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07x09 - The Search

Posted: 07/20/21 06:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

You have to be in Paris,
for a baking audition.

(STEPHANIE): Thanks for
everything you did today.

Your father and I,
we've grown steadily apart.

(CASSIE): My parents flew this
every year on their anniversary.

The last time we flew it was
the winter before they died.

(ABIGAIL): "beware the zenith
of the red haloed moon."

We gotta find that second amulet.

And if the red haloed moon
reaches its zenith...

- That's fade out.
- I want you to make a promise.

I won't overdo it.
Why can't you just accept

- the fact that I'm fine?
- Because you're not.

(SAM): That's right. Cassie
Nightingale knows everything.




- Stop it!
- You stop it!

You both stop it.

- We do not use our gift for mischief.
- (GIRLS): Sorry, mother.

Respect the privilege that's
been bestowed upon this family.

We didn't ask for it.

Neither did I.

Come now. They're ready.



These will forever protect our gift...

From our greatest threat.

- (GIRLS): The red haloed moon.
- You also sense its coming.



William and I are leaving tonight.

You don't want mother to find you.

I'm sorry.

The responsibility is yours alone now.









This room isn't on any of
the drawings of Grey House.

Guess this is where all
the magic happened.

Patience handed fortune her amulet

right by the spinning wheel.

Then what did she do with it?

If I knew that, don't you
think I would've led with it?

Why do all your dreams end
before the important part?

It doesn't really matter.
We already know

the amulet isn't here.

Do we?

How can we trust the locater spell
when our powers have been off?

Then how can we trust your dream?

Maybe we can't, but...

I think we should search
Grey House top to bottom.

Starting with this room.


- Are we having a yard sale?
- No.

These are artifacts they just
found in a secret room upstairs.

We are hoping one of them
could lead us to the amulet.

Ah. So just another Tuesday
at Grey House.

Do you have any idea
how to open this thing?

- It's called a cryptex.
- I know what it's called,

I just don't know how to open it.

Hey. Easy, Nancy drew. Do you
think the amulet's in there?

It doesn't make
any noise when I shake it,

but there still could be
something inside.

You know, there are over
million possible combinations.

I know you're trying to avoid Cassie.

What are you talking about?

I can feel it.

I'm not trying to avoid her.
We're just...

Not on the same page right now.

And you won't be
until you hash this thing out.


(MAN): Grey House is
everything you said it was.

Thanks to Cassie.
You did a wonderful job.

- I'd love some...
- Honey?


If it's no trouble.

- Ow!
- (SAM): Hey.


let's get that under some cool water.




How's that?

Who were you talking to?

I'm fine. Thanks.

I would put some aloe on it,
just in case.


Um... I've gotta get to the hospital.

Have a good day.



- Mm!
- Hm.


- I do have a secret, Martha.
- Oh! I knew it.

The look of love!
Daydreaming about your steady?

- Tom's keeping a secret.
- Pardon moi?

I don't mean to freak you out.

- Um...
- Well, too late!

- It's just a feeling I've got.
- I could be completely wrong.

When it comes to feelings,
you Merriwicks are

literally batting .

Well, lately, we've been striking out.

Well, I hope this is
another swing and a miss

because Tom has never kept
a secret from me!

- Martha doesn't know.
- Don't you think she should?

Well, I don't want her to worry.

I get it, believe me,
but you don't wanna do this

- without Martha.
- Your Merriwick feeling has

- got me reeling.
- If he does have a secret,

then there's no saying we
shouldn't accentuate the positive.

Oh! Oh, oh, oh.

- I see what you mean.
- Yeah!

If Tom is keeping a secret,

it could be something fabulous!

- Yeah, it could be a big deal!
- Yeah, yeah!

- I do love a big deal.
- Yeah!

I just don't want this to be a big deal.

(SAM SIGHS) neither did I

when I hurt my shoulder.

But having Cassie there made it
a lot easier to deal with.

Cassie has a very different way

of handling things than Martha.

at least give it some thought.

