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07x01 - The Party

Posted: 05/18/21 17:45
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Good Witch..."

We used to sing this song together.

She said she sang it to me the day she brought me home from hospital.

- Hey!

Who's this?

- This is Vincent.

Oh, the foster brother!

"What does your husband complain about?"

- I don't get enough of you.

- You don't?

- I wanna go on a mission.

- I know you need to do this.

Maybe we're doing what we think we're supposed to do.

It's almost cracked all the way.

There's a candle and a bird on it.

- The one my mom left me.

- Ah!

- Will you marry me?

- Yes.

That's interesting.

Someone left it on the counter of Bell, Book & Candle.

Somebody left this on my counter at home.

- What do you think it means?

- I have no idea.


- Hi, Mom.

- Hi, sweetie.

What did you make?



Look what I found!

That's so pretty!

The ocean made it just for you.

It looks like a J.

For my Joy B.

I love you, Daddy.

I love you too.

♪♪ ♪♪ - I got a problem.

- You can't find your iPad?

I smell cinnamon rolls, but I don't see 'em.

Well, you will in three seconds.

Three, two...


You're good.

So I've been told.

By the way, your iPad

- is in the bedroom.

- I already checked the bedroom.

Did you check under your guitar case?

- This is quite a spread.

- Yeah.

I got inspired.

A shame you don't have any guests.

Should I be insulted?

You're not a guest, you're family!

- Nice save.

- You're good.

- So I've been told.

- Hmm!

- How did you sleep?

- Oof, I missed that bed.


- Good dreams?

- Actually...

not a one.

Hey, did you and Abigail ever figure out where these things came from?


That Merriwick mystery is still a mystery.

Are you gonna just stand there or are you gonna give me a hug?

I was thinking hug until I saw those cinnamon rolls.

- I missed you!

- Aw, I missed you too.

- Who are you?

- Haha!

Vincent, Cassie's foster brother.

Who are you?

I'm Joy.

I'm Cassie's favourite cousin.

Nice try.

I see some things never change.

Actually, a lot has changed.

Are you kidding?!


Oh, Cassie didn't tell me you were coming.

- I didn't know.

- Yeah, right.

You're probably ready to go get settled in.

Uh, that would be great.

I got your room ready this morning.


Well, hello!

If it isn't Merriwick's party of three!

And what a joy it is to see Joy.

Now, what I don't see is that spitfire of a business partner of yours.

And you won't.

I take it the Vermont renovation wasn't all maple syrup

- and roses.

- It was more of an eye-opener.

Some of our eyes were open sooner than others!

Who's ready for the engagement party of the century?

Didn't we talk about not going overboard?

- Did we?

- I promise you both it will be an affair to remember and not the affair of the century.

Forever the peacemaker.

Which brings me

- to my daughter-in-law.

- Trouble between you

- and Claire?

Colour me shocked.

- Well, colour you wrong.

The mama-to-be is gonna be bunking at Casa Del Tinsdale for the week, and I want to make sure it's a soothing sanctuary.


This blend of Roman chamomile, geranium and tangerine will keep her relaxed.


Thank you a thousand times, Cassie.



Hey, did you want to grab lunch later?

Oh, she'd love to after she finishes the flower arrangements for tomorrow.

- I checked the weather.

- For the hundredth time.

And I see no reason to move the party off the patio.

Grey House will be ready inside or out.

It will be by tomorrow night.

But we still have a ton to do.

And we appreciate both of you for doing it.

And I would appreciate you two

- picking a wedding date.

- Picking a wedding date.

We're working on it.

Ready to go?

- Yes.

- Before you jog off, I have a surprise.

Your brother is coming home for the engagement party.

- Daniel's coming to the party?

- Unless you have a brother I'm not aware of.

Isn't that wonderful news?

It will be great to see him.

- Ready?

- Lead the way.


- Oh!


That's the pastry chef.

We've been playing phone tag.


Yeah, hi.

Tell me you got my message about meringue.

