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06x02 - You Got Zuko'd

Posted: 08/30/21 08:47
by bunniefuu
Back in the ' s,
there was nothing my mom loved

more than cooking her way
into her family's heart,

from her ooey, gooey potato casserole

to whatever this thing is.

But her signature move
was the art of Parming,

featuring her legendary dish of choice.

Shrimp Parm.

Shrimp Parm.

Unlike my mom, Barry
and his fiance, Lainey,

were happy to leave the
cooking to a microwave.

Aww. Look at you two.

Snuggled up on the couch.

And what the hell is that?

Oh, I made us Hungry-Man dinners.

I'm hungry. I'm a man. It lines up.

Well, that was so thoughtful of you

to make Barry a delightful mix
of mystery meat and radiation.

Thank you. I think?

Sweetie, I know you grew up
in a lawless, broken home,

but these frozen,
compartment-based dinners

are unacceptable for
Barry, no offense.

You can't just tag "no
offense" on the end of something

horribly offensive
and act like it's okay.

It's just that Barry requires

a real home-cooked
dinner fit for a boy-king.

As his future wife, that
responsibility falls on you.

And every creepy thing you just said

is the reason why your boy
is so broken, no offense.

Hey. Your thing does work.

Okay, I wasn't gonna do this,

but your resistance
shows me that it's time.

[Stirring music plays]
Everybody in the kitchen!

Family history is about to take place!

[Music stops]


The others will be down in a minute.

They'd be crushed to miss this.

Family presentation!
Down here, now!

They clearly don't care, but I'm jazzed!

What's the big news?

Lainey, we are gathered here today

in front of parts of my entire family

for the bequeathing

[Stirring music plays] of our
family's most prized possession.

It was true.

This really was the
biggest deal in the world,

to my mom and no one else.

Oh. Recipes?

[Music distorts, stops]

The keys to Barry's
happiness are in this box.

You're welcome.

Speech! Speech! Speech!

Uh, thanks a ton.

And... Food is family?

Very nice. Very nice try.

While I appreciate the gesture,

I just don't see myself
cooking for Barry, like, ever.

That is the single most upsetting thing

I've ever heard, so take the box.

Thanks, but I really won't use the box,

so I kinda don't need the box.

Well, I don't need the box.

I've got the box
memorized, so take the box.

Just take the box!

Fine! I'll take the box!

Yay! My Schmoopy-in-law
wants the box!

- Oh!
- Speech! Speech, speech!

My Barry's in such good hands.

♪ I'm twisted up inside ♪

♪ But nonetheless, I
feel the need to say ♪

♪ I don't know the future ♪

♪ But the past keeps
getting clearer every day ♪

It was September -something,

a brand-new year of school with
my same old, awesome friends.

Hey, dumb-ass.
Still a dumb-ass?

You know it, Muscles.

Dave Kim, see you're still
rocking the turtleneck.

I was thinking of making the
switch to a mock turtleneck,

but why change what works?



Turns out, there was one
person who changed a ton

over the summer, my sci-fi-loving,

theater-geek girlfriend, Jackie Geary.

- I missed you so much!
- Me too.

Ow! Something sharp stabbed my torso!

Sorry, safety pin.

Don't you just love this jacket?

I got it at a thrift
shop in the Village.

What happened to the
crushed velvet cloak

I found you at the Ren Faire?

Kinda got swampy in the subway.

You went on the subway?

But that's where breakdancing
gangs shake you down for cash!

Turns out, "Breakin' :
Electric Boogaloo" lied to us.

I had the best time exploring the city.

Next year, you have to
do the NYU summer program.

You won't regret it.

Yeah, my mom said I can
never live in New York,

'cause the pigeons are too aggressive

and the poisonous air-conditioner juice

from apartments drips
on your head as you walk.

Dude, I discovered all this
cool new music and clothes

and made tons of new friends.

Speaking of...

- 'Sup, skank?
- Carla?!

This special and terrifying
person's now your friend?

Well, when I first got
there, I didn't know anyone,

and then I saw Carla, and I
was like, "Ah, crap, it's Carla.

She's probably gonna make fun of my face

and then tell everyone
I'm a total nerd."

And I totally did.

But then Jack Attack let
me borrow her hairbrush,

and I was like,
"You're my best friend now."

She kicked a rat for me.

Well, it sounds like you and...

Jack Attack had a good time.

