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03x08 - The Price of Admission

Posted: 04/02/21 19:17
by bunniefuu
- Are you pregnant?

- I'm having an abortion.

I recommend that you have someone that you trust with you.

Previously on "A Million Little Things"...

I've moved on, and so has he.

Why does he still have this?

You stole our food?

No, no.

I delivered it.

So you should hire me.

Your mother must be wondering where you are.

She's been sick.

She just, uh...

She just sprained her ankle.

Your podcast that a thousand people have listened to.

I never pressed stop when we were talking, and I must have uploaded the entire thing.


What do we got?


♪♪ Why are there aspirin in your oxycodone, Eddie?

I took them.

I want her out of here.

- Thank you.

- I hope it was worth it.

It's not physically impossible, Albert.

- It's only sandwiches.

- It's still a lot.

Well, we're making them, not eating them.

And they're all going to kids in need.

Alright, alright, guilt trip me, why don't you?

Are you sure you're up for all of that?

You sound like an old man today

with all that talk about your aching back.

Oh, my back will be fine.

You are not getting my job just yet.

I'm also gonna take a half a Vicodin.

I could've sworn they were here.

SHANICE: I'd love to hear more about how you navigate Rome's depression.

A few weeks before I found the note, I saw a pill on the floor.

And I just threw it away.

I didn't think anything of it.

But that pill was a clue.

I-I gotta call you back.




You lit candles and everything.

Despite what you might be thinking, this massage is strictly for your back, okay?

Now, how you choose to show your appreciation to me later, that's... that's up to you.


- Come on.

Sit down.

Let me show you what I picked up watching this dude in the mall.



Heavy is the head that wears the crown, huh?

And that crown is putting a lot of pressure on your S L .

Might have learned a few things.

You were in that LensCrafters for, like, ever.

You know, I have been so caught up at the restaurant, I haven't asked how you're doing, I mean, with your movie being shut down.

We haven't really talked about it since the table read.

Would've been filming at the Garden today.

-year-old me would've lost his mind.

And how is adult you feeling?

I can imagine, some days, it must be hard for you to get out of bed.

W-What are you asking me?

Babe, uh...

The Vicodin from my wrist surgery is missing.

I keep thinking about the pill I found on the floor...

How I didn't say anything, how I almost lost you.

So I need to know...

Do you have them?


I promise you.


I'm okay.



I'm not in that place anymore.


But if you didn't take them, who did?


♪♪ Did you sleep okay?


No nightmares.

Lucky you.

I had that recurring dream where I get into a skirmish with Clifford the Big Red Dog.


Thank you for being so great last night when I told you about...

the Iraq stuff.

Well, thank you for trusting me.

Since we're sharing all our secrets now, I should tell you what happened with me and Clifford in that flat-bed truck.

Let's just say we went through a whole lot of peanut butter.

- Ew!


I'm gonna call Dr.

Hughes and make an appointment for today.

I think I'm ready to tell her everything I told you.

That's great, Darce.

Should I see if I can get us a two-for-one deal?

I don't want you to have to give up peanut butter.


I'm coming for you.

Soon as I brush my teeth.

DARCY: Deal.





Hey, it's Maggie.

Uh, listen, I was having a conversation yesterday

with Jamie that accidentally got mixed up with my podcast.

Look, I swear, I-I didn't know I was recording

and I maybe might have shared some stuff

that I shouldn't have about you and me

and the night we broke up...

uh, stuff that might bother you if it was out there.

Anyway, uh, call me.

You gotta be kidding me.





Did you sweat all your guilt away?

The mask got most of it.

- Has he called you back?



Which means he either hasn't heard my voicemail or he's plotting an elaborate revenge podcast.

Well, Gary might hate you, but the Internet loves you.

Look, check it out.

"Maggie Bloom truly gets it...

You haven't lived until you've lost." Somebody said that?

That they did, as did a ton of other people.

Look, look.

Yeah, but, I mean, it's just a bunch of randos on the Internet.

Who cares?



Look at that one.

"The best part of quarantine is Maggie Bloom's podcast." Aww, thanks!

I love you, too, rando.

Well, whilst we're doing a victory lap, there's also a whole chain on the mysterious Brit who ruined you for all other men.

- Your words, not mine.

- Doesn't make them less true.

"HerGirlFriday" certainly has a lot of opinions on it.

"These two are headed for disaster.

The friends-with-benefits thing never works out." I mean, what does she know?

Yeah, right?

I mean, we're still friends, even if our benefits ran out.

