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01x13 - Revolution

Posted: 07/20/21 08:45
by bunniefuu
Yeah, tomorrow.

See you, spike.

Mr. Lawrence ( over p.A. ):
Attention students in 8a.

Mr. Raditch's history exam...


Joey l. Jeremiah--
"l" for lover--

At your service.


Did I tell you
you're beautiful?

Go jump in a lake.

Which one?

I'm a great guy.

Whatever you want,
I will do.

I want you to leave me alone.

So... See you later?

Maybe we could

Go out sometime.

Imagine going out
with him!

I thought you
liked joey.

He's funny but not
a guy I'd date.

♪ wake up in the morning,
feeling shy and lonely ♪

♪ gee, I got to go to school ♪

♪ I don't think I can make it,
don't think I can take it ♪

♪ I'm wondering
what I'm going to do ♪

♪ but when I look around,
I see ♪

♪ that someone is
smiling right at me ♪

♪ wait! ♪

♪ that someone's talking to me ♪

♪ hey, I've got a new friend. ♪

♪ everybody can succeed ♪

♪ all you need is to believe ♪

♪ be honest with yourself ♪

♪ forget your fears and doubts ♪

♪ come on, give us a try ♪

♪ at degrassi junior high. ♪

One exam I'll do
badly is english.

How do you know?

Mr. Raditch gives
such hard tests.

Just study.

I'm not studying.

It's probably going
to be on shakespeare.

Hi, wheels.

Hi, steph.

Steph, put your eyes
back in their sockets.

It's embarrassing.

I can't help it if I'm in love.

The zambezi river...

Easy! It's in africa!

Yick, the whole test
is about africa.

You have to be
more specific.

Dumb question.


Excuse us.

Uh... Hi, steph.

Thank you.

Tell mom I'll be over
after school on Friday.


She's not exactly

The friendliest
sister in the world.

She's changing
her clothes again.

We have got the
worst-dressed school president

In the country.

She isn't a very good
school president.

She never talks
to grade sevens.

She hasn't even
bothered to find

A new sports rep.

Yick should be
sports rep.

Hey, yeah.


Should I ask wheels
on another date?

Our other ones have
been disasters, but...

If you
want to.

What do you
see in him?

He's cute.

What if he said no?

I'd die of embarrassment.

How could anyone say "no"
to stephanie kaye


School bombshell!

I don't know.

What's wrong with
"joey and the jet set"?

That's a dumb name
for a band.

We've got a name.

"the zit remedy"?!

We like it.

Your other idea's
dumb, too.

Snake, there are tons
of rock bands out there.

We've got to stand out.

I am not eating
live goldfish on stage.

Think of it as sushi.

If you want to make it
in the music scene

You need a gimmick.

You eat the goldfish,

I can't.

Um... I'm allergic
to fish.

Yeah, right.

Hi, wheels.

Hi, steph.

I know our other dates
have been disasters, but...

Want to go out
this weekend?

I can't.

I've got to study.


You're not serious.

Yeah, I am.

After my last
report card

I have to do well

Or my parents will k*ll me.

I'm sorry.

No, that's fine.

Maybe sometime
in the holidays?


Good morning,
aspiring scholars.

Good morning, mr. Raditch.

You will be pleased to know

I've prepared your english exam
for the end of the week...

...And it's a doozy.

Mr. Jeremiah,
I hope you're studying

Because I do not want to see you
in my class next year.

The exam will cover
chapters one through 18...

That's the fascinating continent
of africa.

There will be a map of africa
on your test.

Hold on.

Some of you are worried
about the upcoming exam.

I just want to find out

How well you're taking in
the things we've discussed.

melanie and kathleen told me.

I think you'd make
a great sports rep.

Yeah, you're good
at sports.

And sports reps always
come from grade seven.

I'm not good
at politics.

It's not politics, it's fun.

I should know--
I'm vice-president.

Come on,

It's good to get
involved in school.

You should tell stephanie
you're interested.

Mr. Raditch:
On to your next class.

I've never been so embarrassed.

I can't believe
he said no.

He only said no.


I'll make him pay for this.

I don't know how,
but I will.

If you were really nice
to someone else

Wheels would
be jealous.

Like who?

like joey.

How nice would
I have to be?

Would I have to
go out with him?


This isn't such
a good idea.

