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07x03 - Dog Day Morning

Posted: 04/25/21 10:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Sometimes I wish I lived in a little mountain town ♪ ♪ Where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ And nobody gets your down ♪ ♪ I'm gonna find my way out there ♪ Oh, good morning, Trudy.

Mrs. Marlowe.

So nice to see you keeping out of trouble these days.

Mopping toilets at the Snake and Tiger beats mopping toilets at Brokenwood Women's.


Are you still doing classes over there?

Oh, when I can.

The girls all miss you.

Oh, that's sweet.

But wild horses couldn't drag me back to that place.

That's the attitude.

And to paraphrase a favorite verse of mine, "Walking side by side with temptation, the Devil mocks their every step." Is that the Old Testament?


Led Zeppelin.

True poets of the golden age of hard rock.

- Take care, Trudy.

- You too.

- Back!

- No way.


Come on, get back!

Get back!

Get back!

Hey, easy there, fella.

That looks heavy.

- Shut up!

Read it.

- "Attention, everyone.

- This is a robbery." - [ Gasping ]

"Please remain calm, and nobody will be hurt.

We have a... bone." - You have a bone?

- It's a b*mb!

- Geez, can't you read?

- Sorry, your handwriting, and... and with the mask...

Okay, we have a b*mb!

Everybody just relax!


- I'm not Devin!

- I'm not Devin either!

And neither is he.

- [ Clangs ]

- Sorry!

Okay, Plan B!

[ Grunts ]

Oh, my God!


We don't want any trouble.

- There better not be.

- There's no need for that.

We will co-operate fully.

- Whatever...

- The vault.


Put all the money in the bag!

- In there?

- Yeah!

What about the b*mb?

Just hand it over then.

Do it!

- Is that it?

- We don't keep much in the tills.

It's mostly electronic these days.

There's not enough.

We need more, a lot more.

Wait here.


I need your watches, wallets, jewelry, everything out now.

Hey, give me that.


It doesn't belong to me.

I said give it here!

Or what?

[ Grunting ]


What the hell, lady?!

[ Siren wailing ]


No way!

Guys we got to go!

What are you...

TRUDY: Thought so.

I don't think the g*ns are real either.

While those clowns are pissing around out the back, would you be a sweetheart and...

- [ g*nsh*t ]

- [ Screaming ]

- Go!


- Let's go!

Let's go!


- [ Siren wailing ]

- Where the f...

- [ Tires squeal ]

- Sorry, sorry!

- What the hell happened?

- Floor it!

[ Engine sputters, tires squeal ]

- What the hell?!

- I don't know!

I don't know!

Okay, let's get out and push!

[ Engine sputtering ]

[ Siren approaching ]

[ Engine sputtering ]

- Did you fill her up?

- Oh, no.

MAN: You dickhead!

You've screwed us!

MAN # : Okay, split up!

Just run!

[ Siren wailing ]


Bernie, are you okay?


Three masked men entered the bank armed with handguns and claimed they had a b*mb.

The b*mb turned out to be fake.

Another guy was the getaway driver.

Obviously not a very good one.

All were seen leaving the scene in different directions.


All four medium build, medium height.

That's it?

They were wearing dark suits and masks.

- Right.

- One victim inside, the manager.

Old Bernie Lazenby.

- You know him?

- I left town years ago.

A lot has changed, but not Bernie.

Until now.

Mike, I'm here for you.

Uh, hold that thought, Gina.

No security screens.

No security guard.

Hardly any cameras.

Yep, they don't make them like this anymore.

MIKE: Looks like a printer?

It's a gaming console.

I knew that.

KRISTIN: Someone's birthday?

One of the offenders dragged him back here, presumably to open these.

We're pulling CCTV footage now.

Helluva day at the office, Bernie.

Looked like a damn good cake, too.

You should know that he probably didn't suffer.

With a g*nsh*t wound, death comes quickly.

My turn now.

Do not worry, I will have a good look inside your colleague.

Looks like a straightforward g*nsh*t wound.

Mike, you of all people should know by now that once a b*llet enters the body, it very rarely travels in a straight line.

Jan, is it?

DSS Mike Shepherd.

I'm sorry for what you've been through.

Do you feel up to a chat?

There's a cake in the vault.

What can you tell me about that?

Chocolate madeira.


But why is it in the vault?

Oh, yes.

I made it for Bernie.

We were going to surprise him at morning tea.

Jan, what sort of flour did you use?

Regular flour.


When it's your retirement, I'll make you a horrible gluten free cake.

Oh, did you get the present?

- Of course.

- Can I see?

It's not your retirement!

Poor Bernie.

It's so unfair.

Can we find Jan a cup of tea?

Did you get a look at the offenders without their masks?

No, no.

It all happened so quick.

And then... then I was on the floor.

But I'm sure one was Devin Vance.

What makes you say that?

I recognized his voice.

He was a few years below me at school.

I think.

You think?

Well, no, I know but...

Okay, and Devin, what does he look like?

Sort of medium height.

Uh, dark hair.

You know, eyebrows.


I think he works at the Porky Pigeon Pizzeria, as well.

Comms has an address on the vehicle.

Gelston Street.


Thanks, Nicholas.

We've got a possible ID.

We've got an address on that.

And we're putting out a QP on a Devin Vance.

Comms from Charlie , heading to Gelston Street now and need a last known address on a Devin Vance.

MAN: Copy Charlie .

So how's your first day going so far?

It's better than expected.

Breen said not much happens around here.

[ Chuckles ]

Did he?

What else did he say?

Whatever you do, don't let Kristin make the coffee.

Uh, that was about it.

Hey, what happened to Papa Hemi's?

When I was a kid, that was Papa Hemi's place.

Pretty good.

Yeah, well, Ray Neilson owns it now, so it's...

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

Comms, we have a possible visual on that person of interest.

Talking to him now.

MAN: Standing by, Charlie .

KRISTIN: Devin Vance?


We need to talk to you.


About a robbery at the Brokenwood Savings Bank.

The suspects were wearing suits and masks.

DEVIN: Yeah?

Know any other words apart from "yeah"?



I've been here the whole time.




What the hell are you doing?

Ray, has this man been here all morning?

Well, if he has, he's a bloody idiot.

I fired him three weeks ago.

Hells bells.

Steady on.

Take off the sign, Devin.


Flash uniform for a pizza place.

Friend of yours?

Why were you at work after you'd been fired?

I was suspended.

Ray Neilson sees it differently.

I fired his arse.

He was delivering pizza without a driver's license.

I could have been shut down!

Light fingered around the till, too.

For the record.

It was a misunderstanding.

We have a witness that placed you at the bank this morning.

Well, they must have bad eyesight.

They recognized your voice.

Bad hearing, too, then, I guess.

Devin, you have a police record.

Theft, property damage, small stuff.

Stepping up to m*rder and armed robbery, that's a completely different league.

I wouldn't know.

I wasn't there.

I was at home with my grandparents, then went to work.

To the job you'd just been fired from?

Bernie Lazenby.

He was years old.

He was a grandfather.

He'd worked at the bank for years.

It was his last day.

What happened in there, Devin?

Who were you with?

MIKE: How about where are the firearms?

Can you tell us that?

We need to bring them in, Devin, before someone else gets hurt.

You better get back to it then.

Real tough guy in there.

Anything on the CCTV?

