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02x40 - Bushido

Posted: 08/06/21 05:37
by bunniefuu
GOLIATH: 1, 000 thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.

It was a time of darkness.

It was a world of fear.

It was the age of gargoyles.

Stone by day, warriors by night.

We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for 1, 000 years.

Now, here in Manhattan, the spell is broken and we live again.

We are Defenders of the Night.

We are gargoyles!

NARRATOR: Previously on Gargoyles...

I swear, I'll keep your clan safe.

Care to discuss the matter further?




I want to be your friend.

There is much we can do for each other, Goliath.

Such as?

Goliath, he used you. He's been using you from the beginning.

[NERVOUSLY] What if there's an alarm?


These country bumpkins are no match for us.

ELISA: From the look of that building, I'd guess we're in Japan.



ANGELA: Bronx, wait!

See? I told ya. Easy as... [GASPS]

I'm afraid that doesn't belong to you.

Look, I don't know what you are.

But I know what you are.



YAMA: Yes, I know. We're terrifying.

Now, hand over the money.

Stay back!

The monsters are everywhere.





I'll lock them up.

What kind of town is this?

HIROSHl: A peaceful, happy one.

I grow tired of these antics.

Don't worry, Yama. After tonight all this will change.



Where did you come from?

He came with us.

I had given up hope of meeting other gargoyles.

Welcome to Ishimura. I am Kai.

I am Goliath.

This is Elisa and Angela.

You already met Bronx.



Do humans and gargoyles live here together?

Yes, for many generations.

It's the best kept secret in Japan.

Will this disrupt our plans?

The more, the merrier.

KAl: it would be an honor if you would tour Ishimura and visit our home.

The honor is ours.

KAl: Our clan has lived here for centuries.

In old times, Gargoyles fought alongside Samurai, but when peace came over the land, our ancestors settled here, in Ishimura, to teach Bushido, the way of the warrior.

We have no students now, but Bushido has given us a code of honor and allowed us to live in peace with our neighbors throughout the years.

And thus we have remained here, cut off from the rest of the world.

We took an oath to defend this village.

Besides, we have survived, while other Gargoyles have not.

Huh, what about them?

Humans betrayed our clan.

Very few of us survived.

Dawn nears. We can resume this discussion tonight.


I have always greeted the dawn facing out, in the direction from which trouble may come.

Here, we face in towards our home.

It is a bond of trust with our human protectors.

Ah, here they come now.

Until sunset, my friends.

Until sunset, Elisa.

Hmm. You know, this is my kind of town.




You forgot about me.




-[g*nsh*t] -[GASPS]

You must be tired from your exertion.

How about a nice nap?

[WEAKLY] But... I don't understand.




What happened to the gargoyles?

Our failure has betrayed them.






GARGOYLE: This doesn't make sense, what happened?

Where in the world are we?

SORA: Where are we? What happened? Where is everyone...

GOLIATH: What sorcery is this?

ANGELA: What? Where are we? What is this place?

Has someone moved the temple during the day?

TARO: Not quite.

We duplicated it. Down to the very last rock.

Taro, what is happening? Why are we not at home?

It shames me to say this, but the village had begun to view you as a burden.

I feared for your safety and brought you here.

Sadly, the villagers didn't even put up a fight.

I told you, the villagers have always taken us for granted.

But we shared an oath of honor.

No. They know nothing of Bushido.

Please, let me show you around.


Welcome, my friends, to the home of the noble Gargoyles.

I have built this park as a living tribute to Gargoyles.

Here your clan can live and safely be introduced to the entire human race.

A few at a time.

But we have remained hidden for centuries.

Perhaps it is your secret that is the problem and not humans.

And you will solve this problem by charging admission?

Kai, you've known me since I was a boy.

You tried to teach me Bushido before I left for the city.

I know I was a poor student.


But you did inspire me to create this.

A place where you can teach Bushido to the world.

You're free to leave at any time, of course.

But I have invited a group of children here in the morning, before dawn.

When you see their faces, I think you will understand my dream.

Let us look around this park.

We have much to consider.

Some of what Taro says makes sense, but I don't trust him.

Nor do I.

Elisa would never voluntarily allow us to be taken.

