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02x15 - Bye Bye Video Diary

Posted: 08/11/21 11:34
by bunniefuu
hey Charlie.

So this is the very special video diary.

It's the 50th one, that it's really good for Whaa! - Whaa! Whaa whaa whaa! - Dad.



- What? - Dad, hi.

I'm recording a video diary and it's a little bit difficult with jimi hendrix playing behind me.

You could tell I was doing hendrix? That's awesome.

Anyway, this is your 50th video diary, and so I wanted to make sure I got in! I got in! And 49 and holding.

You got in what? I got accepted at a university.

A university? You're going to college? I'm going to college.

I'm going to college.

P.J., that's fantastic.

Where are you going? Where are you going? - K.C.U.

- K.C.U.! K.C.U.? What's that? That's Kansas City university, Kentucky central.

Who cares? My boy's going to college.

Dad, k.C.U.

Stands for "kwikki chikki university.

" So not an actual college.

No no, it's ever better.

It is a two-day management training course in Omaha, Nebraska.

- Ah.

- And I got a full ride Bus fare both ways.

Well, you know, I kindf thought maybe you'd like to go to a more traditional school, but, you know, if you'd prefer to go to a two-day chicken college, then you know what? I'm happy for you.

Thanks, dad.

And not to toot my own horn, but they only accept the top 90%.

So only 10% don't get in? I don't know.

They didn't tell us that part.

Yep, you're a k.C.U.

Man all right.

today's all burnt toast.

♪ running late and dad jokes.

♪ "has anybody seen my left shoe?".

♪ I close my eyes, take a bite.

♪ grab a ride, laugh out loud.

♪ there it is up on the roof.

♪ I've been there, i survived.

♪ so just take my advice.

♪ hang in there, baby.

♪ things are crazy.

♪ but I know your future's bright.

♪ hang in there, baby.

♪ there's no maybe.

♪ everything turns out all right.

♪ sure life is up and down.

♪ but trust me, it comes back around.

♪ you're gonna love who you turn out to be.

♪ hang in there, baby.

♪ oh, come on.

Hey, guys, whose turn is it to do the dishes? There's a reason why we have this chart.

Never mind.

Hey, Charlie, you want to help me do the dishes? Yeah.

You're my favorite.

There you go.

Everything goes in the dishwasher.

Yes, good job, Charlie.

What are you doing? I've never had my own room before.

So while P.J.'S gone, in the garage.

I of his stuff where? Hello.

Oh hi, grandma.

Yeah yeah, I'm good.

Listen, I'm kind of busy right now, so could? Uh-huh.



Yeah, that's Oh, Gabe, you want to say hi to grandma? It's not Christmas, not my birthday.


You know, you just missed him.

But I'm actually kind of in the middle of something, so Uh-huh, yeah, so Uh-huh.

Yeah, okay.

Oh, here.

Why don't you say hi to Charlie? Here, take that.

Say hi.


Hey, who's Charlie on the phone with? - Oh, grandma.

- I'm not here.

Hey, I'm P.J.

- Gravy.

- No, thanks.

I don't think we're allowed to eat in class.

Oh, no no, I'm Billy graves.

My friends call me gravy.

Oh oh, cool.

So are you as nervous as I am? No.


My dad owns three franchises, so I'm all set.

All I'm gonna do this weekend is party.

In fact I've already set up a little mixer with the girls from hamburger tech.

Oh, I hear that's a good school.

Good morning.

Yes? Professor giblet It's pronounced "jib-lay.

" What's your question? That was it.

Moving right along.

I want each of you to look at the person to your right and then at the one to your left.

One of you will pass this class and become a kwikki chikki assistant manager.

The other will ask the saddest of all questions: What might have been? Will this be on the test? What's your name? P.J.


Well, Mr.Duncan, since you seem so eager to speak, why don't you tell the class the parts of the chicken? Oh, okay.

Um, breast, thigh, wing.

I meant the parts of the chicken we use at kwikki chikki.

Anyone? Neck, gizzard, tongue, feet.


And of course when the separating machine acts up, the occasional eyeball.

Oh, hey dad.

Welcome to Gabe's place.

What happened to P.J.'S stuff? - Who? - Your brother.

Oh right.

His things have been removed.

Actually it's very impressive.

I may have to do this with my room.