CHALMERS: Other than three clowns running around like they've lost their circus?


MIKE: Any angle on the sh**ting?


There's only two cameras out the back.

One in the corridor near the staff room, one near the vault.

What about this one?

CHALMERS: I'll get the tech boys to work on the contrast.

Okay, our first guy takes Bernie out the back, makes him open the deposit boxes.

This carries on for a bit.

Then another one comes in.

Dingus and Doofus start fighting.

Then Bernie hides.

Then watch this.

[ Mouse clicks ]

They can't find Bernie.

[ Mouse clicks ]

Then comes the last idiot, probably because he heard the sirens.

Then one comes back.

[ Mouse clicks ]

KRISTIN: Is that the key?

I guess so 'cause he didn't like it.

What did he grab there?

- [ Mouse clicks ]

- Can't make it out.

[ Mouse clicks ]

Bottom line, they all look the same.

Yeah, those masks may be stupid, but they are effective.

Look into any known associates of Devin Vance.

I'll check his story with his grandparents.

He lied about his job, he's probably lying about that, too.


We'll pick things up from Gelston Street.

[ Siren wailing ]

Attention occupants of number .

This is the police.

We need you to make yourselves known.

Come out of the property immediately with your hands clearly visible.

Sorry, I was just picking persimmons.

Oh, dear.

I didn't even notice my keys were missing.

When was the last time you saw your car, Essie?

I hardly drive these days.

All my friends are dead.

At least all the ones I like anyway.

It's the ones you don't like who keep bloody going.

[ Chuckles ]

So, you didn't lend it to anyone?

No, too many hassles.

I don't like to leave petrol in the car.

It's bad for the environment.

So I only fill it up a liter at a time.

That's one unlucky car thief.

I have been taking driving lessons.

I've got to re-sit my drivers license again.

Bloody nanny state.

And who's your instructor?

A young man called Rhys.

Do you want lessons?

I've got his card.

Rhys Oades.

You know him?

- Not exactly.

- He's a very nice young man.

But not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

[ Knock on door ]



You must be Angelique.

Who wants to know?

DSS Mike Shepherd.

Brokenwood CIB.

Could I have a word with you and your husband?

Kenny, a detective's here to see us.

What the hell did you let him in for?

ANGELIQUE: Shh, shh, shh.


Mike Shepherd.

You have a grandson, Devin Vance?


There's been an robbery at the Brokenwood Savings Bank.

We believe your grandson was involved.


What time was this?

Just after : a.m.

Can't have been him.

That lazy lump never gets out of bed till : .

So he was here with you?

If Devin said he was here, he was here.

What she said.

And you were here, as well?


You don't seem sure?

KENNY: What is this?


If she said she was here, she was here.

What he said.

Leave Angel alone.

You lot give her anxiety.

Now get out of here.

Kenny, don't get excited.

Be nice.


Did you actually see Devin in the house this morning?

Kenny and I were in bed.

We all sleep late 'round here.

Kenny's nights are god awful.

He tosses and turns.

Gets a lot of numbness since his stroke.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Thank you.

- Gina.

- I'm happy to have you now.

Mike, how nice to see you.

We did just speak a few hours ago.

Yes, but here, it's always nicer.

What can you tell me?

A nine millimeter from a handgun.

Forensics will trace the model.

Mr. Lazenby was very unlucky.

To be shot on his day of retirement?

I'd agree with that.

Of course, but also the b*llet entered high above the left lung.

Which normally would have been fortunate, but unfortunately it hit the collarbone, it was deflected into the second rib, screwing across the right lung, into the heart.

Like pinball.

Oh, my God, you like pinball?

I haven't played in a long time.

Not since I was a much younger man.

Mike, you are not old.

Besides, some things are getting better with age.

That's true.

Wine for instance.

And sex.




Uh, better get back to it.


Your usual?

Sorry, I don't know your usual.


Daniel Chalmers.

Normally, I have a long black but...

We're not here for coffee, Frodo.

Oh, okay.

Well, Frankie Oades.

Frodo to the masses.




We're looking for a Rhys Oades.

Any ideas?

Why are you asking me?

Well, being an Oades yourself?

Not too many Oades-es around here.

Right, I see the connection.


Um, yeah, well, uh, actually come to think of it, he's my brother.

Your brother?

Well, half brother.

From a different mother.

And a separate father.

See my step-mum married my uncle after she left my dad.

It was a confusing time for everyone.

Especially for Dad.

Uh, have you seen your brother lately?


No, not really.

Not for ages.

Not since this morning.

Hey, excuse me.

Hey, you're in my spot.

Oh, hey, bro!

Hey, Frodo.

Sorry, didn't recognize the car or the flash threads.

Got a job interview or something?


Yeah, job interview.

At the bank?

Hey, good for you, man.

Hey, would you mind moving your car?

Yeah, yeah, keep going.

- Yeah, that'll do it man.

- Yeah, yeah, sweet, sweet.

All good.

Hey, thanks for the help, bro.

No, it's all good.

Hey, let me make you a coffee.

- I should really go.

- No, no.

You got to try my new cold brew.

Here you go, bro.

I wonder if his job interview was cancelled in the end 'cause of the bank robbery.

You don't...?

No, no, no.

No way.

Frodo, we need to find him, and he's not answering his phone.

Look, Rhys wouldn't be involved in anything like that.

- He's a good guy.

- Frodo.

Um, right, well, during the day, he's usually giving driving lessons round Tasman View Park.

KRISTIN: Okay, thanks, Frodo.

Nicholas, I appreciate you coming down.

The CCTV footage of the scene is interesting.

I've been on at Bernie for years about updating security.

He was never much for technology.

[ Chuckles ]

He isn't alone there.


So the footage shows three masked men.

Similar height, similar build.

They all looked the same, right?

That was the idea.

I mean, whoever had the idea, that would have been the idea.

It would seem that way.

Bernie was a great man.

I mean, Banking can be a hard business, cruel even.

In what way?

Sometimes you have to tell people they can't have what they want.

Bernie was always kind about it.

And he's why I decided to work at the bank.

The fact that you recognized one of their voices is a great help.

Anything I can do.

You knew Devin Vance well then?

Um, well, we weren't mates, mates.

I barely know him, to be fair.

So how were you sure it was him?

I think he tried to bribe me with a pizza once.


Bro, it's Devin.

From school.

What's up, man?

Hi, Devin.

Good to see you.

This is a really random, but I, um, just had a pizza order cancelled, and I'm supposed to throw it away.

Do you want it?

Of course I turned it down.

So you knew it was a bribe?

Oh, no.

I'm gluten intolerant.



But then he, um, started asking about the bank.

And what did you tell him?

What the work was like.

I just thought he was interested in a job.

It's okay.

He can't see or hear you.

I'm going to play you a recording.

I want you to tell me if it's the same voice that you heard at the bank.

MIKE: Devin, would you mind reading this?

DEVIN: What if I say no?

MIKE: Then in court, it will be registered that you were uncooperative.

DEVIN: We have a b*mb.

It says "b*mb." Can't you read?

Is this like a school play or something?

I don't know.

Like I said, it all happened so fast.


You want me to play it again?

I'm not feeling that well.

Um, bit dizzy, if I'm honest.

I might even have amnesia, um, a little bit.

He'll never know it was you.

That's easy for you to say.

Don't think I can help.