Obviously Avalon sent us all to Ishimura to look after Kai and his clan.

Do you think they will go along?

Hopefully, but if they prove unmanageable, we are prepared.

Yama, you were most convincing. I hope the others listen.

I think they will especially when they meet the children.

HIROSHl: How could Taro be mixed up in this?

He is from Ishimura.

Taro was behind that raid.

If we find him, we'll find the Gargoyles.

Our computer has access to many public records.

-Wait! -[BEEPING]

According to this, Taro bought a big piece of land east of here I know that place! There's been construction.

A large dome.

But why would he bring the Gargoyles there?

Good question. Can you get us a car?

This is an interesting place to visit, but I do not think I would like to live here.


I know how you feel, Bronx.

Kai, revealing yourselves to the human world is a dangerous step.

What business is it of yours if our clan wants a better life?

Can't you see that here, humans will gawk at you or worse.

Yet how can we hope to become accepted in the world if we are afraid to show ourselves?

Then do so on your own terms.

Not in this cheap amusement park.

I approved the design of this park.


Then perhaps humans are not the only threat to your clan's safety.

I will not be insulted by an outsider!

Gargoyle must not fight Gargoyle!




Please, please!

v*olence is not an honorable solution.

You are right. Obviously it is time for us to leave.

I think that would be best.

You are letting us go?

TARO: Of course.



Come, Angela. They are free to choose their own path.

So must we.


Tell the villagers that our clan will decide our fate together.

Very well, Kai. Choose wisely.

You know, come to think of it, this isn't the best time for you to leave.


What is that?


A trap.



Sorry, but I can't let anything interfere with my press conference.

By the time you wake up, you'll be world famous.


They're going to be mad when they wake up.

I certainly hope so.

A few angry Gargoyles will make a most exciting attraction.

This better be a pretty good story to get us up before dawn.

What's going on?

A new amusement park opening.

Something incredible is supposed to happen at sunrise.


YAMA: Wait! Kai, please.

You must reconsider.

Yama, you planned this, so you may stay.

But I must do what is right for our clan.

I've decided to leave. I wish you well with your park, but it is not our way.

I have sworn to protect Ishimura. I must return there.

Now is not a convenient time to leave.

All the same, I am going.

Let Kai go. The others will not be so stubborn.

Kai is the leader, you fool!

If he leaves, they will all leave.

The clan is already gathering to come with me.



I'll have to insist they stay.

That wasn't necessary.

He won't be out long.

Activate security measures.

Is this the only way?

-There's no time to be subtle. -[ENGINE REVVING]




I can't believe this. A gargoyle theme park?

Sounds like everything is not going according to Taro's plan.

Excuse me, I was looking for the snack bar.


ELISA: He's here. Come on.



-Elisa... -Thank me later.

There are reporters outside ready to make you all TV stars.


Let the press in.

The press? So you lied about the children, too.

You have no honor.

Hey, nobody ever got rich off Bushido.



No manners.


Who else needs lessons in courtesy?



He's mine.



Bushido demands I face him alone.

Bushido is not kind to you, Yama.





You came back?

We were never allowed to leave.

Now is not the time to compare notes. You've all got to get out of here.

We will meet you back in Ishimura.

What about him?

I'll deal with Taro.

Go! I'll be right behind you.


Thank you all for coming to this unique entertainment environment.

What was all that noise?

Gargoyles! This park features real gargoyles.

Stone during the day, they come alive at night.

Ha! You expect us to believe that?

I've seen them. They're bigger than the statue must be 100 feet tall.

Yes. And they can turn invisible.

There are thousands of them surrounding us even now.

Sounds like you've been watching too many cartoons.

They're lying. The Gargoyles were here.

They were here, but they escaped.

Welcome, my friends...

TARO: Not now!

To the home of the noble Gargoyles.


Wait! I can take you to the Gargoyles.

Real live Gargoyles?

Well, they'd be stone by now, but they'll awaken again tonight.

Even for a publicity stunt, this is terrible.

TARO: They're real, I tell you! They're real!

Welcome, my friends, to the home of the noble Gargoyles.

Starting today, we will renew our study of Bushido and our covenant with the Gargoyles.

At least it's possible for Gargoyles to trust some humans.

May not be much, but it's a start.