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02x01 - Eggbert

Posted: 07/20/21 08:47
by bunniefuu
My boyfriend, david,
wanted to help.

His parents were
the problem.

His father said,
"whatever you do
is your own choice

But I don't want
my son involved."

His father doesn't care
that I'm pregnant.

David's not allowed
to talk to me anymore.

Our time's almost
up, I'm afraid.

I want to talk about
this more next time.

You asked what
it might be like

If you keep
your babies.

I can't tell you that

But I can suggest
an experiment

To help you see

One aspect.

You take an egg,
and for two weeks

You treat it
like an infant.

It's no joke.

You have to make sure
it's warm, protect it--

Never, ever leave it unattended.

Yes, christine?

What about school?

school hours

Arrange appropriate day care.

If you can't, you have to

Take it with
you to school.

That's it for now.

I'll be 16 soon.

Boy or girl?

Taking care
of an infant

Will make a big

In your lifestyle.

Good luck,

♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look
around, I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey! I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ at degrassi junior high. ♪

I wonder if
shane got more
girls pregnant.

He's not
that bad.

It was spike's
fault, too.

Morning, shane!

Are you still sick
every morning?

No, but I'm
getting fat.

I don't see it.

Me, neither.

I do.

I don't want
to get fat.

Everyone will
stare at me.

A lot of people
already stare at me.

Hi, spike.

I just want
to talk.

There's nothing to say.

What a creep.

I know.

Hey, what's
in the box.

I'm sort of
baby-sitting an egg.

What do you mean?

It's just an egg.

I have to take
it everywhere.

How come you
didn't tell
us before?

I just got it.

What a drag.

Babies take

This will help
me find out

About taking
care of a baby.

Pregnant girls
shouldn't be
allowed at degrassi.

Spike should
go to a home.

She sets
a bad example.



To pretend it
never happened?

You want shane
to leave, too?

Spike didn't do
it all on her own.

Maybe shane
should go, too.

He's not pregnant.


Your french-kissing
a chick, and she bites.

Your tongue gets infected
so you can't talk.

It happens all the time.

Joey, if french-kissing
was so dangerous

People wouldn't
do it.

Okay, you don't
believe me?

Ask the expert.

Shane, my man--

You know
about chicks.

A bit.

A bit?

You got spike
pregnant, right?

That's not a joke.

I didn't say it was.

What's going on
with you and
spike, anyway?

She won't talk to me.

I don't know.

What do your parents say?

I haven't told them.

You haven't
told them?


They always
want to send me

To private school,
like my brothers.

I like it here.

If they knew
about spike...

Mr. Lawrence:
Attention, students--

As your principal, I shall be
addressing the entire school

At 2:00 p.M. This afternoon
in the auditorium.

Attendance is compulsory.

Don't be late.

Hi, steph.

What are you doing?

I don't need
these anymore.

This term

I'll be mature
and responsible--

The real me.

If you're throwing
these away

Could I have some?

Sure, help yourself.

Thanks, steph.

Wow, I like this.

I can't believe you're
throwing this out.

It's okay for
you, alexa

But I'm school

I have to look
more adult.

Oh, sh**t.

Why can't they make
bigger lockers?

Hey, yick.

Hi, arthur.


What are
you doing?

Hey, quit it.

Excuse me.

Can you please show
me where 7c is--

Miss avery's class?

Yeah, up
the stairs

First door
to your right.


Why are you
looking for 7c?

It's my class.

Since when do they allow
little kids in junior high?

I don't like
immature little kids.


Aw, little baby!

He's so cute!

It's just an egg.

It needs
a face.

Just be careful, okay?

Aren't you giving your
baby up for adoption?

I don't know,
I keep changing my mind.

You're too young
to be a mom.

My mom says so, too.

I'd keep it-- I love babies.

There, now it needs a name.

It's only an egg.

No, it's not,
it's a baby.

I know--
call it eggbert.

It looks like an eggbert.

It doesn't look
like a spike.

Hey, guys.

Check out
steph's clothes.

She must be going
to a costume party.

As what, a nun?

Welcome back,
aspiring scholars

For another term
of fun and excitement.

I would like you all
to meet simon dexter.

Simon's new, so I hope
you'll welcome him.


Sit there.