Who said our benefits ran out?

Well, I-I-I just thought, after what happened, maybe you weren't ready.

I didn't want to assume.



Thank you.

I guess I have been a little nervous about being...

intimate again.

But I don't want to let that fear rule my life.


That would not be very British Maggie, would it?


What about American Jamie?

How's he feeling about it?

Are you worried that it might happen again?

No, no.

It's not like lightning's gonna strike twice, right?

Right, and it's not like we would be going out in a thunderstorm without a raincoat.

Yeah, I might even wear two next time.


I'm glad we're talking about this.

Yeah, me too.

Um, we could also... not talk.

Yeah, well, we could not talk for hours.


Well, I don't know about for hours, but...

the better part of minutes.


We are such good friends.

God, we are, aren't we?


How about this?

Is this better?

It's covering my nose.

KATHERINE: Hey, T, class starts in two.

I'm already logged on!

What are you doing?

Y-You don't have to wear that inside.

Conner Evans keeps saying if I don't, I'm gonna get everyone in class sick.

Conner Evans is wrong.

I don't know.

He seemed pretty sure.

Take it off, T.

You're not gonna get anyone sick.

Oh, Ms.

Martin's on.

I'll see you at dinner.

Alright, okay.

What's all this?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has issued a stay-at-home order, Daniel.

So the Commonwealth of Gary has come up with a plan.

Now, if you have any interest in living, I suggest you hush up and listen up.

- Can you just text it to me?

- No, I cannot.

Now, if we practice social distancing, mask up with everyone in the outside world, and keep our gatherings to six people or fewer, we should be able to maintain a safe bubble within our friend group.

That's just Phase One.

Phase Two...

Dr. Fauci and I become close personal friends.

You gotta love a health expert that sounds like he has a permanently sore throat.

How long do we have to do this?

Well, Tony says a couple weeks, you know, just until we flatten the curve.

I mean, how long do we have to do this presentation?

- I'm hungry.

- Hey, hey!

I'm the only thing that stands between you and foster care.




Why are you laughing?

You're the one that got b*rned.

No, it's just that, uh...


you did the thing.

- What thing?

- The sniff you do after you tell a joke.

- I don't do that.

- You totally do.

I really never noticed it before, until Maggie talked about it on her podcast.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You heard the podcast?


I tried to download it.

It wasn't there.


Oh, yeah.

Looks like she took it down.

Honestly, I'm not surprised, with everything she said.

Well, what'd she say?

Tell me...


Tell me everything.


She talked about the sniff thing.


And then she...

She talked about some other stuff, you know, like how maybe you were not really over her.

I'm not over her?

She said that?

It's hard to remember.

You know, with her, it just...




Where you going?

- My place.

Colin's out of dog food.

- No, he's not.

I just saw a whole other bag in the pantry.

And I saw some stuff in your search history.

You want to spend some time talking about stuff we stumbled on?


Drive safely.


Doesn't Conner know you can't get somebody sick over the Internet?

Of course he knows, Eddie.

He said it 'cause Theo's Asian.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

He probably heard it at home.

I am calling the school.


All that'll do is single Theo out.

I mean, it might actually make him more of a target.

- So, what do we do?

- I don't know.

I mean, his whole life, we've been trying to protect him from what's going on in the world, and now it's coming right into his bedroom.


You know what?

Take it.

I gotta go.

Alan's bringing his laptop to my office for my deposition.

My camera's broken.

Okay, don't worry about it.

I'm gonna be here all day.

We'll think of something.

We'll talk to him tonight.

- Okay.



Hey, Rome.

How's it going?

Ah, I saw those pics Katherine posted on Instagram.

Theo with the fringe on top.

Kid's a star, man.

Yeah, thanks again for that, bud.

Oh, don't thank me.

Thank the studio, man

Before they pulled the plug, they paid my costume designer like grand.

That fringe cost more than my first car.

Anyway, so, how you feeling?

Katherine told Regina that when you came by to pick up Theo's costume, you borrowed some Arnica for your back.

Uh... yeah, you know, I don't really buy into that homeopathic hippie stuff, but it's been a real lifesaver.

I'm glad to hear it.

Hey, listen, when you were over here, did you happen to see Gina's Vicodin?

- Um, no.

- It's weird.

It was, like, right next to the Arnica, and now it's gone.

And you think I took it?

Did you?


Dude, this is ridiculous.

I'm sitting here in a wheelchair, rubbing frickin' Arnica on my back, and my best friend is accusing me of stealing his wife's pills?

