.

Hey, are you, uh, headed downstairs?

Uh, yeah. Third floor.

Do you mind stopping on five

- and dropping this off with Harriman?
- Yes.

Great. Thanks.

No, I mean, yes, I mind.

But it's on your way.

To the hospital.

Harriman's territorial.

- Buddy, you got it all wrong.
- So do you.

You want to find someone
for operation human shield,

pick a person who doesn't realize

you have no authority over anything

besides a split infinitive.

I'll split your infinitive.

Okay, great, thank
you so much for that.

Nina. Are you headed downstairs?

Uh, in a bit.

Oh, man, 'cause I am totally swamped.

Can you hold this for a second?

- Excuse me.
- I'm so sorry. Go ahead.

- Go ahead.
- Oh, thank you.

Did you find my black flats?

- Presto.
- Thank you.

I've been hobbling around
on this broken heel all morning.

I think I probably
gave myself scoliosis.

Chicken breast.

Bed of spinach.

Thank you.

Lucas, this is my sister, Stevie.

- Hey.
- Hey. Nice to meet you.

- Same.
- Still waiting on your latte.



what are you doing?

I believe, in some cultures,

- they call it lunch.
- Yeah, you...

you must realize that
that's, uh, Lucas Morejon,

son of Carlos Morejon?

As in Mom's mortal enemy Morejons?

I'm dating Lucas, not running
for office against him.

And... people will talk.

- It's only been three weeks.
- I'm just saying you should,

you know, probably, like,
give mom a heads-up

'cause, you know, it is what it is.

He is really cute, though.

What's his handle?


Okay, I have to go.

Thank you.


Ambassador Harriman?

I'm Nina Cummings, Secretary
McCord's new assistant.

She had a few thoughts on your
remarks for the symposium.

Thanks. You can give them here.

Hold it.

These are Madam Secretary's notes?

- Yes.
- It's a hatchet job.

And this looks like
Matt Mahoney's hatchet.

Well, um, Madam Secretary
reposes full confidence in Matt.

Who didn't have the balls

to tell me he was taking
a flamethrower to my work,

so he sent the new girl.

I'm not sure...

I'm not... I-I wasn't...

Oh, I get it.

You didn't know that he was
using you for cover, right?


Since you're still
a babe in the woods,

let me give you some advice.

Washington is dog-eat-dog.

The only way you're gonna survive

in this town, in this building,

is to not let people
walk all over you.

You want to be a professional doormat,

go work in a carpet store.


Whoa. Hey! Hey.

Poland will not open our doors

- to criminals...
- He's delivering these remarks

- in front of the Sejm?
- The Polish Senat.

He convened a joint session
of Parliament.

...but not how to give.

And I promise you this:

I will never sign this treaty

or compromise our future.

Turn it off, Jay.

Strength and Freedom forever.

I thought Demko was reasonable.

He was,

which is what makes his embrace
of the nationalists

so scary.

I-If Demko is willing

to flush bilateral U.S. relations,

Strength and Freedom's
position must be stronger

- than we thought.
- Excuse me, Madam Secretary.

I'm sorry. We're receiving word
from the foreign ministers

of-of Hungary, Romania and Turkey.

They're raising a collective objection

to the refugee resettlement figures.

They're following Demko's lead.

Dam's about to break.

Meaning the treaty will unravel.
The symposium's

- gonna be a wake.
- Not if we can help it.

We need to bring

Poland back into the fold.

I'll talk to Foreign Relations
about sanctions.

Good. But we need

a short-term solution, too.

A domestic figure with enough gravitas

to squeeze Demko on climate migration.

Those folks are in short supply.

But I know just the person.

Madam Secretary.

It's an honor.

- It's been a long time, Lena.
- Six years.

I'm sorry our paths didn't
cross more in Charlottesville.

Well, it's my bad.

I was a math nerd
who tried to stay as far away

from the poli-sci department
as possible.

But watching you put theory

into practice these past
few months has been inspiring.

