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04x04 - #RollUpToTheClubLike

Posted: 07/20/21 07:29
by bunniefuu
[Grace] "And, like this
insubstantial pageant faded,

leave not a rack behind.

We are such stuff as dreams are made on,

and our little life
is rounded with sleep."

[cell phone vibrating]

So, even though Prospero was
a great conjurer and sorcerer,

he still didn't believe
in the afterlife.

[cell phone vibrating]

Cell phones are supposed to
be turned off in my classroom.

I know, but I think it's important.

- More important than The Tempest?
- [sighs]

- What, is it happening?
- I'm getting new lungs!

Oh, my God!

Why is this taking so long?


Medical reasons, I assume.

- I'm... I'm not a doctor, so I don't know.
- [chuckles]

I'll go check again, honey. Okay?

I just want it to be over
so I can stop worrying.

This is one of the best
hospitals in the country.

You have nothing to worry about.

- Except death.
- [chuckles]

You are not going to die.

You're getting rebuilt.

- Stronger. Faster.
- But what if I do?

There's just so many things
I feel like I haven't done.

Like what?

I don't know. Like, fly a helicopter.

See Cannibal Corpse live.

I've never even been fishing. [snickers]

[Ms. Cardinal sighs]

Bad news.

The doctor said the new
lungs didn't survive the trip.

- I'm so sorry, Grace.
- [sighs]

Hopefully, next time it works out.

- Okay, in a way, this is a good thing.
- It is?

Now, you have at least one
more day to do all that stuff.

[theme music playing]

♪ Whatever it takes I know
I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out I know
I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best, be the best
The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it I
know I can make it through ♪

So, for our prom desserts,
I heard back from Bakerburg

and they want to send us a
profiterole tree to try out.

Ooh, I love profiteroles!

But I also heard back from Palate Park,

that molecular gastronomy place,

and they want to have us in for
a five-course dessert tasting.

- Tonight! I know!
- Shut up!

- I feel like the belle of the ball.
- [chuckles]

So, should I tell them we'll come?

You and me?

I... I can't.

Oh... Uh...

I'll go and report back.

[softly] Why did you say no?

I can't go out with Winston.

It's not like it's a date-date.
It's student council business.

But it's still haram. We'd be alone.

Not if Zoë and I come.

Why not? You like him.

Exactly. And I shouldn't be
putting myself in that situation

unless I intend to marry him.

And it's impossible you would
ever consider marrying him?

Well, I guess not impossible...

And it's for the sake of prom.

[scoffs and chuckles]

Hey, Winston!

On second thought, I can come.

Can you make it for four?

Yeah. For... for you? Anything.

[rock music playing over head phones]

- Beep-beep!
- I wasn't going that slow.

Uh, your sister told me
that you got into SoCalArt?


So, have you got your ticket to Cali?

I can't make music anymore.

- I pick up a guitar, and... nothing.
- You're just...

just rusty. [chuckles]

Um, can I help you?

Um, yeah, we're hoping, actually.

We're looking for a new, uh,
theme song for our vlog channel

and Vijay said that you're
super talented, so...

[sighs] I'm not sure I'm up for it.

I told you she was still
too mentally fragile.

- [Maya scoffs]
- She'll do it.

Great. Um, I'll send you the details.

- I... I mean, I don't know, Tris.
- Seize the day.

[Jonah] Well, Grace
narrowly avoided surgery.

But, you know, new
lungs could come any day.

So, if you guys only had one day
left to live, what would you do?

- Easy. Spend it with Zig.
- Aw, me, too.

But also, climb Mount Everest.

- [Jonah] There it is.
- What,

you don't want to literally
be on the top of the world?

You don't feel that way
already when you're with me?

[Grace and Jonah chuckle]

Let's just look at this
thing. [clears throat]

Uh... "Play Massey Hall. Go fishing.

Have a pillow fight.
Meet a platypus." Weird.

A platypus has bird,
reptile and mammal DNA.

It's basically an alien.
You don't want to meet one?

I keep telling her to
think bigger, like...

go to Seattle and see Kurt
Cobain's memorial or something.

And I keep telling him, I
can't travel anywhere too far

in case my lungs come
in. So, no West Coast.

And no Everest either,
with my crappy lungs.

Can't do anything too aerobic.

There go all my suggestions.

- We get it. You guys do it.
- And you two don't?

You haven't done it?

