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04x16 - Amateur Night

Posted: 07/30/21 08:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Here's the story ♪

♪ Of a lovely lady ♪

♪ Who was bringing up ♪

♪ Three very lovely girls ♪

♪ All of them had hair of gold ♪

♪ Like their mother ♪

♪ The youngest one in curls ♪

♪ It's the story of a
man named Brady ♪

♪ Who was busy with
three boys of his own ♪

♪ They were four
men living all together ♪

♪ Yet they were all alone ♪

♪ Till the one day when ♪

♪ The lady met this fellow ♪

♪ And they knew that it was ♪

♪ Much more than a hunch ♪

♪ That this group ♪

♪ Must somehow form a family ♪

♪ That's the way we all ♪

♪ Became the Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch ♪

♪ That's the way we became ♪

♪ The Brady Bunch. ♪

Good afternoon, young lady.

May I help you?

Yes. We were in here last week

and we ordered
an anniversary gift

for our parents...
A silver platter.

Silver platter... Oh,
yes, the Brady children.

And I came in the next day
and ordered the engraving.

Oh, of course.

You're... Jan Brady.

Right. Is it ready?

It just came in this morning.

I'll get it for you.

I'm sure you'll find it

exactly the way you ordered it.

Oh, that's beautiful.

"Mom and Dad, happy anniversary.

All our love, Greg, Marcia,
Peter, Jan, Bobby and Cindy."

I'm glad you were able
to get all our names on it.

It wasn't easy.

One more brother or sister

and we'd have had to
continue on the back.

( laughing)

I'll get your bill.

Oh, but we've already
paid for the platter.

I've got the receipt right here.

This bill is for the engraving.

Remember? I told you
there'd be an extra charge.

Oh, yes, you did.
Here's the money.

Okay, here's 50,
60, 70, 85 cents.

This bill is for $56.23.

Well, you said the engraving
was only going to be 85 cents.

85 cents a letter.

Don't you remember?

I guess I wasn't
listening very well.

What am I going to do?

I don't have the money

and my parents'
anniversary is next Saturday.

Well, that's still a week away.

Perhaps you can raise
the money by then.

It took us six months

to save up for the platter.

Well, I really don't know
what to do about this.

I don't either, but, until then,

can you hold onto
the platter for me?

What else can I do?

Unless I find another couple

who has an anniversary
and six kids named

Greg, Marcia, Peter,
Jan, Bobby and Cindy.

I'm really very sorry.

Not half as sorry as I am.

This whole thing is my fault.

Jan, how could you be so stupid?

Don't you know the difference
between 85 cents a letter

and 85 cents for
the whole inscription?

Yeah... $56.23.

Nobody told you to order

the engraving
in the first place.

I know.

I thought it would
look nicer that way.

I wanted to surprise everybody.

Well, you sure did.

Now we won't have a gift

for Saturday for Mom
and Dad's anniversary.

Yeah, but we still have a
week to raise the money.

How? We can't ask
Mom and Dad for a loan.

And who else around
here has money?

Except... Maybe Alice?

Sure, Alice.

She's always talking about
saving up for a rainy day.

And we're right in the middle
of the hurricane season.

Come on.

What a time for your
picture tube to blow.

( organ playing on TV)

Now, what she doesn't know

is that Albert is falling in
love with his woman doctor,

who has to support
an invalid mother

who just got evicted
from her apartment...

And poor Tommy.

He's got to have
his tonsils out...

And Simon, that's Tommy's

mother's brother-in-law,

won't lend him the
money for the operation.

That cheapskate. What's
a measly hundred dollars?

Oh, Kay, that reminds me.

I had to buy an anniversary
present for the Bradys

and my insurance
premium came due.

Yeah, well, payday
isn't for two weeks.

I was wondering,

could you lend me a
few dollars till then?

sh**t. We need to raise money,

but I guess we can
forget about Alice.

Yeah, let's get out of here

before she asks us for a loan.

Couldn't that
wait till next week?

I see.

No, no. If it has to be
that way, I understand.


Thanks, Mr. Phillips.


Honey, about that
honeymoon cottage...