Thank you. I've moved back to Poznan

where I could speak out
against intolerance and bigotry.

Well, how'd you like a bigger stage?

Like the Climate Migration Symposium.

Thank you,

but I'm an academic, not a politician.

What would I say
to a room full of dignitaries?

What you've been saying.

That your country can't
turn its back on the needy.

That as a region responsible
for an outsized share

of the world's pollution,

Eastern Europe
has a special obligation

to tend to climate change victims.

You want to box Demko in.


Because Poland must stay the course

on this deal.
I've been reading your op-eds.

Your YouTube speeches.

When you talk, people listen,

meaning that you have
the moral authority

to nudge him in the right direction.

I won't just nudge.

I'll shove.


We'll make the arrangements,
and when the symposium's done,

I'm gonna cook you a Polish feast.

Looking forward to it.





She's in surgery, Bess.

But she's going to live.

Oh, thank God.

- What do we know?
- Ephraim?

SIGINT decoded a message

from Jan Opalka,

the head of Poland's
domestic intelligence agency,

to Pawel Asnyk and Janusz Lem.

Both Polish Special Forces,

and both apparently off the grid.

- So this was an inside job?
- It would appear so.

Why take her out in broad daylight?

To send a warning to other agitators.

Straight out
of the autocrat's playbook.

Was Demko involved?

No evidence of that yet.

Well, if Demko had no role,

Opalka went rogue,

meaning Demko's hand's
weaker than we thought.

And if Demko's pulling the strings,

further outreach is useless.

Well, either way, Lena's at risk.

Well, first things first.

We need to know whether
we should be working

with the Polish government
or against them.

With your permission, sir,
I'd like to draw Demko out.

I was having the same thought, Bess.

Get to it.

It's-it's appalling, Madam Secretary.

A vicious and unprovoked attack

on free speech, and my
government will not tolerate it.

We're heartened to hear that.

Where are you in apprehending
the would-be assassins?

Uh, the suspects are being

hunted to ground
by our security services

and the ABW.

Your domestic intelligence agency.

Uh, yes. We have CCTV footage

of the car the gunmen used

and leads on two men.

Miroslaw Borek

and Jerzy Wojcik.

Right-wing extremists from
Gdansk seeking to sow unrest.

We can have specialists in-country

co-ordinating with the ABW
by nightfall.

A gracious offer, uh, Director Ware.

But, uh, these criminals
have not yet been located.

But rest assured,
their apprehension is imminent.

Well, please keep us in the loop.

Ms. Kaminska is a U.S. resident.

She means a lot to our country.

And to Poland.

We will not permit

our citizens to be targeted like dogs.

I'll await your update.

Demko lied to my face.

Offered the names of two patsies

when we know damn well
who actually tried to k*ll Lena.

Meaning he's in on it
or he's running scared...

either way, we have to
get Lena out of there.


Corrupt or weak, Demko's not
just gonna hand her over.

Then we need to consider extraction.


On what basis?

She's a permanent U.S. resident.

And a Polish citizen.

We can't just breach
an ally's sovereignty

and spirit her away.


Well, the argument
for extraction rests

on the jeopardy of her
situation, which is substantial,

- and her connection to the U.S.
- Which is tenuous.

She's been a resident of Virginia

for over 14 years.
She owns a home, pays taxes.

- And taught with you at UVA.
- That has nothing to do with it.

Oh, come on, you're straining
to find a U.S. interest

substantial enough to justify

- a controversial, extra-legal measure.
- In order to prevent

another controversial,

- extra-legal measure called m*rder.
- The fact remains

Lena is not a U.S. citizen,

she never surrendered
her Polish citizenship...

she's still more them than us.

Mr. President, I understand

the appeal of this
course of action, too,

but Russell's concern is valid.

You would be violating the sovereignty

- of a NATO ally.
- What does NATO

stand for if it protects members

who engage in...

- state-sponsored executions?
- Elizabeth,

you're also forgetting
that there's recent precedent

for this question,

and it involves Poland. Exactly.