Okay, thanks.

To prepare you
for the rigors of high school

I've increased the number of
assignments and class projects

But there will
be less theory...

He's in that
supercrunch delight
commercial on tv.

Hey, yeah, it
looks like him.

But we'll still require

Your complete and
utter concentration

Or you could suffer
the consequences.

Now-- I hope you'll go
through your first day

Without too many problems.

It's good to see your
smiling faces again.

This is scott webster.

He's been accelerated
to junior high

From the enrichment program
at simcoe elementary.

I'm sure you'll do

Everything you can to
help him feel at home.

Hi, scott.


Everyone calls
me scooter.


Okay, let's find
you a seat.

Hi, scooter.

I'm sure that we
all look forward

To your contributions
in class.


Yick, you said

No, miss avery.

I think we're
going to have

A lot of fun
this semester.

We have a lot of
things lined up.

Let's take

Spike, you can't be
mad at me forever.

Want to bet?

Let me go!

I'm sorry you
got pregnant.

Why can't we be
friends, like before?

I wasn't pregnant

We still like
each other, right?

I feel really bad--
I want to help.

You really want to help?


What's this?

That's eggbert.

Take care of him for a week.


Till Monday, that's a real baby

And you have to
take care of it.

Spike, this is dumb.

No, it's what
taking care of
a baby's like.

You want to prove
you can help?


You got to do it seriously.

Sure, I can do it.

Wait-- how do I explain
this to my parents?

Shane, is that you?

Yes, mom.

You're late.

What kept you?

I had to talk
to someone.

A girl,
no doubt.

You'd better watch out
for those girls, shane.

Yes, I'll
drop in tomorrow.

All right.

What was that
all about?

It's too

Amy carson's
boy, again.

Oh, dear.

Shane, I need
two more eggs.

Could you get
them for me, dear?

Tell me, shane

Do any kids in your
school do dr*gs?

No, I don't think so.

Have you
ever heard

Of something
called cr*ck?


It's getting
into the schools.

Maybe I'm
getting old

But it seems
everywhere you
turn these days

Kids are messing
themselves up

One way
or another.

It makes me

What a fine young man
you are, shane.

Isn't eggbert too
young to go to school?

Good morning,

Hi, eggbert.

How's eggbert?

Hello, eggbert.

You and the egg

Have a big weekend
planned, shane?

Looks just
like you.

Listen, I saw
the commercial
again last night.

I'm positive
it's simon.

I saw it too,
but I don't know.

If you want to know
if he's in the commercial

Just ask him.


And look stupid?

No, thank you.

Here he comes.

Act casual.




Real casual, guys.

Shut up,

You didn't look
too forward.

Good morning,

How's eggbert?

Shane, my man,
how's eggbert today?

You know,
I like him.

He's a good egg.

Kind of shy.

Isn't it time
for him to come
out of his shell?

I bet he
knows some
great "yolks."

Very funny.

Tell me--
when it's born

Will it be a guy
or a chick?

Joey, lay off, okay?

"lay off"--
you get it?

Lay off the egg.

Shane, you
cr*ck me up.

"cr*ck me up"!

Hey, arthur.



No fair.

Hey, no fair.


What are you
looking at?


b*at it.


You said it.

cut it out.

Mr. Lawrence:
Would lou hawkins
come to the office?

Please tell me
a joke, daddy.

I promise not
to cr*ck up.

Give me my egg.

Come on.

Come on, tim.

Come on, guys.

Would you like
to play?


Everyone, be quiet.

Everyone listen.

Shhh, listen.

I'm having a party tonight

And you're
all invited.

Another party--
your parents don't mind?

They don't know.

They're going

Out of town

I like lucy's parties.

I bet shane
likes them.

This is so exciting.

I'm going to wear

All my
new clothes.

Party, yeah!

Mr. Raditch:
I am most impressed

That you haven't forgotten
everything you learned...

...No matter how hard you tried.

Have a good weekend--
class dismissed.

Lucy's parties
are cool, man.

Lucy's parties
are the best.

Where are you from?

New york.

I love new york,
I'd love to go.

Ask him to
lucy's party.

You can find out if
he's in the commercial.


Come on,
take care of it.


Just for tonight.

No, if it was real,
you couldn't go.

