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08x19 - Balthazar “Bino” Baker

Posted: 05/29/21 06:19
by bunniefuu


Mr. Townsend is sleeping.

Keen is being moved.

He can’t be disturbed.

I need to see him. We have people in position…

He was very clear.

Keen is in FBI custody.


So hitting a federal convoy is public. Messy. I need to see him.

Hey. We work for a madman. I’m separating the man’s medications, so I know better than anyone else. He’s totally insane. This is insane.

Watch your words.

He’s feeding off this. Destroying himself and us. The FBI raided us. There are warrants for our arrest.

You’re out of line.

I mean, what the hell is this even about? Elizabeth Keen has to die. We should go out, sh**t feds, risk our own lives for some lunatic?

What did you call him? What did you call Mr. Townsend?

I didn’t mean… I didn’t…

The man is avenging the death of his wife and children, which means we are the only family he has left. So we will take care of him the way he takes care of us. Now let me do my work and don’t ever disparage the good man again.



Where are they?

The decoy convoy is passing through the Seventh Ward.

Keen and Ressler?

They held back.

Left just six minutes ago.

Thank you. Best guess is they are 23 minutes out.

COOPER: No interference?

ARAM: Uh, nothing yet.

Maybe Townsend isn’t crazy enough to hit an FBI convoy.

You really believe that?

I do not. Just, uh, trying to stay optimistic here.

Why are you doing this?

Ressler, you know what happens if you take me in.

I know what happens if I don’t.

Townsend won’t stop.

And I won’t bury you, Keen.

I won’t stand next to Agnes

while she cries at your funeral.

You think I’m safer in custody?

Townsend has people everywhere.

He can hit me from the inside.

I won’t last more than a few days.

We’ll see.

Even if you’re right, what then?

It’s over. I’ll never be an agent again.

I’m going to prison.

You don’t know that.

If Reddington can still walk around, you can walk too.

The rules are different for Reddington.

Look, what I’ve done, I can’t undo.

Mary Bremmer’s death?

The b*mb in Reddington’s hospital room?

Everything that happened in Kansas.

You’re holding on to a reality that doesn’t exist.

Ressler, you have to accept it.

Things are never going back to the way they were.

REDDINGTON: I tried to convey this, Harold.

But once again, we find ourselves in a situation where,

when faced with a unique,


and volatile set of circumstances,

you immediately punt to bureaucratic protocol.

Elizabeth’s coming in. I’m not releasing her,

and you can be damn sure

I’m not turning her over to you.

Things have changed.

From the day I arrived,

my intent has been

to keep Elizabeth safe.

To do that,

I had to keep

certain facts

about my life hidden.

Well, the truth is out.

Whatever you’re hiding, Townsend knows.

Yes, and because he knows,

his focus has shifted

away from me and onto Elizabeth.


To try to make me understand

how he suffered

the day his family was slaughtered.

So he wants to k*ll Elizabeth to make you suffer?

Not just suffer.

To understand.

He experienced something too dark to comprehend.

To avenge what was done to his family and to him,

he wants to feel that I’ve experienced

a similar darkness for myself.


COOPER: Why are you telling me this now?

REDDINGTON: Because you can’t protect her, Harold.

And you’re about to find out what you’re up against.

Part of it’s my fault.

I didn’t stop you before you went too far. (CHUCKLES) Ressler.

All the calls, going to meet you without telling Cooper.

That night you showed up at my apartment.

You weren’t wrong for wanting to help me.

But I didn’t help, Liz. I only made it worse.

I mean, I let how much I care

about you cloud my judgment.

This wasn’t about your judgment.

I knew exactly what I was doing.

Look, if Reddington wants to keep his secrets,

it’s fine.

He can keep them all.

Except for the ones that are truth about my life

and my daughter’s life.

Except for the ones that explain

why psychotics like Townsend wake up every morning

drooling about new and exciting ways

to m*rder me and my daughter

as payback for something he did.

Those he doesn’t get to hide.

And I’m telling you right now.

I am so tired of the double standard. What double standard?

You know.

Reddington can do whatever he wants,

and the Task Force just takes it in stride.

We don’t even know

who he is.

Except for that he’s a Russian spy

who m*rder*d my adoptive father, my mother,

is responsible for the deaths of

my husband, my half-sister, my grandfather.