Sounded like a full house, where did everybody go?

Well, we could ask questions or we could just enjoy

- this time alone.

- Hmm...

- You've got surgery.

- minutes.


- I miss your face.

- I miss yours too.


Maybe we'll run into each other later.

Says the woman who has three jobs.

- We need to go out on a date.

- Done!

That was easy.

- Let me walk you out.

- Sure.

Just walk fast.


♪♪ Yo, Flash!

When two people jog together, they usually jog together.

I'm assuming this Olympic-level pace is about your brother's visit.

- Was it that obvious?

- Not to your mother.

Daniel is the golden boy.

I bet he can't run a -minute mile.

He'd do it in .

- Everything's a competition with him.

- Sounds familiar.

I've never seen you so worked up.

Well, you've never seen me around Daniel.

You know what I think?

You boys need to grow up.

I think we need to run another couple of miles.

Or I could make us peanut butter and banana smoothies.


Yeah, you had me at peanut butter.

I had you at hello.

Look at us.

Jogging, making smoothies...

No curses.

- No competitive brothers.

- No overbearing mothers.

She'll back off when we pick a wedding date.

Are you ready to pick a wedding date?

Are you?

I'm ready to take a deep breath.

I am so glad you said that.

I was so worried what you were gonna say when I said that.

So you're OK with a long engagement?

I just want to be together without being pressured to pick a date and a dress and a china pattern.

I was kind of looking forward to picking a china pattern.

Do you know what I'm not looking forward to?

- Telling your mother.

- Telling my mother.

I'm off.

PB&J for the trip, send my love to Harry, and try to catch something this year other than a cold.

At least, I'll come home with some fish stories.

See you tomorrow night.

- Bye, George.

- Bye, kid.


I come bearing gifts, Oh!

Vermont maple wood?

I love it!

Well, it reminded me of you.

And every time, I look at it, it will remind me of you.

I have the perfect picture for it.

- Oh, your mom and dad.

- Yeah.

- That is perfect.

- Those are your parents?


You look a lot like your mom.

You OK?


Thinking of your mom?

Wonder if we look alike.

Hopefully, he'll find out.

You hired a private investigator.

You know you told me you were gonna do that when you were .

Took me a minute to get around to it.

I don't think I could get around to looking for my dad.



I hope you find what you're looking for.

I hope you both do.

♪♪ - The house looks wonderful!

- Not as wonderful as you.

- You look absolutely...

- Ready to pop?

Well, I was gonna say radiant as the sun, but ready to pop seems à propos.

And how is our tiny Tinsdsale?

Kicking like she wants out.

May I?

Of course.

- Oh my!

- Mm-hmm.

A pirouette.

A grand jeté!

It's like a tiny little production of Swan Lake in there.

Dylan loves it when she kicks.

He calls her "our little Karate Kid."

Like grandmama, like granddaughter.

Uh, you know karate?

Oh, I'm no stranger to the dojo.

- And no stranger to surprises.

- It is a Tinsdale trait.

Our little Dylan surprised us by arriving two weeks early.

It's hard to believe he's about to become a father.

I just wish he didn't have to work so much.

Well, to stay on top, he's gotta stay on the road.

And until he's back, I promise we'll keep both of you

- snug as a bug in a rug!

- And I promise

- I won't be too much trouble.

- Oh!

You won't even know I'm here.



I, uh... may have overpacked a smidge.

Well, nothing wrong with being prepared.



The second performance of Swan Lake just kicked off!

Oh, what am I thinking?

Let's get you off your feet.

Your doctor did recommend bed rest.

Follow me, my little ducklings!


I don't want him to think that I've just been sitting around waiting for him, but I also don't want him to think that I've been

- out there looking.

- You have been on a few dates.

- A few really boring dates.


I just...

I don't know how to play it.

How about by ear?

You and I have very different ears.

OK, like, tell me what you think that this text sounds like.

"Hey, stranger.

Be home Friday.

Hopefully, I can see you."