Ooh, talk later! Save
me a spot at lunch!

Dude, is it me or did your
lady go away for the summer

and come back a totally different person?

Sure, Jackie didn't look the same,

but that didn't matter
to me, 'cause we still

loved the same nerdy stuff.

- Boom!
- No way!

You got us tickets for
the school Bazaar-nival!

That's right. One part
bazaar, one part carnival.

Two parts fun.

You're so cute.

Are you swooning at a Bazaar-nival?

It's our special thing
since we had our first kiss

on the bumper cars. That's
how I chipped my tooth.

It was a magical time. So jealous.

- So, I'll pick you up Saturday night?
- Saturday?

Oh, man, Carla and I already have plans

to watch her boyfriend drag-race.

The Bazaar-nival's got a
crafting booth and candy apples.

Not that it's a competition.

I'll just cancel my plans with Carla.

No, don't do that. Are you
sure you don't want to come?

I already have my ticket.
It's okay. You should go.

Yeah. You're right.

I'll see you later.

[School bell rings]

How could Jackie pass
on the Bazaar-nival?

It's the Bazaar-nival!

Bro, your lady just
went full Zuko on you.

- Full wha?
- You know, Danny Zuko from "Grease."

After months of summer
loving, Sandy returns to school

and finds Zuko totally changed.

In this instance, you're the Sandy.

And like the movie, the
only way to keep your girl

is to change everything about yourself

in utter desperation.

That's a horrible message for children!

The worst. But the songs
are real toe-tappers.

While I was dreading
losing my geeky girlfriend,

Lainey dreaded her
future as Barry's mom.

I can't believe your mom forced
me to take the box! The nerve!

Well, did you at least give a
speech to honor the big moment?

Calm down, Geoff.

Lainey will lend you the dumb box

so that you can cook
and bake for me, too.

No! Your mom gave it to her, not me.

I'll just make you
store-bought cookies from a mix,

like some stupid
[bleep] face off the street!

Okay, we get it!

Clearly, you wanna be Erica's mom,

but I'm not going down that way.

You apologize for nothing!

Look in my wild, angry eyes.

The last thing I want
is for you to be my mom.

- You mean it?
- More than anything, baby!

I've never been more excited
about our future together.

This is my life now.

And it sucks. [Beep]

But you just told Lainey you
didn't care if she cooked or not.

Dude, of course I care.

Dinner's the only time
of day I can be me!

I love racing home
to a warm blanket of Parm.

That's how our family
expresses love,

through melted cheese.

Damn it, I want Erica to experience

that cheese love, too!

You gotta get me a peek at that box.

Wait. Maybe there's a way
we can both get what we want.

- Name it. I'm in.
- Take it. It's yours.

Wait. You're giving me the box?

But your mom handed it off to Lainey.

Indeed she did, young Geoffrey.

And when Lainey
realizes the box is gone,

she'll feel so guilty,

she'll let my mom
teach her all the recipes.

So you do want Lainey to be your mom.

Ew! Gross!

But for sure, yes.
I want my wife to be my mom.

That's weird... but I get it!

I want to be my girlfriend's mom!

Dude, there's no one I'd rather have

be a mom to my sister than you.

Sir, it would be an honor to
be your mother/brother-in-law.

With my looks and my
brains, we can't fail!

[Electricity crackling]

- You can't put metal in the microwave.
- Got it.

As Barry's plan sparked to life,

I went to my love guru,

who could help me find
the spark with Jackie.

Pops, I have a romantic emergency,

and I need some of your
patented love advice.

That's exactly why I sit here all day.

Jackie came back from summer break,

and now she's all New
York-ish and fringy.

Dave Kim says if I
don't change, we're done.

Dave Kim, always stirring the pot.

You need to be proud of who you are

and never change for anyone.

Wrong. You gotta change and change hard.

- Ya think?
- No! Don't listen to him.

He's not even in this conversation.

He's behind the paper!

Ya gotta change when you
date someone more pretty.

Like me and your mom.

- That makes sense!
- No, it doesn't!

You're just intrigued because the paper

makes him hidden and mysterious.

You wouldn't believe the
things I did for that woman.

Tell me more, dark stranger.

I took square-dancing lessons,

I brunched with her friends,

I even took my shoes off at the beach.

And the guy is still with my mom!

It's your dad! You know who he is!

True, and yet I still
listened to the wise voice

hidden behind the sports section.

