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02x10 - Rendezvous

Posted: 04/26/21 08:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Prison Break

/ need a number for a Sundown Hotel, please.

I got one in Gila, New Mexico.

NM, 6-3. Tomorrow.

Who is this? I think you already know.

If I buried someone in my own backyard, I'd think about it all the time.

Let me and my family disappear. And in return, I'll keep your little secret.

It's not how you wanted this to play out.

But sometimes things happen that are just out of your control.

I'll see you soon, Michael. It may be sooner than you think.

-You can't be here. -Where's your sister?

-I need to see Maricruz. -Wedding's at 2:30.

Maricruz, she told him no.

-Do you believe that? -Go on. Get your girl.


-Both of you, face down. -Please.


Suspect in custody. Possible ID, Lincoln Burrows.

Now, you're gonna tell me where you stashed Westmoreland's money...

...or I'm gonna pluck you like a chicken, stitch by stitch.

For a millionaire, you travel light.

Hey. Hey, what is this?

It's for my blood pressure.

Lookie what I found.

Guess Ms. Hollander liked to beat some meat.

A couple whacks with this would help you remember where you put the money.

Hey, we've been beating his ass all night. He ain't coming off the goods.

We need to do something different.

It don't matter what you do to me. I ain't talking.

Well, I ain't stopping till I get what I came for.

How about we listen to that again?


Tell me where that money is or I'm gonna read it on your tombstone.

Okay. Okay, I will give you a little clue.

It ain't here.

Confirmed. Burrows is in custody. Yeah!

Unbelievable. He made it all the way to Arizona.

Another day, he'd have been gone.

You find Mahone?

No. Keep trying to call, it goes straight to voicemail.

This is Alexander Mahone.

Please leave a message.

Mr. Kim. Mr. Kellerman.

-Lincoln Burrows is in custody. -That's the reason [ called.

-Who has him? -Willcox, Arizona P.D.

We need to extricate him. Right away.

Where's Mr. Mahone?

I'm getting in touch with him now. But I can take care of this one.

This is why we hired Mr. Mahone.

-He's the official face here. -Don't worry, this won't be official.

-And there won't be any questions. -Of course there will.

Just make sure no one's left to answer them.

My son had nothing to do with this, please.

A judge will decide that.

Did you call in? Yeah. Phoenix is sending backup.

I don't think that's one of ours, Jimmy.

What the hell?


Come on!

I'm coming!

Move it! Run! Don't stop!

Come here.

Let go of me. Okay, calm down. Calm down.

-You try that again-- -Who are you?

We're on your side.

We're with your father.

Mahone, Lincoln Burrows has been apprehended.

-Where? -Arizona.

I'm on my way, and I need your talents on the ground.

I'll get there as soon as I can.

I don't think you heard me. Get to Arizona.

I'm this close to Scofield.

Well, we have a bird in the hand.

Yeah, well, so might I.

You wanted me to figure out Scofield's rendezvous with Tancredi?

It's happening today.

And I'm sitting right on top of it.

What are you looking at?

Where are we? It doesn't matter.

You're safe here. You can take a seat.

I ain't doing a thing until I see my dad.

All I can tell you is, he's on his way. His flight lands in an hour.

Why should I trust you, lady?

I don't see you have much of a choice.

I could drop you off back with the cops if you'd prefer.

You have somewhere else to be? Matter of fact, we do.

Well, we can't let you leave.

Your father was expecting your brother to be with you.

Do you know where he is?

Do you really think I'm gonna answer that?

You need to start cooperating with us, Lincoln.

We're only trying to help.

Michael Scofield.

He escaped from Fox River Penitentiary a week ago.

Nope. Never seen him.

Well, if you do, please call me at that number.

Will do.

There's another hotel down the road.


Yeah? You got a fax.

Could you put it under the door, please?

Thank you.

Theresa. It's Fernando Sucre.

Fernando. Theresa.

-She's not here. -Please don't hang up. I'm so sorry.

Please, just--

I just need to know something.

You've got bigger problems than my sister right now.

No, no, wait. Please, please.

-I need to talk to her. Please. -You can't.

My-- We're leaving this afternoon.

-Where are you going? -Ixtapa, Mexico.

We won't be back for a week.

We're taking the honeymoon she had planned with Hector.

She's picking me up in a few hours.

-What time? -A little before 2.

She's gonna have to call me, okay? I'll give you the number.

-Where are you? -Take this number of the caller ID.

Please, Theresa.

Just have her call me, okay?

I'll be right here.

Hello, Sara.

