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04x15 - Going Under

Posted: 04/28/21 18:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on Prison Break:


Scylla is complete.

What the hell are you doing? Buyer's already on the way.

Yeah, I got one. It's Bagwell.

There is no meeting with the attorney general, is there?

He's sick, Lincoln. If they haven't k*lled him already.

We'll get him back. I promise.

Michael needs an operation... remove a tumor from his temporal lobe.

And the price is the safe return of Scylla.

What's this? Added incentive.

What's going on? Where's Michael?

Michael needs surgery. He's gonna get it.

-Where? -Here.


Krantz has arranged for doctors.

We can't let them near him.

Out of time. It's our last option.

I don't understand why the Company would help him.

Dr. Tancredi. Welcome.

Please. There's nothing to be afraid of.

-All we want is to help. -You're gonna save Michael?

You question our capabilities?

No, I'm questioning your motives.

When a fellow human being is suffering, why would we not want to lend a hand?

Empathy, Sara.

It's the only thing that separates us from the beasts.

For the duration of the surgery, he'll be treated as a guest in my home.

And afterwards?

Sir, the patient is ready.

It's gonna be all right, Sara.

Trust me.

Mr. Scofield, although you're going to be anesthetized...

...and should feel no significant pain...

...we will need to keep you awake for the duration of the procedure.

As a safety precaution...

...we'll need to continually monitor your speech and sensory activity... insure the tissue being removed will not leave you impaired in any way.

What hospital is this?

Don't worry about it.

You've got some good doctors who are gonna take great care of you.

I have to get Scylla.

No, no, no, no. No, no, no.

Not now.

-Where's Linc? -He's here.

And he's just fine.

I'm not leaving until Michael has surgery.

I'm not starting surgery until you prove you can hold up your end of the deal.

Scylla's slipping through our fingers as we speak.

Time is not on our side nor on your brother's.

Now, you'll get full cooperation from my office.

You need anything, just call this number.

I'm gonna need everything you got on Self and Gretchen.

Aliases. Whatever you got.

How about an accomplice?

-Now, if you're gonna want-- -Shut up.

You'll save yourself pain and embarrassment...

...if you just tell me where they are.

-Gretchen and Agent Turncoat? -Yeah.

Information like that...

...seems like it could be of certain intrinsic value.

If there were offers made, carrots dangled...

...I could see my--

I deserve some kind of something here. All the work I put in.

If it wasn't for me finding Whistler's bird book then where would--

The only thing you deserve is the opportunity to keep your teeth...

-...and your fingernails. -You do this, I'm not gonna tell you any--

Aah! Ugh.

I'm gonna pull out every single tooth, every single one.

How about it?

Look, I was just fooling-- Aah!

Tell me! Arlington Pier.

Arlington-- Arlington Pier.

When? What time?

Three o'clock.

This is the last of the anesthetic.

From here on out, you shouldn't feel a thing.

I'm gonna be right over there the whole time.

I'll be right in here the whole time.

We're ready.

I'm not gonna leave you, okay?

Don't you dare leave me.

EEG is calibrated. Are we ready to commence?

How many surgeries has your team performed...

...using the gamma knife?

The gamma knife has a recurrence rate of over 13 percent.

We'll be using a technique that's more advanced.

-What's going on? -They're gonna operate.

Just like that? They agreed to?

I convinced them Michael knew who was gonna buy Scylla.

-What are we gonna do now? -Get our hands on it.

-And give it to who? -Still working on that.

I need to know why. -To finish this!

Really? Because it feels like it's finishing us.

You, me, we're the only ones left, bro.

One more day and we're done. I can't do this without you.

When the buyer gets here, let me do the talking.

For what?

I engineered this whole thing. I can handle my business.

Oh, yeah?

Start by handling that river of nerves that's running down your forehead.

-Did you think this would be easier? -I hoped.

I guess I knew it was gonna come down to a pile of bodies.

-I never pegged you for a k*ller. -Yeah, I never pegged you for a mom.

Is there anything that you'd like to peg me for, Don?

Oh, stop, okay?

Don't embarrass yourself. It may work on everyone else.