I headed straight to the coolest store

on South Street, Zipperhead.

Back then, it was the one place

you'd go for all your punk needs.

Hello, there, fine madam.

I'm here to purchase some of
your fine anti-monarchy garb.

Beat it, yuppie. Go home and
wait for "L.A. Law" to come on.

She knows what we watch. Let's bail.

No. This is too important.

Nothing can help you, poser.

Pfft! I am not a poser.

Name one member of The Clash.

"Of the Titans"?

Well, there's Zeus and
that metal robot owl,

and, of course, Harry Hamlin
from "L.A. Law" plays Perseus.

Stop talking, and I'll help you.

First, we gotta fix your dumb hair.

I'll do whatever it takes
to turn into Eric Idle.

- I think you mean Billy Idol.
- Right!

So, how long will it
take to get cool, punky...

Gah! Oh, boy, it smells so weird!

This is not gonna be
an easy process for you.

Yep. My change all began with my hair.

Meanwhile, Barry's harebrained
scheme was about to unfold.

Barry, we need to talk.
I'm in huge trouble, dude!

Good thing I was just
sitting here waiting for you.

What is it?

Someone stole your mom's
recipe box out of my purse!

[Gasps] Oh, no!

How could something like this happen?!

I know! It's so weird!

They didn't take my car keys
or my wallet or my Walkman.

Not all thieves are in it for the money.

Some are after the hottest food trends.

- Thief-cooks, they're called.
- This was so important to your mom.

She'll never forgive me!

But with me at your
side, we'll find a way.

You're an amazing human being.

Must feel good to say it out loud.

Mother, we have some terrible news.

Oh, no. Is it Lyme disease-related?

I saw a deer on the
way home from the mall.

It is much worse than a rogue deer.

Worse than a rogue deer that
may or may not have a tick?

What are you trying to tell me, Barry?

Someone stole your
recipes out of my bag.

- No!
- Please, tell me how I can make this right.

Well, you could call all of my relatives

that knew the recipes...

Oh, wait, they're all dead.

Whoa! I'm just thinking out loud,

but I believe my mom knows all
those recipes by heart, yes?

- My broken heart.
- Perhaps if you let my mom teach you

how to cook those recipes,

one of the cornerstones
of caring for me...

then all will be forgiven?

Babe, thank you for
helping us through this.

As we've established, I'm the best.

So, what do you say?

I say... [Billy Idol's
"White Wedding" plays]

we better hit the market.

We're gonna need all
their meats and cheeses.

As my mom took Lainey under her wing,

my new look had taken flight.

I had my new hair, studded vest,

and a Black Flag shirt,
which I thought was bug spray.

Goodbye, Sandy from "Grease"!

Hello, Billy Idol!

Whoa! Check out the hot new guy!

I feel threatened, and I
wanna punch your face off.

No, wait! It's me!

Adam? Jackie's boyfriend?

Why didn't you say so? I
almost went to jail just now.

Cool. [Chuckles nervously]

If you see Jackie, tell
her I'm in for Saturday night.

Let's burn some rubber.

Wait. You race?

But Jackie said you're, like,

afraid of birds and have allergies.

[Scoffs] Not allergic to speed.

Just cat dander and feather pillows.

What kinda wheels you driving, bro?

I got me a sick wagon, Station style.

Wood panels, bitchin' roof rack.

I got a gnarly Celica ST.

You wanna race for pink slips?

The pinker the better, Holmes!

Sick! I'll spread the word, make
sure the whole school shows up!

Oh, uh, the whole what, now?

Hells yeah. I'm on it.

New Goldberg's got nards, and I like it.

Hope there's no hard feelings

when I smoke you and take your car.

Wait, that's what a pink slip is?!

Ohhhh, balls. This went bad fast.

After going punk for my lady,

all I needed now was badass wheels.

Ah! I hear jingling!

Don't know which moron that is,

but if you want my car,
then take Pops home.

Yeah, I could use a ride.

Ah, come on!

F-Fine. 'Cause I love
you! Let's get moving!

Bup bup! You know all
those paving stones?

You mean the ones Mom
has screamed at you

to return for the last year?

Yeah, load 'em up in the car

and take 'em back to Heckingers
before they close in an hour.

No! Can't I do this another time?

Nah, it'll feel good
to get it off my plate.


Aw, crap!

I accidentally ripped my
purposely ripped jeans!