You remember the leaky
roof and the lumpy mattress

and the mosquitoes yelling
"Banzai" all night long?

We can't leave on Thursday.

That's right. I have to appear

before the planning commission

on that design
for the courthouse.

Honey, I've got a great idea.


For the first time
in our marriage,

why don't we have an
anniversary dinner in town

like we always do.

Okay. Listen, I'm hungry.

Yeah. Come on.
Dinner's just about ready.

Dad... can I talk to you

about something real important?

Why, sure. Step
into my office here.

I hope you don't mind

if my secretary stays around.

She's very reliable.

It's okay. She can
listen. Thank you.

Okay, what can I do for you?

Well, what do you do
when a person needs

an awful lot of money real fast?

Well, that depends
what you mean by a lot...

A million dollars,
thousand... 25 cents.

Kind of in between.

Well, we could give you an
advance on your allowance.

Uh, no. We-we
didn't say it was for us.

I mean, we know these people

um, who need an
awful lot of money.


Well, people who need money

usually make a
loan from the bank.

Just like that? You get a loan?

Well, sure. That's why
they have loan departments.

Of course, when you borrow money

you have to pay
it back, you know.

In fact, you have to pay
back more than you borrowed

because the bank
adds on interest.

Can't you borrow extra so
you can pay the interest?

( laughs): I'm with her.

Thanks, Dad. You've
been a lot of help.

Yeah. Oh, well, anytime.

I wonder what they're up to.

Well, the anniversary's
coming up.

Maybe they're
thinking of a gift?

Yeah, but such high finance?

Borrowing money from a bank?

Maybe they're planning
on paying off the mortgage.

( laughing)

MAN: Yes, and thank you

for calling us in
particular, Mrs. Whitfield.

Mm-hmm. Oh, we
checked everything.

Yes, your credit,
assets, collateral...

and regarding your application,

we can loan you
$100,000 at eight percent.

Did you hear that?

$100,000... this
must be a rich bank.

And friendly, too.

Good-bye, now.

I'm Mr. Goodbody, children.

What can I do for you?

We want to borrow some money

from your rich, friendly bank.

Just until Saturday.

And then you'll,
uh, pay it back?

No. First we have to pay

the man at the department store.

You see, Cindy and I and
all our brothers and sisters

bought a silver platter

for our mom and dad.

CINDY: And on account
of Jan being stupid,

we owe the
department store $56.23.

Including tax.

Uh, I see.

That's why we want
to borrow some money.

Well, when you take
out a loan at a bank,

somebody has to sign for it.

You do it, Cindy.

She got an "A" in penmanship.

Oh, she did?

Then we also have
what we call a cosigner.

Uh, that's another person

who'll be responsible
for the loan

in case the signer
can't repay it.

That's okay. I'll
be the cosigner.

He's very responsible.

Oh, I'm sure.

And then we'll need
some collateral.

What's that?

Well, that's something
of real value, you know,

like, uh, jewelry, uh, real
estate, stocks and bonds.

If we had all that stuff,
we wouldn't need the loan.

( nervous chuckle)

Yes. Well, I'd certainly
like to help you children,

but I'm sure that a loan
isn't possible for you

because of your age.

However, you're two

very charming young people,
and you deserve something

for coming down here.


Now, if you put all
your coins in here,

I'm sure that you'll
save enough of them

so that you won't need a loan

and I'm going to start
you out with a dime each.


Thanks a lot.

Uh... Mr. Goodbody?


Instead of $56.23,

do you think you could
get us a smaller loan?

A smaller loan?

Yeah, like $56.03.

( laughing)

Greg, did you find any of
the guys who owe you money?

Yeah. Harvey.

He's the one who
owes me five bucks.

Well, did he pay you?

Oh, great.

Marcia, how did you
do with the watch?

No sale.

Well, what happened?

I thought you said

that Penny was
crazy about the watch.

She was, until I
told her it was $10.

Then she said I was crazy.

Jan, what have you been doing?

I went down to TV station KBEX

and signed us up for
the amateur contest.

Amateur contest?

Every Saturday morning.