It sounds like he's hoping to see you.

You don't think it's strange he called me stranger?

Well, he hasn't seen you in two months,

- and he's just being cute.

- He is really cute.

What if he's different?

You'll know in about seconds.

- He's here?

- Mm-hmm.

I'm gonna sneak out the back.

No, no.

There's no sneaking!

- There is no sneaking!

- Hey, stranger.

Hey, stranger.


You look really... tanned.


- You look really great.


I just...


This is new.

Yeah, let's try this again.

- Bring it in.

- Yeah, OK.


Daniel plays golf

- with the Vice-president?!

- More like the Vice-president

- plays golf with Daniel.

- Your brother's a heavy hitter.

Uh, he'd be the first to tell you.


What are you doing?

- Topping the Vice-president.

- Oh, smooth.

I know you're not talking about my little brother.

Didn't anyone ever teach you not to eat at your desk?

Didn't anyone ever teach you manners?

Same woman that taught you.

Speaking of women who've had a profound influence on our lives, you must be Abigail.

And there's no doubt you're Daniel.

Ah, we're gonna be family.

- Nice digs!

- Meaning...?

Meaning nice digs.

You've made the place very... Donovan

- since the last time I was here.

- Things change in five years.

- Some never change, Corky.

- Corky?

He had a giant corkboard in his room when we were kids.

Used to pin up all his baseball cards, even though I told him it would ruin their value.

I wasn't in it for the money.

You should have been.

He pinned so many cards up there that it fell and hit him on the head.

He needed five stitches.

"Corky" told me that that scar was from a baseball accident.

Baseball, baseball cards, same difference.

That's like saying my Benz and your scooter, same difference.

Only you would call a Harley a scooter.

Is he still riding that scooter?

It's Corky's main appeal.

Sorry about that.

You know mothers.

♪♪ Hey, D.


- You look surprised.

- I am.

You're not supposed to.

You didn't tell him?

Tell me what?

- They're together...

- You're together?

This is clearly awkward.

Does someone want to fill me in?

Donovan and Quinn had a thing in high school.

This is clearly awkward.


(STEPHANIE): You ate a cricket?!

It was a fried cricket.

A fried cricket is still a cricket.

- It's a delicacy.

- It is a bug!

Well, the fried part cancels out the bug part.


Please tell me you did not go all the way to South America just to eat bugs.

I managed to squeeze in a few other activities.


I helped dig a well for the village that happened to be -feet deep.

- Wow!

- Mm-hmm.

- I'd be tired after feet.


It was the best tired I've ever been.

- So you hated it.

- Every minute.

It's a cool bracelet.

It was a gift from some of the kids in the village.

- Oh!

- It's made from huayruro seeds.

- Hmm...

- The Incas believe that it brings positive energy and happiness.

I think the Incas might be on to something.

You met someone.



Five-star resorts, eat your hearts out.

Well, I'd rather eat those delectable-looking mints, but chocolate upsets Tiny Tinsdale.

Oh, well, we certainly can't have that.

I'll have the bellhop go and get some chocolate-free ones tout De suite.

And to keep you perfectly pampered, would you say no to achieving total stress-free - relaxation?

- No.

C'est magnifique.

Behold the splendour of Roman chamomile, geranium and tangerine in a heavenly elixir.

Oh, by all means, "elix" on.



"Elix" off.

- What?

- "Elix" off.

Oh, dear!


- You're making it worse.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.

- I'm so sorry.

My bad.

- It's actually my bad.

Oh, this pregnancy nose!

Please, don't give it another thought.


Your timing is impeccable.

One grilled cheese with jelly.

- Oh!



- We were out of strawberry so I used orange marmalade instead.

Is it OK?

It's, um...


♪♪ Cinnamon roll for your thoughts.



Welcome home!

- I missed you.

- You too.

If you're looking for Sam, he just got pulled into surgery.

I was bringing Sam some cinnamon rolls, but you look like you could use one yourself.

- You have no idea.

- Try me.