I don't even take pills, Rome.

You know why?

'Cause I'm an alcoholic.

Which you should know 'cause you helped me get sober.

What was that?

Oh, yeah, years ago.

Ed, calm down.

Anything else you want to accuse me of?

Is your Boston Globe missing?

You wanna pin that one on me, too?

Look, man, I-I'm sorry if I was out of line.

Yeah, you were.

I was just looking out for you.

I-I apologize.

Are we good?

You tell me.

We're good.

- Let me hit you back later.

- Yeah.


- How'd that go?

- Not good.

Eddie took your pills.

I haven't heard Eddie that angry since the last time we did an intervention.

Totally blew up in our faces.

Should we tell Katherine?


You know what?

Let me talk to Gary first, figure out the best way to play this.

Are you gonna be okay at the restaurant if...

Oh, it's Eddie.

Just go make sure he's okay.

No, I'll ask Tyrell to come by.

He always wants to help.

You're good with Tyrell, right?

What do you mean?

Well, he said that his mother was laid off, and then he said she was an EMT, and I'm like, "Who lays off an EMT in the middle of a pandemic?" You think he's hiding something?

The other night when I offered him a ride home, he said he'd rather walk, as if he didn't want me to see his place.

Well, to be fair, it took me three or four dates before I was willing to show you my place.



I love you.

I love you.


- Hey.

- Oh, hey.

Oh, left my mask in the car.

- I'll be right back.

- No, wait.

Been to any frat parties lately?

You're the only human contact I've had in the last two weeks.

I'm okay with it if you are.

- Sure.



Okay, let's get started here.

Thanks again for this.

All I have to do is remove the password, save you the trouble of having to type in "SonofJorEl " every time.

Son of Jor-El?

I think we just figured out why you haven't had any human contact.



Oh, my gosh.

Is that little Alan?

With my baby brother.

Was it picture day?


I used to dress like I had my own accounting firm.


- You remind me of Theo.

- How is the little guy?

Ah, something happened with him this morning.

One of the kids in his class told him that he should be wearing a mask.

But isn't he going to school remotely?



I'm sorry.

I'm sure you have other things to do today.

You have me on retainer, remember?

I told Tyrell he could hang out at the bar.

Oh, sure.


I didn't think I'd see you until after school.


The Internet's out at home, so I thought I'd finish classes here, - if that's okay with you.

- Of course.

You know, I was thinking I would bring you and your mom dinner tonight.

I'd love to finally meet her.

And I'm sure she'd like to know who you've been spending so much time with.

Uh, that'd be cool, but I don't think she'll be home by then.


I thought Rome said she sprained her ankle.

Yeah, she did, but she's all good now.

I can just take it when I leave.

And I won't even charge you a delivery fee.

How about that?


It's no problem.


I'll bring it by.

Just text me your address.

Is something wrong?


Just sent it.


- Study.

- You got it.

Hey, friend!

Do you want some cereal?

MAGGIE: Uh, I'll just...

And don't do that thing where you'll say you'll just have some of mine.

I want all of mine.



Uh, hello.

Can I help you?

Ah, you came all the way from jolly old England to be my doorman.

How thoughtful.

I think we b*rned more calories in there than I did on my run.






Sorry, mate.

I didn't recognize you with the...


the mask.

Anyway, welcome...

to your home.

I've been trying to call you.

Did you get my message?

Did I ever.


Right, I'm gonna leave you guys to it, give you guys a little bit of, uh, privacy.


Got my cereal.


Just forgot a spoon.


Wrong drawer.

Did you say on your podcast that, uh, I'm not over you?

- Well...

- Uh, actually, that was me.

An interesting conclusion from a guy I literally just met.

Do you know what?

Don't need a spoon.

It's just cereal.

I am so sorry.

I feel terrible.

And I took it down.

But just let me, uh, tell you what happened.

So, Jamie found the ring...

You know, the one that you almost proposed..

- I'm familiar.

- And so we were just talking about how beautiful it was and how or why you might still have it.

And you said this on the podcast?

That I immediately took down and I-I didn't know that I was recording and then I didn't realize that I had uploaded it, which, if you think about it, is actually kinda funny.

Unless you really think about it, in which case, it's not funny at all.

You realize Darcy's gonna think I'm holding on to it because I'm somehow holding on to us?

Which I'm not.

I'm over you.

I am so over you.

The more I say it, the more it sounds like I'm not, but for the record, I am.