Excuse me, stephanie?

We haven't had a sports rep
since jason left.

I'm interested in the job...

I'm busy, okay?

We'll talk
next term.


I just wanted to bring it

To your

She didn't want
to talk to me.


I have an idea.

♪ everybody wants something ♪

♪ they'll never give up ♪

♪ everybody wants something ♪

♪ they'll take your money ♪

♪ and never give up! ♪

All right!

That was


How are you?

I've been looking
all over for you.

For me?



Hi, wheels.

I never see enough of you.

Want to be sports rep
on the student council?


Joey can't be
sports rep.

He's not even on
a school team.

I watch sports on tv.

That counts
for something.


There's supposed
to be an election.

I'm school president.

I can do anything.


What do you say?

We'll work very
closely together.

Yeah, sure.



See ya.


All right!

She's crazy about me!

Joey jeremiah never gives up,
and this is what happens.

No hard feelings,

No problem.

Don't I know it.

Life's perfect!

Let's do that song again.

Five, six, seven, eight...

♪ everybody wants something ♪

♪ they'll take your money ♪

♪ and never give up! ♪

You devil!

How can you stand to be
so good looking?

Am I beautiful
or am I beautiful?

I don't like
multiple choice.

You'd better be nice.

You're talking to
degrassi junior high's
new sports rep.

Since when are
you sports rep?

Since yesterday.

You're not even
on a school team.


I happen to be a close
friend of stephanie kaye.


Hi, spike.

Hey, wheels...


Hi, joey!

Hi, steph.

How are you?

I'm doing okay.

You look good.



I thought maybe

We could go out
Saturday, to a movie.

Great idea.

What time?

Is your sister crazy?

She made joey jeremiah
sports rep.

Sports rep's a grade
seven position.

Joey's in eight.

The student council's
supposed to be balanced.

He's not even on
a school team.

We're supposed
to vote.

This goes against
the democratic system!

Stephanie's infringing
on our rights!

Maybe there's
a reason...

Whose side
are you on?

She is my sister.

Shouldn't you be studying?

Stephanie kaye's
got to go.

She's a terrible
school president.

She's only
school president

Because she let
the boys kiss her.

But she goes to
council meetings.

She can't make joey sports rep
because she likes him.

She was drunk
at the dance.

And her election

What happened to
rock music on the p.A.?

What happened
to more dances?

She hasn't kept
a single promise.

stephanie kaye!

Sign the petition.

Show stephanie kaye
she can't mess around with us.

Come on!

How can the student council
represent the whole school

When most of
its members

Are in
grade eight?

Seventh graders don't count.

I can handle things on my own.

You're making a mistake.

♪ everybody wants something ♪

♪ they'll never give up ♪

♪ everybody wants something ♪

♪ they'll take your money ♪

♪ and never give up! ♪

( chanting ):
Out of the way, stephanie kaye!

♪ ...And never give up! ♪

I liked it!

I'd like to
do it again.

I've got to go.

The exam's tomorrow.

Don't sweat it.

Maybe you don't want to pass,
but I do!

I have to study.

Relax, wheels.

I am relaxed!

I understand how you feel

But we shouldn't
stop being friends

Just because
your girl chose me

Over you.

She's not my girl.

Don't I know it.


A beautiful chick
like stephanie...

I'd be upset, too...

But it wouldn't
happen to me.

Joey, you're
a real jerk!

What did
I say?

What did I say?

Good morning, karen.

Glad to see
you're studying.

Good morning,
mr. Jeremiah.

Beautiful day for
an exam, isn't it?

We'll meet outside class
after the exam

And talk to stephanie

There's strength
in numbers

And she won't be
expecting us.

Stephanie will be sorry
she crossed 7c.

We'll get rid of her!

It's not like

It has anything
to do with us.

It's just not fair.


Steph doesn't even
like joey.

She does... Sort of.

Not the way
he thinks she does.

She's using him
to get back at wheels

For not going
out with her.

All's fair in love and w*r.

Joey might get hurt.

He won't.

Since when were you
soft on joey?

I am not!

Erika, I'm not!


How come you're being
so nice to him?

What if some guy used you

To get even with somebody else?

This is your principal speaking.

Remember everything must be
cleared out of your lockers

Before the holidays.

What's wrong with
me seeing the movie?

Excuse me!

So, joey...