Nobody’s okay with that.

You accept it!

Doesn’t matter what he does. It’s okay.

But me? I fight back and I’ve “gone too far.”


Looks like we just got some backup.


Hey, uh, I’m monitoring your progress.

Everything okay?

So far, so good. No sign of Townsend,

and the backup you sent just got here.


Uh, okay, and, uh,

what backup would that be?

We got local. Two MPD units just joined the convoy.

ARAM: Okay, negative. I’m checking scanners now,

but we specifically chose not to ask for city reinforcement.

Those aren’t cops.



sh*ts fired, sh*ts fired! Officer down!

Get us out of here!




Where’s Keen?

Last chance.

Right behind you.

Hey, Ressler, are you okay? (SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY)

I can’t hear what you’re saying, honey.

I can’t breathe.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Okay, we got to go.

We cannot stay here. We got to go.

We got to move.


Tell me it’s done.

Almost. Two of our men are dead, but the convoy’s down.

She’s on foot?

In the Seventh Ward.

Less than a minute ahead of us.

I’m sending more men.

Lock the area down.

Clear every block until you find her.

And then?

If possible, bring her to me.

If not,

k*ll her and anyone else who stands in your way.


MAN: (OVER RADIO) Reports indicating sh*ts fired.

All units, officers down. All units, officers down.

Witnesses on site report multiple fatalities.

EMS and SWAT en route.

Excuse me. Uh, convoy’s down, sir.


att*cked by, uh, two gunmen posing as Metro PD units.

So far they’re saying three agents down,

two in the support vehicle

and the one driving Liz and Ressler.

Aram, what about Elizabeth?

She’s unaccounted for.

So is Agent Ressler.

Although a witness claims she saw

a man and a woman running from the scene.

They’re on foot? Where? What exact location?

ARAM: The convoy was hit moving southeast on Central at Wilmont.

That won’t be the end of it.

Townsend will have more teams on the ground.

Reddington, we’ll handle it.

The area will be swarming with police.

We’re running out of time, Harold.

You look your way, I’ll look mine.


I need your badge.



COOPER: What about the gunmen?

Both dead, found shot at the crash site.

I want you and Agent Park on site.

Coordinate the Bureau and Metro response

and find them before Townsend can.


Take your coat off.




I got you.






We have to keep moving.



even if we can avoid the police

and Townsend’s men,

Elizabeth won’t be easy to find.

I agree,

which is why we’re not looking for Elizabeth.

We need to find Bino.


I think his real name is Balthazar something.


Anyway, he came up as muscle with Moms Wimbley,

back when she went to w*r with the Italians in the mid-’70s.

He was an enforcer? One of the best.

Story was he had more hits than Babe Ruth.

People started calling him Bambino.

After a while, just Bino.

Nowadays, he runs a payday loan operation

in the Seventh Ward.

His people move at least half a million in cash

on those streets every week.

He’s got eyes on every corner.

Locals on the payroll who move his money

right under the law’s nose.

If Elizabeth and Donald are still alive, he can find them.

He owns an underground chess club

in the Seventh Ward… The Castle.

Bino’s a hell of a player.

Way better than me.

Maybe even better than you.


BINO: You’re still here?

Rashad, go home.

Take a shower.

Eat a sandwich.



The latest victim.

Let me guess…

The Greek Gift Sacrifice.

First a sh**t in the street.

Now you show up?

Hmm. Can’t be a coincidence.

I need your help.

They’re still in my Ward? You’re sure about that?

I’m not.

I’m hoping.

But you could make some phone calls, Bino,

let your network know that these are our friends.

Hmm. Friends who are being hunted by sh**t,

not to mention the police and the feds.

These people are important to me.

My people are important to me.

If they get involved, they could be k*lled or worse.

They could be arrested and interrogated.




Call Aram.

No. It’s not safe.

You said it yourself.

Townsend’s got eyes and ears everywhere.

If we reach out, he’ll know.

We have to risk it.


No. Keen, you should go.

You won’t make it out carrying me around.

I am not leaving you.

You have to tell the police where you are.

I don’t care if I get arrested

as long as you get to a hospital.

Where are we?



It’s Ressler.

We need help.

I’m with Keen.

We’re on foot, but I’ve been shot.

Townsend’s men are closing in.