- Have you ever been...

- Conflicted?


Yes, that's the word.

What's the conflict?


You really like her.

A lot.

And I just told Stephanie.

And you still have feelings for Stephanie.

And you're going on another mission trip with Heileen.


Next week.

Might be hard to get your deposit back.

- You think I should go?

- What happens if you don't?

What happens if I make the wrong choice?

Fear is temporary...

But regret is forever.

You said it, I didn't.

You know, I had the same fight with a power saw last week.


Did your power saw fall in love

- with an electric sander?

- I take it yours did.


- He says no.

- But you think yes.

I think...

I don't know what to think.

Hey, didn't you and your power saw break up?


But you're still upset with Adam.

- Technically.

- You know, maybe it's not him that you're mad at.

Oh, you think I'm mad at the electric sander?

I think you're mad at the espresso machine.


I'm so confused.

Who am I mad at?

You, Stephanie.

You're mad at yourself.

Oh, I'm the espresso machine.


There you are.

You're right.

I mean, Adam went out, and he made the world a better place, and I stayed here and made coffee.

It's really good coffee.

It's the same coffee I have made for years.

- OK, you know what?

- You need to make a vision board.

- I need to make a vision board?

- Yeah.

It's really good for inspiration and motivation.

Yeah, putting pictures on a poster.

Hey, pictures of your dreams and your desires.

You know, after the whole Donna debacle, I could really use a new one myself.

- Yeah, it's worth a shot.

- Great.

- I'll be back here at .

- OK.


I need a double shot of espresso.


Well, sorry, the espresso machine is dealing with some issues.

I just met Donovan's high school girlfriend.

- Oh, you met Quinn?

- You know Quinn?


Everybody knew Quinn.

- They were the It couple.

- "The It couple"?

They were voted most likely to stay together forever.


- Did you vote?

- Oh no.

I was Middleton High; They were Blairsville, but their love was legendary.

Apparently, the talk of two towns.


Smells good.

Let's hope Claire thinks so.

House guest a bit of a handful?

A bit is a bit of an understatement.

Well, this is almost perfect.

It just needs - a pinch of pepper...

- Ooh.

...and a pop of paprika.

And some gummy worms for gusto.

Who would put gummy worms in clam chowder?

(CLAIRE): Can you put some gummy worms in my clam chowder?

- Not my gummy worms!


We're all making sacrifices.

My Teddy Grahams are on borrowed time.

Might be time to abandon ship.

I'm halfway down the plank.

Maybe this will help you

- avoid taking the plunge.

- Ooh!

Oh, my!


- It's gorgeous!

Looks aren't everything.


- Oh!

Holy cow, that's...


Ring it again.


The perfect antidote to our house guest's holler.

Or the perfect alternative.

Claire wouldn't need to holler

- if...

- If she could ring the bell.




(SAM): She's pretty impressive!

Permission to come aboard, Captain?


Permission granted.


So I...

Here's to...

Does she have a name?

The Nightinsail.


- I love it.

- Yeah, she's pretty magical.

She certainly is.

- This is the life.

- Oh no!

You got the life.

Wife, kids, the whole nine.

Well, it seemed like you were sailing in that direction.

Oh, Natalie?

No, that ship sunk.

It's not easy.

She's out there.

I hope so.

I got a great fastball I want to pass down.

I think you'd be a great dad.

Coming from you, that means a lot.



How do I look?


- You're a natural.

You know, I think Cassie would love to see you at the helm.

Ah, I'd love to see Cassie, period.

When I've got a minute, she got office hours with her students, And then if she's got a minute, I've got surgery.

Why don't you take her out for a romantic day at sea.

You can't be passing ships...

If we're on the same boat.

(ABIGAIL): Who is Renaldo Di Lorenzo? It's only the Picasso of wedding planners.


- Maybe they need to pick out a canvas before they hire a Picasso.

If that's your colourful way of saying they should set a date, I % concur.

Why don't we % focus on the engagement party.

