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Wild Mountain Thyme (2020)

Posted: 03/11/21 20:04
by bunniefuu

Welcome to Ireland.

My name's Tony Reilly.

I'm dead.

They say, if an Irishman dies while he's telling a story, you can rest assured, he'll be back.

Once upon a time in Ireland, there were two farms.

The Muldoon farm where Rosemary lives with her mother, Aoife, and her father, Chris, who was at w*r with the crows.

And right down the road, on the sweetest rise of land you ever saw, was my farm, where my wife Mary sang until she conquered the house.

♪ All the flowers Of the mountain...

♪ And where, upstairs, my son Anthony asked his lonely question of the stars.

Mother Nature, why did you make me so?

The real answer was just down the road maybe.

Little Rosemary Muldoon.


Besotted with love.


- Fiona!

- Look at your nose.

You look like a clown.

What's this?

Chrissy, Chrissy.

We have a problem.

- Anthony pushed Rosemary down.

- Hmph!

- Why?

- Because Rosemary went after Fiona.


What's the matter?

I have no purpose.

I'm just a girl.

The world is full of girls.

You are not just a girl.

You are a queen.

What kind of queen?

It was my mother's.

It's full of swans.

And you, Rosemary...

for better or for worse, you are the white swan.

What does it mean to be the white swan?

Well, it means no one can stop you.

The world is yours.

You can do anything.


Look at that weather coming.

It reminds me of the night we buried Chris Muldoon.

Muldoon didn't leave the Reillys much.

Two gates to open and a sky full of rain.

You should've left the gates open.

They're Muldoon gates and the Muldoons like them shut.

I can't believe you took a widow's ham.

Have you no shame?

- She offered!

- You asked!

Hurry up!

Hurry, is it?

Why don't you get the gate?

It's barely raining.

Get down, Flossie!

Look at you.

You can't even love a dog.

Would you look at this kitchen?

Your mother would die again if she saw the state of this house.

They'll think us tramps.

- How's my face?

- A fright.

- Where's my pipe?

- Upstairs and you're not getting it.

Look at me.

I look like a badger.

I'm freezing.

- Why'd you let the stove go out?

- Would you burn down the house?

You had to invite the Muldoons over?

The funeral wasn't enough for you?

Are you that selfish, Daddy?


Would you see the smoke.

I can't believe Chris Muldoon is dead.

Who's going to k*ll the crows?

It's true, Chris Muldoon did like to sh**t the crows.

He tore holes in the sky with that g*n.

Mam, wait.


What's funny?

You all right, Aoife?

All right, is it?

I'm in pieces.

Get the door afore the night comes in.

Aoife, come.

Sit by the heat.

Can't sit all the way down.

My legs lock.

- Were you having a laugh?

- We were.

- We were not.

- What about?

- Will you take a stout?

- In the bottle or the can?

- The bottle.

- No thanks.

The bottle tastes of glass.

Does glass have a taste then?

It does.

Glass tastes like teeth.

Oh, the taste of glass.

Sure, I know it.

- You know the taste of glass?

- I do.

You do not.

So no to the stout.

Well, I'm making some tea.

- You'll have one.

- What's that smoke?

The chimney's crusted shut.

Mine is worse.

I'm working for every breath.

Look at her.

She'll be dead in a year.

I don't mind.

Except to desert Rosemary - and leave her orphaned altogether.

- You look fine.

Oh, sure, the fruit still looks good when the worm starts its work.

And what about you?

When are you packing up?

I'll be dead by Christmas.

Just don't.

- Where's Rosemary?

- Outside.

In the rain?

She won't smoke in front of me and she's always smokin', so I never see her.

That's her.


She's out there, all right.

- She is.


- She'll catch pneumonia.

Nah, she's crazy.

The cracked ones never get sick.


Never noticed that.

That's because you never notice anything, Anthony.

You're famous across Ireland for what goes by you.


As if.

Tony, have you signed the farm over to Anthony?


Just like that you ask him?

I'm thinking tonight about arrangements.

- Right.

- Or, are you going to leave it to him?

Who else would he leave it to?

The others have all fled.

I haven't made up me mind.

- You haven't what?

- I would've thought Chris Muldoon would have you know, made out a plan.

He did.