Even when we were desperate

to get our mitts
on the Polish nationalist

who armed the White House attacker,

we didn't go behind Poland's back.

True, but in the last six months,

Poland has taken a
dark, extremist turn.

It is not the same country,

- and Demko is not the same leader.
- And it's not

just Lena's fate at issue.

It's the fate of our foreign policy.

Sir, this administration
has pushed a narrative

that we cannot turn a
blind eye to others.

Which is exactly what the
climate migration treaty

is all about.

If we abandon Lena,

- we're hypocrites.
- And the inevitable fallout

if we pursue this course of action?

I'll own it.






We're on.

How's she holding up?







Just crossed the German border.

She's safe.

Well done.

Yes, indeed.

Now we just have

to explain to the leadership why
we cut them out of the loop,

inform NATO we kidnapped

an ally's citizen,
and tell Poland we violated

their sovereignty.

And... do it all three days
before the start of a conference

designed to showcase
the administration's ability

to build coalitions.

God help the liberal
world order, Bess.

Ma'am, Russell is melting down.

We're being hammered

in Die Welt, The Daily Telegraph,
- Exactly.

- I. Figaro and the Journal.
- Congressional leadership

is launching broadsides at the
administration for not consulting them

- prior to the extraction.
- And POTUS wants our policy position

as to the justifiability

- of unilateral action.
- An Office of Legal Counsel opinion

- giving us cover.
- Ah, this is crazy.

Your 8:15 cruller.

Ah... yeah,

I don't really have an appetite.

- How's Lena?
- Conscious and resting comfortably

at Ramstein Air Force Base.

Okay, good. I want
to send her some flowers.

Something that says...

"Sorry you got shot,
glad you didn't die"?

Maybe something
a little bit more lyrical.

- Thanks.
- Okay.

Not that I have to ask,
but where does this put

- the climate migration deal?
- On life support.

Demko's claiming that the
extraction abrogated it.

Don't ask me his reasoning;
he doesn't have any.

- Romania, Hungary, Turkey are
throwing in with him. - We really need

those sanctions against Poland, and we

- need them yesterday.
- I've got calls in

to congressional
leadership. Don't worry.

- All right, well, follow up.
- All right.

- Uh, ma'am?
- Yeah?

The NATO secretary general

is already in town for the symposium

- and wants to see you immediately.
- Okay, that's great.

Bring him in. We got to make sure
that we have NATO'S backing, okay?

- Yep.
- Yep. Thank you.

Article Five?

Mr. Secretary General,

y-you have to be kidding me.

The Polish government filed
a complaint this morning.

The council is duty-bound
to take it seriously.

Article Five commits each member

to consider an armed attack
against one member

to be an armed attack
against them all.

- And we didn't attack anyone.
- Warsaw is arguing

that your breach of Polish sovereignty

- amounted to a hostile incursion.
- We both know

Article Five is not intended
to be invoked

by one member against another.

In the normal course
of affairs, I'd agree.

The point isn't that
your country is in danger

of being sanctioned or
expelled, Madam Secretary.

Then why are we dignifying

this publicity stunt?


without solidarity, NATO
has no reason for being.

Disunity is bad for the alliance

and good for our enemies.

What do you need me to do?

Smooth things over with Demko.

Whatever it takes.

Get with Ephraim Ware.

Before I offer Demko an olive branch,

- I want an intelligence update.
- Will do.



Will you set up a SVTC call
with Demko, please?

Yes, ma'am.

Oh. Matt said you
gave Harriman the notes.

How'd he take it?

The ambassador was very gracious.

That's good to hear. Thank you.

This is an outrage!

Your objection is duly noted, sir.

Return the Polish citizen
you kidnapped immediately,

so we can safeguard her.

I think Lena feels safe
right where she is.

Then we have nothing to talk about.

How about your collusion

in the attempted m*rder
of a prominent critic?

I don't know where you get
your information.

Let me stop you right there.