I highly suggest you have someone
give you an orgasm before you die.

And one of the main causes for World
w*r I is the Anglo-German naval race.

- [whispers] Get that down.
- [school bell ringing]

- You'll thank me in heaven.
- [scoffs]

What are you doing?

Well, you don't want to
waste any more time, right?

- [shutter clicks]
- We're doing one of these things tonight!

[chuckles nervously]


Is that ice cream?

Yeah, cool party trick, huh?

The best part? I
checked. It's all halal.


- That is adorable. [chuckles]
- Stop.

So, we could really have this at prom?

Oh, yeah, they'll set
up a serving station.

We can have them dress as witches

and serve from a cauldron, just
to match the fairy-tale theme.

We have to book these guys.

I don't know. It's kind of weird.

I think it's wonderful.

[cell phone chimes]

Um, Grace needs some emergency advice.

You guys can have the rest of our...


I'm sure you can come with us.

Uh, you know what? I
think I'm gonna stay.

- Are you sure?
- It's no big deal.

I'll just meet up with
you before we head home.

And it'd be a shame to let
all this pink foam go to waste.

[chuckles softly]

- This is pretty cool.
- Right?

But... I don't know how to eat this.

- [blows]
- You gotta pop the bubbles... Oh!

- [laughing]
- Or do that. You could do that.

- [playing guitar]
- [singing] ♪ We're young, we're fun

You could call us effusive ♪

♪ We talk about it all
We're All-Inclusive ♪

So, was it perfect?

Or was it too perfect?

It was a perfect... first attempt?

Okay, what are you guys
looking for instead?

- I think it needs to be more serious.
- And, like, lighter.

You want it more
serious and also lighter?

- Yes, and with a more professional tone.
- And kind of improvisational.

Great suggestions.

Do you have anything else?

It has to be broad enough
to speak to everyone.

We are All-Inclusive, after all.

[Baaz] But it should be specific
enough to brand our channel.

We want something that, when our
fans hear it, it'll make them say,

"Oh, look, it's All-Inclusive
News and Reviews."

I think Jonah is coming
to have sex with me.

- Mmm, why would you think that?
- [Grace sighs]

We made this list.

He said we're doing one
of these things tonight.


So, unless he's getting a platypus...

- Do you want to?
- I don't know.

I mean, I shouldn't die
before, you know, right?

In horror films, the only
people to live are the virgins.

- [Zoë scoffs]
- Helpful.

Do you think he feels pressured?

Well, have you ever done anything?

Some stuff, I guess.

I think the idea is...

with someone you love,
it's mind-blowing.

So long as you don't
forget the consequences

that can happen to
heteros such as yourself.

[Grace] Oh, no.

- [chuckles]
- [Zoë] Wow!

You're really thinking about this.

I'm not opposed to it, in theory.

That won't be a theory for long.

Ready to cross something
off your bucket list?

I think you took the
bucket part too literally.

No, we're going fishing! [chuckles]


I love that episode with,
who is it, uh, Phil Collins?

Oh, uh, the "Break-Up." Yeah,
that was... that was great.

- But my favorite is, uh, "Act V."
- The one where they did Hamlet...

- In prison, yeah!
- [chuckles]

I can't believe you listen
to This American Life.

No one at school does. It
makes me feel kinda old.

Just a couple of old souls.

- Mmm.
- [candy crackling]

What's happening?

Oh, it's... it's covered in Pop
Rocks. [stutters] I thought you knew.

- I thought I was being electrocuted!
- [both chuckle]

I don't know why I'm so nervous.

You're nervous?

[smacks lips] Yeah, it's kinda my
first time being alone with a boy,

one who's not my brother or cousins.

Oh. Oh, we can go if you want.

But it's so nice.

[chuckles] Um, is this allowed?

Well, technically, I probably shouldn't
even be out with you in the first place.

- [chuckles]
- Unless I intend to marry you.

I'm not proposing or anything,
but I... I wouldn't rule it out.

I like you, too, Goldi.

[cell phone vibrates]

Oh, it's my parents.

Asking if we need a ride home.

- Do you think they know?
- Maybe they're just being nice.

Rasha's not here. What do I do?

- Okay, tell them you've got a ride.
- [sighs]

We'll call an Uber, meet up
with Rasha and get you home.

- There's no Ubers. No cabs, either.
- That's impossible.

[Winston] Oh.