You actually bought
tattered jeans with holes?!

Who does that?!

Badasses like me.

While I hit a detour,

inside was a race for the perfect Parm.

Okay, here you go.

Pork Parm Wellington.

Attempt number nine, so,
dear God, please like it.


Close enough.

Let's just move on to meatloaf burgers.

No! Not till we've perfectly
baked all ingredients.

Or is it ?

I thought you said you knew
all the recipes by heart.

No yenta in the world can remember

every ounce of butter and pinch of salt

that goes into this many dishes!

Can't I just order Barry
Chinese food every night?

You think this is just about cooking?

There is so much more that goes
into taking care of our Barry.

- Like what?
- Washing his Flyers shirts,

flipping his covers
when he sweats at night,

reminding him to make
when he waits too long

and gets plugged up.

What is that? What are you doing?

It's the signal for poo-poos.

You gotta learn the signal.

I don't wanna learn the signal!

Don't make her do the signal, Mom!

She has to learn the signal!

I don't wanna learn the signal.

Now, this hand is the potty,

beckoning the poo-poos, and in they go.

Huh? She's not doing it!

- Of course I'm not doing it!
- Don't turn on each other!

Go back to bonding over food
as I... grab some fresh air.

Be right back.

[Exhales sharply] Hard
to run after so much eating!

[Door slams]

Dude! Where is the box?

It's on the counter.

Your mom has some real gems in there.

I made a hearty chowder for Erica.

Here, take a spoonful.

No! I don't have time to eat...


Tastes like our summers at the shore.

But enough of your dumb thing.

I need a recipe, stat.

Barry knew there was only one ingredient

that could save his plan.

Meanwhile, the recipe
for a badass drag race

[Engine revs] just
needed one more thing, me.

Where's Goldnerd?!

I've been revving my
engine for the crowd,

but it's losing its luster!

Wait! Here he comes!

I may have been drag racing like Zuko,

but Greased Lightning I wasn't.


[Engine clunks, stops]

'Sup, people and the place to be!

- Adam?!
- Jack Attack! What's up?

I honestly have no idea.

What is on your body right now?

I kinda ripped my punk-rock jeans

on a jagged paving stone,

so then I ripped off the
other leg to be matchy...

Like a badass.

Okay, but... what's up with your hair?

Just how I roll, bro.

Also, I forgot to wash out the Sun-In,

so then the actual blazing
sun overbaked my head

when I was loading in those
aforementioned paving stones

in the back of my ol'
wood-paneled rocket here.

Okay, but why are you
wearing snow gloves?

Don't own racing gloves,
so I'mma tear it up

in these Freezy Freakies
'cause I'm crazy like that.

Okay, but why did you bring
an old man to a drag race?

That's my boy Al.

Had to drop him off at his sick pad,

but the bumpy car ride
lulled him to sleep...

Which is good, 'cause
he would not approve

of my drag-racing lifestyle.

I don't even know who you are right now.

Looks like you're not the only one

who's changed for the better this year.

Yo, no more stalling. It's go time!

Let's ride.

That day, I wasn't the
only one racing for my life.

"Bring to simmer, caramelize the onions,

sprinkle two pinches of celery salt."

Needs more wrist.

More... wrist.

Forget the signal!

I realized on my walk home

you need to caramelize the onions,

then sprinkle two
pinches of celery... salt.

How do you know about celery salt?

Oh. Um... eater's intuition?

It's my recipe. How did you...

I'll tell you how.

You stole the box, didn't you?

No! Also, yes.

But you told me you
didn't want me to baby you,

- like your mom does.
- And I don't!

- Also, I do.
- Tell you what.

You already have a mom,

- and you can keep her!
- No! You're not getting it!

If anything, you're a
smoking-hot mom with benefits!


How could this happen to a
boy-king I raised so normally?

It was go time.

Our engines were roaring, and
everything was on the line...

my car, my dignity,

but most importantly,
my future with Jackie.

[Engine revs]

Listen, I kind of borrowed
this car from my dad,

so it's not really mine to lose.

You get it, right?

The only thing I'm getting is that car.

And those tasteful paving stones,

which will encourage outdoor living

during the warm summer months.

Ahh! [Laughs]

[Stan Bush's "Fight to Survive" plays]

[Engine revs]

- Whoooo-hoo!
- Ah!

Come on, baby!

Oh, no! This is bullcrap!