[ Sighs ]

CHALMERS: That must be our boy.

Another attempt at hiding in plain sight, you reckon?

Maybe as a getaway driver, he's just not a natural.

KRISTIN: Certainly lacking that k*ller speed.

Makes our job easier.

[ Siren wails ]

No way.

Is that 'cause I didn't indicate?

Okay, um, you need to floor it.


- No.

- Hey!

I'm your instructor, and I'm telling you to drive!


[ Tires squeal ]

[ Beeps ]

MIKE: Devin, you're free to go.

And what do I get for you wasting my time?

A ride home.

Oh, hey, bro.

They got you too, huh?

What about the others?

Then again.

On second thoughts.

Devin Vance is having some me time in cell while reflecting on the notion of mateship.

Let's talk to Mr. Oades.

Okay, do you want a coffee?

Uh, no.

I mean, I'm good.

Let's go.

Before you go, check this out.

Have you heard from the tech boys?

Not yet, but I'm just going through this footage again.

Anyone get a statement from this woman?

First she stands up to an armed assailant, totally staunches him out.

And then...

she runs off at the sound of police.

Yeah that's Trudy Neilson.

She works at the Snake and Tiger.

She might be able to help identify the other two.


Do you want some background?


I'm all good.

Right, well, best of luck.

I had nothing to do with it.

So three masked men just happened to run out of a bank and leap into the stolen car you just happened to be driving while you just happened to be wearing an identical mask?

Something like that, yeah.

So you admit stealing Essie Monroe's car?

It was more like I borrowed it.

When you take something without asking, it's called stealing, Rhys.


But I had to so it couldn't be traced back to us.

That didn't work out so well for you, did it?

Did you go into the bank?


No way.

MIKE: But Devin did?

Well, yeah.

It was his idea.

How did you end up being involved?

I was giving him driving lessons.

He got fired from his job for not having his license.

So, uh, you made a little mistake back there.

Could you tell me what it was?

I know how to bloody drive!

And, you know, we got talking.

He pitched me the idea.

Made it sound easy.

The three of us in the bank, we do the heavy lifting.

All you have to do is drive.

It's simple as.

Devin recruited you and who else?


Just us.

Rhys, you just told us Devin said there were two others.

One of whom is responsible for sh**ting Bernie Lazenby.




No way.

I mean...

I mean, it's not possible.

Our g*ns were fake.

They were plastic g*ns.

Well, clearly, one of them wasn't.


I don't believe it.


Would you like me to show you the CCTV footage?

The moment where Mr. Lazenby dies.

Two of your mates are still out there, Rhys.

Who are they?

There's... there's no way that could have happened.

No way.

Is that all you've got to say?

I think...

You think what, Rhys?

That I should get a lawyer.

Trudy Neilson?


D.C. Chalmers.

Brokenwood CIB.

Didn't you used to have red hair?



You were at the bank this morning.

Nothing unusual there.

I go every Friday to deposit the takings.

You were there during the robbery.

If you can call it that.

A man is dead.

And you were right there when it happened.

Yeah, I heard.

Bernie Lazenby was a good sort.

He didn't deserve that.

I looked at your record.

TRUDY: Look, I'm on parole.

I'm staying out of trouble.

I was trying to mind my own business.

- Back!

- No way.

What are the chances?

That's what I thought.

What are the chances?

TRUDY: Hey, I'm as much a victim here as anyone.

One of those little creeps stole my takings.

That was my wages.

But then afterwards...

[ Engine sputtering ]

...they were like clowns in a bloody clown car.

- You screwed us!

- How was I to know?

[ Siren wailing ]

So I followed him.

♪ She's a skull and cross bones danger sign ♪ ♪ Eye of the hurricane coming alive ♪

[ Groans ]

♪ Brother, you ain't gonna survive ♪ ♪ She's gonna knock you flat ♪ ♪ She's gonna hiss an pop ♪ ♪ She'll stick you in the middle when the other pin drops ♪ ♪ Everything goes quiet, but what's that sound? ♪ ♪ A sizzlin' fuse, that's you on the ground ♪

Come out, little dog.

Or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.

♪ You better run for cover, she's dynamite ♪ ♪ Watch out, that woman, she's dynamite ♪

[ Groans ]

You're very tense!

You should see someone about that.

Okay, okay, okay!

I'm sorry, Trudy!

Maybe an osteo.


I've always wanted to give that a go!

[ Groans ]

I didn't mean it.

Just don't turn me in!

Save it.

I just want my money.

Tell me you took off his mask.

Didn't need to.

MAN: Okay!


I'm no nark, but I'd say you're looking for a kid called Eli Gibbons.

He drinks here sometimes.

Well, that jacket could've been stolen.


Either way, you'll know you've got the right guy by whether or not he has a broken arm.

- [ Grunts ]

- Aaaah!

Those wendy houses can be such death traps.


D.C. Chalmers.

I'm looking for Eli Gibbons.

Oh, thank God.

Is this about the mugging?


KRISTIN: Oh, no luck?

I wouldn't worry about it.

Trudy never co-operates with anyone.


...she was very helpful.

Eli Gibbons?

- No.

- Babe?

See, he's, he's delirious.

He got mugged on the way home.

I keep saying we should call an ambulance.

I'm looking for two male suspects involved in a robbery at the Brokenwood Savings Bank this morning.


I don't know anything.

One of the suspects is believed to have a broken arm.

- Hun?

- How's the arm there, Eli?

I'm just a bit crook.

So you won't mind if I...


[ Sighs ]

You in the habit of keeping dog masks down your pants there, Eli?

[ Sighs ]

Eli's under guard at the hospital getting his arm fixed.

He spent two years as an army cadet before getting kicked out.

He knows his way around a firearm.

And guess where he works now.

The Porky Pigeon?

As the mascot.

The one who's always standing outside in that stupid pigeon costume?

Yeah because nothing says tasty pizza like a giant mangey pigeon.

There's still one at large.

Yeah, I've got a lead on that, too.

You gonna tell me where you stashed the g*ns there, Eli?

You won't get much sense out of him.

He's sedated.

Not g*ns-g*ns.

Paintball g*ns.

Caleb nicked them from...


Caleb who?

None of your business pig.



I barely touched you.

Borrow your phone?


Mine's flat.

Just say "no" if you want me to?

Do you want me to?



Oldie but a goodie.

[ Line ringing ]


Where are you, man?

Uh, who's this?

CALEB: It's me, Caleb.

Caleb who?

- Who is this?

- Who's this?

[ Velcro tears ]

That number is registered to a Caleb Brantlock.

Last known address Dead Rabbit Lane.

Good first day.

Let's bring him in.

[ Knocks on door ]


Mrs. Brantlock?


Detective Kristin Sims.

We need to speak to your son Caleb.


Gosh, what a lovely surprise.

We need to speak to Caleb about an incident at the Brokenwood Savings Bank this morning.


One of our suspects mentioned him.

What, they mentioned specifically Caleb Reuben Brantlock?

His first name.

I'm sorry, you are?

D.C. Chalmers.

Well, D.C. Chalmers, my -year-old nephew is also called Caleb.

Maybe it was him.

He fits the profile of the offenders.

Well, word has it they all wore masks.

So how would you know?

Maybe this is just a case of mistaken identity.

Caleb's been home all day.

There you go.

His mother corroborates he's been home all day.

