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07x02 - The Witches of Brokenwood

Posted: 04/09/21 20:30
by bunniefuu
Inhale, exhale, melting into Mother Earth.

Following the gaze, like water.

God, I'm starving.

I swear I've never felt more like bacon in my whole life.


They probably bug the trees.


Steam room better be on.

Major toxins in need of release.

Oozing the body and the mind, ladies, together, harmonizing body mind breath.

That's it, beautiful.

Little more now, big sweep.

Do you think we will get in trouble for missing tai chi?

I don't care.

A good old boil-up's going to melt off more kilos than...

"gathering clouds" or "painting rainbows".

Oh, it's definitely on.

Does it smell funny?

Ew, God, yeah.


Oh, I could m*rder a dumpling.




DSS Mike Shepherd, Brokenwood CIB.

Please, come right on up.

More security than a prison.

But at least you get meat in prison.

There's no meat here?


Sugar, coffee, alcohol, dairy.

Think they can smoke?

I'm pretty sure that's not in the spirit of detox either.


You're quiet in the cheap seats.



All good.

What was that about meat?

They don't have any.

- Oh.

Makes sense.

Hey, I left a thing on your desk.

About what?

Roxy got a job teaching scuba diving.

And you think I might want to take up scuba diving?

Well, no, it's more...

This is DSS Shepherd and D.C. Breen.

Fleur Masson.

I'm the owner.

Could I ask for your discretion?

There are a lot of fragile women here for a week's respite, and a suspicious death...

We'll do our best, but what makes you think it's suspicious?

It's a well being center.

People come here to explore a better way of living.

Without the chocolate and Chardonnay?

We're minds and souls as well as bodies, Detective.

Of course.

- Shall we?

It's just down here.

Joy McNair.

She was a regular guest.

As you can see, fit, healthy.

So she was here more to focus on the mind and soul.

I told you, women come here with all sorts of problems.

Joy was a workaholic, stressed to capacity.

She just needed a respite from it.

What happens in here exactly?

Well, it's a steam room.


It fills with hot steam, and you sit there while you listen to your hair frizz.


It removes toxins and increases circulation.

It's actually good for you.


Strange bruising down one side.

Oh, yeah, that's what Hodges said when he called me.

You think she'd been assaulted?

He thought something was off.

Sorry, Joy.

I can't speak for your toxins.

But the steam room definitely didn't work on your circulation.

We'll do our best to find out what did.

How long was she in here for?

Well, she shouldn't have been in here at all.

No one should.

It is checked and turned off every night at : by the cleaners.

Last night included.

There's no lock.

That makes it more suspicious?

You really are quite keen on the idea.

If it gets out that you can die naturally at my health retreat?

I just, I can't afford that.


You can't come in here...

I'm sorry, this area is off limits.

I just wanted to...

No, you really can't be here.

We're examining the scene.

But I've got a mud wrap booked.

It's not just me.

Everyone's asking about their treatments.

Obviously the spa is closed for special maintenance.


Otherwise I'm hoping it could be business as usual.

We'd prefer it if no one left the premises.

Well, they can't even if they wanted to.

I make sure of it.

Broken fingernails.

And that looks like a recent manicure.

Do these look like scratch marks to you?

Yeah, but as you said, there's no lock on the door.


What do you wear in a steam room?

Usually a swimsuit, like she is, sometimes nothing, depending on where you are, but etiquette demands a towel.

Which makes that odd.

So, she got up from where she was originally sitting, on the towel, scratches at the door until her nails break, even though it's not locked, and then died sitting up in a different spot with nothing between her rear and a boiling hot bench.

Call Gina.

And, Breen, talk to whoever found her and check in with the cleaners.

Looks like Joy McNair did not cook herself.

That won't work here.


- Your phone.

We're on digital detox.

You have no idea how many women are addicted to their devices.

A necessary evil in my case.

That's what they all say.

Well, I can't send smoke signals to the pathologist.

Although I'm sure she'd prefer it if I did.

I don't encourage it, but there is one place you can get reception.


Gina, hi it's Kristin, I...

I'm feeling very disturbed by you.

And I am sorry to interrupt.

I'm busy.

I just assumed that your superior powers of concentration would allow you to...

Okay, I am listening.


We have an unexplained death at the Brokenwood Health Retreat.

Hm, I would like to go there.

Oh, would you?

Well, thank you so much.

See you soon.

♪ We got country music ♪ ♪ Coming out all our ears ♪ ♪ We been singing country western for years ♪ ♪ We think country music is the best ♪ ♪ You better watch out when The Top Twins are west ♪ Breen.

- Why would anyone come to a place like this?

No phones, $ for a cactus massage?

I got Roxy a cactus for Christmas, and it only cost bucks.

Was a cactus involved in whatever happened to Joy McNair?


But the cleaners state the steam room was definitely empty and switched off at : p.m. last night.

And she was found...?

: this morning.

And there's something else.

The cleaners are missing a wooden wedge, usually hanging on a ribbon outside the steam room.

They use it to prop the door open while cleaning.

But someone else could've put it to quite a different use.

And got rid of the evidence.

Thanks, Breen.

Sorry to intrude, gents.

Which one of you is Gren McNair?

Who wants to know?

Can you think of anyone who might want to hurt her?


I mean, we were in the process of divorcing, but we still loved each other very much.

So, why get divorced?

Are you married?

Not currently.

Turns out things can change without you necessarily noticing it.

What sort of things?

Once she started going to that retreat, I could do no right.

I tried.

I really tried.

But she was going in a...

different direction.

When did you last see her?

It's been a while.

She was enjoying being separated.

More than I was anyway.

Where were you last night?

I'm sorry, I have to ask.

I was at the th hole.

With them.

You okay, mate?

No, I'm not.

DSS Mike Shepherd.

He's had some bad news.

It's Joy.

She's um...

she's dead.


I need to see her.

Uh, that's not usually a good idea.


I just can't take it in.

I'll see what I can arrange.

You were with him last night?

We all tied one on at the clubhouse.

Gren especially.

Come on, buddy!

Out to the count by : .

Hole in one!




There's nothing to them.

It's new technology from China.

Gren imports them.

But they haven't done much for his game.


It would seem from the disturbance to the skin on her fingertips and some damage to the nails, that the victim attempted to escape the room before she died.

Well, I could've told you that.

In fact, I did tell you that.

But you are not the expert, so...

I'm pretty sure it was Mike who first noticed it.

Mike is very astute.

And I'm sure Mike would also have noticed these marks on her finger.

Understandably maybe think this was eczema or psoriasis.

These are not the same thing.

I never said they were.

You know, this place reminds me of the banyas of my youth.

In Russia, it is good to spend time with friends and family, talking about Dostoevsky, with no clothes and a felt hat.

I have nothing to say to that.

The only thing which is missing is the ice cold water for dunking and the branches for whacking.

So, by any chance could venture a time of death?

Cause of death, perhaps?


Joy's blood would have risen with the temperature in the banya.

Her organs would literally have been poached.

Only a post mortem will determine how exactly she died.