In my experience, no innocent man

has ever uttered those words.

You're the president.

You may not have ordered this m*rder,

but you're behind the cover-up.

That makes you corrupt, complicit

and staggeringly unfit to lead.

So we're gonna

make it easy on you.

You're going to extradite
everyone involved

in Lena's attack.

I will do no such thing.

Then you'll call for elections.

- There are two years left in my term.
- Not anymore.

Because the third thing
you're going to do is resign.

Or we're going to share

evidence of your roll in
this horrible conspiracy

with the Polish media.

You are overplaying your hand,
Madam Secretary.

Try me.

I will.

Leak this supposed evidence.

Given America's brazen violation
of our sovereignty,

you will be easy to discredit!

So much for catching
more flies with honey.

Climate change. Bees are dying.

How'd things go with Demko?

Oh, peachy.

- You told him to resign, didn't you?
- Yes, I did, and he's

digging in... meaning
the treaty'll be toast

before he ever is.

- What do you have for me?
- More toast.

Sanctions stalled out in committee.

Callister and his minions.
Russell called the principals

to the White House... he's
gonna push a charm offensive.

Ignorant. Blinkered. Short-sighted.

- Are you finished?
- Senator Callister,

I'm just getting started.

Well, then let me,
uh, save you some time.

We have zero interest in sanctioning

an important NATO ally
based on dubious intelligence.

Well, there's nothing
dubious about it.

Review it. I'll wait.

We've already been briefed

on President Demko's
alleged involvement

in this assassination attempt,

and I am not convinced.

I think what Chairman Callister

- is trying to say...
- I get it, Senator Morejon.

Foreign Relations would rather side

with the craven leader of a country
trending towards extremism

than our own intelligence services.

- And president.
- If that president

is so interested in our support,

why didn't he consult us
before this mission?

Because time was of the essence.

Because he knew we wouldn't risk
our international standing

to rescue an unknown Polish radical...

Lena Kaminska is a
permanent U.S. resident.

Who moved back to her home
country to agitate. Russell,

we keep going round and round on this,

and it's just not productive.

Tell President Dalton

we look forward to working with him

to further genuine American interests.


I know you're running for president.

And opposing us...

makes for good copy.

But when this country doesn't
speak with a single voice

in the conduct of its foreign policy,

we are weakened as a nation.

You can make a difference here.

I'm already making a difference.

I told you I'm not interested
in your Polish dossier.


'Cause this one's about you.

If that's all you got...

you've already lost.

Bye, Russell.

Oh. Hey, Peter.

Why is the coffee on this floor
so damn good?

Blake Moran.

He hand grinds and slow drips.

Slow grinds,

hand drips.

Either way,

it's nectar.

Mmm. I'll say.

I have updated symposium remarks
for your office to review.

Well, you may need
to tailor them a bit.

Eastern Europe has just...

schnitzeled away.

I'm happy to make adjustments.

Not what I hear.

- So Nina threw me under the bus.
- No.

She covered for you.

Said you were gracious.

You are many things, Peter,

most of them admirable.

Calling you gracious is
like calling the Pope saucy.

I was giving her some advice.

Next thing, here come the waterworks.

You made her cry?

- No.
- Peter.


Nina is a crucial member of my team.

You need to make this right.

What do you want me to do?

You're our U.N. ambassador.

Try some diplomacy.

Yes, ma'am.

- Hi. Hi.
- Hi.

- Please, please.
- Oh, yes, yes, yes. I'm on it.

Oh, I saw that piece on,
uh, Lucas Morejon and Alison.

It was really sweet.

And-and very evolved of you
not to kick up a fuss.

What are you talking about?

The Capital Couplings thing.

It was really-really a sweet item.

The whole Romeo and Juliet angle,

love finding a way.

This is the first you're
hearing about it, isn't it?

Fresh pot coming up!

"It's the Hatfields

"and the McCords,

"the offspring of two
prominent political adversaries

canoodling while their parents
eviscerate each other."