So no harm done.

Caleb, would you sizzle me up another one, me old mate?

They're very good.

So, detectives, unless you have something more compelling than a first name, like, I don't know, a warrant or some potato salad, then I suggest you leave the Brantlocks in peace.

Well, Dennis Buchanan wasn't there by accident.

Reckon his cologne arrived minutes before he did, though.

[ Chuckles ]

So we get a warrant.

Or get more direct evidence.

Seems there's only one paintball place in the district, run by a guy called Tony Canetti.

Yeah, we've dealt with Tony before.

[ Engine starts ]

It opens first thing in the morning.

Well, at least we know where Caleb Reuben Brantlock is.

Fancy a pizza?

Strangely, no.

Real g*ns are obviously my passion.

But they come with a lot of the rules and regulations, I'm sure I don't have to tell you two.

And you probably shouldn't.

No, right, I mean, obviously when it comes to real g*ns, rules are great.

I love rules.

But I started this place to blow off a little steam.

sh**ting ducks and rabbits is one thing, but truly nothing beats sh**ting another human being.


With paint, obviously.

Only with paint.

There's nothing fun about sh**ting someone.



In the line of duty?

Well done.

- Tony.

- Sorry.

I didn't mean...

Do you have any that look like handguns?

Oh, yeah, yeah sure.

Not that popular.

Or that practical for a long game.

Don't have the accuracy or a*mo capacity.

But you've got to admit they look cool as hell, right?

We believe that paintball g*ns were used to hold up the Brokenwood Savings Bank yesterday.

No way?

Have any of yours gone missing?

Uh, no.

They're all here.

But I could ask Caleb if he saw anything.

Caleb Brantlock?

Yeah, yeah.

He runs the place when I'm at the hunting shop.


Interesting kid.

Bit entitled.

Got the impression he never really needed the job.

Just liked hanging out with g*ns.

Then there was that possum thing.

That being?

One day, I found him sh**ting at this dead possum with a crazy look on his face.


What the hell are you doing?

It was already dead.

Well, knock it off.

Respect for the dead and that.

I can't say why, I just didn't believe him.

I've had a few neighbors complain that their cats or dogs were coming home with unexplained paint splodges on them.

But seriously, I don't stand for that sort of reckless...

- Ow!

- Oh, my God!

I'm so sorry!

- Are you all right?

- Ugh!

There must have been a loose pellet in the chamber.

I'm so, so, sorry!


I'm fine.

- Oh.

- Technically, you just shot a police officer.

I'm here about Devin.

He's in custody.

I've brought him some food.

Can I see him?

DENNIS: Why don't I deliver that to my client?

Who are you?

Dennis Buchanan, barrister to the stars.

And those a little less fortunate.

I didn't call you.

DENNIS: Yet weirdly sometimes that message is received.

Like a prayer.

You don't have to say it out loud, yet still God hears.

We can't afford someone like you.

Well, I'm pleased to say that my services are being gifted by someone who cares.


They'd rather remain anonymous.

Can I speak with you alone?

I advise against that.

Sounds like she's not your client.

Come through.

That's gonna bruise.

Yeah, I tried tie-dying once.

It's not as easy as it looks, eh?

There you go, D.C. Daniel Chalmers.


Hey, um, how's...

how's Rhys doing?

You know we can't discuss that, Frodo.


I just want to help him.

- [ Cellphone chimes ]

- Find him a good lawyer.

That would be a good start.


The search warrant's come through for the Brantlock kid.


Thanks, Frodo.

Devin's mother was a nightmare, and his father was never in the picture.

So Devin is not your grandson?


From his first marriage.

But at , he moved in with us.

He struggled at school, but he's an intelligent boy.

He has a lot of potential.

So you and Kenny have been together for a while?

ANGELIQUE: Oh, we met in the mid ' s.

Well before Devin was even born.

Kenny had just got out from a stretch inside.

His first wife didn't stick by him.

No class.

What was he in for?

Aggravated robbery.

Did nine years.

And in the name of transparency, I did a little time, too.

For the same?



That's how Kenny and I met.

They were different times.

Back then, it was a considered a crime.

Times have changed.

A little.

And to be fair, I was never truly comfortable in that world.

I just wanted to settle down.

So did Kenny.

And we've made a very happy home.

And despite Kenny's disability, I intend to keep it that way.

Because the way I see it, this is a case of police harassment.

You're suggesting we're harassing Devin for his involvement in yesterday's robbery because his grandfather has a criminal past?

Don't play dumb with me, Detective.

You must know.

Know what exactly?

That in , Kenny tried to rob the same bank.

That's quite a coincidence.

Yeah, and that's all it is.

Can you see that Devin gets that, please?

My client has already told you he wasn't at the bank.

He was at home with his grandfather.

His grandfather who had previously attempted to rob the same bank.

DENNIS: Circumstantial.

And let's face it, that was over years ago.

Does the name Caleb Brantlock mean anything to you, Devin?

[ Cellphone rings ]


Dennis, they're taking him away!

You have to do something.

This can't happen!

DENNIS: Alright, leave it with me.

They have nothing, Suzie.

Just sit tight and let me do all the talking.

Nice move.

Did your grandfather put you up to the robbery?

DENNIS: You don't have to answer that.

He doesn't know anything about it.

It was my idea.


So you admit to robbing the Brokenwood Savings Bank?

I strongly advise that you do not...

I know you're only here cause Caleb's mom's paying you for keeping me from narcing.

Whoa, there, Tonto, let's not go down that track.

DEVIN: Leave it.

Okay, you're not pinning this on Kenny.

He wasn't a part of it.

He can be a d*ck these days, but he didn't used to be.

, dollars worth.

DEVIN: Sure, he told me about robbing the bank.

It's a cool story.

[ Kenny laughs ]

Don't read that.

The papers got it wrong.

Look, I was that close.

The papers, they tried to make him look stupid.

But he almost pulled it off.

My grandfather was a legend.

I wouldn't go that far.

He used a cigarette lighter as a g*n.

He is.

Or was.



[ Gasping ]



Call an ambulance!

DEVIN: In a moment, he went from cool old guy to decrepit old guy.

Oh, dear.

I did it for him.

His legacy.

You were the one who took Bernie into the vault.

What were you looking for?


What valuables?

The valuables that you find at a bank.

And he kept telling me there wasn't any.

Pissed me off with that.

The person who came back into the vault and shot Bernie made him open a very specific safe deposit box.

Bernie tried to swallow the key to that box.

He was shot, the key retrieved, and the box opened.

I want to know what was in it, and whatever it was, where it is now.

I-I don't know.

Who shot Bernie Lazenby?

No one.

The g*ns weren't real.

Then why is Bernie dead?

- [ Cellphone buzzing ]

- I suggest we wrap this up.

I'm needed elsewhere.

Caleb Brantlock.

These are paintball g*ns from Crazy Tony's Paintball Palace.

We've matched fingerprints from Devin Vance, Rhys Oades, and Eli Gibbons to three of these g*ns, and I'm willing to bet...

You'll definitely find mine.

Being an employee of the paintball range, it should be of no surprise that my fingerprints can be found on any number of the "harmless weapons" in that establishment.

As to the other people you've mentioned, I don't know who Rhys and Eli are, but my friend Devin sometimes comes by the paintball range for my staff discount.


sounds circumstantial to me.