But the only thing I'm thinking about is that 125 million.

So close up your blouse, open your eyes, because the buyer's on the way.

I don't want any surprises when he gets here.

-How much longer? -Another hour or so.

Just sit tight.

I need to use the men's room.

Congratulations. Do you think I'm gonna run?

-That's exactly what I think. -You want me to go right here?

Have respect for my intelligence, Alex.

I do, which is why I know you wouldn't violate Code 42-13-72B...

...which states that an individual being transported by the justice system...

...must be afforded the opportunity to relieve himself...

...if the duration of the transport is more than three hours.

I do believe we're creeping up on that time.

All right, I'll see what I can do.

But I'm gonna remind you of a code. The one that says:

"If a prisoner attempts escape during transfer...

...the accompanying agent has the right... sh**t him through the back of the head.” You sure you don't wanna hold it, Alex?

Oh, yeah, I'm sure.

Any pain or discomfort, Mr. Scofield?


Those needles, they're for stabilization?

Not exactly.

Throughout the surgery...

...portions of Michael's cerebral cortex will be stimulated...

...triggering the areas that control senses like hearing, smell, memory.

That's why some people, right before death often speak of--

-Their life flashing before their eyes. -Exactly.

When oxygen is cut off to the brain, it kicks into overdrive...

...tapping into every resource to continue operating the body.

As a result, all of the senses fire off at once.

Everything you've ever known, felt, believed... all passes in a blink of an eye.

Hello, Michael.


I guess you could probably call me D.B. now.


The answer is no.

The answer?

You're wondering if you're dead.

The answer is no.

Then why am I here?

I believe that's a question we all need to find the answer to.

This is now the most secure bathroom break in the history of law enforcement.

Yes, it is.

If you wanna cuff me and block off the exits...

...take it out and give it a tap if it makes you happy.

Would that make you feel happy, Alex?

I hear prison can change a man.

Could we just get this over with?

-All clear. -You have 15 seconds.

Wasn't so bad now, was it?

You should've trusted me, like I trusted you.

All right.

We're ready to begin to isolate the tumor now, Mr. Scofield.

As we talked about...

...I'm gonna ask you to slowly recite the alphabet.

If you have any problems finding a letter...

...any problems saying a letter, you let us know, all right?

All right.



And begin.




D E.


H, I.

-I'm sorry, Charles. -For what?

For everything.

For all the lies I told.

For all the pain I caused.

Are you asking for forgiveness?

I'm not sure I'm entitled to it.

I guess that's for a power higher than us to decide, isn't it?

It's just hard--

Hard to believe we've lost.

That it was all for nothing.

It doesn't have to be.

It looks like the tumor's nestled behind the hippocampus.

You have the answers, Michael.

What are the questions?

I don't know.

But you do.

You just haven't realized it yet.

Over here, make a right. No, no, left, left, left.

We got 10 minutes.

-What do you think? -It's gonna be tight.

All right, any minute now.

There's no sign of them.

Check Vikan's PDA.

-See if the buyer left him a message. -Oh, this thing is broken.

It must've cracked when he hit the ground.

Can you still see the contact number?

-Yeah, a Miami area code. -Read it out, I'll put it in mine.

I'm not reading out anything.

I'm gonna keep that number for now, if you don't mind.

-Who is it? -It's my sister.

Don't answer it.

I said don't answer it.

sh**t me.


We're free. He's gone.

-What? -The guy with the, uh, fake hand.

He let us go.

So we, uh, ran to the Patels' house, and later I looked out the window...

...and I saw these, uh, two guys in suits, and they dragged him off into some van.

-Put Bagwell on the phone. -He's not there.

-Gretchen, I'm not playing anymore. -Don, the Company took him.

How's Emily?

She's fine.

Listen, Gretchen.

You need fo stay away from us, for everyone's sake.

Here, baby.

Bye, auntie.

Forget that ape, Bagwell.

No, I can't.

He knows the location of the exchange.

If he knows we're here, then the Company does too.

Hey, that's it. Right there. Arlington Pier. Pull over.

Blood, papi.

