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02x01 - #SquadGoals

Posted: 07/19/21 18:42
by bunniefuu
[upbeat song playing]

We're gonna own this year,
especially with that serve, Shay.

Are you kidding me? It's
all about your spike.

You must have practiced over break.

[scoffs] Yeah, when she
wasn't busy making out with...

[both mockingly] Jonah.

Hey, I'm a good multitasker.

Northern Tech is gonna
be in trouble next week.

We're playing against the Zoo?

They are scary.

Because they all look like criminals.

No offense.

Why would I be offended?

- Uh, where are my clothes?
- Oh, my God, my pants.

Oh, my God, my shirt.

Oh, my God, where's my bra?

That was my favorite one.

- My uniform's missing, too.
- [alarm blaring]


- [alarm continues blaring]
- [indistinct chatter]

Go, girls, go!

- No, no, no, no, no!
- Frankie, your bum!

[all laughing]

[Kara] Looking good, Degrassi!

Oh, no, you did not!

Did not what?

[shouting indistinctly]

No one told me Northern
Tech was scary and rude!

Well, this is no fun.

Agree. But you know what is fun?


[theme music playing]

♪ Whatever it takes I
know I can make it through ♪

♪ And if I hold out I
know I can make it through ♪

♪ Be the best, be the best
The best that I can be ♪

♪ Whatever it takes ♪

♪ I know I can make it I
know I can make it through ♪

- And their English program is amazing.

A student from there got a
publishing deal last year.

I'm glad you're excited. Boarding
school will be good for you.

Vanderbilt Prep also has
tons of amazing sports teams,

plus lots of new guys and girls.

Hey, remember, you're there to focus.

Sounds great. Can I go, too?

No, you'll be going to Degrassi

after your one-week
suspension for cyberbullying.

Everyone else got off easy.

Because everyone else apologized.

Well, at least you'll
be back for the summer.

Why would he ever wanna come back here?


I gotta get to hot yoga.

Oh, remember to get your
file from school today, okay?


I'm going to my room.

Have fun with your new life.

Don't be like that. We
hung out all winter break.

Come on, we're going for a drive.

I'm not supposed to leave.

You wanna get out of
the house, don't you?

Besides, how am I gonna leave you my
car if I don't teach you to drive stick?

- Seriously?
- I don't joke about the convertible.


"Dead fish in the air vent,
manure in the toilet tanks..."

All these pranks seem so smelly.

Don't they have anything cute? Like...
sending them a huge envelope of glitter?

That's not bad.

Any ideas?

I don't think this is a good idea.

But they made us look like a
bunch of idiots. Naked idiots.

We should settle it on the court.

I bet that's exactly what Poland said.

This is like h*tler and
Poland all over again.

If we turn a blind eye,
who knows what'll happen.

- We can't just let it go.
- Seriously?

I feel like I should understand
what you're talking about.

[sighs] We can't do nothing.

They'll think we're pushovers,
on and off the court.

It's a bad idea.

What's really going on? Why
don't you want to do this?

I just don't, okay? It's
stupid and a waste of time.

[bell rings]

It's okay. All the other girls are in.

We're still gonna
prank them back, right?

A new semester brings
new co-op placements.

This is a chance to get
real-world experience,

so make sure those CVs are on ten,

as I know you're all fond of saying.

[Maya sighs]

Never have I seen anyone this
excited about writing a résumé.

A co-op with Peter
Stone would be a dream.

He works at a big studio downtown.

So you want to be a sound engineer?

Well, getting amazing on
the production side of things

is but one step in my
quest for musical dominance.

Operation Maya Matlin is a go.

Okay, what's going on?

- What?
- You're happy.

Why shouldn't I be?

Your boyfriend cheated on you
with a notorious psychopath.

I'm sorry, we can't all be
perfect friends like you, Grace.

Right... That.

I just wanna focus on this
interview. I'm fine, I swear.

I see you two are
still on vacation time.

Our private jet from
Bermuda was delayed.



[Grace] Looks like Zig is fine, too.


- [exhales sharply]
- [tires screeching]

[Miles] Good. Welcome to first gear.

- [Hunter] This is awesome!
- [tires screeching]

Whoa. Okay, not too much gas.

Okay, not too little or we'll...

[engine stalling]


[Miles chuckles]

It's okay.

[stammering] You just gotta
stay focused and in control.

Hey, I'm onto you, brother.