I am watching the Western coalition

- just...
- Don't. Don't.

...crumble before my eyes.

And now I have to worry

- about being ambushed by...
- "Ambushed"?

- ...tabloid nonsense?
- We really just started dating.

I was going to tell you.

- Stevie can vouch for that.
- You knew?

- Well, not for that long.
- Oblivious and proud.

Yeah, of course you don't have that

- problem. You need a date first.
- Leave him alone.

- Both of you, cut it out.
- Guys, guys, guys, guys,

don't get this twisted. We know
that you all have good judgment.

- Yes. Mostly.
- Now it's a whole new deal.

Running for president, you have a target

- on your back.
- ...political opponent.

Now we have to vet everyone
we're dating with you guys?

- 'Cause I'm not...
- What?

- No. Nobody is saying that.
- No. No.

Why am I being lectured?

- It's not a lecture.
- Because I didn't rat out

- my sister?
- It's not about ratting!

- Who's ratting?
- I mean, I told Ali

that she can't have been
dating Lucas for three weeks

- and not tell you.
- Three weeks?

- Stevie, you are a lousy rat!
- This is better

- than The Real Housewives.
- Jason, just stop it.

- That's not... that's not...
- No. No, no, no. What, what?

I'm-I'm the bad guy?
She's dating the spawn of Satan.

And this one hooks up with, what,

- old men and drug addicts?
- Whoa.

- Oh, hey, hey, hey! Wait, hey!
- Oh! Okay, okay!

Hey, simmer down now!
Come on. Don't...


Do... I have to stay?

No. Good talk. Thanks.


...that went well.


Yes, Russell.

Ramsey Peters. Right now.

Hold on.

It's a badge of pride, Ramsey.

I-It's not a mark of shame
or anything.

Um, I have longtime friends
in a group called Eros Europa.

- They back Polish candidates...
- Wow.

...who promote Western culture.

Candidates who are affiliated with the,

uh, Strength and Freedom Party, right?

Yes, an organization
this country needs

- to align itself with, as I've said before.
- So much for Callister's

- dog whistle.
- Yeah.

This time, he brought the dog.

Why own it now?

Because I don't want
my political enemies

to use it against me.

When he's talking about his

political enemies...

I showed him my oppo,

hoped he'd stand down.


he... got in front of it.

Callister's fearless, Elizabeth.

He's playing
by a different set of rules.

Unless we figure out a way
to fight him, he's gonna

seriously compromise
this administration's agenda

and your political future.

- So what's our next move?
- You tell me.

Remember you said you'd own the
fallout from this extraction?

You do!

...candidate with nothing to hide.

I can't argue with that.

So, what can I do for you, Henry?

I've got to talk to you
about a private matter,

Carlos, that involves our kids.

You know they've been dating.


I think everyone does
at this point, huh?

Look, I know that you
and Elizabeth aren't exactly

politically simpatico...

Elizabeth worried that
I might embarrass her

with intel my son has passed on to me

from your unsuspecting daughter?

Yes. No. Well,
hearing you say it makes it...

makes me embarrassed that we would

- even entertain that thought.
- Don't be.

Paranoia comes with the territory.

Look, what we're really
worried about is our kid.

Our-our kids.

We tried to talk to them.

We feel like we blew it
right out of the gate.

My first Senate run, my opponent,

the stuff he came at me with.

That my father was
a Castro sympathizer.

That-that Vicki's brother
was working for the KGB,

because he once went to Moscow
for a chess tournament.

My God.

It was all it took
not to break his nose.

Well, you're defending family.
Primal instinct takes over.

It does, because family is sacrosanct.

Which is, you know,
why I want to assure you

that, in spite of the
professional differences

I might have with your wife,
kids are off-limits, period.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

I would be remiss if I didn't
bring up one other matter.

- The Polish sanctions.
- Aha.

Of course, yeah, you're the
president's senior advisor.

I should have assumed
the overture was imminent.