We just missed them.

I'll go look around.


The general said to call this number if I needed help.

Your clearance code, please. Clearance code”?

How about I'm Lincoln Burrows, and you're about to lose Scylla.


I need a trace on this line. We've already tried.

You're in a zone where visual surveillance is an impossibility.

Look outside the zone and check for a vehicle leaving in the last 15 minutes.

If you see one, get a match and call me.

Nothing. No tracks. But I found these.

They know we're onto them.

We gotta find these people before they split.

Someone's here, but it's not the seller.

What do you want me to do?

I'm just curious, Lang.

When did you decide to turn your back on me?

About the same time you decided to become a fugitive.

-I wasn't talking to you. I took an oath to uphold the law, Alex.

Did you do it for a promotion?

They promise you anything to serve me up?

The only thing I ever wanted was your safety.

The longer you're on the run, the lower my chance of getting what I want.

What are you looking for out there, Alex?


This is Agent Wheeler I've got a suspect fleeing custody...

...about three miles north of Greenburg. Requesting backup and air support.

I didn't mean to startle you.

What are you doing here?

Customer service.

Quality control.

I like to keep a hand in all our theaters of engagement.

Spoken like a military man.

It's so easy to discuss lives in the balance when it's just theater.

I admire your devotion, Sara.

It's an attribute I value above all others.

But I wonder.

Is it the cause you believe in or the man?

I mean, are you an ideologue?

Or just this silly schoolgirl following the brooding boy...

...who finally noticed her?

I'm the girl whose father was m*rder*d, looking for the bastard responsible.

Would you like me to make a few phone calls?

See if I can point you in the right direction?

You can relax.

-He's receiving the best possible care. -Is he?

Because I've never seen this equipment, this procedure.

It's experimental, isn't it?

Well, you could say that. But it has been used once before.

How long did the patient live?

Dr. Tancredi, I know your opinion of the work we do here...

...but know this, not everything is as it seems.

And for what it's worth, the patient lived a long and happy life.

What are you doing?

It's the job of a structural engineer to make sure everything he creates... designed to withstand the weight placed upon it.

What I built here does not hold up.

If you discovered that a structure you built was deficient...

...would you tear down the building, or find a way to fix it?

I've tried to fix it.

I've tried to make things right.

All I've done is add more weight to it.

And now...

Now it can't take any more.

All I wanted to do was save my brother's life.

Did you do that?


But how many other people have lost their lives in the process?

Knowing that now, would you have let him die?


And that makes you feel like some kind of m*rder*r?


Take 10 lives, you're a serial k*ller.

Take thousands, you're a w*r hero.

This isn't w*r.

Are you sure?

It's nothing more than the Company's little black book.

Names, numbers, operation reports.

Not everything is as it seems, Michael.

But you know that, don't you?

Look, we need to re-establish contact with the buyer.

Explain to him what happened, and set a new location for the exchange.

I gotta say I'm amazed at you, Don.

All this time you never asked to see the information in Scylla.

I don't care about the information. Just what it's worth.

Maybe you're worried if you actually knew what was on it...'d have second thoughts about who you're selling it to.

- Hello? We have a hit on the targets.

Traffic camera picked them up...

...entering a convenience store on Valley and 14th.

Looks like they left a footprint.

Don't move.

That's a hell of a job, Agent Lang.

You taught me how to read the mind of a convict, remember?

If you take me in, I'm as good as dead, you know that.

So I'm gonna run now.

If you need to stop me, you're gonna have to sh**t.

Don't make me do this.

I'm sorry.

Another time, another place...

-...hey, Felicia? I will pull this trigger.

-What happened? -He got away.

Did you have him?

Uh, yeah. I--

I thought I had him in my sights. I-- I just missed.

Did you see which way he went, or did you just miss that too?

Okay, I think he went east.

Hey, buddy. What's up?

Looking for a tall chick with black hair...

...and a guy. A tall guy.

He looks like Bozo the Clown.

You know, Bozo and Elvira?

You guys cops or something? Ha-ha-ha.

You're not even close.

So how about it?

No, I don't remember anyone like that.

