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07x04 - The Exchange

Posted: 06/08/21 05:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch.

[SAM]: All I wanted to do was help sick people because I love doing what I'm doing.

- Zoey.

- Joy.

I went back after work, and I got that faucet you recommended.

- How about a good contractor?

- I couldn't ask you to do that.

Take my card, give me a call.

- Your Esky award?

- And now I'm gonna win one with my own agency.

You never mentioned wanting your own agency.

I hadn't thought about it in a long time.

I definitely wouldn't be up here without him.

We make a good team.

♪♪ Look what I found on the floor.


That looks like a wet towel.

- It's not mine.

- Hmm...

I wonder whose it could be.

If Middleton ever found out that Cassie Nightingale

- didn't hang up her towel...

- It would be scandalous.

Almost as scandalous as finding out Sam Radford wears

- two different-colour socks.

- Tell you what, you don't mention the socks, I won't mention the towel.


I'll even find you a match.



three seconds on the clock!

Sam Radford gets the ball at the top of the key...

- At the buzzer for the win!

- Oooh...


And Damien Hall comes up with a huge block.

Two things.

One, your towel is on the floor again, and two, Damien Hall couldn't make that block with his torn rotator cuff.

Well, it's a good thing he's got you for a surgeon.

- No pressure.

- Why would there be pressure?

He's only the biggest basketball star on the planet.

Is this your idea of a pep talk?

Do you really need a pep talk?


I got this. might need this.


- My sister gave me that when I got accepted to med school.

Retired this a while ago.

I think that might be your good luck charm.

I have had a pretty good career.

Says the biggest surgeon on the planet.


- In fact...'re making my heart race.



This is quite

- a spread.

- Just a little something I threw together.

You're sure Stephanie didn't throw it together?

At least, I squeezed the OJ myself.


Hmm...From the carton.


- This is really nice.

- Can you pass the syrup for me, please?

♪♪ - What is this?

- Open it up.

Find out.

Just because your flower-shop sale fell through, I didn't want you to give up on your ad-agency dream.

I don't know what to say.

You just said it.

Now, let's eat.

My "homemade" waffles are getting cold.

I just want you to take the same measurement thrice.

Well, I guess I should have made my morning latte a double.

Late night out?

Sadly, I was in bed by .

Well, then, why is there no pep in your step?

No glow in your flow?

'Cause there's no deep in my sleep.

I've been having the same dream for months and can't seem to shake it.

Oh, I have been there.

In mine, I'm bungee-jumping with Dotty, and she's got a giant pair of scissors.


Mine isn't a nightmare, it's a childhood memory.

And every night, I wake up at the same point in the dream.


You know what?

I have the very thing to whisk you back to the Land of Nod.

You keep it at the office?

I'm roommates with a newborn; I'll take my slumber whenever and wherever it calls.

What is it and how does it work?

It's a dream pillow.

You tuck it inside your pillowcase before you tuck yourself in, and sweet dreams are made of this.


Who am I to disagree?

Catnip, lavender and mugwort.

It's a Tinsdale signature blend.

You're sure it's not a Nightingale signature blend?

Well, Cassie may have had a hand in the original recipe, but I added a little motion to the potion.

- You added mugwort.

- I added mugwort.


Unfortunately, it''s not gonna work.

Oh, I assure you, Dotty and her scissors have flown the coop.

No, I mean your walk-in closet.

Unless you want to take over half of city-planning storage room.



This is cool!


That is from one of our grandest traditions: The Middleton Exchange.

I thought you were one of Middleton's grandest traditions.

Flattery will certainly get you the rest of the story.

Everyone bids adieu to a cherished item that has served its purpose.

We spin the hopper, and then you magically get the exact item that you need in return.


I love everything about this!

Except that it stopped.

Well, the Exchange was established on the ideals of paying it forward; Perhaps you can forward it to a new generation.

- Sounds like a two-woman job.

- Do you really think?