And it's a moot point anyway because people don't die from exploding paint pellets, as your shirt clearly attests.

Okay, well, then you'll have an explanation for this, too?

Does latex add an extra layer of flavor to sausages?

Anyone could have...

Anyone could have climbed over your fence and hidden this in your barbecue in full view of you and your family, who claimed that they were home all morning.

Yeah, I'm...

I'm sure that a judge will see it that way, too.


I was there.

But I was barely involved.

Well, Devin Vance claims that this was all his idea.

Do you concur?


He said it was entirely his plan.

I strongly advise that you don't...


It was his idea.

There you have it.

It seems coercion was a factor.

But I turned it into a plan.

I needed the money.

University fees are a k*ller.

Here you go, boys.

Whatever happened to "thank you"?

Thank you, Mrs. Brantlock.

So dark on her right now.

They're making me get a student loan.

Totally backtracking on their promise to fund my education.

You could always rob Brokenwood Savings Bank.

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, true.

I'm gonna finish what my grandad started.

You being serious?

Could use your help.

I don't know, man.

I mean, banks hardly carry any cash these days.

Plus the security.

They're not worth it.

This one is.

The place has barely changed since my grandad hit it.

It's an easy mark.


This is a robbery.

[ Gasping ]

What's out the back?

The vault.

Let's have a look then.

[ Chuckles ]

Open them up.

I'm sorry, but no.

What's that, bow tie?

Look, you can take the bank's money.

It's insured.

But I'm afraid I can't allow you to take these people's personal belongings.

So you're saying you'd rather die?

I don't believe you have a g*n.

Do you want to find out?

BERNIE: Take this.

It's mine.

Worthless crap.

Do you think I'm a moron, bow tie?

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

Is there another way out of here?

There's a back door.

KENNY: Open it!

Come on!

You bastard!


Oh, you stupid bastard!

You're an absolute moron!

OFFICER: This is the police!

We have the bank surrounded!

Kenny knew he was screwed.

But before they caught him, he took all the loot.

OFFICER: Come out with your hands in the air.

And I hid it all in an empty safe deposit box.

Number .

He reckons it's easily , bucks in today's money.

The chances of that still being there are pretty slim, right?

No one's got the authority to open a box unless you're the key holder or the bank manager.

The police and the bank questioned him forever about where he'd stashed it.

He never told them.

Hid it right under their noses.

I didn't think he was serious.

A man is dead, Caleb.

I didn't sh**t anyone, okay?

I would never sh**t anything.

[ Scoffs ]

Apparently there are a few cats at the Paintball Palace who would disagree.

If you saw anything, now would be the ideal time to say.

After we left, there was something off about Eli.

He was quiet.

RHYS: Hey, what the hell happened?

DEVIN: It doesn't matter!

[ Siren wailing ]

RHYS: What's your problem?

DEVIN: Floor it!

Really unlike him.

Samantha, right?

Are you back to pick on Eli?

Do you know how bad his arm is broken?

Robbing banks is a dangerous business.

There's no way he would do that.

He didn't need to.

He'd just won Lotto.

And how did you know that he'd just won Lotto?

Because he told me.

Babe, this... this is incredible!

I can't believe it!

Neither can I.

I'm so proud of you.

Yeah, well, I'll be back soon with more money than we've ever seen.


I think that you have been lied to.

It's just more bad luck.


First the bank loan and now...


what bank loan?

What now?

We'd like a word.

About Devin.

Well, make it quick.


Did you put him up to the robbery?

- [ Chuckles ]

- What I said, harassment.

What she said.

And no, I didn't.

Well the more we learn, the more it seems he was doing your bidding.

He's years old and still can't remember his own PIN number.

He's not capable of pulling off a sophisticated heist.

Who said it was sophisticated?

You said Devin was here yesterday morning.

Clearly, he wasn't.

I don't snoop in his room.

If he went out, I wouldn't know.

But you were both here.



She always wakes me if she's popping down the shops, make sure I'm still alive.

Don't you, love?


So what time did you wake?

When was it, love?

Usual time?

: I guess.

Devin tells me you're a bit of a stamp collector.

Always thought that might be interesting.

It's not.

But I can hardy go rock climbing, can I?

Look, if...

if my grandson robbed that bank, that's on him.

Part of me says, "Oh, yeah?

Good on you, boy."

[ Chuckles ]

He's his own man.

Another part thinks, "What a bloody idiot." He's not cut out for big jobs like that.

Like you are?


Like I was.

I did my time and paid my dues.

If Devin did it, then let him pay his.

He's on his own.

Are we done here?

I'm due me afternoon nap.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Dr. Carlton.

Yeah, copy that.


Eli's awake.

Dr. Carlton, do you know a Kenny Cranston?

I've had the pleasure.

He was hospitalized here with a stroke some months ago?

Detective, I can't discuss...


Did he have a hypothetical stroke?

Or a real one?

Hypothetically, yes.


After I left the army, I got a job at the Porky Pigeon.

I worked as a front line brand ambassador.

Flash title.

Important job.

Customer interface.

When a punter sees a pigeon, they get triggered and feel like a Porky Pigeon Pizza.

But when they see a dancing pigeon, that makes them feel happy, and they're more likely to order two plus a couple of sides.

It's called business psychology.

They don't pay much, but it's a sweet job.

Free pizza.

Then Sam got pregnant, which was so cool, but I needed to start thinking about my future.

Money and all that.

Then Devin came to me.

He'd just been fired...

- Everything goes by the book.

- ...and he had this plan.

This is going to set you up for life, man.

I told Sam that I'd won the lotto so she wouldn't question where the money came from.

And that's why you stole Trudy Neilson's money.

I couldn't come home empty handed.

Caleb said you were acting strangely in the getaway car.

I was trying to hide the bag.

I couldn't afford to share with the others.

And that's it.

Yeah, I helped out with the robbery.

But I don't know who shot the guy.

Or why.

Or nothing.

Aren't you forgetting something?

The fact that just a month ago, "that guy" personally turned you down for a bank loan.

I'm sorry, you two.

I'd help if I could.

But your credit rating is simply too low.

Humiliating, I imagine.

It was.

Did you sh**t him because he tried to swallow the key?

What key?

Or simply for embarrassing you?

No, I didn't.

You're the only one with proper firearm training, access to millimeter handguns through your time in the army.

They don't let you take them away with you when you leave!

Well, you didn't leave.

You were kicked out.

Yeah, okay.

Because I fell asleep during training.

Not because I'm some psycho.

Caleb goes around sh**ting fricking cats.

Okay, I've seen him do it.

He laughs while he does it.

It's sick.

CHALMERS: Eli has the training.

Has a motive.

So does Devin.

Avenging his grandfather's nemesis by sh**ting the man who locked him up.

What about Caleb Brantlock?

KRISTIN: Yeah, I mean, cruelty to animals can be a gateway to sadistic behavior towards humans.

Maybe he just wanted to see what it was like.

How would any of them get hold of a handgun?

Maybe Eli has some dodgy connection from the army.

It bothers me that it's still out there.

Any progress with the missing CCTV?

Nothing yet.

Then we need to get our own picture of what went on in that bank.

Okay, we need to go over a few things.

A detailed account of the time you spent inside the bank and leading up to it.

Start at the beginning then.

So about three weeks ago, we started making plans.