Can I ask you to stay here.

In the meantime, I can tell you that the little fat she had would have turned to mush.

Just like boiled kartoshka.

You know, with dill.

Hello, Mike!

Hello, Gina.

I have the husband outside, so could we tone down the gastronomic references?

He doesn't like Russian food?

I understand.

Uh, no thanks.

I'm sorry, Detective, I know this is awkward, but is there any chance that poor Joy's body could be removed discreetly?

I'm sorry, Ms. Masson, but that's not our priority.


Not Fleur Masson?


I'm sorry.

Who are you?

I'm Joy's bloody husband, that's who.

She's who Joy left me for!


Would you?

So you deny being in a relationship with Joy McNair?


Well, her husband seems pretty convinced.

Look, I was close to her, but only in the way I get close to a lot of women who come here.

But how many of them end up dead in the steam room?

Have you ever tried colonic irrigation?

You seem blocked.

So, why would Joy's husband think there was more to it?

Some women who come here, they develop emotional attachments because they find this such a safe space.

Joy, she was simply one of them.

Everything will be all right, Joy.

I promise.

You can't.

No one can.

I just feel so alone.

That's not true.

You're here.

With me.

It's like this life isn't the one I'm supposed to be living.

You are not alone.

Come down.

Let me take care of you.

There was no romance.

So you think Joy's husband is mistaken?

I think Joy's husband was hoping the finger of blame would be pointed away from him.

Why would he do that?

Because much of Joy's stress was caused by his failing business.

He was putting pressure on her to bail him out, yet again.

She was sick of it.

Yet she told you all these personal details?

It's why most women come here, Detective.

He really doesn't get it, does he?

He's still processing the no meat thing.

And you're sure that nobody has left the premises?

They can't, not without me knowing.

So every moment is accounted for.

Bush dancing?

Laughing yoga?

It's an intense schedule, designed to move guests out of their normal patterns, physical and emotional.

So you know who does what and when?

It's not boot camp.

But yes, actually, for safety reasons, we do.

I knew something was up the first time she came here.

When she got home, she was odd, distant.

Fleur described her as a stressed out workaholic.

Yeah, well.

The more stressed-out workaholics the better in Fleur's business.

All these women paying a small fortune for a week of downward dog and mung beans.

And you think Joy was getting more than that?

I know she was.

She told me.

You and me.

I'm done.

You're not listening to me!


You're not listening to me.

I'm not happy, Gren.

You must know that.

Is it Stelios?

That bastard.

He always wants what I've got.

It's been a long time since you "got" me, Gren.

So it is Stelios!

No, it isn't!

Then who?

Her name's Fleur.

Fleur Masson.

You're leaving me for a woman?

I'm sorry, Gren.

She got her own place in town.

Never came back.

Were you angry about that?

Not really.

If she'd left me for another -something golfer who couldn't do the splits, I'd be angry.

It's hardly apples with apples, is it?

I can't really compete with Fleur.

Do you mind waiting here while I check with my colleagues?

I won't be long.

- Yeah, I don't know.

Something that makes you smile and think about it for a bit, doesn't it?

Hey, Detective!

Good for you.

Excuse me?

Coming off the coffee or going down a dress size?

Oh, of course.


I'm sorry.

The steam room thing.


so awful.

But we've been told to carry on regardless.

What exactly will you be carrying on with?

Oh, I teach yoga, water sports, drum ball, that kind of thing.

Drum ball?

- Yeah.

Don't knock it till you've tried it.

While I've got you, did you know Joy McNair?

Really nice woman.

How well did she get on with the other guests?

Well, for the most part.

- Most part?

I did notice she seemed to be sticking to herself a bit more this visit.

But, you know, sometimes guests are a river, and sometimes they're an island.

I think that has something to do with bowel movements.

Mind you, a lot of things here around here have something to do with bowel movements.

Thanks, Kimberly.

Oh, and hey, I was just kidding before about the dress size.

I know you don't wear dresses.

What more you can tell me?

Well, she wasn't cooked for breakfast, if you know what I mean.

No, not really.

My hunch is the time of death was some hours ago, say between : and : p.m.

Naturally I will let you know as soon as I can confirm something more specific.


Thanks, Gina.

And, Mike, once the crime scene has been cleared forensically, I think you and I should come back here for a steam.

I can bring branches to make it authentic.

Well, a whack from her with a decent branch, and your chakras would be realigned forever.

Not in a good way, though.

- Yeah, I don't have chakras.

Well, everyone has chakras.

Then mine are fine just the way they are.

Speaking of unrequited love, Fleur claims Joy had a rampaging case of it.

But Fleur didn't feel the same way.

Do we know where she was between : and : last night?

Gina gave you a time of death?

Well, more an indication.

Very unhelpfully, Fleur was in a cottage at the back of the property, no witnesses.

Unlike Gren, who was with his golfing buddies, but he's definitely a man scorned.

Did he mention his financial strife?

Fleur reckons that he was putting Joy under financial pressure to bail out a failing business.

The lightweight clubs.


Make some calls, see if you can find out more.

Um, I was going to check out Joy's room so I'll leave the treehouse to you.


Just a moment.

So that thing on your desk.

I read it.

I forwarded it to Hughes at HQ.



- You sure about this?

It's a big step.


It seems like all the planets have aligned.


So it's a chakras thing?

There you go.

You, uh, do all your own handiwork?


Just small things, these days, yes.

A big place like this, I thought you'd have your own maintenance person.

Yes, me too.

Did you ever think about building a phone booth?

Never made the list.

Oh, oh, sorry.

We need you.

There's a ruckus at the pool.

She was too good for you, and you knew it!

Yeah, she would've never stayed with you, Gren!

You're evil.

The trouble you caused Joy!

The trouble that we caused her?

Uh, people, people, please, can we take this somewhere else?


Lower the volume, Gren.

Hung over are we?

- I don't drink anymore.

Tramp then?


- Hey!

She is not a tramp either.


No, she's a witch, just like Joy's other two witch sisters.

Her sisters?

You're asking me where I was when Joy died?

What are they even doing here?

You're Joy's sisters?

You didn't think to mention that?

I didn't know.

No one told me.

Of course not.

The witches of Brokenwood have been torturing Joy with the silent treatment for years now!

Okay, does somebody mind telling me what this is all about?

I don't think it's fair to say that we've been doing all the torturing.

He's like a mad dog, Kitty.

Don't make eye contact.

I'll "mad dog" you, alright.

- You're a loser, Gren.


- Okay, okay!

Why don't we take this down to the station?


Well, it's just that it's quite nice there.

I mean, there's coffee, tea, sugar.


No one is leaving.

It's policy.

Should we remind you that Joy McNair has left?

These ones, we can bring back.

Nothing like a gingernut, eh?

So, you hadn't spoken to Joy for years.

Why is that?

A family rift.

After our mother died.

Can I ask what the rift was about?

That's none of your business.

It's a private matter.

In my line of work, private matters often become my business.

The disagreements between us and our sister had nothing to do with her dying.