I think it's time we revived

- the Middleton Exchange!

- Yes!


- ♪♪

- Look, what's to love about giving someone your junk and getting their junk in return?

Nothing, Doc, which is why Laurel put the kibosh on the whole kit and caboodle.

Contrary to popular opinion, "one man's trash is not another man's treasure."

Laurel realized people started taking it for granted.

People stopped giving any thought to items exchanged.

Well, I've given it nothing but thought.

You think you can bring back the magic, kid?

I'm a Merriwick, that's how we roll, kid.

- Hahahaha!

- Sounds like someone's gonna start by paying it forward.

Maybe it starts with me.

I'll kick things off by donating my first stethoscope.

I'll get the word out.

And I'll help you.

Right after I put this dagwood out of its misery.


[WOMAN]: Two maple-bacon doughnuts.

Are you going to eat both of these by yourself?

Translation: Do I have a girlfriend?


Take it down a notch there, Romeo.

I'm not asking for myself.

The Bistro's hosting speed dating tonight, and we're a man short.


Yeah, I could, uh...

get into some speed dating.

You, uh, just hosting or are you playing the game?

Translation: Do I have a boyfriend?

I'm just hosting.


Well, try not to get too jealous.

French is the language of love.

- Ah.

- See you tonight, all right?

What's up, bro?

Bienvenue au Bistro.

Comment puis-je vous aider?

Yes, it is nice out, and no, these aren't skinny jeans.

I said, Welcome to the Bistro, how can I help you?

Well, you can help me understand why you're suddenly fluent in French!

Not fluent yet.

That's why I'm taking a French class.

Well, so far, so good.

Sounds like you have a heck of a teacher.


You just walked past each other.

"What's up, bro" is your French teacher?


He actually has a lot of experience.

I'm glad you're finally learning French.

Are you?

I am.

Just kind of weird that I didn't know about it.

Well, it's not that weird.

We're not together.

We're still friends, aren't we?

Of course, we are.

And how about I get my friend a cup of coffee.


- Thanks.

- Have a great class tonight.

- Class is tomorrow night.

But I thought...

Never mind.

[MAN]: Ooh, devilled eggs.

Hands off.

These little whipped wonders

- are for Maxine.

- I knew it!

These eggs are nothing but chicanery.

One man's chicanery is another woman's hospitality.

You haven't been hospitable to Maxine since the blanket went missing.

Like I told Maxine, when I invited her to come meet Little Tommy, "It's time we get past the past."

She bought that bill of goods?

Like you buy maraschino cherries.

And I told her not to bring a gift, to just bring herself.

- Subtle.

- Ah, but effective.

She was so touched she said she wouldn't think of coming without a gift.

It won't be the blanket, Martha.

- We'll see.

- Her story hasn't changed in years; It's not gonna change now.

And that's a bill of goods I'm not buying.

[ABIGAIL]: This is interesting.

That I'm trimming a bonsai tree?

That it took you this long to get a bonsai tree.

You wanna try it?

It's really relaxing.

I can't relax.

Donovan just wrote me a cheque with a lot of zeroes.

He wants to back my ad agency.

And you're uncomfortable accepting that?

Stub my toe is uncomfortable, this is unbearable.

Sounds unbearable.

I get it, it's incredibly generous.

Well, as long as you get it.

I don't want to be indebted to the Davenports.

You're about to become a Davenport.

Would you take the money if Sam offered it to you?

Well, I'm not opening my own ad agency.

- You know what I mean.

- I do.

And I would.

That's how it works in a marriage.

It's a partnership.

I'm not sure that that works for me.


What's your idea of marriage?

That everything stays pretty much the same.


And what's Donovan's idea of marriage?

I don't really know.

You may want to find out.



- I am impressed.

- Hahaha!

- Well, I'm impressive.

- And modest.

Where did you learn all this handyman stuff?

From a handywoman.

My mom.

She's the reason I became a renovator.