Friday'll be here before you know it.

You're gonna want to see
Martha's face when you wake up.



How's the shoulder?


- I'm fine.
- Ok.

Then why does it look
like a doctor wrote that?

My handwriting's always been that bad.

You know what I'm saying.

The same thing Cassie's been saying.

Hm. So two people that really care

about you think
you might be overdoing it.

What do you think?


You ever, uh... Almost kiss someone?

Ah... Tabitha Sorensen.

th grade, homecoming dance.

Why didn't you seal the deal?

I chickened out. Plus, I was
afraid of her old man.


You two ever talk about it?


By Monday, she was holding hands
with Jimmy Casameric.


Adam and I...

Almost kissed
after the sweetheart sprint.

Why didn't you seal the deal?

Chickened out.

Plus... I may be going to Paris.

But it's Adam. What're you scared of?

That it was Adam.

- I don't follow.

He's just... He's so comfortable.

Safe, you know?


It's kind of the last thing
I need right now.

Or the exact thing.


Do you, Abigail,
wanna make the commitment?

I do. See? I already learned my lines.

There's just one problem.

You don't think that it's big
enough for all of our guests.

I don't think it's big enough
for all my mother's guests.

Then it's perfect!

So do you, Donovan, also want

to make the commitment?


I do.

Well, then, by the power vested in me

and this previously blank
church calendar,

I now pronounce you booked
for six months from yesterday.

You may kiss the bride-to-be.

I wish I could kiss Stephanie.

Excuse me?

It's... What Adam was thinking.

Why would you say that?

I'm weirdly connected to people today.

I can literally feel
what they're feeling.

Well, that's not a feeling
I'd like to discuss.

But... Since you brought it up,

we came close after
the sweetheart sprint.

- How close?
- Dangerously close.

She might be going to Paris.

I didn't wanna complicate things.

Love is complicated.

- Friendship is not.
- Except yours and Stephanie's.


I've read this same sentence four times.

I can't focus.

I can't make sense
of any of these things.

- Sorry that took me so long.
- You didn't miss much.

Well, you didn't miss anything. I...

I don't know how we're gonna
get through all of this.

Maybe we're not supposed to.

- That's not you talking.
- What if it's destined to end?

(SAM): Well, you can't give up.

He's right.

Maybe we should give you two a minute.

We actually don't have a minute.


I invited some friends over to help.



I don't know how much Sam has told you.

He said we're searching
for a family heirloom,

- an amulet?
- What he didn't mention is why.

- Um...
- Ahem.

Let's just say it's a source
of, uh, of great power.

Oh! With great power comes
great responsibility.

I couldn't agree more.
I'm sorry I'm late.

(PHONE RINGING) and sorry...

I have to take this call.
Did they accept our offer?

As usual, when my husband is here,

he's not really here.

Well, it's a good thing
that we're all here

to find the amulet.

Anything we have that might
help is on the table.

And we have about hours to do it.


- Ok. Let's go.
- Ok. All right.


You did a real good thing here, doc.

I'm hoping it makes up
for a real bad thing.

I've never seen
the Merriwicks this on edge.

(SAM): Yeah. Cassie being on edge

has me on edge.


You were right.

I'm listening.

I am overdoing it.

If you're waiting for me to say
everything's ok...

Mm-mm. No. It's not ok.

No. I made you a promise...

That you never intended to keep.

I'm sorry.

I never would have

made it through this without you.

Took you long enough.

At least you're not holding a grudge.

Well, now you know
not to get on my bad side.



Are we good?

We're better.

We'll work on good.




How about... We go find an amulet?


You coming?

Um... Yeah.

Just look at those mysterious Merriwicks

and that duplicitous Davenport.

Ahem. Think of all the secrets

that they're keeping from one another.

Subtlety was never
your strong suit, Martha.

Fine. Then riddle me this, Batman.

What husband is keeping
a secret from his dedicated

and loving wife?

Not this husband.

Oh, please. Your poker face is

more readable than a dime store novel.