I wasn't sure you'd come.

I didn't have a choice.

This isn't gonna be easy for you.

You said in your message that you had a plan to make this right.

I need to know what that is.

Yeah. Yeah, she checked in last night.

-Was she alone? -Yeah.

Kelli Foster. I put her in Room 9.

You the guy calling this morning?

-A guy tried to call this morning? -Yeah, he was trying to send her a fax.

-Did he do it? -Yeah, 20 minutes ago.

Does your fax have memory?

I guess so.

-Do you know where that is? -It's five minutes away.

If she comes back, is there anything you want me to do?

She isn't coming back.

I've arranged for us to get to Panama.

We're meeting up with my brother tomorrow.

Wait, that's your plan?

To run away to Panama with the two most wanted men in America?

I came here because I thought you were gonna have real answers for me.

This is an answer.

And right now, it's the only one we've got.

Running away into the sunset with the man who lied to me?

Really? I mean, did you know about the other guys?

Did you know that I would be putting T-Bag back out onto the street?

I never meant for that to happen.

I was doing what I needed to do.

-My brother was gonna die. -Now my father's dead.

I am sorry about your father.

I'm sorry for a lot of things. For what I did to you.

I have many...

...many regrets.

-But that's the biggest. -That doesn't help me right now.

I'm sorry for that too.

I didn't expect you to...

I didn't expect you to forgive me.

But I don't want you to...

I don't want you to be alone in this.

I don't wanna be alone.

-Let's go. Get in the car. -We can't get out this way.

-Michael, that's the only way out of here. -Then that's the way we're going.

-Hold on. Just hold on. -Michael, what are you doing?

Just hold on.

Come on.


You all right? He's still behind us.

Hold on.

On your feet, Bagwell.

Skewer's hot.

He's got a key.

I'm gonna get that key if I have to...


We're gonna see that key again, friend.

We're gonna see it real soon.

Give me my credit card.

What did you get me?

What else you get?

Prune juice, smokes, a little dip, and a bag of sliders.

What do you want first?

Looks like a chew guy to me.

-No spitting. -He's had worse things in his mouth.

What do you want, Fernando?

From the future?

Would you run if I said you?

Would you chase me if I did?

We gotta get back to my car.

It's too far.

If we go now, before he gets more people...

He's not gonna call for backup.

-He wants his privacy. -Why?

He's not trying to catch me.

He's trying to k*ll me.

Your grandfather...

...he was the reason I was set up in the first place.

He used to work for the people who wanted me dead.

This is all just to get to him.

Your father should be arriving any minute now.

-Jane, right? -Mm-hm.


Don't worry about it.

You know my dad?



Well enough.

-We used to work together. -Ah.

The Company.


But that was a long time ago.

And now I work against them, just like he does.

I guess you walked out on your family too. No explanations, no goodbyes.

I don't have a family.

He really wants to see you and your brother.

He hasn't seen Michael since he was 10 years old.

They're here.

Wait here.

-Let's go. -Where are we going?

Michael never met your grandfather.



I don't wanna get trapped in here.

There's gotta be an exit on the other side.

-You go on. -Michael.

I'll be right behind you. Go.

The news is not good. Burrows was intercepted before I got here.

It is a setback, but we're not that far behind.

Paul, Paul. Calm down.

It'll be all right. Someone will take care of it.

Someone who?

Bill, tell me you're not bringing someone else in on this.

You didn't think you were alone on this, did you?

You're a soldier. There's an army.

Tell me, what do you have on Sara Tancredi?

-What does that have to do with this? -Go back to your original assignment.

Bill, I'm here now. I can do this.

-And then-- -The girl.

We need to know what her father told her.

When you find out, give me a call.

This is Agent Kellerman. I need that rental car information on Sara Tancredi.

Yeah, this is it right here.

Seventy-five foot, twin diesel Azimut... bridge, panoramics.

Pull up in a boat like that, you're somebody.

-Let me see. -Hey, get off.


How you doing, Bagwell?

-Get the stool. -What stool?

The stool.

It's from one of them lockers in a bus station.

I'll try not to think about where it's been.

971, what's your emergency? Don't do that. Come on.

Hey there, send the police. Some scumbag broke into my house.

Your address? Yeah, 1605 Midberry Hill.

-Is he still there? -Yeah, you better come quick.

-Let's hit it, Roy. -Come on, now, please don't do this.

Don't leave me like this. I can take you back to the money.

I know right where it is. -So do I.

I'm begging you, don't do this. Please.

Geary, we can make a deal. I know what you want.