It was my idea to pretend we had a b*mb.

Danger without being dangerous.

It's like driving a car at a brick wall and braking just before.

Everyone gets scared, no one gets hurt.

Unless your brakes fail.

And Caleb offered to get paintball g*ns from his work as a plan B.

Where did you get the masks?

Bought them from an encrypted browser.

Is that a Husky?



- k*ller dogs.

- Hard out.

Intimidating as.

Yo, they got, um, labradoodles?

Oh, I've always wanted a labradoodle.

Then we cased the bank.

And Devin remembered the bank teller from school.

Thought he might be able to get some information about security.

So I personally found it really rewarding, and honestly, great working culture.

So, Nicholas enjoyed the pizza, did he?

Of course.

Who doesn't?

Then I took the boys through some basic training.

Take aim!


[ g*ns popping ]

[ Engine starts ]

DEVIN: That is how it went down.


CALEB: At first, it was sweet.

Everyone was terrified, just like I'd planned.

Adrenaline was pumping.

Shut up.

DEVIN: Okay we have a b*mb.

Everybody just relax.

Then it all started going wrong.


- I'm not Devin!

- I'm not Devin either!

And neither is he.

- [ Clang ]

- Sorry!

DEVIN: Okay.

Plan B!

There was no turning back.

I had to take control of the situation.



I wasn't going to make the same mistake as Kenny.

I made him open the back door first.

We're all good here.


DEVIN: What's all this crap?

It's my last day.

My staff must have planned a surprise.

DEVIN: Congratulations.

Now open lockbox .

I can't do that, son.

But it was empty.

I started getting edgy.

I knew we only had a few minutes.

We've got to go.

- Not yet!

- We're out of time.

Kenny must have got the wrong number.

CALEB: We've got some cash.

Let's go.

DEVIN: I'm not leaving!

CALEB: This is not part of the plan.

DEVIN: It's the entire bloody plan!

Keep looking!

Where'd he go?

CALEB: I don't know.

DEVIN: Oh, how did he slip past?!

ELI: I can hear the cops!

Where's Caleb?

CALEB: I'm Caleb!

And don't say my name, you idiot!

Go get Devin.

So confusing, man.


I guess one of you should have dressed as a labradoodle.

I was looking for that old bastard.

I couldn't find him.

CALEB: We checked everywhere.

DEVIN: And then...

[ g*nsh*t ]

Look, I know the sound of a real g*nsh*t when I hear it, okay?

I just legged it man.

CALEB: I made the tactical decision to retreat.

DEVIN: I just ran.

Why didn't you use the back door?

Well, in the panic, I just forgot.

Where the f...

[ Tires squeal ]

And then, after all our hard work, that moron...

That dumb-ass...

That absolute muppet forgot to check the petrol.

DEVIN: Okay, split up!

Just run!

CALEB: The g*ns!

And I took the g*ns back to Tony's, and then I went home.

Caleb, think very hard.

After you heard the g*nsh*t, did you see anyone come out of the vault?

- What the hell was that?

- I don't know.

It was chaos.

I couldn't even see out of those stupid masks anyway.

Look, it could have been Eli.

It could've been Caleb.

All I know is that it wasn't me.

Their stories are consistent.

Yep, Caleb, Eli, and Devin in their own special and frustrating ways would all seem to be telling the truth.

It's got to be one of them.

But it's like one potato, two potato, three potato.

Unless the fourth potato was the person who came driving out from the side of the bank.

When they were meant to be waiting on the road.

And given that we now know the back door was unlocked...


You're looking very dapper.

I'm here to offer legal guidance to Rhys.

Okay but, um...

FRODO: No buts.

He's my half-brother, and it's the half-brotherly thing to do.

Oh, Frodo, no, um...

I think it would be better if you addressed me as Mr. Oades.

Rhys, are you sure...

It's Mr. Oades.

Mr. Oades, are you sure...

Wait, are you talking to him or me?

Mr. Oades, are you happy to proceed with Mr. Oades as your advocate?

Frodo has heaps of experience in this field.

And like you always say, bro, experience is / of the law.

It is indeed.

Please state your full name.

You don't have to answer that.


Actually he does.

Oh, okay.

Rhys Oades.

Where'd you get the book from, Frodo?

From the library.

Well, given the robbery didn't take place on the high seas, I'm not sure the third edition of "New Zealand Maritime Law" will be particularly...


I'm sorry, can we just step out real quick?

Um, Rhys is already in a lot of trouble, and you really don't want to make things worse for him.

[ Sighs ]


I just...

I just feel so bad.

I should have been around for him more.

I've just been so focused on my career lately.


Well, you know, Rhys is an adult, and you really can't blame yourself for his actions.

But what I think he could use now, while we're waiting for a more suitable...

lawyer, is a support person.

So, do you think you could do that?


Yeah, yeah!


I need you to tell me again where you were during the robbery.

I was in the car.

Then, uh, Frodo turned up.

FRODO: Hey, excuse me.

It was taking way too long, and I knew the cops would get there any second.

The other three stated that when they came out of the bank, your car emerged from the side of the bank, not from the road.

We now know that the backdoor to the bank was unlocked.

I didn't know that.

I need to know why you came from the side of the bank moments after Bernie Lazenby was shot.

Um, okay.

The truth is, uh...

I was uh, relieving myself.

I forgot to go all morning in the excitement, and Frodo's coffee machine just tipped me over.

[ Urinating ]

That's when... that's when I heard the g*nsh*t.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Zipper zips ]

[ Engine revs ]

And I swear, I didn't know anything about the back door.

That's really brave of you, man.

And it's not illegal to urinate in public if it's on the back left wheel of your car.

So you did good.

MIKE: Thoughts?

I'm inclined to believe him.

Nothing about Rhys Oades screams cold blooded k*ller.

Bed wetter perhaps?


We've tried the old conquer and divide.

Let's try divide and unite.

More questions?

Actually, we're short on space.

It'll just be for a bit.

But, Frodo, I'll have to show you out.

You'll understand, legal reasons.

I do understand.

Call me if you need me, eh?

Just wait in here.

[ Door closes ]

We need the cells, too.

We ask that you don't converse with each other.

Do you guys know...

Shut it.

They'll be watching.

They can't hear us.

And it's illegal to record us.


MIKE: Have faith.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Ah, great, CCTV has come through.

So which one of you idiots did it, then?


What happened in there?

[ Scoffs ]

You had one job.

Drive the car.

You couldn't even do that.

DEVIN: And what about you?

Why didn't you wipe the paintball g*ns for prints?

The teller recognized your voice!

If you had stuck to my plan, we would have been fine.


Your plan?


To throw pot plants at everyone?

Dumb and dumber.

ELI: I'm not dumb!

Then how'd you break your arm then?

Why'd you bring a real g*n?

DEVIN: I didn't!

I don't even know where to get a real g*n.

You're the g*n expert, army boy.

And you're the psycho-in-training.

What did you tell them about me?

The truth.

That you like to t*rture cats!

I peed on my car!

None of them k*lled Bernie Lazenby.

Based on?

Body language.

CHALMERS: You're going to want to come see this.

We have another player in the ring.

KRISTIN: Is that...?

MIKE: It is.

Dark suit, roughly the same height and size as the others.

Headed out the back.

But, what would his motive be?

MIKE: Thank you, Jan.

I hope I haven't said too much.