You ready for the exam?

Yeah, no problem.


I think so.

Stephanie's using you.

She's just

To like you
so I'll get jealous.

I understand you're
upset at losing her

But it's pathetic

To make up
dumb stories.

It's true.

I heard heather
and erika talking.

You're lying.

Ask them.

Yeah, right.

You're just jealous.

Really nice--

Trying to mess me up
just before an exam.

Some friend you are!

Hi, joey.

Mr. Raditch:
There must be a copy.

The exam is today.

It isn't here.

Don't you
have a copy?

Of course

But it's at home.

Well, I'm sorry, but...

Yes, lucy?

I need a copy of my attendance
for my social worker.

Just a minute.

I'll get it.

When is your court date?

It's not
till spring.

I don't know how you got
yourself in such a mess.

I'll be back!

Mr. Raditch is acting
weirder than usual.

You'd act weird, too,
if you'd lost

The only copy
of an exam.


The most important thing
to remember is to stay calm.

Read your questions twice.

Look at how many marks
each question is worth

And time yourself accordingly.

Are you coming
with us

To talk
to stephanie?

I guess so.

And no


Okay, turn your pages over
and you can start.


mr. Raditch?

In the office.

I think he lost the exam.

He lost the exam?


Joey! Go ahead.

Ask them.

Mr. Jeremiah,
have a seat.

I was, uh...


Spike, hand
out paper.

Today I'll write
the questions

On the blackboard.

You will be given extra time
at the end of the class.

Begin immediately.

Papers on
my desk, please.

Let's get

Where do you
think she'll be?

She always goes to
the girls' washroom.

She never listens
to anything.

Let's show her!

She can't push us around.

Students ( chanting ):
Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!

Okay, that's it.

Time's up.

Leave your papers on my desk.

Make sure your names
are on them.

Sorry I kept you waiting,
but these things happen.

See you later, sports rep.

Go ahead.

Ask them.

Mr. Raditch:


Thank you.

Heather, erika...

Is stephanie using me

To make wheels



Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!

Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!

Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!

Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!

...Question number five.

Hey, wheels

You were

Want to
come practice?

Yeah, sure.

How did you do
on the exam?

Okay. You?

I think I flunked.

Joey, that's life.

I'll never get out
of raditch's class.

Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!

Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!

Out of the way

With stephanie kaye!

What are
they saying?

Out of the way
with stephanie kaye!


As vice-president

I protest the appointment
of joey as sports rep.

Joey's qualified.

He is not!

He's not on
a school team!

It's a grade seven

We should vote.



Joey, come here.

Tell them what a great
sports rep you are.

Oh, come on!

Quiet down.

I can't be
sports rep.

It's a grade
seven position.

I quit.



You don't have to be nice
to me anymore.

Come on, guys.

I just wanted
everybody to like me.

Stephanie ( remembering ):
Go away, arthur!

I don't know you.

Of course
you know me.

I'm your

Look, it's not you.

It's the system.

I'm in grade eight,
so I'm important.

You're in grade seven
so you're, like...

Totally embarrassing.

If you vote for me

Stephanie kaye

I'll work hard to justify
your faith in me

Because I believe
being president

Is a responsibility
not to be taken lightly.

Give me
a kiss

And I'll vote
for you.


Okay, so long as you promise.

All right!

Oh, yeah!

Me, too!


Hey, don't
forget about me!

Why do I always have to
mess things up?

I'd like to thank...
Joey jeremiah.


All right!

We want a kiss!

We want a kiss!

We want a kiss!

I have to
write a speech

For the p.T.A.

You used me!

I thought you'd be grateful!

I am grateful!

Sure, that's why
you thanked joey.

Boys like that sort of thing.

So do girls!

So do best friends!

But that's okay

Because I don't want

To be your
friend anymore.

You're a selfish baby!

Voula, wait!

You're on your own,
ms. President--

You and your
new image!

( echoing )
image... Image... Image

Hey, arthur.

Want to walk home together?


You know something?

Junior high's okay.

I really liked
my first term.

What about you?

I made a lot
of mistakes.

You know what?

Next term's going to be
completely different.

I'm going to be me.

That's great!

I'm even going to try
to be nicer to you.


Can I talk to you
at school?


Can we watch tv shows
that I choose?


Can I borrow
your stereo?

Don't push your luck.