No deals. You just crapped out your last bargaining chip, pal.

Wait, please!

I wouldn't do that if I were you, Alex.

You smell that?

It's propane.

It's filling the room.

And if you pull that trigger, we both die.


-I'll do it. I'll do it. -Maybe.

But before you do...

...let me ask you a question, Alex.

Do you think you're still one of the good guys...

...fighting the good fight?

Because I think we both know you've crossed over.

You're on the wrong side chasing the wrong guys.

My brother is innocent.

-He never k*lled anyone. -Well, thanks for opening my eyes.

Okay, Alex, sh**t.

-We both know what'll happen. -The propane will k*ll me anyway.

What difference does it make? Might as well do it now.

That's a good point.

There you go.

There. There!

That'll give you time to think about what you're doing.

But first, a word of advice. Stop.

Because when you get close, I will win every time.

You think?

-I'm not the one in a cage. -No, you're not.

There's one big difference between you and I, Michael.

And you just proved it.

You can't k*ll.

And that's what it's gonna take to stop me.

Because I don't have the same reservations.

I can't.

So whether it's today in Gila or tomorrow in Albuquerque...

...or two months from now in Panama...

...I will get you.

I don't have a choice.

I bought us some time.

-You okay? You're bleeding. -Let's go.

Get your seatbelt.

Here, 804.


Ain't that the most beautiful thing you ever seen?

All that green.

It's prettier than the Grand Canyon.

You know, Roy, this is a monumental moment for both of us.

Hand over the bag, Bradley.

-Put down the pounder, Grandma. -Hey, hey, I'm not kidding around.

Oh, you think your pansy ass--?

Next time, you pick through the crap.

Okay, first-aid kit, disposable phones, a couple of toothbrushes.

What about the motel?

They charge by the hour, so they didn't ask for ID.

Do you have the keys? Yeah.

Want your hat?

We're not home. Leave a message at the beep...

-...and we'll get back to you. -Theresa, this message is for Maricruz.

I was right there waiting for your call...

...but the cops showed up and I couldn't pick up the phone.

I know probably that's the exact reason why you may not wanna be with me.

Listen to me.

My Aunt Idalyz, she lives outside Mexico City.

In the mountains, on a farm, with a llama for the baby to ride.

So next week, when you fly back home...

...when you go to the airport, I'll be there.

In the airport, in Ixtapa, waiting for you.

I promise you, mi vida.

I love you, Mommy. I love you more than anything.

And I can't live without you.

I just know I can make it work, baby.

This is in case you run into trouble down the road.

I have a way.

Where is she? Who?

Maricruz. She wasn't at home. She's not at work.

Well, she's not here. I don't know where she is.

You trying to cause problems for me, bitch? Don't lie to me.

She went to Mexico, didn't she?

Went on our honeymoon.

Paid for with my money.

This isn't gonna feel good.

I have a high tolerance for pain. You know that.

You do.

And you're not a diabetic, are you?


Michael, tell me something.

You think there's a part of you that enjoys this?

Peroxide in an open wound? No.

I mean escaping from prison...

...and being on the run and the danger and the fear and the rush. All that.


It feels to me like chasing a high.


And I know what that's like...

...and I should know better by now.

I never thought about it like that.

I know you've heard this before...

...but it won't always be like this.

From everything you've told me, it's getting worse.

They can't chase us forever.

The guy who caught up with us today stops at the border.

That's why we have to get across.

I have the people in place to help us do that.

We're meeting them tomorrow.

One more day, Sara.

One more day.

That's all I'm asking.

You can go get cleaned up.

Keep this dry.


...I'm glad you came.

...this is him.

Lincoln Junior.

-Named him after yourself. -I wasn't gonna name him Aldo.


...this is your grandfather...

...Aldo Burrows.


I've waited for this for a long time.


I've arranged a safe place for both of you to go to.

Well, thanks for bailing us out...

...but we gotta meet Michael.

Where is he?

Down by the border. A place called Bolshoi Booze.

-I can go alone and get him. -No.

Things are different.

There's some evidence.

We just need a little more time...

...and we can blow this whole thing wide open.

There is no time. I trust Michael. He has a plan to get us to Panama.

You don't understand, Lincoln.

You don't need to go to Panama.

You don't need to run anymore.

Where is he?

I can go alone to get him.

KIM [ON PHONEY. Tell me good news. -Hey.

I got Burrows. The trifecta.

-Take care of them. -What about Scofield?

-They're gonna meet him. -It doesn't matter.

Do it now.


Hi, Sara.