What a lovely party favour.

Is that dirt?!

- It is.

- Am I missing something?

Was I supposed to remind you about a cake?

You were.

Thank you!

It's in my trunk.

- Oh!

Do you need a hand?

- No.

What I need is for the lovely couple to set a wedding date.

I'm sure Donovan will tell her you want a long engagement.

- I'm not so sure he will.

- You could always tell her.

We're talking dirt bags.

I wish these dirt bags would talk to us.


Our intuition isn't very intuitive right now.

Sometimes, you have to stare at a puzzle

- longer than you thought.

- And sometimes, you have to sweep the whole thing back into the box.


We'll crack it.

This is an absolute showstopper!

Seven layers that have defied even my expectations.

Why don't I take it in the kitchen and then she won't be

- tempted to peek.

- Good.

I will join you.

Um, thanks.

Well, as long as Mother Nature does her part, tomorrow evening will be spectacular.

Mother Nature's got nothing on you.


Well, I did raise two wonderful boys.

What did you think of my Daniel?

He's definitely everything Donovan told me

- he was.

- Hmm...

I am thrilled he made it home for the party.

Oh, and...

I'm sorry you had to meet Quinn under those circumstances.

She seems nice.

She's lovely, she always has been, but, between you and me, I knew she and Donovan would never get married.

They talked about it?

Oh, did they talk about it!


Well, it's lucky that Donovan and I ended up together.

I don't put a lot of stock in luck.

Fate however, that's a whole different story.

I wish we could, but I've got to tackle the city budget tonight.


We'll see you then.

Didn't you tackle the city budget last week?

Oh, you do listen when I tell you about my day.

I take it you don't want to hang out with your brother.

The weekend is supposed to be about us.

And you think he's making it about him?

Oh, he's always making it about him.

And now he's brought Quinn to really get under my skin.

The other half of Donoquinn!

- "Donoquinn"?

- Your ship name.

- You two were the It couple.

- In high school.

Where you apparently talked about getting married a lot.

Again, we were in high school.

We broke up right after we graduated.

Yet, you're all bent out of shape that she's here.

Well, I was bent out of shape because she's here with my brother, but...

now I'm bent out of shape 'cause you're bent out of shape.

You're really not getting this?



What are you doing?

I'm making you a list of every girl I ever dated.

I'm really more concerned about the fact that you haven't told your mother that we want a long engagement.

I will.

I promise.

But first...

"Quinn, Michelle, Laurie, Kate."


- Aren't you forgetting a name?

I'll whisper it in your ear.

- I'm not falling for that.


Um, the French countryside, I like it.

- Hmm, it is on my bucket list.

- Mm-hmm.

Well, now, it's on your fishing board.


Thanks for doing this.

- I am already in better spirits.

- Well, it's because we're drinking spirits.

- An owl?!

- Because we're having a hoot.

OK, no more spirits for you.

I don't know why I put it there.

Just, um...

it sort of spoke to me.

Well, I wish I had listened to my inner voice when it told me to move on from Adam.

It's the whole reason we broke up.

Hey, sometimes, the heart speaks louder than the head.


And what does your heart say?


- Weird, right?

I don't know.

Maybe you're just envisioning yourself

- meeting an astronaut.

- Hmm, I wouldn't say no

- to dating an astronaut.

- Hmm...

I would say no to dating anyone right now.

Well, don't tell me.

Tell your vision board.

I'd love to, but other than jetting off to France, I don't know where to start.

How about at the beginning?

This place is the beginning.

And this place is great, but...

But it could be greater.

Well, if you're looking for greater, I'm your girl.

You are my girl.

And you're hired.

- Cheers!

- Cheers!

♪♪ A girl can get used to this.

Yeah, maybe we should sell Grey House

- and conquer the high seas.

- Haha!

All right, Jack Sparrow, I think the sea air is getting to you.


Hey, slide over, Skipper.

Let me take the wheel.

Oh, you think you've got what it takes to drive the boat?