Ok. You got me.

- I do have a secret, Martha.
- Oh! I knew it.

Well, actually, Joy...

Knew it, but spill.

Spill! No one likes
a tight-lipped Tinsdale.

Well, the truth is...

I really want to be
the one to find this amulet.

I love a good treasure hunt.



Compassion cupcakes.

Truth chocolates.

Love licorice?


Wow. These Merriwicks
really know how to do dessert.

Elizabeth put it to good use.
She gave love licorice

to some guy named Andrew Wymark,

and they ran off to Texas together.

Did they live happily ever after?

Let's find out. Wow.
Did not see that coming.

- Did they break up?
- Nope. They rode off

into the sunset. I'm more interested

- in what was on the last page.
- It's torn out.

It could've been the answer
to all life's mysteries.

You know what answer I'm looking for?

Why we didn't kiss?

Guess you've been thinking about it too.

- Ah, not really.
- So nonstop?

- Pretty much.


- I got in.
- You're going to Paris?


I'm going to Paris.

For, like, six months.

And I have to be on a plane tomorrow.

I guess I just never really
thought this was gonna happen.

I... Who's gonna run the bistro?

Who... Who's gonna water my plants?

- Who's gonna get my mail?
- Hey. Hey.

We'll figure it out.


- You're going to Paris!
- I'm going to Paris.


I remember how many
of mom's plates you broke

- trying to perfect that.
- No one's perfect.

That's why pencils have erasers.

- You still remember that.
- Hm. Of course.

Do you remember this is the part

where you'd toss me one of those plates?

Oh, yeah, but I got those in Bangalore.

Hm. You don't trust your pops.

More than anyone.

Then tell me what's bothering you.

Has mom ever told you how she feels

about our... Abilities?

I'm assuming you're not
talking about juggling.

She knows it's a big responsibility.

Yeah. Tell me about it.

Why don't you tell mom about it?

You know you can talk
to her about anything.





To think I spent
all that money on lessons.

Ah. Heh. He plays beautifully,
and it was worth every penny.

- Relax, Dotty.
- It was just a joke.

Pretending you wanna be
here is the joke.

Guys, enough! I didn't play
the clunkers by accident.

They're actually written
in the composition.

- There are a few more in here.

- Seriously...
- Seriously? Can you just turn

- turn that thing off?
- That was bold.

- And necessary.
- Those phone calls are

necessary if you want to enjoy

the lifestyle
you've become accustomed to.

Keep it up,
and the guesthouse will become

- your permanent residence.
- Excuse me?

Why would you say that?

I can't stop myself.

I said what your mother
was going to say.

Cryptex question.

Is Abigail right?

Your father and I...

Have been separated for two months.


Ah! Somehow, firefighter

and fashionably late don't seem
to go together.

What am I late for?

I've got it from here, George.

Uh... I have a tip.

When you mess up, it's best to 'fess up.

Well, that amulet is not
going to find itself,

so... The floor is yours.

Uh, the foyer, anyway.


I thought you were working at
plans for a remodel all night.

- You brought me ice cream?
- Birthday cake ice cream.

So I guess this is
the part where I 'fess up.

- I lied.
- More like you got caught.

Do you wanna tell me what's going on?

Everyone we know is here,
looking for a missing family heirloom.

Yeah. An amulet. I heard.

- Why didn't you want my help?
- I didn't ask

for anyone's help. Sam invited them.

- So it's Sam's fault.
- Yeah. Let's go with that.

(ZOEY SIGHS) good luck on your search.

I'm a witch.

I wouldn't go that far,
but... What you did wasn't cool.

No, no. I don't think you understand.

I'm an actual witch.



That didn't look like fun.

Hasn't been fun for a long time.

You know, you could've talked to me.


It's hard to admit your marriage is...

Falling apart.


- I gotta take this, Tom.

What are the numbers?

You knew, didn't you?
This was the secret.

You're a good friend, Tom.

And an even better husband.


Mmhm. I take it my mess up,

'fess up philosophy fell on deaf ears.