All the shoulder pats,
speeches about staying calm.

I'm just spending some
time with you before I go.

You're trying to make sure
I don't go off the deep end.

Why would I worry about that?

Because I brought a g*n to school?

I'm not ready for you
to joke about that.

I... I didn't actually
do anything, okay?

So, I'm fine. I swear.

You can just go have your awesome
life, and I'll see you in the summer.

Unless I take a summer
course abroad in Italy.

[both chuckle]

You don't have to
worry about me... okay?

And... and to prove it, I'm
prepared to give you one hug.

[both laugh]

- Why don't you save that for when I leave?
- [chuckles] Deal.

All right, start her up.

I need you to drive me somewhere.

[engine starting]

[both laughing]

You didn't eat your garlic bread.

That's because I'm a
considerate boyfriend.

[Jonah chuckles]

You know, Franks, you're
gonna have to do more than that

- to get me to stop kissing you.
- [Frankie chuckles]

Although, I am a little jealous
that the entire student body

got to see your butt before I did.

All right...

is that not a joke I can make?

It's about Buttgate.

'Cause I want to retaliate,
'cause... Obviously, but...

- Shay thinks it's a bad idea.
- Why?

I don't know. She thinks it's stupid.

But the rest of the girls want to do it.

What do you think we should do?

Well, if there's one thing that my journey
on this planet has taught me so far,

it's that you always, under every
circumstance, no matter what...

prank back.

- What?
- Mmm-hmm.

I thought you were Mr.

Yeah, about things that matter, but...

I mean, this indignity
cannot go unanswered.

- That's what I said!
- [chuckles]

Plus, some stuff about
h*tler, which, in retrospect,

may have been a little bit of overkill.

You are so weird.

- [both laugh]
- Okay, but what do I do about Shay?

Well, you're not gonna
force her to do anything.

She can stay out of it.

Okay, you're right.

Let's go.

Where are we going?

To buy some paint.

- And some gum.
- [chuckles]


Come on, I'm sure you could throw
me around like a sack of potatoes.

I don't know. I wouldn't wanna hurt ya.

If that skateboard fall couldn't,

- neither can you.
- [laughs]

- I still can't believe that didn't hurt.
- [printer whirs]

You must be invincible.

- I wish.
- If you two will excuse me.

[printer continues whirring]

[whirring stops]

Oh, Peter, um...

I'm Maya Matlin.

Nice to meet you. Have a seat.


Here you go.

So, Maya...

tell me about Zig Novak.

I'm sorry, what?


Oh, God... I am so sorry.

This is... really embarrassing.

My ex was standing in front of
the printer, talking to some girl,

and so I just grabbed
whatever and bolted.

I wish I could tell you it gets better,

but that basically happened
to me last week. [snickers]

Uh... I have my songs here.
Do you want to take a listen?

No need. I already
listened to them online.

That one track's really something.

- Oh, yeah, "Not Okay." I got a lot of...
- Actually...

I was talking about,
uh, what's it called...


It's a really beautiful love
song for someone so young.

It's about your ex, isn't it?

Yeah, kind of. [chuckles]

Rough stuff, sorry.

Well, you're obviously talented.

All I want to know is if you've
got the skills I need in the studio.

- Are you familiar with Pro Tools?
- Mmm-hmm.


There's a rough track on there.

Mix it, make it sound awesome.

- Impress me, the gig is yours.
- Thanks.

I can't wait to show you
what I can do. [chuckles]


[Miles] Hey, Tris.

I didn't think I'd see you again.

Well, I just came to pick
up my file. [chuckles]

Things must be crazy at your house...

with you leaving and your
brother going to therapy,

or... juvie.

Whatever. Sorry, you probably
don't want to talk about it.

Hunter's not in juvie,

he's... he's right there.

Uh, I'm teaching him
to drive before I go.

You didn't tell anyone
about what happened?

He made a mistake.

I've made tons of horrible mistakes.

And... I guess he didn't
actually bring a g*n to school.

You just thought he did, right?

- Yeah, right.
- A k*ll list is scary,

but I know if he actually had a w*apon,

there's no way you'd be taking off.

No, of course not.

No, he's... totally fine. I
talked to him about everything.

I'm glad... really.

Anyway... I came to say goodbye to you,
not to talk about my doofus brother.

I thought you came for your file.