So if you're done sabotaging my relationship, I'm just gonna go.


JAMIE: Nice to meet you!


He seems like a keeper.


Oh, God, I should've used a spoon.

This is Darcy.

Leave a message.

Uh, hey, Darce.

You're probably with Dr.


That's fine.

There's no emergency here.

Just, uh...

Just wanted to bring you up to speed on all things Gary.


Sorry, man.

I saw your texts.

I was just about to call you back.

Bro, when you brought Eddie to pick up Theo's costume, was he acting weird?

It's Eddie, so I need you to be a little more specific.

Gina's Vicodin is missing from our bathroom.

Oh, my God.

That's why he pushed...

Oh, God!



You knew about this?

I should've.

When we were over there, he pushed me out of the bathroom.

He made a big deal out of

putting the stupid Arnica on by himself.

I was gone for two minutes!

Damn it!

Did you ask him about it?

Yes, and he denied the whole thing.

Just like last time.


We gotta go talk to him.

I'm on my way.

Hey, Dad.

I'm finished with school.

Want to come watch me sh**t a round?

Yeah, bud.

Why don't you go warm up, and I'll meet you out there in a minute?



When I think back to when I was Theo's age, the number of Kung Fu Jackie Chan jokes I heard...

My own classmates mimicking my parents' accents behind their backs.

I may not have known exactly what it was then, but it still hurt.

Did you ever talk to your parents about any of this stuff?


They risked so much moving their lives here so I could have a good education, just for me to come along and, what, complain about a couple jokes?

I couldn't bother them with that.

Those weren't real problems.

I can still hear my dad's words...

"Don't cause trouble.

Just fit in." "Don't cause trouble, work hard, be successful." You know, model minority.


You know, my... my dad owned a doughnut shop, and one morning he came in, and he found a slur written on the window.

Did he call the police?

No, he just got a...

A bucket and some water, and he washed it off.

He just felt like he had to take it, you know, like somehow it was the price of admission for coming to this country.

And it hasn't gotten any easier.

It's one of the reasons why I do my pro Bono work in Immigration Law.

I know our parents did their best, but I have to do better.

I don't want Theo to have to pay the same price.

Well, then maybe it's doing what our parents never did.

Talk to him about it.

Oh, geez.


Get out of my yard!

I don't want that China virus around here.

Theo, go inside.

- Why?

- Go inside now.





Get away from my car!

What are you doing?!

Teaching you some manners!


Dad, stop!


Theo, wait!

Look, dude, I know Ed was gaslighting you pretty bad this morning, and I understand that you're probably pissed off, but when we get there, try not to k*ll him, okay?

Not right away.

Ease into it.

Find a rhythm.

We have to remember this is a disease.

Just like your alopecia.

I get nothing for that?

Where'd you go?

I'm sorry, man.

This morning, Gina thought I took her pills.



She doesn't...

She doesn't trust me anymore.

Here we are, over a year later, and she still sees me as the guy who tried to k*ll himself.

Come on.

That's not true.

You're, like, one of the strongest guys I know.

And I met Mr.

T at a Celtics game once.

If all of this can happen to you, it can happen to anybody.

I mean, hell, we almost lost you and Jon on the same day.

Regina should be checking in.

That's her version of "I love you."

- Cheers, ladies.

- Oh, cheers!

- WOMAN: She is just gonna love it!

- Oh, my gosh.

I'm predicting it right now...

Sheryl is gonna hate what Andrea has done to her new living room, and this year's block party is gonna be super awkward.

bucks says tears.

You in?

You still thinking about Gary?


I feel awful.

Ever since I got back, I just keep messing up everything between him and Darcy.

Well, you do have a habit of showing up and ruining people's relationships.



You know, I started this podcast to help people.

And now I can't help but feel like I'm doing more harm than good.

Yeah, sort of like Sheryl's neighbor.



Can we talk?



T, come down here, please.

I'm sorry, T.

Can we talk about it?



Katie, I promise you...

I won't ever drink again.


I don't believe you.







I just want to say I'm really sorry about what happened.

I-I-I know we crossed a line.

No, it's my fault.

I totally overreacted when I found out that you were the one who recommended Dr.


I haven't told too many people what's going on with me, so I felt...

I guess I was ashamed.

But I really appreciate the recommendation.

Of course.


Hughes wants me to try this alternative program for female veterans who suffer from PTSD.

It's some kind of holistic retreat, but the way that she described it, I felt like I was being prescribed a weekend at Burning Man.