There was a t*rror1st att*ck
in the subway in Brussels,

so they shut down the
subway here to be safe.

Why would they do that?

It says they have a credible thr*at.

It seems a little much. It happened
all the way across the ocean.

I know a shortcut.

If we walk fast, we
can get home on time.

- Come on.
- [sighs]

More serious, but less serious.

More polished, but improvisational.

I know. They don't even
know what they want.

- How do they expect me to?
- Look.

[reporter on TV] At least
have been confirmed dead

and as many as wounded.

- Thirty-five dead.
- This is from a b*mb placed on the subway

at Brussels Central Station.

Security footage is
being analyzed...

- Are you okay?
- Where's the remote?

The remote.

[TV turns off]

[sighs] When I was at my worst,
I was staying up all night,

watching photos and videos like that.

It's okay. It's off now.

It's not okay.

I'm not okay. I keep getting
triggered by everything.

The TV, trying to write this music...

Put it all aside for a sec,
and help me with something.

It's part of my rehab.

[Grace sighs]


So, you just kinda have to
release it at the right time.

So, just like that.

- Yeah.
- [chuckles]

- Okay, are you not enjoying this?
- [chuckles]

We haven't even gotten
to the best part yet.

Which is?


- Nothing?
- Yup.

You see, the beauty of fishing
is that mostly nothing happens,

so there's plenty of time to talk.

And what did you want to talk about?

About another item on your list.

Look, I know why it's on there, but...

you shouldn't want that.

- Because it makes me a slut?
- What?

No! You shouldn't want
that with me. I'm...

- I'm messed up, Grace.
- [chuckles] Yeah, you're a horrible guy.

Okay, have you ever wondered
why I'm straight edge?

I already know about the dr*gs.

Back when I was getting high

and messing around with
whoever, I got someone pregnant.

- Who?
- Doesn't matter.

She was and I
wasn't very nice to her.

And I don't want to blame the dr*gs...

but her family didn't
want me to see the kid.

[Grace] So, you never met her?

- Her? Him?
- Her.

No, and I can't.

But it did make me get myself clean.

So, I just want to talk about
that before we talked about sex.

Good talk.


My parents are gonna be so mad.

But, then, how can I be mad
when so many people got hurt.

- Stupid t*rrorists!
- You'll get there in time.

Yeah, maybe if one of The
Lord of the Rings
birds comes,

picks us up to take us there.

Hey, good call. You know,
I got Gandalf on speed dial.

- Just one second.
- [chuckles]

You'll be home soon.

Seriously, this route
shaves, like, minutes.

Hey! There's one of 'em now.

- Just ignore them.
- Are you on their side?

- What? Who?
- The guys who blew up Brussels.

- Of course not!
- Then take that thing off!

- We're just trying to get home.
- So were all those people in Belgium.

Those men are murderers, not Muslims.

Doesn't your book say it's okay to k*ll?

[softly] Maybe you
should just take it off.

The Quran doesn't say
anything like that.

- You want to get home, right?
- [Marjorie] Listen to your boyfriend.

- He's not my boyfriend.
- Then he won't mind if I help you out.

[Goldi] Oh, my... [screams]
[Winston] Hey, what're you...

- Stop!
- [crashing]

[panting] You're animals!

[playing electronic b*at]

Okay, okay. Just stop. [chuckles]


Your grip is all wrong. You
wanna create a fulcrum. Like this.

That way you'll get to the beats
quicker, and you use way less energy.

[playing b*at]

Oh, yeah, that's better.


[Maya grunts]

♪ He's a drummer man In
a rock and roll band ♪

♪ And for a few months
He peed into a bed pan ♪

[chuckles] See? You can still do it.

Yeah, you tricked me.

Besides, it doesn't
count. It was just for fun.

Well, it used to all be fun for you.

I get it.

You feel like you failed
with that first song, but...

if I gave up after every time I
failed, I wouldn't even be walking.

Just try it one more time.

Just focus on keeping it fun.

I'll help.

[playing b*at]

[playing guitar]




Is this just a creative way of saying
you never want to sleep with me?


I mean, I've heard excuses before,
but this is pretty elaborate.

Grace, it's the opposite.

Okay, after that, I
completely shut myself off,

but I'm open to thinking
about it again with you.

You are?

Yes... but I told myself that
I wouldn't do it with somebody

that I didn't know really, really well.