- [car accelerating]
- [crashing]

[indistinct shouting]

[Miles] Hunter! You okay?


Hunter! Hunter! Hunter. Hunter.

[car beeping]

- And make the really tall one a giraffe.
- Okay.

Uh, oh, don't forget the
hoop earrings on the captain.

Lola, you're like a regular Picasso.

Except I know where eyes go on a face.

The girls are getting what they deserve.

And that totally looks like the captain.

Well, if you're going to prank,
prank with artistic integrity.

Also, when you're done her,
make the outside hitter a rhino.

Why is Northern Tech called the Zoo?

Let's just say they
don't have the best rep.

I heard there's a whole
drug cartel run out of there.

This is so much fun.
Let's always do pranks.

Okay, team... I think we're ready.

Oh, wait, one more thing.

There. Now we're ready.

Let's deliver it to their school.

Kiss my butt, Northern Tech.

[Goldi chuckling]

What happened?

It's my fault. I got him
to drive me to school.

He shouldn't have been out of
the house, let alone be driving.

I know, I'm sorry.

What about the crash?

It was an accident. He
confused the brake and the gas.

- Right?
- [cell phone rings]

[sighing] This must be
the insurance company.

Don't move, either of you.


I told you not to start the car.

Maybe you shouldn't have left me alone.

You crashed the car on purpose?

I got tired of waiting while you
said all your dramatic goodbyes.

You can't do something crazy
every time you're upset, Hunter.

What do you care? You're leaving.


[indistinct chatter]

I wish we could have seen the looks
on their faces when they saw it.

I'm imagining it right now, and
believe me, it's very satisfying.


Did you guys prank
Northern Tech last night?

What? Did you break in?

The doors were open.
Adult education classes.

It was totally fun.

You're unbelievable.
What is your problem?

Why are you overreacting about this?

Why would you do something so stupid?

- Shay, come on...
- No, I thought we were a team.

You're so selfish!

I'm the selfish one? You're
the one who didn't care

- that your friend was...
- Friend? What friend?

Friends don't s*ab
each other in the back!

[Armstrong] Enough! I
got a practice to run.

Go sit in the locker room until
you work out whatever this is.

And don't even bother arguing.

Let's go.

How's the mix for Peter coming along?

What do we know about this Esme girl?

- Who?
- Exactly.

I saw her talking to Zig
yesterday, and I was like, "What?"

But then look at this photo.

- [sighs] It's just some dumb party pic.
- Yeah, but doesn't it look like

his arm's around her? I can't tell.

- [cell phone chimes]
- Oh, crap.

I accidentally liked the photo.

Undo, undo, undo!

Is he still gonna get a notification
if I unlike it really fast?

One of the great unanswered
questions of the universe.

- [sighs]
- What happened to Operation Maya Matlin?

First of all, it was stupid Esme...

and then I gave Peter
Zig's CV by accident.

And then Peter talked about how much
he loved the song I wrote about Zig.

Maybe this is the universe
telling me I should be with him.

The universe does not
care about your love life.

Plus, I thought Zig was a distraction.

A handsome distraction.

A sweet distraction. I wasn't
lying when I wrote that song.

You listened to it
all night, didn't you?

- [chuckles]
- The Zig you wrote

that song about is the
same Zig who cheated on you.

I guess I thought I could ignore
the feelings until they went away.

Not that I have feelings, but I'm
pretty sure it doesn't work like that.

Now get back to work
on that mix. [sighs]

Oh, Peter will understand. He's chill.

- That really looks like his arm.
- [sighs]

- Hey!
- Just for this period.

You need to chill and focus
on this giant opportunity.

Yes, of course. You're right.

- Nice try, Matlin.
- [sighs]

What's going on?

I have to tell you something.

What is it?

You don't want to go to
Vanderbilt Prep anymore?


It's about Hunter.


He crashed the car on purpose.

I think he was... [exhales]

trying to hurt himself,
or... other people.

What makes you say that?

The day of the lockdown...

I don't know how he got the
combination to Dad's g*n cabinet,

but he did and he took
Dad's g*n to school.

Oh, my God.

Now, he never took it out of his bag...

I don't think, but, yeah.

I... I found this in his room.

- This isn't...
- A k*ll list?

Yeah, I think so.

I have to call your father. [sniffles]

We have to get a
doctor for your brother.

If you want, I can help...

No, uh, it's okay, sweetheart.
This is not your responsibility.