Are you all right?

- Fine.

So why would you go on a week-long journey of spiritual enlightenment with her?

We didn't.

Not on purpose.

Not in a million years.

What do you think, Dan?

Would "paradise" be too strong a word?

We are so proud of you.


Try hard dude at : .

Ooh, no, that's Simon Silvercloud.

He does this famous Tribal Awakening thing.

Yeah, I read about it in the brochure.

What's that thing he's got with him?

Looks like a hair drier.

It's an ancient flute thing.

Yeah, it's all about sound vibrations.

Or is it past lives?

Anyway, everybody's raving about it.


- Hey, Apes.

We're meant to staying open to everything, remember?

Are you going to do it?

- What, the Tribal Awakening?


God, no.

No, I just want to have some peace and quiet.

I just want to get out of elasticated waistbands.

And I just want to have a happy time with my amazing sisters.


- Thanks so much, you guys, for everything.

Couldn't have done it without you.



Fancy seeing you here.

Is this some kind of joke?!

- April!

No, we saved every spare penny for this special escape, and you're here to ruin it!

I'm not ruining anything.

I'm just here to clear my mind and cleanse my body.

And you might want to think about doing the same.


Look, I'm not doing this.

We should leave.


She should leave.

And I don't want to see your pouty little face ever again!

Well, then it's you and your fat face that should go because I'm here for the week.

Catch me if you can.

So you hadn't spoken to each other for years until then.

That's what I said.

And it was a coincidence that you're all there at the same time?

Am I speaking Swahili?

This is a suspicious death, Ms. Greenway.

I'm asking these questions to find out if someone is responsible for the passing of your sister.

And we are very grateful, aren't we, April?

I mean, you know, just because Joy wasn't in our lives, that doesn't mean we wished her ill.

Not that sort of ill.

She was still our sister.

Can we leave it there for now?

First tell me about your movements last night.


- Me?

Um, I was...

She was meditating with me.


Meditating with Kitty.

Yeah, I like to keep a close eye on her, even when we're travelling on different astral planes.

And can I ask why that is?

Well, um, Danni has had some issues.

Alcohol, dope, NOS...



Which I assure you is not a good time.


It's in the past.

And, Danni, you were travelling on this astral plane where exactly?

You mean spiritually?

No, physically.

I'm sorry.

This has got to stop!

It's okay, April.

Chill out.

- No, it's not okay.

This week was a reward for Danni.

Six months sober, six months clean.

But she lives a hair's breadth from relapse, and all this -- this, pressure and insinuation on top of what we're trying to deal with, which is the death of our sister, it's just simply too much.

So unless you're arresting us, we are heading back to our peaceful bloody oasis.

Come on, girls.

Where were you last night between : and : ?

Trust me, if I was going to k*ll Joy, I would have done it years ago.

Well, that sounded fun.

Yeah, family fallouts are a special thing.

Did Breen make this?


I did.



Did they truly not know that Joy would be at the retreat?

About that, I don't think they're lying, but I'm not sure I buy astral projection as an alibi.

Well, you could try arguing it in court.

But if you did want something a bit more concrete, I think you'll be interested in what I have here.

So much for a digital detox.

She really was a workaholic.

From what I can see, it looks like she'd been wheeling and dealing every minute she wasn't running or jumping.

What did she do?

Executive recruitment.

Joy McNair died a very wealthy woman.

Properties, stocks, savings, you name it.

Although, according to recent e-mails, Gren was threatening to take her for everything, including future earnings.

So much for the friendly divorce.

How far did you get with his finances?

A lot of money going out, not much coming in.

And he's not the only one.

Turns out it's going to take a lot of cactus massages Cacti.

Cacti massages to dig Fleur Masson out of the hole she's in.

Her retreat's about to go up in a puff of aroma therapy oils.

If we're following the money, or lack of it, we have the as-it-turns-out wealthy victim.

The cuckolded husband.

And the object of Joy's apparently unwanted desire.

Not to mention the witches of Brokenwood.

Yeah, I can actually see the older one on a broomstick.

Yeah, well, they're not telling us everything, I'm sure of that.

Mike, hello.

Where are we at with cause of death?

Multiple organ failure, just as I suspected.

The poor woman was a big boil-in-a-bag.

However, I've been able to pinpoint that it was the failure of one particular organ that led to Joy's death.

Her heart stopped before it reached a fatal temperature.

She died of heart failure?

And that's not all.

There's something else.

Here, watch.

Like this, Mike.

All my organs would be lying horizontally.


If you come down here and lie next to me, I can show you more clearly.

I'm good standing, thanks.

This is an organ.

This is the shape of Joy's organs when I removed them.

And it also explains the bruising on one side of her body where her blood pooled as she lay.

So she died on the floor.

Lying down, of this I am certain.

Not sitting up, leaned against the wall.

Which means she was repositioned posthumously.

By someone else, yes.

But the cause of death is officially heart failure.

Could this still have happened if Joy hadn't been locked in the steam room?

The heart failure?

I couldn't say.

I'm waiting on toxicology.

If you can find out what medication she was on, this could be helpful.

Of course.

And one more thing.

These marks here.

Not psoriasis or eczema as I first thought, but scratches, indicating something has been roughly removed.

Something like a ring?

Logic would suggest this, but I need to do further tests.


Five, six, seven, eight!

And one, two, three, four, hit the ball!




Reach it.



Open your ribcage!




Getting ready for the turn, and we go and up and cross and turn, and...

Hey, detective!

Want to join in?

And keep going, and we're going!

Seven, eight, we're going down...

I know it looks crazy, but you do like squats in one of those classes.

Um, did you ever notice any interaction between Joy and her sisters?

No, I was as shocked as Fleur was that they even knew each other.

So you know Fleur quite well?

Yeah, she's a great boss.

Did she seem particularly close to Joy?

Fleur wouldn't hurt a fly.


I'm sure it doesn't mean anything, but I think they had a bit of a dust up yesterday.


You promised.

But you're just like everyone else.

Full of crap!

That is not true.

Give it back now.


- I said give it back!

You know what?

You can have it.

What do you think she threw?

Something sort of tinny that bounces?

I don't know.

And what time was this?

Just after laughing yoga, so lunchtime.




Oh, and we're gonna...

I should get back in there.

Tinny and bounces.




Yes, I wrote some e-mails.

I'm not denying that.

"Do you want to end up with half of nothing?" Have you ever gone through a divorce?

Well, it's not the divorce I'm interested in.

It's the threats.

So I was angry.


But the truth is, Joy wanted to get back together.

Gren, as the main beneficiary of her will, you're about to become a very rich man.

I know how it looks, but she reached out to me yesterday.

It's the truth.

I went to meet her.

At the retreat?

That place is like Fort Knox.

Well, don't try ever keep a group of middle-aged ladies from their lattes.


There's a coffee cart that comes to the boundary.

Backs on to McCarthy's Yard.

I've made a terrible mistake.

You can buy another coffee, Joy.

It's hardly the end of the world.

No, not the coffee.


Here we go again.