Where would mom go? Who? Well, I'm about to watch a movie, so thanks for stopping by.

Wait a minute.

"Closet of doom"? Yeah, I hear it's supposed to be awesome.

Gabe, this is one of the scariest movies of all time.

You've got the creepy clown that's jumping around the room.

You get the kid that gets sucked into another dimension through a portal in the closet.


Spoiler alert.

I'm just saying.

You know what? I could hang out.

I could watch it with you.

That's all right.

I kind of wanted the place to myself tonight.

Maybe tomorrow? Wait a minute.

P.J.'S gonna be back tomorrow.

Well, we tried.

Bye-bye now.

Wing, wing, head, foot.

- Hey P.J.

- Hey man.

- Dude, what are you doing? - I'm studying.

Studying? Come on, bro, it's our first night.

I know, but we have finals tomorrow.

Dude, when you get older, do you want to look back at your two days in college and say, "all I did was study"? I guess I could take a five-minute break.

- Yes.

- Yeah.

Party! Teddy.

Yeah? Have you been missing your laptop? Yes, I've been looking all over for it.

Found it.


No no no no.

Maybe it'll be okay.

Or not.

Please work, please work, please work.

How did it get in the dishwasher anyway? Charlie must have put it in there while I was talking to grandma.

Come on, boot up.

Come on, boot up.

- Come on, boot up.

- Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, stop it, stop it.

It'll be okay.

We'll get you a new one.

No, mom, you don't understand.

All of my video diaries were on here.

Honey, I thought they were in your camera.

No no, I put them on my computer for safekeeping.

Oh, honey, honey, I'm so sorry.

It's two years' worth of video diaries just down the drain.

Well, through the rinse cycle anyway.


Oh, now come on, come on.

You'll make more video diaries and it'll all be okay.

- No, forget it.

I'm not making any more.

- Why not? If Charlie can't watch them from the beginning, then what's the point? No no no, you were giving her such great advice about how to deal with life and relationships and her family.

She's gonna need that.

Honey, I'm only gonna get crazier.

No, she's just gonna have to figure it out for herself.

I'm done with the video diaries.

It's such a shame.

She worked so hard on those.

And I was in so many of them.

See, Johnny? The clown doll isn't alive.

Okay, dad.

But check the closet one more time.

Sure, sport.

See? There's nothing to Arghh-hh! It's okay, cocoa.

It's only a movie A really scary movie.

Come on, Charlie.

You're gonna sleep in p.J.'S bed tonight.

Come on.


What's going on? Um, well, Charlie was crying.

I didn't hear anything.

Well, I did.

And she sounded very very scared.

So I thought she'd feel safer sleeping in here with me.

So Charlie was scared? Dad, I know it's late, but try to stay with me.

All right, well, thanks for being such a good Big Brother all of a sudden.

No problem.

That's how we roll here at Gabe's place.

Honey, what's today's date? January 7th, 2026.

Look at me.

I'm still writing 2025.

Charlie Duncan, your curfew was an hour ago.


Don't you whatever us, young lady.

And spit that gum out.

You got it.

Oh, by the way, I quit school today.

- You what? - And I'm running away with my boyfriend.

You're running away with snake? As soon as he gets out of jail.

I don't get it, Charlie.

You look so much like Teddy, but you're so different.

Oh, Teddy Teddy Teddy.

I'm so sick of hearing about that clump nugget.

Hey hey hey hey.

Do not talk that way about the governor of Colorado.

Why should I care about Teddy? What's she ever done for me? That sounds like Teddy now.

I'm out of here.

Hi mom.

Hi dad.

So how are you guys? Well, not so good.

Charlie's out of control again.

I knew this would happen.

If only I hadn't given up on those video diaries.

Honey, you can't blame yourself.

No, it's true.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

No, I can't do that to Charlie.

Governor of Colorado Not bad.

- All right, dude, are you ready? - Yeah, sauce me.

Mm mm mm! Man, that's good hot sauce.

Dude, my mouth's on fire.

All right, dude, you know what? I gotta get back to studying.

Dude, the girls from hamburger tech just got here.

P.J., this is Patty, Patty and Patty.

Welcome to the party, party and party.

What did you get me up in the middle of the night for? Mom, I had a terrible dream.

It was 15 years into the future and you and dad were there.