[voice breaking] Thank
you for telling me.

[sobs] I know how hard
that must have been.

- Oh! Sorry.
- [book slams shut]

Why are you making such
a big deal out of this?

- You don't get it!
- Obviously not,

so just tell me what's going on.

Things aren't the same
for you as they are for me.

- What's not the same?
- Anything!

- Why?
- Because you're rich!

Look, this is my dream.

Do you have any idea how
much private coaches cost?

- No.
- Too much!

So, the training that we get
on the volleyball team matters.

Okay, well, even if we were caught,

we wouldn't have gotten
in that much trouble.

Yeah, you're right. But I can't
afford to make any mistakes.

- And I can?
- Yes!

Your dad is the mayor.

You can go to any school you want.

You don't have to worry about
scholarships and about bursaries.

But I have one route,
and I cannot mess it up.

Why didn't you just say any of
this stuff in the first place?

[whistle blows in distance]

I guess... it's not the easiest to
admit that I'm jealous of my best friend.


- Wow. I'm a huge jerk.
- No, you're not.

Look, I'm sorry I didn't back you up.

No, don't apologize.

I get it.

I'm sorry.

I really hate arguing with you.

Yeah, me, too.

What about the captain thing?

I mean, one of us is gonna get it.

I don't want us to
fight about that, too.

I actually have an idea.

We just have to see if
Armstrong will go for it, okay?



The thing employers are really looking
for is original thought and reliability.

So you gotta make sure your social
networks are targeted accordingly.

And with some awesome reference
letters, you'll be sure to stand out.

Shouldn't you have done that before now?

Yeah, my mind was kind of elsewhere.

- You have that track?
- Yes, it's just, um...

Last minute changes?

It's not perfect. I ran out of time.

- It wasn't complicated.
- I know.

I just...

- Something came up.
- Your ex again?

[exhales] It was the worst.

There was this Hastygram picture

of him and the girl he was talking to...

It's really not my concern.
Just let me listen to it.


I can do better. Please
just give me one more day.

Maya, it's not my job to do you favors.

There's tons of people who
want this co-op position.

If it was really important to you,
you would have put in the work.


[Tristan] So, what's
gonna happen with Hunter?

I'm not sure.

But the important thing is
that I'll be here for him.

Wait, you're staying?

I thought the whole
point of boarding school

was to get away from the
things that triggered you.

Like your dad and Esme.

Yeah, but... he needs me to
stay more than I need to go.

I'll be okay.

I've got this amazing person in my life,

who supports me even though I've
done a bunch of really dumb stuff.

Well, he sounds like a pretty great guy.

Oh, he is.

- The best, maybe.
- [snickers]

So, there are some
definite upsides to staying.

Do you want to watch this
volleyball game with me?

I've got presidential box seats.

Throw in popcorn and
it's a date. [chuckles]

[knocking on window]

[Maya groans]


You've lost your window privileges.

[stutters] I know, but I just...


What's wrong?

I just screwed up my co-op
placement. Not that you care.

What are you doing here?

Uh... [chuckles]

You liked one of my pictures.

[scoffs] Great.

Okay, yes, I was
stalking you on Hastygram

because I was totally jealous

when I saw you and
that Esme girl together,

which I know is...
completely pathetic, but...


- It's hard, okay, Zig? I still miss you.
- Maya...

Look at me.


When I got the notification,

I was so happy.


I mean, the idea that... that
you were thinking of me...

There's no one else.

There couldn't be.

I love you.

- [cell phone ringing]
- Oh.


Oh, really?

Thank you so much.

You'll be impressed, I promise.

Thank you.

[sighs] It was the co-op guy.

Even though my track was rough,
he said it was still the best,

and he wants me to polish it
and get it to him by tomorrow.

- I still have a chance.
- That's amazing.

Um... so, you have to go.

- I have to work. [laughs]
- Yes, of course.

- See you at school?
- Yeah.



All right, are my co-captains
ready to lead us to victory?

You know it.

All right, girls, bring it in.

- Everyone ready?
- On three!

[all] One! Two! Three!


So they can dish it out,
but they can't take it.

You drew me as a monkey.

If the banana fits...

And, actually, it was a gorilla.

[scoffs] Unbelievable.

[snaps fingers]

What are you doing?
We have a game to play.

No, we don't. Northern Tech
doesn't play against racists.

[upbeat pop music playing]