Have you heard of anything like that?

Great things, actually.

Instead of retrofitting therapies that were developed for men, these programs are designed around women like you, uh, who lead very active lives.

I just...

I need to know that it'll make things better, not worse.

I know some of the vets I work with, they go down this road, and it gets dark.

I have to think about my son.

Well, I don't know you that well, but from what I've heard, you're a great mom.

And I know this is scary, but it sounds like you can't keep doing what you've been doing.

If this makes any difference, I will be here for you in any way I can, um, if you want me to be.

I guess this is why everybody says you're amazing at this stuff.

I'm glad I could finally help.


I'm sorry.

I just have to say something.

Uh, if you're gonna be angry at anyone about that podcast, it should be me.


What's he talking about?




DISPATCHER: A- , code , North Avenue, .


Do you live here?

, please advise after you've left the residence.

No, uh...

I was, uh, just delivering food.

The son ordered food, so he's still living here.

We must've just missed him.

So I take it none of y'all are gonna pay for this?

- Sorry.

- Mm.



- Eddie.

- What's going on, man?

I'm sorry.

I stole Gina's pills.

I screwed everything up.

I need help.



I'll tell you anything you want to know.

Let's start with how long it's been going on.

I started taking pills two months ago.

Two months?!


I felt like being in this chair was somehow karma for Alex dying.

Then I found out I had nothing to do with that.

I couldn't take it, so I took a pill just to get me through that night.


And then I took another one to get me through the next day.

It's not just the emotional pain, it is physical pain, too.

I thought I had it under control.

I thought I could handle it, but clearly I can't.


And the worst part about it is, I don't think Theo's ever gonna look at me the same way again.

He won't come out of his room.

And that's why you were trying to free solo your way upstairs?

I can't even reach him to apologize.

He probably hates me.

I'll go talk to him.


I was just trying to be the husband and the father that I was before any of this happened...



- What the hell are you doing?

- What the hell are you doing?

You've been taking pills for two months, and I'm just now hearing about it?

The night we buried Jon, we agreed that we would talk.

We agreed that we would tell each other everything, even the hard stuff, and I'm only hearing about this

- because you stole Gina's Vicodin?!


It's not like you couldn't get me on the phone, Ed.

I was feet away.

All you had to do was say something, anything.

Instead you lied.

I couldn't tell you.

I couldn't tell anyone because doing that would mean losing everything.



Hey, little man.

What are you doing here?

I heard your dad Hulked out on the car next door.


Neighbor said something bad, and...

he just got so angry.

I've never seen him like that.

Can I tell you a story?

When I was about your age, there was a kid in my class...

Adam Reynolds.

White kid.

He'd always pick on me.

One day, Adam wanted to start a fight, so he socked me right in the jaw.

So I defend myself.

One thing led to another, and we end up in the principal's office.

And, well, the principal...

He called the police before he called our parents.

So by the time my dad got down to the school, I was in handcuffs, Adam wasn't.

I'd never seen my dad so mad.

He just started shouting at the cops, man.

He was like, "You take those cuffs off of my son!

He's years old, and you're trying to give him a criminal record!" Just kept shouting.

Cop didn't like that.

Next thing you know, they take the cuffs off me.

They put them on my dad.

My mom had to go and bail him out.

Seeing my dad that angry was scary.

And I never understood why he reacted that way until I got older and asked him about it.

And that's when he told me...

"The system treats people who look like us differently.

And once you're in the system, it's really hard to get out.

So I did what I had to do to keep you out, son." What I'm trying to say is, my dad did that to protect me from something that I didn't understand yet.

Sometimes our parents...

They do things that we don't understand...

because they love us.

So when you're ready, you should talk to your dad.

Tell him how you feel.


- Okay.

- Good.

'Cause somebody’s got to tell that brother to stop getting into fights with cars.





Hi, Umma, it's me.


- Nothing's wrong.

I was just leaving work, and I was thinking about making mandu with Theo tonight.



No, no,

I mean I want to teach him how to make it.

I know you don't really believe in recipes, but if you were to write it down, how would you?


I just don't even know what I'm gonna do.

For starters, we're gonna get you back into rehab.

And then we'll take it one day at a time.


Hey, how is he?

You raised a smart kid.


He's gonna be okay.

Especially since I greenlit an extra hour of screen time.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

Not as sorry as you're gonna be that you lied to Katherine.


She's gonna be home any minute.

You want us here when you tell her?


I need to do this on my own.