No, you have been most helpful.


Oh, hi, Nicholas.

Your head okay, love?

[ Door opens ]

When Devin tried to bribe you with the pizza, you said you didn't eat any.

Why did you lie about that?

Says who?


MIKE: Yes.

Well, I am gluten intolerant.

But okay, I ate some pizza.

So what?

I love pizza.

I gave in.

Did you lie about anything else?

What do you mean?

CCTV footage of the robbery.

You recognized Devin's voice.

He knocks you down.

You were out for a good few minutes.

That's right.

And then there's this.

MIKE: What were you doing?

I was going to call the police.

Police had already been called.

I pushed the silent alarm as soon as I knew it was a robbery.

It's standard protocol.

CALEB: Back!

Come on, get back!


TRUDY: Easy, fella.

JAN: We knew help was coming.

I just wanted to be sure, you know.

Did Devin tell you about the robbery?


Or did he try and cut you in?


Are you insane?

Why would I try and k*ll Bernie?

You told us Bernie was the reason you got into banking.

Bernie was a great man.

Banking can be a hard business, cruel even.

It's true!

But you weren't completely honest about that one either.

What do you mean?

Nicholas, we know about your mom.

Nicholas has been through such a tough time.

His parents had issues.

Alcoholics, you see.

And they lived in one of those leaky homes, you know, with the black mold.

So, one day he comes into the bank.

He must have been .



And he was asking Bernie for a loan.

He's quite desperate.

And Bernie wants to, but he's helped Nicholas' family out so much over the years.

And of course Nicholas is too young.

Bernie couldn't help him.

Not long after, his mother died.

[ Mouthing "su1c1de" ]

Jan told us that you turned up a year later and applied for a job.

You wanted to work with the man who had denied your family money.

By rights, you should have hated Bernie.

Well, maybe at first, but it wasn't his fault.

He tried.

I thought if I could become like Bernie, then maybe one day, I could help people like me, too.

What was in the backpack?


Jan said you were secretive about the contents of your bag on the morning of the robbery.

You didn't want to show it to her.

It was a present.

It was a present alright?

It's still in my car.

It's out the front.


Can you explain what you were doing in the back of the bank?


I was hiding.

Devin hit me, and suddenly, I was on the floor, and I was so scared.

BERNIE: Alright, we don't want any trouble.

DEVIN: There better not be!

I knew I should help Jan, but I was too afraid.

ELI: Okay, I need your watches, wallets, jewelry.

Everything out now!

I crawled out the back, and I hid in the supply closet.

And the whole time, I kept thinking I would go back out and help them.

I couldn't move.

And then one of them came in.

[ Siren wailing in distance ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

If I wasn't such a coward, Bernie might still be alive.

It's nothing.

Open it.

For his collection.

It's true.

He loved stamps.

It was his thing.

KRISTIN: Although it's there now, it doesn't mean it was there a few days ago.

[ Book closes ]

Thank you, Nicholas.

That'll be all.

CHALMERS: I've watched this or times.

Nothing sets them apart.

Although that's got to be Eli limping post Trudy Neilson's shin kick.



Take your pick.

KRISTIN: And so we're back to one potato, two potato?

Whichever way you look at it, they were able bodied.

Was it something I said?

Oh, no.

He often does that.

He gets a little hunch, and off he goes.



I'll make it.


MIKE: Kenny Cranston's stroke.

If you're about to ask me anymore hypothetical questions, I'm hypothetically going to ask you to leave.

What if he was hypothetically linked to a homicide?

[ Typing ]

Like I said, evidence of a T.I.A. that was ignored.

Transient Ischaemic Attack.

A mini stroke, usually a warning sign.

Then a week later, a significant event.

He's no longer an outpatient.

He only attended a couple of rehab sessions, then never returned.

So he's recovered?


CARLTON: Unlikely.

Sometimes patients can regain acceptable levels of normal function, but sadly, men with his kind of attitude often just give up.

[ Telephone rings ]

Excuse me.



Oh, hi.

No, no, no, no, I understand.

Let's forget about last Friday.

This Friday, same time?

: a.m., great.

I will see you then.

You take care, Angelique.

Angelique Cranston?

Detective Shepherd, come on.

Was she here last Friday morning?


So that was Angelique Cranston?


she was booked into Brokenwood Elms on Teeling Street.

I run appointments there Tuesday and Friday mornings for women who need oncology support.

So could you tell me if she was there?

No, I couldn't.

But you could tell me if she wasn't.

Detective, please.

MIKE: The bank was robbed just after : a.m., the time that Bernie Lazenby was k*lled.

If she wasn't there, that might account for why she just re-booked her appointment.

Four masked men set about robbing a bank.

One stays in his car.

The other three enter the bank, carrying a fake b*mb and fake g*ns.

They unlock the back door in case they need a quick getaway.

Not long after, a shot rings out.

[ g*nsh*t, screaming ]

seconds later, they flee through the front and are picked up by the fourth man.

[ Tires squeal ]

What if there was a fifth masked man who came through the back door?

Someone who knew Devin was going unlock it...

because he told them to do it.

Kenny Cranston's the fifth man?

He had a motive to k*ll Bernie, he knew the layout of the bank, and he had a clear opportunity to know the details of the plan.

Yeah, but the man can hardly walk.

He faked his stroke.

No, he didn't.

But he could've possibly faked his recovery, or lack of.

Kenny Cranston was playing the long game?

Less than three months ago, he had a stroke.

Not long after, the robbery was planned.

So, Devin was in on it?

Not necessarily Devin.

What do you want?

A chat about the Brokenwood Elms.

What about it?

You had an appointment there on Friday morning at : a.m.

So much for privacy.

Did you go?


Dr. Carlton tells me you didn't.

I didn't see her.

Who did you see?

No one.

MIKE: Why didn't you go in?

ANGELIQUE: Because part of me knows it's true.

And another part doesn't want to know.

About the decisions that have to be made.

Please don't tell Kenny.

Kenny doesn't know you were there?

I left him sleeping.

You've seen him.

He wouldn't cope with the stress.

But you're unwell.

You need someone...

That is my business, and I will handle it my way.

I can't have Kenny worrying about me.

I need someone to verify this.

Uh, well, after a bit, I came home to Kenny.

Where have you been?

Just popped down the shops.

You shouldn't be smoking.

Someone other than Kenny.

Taxi receipt.

I need to get back to Kenny.

He's probably fine without you.

Your grandfather having a stroke must have been horrible to see.

I understand he was full of energy before, a lot of life.

Now he can hardly stay awake for more than a couple hours.

He just sleeps in his chair, right?


Sometimes people can recover from strokes.

Partially, sometimes even completely.

Well, no such luck.

What if Kenny is not as sick as he makes out?

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

I think that Kenny has been acting sick so that nobody suspects he's capable of doing what he did, sh**ting Bernie Lazenby.

He can barely walk.

Is this a joke?


Physically, mentally, your grandfather is quite possibly as sharp as ever.

Sharp enough to pull one over on all of us.

Even you.

This is so messed up.

When was the last time you got Kenny to tell you the famous bank story?

Few weeks ago.

And did he mention the back door?

Always have more than one way out.

MIKE: And what was the first thing you did?

Just like he told you.

And that's how he got in.

This is all very exciting.

But I'm just wondering, if you're so sure about this, instead of traumatizing a young man who's already been through a great deal...