Tell him we’re at Danton and 56th.

Hey, Aram, we’re at Danton and 56th.

Ressler is having a hard time breathing.

I think the b*llet might’ve collapsed his lung.

Danton and 56th.


Elizabeth, listen to me.

I have a way for Donald to get the help he needs

and to get both of you away from danger.

Decision time, Bino.

Help me and I’ll help you.

Don’t just focus on the move right in front of you.

Look a few moves ahead.

There’s a bar on Danton and 59th.

The Outpost.

If they can get there,

help will be waiting.

Did you hear that?

Yeah, I heard. Who was that?

A friend. The Outpost.

You’re only three blocks away. Get moving.


Because, like it or not,

he’s the best chance to get out of here alive.

If you die, I’m gonna k*ll you.

You know that, right?






There! One block east on Danton.

Circle up to 58th.

Go, go, go! Cut them off!






This way. Quickly.


Watch your heads.

Find them!


It’s all clear.

They didn’t go out the back.

Door’s bolted from the inside.

They were here.

Where the hell did they go?

This takes us under the buildings going east.

You work for Reddington?

Honey, I don’t know who that is.

You’re in the pipeline courtesy of Mr. Bino.

Whoever you are, you got some powerful friends.


Metro’s got a dozen officers looking for them.

So far, no sign of either of them.

I just checked with Dispatch. No sightings came in to 911.

Maybe they aren’t running.

Maybe they were taken.

Hey, we got a report of g*nf*re.

Patrol on canvass heard the sh*ts.

Where? About eight blocks north on Danton.

A bar called The Outpost.


They’re here. Keep searching.

We are out of time.

Someone must’ve heard the sh*ts.

Sir, if we don’t go now,

we’re gonna have to fight our way out.


Fine. Clear out.



Take her to the safe house on Bowden.

I don’t have her.

I thought we did, but I don’t know.

It’s almost like she disappeared.


We have to clear this area. Our location’s blown.

Seems I made a mistake entrusting this to you.

No, sir, I can find her.

Apparently not.


Here you go, darlings.

Far as I take you.

Hey, Walter.

WALTER: Delores.

You want to tell me what the hell’s going on?

Don’t know. Bino said snatch them up, so I snatched them.

All right, in you go, the both of you.

This is how the pipeline works.

Whatever’s traveling is called the baton.

It gets handed from one runner to the next.

And we’re the baton?

Normally it’s a brick of cash half the size of Cleveland.

But if Bino says it’s you, I guess it’s you.

He’s hurt. We need to get him to a hospital.

Nobody said anything about a hospital.

He’s been shot! He’s having trouble breathing.

DELORES: Honey, we don’t know where you’re going.

Only the last runner knows the destination.

Yeah, if you want a hospital,

you’re better off letting the cops come and get you.

That’s not an option.

Then I suggest you get in the vehicle.

Time’s ticking. We got a hand-off to make.


COOPER: (OVER PHONE) A gunfight?

sh*ts fired into and out of the bar.

My guess is Liz and Ressler were holed up inside.

Looks like Townsend’s guys got in.

Nobody’s here, so we have to assume they were taken.


I’ve got another call.

It’s Reddington. Maybe he knows something.

I’m concerned.

We tracked them to a local bar,

but we can’t be sure they made it out.

Not to worry, Harold.

Elizabeth and Donald are in safe hands.

Thank God.

How do you know that?

Because I arranged the pickup.

An associate of mine in the Seventh Ward.

COOPER: And he has them?

REDDINGTON: I’m told they’re in transit.

Donald’s hurt but holding on.

They’re not out of the proverbial woods yet,

but we have reason to hope.

Keen, if I don’t make it…


Almost everyone I love is gone.

As it is, I’m barely hanging on.

I cannot lose you too.

Oh, so now you love me?

And you waited until we’re in the back of a hearse to tell me?

Maybe you shouldn’t speak.

Save your strength.

It’s okay, Liz.

I know what you mean.


I know how to do the math.

I’m just saying they make calculators for a reason.


Is he handing out money?

Hey, Mister, can I get one of those?

Depends. You want a job?

What kind of job?

That money’s a finder’s fee.

I’m looking for finders.

And if you’re any good, there’s a lot more where that came from.

Who you trying to find?

Big crash over on Central.

These two took off running.