How about now, you punk?

-How about now? -Okay.

-They bought a phone, man. I want the receipt.

All right.

On their way. You have any idea who the buyer is?

No. We never will. Whoever's walking away with the information on Scylla...

...will do whatever it takes to stay below the Company radar.

Would you screw some guy's wife and leave your card on his pillow?

Isn't that what you just did to the general?

Come on.

After all we've been through, we can't be honest?

Your little photo sh**t, and your weak-ass attempt at the sixth card.

You wanted him to know you were involved.

Come on. He punished you.

He treated you like crap just like your real daddy.

You want at least one of them to pay for it, right?

Come on, I know you.

I did my homework.

Gee, Don, you-- You just cracked my whole Electra complex wide open.

It's kudos.

You're not the only one who did their homework.

-Just so you know. -Yeah, you got something to say?

Now, we need to be ready for whatever's coming.

You better watch your 6, Don.


You wanted to see me?

I can't quite tell from the monitors, but from what I can see, the growth--

I mean, it looks like it isn't just on the hypothalamus.

I understand that was the initial diagnosis.

But once we got in there... appears to have spread to the hippocampus as well.

Okay. Um--

So with the removal, will there be any memory loss?

Well, in cases like this, where small portions have to be removed... hardly ever affects what's referred to as net memory.

We're all tapped into such small portions...

...of what we've experienced in our lifetime.

The bulk of it is just kept in storage...

...rarely acknowledged by the conscious mind.

So while there may be some gross memory loss...

...he won't ever know it's gone, because he'll never know it was there.

-Nurse? -BP's dropping, 90/60.

-What's going on? I don't know.

Increase dopamine delivery rate to 12.5.


Exploding all over the--

If you're you smart, use bargain.

Use bargain when the time is right.


EEG's spiking. Brain activity's all over the place.

-MAP's at 55. -BP's erratic, dropping.

-Eight-five, 84. -Give him one mil of atropine.

Michael, are you still with us?

The best minds in the world designed this system and you almost beat it.

As long as we have Scylla.

We now have Scylla.

So, what are you hearing Scylla's worth?

Me, I'm hearing millions.

Things have happened in the past few days that have made me uneasy.

As long as we have Scylla, we have power.

I'm sorry, Michael.

-We're losing him. -Get the crash cart.

-Laryngeal scope, intubate. -No.

What's going on?

It's time to go.

Michael? Michael!



Why's he crashing?

-You cannot-- -It's okay.

-It's okay. -Don't do this.

Don't do this.

Don't do this. Don't go.

We're not finished.

We're not finished yet.

Michael, I'm sorry. It's time.

-Please, Charles. -Michael, not like this.

Not like this. It doesn't happen like this.

We'd finish this together.

It's okay.

You've done your part.

I haven't figured it out yet. -Yes, you have.

Would you do something?

I'm trying.

Fifteen and dropping.

Michael, don't leave. Don't give up.


You might think it's bad, but it's not.

-Oh, dying? -No.

Don't give up.

Don't give up. Don't give up.

Not everything is as it seems.

Goodbye, Michael.



Michael, don't leave.

Don't you dare leave me.



The Company tracked the serial code off the receipt.

Gretchen just placed a call matching the tracking number.

-From where? -Two miles away.

I was told there'd be three of you. -Well, there aren't. You have the money?

-That's a small case for 125 million. -We don't deal in cash.

Once I verify the validity of the item...

...the funds will be wired to an account number you provide.

-The item please. -No, no, no.

You're not gonna see the item until I see the money.

You have to forgive me if I don't trust a shiny case with some buttons.

I need to confirm that the data is intact.

Without it, the item you possess is nothing more than a fancy box.

Speaking of...

-Give this man the item. -No, I'm not giving anyone any--

This is a businessman making a business transaction.

One where the longer you take, the more danger you put us all in.

Can you read what's on there?

You better hope so.

They're not gonna give us Scylla. You know that, right?


Let's split up.

That doesn't look like the Company's black book. It's--

It looks more like a--

I'm sure you understand, no one can know where Scylla's going.