He did rob a bank, Dennis.

Well, that aside.

Why not simply arrest Mr. Cranston?

I need proof.

And, Devin, you can help us.

Help us prove that Kenny has been lying to you.


You want me...

you want to turn on my own grandfather?

[ Scoffs ]

You cops.

If we're right, your own grandfather would let you go down for a m*rder that he committed.

They have a point.

No way.

You're back?

Thought you'd be locked away for good by now.


I thought you'd be happy to see me.

They let me go.

Why would I be happy?

You go off and try to steal my thunder with your dropkick mates.

Try to show me up by robbing me own bank.

And then you screw it up, royally, get someone k*lled.

You're an embarrassment.

Did you squeal to the cops, too?

Is that why they let you go?


think you k*lled that guy.

That's because they're idiots.

And they wanted me to dob you in.

Wear a wire.

And what did you say?

I told them no way.

Good boy.

Maybe I was a bit harsh on you.

[ Chuckles ]

Come give your old grandad a hug.

[ Laughs ]

Did you...

you remember when you used to be a teenager and you used to steal my whiskey?

I could also tell when you were lying because you're useless!

You little weasel!

DEVIN: What the hell!

Jesus Christ!

KRISTIN: That's us.


I'm good.

There's still the matter of the missing m*rder w*apon.

Yeah, never needed one before.

I'm not going to go changing.

Is this really the time for country lyrics?


♪ Take the money and run ♪ ♪ When I fired the g*n ♪ ♪ When I fired me that g*n ♪ ♪ When I fired me that g*n ♪

Just in the neighborhood, were you?

Well, thank God.

Grandson tripped on the rug, bumped his head.

He might need an ambulance.

You bastard!

Get off the grass.

He fell over.

Didn't you, Dev?

This is so messed up.

We need to talk to you about the m*rder of Bernie Lazenby.


I was here.

Ask her.

She was here, too, weren't you, Angel?

I was not here.

You know that.

So she popped down to the shops.


Not to the shops.

I went to see a doctor.

Oh, yeah?

What for?

Like you would care.

So she snuck out.

Not my fault.

I was here.

Where's the handgun you used to sh**t Bernie Lazenby?

Take them out outside, then start the search.

We'll have a chat to Mr. Cranston.

[ Chuckles ]

Talk all you like.

You got nothing.

I didn't know, love.

I swear I didn't know!

Paramedic's on their way.

Devin, you did the right thing.

I did it to prove you wrong!

Don't you get it.

I thought you were wrong!

KENNY: Would have fired up the barbecue if I'd known you were bringing all your friends.


When you robbed the bank all those years ago, clumsy as it was, you might have pulled it off, had it not been for a resourceful young teller.

Come on!

More like completely incompetent.

Either way, you stewed away in jail, never quite letting go of the botched robbery.

As the years followed on, you would tell the story of the robbery over and over to your devoted grandson Devin.

That close, boy.

You embellished it, of course, adding details about a bogus secret stash of jewels in a deposit box.

To make it seem like you came out of it with the upper hand.


the winner.

But there was something you didn't get your hands on.

It haunted you for years.

Something that you let slip right through your fingers.


What might that be?

MIKE: Stamps.

Specifically a set of four Inverted Kakapo.

Red, blue, green, yellow.

Bernie was always selfless.

He didn't want some thug taking people's precious heirlooms.

So he offered up the only lockbox he could.

His own family's.

BERNIE: Take this.

It's mine.

KENNY: Letters and stamps?

Do you think I'm an idiot?!

How did it feel when you found out how much those stamps were really worth?

Thanks for coming back in, Jan.

The stamps you mentioned of Bernie's.

JAN: Bernie was so proud of them.

He had that artwork made as a motivator towards his retirement.

He told me once at a Christmas party $ , each.

You must have stewed on that for decades.

But there was nothing for it.

Then you had your stroke, but it did something unexpected, didn't it?

It gave Devin motivation.

But it was also a keen reminder of a job you'd messed up years ago.

So you pretended that your condition was getting worse, when in fact, it was getting better.

[ Engine starts ]

And now you've got your bags packed and your Sunday best on.

You're planning a trip to cash in your stamps.

Look at me.

I need help to put my pants on, for Christ sake.

You'd really let your own grandson go down for something he didn't do?

A lag never did anyone any harm.

It's character building, especially for a loser like Devin.

Or a loser like you?


You were a joke when you got caught.

Picture in the paper, "The big bad bank robber who got locked in the bank." Finally getting your hands on those stamps would have vindicated you.

But instead, your grandson is going to jail, an even bigger failure himself.

And that's how they'll talk about it by the way.

The Cranstons...

two generations who tried to rob the same bank, but failed both times.

That's a pathetic legacy.

Wait a second.

Who says I failed this time?

How's that, Kenny?

[ Kenny chuckles ]

I didn't fail.

But I knew Devin would.

We take the bank manager into the vault, and we make him open lockbox .

I told him number over and over.

Probably the only fact that ever stuck in his tiny brain.

Well, I couldn't have him getting his hands on the prize, could I?

After all this time, I'm not going to split it five ways.

[ Door closes ]

That dropkick didn't even try to conceal what he was doing.

And nobody expects someone my age to know their way around a computer.

[ Chuckles ]

And no one looks twice at an old fart on a mobility scooter.

Devin handed it to me on a plate.

Open the lockbox.

I already have.


Number .

BERNIE: There's not much in here.

I'm here for the stamps, Bernie.

Oh, no.

It can't be.

KENNY: Hand them over.

And don't be a moron.

But he was a moron.

And it cost him.

Bernie had the chance to do the smart thing, and he didn't.

[ Engine starts ]

[ Tires squeal ]

I finally pulled it off.

And here's the proof.

Proof that I'm not a joke.

It's time to go, Kenny.

KENNY: Yeah, alright, alright.

All this hunching and shuffling, it's terrible on the shoulders.

But I should warn you.

I'm not going back inside.

Yeah, well, fortunately it's not up to you.

No, it's up to you.



I shot myself in the arse!

[ Grunting ]

You okay?

CHALMERS: Kenny Cranston, you're under arrest for threatening a police officer, for the m*rder of Bernie Lazenby, and for the possession of an illegal firearm.

And for getting out of bed in the morning and anything else that makes you the miserable bastard you are.

I believe you said something earlier about not needing a g*n?

I didn't.

I had Nadia Comaneci here.

Nice vault by the way.

I was thinking Ritchie McCaw.

A try saving tackle on the line.

Well, you know, rugby playing, Olympic gymnast.

That's what I do with all my spare time.

I'll see you back at the station.

For the paperwork.

[ Engine starts ]

♪ If the whiskey ♪ ♪ Then the moonshine will ♪

That music isn't ironic, is it?

Hell no.

So is Brokenwood how you remember it?

Oh, you know, bank robbers, sh**t, spontaneous gymnastic displays, I'm tempted to head back to the big smoke for a break.

Oh, so soon?

Still I want to check out that pizza place though.

I hear the mangey pigeon and chorizo is good.

Oh, and the magpie with fennel.

KRISTIN: Yeah, please stop.

I'm sold.

♪ I needed money 'cause I had none ♪ ♪ I fought the law, and the law won ♪ ♪ I fought the law, and the law won ♪ ♪ I fought the law, and the law won ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