It's not a real baby.

It's only an egg.

Not till Monday

If you're serious about
taking responsibility.


Please, spike.

If you really want
to go to lucy's

Ask your parents

To look after it.

Would you come to
the party with me?

That would
be so good.

I'll introduce

There he is.



Where do we meet?

He likes alexa.

Just go.

I'll wait till he's
finished talking.

Stephanie kaye, shy?


You can meet me
outside the school.


That would
be great.

I'll see
you later.


Stephanie, I asked
simon to lucy's party.

He said yes.


He said we'll dance.

I bet he's
a wonderful dancer.

He's so cute.

Bye, alexa.


Alexa invited him
to lucy's party.

"I bet he's
a fabulous dancer."

She's so phony.

She looks terrible
in those clothes.

Good night.

Good night, scooter.

See you Monday.

Good night,

Good night.

See you Monday.


Oh, hi.


I thought we made a truce.

What are you talking about?

You squirted me.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did.

No, I didn't.

Yes, you did.

No, I didn't.

You'll be sorry.

You squirted me.

Shane, my man.

You're lucky.

We have to go
to lucy's party

Which is only, like,
the blast of the year

But you get to take
care of eggbert.

I envy you, man.

All right, shane.

Have a good
time, shane.

Good night, eggbert.

♪ and you're out
on your ear... ♪


Party time!

Records and tapes.

You look great!

Ooh, bring on
the booze!

Oh, please.

Don't touch
the booze, okay?

Why not?

Ever since I got
caught shoplifting

My parents haven't
trusted me.

They acted really suspicious
before they left.


Party, guys.




You cheat,
I know you cheat.

Please, I'm a man
of the cloth.

This is unusual
for you, shane--

Staying home on
a Friday night.

I've got a lot
of homework.

Good for you.

An education is only
what you make it.

It's all
messed up.

The last one
was so good.

This one
is so dull.

What's wrong
with it?

How should I know?

They didn't tell me
it was broken.

This is great;

It was my dad's
favorite tape.

Nice party, lucy.

Joey, don't
do that.

You'll leave a mark.

Use a coaster.

A coaster?


Can't you get
this any louder?

It doesn't go
any louder.

Having fun, guys?


I'll get it.

Let's go to a movie
Monday night.

Wow, I'd love to.

Want a pop?




So you like
alexa, eh?

Yeah, she's cool.

I love the way
she dresses.

guess what?

Simon invited me
to a movie.

Isn't that

Alexa, you know
those clothes

I lent you?

I want them back.


You said you
didn't want them.

I changed my mind.

No way--
they're mine.

Okay, okay, I'll
buy them back.

No, I like them.


Shane's here.


Hi, shane.

Hi, shane.

How's it going?

Where's eggbert?

We decided to come.

Lots of people bring
their babies to parties.

All right,
it's party time.

Eggbert's here.



how you doing?

Let's get fried.

Joey, right here.


Hey, right here.

Right here!

Come on, guys.

Come on, guys.

You're ruining my
mother's carpet.

Be careful, my parents just
had the carpet cleaned.

Don't worry
about it.

Catch it.

Hey, shane!

Watch it.

Throw it.

Throw it,

Shane, throw it!

Come on!

Throw it!

Come on,
throw it!

Come on!

Come on!


Yeah, all right!

Hey, joey!



Hey, shane,
come back.

Where you
going, shane?

Spike! Spike!

Spike, we were
just having fun.

You said you'd
take care of it.

I kept this stupid
egg all week.

It was embarrassing.

You think this
isn't embarrassing?

I'm getting fat.

I'm going

To have a baby.

I'm scared, okay?

I'm scared, too.

You're only
scared your parents

Will find out.

They're going to
find out eventually.

You think people won't
talk when I get

Bigger and

I can't tell them.

That's the difference
between you and me.

You've got a choice.

You can go home

And pretend nothing
is happening.

Everywhere I go,
I'm pregnant.

Why are you
so mad?

I'm trying to help.

It's just
this stupid egg.

The stupid egg's
not the point!

You say you want to help,
until it becomes inconvenient.

I can't trust you.


You don't
want to help.

You just want to
stop feeling guilty.



You're home early.

Mom? Dad?

There's something
I've got to tell you.