It's your lucky day, sugar.

Not yours.

Drop it.

Cover her.

Where is he? I don't know.

Where is it? I don't know.

Gone. Stolen.

By who?

-By who? -If I die, you'll never know.

You look beautiful.

You're a liar.

How'd it go?

They're still running some tests.

But they feel confident they got it all.

And what is this place?

You didn't know something about your surgery.

It was performed by Company doctors.

And the general made all the arrangements.

-Why? -I don't know.

Lincoln's handling it. He says he has a plan.

I'll be honest.

Right now, you're alive, and that's all I care about.

You're gonna laugh, but I had a dream about Scylla.

The only thing we really know about it is what Self told us.

You need to rest.

I'm serious. What if it's not just the Company's little black book?

What if it's--

Not everything is as it seems.

--Something more?

Like what?

Something good.

Why go to so much trouble to protect information about the past?

Information the Company could just delete anytime they wanted to.

The general said:

For as long as we have Scylla, we have power.

I don't think he was talking about power, like control or influence.

I think he was talking about energy.






There's a theory that if you can find a way... combine these elements into the design of a solar cell... can harness 100 percent of the sun's energy.

With that kind of power, possibilities are limitless.

It would certainly explain all the security around Scylla.

They're not protecting the past. They're protecting the future. Wow.

I wonder what else is on it. I mean--

The equipment, and the dr*gs they gave you...

...none of it exists on the open market.

Which would explain why people would be willing to pay millions... get their hands on Scylla.

It's not about taking down the Company. It's about becoming the Company.

It's about knowing what they know.

Controlling what they know.

What do we do now?

So, what's the next move?

I'm gonna check on Michael.

No, I mean, after that?

Scylla's out there. Are we really gonna keep chasing it?

I don't know. Figure it out later.


I won't be here, Linc.

I can't do it anymore.

Sara said Mike was okay, and that's all I needed to know.

But now I gotta go and live my life.

And that's the life where I can go a day without seeing a dead body...

...or almost becoming one.

I'm not running away, papi. I'm just moving on.

This was never about you.

Everything you did, you did for us.

I'll never forget that.

I know you got something cooking, so whatever it is, just be careful, okay?


Thank you.


When you and Mike get down below and open that surf shop--

Scuba shop.

Scuba shop.

Maybe there will be a job there for me.

You can count on it.

Do you know who took it?

No. But Self and Gretchen do.


-Then you've got your team. -I'm not working for them.

You'll work with a hound in a hat if that's what I tell you to do.

That's what being an employee means.

You're determined, and dedicated, but there are holes in your resume...

...that Gretchen, or Self, or even Bagwell can fill.

Now, you all took something from me, and you are all going to get it back.

Besides... can't handle this by yourself.

And deep down I think you know that.

Have them meet me outside.

Who knows?

You may find that you like it here. Stranger things have happened.

They've certainly happened in your family.

Now, about Michael.

Are you gonna tell him...

...or should I?

Do you have it?

In my hand.

Good. You know what to do.

Last time I saw you in a hospital, you busted your arm in Little League.

Some bruiser knocked me down sliding into second.

Sorry about that.

-But you healed good though, right? -Yeah.

This will too.

Whatever plan you're working on to get us out, we better make a move on it.

You're not getting out of here, Michael.

What do you mean?

I made a deal, your life in exchange for Scylla.

Why would you do that?

Same reason you covered your body in tattoos, and broke into Fox River.

-This is not just about us. -It's exactly what it's about.

It's all it's ever been about.

We do this one thing for the Company, and they set us up for life.

And you actually trust them?

Who else am I gonna trust? The government, guys like Don Self?

I'm done watching loved ones and friends die, Michael.

Scylla's not we thought it was.

-Not even close. -I don't care.

I don't understand how you can say that.

The only thing worth fighting for is family.

I'm gonna do everything and anything I can to end this.

So you, me, all of us can get on with our lives.

You think you can do that knowing what you know?

You wanna know what I know about the Company?

Mom worked for them before she died.

I'm just moving on to the family business.

-Linc, don't do this. -It's done.

Linc. Linc!