On the plus side, she can't hurt you too bad.

You're already in a wheelchair.


This guy.





Tyrell, where have you been?

I was at home, waiting for you, but when those agents came to the door, I went out the fire escape.

Why is Child Services looking for you?

Where's your mom?

Listen, I wasn't trying to lie to you guys.

My mom really is an EMT, but she wasn't born here.

A couple weeks ago, I came home from school, and she was gone.

They took her.

Who took her?


Oh, my God.

You got a nice place.

Mm, we do.

For now.

I'm gonna get you some fresh towels and sheets.



Rome and I were supposed to adopt a baby.

It just, uh...

It just didn't work out.

So, tonight, the room is all yours.

The sofa pulls out, and the, uh, bathroom's down the hall.



Hey, babe.

How'd it go with Eddie?

Well, he's gonna get help.

And he's telling Katherine as soon as she gets home.

Oh, good.

It's good they're gonna talk.

You know what, Gina?

Last night, when you asked me if I took your pills...

it made me feel like you don't believe I'm okay.

And I...

I didn't like that.

- Rome, I...

- No, no, l-let me finish.

I understand why you did it, and I want you to keep doing it.

I love you so much.

S'up, Rome?

- I don't know.


What is up?

I read once that there are people in the world who you're meant to meet, people who will come into your life in some way and change you forever.

Yesterday, I accidentally uploaded a podcast where I said some pretty private things about one of those people.

And I owe him an apology.

I'm not gonna make the same mistake and talk about him all over again.

What I will say is...

I'm really glad that person came into my life.

If it weren't for him, I'm not sure I would have been around long enough to meet the other nine.

That's beautiful, Margaret.



I'm still recording.

Yeah, the thing is, you're not.


Get it together, woman.

Do you remember anything I just said?

Yeah, something about me and nine other people.



Hey, I got your message.

I'm ready for my update on all things Gary.

But if it's photos of you without a beard, I don't want to see them.

There's something I never told you about Maggie and me.

I bought her an engagement ring.

I was gonna give it to her if her cancer ever got really bad.

Never did.

But she found it...

and that was the night we broke up.

But the truth is, I was ready to marry her.

I don't feel that way anymore.

I wanted you to hear it from me, because apparently Maggie talked about the fact that I still have the ring on her podcast, and now anyone with day-of downloads knows about it.

Well, as long as they don't find out what you did with Clifford and the peanut butter.


- Did you...

- Yeah, I heard the podcast.

And here's what you need to know...

I also have a wedding ring I don't know what to do with, so I put it in a safety deposit box.

And I have a kid who does not fit in a safety deposit box.

- No, he doesn't.

- No.

You have a past, and I have a past.

And when I told you what happened in mine last night, you were still here the next morning.

It made me realize it's time to start focusing on the future.

I like this plan.

Good, because this is part of it.

It's a retreat for women with combat trauma.


Hughes recommended it for me, and I want to go.

But it'll take me away for a little while, and things might get worse before they get better.

I'm so proud of you, Darce.

Your dad served in Vietnam, and you always say he never let it get in the way of him being a great father.

Now I need to make sure I'm there for Liam, and this is how I can do that.

Whatever it takes, we will get through this.

And I'm not going anywhere.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Well, what else did Maggie say about me on her podcast?

Oh, yeah.

She said sometimes you wreck the moment by talking about your ex-girlfriends.

I only wreck moments so that I can save moments.

- Mm.

- May I see you in the pantry?

What's in the pantry?

Shades of Gary.



But if he's supposed to be with someone from the state and he's with us, are we doing something illegal?

All I know is that I couldn't leave him.

Guys, it's okay.

I'll go.

Last thing I want to do is get you guys in trouble.

I'll figure something out.

- Hey.

- Tyrell, wait.

It's fine.

I heard what you said.

I don't want to be a burden.

You're not.

It's just...

It just took me a second to wrap my head around it.

But you need a place, and we have a place, so you're staying with us tonight.

Are you sure?

- ♪ When the secret comes out ♪

- We are.

♪ Oh, what will I do, what will I do then? ♪

♪ When the secret comes out ♪

- ♪ Oh, what will I do in the end? ♪


- _ - ♪ Will it be too late? ♪

♪ Will it be too late? ♪



How was your day?

- ♪ When the secret comes out ♪


What is it?

♪ When the secret comes out ♪

Dakota didn't steal my pills.

I've been taking them.

♪ Will it be too late? ♪


Now I...

I can't stop.