I've been a terrible husband, a drain on resources.

You got me here to go over all that?

No, Gren.

I'm the terrible one.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I don't know what I am thinking.

It's just, maybe it's not too late.

For us?

Is there a chance that we could give this another go?

Of course there is!

- Yeah?

I never wanted to split up in the first place.

I'm so sorry.

I've been so confused.

Just come home, love.

I assume the reconciliation would put an end to your business woes.

Don't try importing golf clubs from Chengdu.

They talk the talk, but nobody ever mentioned you had to re-engineer your whole swing.

So, can I go?

Oh, one more thing.

I don't suppose you noticed if Joy was wearing a ring by any chance?

She didn't like jewelry.

Didn't even wear her wedding ring.



Sorry, I can't stop.

One of my technicians has taken a last minute mental health day.

Oh, I thought you'd be all for that.

In principle, yes.

In practice, it's a pain in the arse.

I have some questions.

And I have a Brazilian wax that won't do itself.

Although you're welcome to join if the client agrees.

Uh, thanks anyway.


I'll wait till you're done.

Hello, Detective.



You're here for poor Joy.

Any updates?

Just that Brazilian waxes are best avoided.

You mean Bro-zillion?

A lot of men can't stand the pain.

Uh, no, that's not what I...

You know what?

Never mind.

What are you up to here?

Oh, um, I teach a make-your-own dream weaver class.

It's a good stress release for burnt out executives.

Although it's more competitive than you might imagine.

I have to be quite judicious with the crochet hook.


Here's the treat I get for my troubles.

I'm sorry?

"The gift that's known as Silvercloud." That man can plumb the depths of a woman's soul and blow the cobwebs away like nothing on this Earth.

I'll take your word for it.

Oh, poor Joy.

She'd only just had the cobwebs blown away.

Although I don't think it went all that smoothly.

Joy, please!

Joy, it will change your life.

Yeah, that's easy for you to say!

It's easy to do.

Just trust me.

Don't talk to me about trust.

Joy, please!

Joy, you know what you need to do.

Stop harassing me!

Of course, a lot of people get very stirred up after a tribal awakening.

I mostly feel it's a shame more people don't play the ocarina.

The what?


Marlowe, are you ready to be awakened?


For the fourth time!

I was just telling Detective Constable Breen about your special instrument.

What would you like to know?

About that, nothing.

But I would like to have a word with you all the same.

Well, my time window on the planet right now is dedicated to this receptive being.

Alright, how much time are we talking?

Three, maybe four hours.

Shall we?

Okay, well, first thing tomorrow morning at the station then.

I hear you've been moonlighting up near the Brokenwood Health Retreat.

No way, man.

It's like, totally % caffeine-free inside those gates.

And outside the gates?


"McCarthy's Yard" ringing any bells?

It's not a crime to swap trim milk for full fat if that's all you've got, right?

Well, it's a crime to use trim milk in the first place, so you're good.

In that case, I do sometimes find myself over those ways, but I try to keep it on the down low.

My girlfriend works there, and she would not be happy about it.

So you and Kimberly are finally official?

Well, that's kind of on the down low, too.

Don't worry, Frodo, your secret's safe with me.

Hey, um...

do you remember seeing this woman the day before yesterday?

Sure do.

She ordered decaf.

I mean, what's the point?

Was she with anyone?

Yeah, some dude...

There you go.

Code brown, code brown!

Nutritionist on the prowl.

Was he angry at all?

Why would you say that?

The way he crushed the cup.


Or maybe he was just compacting it for the compost bin.

Littering is an offense.

I checked that.


Good point.


Marlowe witnessed Simon Silvercloud having some sort of altercation with Joy late on the afternoon she died.

Was this before or after your bro-zillian?

I did not have a bro-zillian.


- What's a bro-zillian?

Well, it's when a man has his -- No, you don't want to know.

So, Simon Silvercloud?

Has a ponytail, and therefore should not be trusted.

But he should be here any moment.

Meanwhile, he's not the only one Joy locked horns with the day she died.

Turns out there was a relationship brewing between her and Fleur Masson.

Just not the kind that Joy was hoping for.

I should've told you before, but I didn't think it was...


I did tell you she felt an attachment to me that wasn't reciprocated.

You didn't tell us you fought about it.

It wasn't a fight.

It was a...

Falling out?

A clarification of expectations.

You need to calm down.

I thought you had feelings for me.

I do.

The same way I have feelings for all of my friends.


I'm talking about a future together.

And so am I!

But if you'd really been listening to me, then you'd know that I would never mix business and pleasure together ever again.

And if you had really been listening to me, you would understand that I am only interested in business.

You said we could do this together.



I am in need of a major cash injection, and I thought you were going to provide it.

Oh, God, you're just like everyone else.

Full of crap!

That is not true.

I am woman of my word.

I'm not talking about words!

You have got this all wrong.

We have a witness who heard Joy asking you to give her something back.

What witness?

You're saying that didn't happen?

Look, it's my fault, I know, to have mis-read it so badly.

I'm usually much better attuned to this, but the truth is -- We are interested in the truth.

The retreat is in financial trouble, okay?

Oh, but you sell so many cactus massages.

You may not see the value in what I do here, but it isn't easy being a working woman in the current climate.

These ladies are pulled in a thousand different directions, and all I want do is to give them a break.

But the staffing numbers here, the overtime, the organic food.

In my desperation, I thought Joy was interested in a relationship of the financial variety.

And when you realized that wasn't the case?

I felt stupid.

But I did not k*ll her.

Is it possible that the thing that Fleur says she didn't throw at Joy was a ring?

Sounds tinny and bounces.

Where's this coming from?

Gina thinks that someone may have removed a ring from Joy's finger.

Oh, sorry, Gina thinks?


- She never surmises for me.

Well, it's only because she doesn't like you.

Something I have surmised.

So if a ring was taken off Joy's finger, we're looking at a theft gone wrong?

It's a possibility.

Although Gren thinks that Joy didn't wear rings.

Speak of the devil.

- Whoa, that's freaky.

Probably wants to promise you her first born.


- Mike, I have what you want.

She's got the toxicology reports.

We'll be right over.

Oh, fun.

Good luck with that.

I've got a tree to shake.

Hey, would you cover the...?

Mr. Silvercloud.

Come on through.

Hello, Mike.

I should have had the results earlier, but the human crock-pot situation makes it very difficult.

Did you find out what medication Joy was taking?

Oh, I can help with that.

Dioxin, for heart disease, warfarin for blood thinning, and statins.

Um, warfarin, dioxin, and yes, you're right.

This is compatible with someone suffering from Joy's level of heart disease, but I also found very high levels of serotonin in her blood.

Serotonin, it's a chemical produced by nerve cells.

Widely believed to contribute to feelings of well being and happiness, although actually, far more complicated.

You read this on Wikipedia?

No, I just happen to know.

Did you also read about serotonin syndrome?

Well, I didn't get it from Wikipedia!

Too much serotonin can cause fevers, agitation, a rapid heart rate, and catastrophically high blood pressure.