So, I figured maybe we
could share a few things.

I'll go first. I once
shoplifted a Snickers bar.

- [scoffs] Rebel.
- Yeah.

[both chuckle]

I've got a birthmark on my butt.

It's kind of shaped like an elephant.

- Hot.
- [laughing]

I wet the bed till I was
nine. I don't anymore.

God, this is worse than
getting naked with someone.

- Just as exciting, though.
- [chuckles]

Whoa! Whoa, you got one!

- [giggles]
- Okay, come on.



- We lost it.
- [chuckles]

[Mr. Nahir] Honey?

What's wrong?

- [crying] They att*cked me.
- [gasps]

They tried to take off my hijab.

- Who did?
- I don't know!

I was just on the way
home and I just ran.

How did that even happen?
I thought you had a ride.

I... I lied to you.

I was out with a boy,
and I wasn't with Rasha

and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry!

We can talk about that later.

- [crying]
- But this wasn't your fault, sweetie.

I'm going to call the police,

make sure this doesn't
happen to anyone else.

I just wish I could go back in
time and just stay home tonight.

- It's okay.
- [sobbing]

It'll be okay.

[reporter on TV] More help is on
the way,
but many victims

remain trapped under the rubble.

We've spoken to eyewitnesses...

Sorry, I know I've got my own
room, but you've got the big TV.

Did you hear about this?

Death toll's up to .

I caught it on the way home.
We must have been out of range.

Wait, you were fishing till now?

Yeah, fishing. [chuckles]

You didn't.

[chuckles] No, no, no, no,
no. But we talked a lot.

You ready to put that condom to use?

Actually, I think we might
save it for prom night.

- [chuckling]
- What?

That is the most basic thing
I've ever heard you say.


We're not going to rush it or anything
just because of my lungs, but...

we both realized we've been putting
off living in a lot of ways and...

- But not anymore?
- No.

So, I guess it's time for us to start
enjoying things that you normals do.

Like this. [laughs]

Hey! Hey!

[Zoë] Do you think you're
cool now, or something?

- [Grace] Stop it! Hey!
- [both laughing]

[reporter on TV] More
ambulances are arriving

to treat those who are injured,
and a few blocks away...

- Are those as*ault r*fles?
- [sighs] Sigs, I think.

Okay, but why do you guys
know so much about g*ns?

Video games.

Hey, Miles let me in.

You guys ready to hear
your new theme song?

Um, I think with everything going
on, maybe tonight's not the best time.

The number has yet to
be confirmed, but...

Or... it's exactly
the right time. Trust.

- [Yael sighs]
- Okay, let's hear it.

After you play it.

Um, I'm not remotely musical.

Oh, come on, everybody's musical.


- Okay...
- [jingling]


[singing] ♪ We're elusive ♪

♪ And conducive Unobtrusive ♪

♪ All-Inclusive ♪

[all singing] ♪ We're
elusive and conducive ♪

♪ Unobtrusive All-Inclusive ♪

[both chuckle]

- I think I've found my calling!
- That was so cool.

Yeah, it'll be even cooler when
you guys do the singing, in a round.

Do you want to try that now?

I've heard enough. Let's just sh**t it.

- Let's grab the lights.
- [Maya chuckles] Okay.


- Thanks, I really needed that.
- Yeah, me, too.


It helps if you turn it on.

I know. I just don't know what to do.

- You press the little button.
- [both chuckle]

Are you okay?

I'm just a little shaky.

Probably won't be going on
any long walks any time soon,

but, I will be.

Still, I don't know what
to do about Winston, though.

He keeps texting.

You let him know you're okay, right?

Yeah, and I told him we
weren't the only ones att*cked.

The cops told my dad that there
were a couple of other incidents.

It wasn't his fault.

He sorta sided with them. At
least, it felt like he did.

I guess I don't really
know him that well.

You can still get to know him.

With everything going on in the world,
I think there's more important things.

[cell phone ringing]



I know I said this a hundred
times, but I am so sorry.

I should have fought
those guys for you.

No, you shouldn't have.
That would have been foolish.

But so is us hanging out.

I think we should stop.

But we're still going to
plan prom together, right?

No, I'm resigning.

I'm going to spend my time creating
a Muslim students' association.

You can't do both?

You're sweet, Winston.

But, right now,

I need to make sure that none of
our Muslim students feel alone.

[melancholy music playing]