But I'll tell you that

I am firmly with my
caucus on this one.

You shouldn't be.

Callister is going all in
on nationalism.

He's appealing to hate,
fear, prejudice...

Yeah, that is one view.

The other is that he's tapping
into a populist vein.

One that could actually
take him to the White House.

And take this country
into a dystopian future.

Be that as it may,
he's chair of Foreign Relations,

and he's a top voice in the party.

That makes him powerful, not right.

Today he's backing
extremism in Poland,

tomorrow it could be
Russia or North Korea.

Come on, Henry,

he's not an enemy of democracy.

No, not if we curtail
his worst impulses.

Yeah, he may be president,

but someone else might be as well.

You asking me to hedge my bets?

No, Senator, I'm asking
you to go all in

on our shared democratic ideals.

Without them, NATO's just an acronym.

Like the U.N., or the USA.

Thanks for seeing me.

Tell Lucas he's welcome
in our home anytime.

So are you and Vicki.


Oh, Ambassador, hi.

Um, sorry, I'm afraid
we need the room.

Actually, I'm here to see you.

What... Is that for me? What is it?


From five different countries.

- It was six, but it's a long walk here.
- Thanks.

But I wasn't crying
because of you, Mr. Ambassador.

Oh, well, what then?

I work 16-hour days for table scraps.

My mom needs physical therapy,

my kid sister needs rehab.

I live with three roommates,

one of whom is an insomniac
with a drum kit.

And I am the first one in my family...

- to go to college.
- Damn.

- That's a lot on your plate.
- Yeah.

So I can't mess this job up.

And you won't.

Because working-class kids like us

don't squander their opportunities.

This girl won't.

But the fear of failure...

Never goes away.

But you learn to cope with it.

I cope with it by being a hard-ass.

Yeah, um, k*lling with kindness
is more my thing.

Yeah. You'll get the hard-ass part.

Because when you're
not to the manner born,

you've got to fight for everything.

And it starts with
standing up for yourself.

I hate chocolate.

That's a good start.

Following Poland's lead,

Slovakia, Greece and Serbia

are now demanding
more remuneration per refugee.

That's extortion.

It'll blow up the
climate migration deal.

That's precisely the point.


I have Senator Morejon for you.

Put him through.



Werner, Isenstadt,


Took some heavy lifting...

and Callister put a price
on my head...

but I got you your 60 votes.

A filibuster-proof majority.

You're supporting the sanctions?

Wh-Why the change of heart?

Henry can make a pretty
convincing moral argument.

But that's only part of it.

What's the other part?

Well, on the off chance

that we're sitting
across from each other

years from now with our grandkids...

I want you to pick up the check.


Thank you, Frank.


Oh, God.

Hi, you beautiful man.


The sanctions are already working.

Demko's under a lot
of pressure, and... Wha-What?

Uh, why don't you look happy?

INN's reporting Demko just
declared a national emergency.

He's mobilizing the armed forces.

So we may have given him
an excuse to consolidate power.

The symposium's tomorrow.

- Damn it.
- If Poland isn't brought to heel, then...

all of this work and the treaty,

it's just...

Hi, sweetie.



You broke up with your boyfriend?

Lucas wasn't my boyfriend.

But yes.

Ali, that's not what I wanted.

All that stuff you said
about spotlights

and responsibilities, you're right.

We have to think strategically now.

And the Morejons are the enemies.

No, they're not.


I don't know how to do this.

Do what?

Run for president while being a mom

and a wife and a...

We're just gonna have to
work this out together,

as a family.

What about what you said?

Well, we were trying
to preach caution,

and I'm not going back on that.

But the takeaway isn't that
you can't live your life.

The day that my daughter
can't date whoever she wants

is the day I find another job.

- You'll really dig Lucas.
- Yeah?

Did you ever meet a person that...

changes the way you look at the world?

Inspires you to...

be a better version of yourself?


I married him.

You're right.

- You read the fourth draft of my speech.
- Yes.

It's great.