So Joy McNair was an accident waiting to happen.


How do you end up with high levels of serotonin?

Very good question, Mike.

- Well, actually, that was -- I have my theories.

I'll be in a position to present them tomorrow.

So before you were a Silvercloud who cleansed people, you were a Smith who served time for burglary, fraud, bigamy.

Uh, that last one was more of a communication issue, but, yeah, guilty as charged.

Although the man who sits in front of you now is not the same man.

Oh, well, let me guess, you've changed.

Trust me, these days, it's no booze, no dr*gs, no dairy, no harm.

I live my truth.

You don't believe in rehabilitation?

Well, not when there's a rich, dead woman that you were seen arguing with not long before she died.

That's what my Tribal Awakening therapy is all about -- unlocking the thought patterns that keep you blocked.

Thought that's what the, uh, colonic irrigation was for.

Joy's digestive system was actually very free.

It's her heart that was congested.

And you thought a Tribal Awakening would fix that?

I can fix most things.

It's just a matter of reconnecting you to your own authentic rhythms.

So, you ended on good terms?

Sorry, man.

The number one rule for shamans is keeping confidences.

Well, the number one rule for staying out of prison is to not willfully obstruct a police investigation.


You're banging that drum?

Consider my authentic rhythms permanently re-connected.

I doubt that somehow.

The argument.

It wasn't an argument.

Joy had had a tough day.

She felt betrayed by someone she thought loved her.

She was worried about impulsively getting back with her husband.

And then there was the thing with the sisters.

You knew about the sisters?

She told me, that afternoon.

I could see it was blocking her, but sadly, she couldn't see that.

There's a lot of talk about blockages in that place.

There are a lot of blockages.

So, what was blocking Joy?

Some festering wound to do with material goods.


I mean, where does it really get you in the end?

I bet you didn't say that when you were a burglar.

I've told you, I've left all that behind.

And besides, I did electronics, not jewelry.


She had a ring.

It was causing her...

it was causing them all a lot of pain and suffering.

Did you see it?

- She was wearing it.

So you can't describe it?

A ruby, maybe.

With diamonds.


I tried to help her.

She was not ready for it.

She was a good woman.

And I'm truly sorry she's lost to us.

Where were you between : and : on the night she died?

Communing with nature.

In what way?

In a way that involved nakedness, kombucha, and the Egyptian goddess of the star-lit sky.

According to the cleaners, the wedge usually hung off one of these.


Get some uniforms down here.

They've got some gardening to do.



A wooden wedge, to centimeters in length.

Quite a big needle in a smallish haystack, provided we've got the right haystack.




The ring has awoken.


- Precious.

My precious.

Oh, no.

No, you don't.

I hated the books, and I slept through all the movies, so just tell me about the ring.

Our ring.

Joy was wearing it the day she died.

It's what she and her sisters fell out over.

What is it, the Hope Diamond?

Um, ruby apparently.

But if we find it, maybe we find who locked her in the steam room.



Sorry to interrupt.

You don't look sorry.

No, that's his sorry face.

We were wondering what you could tell us about a ring.

Oh, it's a circle you wear on your finger, usually made of silver or gold, sometimes with gems attached.

We're talking about a particular ring, part of a family inheritance.

My family?

Well, yes.

My family didn't have two farthings to rub together.

There was no inheritance.

So you know nothing about a ring that Joy may have been wearing when she died?

And I'm the one with water in my ears?

Do you mind if we look for it in your room?

Oh, I'm sorry, what was that?

Would you mind if we looked for it in your room?

Yes, I would.


They say I'll be able to touch my toes by the time I leave here.

Although I'm not so sure.

Uh, we were hoping you could help us find Joy's ring.

Oh, dear.

So, you know what we're talking about?

Yes, of course.

The ring Joy got when our mum died.

But it was a very long time ago, and I really don't think it has anything to do with anything.

You haven't mentioned it to April, have you?

Why wouldn't we?

Can you describe it for us?

Heavens no.

I can't remember it at all.

Then perhaps you can help us find Danni.


Oh, good point.

Um, I really should be taking better care of her.

I will tell her that you're looking for her.

Thank you.


No, I don't know anything about a ring.

Look, how many times do I have to tell you?

Joy was a client.

I understand, but the ring might have a significant value to our investigation, so we'll need to search her sisters' rooms.

I have no objection to you searching mine, but anyone else's would be an invasion of privacy.


Search warrant time.

Back to the treehouse.

It reminds me of weeding the garden with my sister for pocket money when we were kids.

Oh, I never saw you with a green thumb.


Actually it was fun.

Hey, has Breen mentioned his...

His what?

Hold that thought.

Hey, Mike!

Get that to the fingerprint lab.

I asked you about Joy's wedding ring when you met her at the coffee cart, but did she have any other rings?

I told you, she didn't like...

Oh, of course!

Those witches!

You mean the garnet ring that Joy's mum promised to April and then gave to Joy?

Did you say garnet ring?


- Not ruby.


- With diamonds?


Completely worthless.

And you know this because?

I had it valued, okay?

Back when I thought we were gonna be halving everything.

But the valuation cost more than the ring.

You wouldn't happen to have a copy of it, would you?


I'll find it and e-mail it to you.

♪ Here comes tomorrow ♪ ♪ Here comes tomorrow ♪ ♪ Here comes tomorrow ♪

Confiscate that, and there will be a m*rder.

♪ There was a strict rule ♪ Don't tell April.

She's gonna k*ll me.

Or Danni.

Especially Danni.

♪ Here comes tomorrow ♪ ♪ Here comes tomorrow ♪


- Nothing yet.

♪ Here comes tomorrow ♪

Well, the sisters are keeping secrets, there's no doubt about that.

But there's no sign of any ring.

And according to the valuation, it's hardly worth stealing, let alone k*lling over.

Well, there's no sign of Danni, so she'll keep till morning.

Maybe she's done a runner?

Yeah, also, Fleur Masson keeps this place surrounded by high voltage fencing, so.

Vegan barbecues don't look like much fun.

Oh, it's not a barbecue, it's a ritual.

Write down everything you want rid of and burn it so it can't haunt you ever again.

Oh, if only it was that simple.

Maybe it is.

Hey, Mike, what did you mean before when you said, "Has Breen mentioned his..." I wondered how you felt about his move?

What move?

Good timing.

The International Policing Unit?

Right, okay.

Uh, yeah, but here's the thing.

Trundling off to the Solomon Islands is not an insignificant move.

Were you going to tell me?

Yes, I was, and I will, but first -- Well, you kept that on the down low.

Hey, what is Danni doing in there?

Yeah, that's the thing.

She wants to confess to k*lling Joy McNair.

It was seeing Joy again after all these years, it just pushed them over the edge.

We should have gone home as soon as we saw her.

Being there all together at the retreat, it wasn't good for anyone's health.

There was a crazy argument.

You don't really think Mum gave you that ring because she loved you more?

Of course she did.

- She would hate this!

Well, then she shouldn't have given her favorite thing to this pouty little suck up.