No. I 'fessed up, and...

I... Scared Zoey off.

Do you mind me asking
what did you 'fess?

That I'm a witch.

It'd have to come out sooner or later.

I've... Never told anyone before.

And now, you're regretting it?

I'm not sure.

Well, let me put your mind at ease, kid.

If she can't accept you for who you are,

then you're better off without her.

Was the amulet found
and I wasn't informed?

Not that I'm aware of.

Then why do you seem so content?

Oh, believe me, Martha,
I am anything but content.

Well, the doctor is in,

and I prescribe that you dish the dirt.

I wanna get back together with Adam.

So what's the problem?

I'm leaving for France tomorrow.


"My beloved Patience, as darkness falls

"on this cold and bitter sea,

"thoughts of you are like the warm sun.

"Time and distance cannot
separate our hearts,

"but only strengthen our yearning

for one another." so, you see,

William and Patience are proof

that distance doesn't dissipate desire.

Yes, but that's the problem.

If I'm thinking about Adam,

then I'm not gonna be thinking
about what I'm

actually supposed to be doing in Paris.

Oh! Well, now that I have a better...

Understanding of the situation,
here's my two cents.

If you and Adam are meant to be,

you will still be meant to be
when you get back.

- You really think so?

As the French would say... Yes.




- You haven't said much.
- What's there to say?

The first stage of grief is denial.

I'm not denying anything.
My parents are splitting up.

Separation doesn't mean
it's the end of the marriage.

No, just the beginning of the end.

No. I've gotta do something
to get them back together.

You can't put that kind
of pressure on yourself.



I don't get it! Why would
fortune put an F sharp there?

This thing is a masterpiece,
except for those six notes.


- How many notes?
- Six really bad ones.

Or six really good ones.

- You think?
- Read them off.

Uh... A, C, C.


F, G...



I'm really glad you came back.


I don't think I can do this.

Just so I'm clear,

you did tell me you're a witch, right?

- I did.
- Ok. Heh.

- One question.
- Only one?

Are you a good witch or a bad witch?

Definitely a good witch.

- For the most part.
- What does that mean?

Well, I have used it to
my advantage from time to time.

- Did you use it on me?
- What? No!

No, I would never do that.

Us Merriwicks are supposed

to use our gift for good.

Merriwicks... Plural?

Y... Yeah.

Cassie, Abigail, um... Our mothers.

We all come from a long line of...

- Witches.
- Yeah.

You... Do understand

that this is
a little difficult to believe?

And by a little, I mean a lot.

It's a little difficult to tell you.


By a little, I mean...

I've never told anyone before.


- Can I ask one more question?
- Anything.

Do you...

Cast spells, do magic, fly on brooms?

Well, that's three questions but, um...

Yes... Yes

and... I tried it once,
but I got stuck in a tree.



Can you show me how it works?




Uh... I'll take that as a yes.

- Actually, I didn't do that.
- What was that creak?

The stair popped open.
There's a book in here.


It's fortune's journal.

We found the code to the cryptex.

There were six music notes listed inside

to replace the clunkers
in fortune's composition.

When I played it with the right notes...

- The stair popped open.
- We have to tell Cassie.

She already knows.

Well, maybe fortune wrote
in here what she did

with Patience's amulet.

I'll read through it.

You're never gonna change, Davis.

You know what, Dotty?


We should table this.

I am done tabling things,

and I am done with you.



I'll go talk to your mother.




You don't wanna find the amulet, do you?

I get it. Being a Merriwick is
a big responsibility.

- One I never asked for.
- None of us did.

Then why do we have it?

As the story goes,
there was a red haloed moon

when Meredith was pregnant with Fortune.

She took in an elderly traveller,

who the rest of the town
had turned away.

She was the last of her family,
and she had fallen gravely ill.

Meredith showed her a kindness
she had... never felt before.

In return, the woman bestowed upon her

three purple satchels.

Meredith would learn the red haloed moon

was destroying the woman's powers.