What was his to leave, he left to me.

- As he should have done.

- It's only arrangements for Rosemary I'm thinking of now.

What do you mean you don't know if the farm comes to me?

I don't see a clear path.

From where to where?

- From me to you.

- Stop.

It has to be said.

Your face is not right.

You come up from some other people.

You're more Kelly than Reilly.

It's true, you're a Kelly in the face.

- In my face?

- He likes to fish.

That's the Kellys.

It's well known.

John Kelly thought he was a fish.

- My name is Reilly.

I'm a Reilly.

- No, you're a Kelly!

You take after John Kelly and that man was mad as the full moon.

Drowned himself!

- In the Royal Canal.

- He fell in.

- He had a rock tied to his neck.

- I'm not a Kelly!

You're not a farmer, that's what you're not.

Now, Tony.

You don't stand on the land and draw strength from it.

As I did.

Till Mammy d*ed.

You'd rather read your g*dd*mn magazines.

Easy now.

Don't criticize me, Daddy.

Some of us don't have joy, but we do what we must.

Is a man who does what he must but feels no pleasure less of a man than one who's happy?

That's it.

If only for want of better company, I'm getting Rosemary.

Anthony, Anthony.



What are you doing out here away from the house?


In the rain?

There's a bit of roof.

It's dark as tar.

I can see.

You're smoking a pipe now?

It's Da's.

That bull of yours is coughing like pertussis.

I dosed him for worms.

He's coughing them up.

Doesn't sound good.

Don't say it.

How long since you dosed him?

Three weeks.

His lungs should've cleared.

I don't know.

Should I call the vet?

The morning's soon enough to spend money.

Go in, you'll catch your death.


Have you heard from Fiona?


Not since our childhood days.

- Do you know where she is?

- She's in Wicklow.

With a husband and three daughters.

He thinks we're talking about him.

Well, men always think the subject's number one.

Are you seriously begrudging Anthony the farm?

I gave him his mother's ring three years since.

He's done nothing with it.

He's a bachelor to the bone.

- You're going the wrong way.

- This is my family's farm 121 years.

It won't stop with Anthony.

Things end when God says they do.



I can't believe my Chrissy's gone.



Oh, Aoife.

Half my house is gone.


What's Flossie about?

She's after the ham.

She can't get it.

It's in the fridge.

Would you have a piece?

If you want ham, have it!

Don't be offering me me own ham!

Listen, I'm so sorry about your da.

Thank you, Anthony.


When my mother d*ed, I couldn't see colors anymore.

Where do we go when we die?

The sky?

The ground.

Then what's the sky for?

It's for now.

The sky is for now.

You know, it was me that found him.

Mam came up.

Her face was white as snow, so I gave her water.

But didn't the glass have his teeth in it.

- No!

- She was wild.

She won't drink from a glass since.

I can testify to that.

- Says it tastes like teeth.

- Tastes like teeth.

Well, I'll get her.

She won't sit anywhere but her own chair, so...

we should go.


And you'd let me go, wouldn't ya?

- Well, you said you were going.

- Don't you know better than to listen to people?

Who is that?

It's Bad News Cleary.

Why do you call him that?

Because he only brings bad news.

Hello, Rosemary.

Sorry for your trouble.

Listen, that horse of yours has jumped the fence again.

Don't say it.


I thought you'd want to know.

Yeah, thank you, Cleary.

You should go inside to see her mother.

She's in there.

I will not!

Good night.

You see?

Bad News Cleary.

Do you have a halter?

- I do.

- You'd best give it here.

What about your mother?

Would you take her home?

I don't mind.

Thank you.

You're sure you don't want some ham?

Cut a piece for the dog.

No, it's too good for her.

It's too good for either of you.

Should we speak of it?


There was no point while Chris was alive.

Are you proposing?


Jesus, no.

Then get off your duff and say what you mean, you gobshite fraud.

That piece of land that blocks me from the road, sell it back to me.

You only have to open the gates.

Have you gotten out of my car in the rain and drowned yourself working those damn gates?

It rains on us all.

I'll give you a fair price.

Did your broach this with Chrissy?

I did.

No reply.

No reply is a reply.

I need to pass the farm down as it was given me.

So you're passing it down now?