Hey, I didn't ask for it, April.

She just gave it to me.

On her death bed when she clearly wasn't thinking straight.

It doesn't matter, April.

- It does matter!

April does care.

Kitty, too.

They've been my saviors, bringing me back from...

well, I was in a bad place.

You're referring to the substance abuse?


I ended up on the streets for a while.

Just really lost the plot, you know?

But they stuck by me.

So seeing them get torn apart like that...

I couldn't let it happen.

So later that night, after the argument...

About what time was it?

I had a lomi lomi massage at : .

And then I went to chill out in the, um, meditation circles.

So it would've been just before : .

I guess I wanted to see if I could make things better.

I thought it was you.

I could smell you before you opened the door.

I don't smell of anything anymore, you know that.

Oh, is that so, wino.

You know I've changed.

You don't fool me, little one.

Could you not?

Why can't you just be nice so that we can all get on with our lives?

Oh, yes, it's all my fault.

Does it matter whose fault it is?

What would you know, baby girl?

Letting them send you here in to do their dirty work.

You know, you could've taken my side back then, Danni.

When Mum died.

And instead you just went with them.

It doesn't have to be about sides.

Stop your whining, wino.

I'm not whining!

I'm talking about how I feel, and I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to be doing, and it's all thanks to April and Kitty.

Well, you tell those fat tarts to leave me the hell alone!

Do you want to be left alone?


- You want that?



Danni, are you serious?

Come on.

Oi, I know you're out there.

Come on!

Open the door.

Man, that was so intense.

I think I need another massage.

You jumped out the window?


Because you thought other people were coming?


And what was Joy doing?

What do you mean?

Before you jumped out the window, when you heard the voices?

Well, she was shouting and shaking the door.

But I'd wedged it shut with the wedge.

And then what did you do, after you jumped out the window?

Well, I hid in the garden, and...

and then no one came into the spa after all, so as soon as I could, I went back.


Oh, no.



Oh, Joy!

Joy said you could have taken her side, back then, with her mother.

Was that about the ring?

You know about the ring?

Tell us about it.

She'd never have done it if she'd known.

Who wouldn't have done it?

- Mum.

All the trouble that it's caused between us.

You wouldn't happen to know where it is now?

Not exactly.

How about approximately?

Sorry, I should have said sooner.


I did what I always wanted to do.

I flushed it down the toilet.

Is the retreat on a septic system?

Sorry to interrupt, but there's been another development.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I just...

I knew that I couldn't live with myself!



Let's go back to what you were doing that night, Kitty.

I take it you weren't surfing the astral planes with Danni at the time of Joy's death?

I'm hopeless at meditation.

I can't stop thinking about laundry and string beans.

I was on the w*r path.

I wanted to teach Joy a lesson for all the terrible things she said.

You don't know her at all.

Please don't!

- Don't what?

You don't think this is a coincidence, do you?

What do you mean?

- That we're all here.

We're here for Danni.

As a reward for all her hard work.

The same exact week that I'm here?


Oh, come on, April, you're the bull.

Don't you recognize a red flag when you see one?

I don't understand.

- Joy.

It was Kitty's idea that we're all here!

She's been trying to make it happen for months.

How could you do this to me?!

You are such a cow!

I am going to make you pay!

And I did make her pay.

That night, I was on my way back from the myofascial release class.

It must have been just before : .

I just wanted to talk to her.

Are you happy now?

I told you this was a terrible idea.

Yeah, and you just made it a hundred times worse.

Oh, yeah, just sh**t the messenger.

Oh, come on Joy, we're too old for this.

I mean, don't you just want to be friends?

Don't you just want to stop being April's doormat?

I have a perfectly good mind of my own.

Since when?

You've been her punching bag since you came out of the womb.

That is not true!

And now she's even got little wasted Danni under her wicked witch's spell.

You know what?!

You're just jealous!

Because at least we've got each other.

And who have you got Joy, huh?

You don't have anyone!

You are never going to have anyone!



Kitty, seriously, let me out.

So you left her there?

I was just so angry!

I mean, I am not a doormat, and April isn't a witch.


I went back to my room to try and meditate my way out of it, but...

string beans.

So I went back.

Oh, Joy!

What about the ring?

The ring?

The ring you don't seem to remember much about.

I did what I always wanted to.

I flushed it down the loo.

I wish with all my heart I didn't k*ll my sister.

But I did.

So both sisters were lying about surfing astral planes at the time Joy died.

Question is, who's covering for whom?

Good grammar.


Oh, I made that.


Let's not forget about April.

Her whereabouts are also unaccounted for.

Well, we can't have three confessions to the same m*rder.

Well, that was forensics.

Too many fingerprints on the wedge to make a positive ID.

Both sisters said exactly the same thing about the ring.

"I did what I always wanted to." They can't both have flushed it down the toilet.

Someone is lying.

Unless it's Silvercloud about Joy wearing the ring at all.

Or Fleur about not throwing it back at her.

Where is this ring?

South of Rivendell?

Gates of Mordor?


Where's that?

Don't listen to him.

- Agreed.

I much preferred it when "Lord of the Rings" was banned in my country.

I'm sorry, what exactly am I missing here?


- Nothing.

Mike, I have tested my theory, and of course, I am right.

The cause of Joy's high level of serotonin -- too much hypericum perforatum.

St. John's Wort.

It's a herb often used in alternative medicine to treat depression.

Although it's efficacy has never been established.

That aside, I've got a pretty good idea where we might find a decent supply of alternative medicines.

Do you know how hot it is in the Solomons right now?

Warm and balmy I imagine.

degrees in the shade.

You'll find me lazing beneath the palm trees with the gentle sea breeze.

They do have palm trees, right?

I'm going to have to make you a cake now.

I didn't know you could bake.

Can't be that hard.



Three of you.

Are you okay?

That depends.

- On what?

On whether there's a law against delivering a triple cheese pizza to a vegan health retreat.

There's probably a medal in it for the right person.

That doesn't really answer my question.

There's currently no such law.

I get an extra bucks if I wait and take the evidence away with me.

Very enterprising.


Sorry, Fleur's off having a relaxation massage.

Who could blame her.

The cortisol levels in this place are hitting the roof.

Um, Can I ask how herbal supplements are dispensed here?

That's Simon Silvercloud's department.

He has an apothecary over by the spa.

Thanks, Kimberly.

I told you never to trust a man with a ponytail.

Sounds like a real calorie burner.

Party pooper.

Quite the relaxation massage.

We all have different ways of letting go.

Actually it was Simon Silvercloud that we were hoping to see.


Sorry, he's not available at the moment.

Ah, relax.

It's okay, Fleur.

How can I help you, detectives?

What can you tell me about kombucha and the goddess of the star-lit sky?



The truth will set us free, babe.

The truth means I will lose the best vegan chef in the country.

Would someone mind please explaining what is going on?

I think there's a possibility Mr. Silvercloud and Ms. Masson were, uh, burning calories together the night Joy died.

It's not about the calories.

Yeah, I was trying to be discreet.