The first prize is
a hundred dollars.

A hundred dollars?

JAN: But before we
can get on the show,

we have to audition our act.

What act?

Well, we can sing a little

and we can dance a little

and Bobby and Cindy
can be cute and charming.

I don't want to be cute.

I don't want to be charming.

Not even to get that
platter for Mom and Dad?

Okay, I'll be cute.

I'll be charming.

Jan, you ding-a-ling, we
got about as much chance

of getting on that show
and winning first prize

and getting the money
as we do of robbing a bank.


Forget it.

( phone rings)


Yes, this is me.

Yes, Mr. Sterne.



Thank you.


We did it.

We got an audition
for the amateur contest.

( excited yelling)

seven, eight,

One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven...

Hi, Dad. Hi.

Hey, what are you doing?

Uh, Jan's been having
some trouble with her bike

and we were
just going to fix it.


( all talking at once)

This time, I'll ride it.

KIDS: One, two, one,
two, one, two, back. Kick!

One, two, back, one, two.

Ooh! Yeah! Ooh!

And down!

Uh, hey... Um...

One and two and
three... GREG: Four...

KIDS: One, two, three and...

one, two, three,
kick. One, two...

GREG: The other leg, Jan.

JAN: Come on, Greg.

GREG: One, two, three...

GIRLS: One, two, three,
kick. One, two, three, kick.

Hey, you kids. What
are you doing in there?

GREG: Uh, cleaning the garage.

PETER: Yeah!

Cleaning the garage?

( up-tempo pop intro)

♪ Think I'll go for a
walk outside now ♪

♪ The summer sun's
calling my name ♪

♪ I hear you now ♪

♪ I just can't stay
inside all day ♪

♪ I gotta get out, get
me some of those rays ♪

♪ Everybody's smiling ♪

♪ Sunshine day ♪

♪ Everybody's laughing ♪

♪ Sunshine day ♪

♪ Everybody seems
so happy today ♪

♪ It's a sunshine day ♪

♪ I think I'll go for a
walk outside now ♪

♪ The summer sun
knows me by name ♪

♪ He's calling me ♪

♪ I gotta get out, gotta
get out, gotta get away ♪

♪ Got to get away, get
away, get away, get away ♪

♪ Into the sunshine day ♪

♪ Can't you dig the sunshine? ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Love and sun are the same ♪

♪ Can't you hear it
calling your name? ♪

♪ Oh, I think I'll take a
walk every day, now ♪

♪ The summer sun's shown
me the way to be happy now ♪

♪ I just can't stay
inside all day ♪

♪ I gotta get out, get
me some of those rays ♪

♪ Everybody's smiling ♪

♪ Sunshine day ♪

♪ Everybody's laughing ♪

♪ Sunshine day ♪

♪ Everybody seems
so happy today ♪

♪ It's a sunshine day ♪

♪ Can't you dig the sunshine? ♪

♪ Day ♪

♪ Love and sun are the same ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Can't you hear it
calling your name? ♪

♪ I think I'll go for a
walk outside now ♪

♪ The summer sun's
calling my name ♪

♪ I hear you now ♪

♪ I just can't stay
inside all day ♪

♪ I gotta get out, get
me some of those rays ♪

♪ Everybody's smiling ♪

♪ Sunshine day ♪

♪ Everybody's laughing ♪

♪ Sunshine day ♪

♪ Everybody seems
so happy today ♪

♪ It's a sunshine day ♪

♪ Everybody's smiling ♪

♪ Sunshine day... ♪

Okay, that's not bad, kids.


Thank you.

Now, what did you say
your names were again?

I'm Greg and this is Marcia,

Jan, Peter, Bobby and Cindy.

Well, don't you have
a name for the group?

Uh, yeah... Sure...

Just call us The
Silver Platters.

STERNE: Silver Platters.

Okay, rehearsal's at
10:00 tomorrow morning.

The show's at 11:00.

You mean we're on the show?

You're on.

( excited shouting)

Hold it, hold it, hold
it. Just a minute.

What about costumes?


Well, uh, we haven't
had time to get any.

Or any money.