How did I look? Really good.

I'm listening.

So Charlie had pink hair and this boyfriend named snake.

Okay okay okay, hold on.

How good did I look? Fabulous.

Anyway, I know how we can save the video diaries.

We're gonna recreate them.

Tonight? Yes.

I'm not gonna be able to sleep until we get them all done.

Come on, let's get going.

Hi Charlie.

It's your big sister Teddy here.

And I'm making this video diary to help you survive our special family.

Okay, perfect.

One down, 49 to go.

Honey, you didn't say "good luck, Charlie.

" Grr! So then Gabe's friend Jake said to mom, "you can't do the hoops.

You're too old.

" So mom said In your face, Jake! Make sure to have your playdates at your friend's house.

Good luck, Charlie.

And if you ever drop your binky in a vase, wish me good luck, Charlie.

That one seems kind of lame.

Yeah, well, it happened.

Well, Charlie, your first trip to the pet store didn't go so well.

When we weren't looking, you put a little something in mom's purse a bunny.

Okay, wait, stop.

This isn't working.

That's so obviously with bunny ears.

it's 2:00 in the morning.

The all-night bunny store? I really don't appreciate your attitude.

Hey, don't snap at me.

I'm the one who jumped the fence and nabbed the Cat.

All right, forget it.

Let's just get him back before Mrs.

dabney notices.

Get the lights.

Get the lights.

It's just a movie.

It's just a movie.

Oh! Oh! Charlie, go back to bed.

And take that evil clown doll with you.

Charlie, did you hear that? There it is again.

Charlie, wake up.

Hey hey hey, what's the matter? They got Charlie! She's been sucked into the portal! - What? - She's in the closet of doom! No, dad, they'll get you too.



All right, my little monster.

You know what? I think I'm gonna put you back in your own bed.

What? You can't leave me in here alone.

Would you rather sleep at Bob and Amy's place? Could I? All right.

Are you coming? My two little babies.

And time.

Pencils down.

Pass your papers forward.

Kwikki chikki, kwikki chikki.

I will now grade your final examinations.


You've all passed.

Yes! Quiet.

It's not that big an accomplishment.

All right, graduation ceremony.

Ha ha.

It is now my honor to present our commencement speaker, the manager of franchise #268, Fred.

It's hard to believe that 20 years ago I sat right where you are now.

I too was a High School student about to enter the exciting world of kwikki chikki assistant management.


This career has provided me with so many things, like a room over my parents' garage and the use of the car three days a week.

Do I regret not having a wife or kids or even a pet? Not for a moment.

And neither will you, after you go to work for kwikki chikki and stay there forever and ever.

No! No.

There goes P.J.


He was stupid.

He was lazy.

But he's still the best student this university ever had.


What did you do to your mother? I just found her asleep on the toilet.

Oh, we stayed up all night remaking Charlie's video diaries when we weren't hiding in the dark from Mrs.


Hey, how is it going, hcollege boy? Well, I did it.

I graduated.


The future's all set, huh? No.

No, it's not.

What? Dad, I think I think I want something more than kwikki chikki.

I think I want to go to a real college.

Okay, if that's what you want.

Hey, look, whatever you decide Fine with me.

Oh, Teddy.

Teddy, I almost forgot.

I took your laptop by mistake.

You what now? Sorry, it was a mistake.

They just look alike.

That means my video diaries are okay.

They're not ruined.

Ruined? What happened to my laptop? A cute story.

Um, well, now it's cute.

Oh, P.J.! - You're back! - Whoa.


Oh, I missed you so much.

Please don't ever leave home again.

Okay, I won't.

Hey, why is all my stuff in the garage? Oh.

Um, a cute story.

Um Hey Charlie.

So I'm finally getting the chance to do your 50th video diary.

And I want to make it I want to I want to make it really special.

Teddy, Teddy.

Good luck, Charlie.

Hey, Gabe, Gabe, what is that? Oh, that's just Charlie.

She's messing around, trying to scare us.

That little scamp.

I I I don't think that's Charlie.

Let's see.

Whoa whoa whoa, what is going on in here? Dad, in the closet Something horrible.

It's a portal to another dimension.

Oh, give me a break.

Dad, dad, dad.

Dad! Dad! Hey, anything can happen at Gabe's place.