Yes, we were together, and no, I didn't tell you because as it turns out, Simon's relationship with my head chef...

it isn't quite as open as he initially led me to believe, and I didn't want her finding out.

The booze, the dr*gs, no problem.


Communication issue.


Good to know.

But we're actually here to see if you keep records for the remedies that you dispense.

Oh, sure.

You mean for Joy?


Let me see.

Uh, magnesium and melatonin, for sleep support.

That's it.

No St.

John's Wort?

We dispense that sparingly at the moment.

I bring it in from France.

It costs a fortune.

No generic brands from China here.

You don't always know what you're getting with them.


- While we're here, can you tell us who had a lomi lomi massage the evening that Joy died?

And who was doing a myofascial release class?

Good for skeletal mobility, lymphatic circulation.

Mind, body, soul.

I'm getting the hang of it.

So both Danni and Kitty were telling the truth about their treatments.

Although there was no CCTV at the meditation circle.

Which means either of them could have been at the spa when Joy died.

And the retreat's on a sewerage system, so if the ring was flushed, it's gone-burger.

My locker key!

My brush!

That's my robe.

- Oh.


You've got to help me.

I think something's happened to my sisters.

What have you numbskulls been telling them?

It's okay.

I did it, April.

No, I did it!

- Kitty, don't.

All these years obsessing about a stupid ring, and now look what I've done.

You can't believe a word that they say, because I'm to blame.

For everything.

I locked Joy in the steam room.

I'm the eldest, but she was the perfect one.

She always could get my goat.

But I never meant to hurt her.

You must believe me about that.

How could you do this to me?!

How could you do this to me, you bloody idiot?


Don't let her talk to you like that!

Oh, you mind your own business.

April, please don't be angry with me!

There's just so much noise!

Just dial it down.

Now look what you've done, you pompous, rich bitch.

Oh, God!

- Oh, you're a vicious.

Oh, you're a vicious cow!

There's plenty more where that came from!

I was so angry.

Danni was regressing right in front of our very eyes, and...

I know now that it was my fault, but then I blamed Joy.

I've spent years blaming Joy.

So later that night, when I saw her sneaking into the spa, I followed her.

I really wanted to give it to her once and for all.

Leave me alone.

- I want the ring.

I mean it, April.

- So do I.

A sweat hog like you, you wouldn't even last in here for seconds.

Why do you always have to resort to insults?

You taught me everything I know about that.

I didn't teach you to steal from our dying mother.

Evil witch!

- Aah!

You spoilt bitch!


You stay away from me.

You just got your wish.


Open the door, please.


Oh, my!



Joy, Joy, wake up!

You propped her up in the middle of the bench?

The middle, the end, I don't know.

I was in shock.

So what did you do with the wedge?

The wedge?

The one you used to jam the door shut.

I can't remember.

Did you hear the bit where I k*lled my sister?

What about the ring?

I wish it had never existed.

That doesn't answer what you did with it.

I didn't do anything with it.

I don't think Joy ever even wore the damn thing.

So, where is it now?

I have no idea.

And for the first time in years, I don't care.

Because of that ring, I've ruined everything for everyone.

So, we do have three confessions.

Which means two of them are lying.

But it could have been a collective effort.

There are holes in all their stories.

Any one of them could have been in the steam room at the time of Joy's death.

And still no ring.

I think I might have an idea about that.

Well, let's not forget the St.

John's Wort factor.

Indeed, and I might have an idea about that.


I feel like I need an idea.

Yeah, while you're working on that, I need you to organize a warrant.

Ah, your girlfriend.

Turmeric chai latte.

And stop telling people I'm your girlfriend.

Told you she likes to keep it under the radar.

Hey, Frodo?

Three nights ago, did you deliver a pizza to April Greenway at the Brokenwood Health retreat?

Every night, I deliver a pizza to April Greenway at Brokenwood Health Retreat.

Man, that lady can eat.

Do you happen to know what time?

Same every night.

Deliver at : , wait minutes for the box, then skedaddle.

But you said that was cool, right?

Yeah, that's cool.

Thanks, Frodo.

Ah, one more thing.

The man we were talking about yesterday, Gren McNair, Joy's husband.

The cup crusher?

I don't suppose you've remembered anything else about him?

Um, actually, yes.

Flat white, triple shot, two sugars.

Not quite what I had in mind.

I just wondered whether you'd seen him again.

Oh, no.

Thanks, Frodo.

But yeah.


- Yeah.

I saw him again.

Later that night, he was sneaking around the retreat when I was...

sneaking around the retreat.

I'm thinking it was potentially a make-up situation, if you...

you know what I mean.

What time was this?

April pizza time.

I was early, so maybe : -ish.

Thanks, Frodo.

Hey, how are you getting on with that search warrant?

This is a bloody outrage!

On it, boss.

Like I said, loser pays, so Gren was buying in rounds all night.

Until he passed out on the couch.

The big Jessie.

And when did you see him next?

We all got a taxi home.

So you woke him up?

Did we?

I suppose we did.

All I know is that he was there at the beginning, conked out in the middle, and there again at the end.


You've been a great help.

Anything for a golf buddy.


Oh, hello.


Detective Kristin Sims.

Of course, I remember you.

I went looking for you at the retreat.

Yeah, come in.

Sue's making a coffee.

She hasn't stopped drinking it since we got home.

And you're sure about that?


It's retreat policy.

You can't stay here unless you agree to it.

Thanks, Maddy.

- No worries.

Alright, ladies, come back into a child's pose, nice and gentle.

I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, but you're going to be hearing from my lawyer.

Yeah, you, uh, might want to get on to that.


I was right?


Gina, hi.

Could you do me a favor, please?

It will be my pleasure.

What the hell is that?

Oh, I think you know what that is.

We found that in your garage.

What did Gina say?

That she thought she was dropping everything for you, not me.

But she tested it anyway.



John's Wort.

Bought from what our investigations reveal to be a pharmaceutical company in Chengdu.

More than times the recommended dose.

For someone with Joy's damaged heart, on top of the medications she was already taking, extremely dangerous.

You lamented your business dealings in Chengdu, and we've since been able to confirm that it was you who purchased these supplements there.

That's a lie!

We've, uh, had this translated.

Your name is all over the invoice.

How did you know she was even taking it?

I mean, did you find any in her room?

Uh, we didn't.

But there's a good reason for that.

Once you realized you had the opportunity to play happy families with your rich wife again, you knew there was something you had to do.

You're going to lock me up and throw away the key because Joy didn't have this whatever-it-is in her room?!

Oh, but she did.

It's policy at the retreat to check all guests for contraband.



Ah, cool, that can stay.


You are clean as a whistle.

And Joy, being on the safe side, declared a bottle of this.

Which, when we searched her room the day after she died, was no longer there.

She must have thrown it away.

Unfortunately for you, the rubbish bins are checked on a daily basis for signs of banned substances.

Then she hid it.

Why would someone hide a supposedly harmless health supplement?

I loved her.

I really did!

I just needed one more chance.