Well, my mom can't tell the difference

- between a hammer and a nail.

- Haha!

But she can scale a -foot rock face.

We've been climbing together since I was .


I was trying to get over a serious fear of heights when I was .

And how did that work out for you?

Well, you are looking at a Junior Gymnastics' silver medallist.

OK, scared of you.

Says the woman who's getting her pilot's license.


Since you conquered your fear, maybe...

you could be my first passenger?


I might be willing to take that ride.


Is that the Grand Canyon?

I've always wanted to go there.

You two look really happy.

We were.

But not anymore or...?

Thanks for putting that in, uh, but I-I really need to get back to the firehouse.




I'll just pack the stuff up.

Knowing you would never interrupt my pre-surgery sh**t around, this must be important.

Cool if I join?

Could have a hard time playing in those shoes.

Not as hard a time as I'm having with Stephanie.

- Thought you guys broke up.

- We did.

Don't tell me you're trying to be friends.

I guess I don't have to.

Didn't you see When Harry Met Sally?

- I didn't.

- Well, you should!

You want my advice?

Sort of why I'm here.

- Not gonna want to hear it.

- OK, then don't tell me.

No, no, you should tell me.

You can't be friends with an ex.

You shouldn't have told me.

Especially one you're still in love with.

I'm gonna have to ask you to stop talking now.

♪♪ - Ah!


- Oh, man!

I'm sorry.

- Ah!

- Are you OK?

I don't think so.

- [WOMAN]: Neurapraxia of the...

- Radial nerve.


I see it.

The good news is it's not a rupture.

The bad news is I won't be doing surgery any time soon.

Let's focus on getting this healed, so you won't need surgery any time soon.

And you know the drill: Plenty of rest...

...alternate between ice and heat, we'll get you started on anti-inflammatories and physical therapy, and we'll do another MRI in a month.


- What's the verdict?

Jury's gonna be out for a while.

Can they deliberate after Damien Hall's surgery?

- That surgery is cancelled.

- This is a PR nightmare.

How soon can we reschedule?

I gotta go talk to Damien.


How did the MRI go?

I have to cancel Damien Hall's surgery.


I'm sorry.

I had my very first glass of champagne in one of these.

I don't remember my first glass of champagne.

Sounds like you had more than one glass.


Well, maybe, these can help someone else inspire joy for others.

Well, Joy will gladly take them

- for the Exchange.

- OK.

Well, it looks like word spread quickly.


- So which one of these goodies

- came from you?

- Oh!

The clay tablet.

It's from my first archeological dig.

- Everything OK?

- Uh, with me?

Yeah, but I'm not so sure about Martha.


- Well, that's a new look.

- Yeah, what's with the getup?


Y'all mean my outfit?

Well, I think it's quite smart.

It's just not...quite you.


- And your glasses...

- Help me to see.

Did you not have them on when you picked out your sweater?

Just doesn't have your usual flair.


You mean because it's not loud and obnoxious?

Oh, we would never say that.

And neither would Martha, so you must be...

Maxine Endicott, my favourite cousin.

Martha Tinsdale, my oldest cousin.

I can't believe there's two of them.

Maxine two-stepped all the way from Texas

- just to meet Little Tommy.

- Actually, Maxine took a plane, but I can see you're just as colourful as ever, Martha.

Well, it sounds like you two have a lot of catching up to do.

Oh-oh-oh, you don't know the half of it.

[DONOVAN]: Picture this.


- Ads by Abigail.

OK, we can work on that.

But picture this: Huge open loft, floor-to-ceiling windows, two conference rooms.

I know, you probably always pictured your agency in Middleton, but my family owns this amazing postmodern building in downtown Blairsville.

You could have it for half the rent, which means you could use the other half of the money I gave you

- to grow your brand.

- My brand or your brand?

OK, you're right, this is your baby.

But I am just very excited for you!

I can't take your money.

Why not?

- Because it's your money.

- No.

It's our money.

Is that what marriage means to you?