In her final moments,
Meredith took the woman's hands

to comfort her, and she discovered

she was clenching an amulet.

What Meredith didn't know was

the woman transferred
her powers to our family,

forever putting the gift in our hands.

It doesn't have to be forever.

- It could end tomorrow night.
- Remember, Cassie...

...It wouldn't just end for you.


(DAVIS): You know your mother.

- she's not easy to please.

You've been married years.
You'll work it out.

Dotty wants a divorce.


Do you?

I made a choice, early on,

to give your mother a great life...

The life she wanted for our family.

(DAVIS CHUCKLES) the irony is...

Working that much actually drove
a wedge between us.

Don't let what happened to us
happen to you.


My cab's here.



Hey. Didn't know you were here.

Maybe it would've been
better if I wasn't.


First argument?

First time dating a...


Wow. Took Cassie
a lot longer to tell me.

You're so... Calm about it.

That's 'cause she's got me
under her spell.

I'm kidding.


I don't think I can do this.

Would you feel that way if...

Joy had told you she was
allergic to peanuts?

This is a little different than peanuts.

Not really.

They didn't choose to be witches.

It's just part of who they are.



Well, that's clever.

What is?

Check out the purple satchels.

Oh! Well,

that plot certainly thickened.

Did Davis ever let on
that things were that tumultuous

with Dotty?

I haven't really spent
much time with Davis lately.

Oh! I was under the impression
he was confiding in you.

Actually, Martha,
I should've confided in you.

That sounds... A little alarming.

Which is the very reason
I didn't tell you.

Tom, now you're scaring me.

I'm having heart surgery.


Why?! Wh... What happened?

I was having shortness of breath.

I went in for some tests,

and my mitral valve is being
replaced on Friday.

- On Friday?
- Yes.

And you're just telling me now?


And you're only telling me
because of what happened

- with the davenports.
- I didn't wanna worry you.

But after seeing
how disconnected they've become,

- I didn't want that for us.
- Tom, that would

never happen to us!

I know.

I also know that going through this...


...Alone has not been...




...You're not alone anymore.




- You write that yourself?

- Yeah. It's a work in progress.

- Aren't we all?

Can I, uh, take your order, kid?

You can tell me what's going on.

How about I just tell you what
today's specials are instead?

We got Adam and Eve on a raft,
and we wreck 'em.

So scrambled eggs on toast.

- We got Adam and Eve on a log.
- Eggs and sausage.

And we have Adam who doesn't want

you to worry about the bistro
while you're gone.

So he asked me to be your maître d'.



He's a pretty good egg. Huh, kid?

He really is.


You know what?

You're not so bad yourself.


You look about as in the mood

to search for the amulet as I am.

Hopefully, Cassie finds
something in fortune's journal.


let's do it. Let's elope.


Another flash?

I saw Donovan ask you to elope.


After everything that just

happened with Dotty and Davis,
I doubt Donovan's

in the mood for marriage.

Well, I don't know.
I mean, earlier, I flashed

that Zoey couldn't handle
me telling her I'm a witch,

and... I haven't been able
to find her since.

- You told her you're a witch?
- I told her we're all witches.

I'd be avoiding you too.

Well... When did you tell Donovan?

I still haven't told him.


The amulet.

"Mother was so angry

"at Patience's betrayal of the family,

she destroyed her amulet."



- so...

You're a witch.

I am.

I guess that makes me...

A witch's girlfriend.

Uh. Well, without the amulet,

you may not be a witch's
girlfriend for long.

Sam said this was
about the red haloed moon.


It's beautiful, right?

You'd never guess
it had such a dark side.

It actually has no light of its own.

It reflects the sun,
kind of like an opposites attract thing.


"when the earth's shadow falls
across the moon,

"and the ice crystals form
a prism on the lake,

that's when the red halo appears."

Sounds like a lunar eclipse.

Which means the moon is
cut off from the sun.

If the two opposites can't attract...

The moon is gonna pull
the next strongest force.

My family.

That's why you needed the amulet.