I think I've got what it takes to helm the boat.

Apparently, only one of us knows the proper lingo.


Hey, not too shabby, huh?

No, you're not.

A little cheesy, but I'll allow it.


I have missed this.

Ah, it's nice making up for lost time.

I think we just ran out of time.


♪♪ So much for conquering the high seas.



- I knew it!

- Oh!

You've been declining my calls!


declining is such a harsh word.

I've been gently nudging them to voicemail.

While I have been not so gently pulling my hair out every time Claire rings that bell!

Oh, Tom, how can you possibly ever grow

- weary of that soothing sound?



- Oh!

Oh, my.

Turn it off.

- Turn it off.

- Don't worry, Claire, Martha's on her way!

Your shift started minutes ago.

My shift, your shift; I mean, who's keeping track?

- I am.


Would a Tinsdale on toast possibly change your mind?

Not even your pumpkin pie could make me change my mind.

The mother-to-be is not so patiently waiting for the grandma-to-be.

It's grandmama-to-be.

And I will remember this, Thomas Tinsdale.


- Ohhh...

you wish.


(CASSIE): This is amazing!

Well then, my plan worked!


Uh, the engine having a vapour lock was your plan?


You thinking that this was my plan

- was my plan.

- (AMUSED): Hmm!

- Shall we?

- Yeah.

I guess getting shipwrecked gives you an appetite.

Well, we're only gonna be shipwrecked for about an hour, so... might as well make the most of it.

I make the most of every hour I spend with you.

Little bit cheesy, but I'll allow it.

This is great.

Strawberry for your thoughts.

Did you ever think we would be married one day and stuck on a beautiful island?

Yeah, absolutely did.

Yeah, me too.

But I never thought we'd be married one day and missing each other at the same time.


Yeah, with the kids gone, we should actually be sick of each other.

How did life get so busy?

We shouldn't let it get in the way.


Promise me it won't again.



- Do you hear that?

- What?



The wind?

You know, we could eat first, and then chase the island breeze later.



Or not.




That was weird.

♪♪ This looks like it took a lot of work.


Work someone did a long time ago.

How can you tell?

Just a feeling.


Guess we're not shipwrecked anymore.

Well, it's too bad.

I kind of like this place.

Definitely a place you'd find in a dream.

♪♪ - Don't even think about it.

- Come on, they're calling

- my name.

- So is your email.



Bad news?

I don't know.

You don't have to open it.

Well, what if he found my mother?

What if he did?

I guess a part of me thought he never would.

You thought or you hoped?

He found her.

♪♪ She lives an hour from here.





I'd say we managed to pull it off.

- That is an understatement.


- It all looks beautiful.

- Beautiful?

It looks stunning!

Of course, we couldn't have done it with a little help from Mother Nature.

I suppose it's safe to admit I was just a tad worried.



Those are addicting.

- You look familiar.

- Hang on.

You didn't go off and find yourself a new best friend when I was gone, did you?

I didn't know we were labelling what we had.

I'm with you.


we'll play it loose.

Sorry I missed you at the hospital yesterday.

Don't be.

Cassie gives much better advice, and it comes with cinnamon rolls.

One of the reasons I married her.

She did tell me about Heileen, though.

A big decision.

Definitely the right decision to have the party on the patio.

Yeah, your mom did good.

I'm gonna tell Dottie you gave her a compliment.

Don't you dare.

Thank you for coming, everybody.

- It means a lot to us.


Let's see a kiss!



OK, everyone.

Grab something and we'll head inside.

- OK.


- Hmm...



- Hey, I'll just...

- Oh!

Hm, yeah.

- No?

All right.

- No.

Not right.

Go ahead.



It was complicated.

Ah, I was gonna say awkward.

Which is exactly what I don't want when we see each other.

For it to be awkward?

- Yeah.

- It's gonna be.

- Yeah.


I don't want that either.


That didn't last long.

- No...


We just have to give it time.

- You're leaving again.

- Next week.