I was always passing it down.

To Anthony.

Rosemary asked me to take you home.

Where is she?

Her horse got loose again.

That horse is Satan on four feet!

Think on what I said.

I won't.

Why not?

You don't need me concerning those gates.

- You need Rosemary.

- Why's that?

The frontage Chrissy bought from you, I do not own.

All the rest is mine, but not that.

He sold it?

He gave it to Rosemary.


What are you saying?

Chris Muldoon signed that strip of dirt between the gates over to Rosemary when she was not more than ten years of age.

He gave a ten-year-old girl my right of way?

She'd have it and I can tell you why.

It was the spot where Anthony pushed her down.


You pushed a little girl?

I did not.


When she was ten!

You did it!

And you're banished from that spot.

Now take me home before me pacemaker runs down to zero.

Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye.


Good boy, Blister.

Oh, such a good boy.

You're so beautiful.

You stay right there.

All right.

All right.

It's okay, my love.

May you burn in hell, you shite horse!

There's a good boy.


Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.


Are you all right?

I'm fine.

What were you doing out there?


That was fishing?


Without a rod?

Who were you talking to?

I wasn't talking.

You looked to be talking, then swatting, then you jumped in.

I did not.

It's the Kellys that jump in.

I'm a Reilly.

- You're a Reilly.

- What are you doing down by the river?

What I've been doing.

After this one.

- You're not still from the night before?

- I am.

Well, God in heaven!

You look the worse for it.

Well, thanks much.

You don't look perfect yourself.

You have some fine-looking cattle this year, Anthony.

Not too bad.

Why does your horse keep jumping the fence?

He's restless.

I know that one.

Do ya?

I hear a voice sometimes when I'm out here, and the voice says, "Go." Go?

Do you not love the farm?


Sure hate it for a prison.

Came up out of it like a tree and here I am with it around me.

Why don't you leave and follow the voice?

- No.

- Why no?

There's these green fields...

and the animals living off them.

And over that there's us...

living off the animals.

And over that there's that which tends to us...

and lives off us maybe.

Whatever that is...

it holds me here.

You should go.

Once you're on your own you should sell the farm, leave Ireland entirely.


It's a terrible place for a decent person.

Are you not decent?


I'm mad.

You could walk us home.

I can't be leaving the boat.

I'll see you at church.

You were talking out there.

See you at church.

"There's the green fields, and the animals living off them..." When he says those things, Blister, I know I must have him, God help me.

- What's that?

- Stew.

- You were a while.

- Stopped at church.

Have you taken it up?

It's no business of yours.

Want stew?

I would.

Are you not going to open it?

- What?

- The letter from America.

- I'll get to it.

- You'll get to it?

How often do you get a letter from your nephew and you'll get to it?

Me glasses are upstairs.

I'll get them.

I'll read it when I'm alone.

What's in it?

How would I know?

I haven't read it.

What's in it?

You can't!


Then get a wife!


it seems like maybe we should...

we should ma...

we should marry.


we're known to each other quite a while now.

No doubt you could do better, but...

Well, you don't seem to be doing much, so...

will you have me?

Damn it, is that not enough for you?

All right, seems like you won't be satisfied until I'm on my knee.

Would you marry me?

So it's true.

You have the Kelly madness.

- Cleary!

- I thought Tony was having me on.

- What are you lurking?

- Your da's selling the farm from under ya.

I thought you'd want to know.

So you've taken up with a donkey?

Watch out!

I didn't know Cleary could run like that.

Tony, you bastard!

- What?

- He's selling the farm to Adam.

Well, then go and face the old fool down!

- I don't like a fight.

- Well, who does?

- Half of Ireland, just not me.

- I'll go.

- You will not!


- What?



Leave it!

What's he on about?

I hope you have no part in this, Mother.

Tony means to sell the farm to his brother's son.


In America?


That's why he wants the land back.

The Yank doesn't want to be bothering with gates.

Oh, he'll be...

He'll be bothering.

There's much of your father in you.

Proud to know it.

Two bulldogs.

No, I'm a swan.

Why would you think of denying Anthony?

- Leave it.

- Well, if you want to talk to me about these gates, you'll talk to me about Anthony.

What there is to say, I won't say.

You've kept him down with the promise of this farm.