It would've protected us.

Light of a clear blue morning.

Isn't that a Dolly Parton song?

Or maybe the protection
you're looking for.

Sam I and I found the words hidden

in those little purple bags.
But you can only see them

if you're looking
through the binoculars.


These belonged to our great-grandmother.

Guess what I found?

"light of a clear blue morning"
is the first track.


(WOMAN): Hello, Joy.
I knew you'd find this

when the time had come.

She knew it would be me!

Who, Dolly Parton?

As I'm sure you've discovered,
the red haloed moon poses

a great threat to our family's gift.

That's not Dolly Parton,
that's... My great-grandmother.

Then she sings a lot like Dolly.

- You hear singing?
- You don't?

As it reaches its zenith,
Grey House becomes vulnerable

to unwanted visitors.

The orb of intent will warn
of any such intrusions.

Slide the centre panel in the fireplace,

under the grey lady,
and the orb will be revealed.


What'd she say?


I'm guessing that's not a snow globe.

It's the orb of intent.


It detects any negative energy
entering Grey House.



I always wondered
what the red haloed moon

actually looked like.

Do you ever wonder what we'd be like

without this gift?

You think this gift
makes you who you are.

- It's all I know.
- Is it?


I'm so tired.

Happiness may be found

only by helping others find it.

But I'm not happy.

You won't walk away.

- You don't know that.
- I know my daughter.

Do you?

Your heart, your kindness,

your compassion...

That's the true magic of who you are.




Here's the thing.

I still love you. And I'm...

Pretty sure you still love me.

And six months in Paris is not gonna

change how I feel.

And... Maybe this is selfish

of me to do this now,

but we have spent
so much time trying to do

what we think is right and ignoring...

What we both actually want...

...To just be together.

Or... At least, that's what I want.

- Am I allowed to talk now?
- Oh, please, say something.

I'd rather do something.

♪ I was walking through icy streams ♪

♪ that took my breath ♪

♪ away ♪

- let's get married.
- We're going to.

I mean now. Like, this week.

- This week?
- Let's just do it. Let's elope.

You did notice everything
that went on between my parents?

I'm gonna remind you for the last time,

- we are not your parents.
- Not now...

Not ever.

Would you be doing this
if things hadn't gone down

- like they did today?
- Maybe not,

but... They did go down,
and it made me realize

that we should be married.

No more waiting.
No more excuses. Just...

You, me and a justice of the peace.

You're really serious?

About how much I love you? Yes.

- Yes.
- Yes?

Let's do it. Let's elope.


Oh, these smell amazing!

- And so do you.
- Mmhm. Keep talking.

Our kitchen was always full
of so much love.

Who doesn't love blueberry muffins?

How did we ever put up
with his sense of humour?

- I like his sense of humour.
- That's my girl.

I forgot how you two
always sided with each other.


This place has good energy.

- It always did.
- Yeah,

but it didn't have Cassie's energy.

- You do light up a room.
- Aw.

I say the same thing about Grace.

I wish you both could meet her.

I can't have a granddaughter.

- I'm too young.
- We're both too young.

Do you want the spoon?

It was always your favourite thing.

(WHISPERS): I'm so sorry.

It's not your fault.

I had a feeling,
and I didn't say anything.

I'm the one who didn't say anything.

- I don't understand.
- You're a Merriwick.

I didn't prepare you
for what that means...

For what you felt that day.

There was no way for you to know.

Well, why didn't you know?

Why can't we see our own future?

You don't question a gift.
You treasure it.


I miss you.

I miss this.

You have this.

(SAM): Hey.

Come here.



Hey, doc. You wanna give
me a hand with this thing?




You guys are not gonna believe this.

- Believe what?
- The latch on the hope chest...

- It's the mould for the amulet.
- What? Are you kidding?

It was right under our noses?


You ok?

- The room is spinning.
- Like a top.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Ok.
Let's get you sitting.

Uh, get them some water.
I'll check their vitals.

- (THUD)
- Cassie?!