I revved so much for the
crowd, I got no gas left!

Push it, baby! I love
you, but only if you win!

Hey, you're cheating!

Said to the barrel and back!


Ponytail losing power.

[Weak applause]

Jackie! We did it, baby! We won!

Yeah, congratulations on
getting from here to there

slightly quicker than Johnny
was able to push his car.

You mean my car.

Pink slip's mine, Atkins.
I'm taking the Celica.

You can't take the Celica!

You can't take his Celica, Adam.

You can't take the Celica!

- Oh, I'm taking the Celica!
- But it's my mom's!

She needs it to get to the
dental office in the morning.

Hey, you were gonna take my
car and the paving stones.

I just said that for the
pageantry of the event!

Please! My brother has
tennis after school!

Well, he ain't getting
there in my Celica!

You can't take the Celica!

Jackie, your boyfriend's got
a real nasty way about him.

This is not my boyfriend.

At least, not the one that I want.

I think it's pretty clear what you want.

And it's not us.

- Why?!
- You went away and changed,

and I'm still the same old Adam.

I just loved what we had.

And now it's over.

Hey, Squish.

Now that I got my recipes back,

I thought maybe a little bit
of Mama's cheeseburger pot pie

might cheer you up.

- Not hungry.
- What?!

I've literally never heard you say that.

I just realized me and Lainey

want the complete
opposite kind of marriage.

She wants an equal partnership,

while I want her to tend to
my needs the rest of our days.

There's no right or wrong here.

A good relationship needs a
lot of give-and-take, Barry.

Why can't it be like you and Dad?

You know, where you give and he takes.

I've heard enough, moron.

Not all marriages are the same.

Stop worrying about
what you want to take

and start thinking about
what you want to give.

["White Wedding" plays] Wow.

So, maybe... Lainey has a point.

You're right.

I'm lucky I had someone like you

taking care of me my whole life.

I learned from the best...

which means now I can
take care of Lainey.

Wait. You want the box?

Cooking is how our
family shows love, right?

So now it's time I show
Lainey how much I love her.

Although, I could use a few pointers.

And that night, they whisked,

they battered,

they rolled and seasoned,

until they had pork Parm Wellington

fit for a boy-king's queen.

♪ ...white wedding ♪

♪ It's a nice day to start again ♪


Believe me, the last
thing I want right now

is your mom's cooking.


I made it for you.

You really think cooking me one
dinner is gonna change anything?

It's not about this one.

It's about the next thousand.

I just... [Sighs]

- God, this sounds so stupid.
- No, say it.

Every day, you take care
of me just by being you.

And... I realized

now it's my job to take care of you.

How about we just take
care of each other?


♪ It's a nice day
for a white wedding ♪

Winner! Number .

A winner.


You suck at driving.

How'd you know I'd be here?

Because it's the Bazaar-nival.

I knew you wouldn't miss it.

It turns out the Bazaar-nival
is not that many parts fun.

It's completely lame. And so am I.

I never said it was lame.

And I certainly never asked you

to cut your jeans into Daisy Dukes.

I know!

I just loved that I actually
found someone out there

who was just like me,

someone who could geek out
over a good Bazaar-nival.

Adam, even though I changed
a bit over the summer

doesn't mean we're not the same.

And nothing will ever change
the way I feel about you.

- Really?
- I will always love

my allergenic, Bazaar-nival-loving,

nerd boyfriend.

♪ It's a nice day to start again ♪

Sure, change is scary.

Sometimes we're so desperate
to hold on to the past

that we lose sight of who we really are.

But in the end, when we open our hearts

to accept those we love
most for who they really are,

a little change can be a wild ride

that stays with you forever.


- Can I come in?
- Never.

No. This is so teenagery...

- Is it?
- ...that I don't want any recording

- of it on any kind of tape.
- Yeah, I wouldn't do that to you.

Hi. I'm with the real Jackie Geary,

Adam's high school girlfriend,

and we have some questions for you.

- I'm ready.
- Now, were you into theater and movies

and all the geeky stuff Adam is into?

Or were you just going along with it?

I was also a big geek. Yeah.

I was into different
geeky stuff sometimes,

like "Star Trek" being
better than "Star Wars."

Turns out Jackie likes "Star Trek"

more than "Star Wars"!

Adam remembers you
going from theater geek

to cool, fringy New York City girl.

Who did I think I was?