- It means we share everything.

- It doesn't have to.

Kind of does.

What else don't we know about each other?

We broke a -year-old curse; I'm sure we can figure this out.

I think we spent so much time breaking the curse that we missed a few things.

♪♪ Careful.

I know somebody who got their arm caught in that wall.

Well, she must have been really embarrassed.

- She was a trooper.

- Are those for me?

Only if you draw them in the Middleton Exchange.

Where do you want them?

Just on the table over there.

And where do you want my apology?

You don't owe me an apology.

I got weird when you saw the picture.

I shouldn't have been so nosy.

Her name's Avery.

We were together for two years.

She died in the line of duty.

I'm so sorry.

You're the only person that I've told that to since I moved here.

I can't imagine how hard that must have been.

She pulled a little boy out of a three-alarm fire.

She gave him her oxygen.

Avery took in too much smoke.

I tried to give her CPR, but...

She sounds like a real hero.

She was.

I came to Middleton to start over.

You definitely came to the right place.

Everybody here has been great.

But it's still been rough.



We have a non-emergency response Code

- on Brookwood Drive.

- Toe in a toy?

This time, it's actually a cat in a tree.



This is Taylor.

Copy that.

En route.


Thanks for listening.

Yeah, anytime.


Are you just gonna walk by and not say hello?

I didn't realize I walked this far.

Come on in.

Relationship troubles?



Well, yes, but...

really friend troubles.

You talking about Stephanie?

Because you can't be friends...

Friends with an ex.

Yeah, I know.

You should try being friends with your fiancée.

Not the first time I've heard that.

Oh, right, people tell you their problems, don't they?

I am a pretty good listener.

Is your advice any good?

I get five stars on Google.

What would you tell an engaged couple with totally different views on marriage?

I'd tell 'em it's time for premarital counselling.

OK, great.

I would like to maintain my independence,

- and Donovan is...

- Isn't here.

If we're gonna do this, then I need to talk to you two together.

Donovan would never do counselling.

You would be surprised.

[SAM]: Yeah.

Thanks, Miles.

- Dr.Gaston?

- Yeah. the MRI and confirmed what I already knew.


Maybe I should have made these Long Island iced teas?

Does he think you need the surgery?

Nah, it's too soon to tell.

Well, you know better than anyone that the mind can help heal the body.

I also know there's a chance I might never operate again.

Sounds like a good time for the Pirate King's Adventure.

What's that?

Board game you used to play with your sister when you were kids.


Forgot about that.

Tried to get it for you last year for your birthday, but they don't make it anymore.



Well, the Pirate King couldn't help me right now anyway.

Oh, that baby is as precious as a pug.

You're preaching to the choir, Cousin.

And she's got Tom's shoe-button eyes.

That's funny.

Tom said he thought she had my eyes.

[CHUCKLING]: That is funny.

Well, I should go unpack.

I've got a present, for Little Tommy in my suitcase.

How lovely!

But I did say, "Just you being here was gift enough."

But I couldn't come empty-handed!

Well, what's got your hands so full?

Something that means a great deal to me.

It's my sterling silver rattle from when I was a tot.

- A rattle?!

- You sound disappointed.

Oh no!

No, not at all.

I'm just a little preoccupied.

That's all.

I'm trying to pick out something that means a great deal to me to give to the Middleton Exchange.

You know, that cherished town tradition that all started when we Endicotts gifted the Merriwicks our family blanket.

The blanket that was then handed back and forth between our families for generations with each new baby, right up until Dylan was born.

When it mysteriously disappeared.

Oh, did it?

I don't recall.


Because I recall you blaming me for taking it.

Apparently, this whole invitation was just a ruse to try to get me to come and return that blanket.


So you admit to taking it!

Why don't you admit to stealing Tom from me?


Not that old chestnut again.

That's as stale as Texas toast.

You know, I knew that coming here was a mistake.

Well, luckily, that's a mistake that can be easily rectified.