They’re hiding somewhere in the Ward.

You could find them yourself.


But I know how it goes around here.

People talk, but not to outsiders.

If you want to find someone,

it’s best to make arrangements with the locals.

No trouble, just information.

If you know where they are, call the number on the card.

Anybody has a problem,

tell them Mr. Townsend said it’s okay.



BINO: Anton.

What’s up, little man?




I’m hoping this is good news.

Neville Townsend?

That’s who your people are running from?

Does it matter?

You’re damn right it does and you know it.

If you had told me,

I would’ve never gotten involved.

Well, that explains my reluctance.

I don’t believe this.

Do you know what Neville Townsend will do to me

when he discovers that I’m the one who helped you?

Hard to say.

Probably the same thing I would’ve done to you

if you hadn’t helped me.

This isn’t a joke.

I’m not laughing, Bino.

Townsend doesn’t know it was you,

so all we have to do is keep it that way.

I’m out.

You hear me? I’m out!

It’s too late. You’re already in.

They’re in transit.

Deal’s off. I’m turning them over.

That would be a mistake.

You should’ve told me.

Bottom line…

I’m more afraid of him than I am of you.

Don’t do this.

If you give them to Townsend,

he’ll k*ll them.

Better them than me.


We’re here.

Head in and take the staircase on the right.

That’ll lead to a basement storage room.

Someone will meet you, take you from there.

Give me a hand. He needs help getting out.


He’s unconscious.

Can you hear me?

Open your eyes, Ressler!

He’s still breathing.

The car keys! Whoa, hang on.

I do not care where you were told to take us.

We are going to a hospital right now.

Do you understand me?

FBI, Walter.

He’s a federal agent.

If he dies, your life is finished!

Now give me the keys.

Can’t go to a hospital.

He’s dying!

The nearest hospital is 30 blocks away.

Your man doesn’t have that kind of time.

He won’t make it. I have to try!

Okay, there’s a place. It’s close,

but it’s not a hospital. There’s a doctor.

Used to work as a surgeon before coming to America.

Bino keeps one on the payroll

in case one of his people gets hurt.

What happened to him?

Are you the surgeon?

This is where you operate? Who’s this?

WALTER: Trust me, you don’t wanna know.

LIZ: g*nsh*t wound to the chest,

probably a collapsed lung.

All you have to do is stabilize him

until an ambulance gets here.


Get them out of here.


Save him.


Give that back! They won’t let you call.

Whole point is this place doesn’t exist.

No cops, no ambulances. He can’t stay here.

WALTER: Careful now. You don’t want to insult these good people.

REDDINGTON: Harold, sad to say things have taken

a nasty turn for the worse.

The associate I told you about

has reconsidered our arrangement.

What do you mean? I thought Keen and Ressler were in transit.

I’m sure they are,

but Bino has changed the delivery address.

He found out that Elizabeth’s being hunted by Townsend,

and he intends to give Townsend what he wants.

You never told him it was Townsend?

Of course not. I was trying to motivate the man.

So now what?

Now we rally, Harold.

Now we shock Mr. Bino and the rest of them

with our poise and ingenuity.

And how do we do that?

I have no idea.

Well, that’s not entirely true.

I have one place to start.

That, uh, bar you mentioned, is it still a crime scene?

No, Agents Mojtabai and Park had it processed,

but they cleared out a little while ago.

Good. Stay by the phone.

If this works,

you and the Task Force will need to work quickly.


Who are you?

I’m the man you answer.

I’m the man you tell the truth.

Yeah, sure.

Let’s start with your name.

First is fine.

My name is Arthur.

I clean up mostly,

mop the floors, take out the trash.

Okay, Arthur.

Two very good friends of mine

were told to come in by a man named Bino.

You know the man I mean?

Everybody knows Mr. Bino. (CHUCKLES) Yes.

Bino told them to come in so they could enter the pipeline.

Still with me, Arthur? You know what I’m talking about?

The pipeline?

So you don’t?

Well, that’s either true or you’re playing games.

I love games.

In fact, I’m playing one now, with dominos.

First, I line them up,

then I knock the first one over,

and it leads to another and then another and another

until the trail takes me where I’m trying to go.

I don’t know anything.

Well, I should think not. You’re just the first domino.

Problem is I can’t reach the end of the trail

unless you fall.