Well, 'cause I took Matt's notes.

Both rounds of them.

It's, uh, tight.

It's varnished.


And I'm not gonna do it.

What happened?

Our climate migration
coalition is crumbling.

We-we need someone
who can sway public opinion,

not just...

with the delegates, but abroad.

And I'm just a bureaucrat.

And a damn fine one.

But I need this one person

who can change hearts and minds.

A voice...

that can't be ignored.

That's a tall order.

- Yes.
- Who have you got?

Peter Harriman...

meet Lena Kaminska.

Ms. Kaminska.

It's an honor.

The pleasure is mine.

My name is Lena Kaminska.

I am lucky to be here today.

But I am only here
because someone thought

I was worth saving.

And if I am worth saving,

everyone is.

Governments like my own,

who care more
about silencing their critics

than helping victims, must change.

Or be changed.

Because we can only solve

the climate migration crisis together.

An acknowledgement that if
tragedy doesn't respect borders,

neither can we.

Nationalism doesn't work.

But as your presence
today testifies...

Internationalism does.

Three hours. Three hours

for Lena's speech to go viral.

100,000 people

are protesting outside
the Presidential Palace.

Demko holed up like a coward
in his residence in Belweder,

but he has officially
submitted his resignation,

and Polish elections are set for June.


the climate migration treaty

has 164 signatories.

Well done, Madam Secretary.

All I did was give Lena a platform.

Mm-hmm, you did a lot more than that.

You had the wisdom to save her.

Well, Western history


premised on the notion that...

one person can make a difference.

Well, she can.

And she will.

Also, it's, uh...

it's high time I
acknowledge something.

I realize our relationship can
be somewhat antagonistic.

Oh. Well...

not exactly breaking news. No, I know.

But I have never addressed

why I am such a knee-jerk contrarian.

As the president's counselor, my job

is to push back on everything.

Kick the tires.

Having to make decisions

and shoulder uncertain consequences...

...that's the real crucible.

What are you trying to say, Russell?

That you're ready, Bess.

This is my favorite part.

Right here.


- DJ TurnItUpYo!
- Wow.

- Whoo!
- Huh, that was something.

Who is she?

Mix tapes, Ali. I forgot 'em.

Oh, um, we can burn 'em
some on my desktop.

DJ TurnItUpYo is also
available for bar mitzvahs,

- weddings...
- Proms, parties, anything.

Well, we'll-we'll spread the word.

Good beat, and there...

Thank you so much
for sitting through that.

I liked it, whatever it was.

The least I could do
for a wonderful dinner.

Those pierogies.

Glad they passed muster.

Yeah, th were divine.

Just like these pierogies

I used to get on 8th at Ludomir's.

I tried, but the dough,

- it kept coming out like cartilage.
- No, don't be so harsh.

- It was more like chewing gum.
- Ah, it's the thought

- that counts.
- So, what's next for you, Lena?

Healing up.

Then back to teaching.

Good. Because 38 million students

- need you.
- Aw, come on,

Elizabeth, be serious. I couldn't be

- more serious.
- Henry, how much Bordeaux

did she have?

In vino veritas.

- I think it's a great idea.
- Lena,

you're a natural-born leader.

Poland needs you.

Oh, you jerk.

- Oh...
- Did Lena get off okay?

Yeah. The car just picked her up.

After we had...

polished off a few
snifters of slivovitz.

Ugh. Ugh.

Better you than me.

All those state dinners.

At this point, my liver could
probably metabolize gasoline.


Lena's something, huh?


She's gonna make a great president.

If she runs.

Hope I was convincing.


But I couldn't help
thinking that maybe

you were trying to convince yourself.

Geez! Russell, now you.

I already said I was gonna do it.

Yeah, you've been saying
that for a while now.

Kicking the can down the road

week after week.

Callister's already got
an exploratory committee

up and running, he's got...

pollsters in play.
Well, I'd have to resign

before I can declare.

You think it's time?


I'm going back to sleep.