Well, look at that.

We finally agree on something.




Brought you Tony's hot wings.


What are you watching?

- Uh...

Um, The Natural.

- [CHUCKLING]: Oh, man!

Redford as Roy Hobbs, it's's a classic.

It's definitely in my top five.

You want a wing?


I'm just trying to finish this movie.

I know you blame me, Sam.

I never said it was your fault.

You haven't said much of anything.


I'll let you get back to your movie.

I know what it feels like to lose somebody, so I feel I could have said more.

Well, maybe the next time you see her, you will.



Lea Shepherd just backed out!

We're down a dater.

That puts a speed bump in speed dating.

Not if I can find a replacement.


- Think you just did.

- Really?

- You'd do that?

- Haha!



I will host... you can.

♪♪ Honestly, the blanket's really just the last turnip to fall off the truck.

Tom was the first?

Did Martha tell you that?

Lucky guess.

You know, he was supposed to be my Tom.

I was paired with him on a double blind date.

Martha was matched with Gerry Ridley.

We all went to the record store.

Martha and Tom both reached for that copy of Rocket Man, and ended up over the moon.


And you think that was your one chance at true love?

Well, I know I'm still alone.

You're not alone.

You actually had a grudge keeping you company for years.

Till you break up, you're not free to meet anyone else.

That song is right, "Breaking up is hard to do."

[DONOVAN]: I don't like where we left things.

I wasn't exactly doing cartwheels.

- But I think I have a solution.

- I'm listening.

Actually, Adam would be listening.

You think we need counselling.

- I think we need something.

- Apparently, Adam agrees.

He would just be helping us work through this.

We're not even married yet; Counselling is for when your marriage is in trouble.

Or to stop it from getting there.

The light switch is all fixed.

Thanks, George.

Look, uh...

I don't want to pry, but take it from a guy who's been around the block

ONCE OR TWICE: Counselling is never a bad idea.

No offence, but I think Abigail and I can handle this on our own.

Let me ask you this, kid: When you were running for mayor, you had a debate, right?


What does that have to do with anything?

Well, since you got elected, I'm guessing it went well.

- It went very well.

- Do you think it could have gone that well without a moderator?

I'll take that silenceas a no?



Would you look at that?

The five minutes just flew by, didn't it?


You two running off to elope?


Cupid's arrow didn't exactly hit the bullseye.


Cupid has definitely been overbowed tonight.


Yeah, it's an archery term.

Meaning the weight of the bow is too much.

Throws the shot off.

How do you know archery?

I picked it up as a kid at summer camp.

Actually won the gold medal in the Camp Weehawken Olympics.


That must be nice!

I never got a chance for a gold medal.

What can I say?

Not everybody is Olympic material.

You know, that's not the first time I've heard that.

One round away from making it to Rio.

The actual Olympics?

Well, it's no Camp Weehawken but the ladies were impressed.


We should, uh...we should go nock sometime.


Saved by the bell.

Well, I knew if anyone could help, it would be you.

Here's the good news: Sam is doing what guys have done since the dawn of time.


Shut down?

Pull back?


He's retreated into his man cave.

So I should give him some time, some space and...a chance to figure it out on his own?

All of the above.

Oh, I know you're right, but...

But you wish I wasn't.

Sometimes, the best thing you can do nothing at all.

♪♪ Nice canoe!

You mean the Titanic?

Avery and I spent eight months building this thing.

The entire time, she joked that it would probably sink the second we put it on the water.

Never got to take it out?

Never even got to paint it.

I know what it feels like to lose someone.

My mom died when I was .

I'm sorry.

Took me a long time to be at peace with it.

I don't know if I ever will.

And when I was , we found this baby squirrel in our front yard.


And we named him Bowtie because he had this little grey patch on his chest.


Hard not to love a squirrel named Bowtie.

Oh, my mom bottle-fed Bowtie.

I mean, she loved this squirrel.