Leave him alone.

(CHUCKLES) Look at that, Arthur.

The second domino has revealed itself.

I’m the one who helped your friends.

Sometimes the dominos fall without even pushing them.



♪♪ I saw the part of you

♪♪ That only when you’re older you will see too…

He’s stable for now.

But his lung, it’s badly damaged.

I don’t know if it can be saved.

Thank you.

Can I see him?

He’s not awake.


♪♪ You held the balance of

♪♪ The time that only blindly I could read you

♪♪ But I could read you

♪♪ It’s like you told me…


I’m here.

♪♪ It’s not a race to the end…

I’ve been thinking about what you said.

How everything I’ve done,

the choices I’ve made are partly your fault.

You know that’s crazy, right?

Aside from being sort of chauvinistic.


You know, Reddington, Tom.

For whatever reason,

I live in a world where

people aren’t who they seem to be.

It’s hard to know

what or who to believe.

But you.

You’ve always been there.

The real you,

telling me the truth.

And I love you for that.

♪♪ But you’re somebody else

♪♪ Only it ain’t on the surface… ♪♪

There, I said it.

It wasn’t in the back of a hearse,

but, hey, the back of a Chinese restaurant

is pretty good.


You’re okay.

We’re gonna make it out of here.

I promise.

BINO: Sorry, Ms. Keen.

But that’s a promise you won’t be able to keep.

It’s like the sewer system, only with cash.

(CHUCKLES) I like that.

The sewer system with cash.

Bino’s got spots all over the Ward.

You come in, ask whoever runs the spot for a loan,

guaranteed against your paycheck,

which is coming but you don’t have it yet.

And if you’re approved?

We give you the cash.

Or, if you’re here to give back

the loan that we already gave you,

we accept the money and flush it to Bino.

Through the pipeline.

Bino’s got pipes all through the Ward.

This is just one of them.

Bino called me,

said he was sending two people over

that I should snatch them up and send them through.

These pipes… Where exactly do they lead?

Bino’s not stupid.

The runners only know the next step in the journey.

The next step then.

I need a name.

WALTER: Walter Stevens.

You two found the right guy,

but I don’t know anybody named Delores.

It’s all right, Walter.

We’re associates of Bino’s.

See now, I don’t know who that is either.

You fellas sure you’re in the right neighborhood?

Listen, friend. I’m not your friend.

Hey, I don’t… I don’t know you.

Now’s not the time to be brave.

It’s the time to be smart.

Well, if you two and this Mr. Bino were really tight,

you’d go ask him what you want to know

and you’d leave me the hell alone.

I’m out of time, Walter.

Now, that’s not your fault,

but I’m making it your problem,

so did you see the two people I’m looking for?

A simple yes or no will suffice.


And you handed them off to another runner, correct?

Again, yes or no would be fine.


Last chance.

Tell him. I am telling him.

We never made the hand-off.

By the time we got there, that agent was out cold.

He’d been shot, wasn’t breathing right.

You didn’t take him to a hospital.

If you did, we’d know.

It’s not a hospital.

Not a real one, anyway.

I got Agents Mojtabai and Park

standing by in the Seventh Ward.

Good, because I’ve got a location.

Elizabeth and Donald were taken to the Shanghai Palace,

a restaurant at Weston and Grand.

Dembe and I are headed there now.

A restaurant? I don’t have good news, Harold.

Apparently Donald had to be taken

to an underground surgeon

because there wasn’t enough time to get him to a hospital.

And you don’t know his condition?

No. What about Elizabeth?

I don’t know. We’re on our way.

Call an ambulance

and tell Aram and Agent Park to hurry.

So, you’re what all the fuss is about.

Elizabeth Keen.

And you’re Bino?

I’m confused.

Reddington said you were a friend.

Reddington has no friends.

Your people are helping us.

Only because Reddington withheld the truth.

He never told me you were running from Neville Townsend.

Get her out of here. Take her back to The Castle.

Wait. Wait, Townsend doesn’t know you’re helping me.

You don’t know that. He may.

Which is why now my best option

is to turn you over and apologize.

No, no, no, wait, wait. Listen, okay?

We’re in the same boat, Bino.

Your life is at risk because Reddington withheld information.

Believe me, I understand that

more than anybody on this planet.

Take her. Townsend doesn’t even care about me.