Yeah, I'm going on another mission.

With Heileen?

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

You have nothing to be sorry about.


(QUINN): Does he still get his haircut every days?

- Every days.


Is this weird, the two of us talking about Donovan?

- Weirdly, it's not.

- I wasn't sure how things were gonna go after Daniel conveniently forgot to mention I was coming.

Yeah, that wasn't a great look.

More like the last straw.

I'm headed back

- to D.C.

in the morning.

- Ouch!

Are you OK?

Weirdly, I am.

What are you two gossiping about?

- You!

- Should I call my attorney?

Um, you're safe.


I'm bursting at the seams.

I can't keep your engagement gift a secret a second longer.

Well, for the sake of your seams, tell us.

- Renaldo Di Lorenzo.

- Who?

He is the Picasso of wedding plans.

- Now he's your wedding planner.

- You got us a wedding planner?


And all he needs is a date to start planning.

Your son has something he'd like to tell you.


She is right.

- Thank you.

- Oh!

Your son has something else he'd like to tell you.

Actually, I have something I'd like to tell you.

Would you give us a minute, please?

Of course.


She worked very hard at this party, and I didn't want to ruin it for her.

I thought you'd understand.

I thought you would.

Oh, I am so sorry that we're tardy.

Claire's still keeping you on your toes.


- Good gravy, she's here!

- You think she followed us?

- We've got to quell that bell.


- Uh, that's Dottie clinking her glass.


Tom, we've become like Pavlov's dogs.

Might be time to lay down the law.

Cassie, would you join me?

Ooh, how lovely it is to see all of you and, of course, Donovan's father very much wanted to be here, but he unexpectedly had business in New York, so...

I speak for us both when I tell you how overjoyed we are that Donovan and Abigail have chosen to spend their lives together.

The best part of life's journey is who you get to share it with.

As you begin your grand adventure, I want to pass on to you what someone once told me, "Love isn't always perfect...'s about being perfect together." Here's to two people who are perfect together.

And how perfect would it be if they chose this very moment to announce a wedding date.

Speaking for both of us, I can say that we've

- discussed it and we've decided...

- And we decided to hold off on picking a wedding date, so we can enjoy a long engagement together.

- Cheers!

- Cheers!


- Hear, hear.

Sounds like there might be a little trouble in paradise.

What did you say?

You really want me to repeat it?

My brother Daniel, ladies and gentlemen!


I'm just having some fun.

- You're the only one!

- All right.

Let's all just take a breath.

Yeah, good idea.

I need some fresh air.

Now, before we lay down the law, let's decide who's the good cop...

- and who's the bad cop.

- I think we've both been good cop for way too long.

Let's have some strudel, and strategize.

Or some tiramisu.

What a lovely presentation!


And you even wrote me a note.

Please, I'm too pooped to lift a pen.


"I just thought I'd make a sweet treat "for the two sweetest people in the world.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your love "and kindness. Tiny Tinsdale is going to be the luckiest grandbaby in the world." Oh, Tom...

She really hasn't been that much of a handful.


- Come on.

- Oh!


The sound

- of silence.

- Hahaha!


- Oh, good gravy!

- You guys went to the party?

- Yeah, we had a few.

I know you.

- You do look familiar.

- Were you at the shindig?

I was the host.


It explains why I never saw you.

We did exactly what we promised we wouldn't do.

Worse than that, we broke a pinky swear.


What does that say about us?

We need to try a lot harder.

It's not gonna cut it this time.



Can you believe my brother?

He certainly lived up to the hype.

- And ruined our party.

- Party wasn't exactly stellar before you two went all David and Goliath.

And you think that's my fault?

I don't want to play the blame game.

I told you I was gonna tell my mother.

But you didn't.

So you forced my hand?

This isn't the type of dancing we're supposed to be doing right now.

Um, I'm gonna go.

It's probably a good idea.


♪♪ - Anyone else having déjà vu?

- You had a thought.

Look familiar?


I think it's time we had a talk.