Hmm. Well, I'll tell you what.

We have a wardrobe
department here at the studio.

Why don't you show up an
hour earlier tomorrow morning

and we'll fix you
up with something?

Okay, good. Thank you.

Mr. Sterne? Yeah?

Do you think we have any chance

of winning the $100 prize?

Well, sure. Why not?

Oh, great!

Thanks a lot. Bye.


Hi, honey.

That's pretty.

Yeah, it's a, uh, mosaic stitch.

It's really very easy.

Oh. Show me how.


Hey. What a charming
domestic scene.

The family that
knits together...

fits together.

Ho-ho, that's pretty good...

Except this isn't knitting.

Well, I couldn't think of a
rhyme for "needlepoint."

( telephone ringing)


Hell, I'd like to speak

to Miss Jan Brady, please.

Uh... just a moment, please.

Jan, a gentleman wishes
to converse with you.

A gentleman?

I think it's one of
your boyfriends

whose voice is changing.


Hello, Miss Brady?

This is Alfred Bailey
at the department store.

The silver salesman.

Oh, hi, Alfie.

Uh, Miss Brady, you
were supposed to bring in

the $56.23 today for the
engraving on your platter.

Have you forgotten?

How could I forget you, Alfie?

Miss Brady, you promised

to make that payment today.

I'm sorry, Alfie, but I
just can't make it today.

I promise I'll be
there tomorrow.

With the payment?


We accept cash, you know.

Groovy. It's a date.


Who's Alfie?

A new boyfriend?

No, I'd say he was
more of an acquaintance.

Nothing special, huh?

No. After tomorrow, I'll
probably never see him again.

You know that in advance?

I guess I'm fickle.

Where are we all going?

( screams)

What's everybody doing up
so early on a Saturday morning?

( nervous chuckle)

Okay, I'll tell ya.

We're going to a football game.

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm going to play, and
they're going to watch.

Yeah, that's right. Right.

Football at this hour?

Uh, we want to get good seats.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Bye. Shh.

( whispers): Bye.

Now, why don't I believe them?

( organ playing) Well, remember
when Horace broke up with Bianca

to marry Evelyn...

Only she didn't
want to leave Albert

while he was still
in the hospital?

Well, Horace just had
a gallbladder att*ck.

They had to take
him to the hospital

and they're putting him in
the same room with Albert.

Now, wait a minute, I just
remembered something.

Horace had his gallbladder
out episodes ago.


I've had it with this show.

I'll call you back, Kay.


Maybe I can find a rerun
of a rerun I haven't seen.

( dogs barking)

How about that, folks?

Patty's Prancing Poodles.

And they really registered
on the old applause meter, too.

Now, then, for our
final act this morning,

we have six kids...
Three boys and three girls.

A matched set, you might say.

( laughs)

They call themselves
The Silver Platters.

And... here they are.

( applause)

( up-tempo pop intro)

The Silver Platters?!

The... the...
the... that... the...

Mrs. Brady!

Mrs. Brady, come quick!

The kids are on television!

What kids?

Yours... his... ours.
Come on, quick!

I thought you said they
went to a football game.

That's what I said they said.

♪ Flying down the highway
in a makeshift Model T-A ♪

♪ Whoo ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Whoo ♪

♪ It's a beautiful morning ♪

♪ And it's gonna
be a beautiful day ♪

♪ The wheels are humming,
the guitars strumming ♪

♪ And the radio is blasting,
the good sounds are coming ♪

♪ As I'm flying down the
highway in a makeshift Model T-A ♪

♪ Gonna keep on, keep on ♪

I wonder why didn't
they tell us about this?

Where did they get
those costumes?