The only reason he wants me dead

is to get back at Reddington

for something he did a long time ago.

What? I don’t know.

What I do know is…

If you want to make peace with Townsend,

you’re not gonna do it by turning me over to him.

You’re gonna do it by k*lling Reddington.

So let me guess.

You’d like to help me do that?

Bino, I can’t think of anything I’d like more.

Put her in the car.

No. No! No!



That man never wakes up.


Whatever you did,

undo it and get rid of him.




FBI! Show me your hands! Hands!

ARAM: No, stop! Hands!

Stop! No!

Put it down!

She’s not here.

Ressler, don’t, uh… Don’t try to move.

Help’s on the way, okay?


What’s he saying?

Keen, The Castle.


Hey, here, over here!

He’s not breathing properly.



Elizabeth. Is she there?


Uh, but Agent Ressler is here.

Uh, he’s injured, but EMTs are on site.

But no word on Elizabeth?

No, we don’t know where she is,

but, uh, Ressler said something about a castle?

Does that mean anything to you?

I can look into it.

Tell Donald to stay in the light.

I’ll call you when we know more.

The Castle.

Bino took Elizabeth back to his club.

TOWNSEND: (OVER PHONE) I understand. You did the right thing by calling.

I hope you’ll accept my apology.

Reddington intentionally misled me.

Of course I’d never agree to intervene

if I’d known you were involved.

And you have Keen?

With me now.

I understand your people are in the Ward?

So am I. This is something that I’m handling personally.

Even better. I have a small club where I do business.

I’ll send you the address.

Keen will be waiting when you arrive.

And, Mr. Townsend,

I really do appreciate your understanding.

This was all an unfortunate mistake.




COOPER: Castle. What does that mean?

We don’t know. A place?

Maybe some kind of safe house?

Whatever it is, if that’s where Bino took Keen,

we need to find it fast.


He’s gonna k*ll me for something I had nothing to do with.

That doesn’t bother you?

You sound surprised.

You own a chess club.

You like the game.

I’m the pawn, and you’re serving me up for the slaughter.

It’s a gambit.

You know that term?

It’s when a player sacrifices a piece

in order to gain a positional advantage later in the match.

(LAUGHS) A calculated risk.

And what advantage are you hoping to get exactly?

Are you kidding?

We’re talking about Neville Townsend,

the one man powerful enough

to make Raymond Reddington think twice.

Look around.

I may be small time, but that does not mean

that I don’t have big-time aspirations.

A man like Neville Townsend

snaps his fingers

and my life changes.

Or it ends completely.

Like I said, a calculated risk.

And all things considered,

I like my chances.

You don’t know him.

I do.

Apparently, you’re really important to him.

So important that he came to take care of you in person.

It seems to me that he’d be very grateful

to a guy like me for making it easy.

That’s not how he thinks.


They must’ve gone around the back.

I’m telling you, he’s gonna k*ll us both.

We’ll soon find out.

Open it.

♪♪ Nothing can please me

♪♪ Only thoughts are of you…


I have to say, I’m finding it hard to resist

a chess pun in this moment.

I mean, if you can’t say “checkmate” at a time like this…


Drop your g*n.

♪♪ I’ve not stopped crying since you went away…

Elizabeth, I’m certainly not looking for a thank you,

but this does seem uncalled for.


Because you saved me?

From a man I didn’t know,

who only wanted to k*ll me because of you?

I can’t take it anymore.

You’re not wrong.

I understand your anger.

They’re all dead because of you.


Esi, Jennifer, my mother.

DEMBE: Elizabeth, please.

We have to go. Put the g*n down.

REDDINGTON: Yes, they’re all dead.

I tried to tell you that this is what would happen.

Everything I’ve been afraid of,

everything I came into your life to prevent,

it’s happening.

Secrets I’ve been keeping

because to tell them would mean

dangerous people like Townsend

would stop at nothing to k*ll you and your daughter.

And now some of those secrets are out,

and they are coming.

I’m sorry.

I’ve tried so hard for so long

to protect you from all of this.

And I’ve failed.


♪♪ Memories I have remind me of you…


♪♪ Of you

♪♪ Of you ♪♪

Raymond, we’re out of time.

We have a car nearby.

They’re coming front and back.

That doesn’t sound good under any circumstances.