And eventually, he got big, and we had to let him go, but we sort of just figured he'd stick around the yard and, clearly, Bowtie had other plans.

Well, I am sure he never forgot about you.

I was sitting on the front porch a year after I lost my mom and still really...

...struggling with her not being there.

Guess who showed up.

That's the moment I knew I was gonna be OK.

You think Bowtie makes house calls?

I think if you just...hang in there...'ll have your own Bowtie moment.

[ADAM]: Marriage doesn't mean that you suddenly stop being you, but you do have to make some sacrifices.

Like what?

Like what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine.

Please tell me he's wrong.

Why don't you tell Donovan why that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Because I have always taken care of myself.

But you don't have to anymore.

Well, I can't just stop.

Just 'cause you start playing doubles doesn't mean that you can't still play singles.

A good doubles partner lets you play to your strength.

What if I'm a terrible doubles partner?

You're too competitive to be terrible.

If I'm gonna bring my A game, I might need a little more practice.

I'm OK with that.


Looks like the future Mr.and Mrs.Davenport just made their first compromise.

I like the sound of that.

Well, you're not going to like the sound of this.

I want to keep my name.

You do?

I do.

Tom, have you seen Maxine's phone?

Apparently, she left it behind when she stormed out yesterday.

Believe me, it was not on purpose.

No phone, but...

I did find this old picture of you two.

Wasn't this the homecoming game?


That was the city championship Against Chaminade.

Look at us.M & M firing up the squad.

"Middleton High has never had better co-captains than the dynamic duo of M & M."

- We were sweeter than candy.


No one cheered louder than you, Martha.

Well, no one could do a double backflip

- and do a high V like you.

- Still can.


Maxine's mirth.

We did have so many adventures together.

Ah, including this one.

The record store, our double date.

Wonder what ever happened to old Gerry Ridley.

I still can't believe the moving company broke her Rocket Man .


What a shame.

Well, looks like this little stroll down memory lane has hit a pothole.

You want to stroll down memory lane?

Look at this box of the boys' old toys.

It's where I found this.

- Oh, look.


It's Licorice the lama.

That was quite a nice gift, Maxine.

Well, I...

I knew how much your boys loved lamas.

Dylan also loved to hide his binkies in there.

Oh, my goodness!

The first time he did it, it took us three days to find it.

Take a peek.

Just for old times' sake.


Oh, my!

The family blanket.

Dylan must have hidden it in here.

Oh, Maxine, can you ever forgive me?

If you can forgive me for accusing you of stealing Tom.

There has never been a more perfect couple.

Please say that's not another recipe.

Ten minutes early.

Look who's just bucking for teacher's pet.

Thought we could use a little time to talk.

About our undeniable chemistry?

I'll admit there was a spark.

Oh, come on, please.

That was a blaze!


You know those helicopters that drop water on those blazes?

That's you.

That's me.

That's ridiculous.

All right, look, you give me one good reason why we shouldn't go out.

I'll give you three.

One, you're my teacher, two, you are younger than me...

Just a little...and three, I just got out of a relationship.

OK, well.

One, this is the Learning Annex, not Harvard, two, I'm much younger than you, and three, I've got no problem being the rebound guy.

What about seven?

There was no seven.

No, that's what time you're gonna pick me up tomorrow night.

♪♪ I didn't want to interrupt.

Getting pretty attached to this place.

Well, we may not have to say our goodbyes to her just yet.

Tell me you got the owner to say we could move it.

The church is ours, but so is the hefty price tag to ease on down the road.

- How hefty?


A lot more than the collection plate will hold.

And now, the triumphant return of the Middleton Exchange!

[MAN]: Woo-hoo!

I have in my hand the first gift!

All right, let's get this hopper hopping.


- Stephanie."

- Aww!

"Maxine." The next gift goes to...

"Cassie", which means that the last gift must be Sam's.


Well, I will take these home, so that Sam and I

- can open them up together.

- Oh...