And when she didn't give it to you, you poisoned her.

But I changed my mind!

When you realized you could get access to her money again.

I didn't lock her in the steam room!

Yeah, but you did deliberately mess with her heart medication!

I'm sorry.

I really am.

You have to believe me.

Oh, don't tell me he just confessed?

Joy's death is more complicated than we thought.

Well, how is that even possible?

He was feeding her the St.

John's Wort.

Oh, so attempted m*rder?


So, where does this leave us with the sisters?

Approximately the same place.

Well, at least I've solved the ring issue.

No, I have solved the ring issue.

Can we get a bell on the door?

Further tests beneath her nails reveal not only fragments of the door on which Joy was scratching, but skin.

Joy's own skin.

Nobody else removed the ring.

She took it off herself.

- She took it off herself.

But the robe hanging outside the steam room was checked, the pockets were empty.

Yeah, but the robes are all identical, right?

So when I saw two guests at the retreat realizing they were wearing the wrong ones...


Yeah, I found it in my pocket yesterday.

Ella was very upset.

I'd been wearing Joy's robe all that time, and she was, you know...


The whole retreat thing wasn't really the zen experience we were hoping for, was it, doll?

We took the ring to Fleur straight away.

So Fleur has the ring?

Well, she did.

Joy, I can't accept this.

No, please.

It's nothing, really.

It's just a token of my...

deep and abiding love.


You're always telling us that love is all that matters.

And then, she didn't.

I said give it back!

You know what?

You can have it!

That stupid ring.

And you didn't think to tell us?

Yeah, I should have, but I accepted it from her in the first place, didn't I?

All I could think about back then was a rescue plan for the retreat.

But as soon as I told you I didn't know about any damn ring, it came back to me.

Thank you, ladies.

I would appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone.

You know this whole thing has been very unnerving?

Oh, I totally understand.

How about an extra night, free of charge?

Thanks, but we're leaving.

First stop, the Snake and Tiger for a margarita!


So do you have it now?


I gave it to Simon.

Oh, let me guess.

He fenced it.



Don't read anything literary into this, but he wanted to make sure it didn't cause anymore trouble.

It didn't bring Joy any happiness.

And it won't do anything for her sisters either.

Trust me, it's not worth anything.

And I mean anything.

Just like Frodo!

The other Frodo.

Into the crack of doom.

Ne eto snova.

So the ring is gone?

Into a fiery pit.

You must stop this.


What she said.


Don't listen to them.

It truly was me.


- I deserve it.

Deserve what?

- Punishment.

I've been a nightmare.

A self-centered bitch.

Letting the booze own my soul.

You are not that person anymore.

You've got that beaten.

Perhaps not entirely.

Please sit down, Danni.

This is a complicated situation, but if there's one person who can't take the blame, it's you.

I told you, it's my fault.

All of it.

That's not strictly true either.

Your desire for your sister's ring unfortunately combined with your brother-in-law's desire for her fortune.


What does he have to do with this?

He was meddling with Joy's heart medication.

It may have contributed to her death.

When April locked her in the steam room.

And Kitty covered it up.

April was the only one who knew Joy wasn't wearing the ring in the steam room, which proves she was the only one with her...

When she was still alive.

It's true.

I locked her in.

I went back to my room and binged down a large three-meat pizza.

But I went back to get her out!

I thought she'd already gotten out.


I had no idea she was dead and that I'd k*lled her.

And then the pizza, on top of all the mountains of kale that they feed us, I...

I had to go.

Danni, I thought it was you.


- Yes!

I saw you when I was on the way to my myofascial release class.

On your way to, not from?


She'd told me she was going to the meditation class after her massage, but it's up the hill by the sun salutation deck.

So after my class, when I couldn't find her...



I went looking.

Oh, my...

And you thought I could do that to our sister?

Well, you did confess to it.

I thought it was you.

I saw you.

I was there.

Saw me what?

Outside the spa, with the wedge.

So Danni covered for Kitty, who thought she was covering for Danni, while April didn't know who she was covering for.

I'd do anything for these two.

As would they for you.

But, Danni, we talked about it that night.

You confessed.

I did?

Later on when I finally found you.



I know about the spa.

I'm so...

I'm so sorry, Kitty.

Please don't hate me.

Please just don't tell April, okay?


I won't do anything like that again.

I promise.

I know what I was talking about with the spa.

But what were you talking about?

I think I can help answer that.

I don't think we need CCTV to know that you didn't go to the meditation circle after your massage.

The litter seemed out of character at Fleur Masson's usual neat and tidy grounds.

So the next day I went back to have a closer look.

The water bottles in your room, filled with vodka?

I fight it, I really do.

Oh, sweetheart.

I was on my way back from there when you threw the wedge out the window.

And thinking it was Kitty, you knew enough after overhearing Sue and Ella the next day...

She was sitting, propped up in the right hand corner. pretend it was you I just wanted to do something for you, the way you've done so much for me.

We love you no matter what.

Well, we should've loved Joy no matter what, too.

I know.

You know, Mum gave her that ring 'cause she knew that we had each other.

She wanted Joy to have something special, too.

I'm sorry.

I am so, so sorry.

♪ He used to play his harmonica for me ♪ ♪ When I was just a kid ♪ ♪ And I still remember all those fun things we did ♪ ♪ Watching the model boats down by the lake ♪ ♪ Eating sweets, flying kites, yeah, we were good mates ♪ I call this the Breen Survival Pack.

A Hawaiian shirt?


A cap, very cool. And... binoculars?

Yeah, well, you can never trust scuba instructors.

I mean, you're going to want to keep an eye on Roxy.


That's not creepy.

Is she coming or not?

Yeah, she'll be here just after karate.

For you to read aloud to her.

The greatest love story of all time. "Anna Karenina." Very romantic.

About a woman who throws herself under a train.

Gina, I don't know what to say.

And you should have this.

Oh, Frankie the Ferret.

You shouldn't have.

Well, he's always wanted to travel.

And, uh, there's this.


A Walkman?

That's actually great, 'cause I have a lot of cassettes.

Allow me.

"Mike's Top Country Essentials." Get you through anything.

Thanks, Boss.

Oh, that'll be Roxy.

Um, DSS Shepherd?

Ah, Breen.

I'm Chalmers.

DC Chalmers.

Your, uh, replacement.


Of course.

Sorry to interrupt.

- No.


No, not at all.

Come and meet everyone.

Come on.

Everyone, this is DC Chalmers.

DSS Mike Shepherd.

Detective Kristin Sims.


- Hey.

Oh, sorry, um, I have to go.

Oh, what about the cake?

Uh, yeah, Roxy's clocked herself with a nunchuck.


Is she all right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure she's fine.

She's you know bruised, but ultimately invincible, so.

Um, well, bye.


Take care, Breen.

♪ And when push come to shove ♪ See ya, Breen.

- See ya later, mate.


Got any tips for the new guy?

Oh, nah, I mean, not much happens around here, so...

That's it?

No, actually, there is one thing.

Whatever you do, don't let Kristin make the coffee.