♪ We're gonna keep on,
keep on, keep on doing it right ♪

♪ We're gonna keep on,
keep on, keep on moving ♪

♪ Gonna keep on, keep
on, keep on grooving ♪

♪ Keep on singing and
dancing all through the night ♪

♪ You can hear the
music from 26 miles away ♪

♪ Whoo ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

♪ Smiling is happy ♪

♪ And happy is here to stay ♪

♪ Shifting on down,
coming into town ♪

♪ Waving at the kids
all hanging around ♪

♪ Cruising down to Main
in a makeshift Model T-A ♪

♪ We're gonna keep on, keep on ♪

♪ Keep on, keep on
dancing all through the night ♪

♪ We're gonna keep on,
keep on, keep on doing it right ♪

♪ We're gonna keep on,
keep on, keep on moving ♪

♪ Gonna keep on, keep
on, keep on grooving ♪

♪ Keep on singing and
dancing all through the night ♪

( instrumental break)

♪ Gonna keep on,
keep on, keep on ♪

♪ Keep on dancing
all through the night ♪

♪ We're gonna keep on,
keep on, keep on doing it right ♪

♪ We're gonna keep on,
keep on, keep on moving ♪

♪ Gonna keep on, keep
on, keep on grooving ♪

♪ Keep on singing and
dancing all through the night ♪

♪ We're gonna keep
on, keep on, keep on ♪

♪ Keep on dancing
all through the night ♪

♪ We're gonna keep on, keep
on, keep on doing it right... ♪

( applause)

Yay. Yeah!


How about that, folks?

The Silver Platters.

Terrific, kids.

Thank you.

In the event you
win first prize,

how you gonna divide the $100?

Well, the first $56
goes to the man

at the department store.

Well, that's a pretty big cut
for a guy who didn't even sing.

( laughs)

Well, you see, we bought

a silver platter for our mom
and dad's anniversary and...

She thought it was 85
cents for the whole engraving,

but actually, it was
85 cents for each letter.

And we can't get the
platter 'cause we're broke.

STERNE: Oh, well,
good luck, kids. Good luck.

BRADY KIDS: Thank you.

The Silver Platters, folks.

( applause)

Now, then, let's see how they
did on the old applause meter.

Just a moment, here,
while I check the figures.

Oh, they've just gotta win.

It would be a shame if
they can't give you your gift.

Alice, we just got our gift.

We sure did, honey.

Well, starting with third prize,

this beautiful plaque goes to...

The Silver Platters.

Third prize?!

What a gyp!

( shuts off TV)

That's the last
time I ever watch

that crooked channel.

Well, there you are, kids.

Thank you.

As you can see, there's
plenty of room on there.

We'll have all your
names engraved on it.


How much do you charge a letter?

( laughs)

Let's... let's, let's give
them another big hand,

shall we, folks?

Thanks a lot.

Thank you very much.

( chuckling)

We did do the
best we could do...

( all muttering disconsolately)

Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.

CAROL: Well, hi, kids.

MIKE: Hi, there.

CAROL: Hey, wait a minute.

How was the football game?

Did you win?

We came in third.

Third? That must have
been some football game.

We might as well tell them.

We weren't at a football game.

You see, we wanted
to get you a present

for your anniversary...
Something really special,

but I goofed.

Something special, eh?

You mean... something like this?

The platter! ( all
talking excitedly)

Well, your friend
Alfie called today

about your breaking
your date with him,

so we kept it for you.

You paid for the engraving?!
You mean, we don't

owe them anything? That's great.

Well, we thought it was
the least we could do

after that fine performance
you gave, huh?

You saw the show? How
did you find out about it?!

You were all just terrific.

But we didn't win the $100.

Patty's Prancing Poodles won.

GREG: We lost to a dog act.

I bet we could have
won if we did like they did.

Yeah, what's that?

Sat up and begged

at the audience for applause.

( imitates dog panting)

( Bobby barking)



We just wanted to thank you

for paying for our
present to you and Mom.

Well, I didn't. You
guys paid for the platter.

Yeah, but you paid
for the engraving.

And we're going to pay you back.

Well, we'll talk about it

another time, okay?

Really, Dad. We are.

Yeah, maybe this afternoon.

How are you going to
raise $56 by this afternoon?

We got a plan. Mm-hmm.

You see, remember
when you told us

about banks and getting loans?


Well, we went to
the bank and tried it.

You tried to get a loan?

Yeah, but we couldn't,

because we didn't
have any collateral.

But we do now.

What's the collateral?

The silver platter we
gave you and Mom.