Well, everybody else, go for it!

- Haha!


[STEPHANIE]: This was Adam's from his trip.

Well, now, it'll bring you luck on your adventure.


I haven't played chess since high school.

I got a Moon rock!

You want to trade?

It's not the way it works, Padre.



You can use those at your wedding.

Hmm, yeah.

And you can use those...

What are those?

They're rune stones.

They help gain insight into questions or situations.

This will look perfect in the library.




And we can use it to play this copy of Rocket Man!

Well, looks like you two got exactly what you needed.

Of course.

And I got this clay tablet.



How interesting.

It's more than interesting.

It's Mesopotamian.

Gerry Ridley?!

From our double date?!

I haven't seen you in years, Gerry.

Where have you been hiding?

I've been teaching history in Texas.

I live in Texas.


Now, what do you think that means?

Let me see.

That thing doesn't look too hot.


That broken branch doesn't want to heal.

Fixing breaks can be tricky.

I have a feeling that break is only part of the problem.

- Hmm.

Root rot.

- Good call!


When the chi of the life force gets disrupted, it can affect other parts of the tree.

Or other parts of the body.


There's chi in all living things.

I gotta get to the hospital.

What's wrong?

I think Damien Hall might have a case of root rot.

- ♪♪ - [SAM]: Hey.


How's Damien?

Well, thanks to your bonsai, he's gonna be fine.

His posterior descending artery was % blocked.


Basically, his "chi" was disrupted.

- Haha!

- But Monica did a bypass, and he came through like a champ.

Well, so he really did have root rot.


Oh, in rare cases, a rotator-cuff injury can be connected to a heart problem, but Damien's blood pressure was elevated, which can come from pain, but your little tree...

Got you to look beyond the branch.

And you're still a superstar without picking up your scalpel.

I drew up the play, but Monica made the winning basket.

Um, well, every team needs a great head coach.


Well, I appreciate it, but I would rather be on the court, not on the sideline.


Why don't you open up your gift.


- I guess I have no choice.

- Mm-mm.


- Pirate King's Adventure.

I never thought I'd see you smile again.

Well, it'll get a lot bigger when I sink your pirate ship.

Oh yeah?

Bring it on!



I think you need this.

I think you're a mind reader.

Don't tell anyone.


Right now...

you are thinking...about Sam?

- Cassie told me.

- Ah...

I just keep thinking if I hadn't gone up for that rebound...

- You cannot blame yourself.

- Sam does.

Oh, are you a mind reader now too?

That would actually be helpful.

He won't talk to me.

- You want my advice?

- Always.

Don't let him not talk to you.

- He needs his friends right now.


I'm just not so sure he still considers me one of them.

Let me check.

Yeah, he still considers you his best friend.

What about us?

Oh, I am feeling what the French call déjà vu.

I know we said we wanted to be friends,

- but is it realistic?

- Ha!

- What?

- We are drinking coffee.


We are sharing inside jokes.

You had a problem, and I just gave you

- chaplain-level advice.


All the things that friends do.

Now, you're reading my mind.



We missed you at the Middleton Exchange.

Believe me, I would have much rather been there than washing firetrucks.

Yeah, I was gonna do it, but then I figured I'd sweep up instead.

Well, why don't you take a break and open your gift.

Are you sure there's a gift in here?

There's only one way to find out.

- You did this.

- Did what?

What is it?

My bowtie moment.

May I?


It's perfect.


Do you want to help me paint the canoe?



Can you tell Mr.

Franklin that Mayor Davenport called again?

Thank you.

Guess you're up


If we were playing singles.

But I was thinking we could team up, for doubles.

I can get behind Abigail Pershing and Donovan Davenport taking on the world.

I think I would be a better teammate if I was Abigail Pershing-Davenport.


I like the sound of that.

Well, you're gonna like this even more.


You really should talk to him.


You really should open your gift.

Well, I guess I have no choice.




Now what you were expecting?

This belonged to my parents.