Not a word of truth.

Don't cross me, Tony Reilly.

- Are you in love with Anthony?

- It's more than love.

Don't be.

Now go while your damn gates are open.

I'm not done with you!

- He's not normal!

- I don't care!

He'll never marry.

Well, then neither will I, and he will be in his house and I'll be in mine.


Be quick!

I need to pee!

And you'd sell to a Yank, would ya?

He's a Reilly!

He's a Yank!

You're trespassing now!

Drop this plot or I'll k*ll ya!

Would you have the place go in auction?

Anthony will never marry.

Oh, he will.

Wake up!

Look to yourself.

If it comes to that, I'll freeze my eggs!

- You'll what?

- I'll freeze my eggs.

If he's slow, I'll wait.

You should freeze your whole body if you're waiting for that one!

I believe he will come to me.

I need this settled.

I'm turning 75.


The farm goes to Anthony.

Just say it.

I can't.


Take notice.

We're not done, sir.

We're not done!

How will we be done?

I need these gates down.

It's high summer and the honey flows at its height.

Their wing beats fan the hive to keep it cool and ventilated.

They've swept gently after their queen into their new home.


You're right.

I'll never marry.

It's your land.

You do what you like.

I'll manage.

Smoking the bees helps to pacify the hive.

Fancy that.



You're trying to k*ll me.

Never mind that.

Guess whose car I saw parked at the church on a weekday.


Tony Reilly.

Was there a funeral?

He had the parking lot to himself.

I don't believe it.

Why would a heathen man like Tony Reilly be kneeling in a church?

He knows he's wrong.

He knows he's wrong.


How you doing, laddie?


What's the drink?


Don't really know.

It's called an orange blossom.

I'd have one.

Well, you presume, don't ya?

That's right.

It's Saturday night and I do presume.


Where's Anthony?


Why'd he go to Killala?

Why does anybody go to Killala?

I wish Mary was here.

She loved a tune.

She did.

What do you think she'd think of you selling the farm away from Anthony?

I can't think about it.

That's the question, isn't it?

What would Mary Kelly say to see the farm just taken from her only son?

Because he was a Kelly.

Like herself.

I came out to eat a meal, hear some singing.

Leave off.

Gorgeous, gorgeous.

And now we'll hear one from a local beauty.

Rosemary Muldoon.

Wish me luck.

What's she doing?

She's going to sing.

My neighbor, Mary Reilly, may she rest easy in heaven, she sang this song into the ground, and when she passed it was like the birds lost their voices.

So I'll sing it now to remember her.

♪ Now the summertime Is coming ♪

♪ And the flowers Are richly blooming ♪

♪ And the wild Mountain thyme ♪

♪ Grows around The blooming heather ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

♪ I will build my love A bower ♪

♪ By the clear And silver fountain ♪

♪ And I'll cover it over ♪

♪ With the flowers Of the mountain ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

♪ And we'll all go together ♪

♪ To the wild mountain thyme ♪

♪ All around The blooming heather ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

♪ If my true love He were gone ♪

♪ I would surely Find another ♪

♪ To pull wild Mountain thyme ♪

♪ All around The blooming heather ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie ♪

♪ Go ♪

I'm only trying to do what's right.

For who?

The farm.

The farm doesn't know a thing about right and it won't know.

Do you know why my husband went to w*r with the crows, Tony?

He was shaking his fist.

We'd lost a child.

A boy.

And he was shaking his fist.

You have your children and you've had your life.

Do you want more than that from God?

What time is it?

It's so late, it's early.

Where now?

- The cemetery.

- Perfect.

How high do you think that wall is?

What's your name again?


Anthony, we are strangers.

That we are.

We'll never see each other again.

No, we will not, no.

So I'll tell you my worst secret.

Please do.

I've slept with a priest.

- No!

- I have.



In my mother's bed.

Worse and worse.

- I'm a disgrace.

- You are.

But I can top it.

What do you got?

I have a tiny...

tininess in my brain.

A tininess?


Here he is now.

Hello, Anthony.

Welcome to Ireland.

You remember Adam?

Of course.

Nice to see you, Anthony.

Welcome to Ireland.


- How's New York?

- Terrific.

You've got to come.


Right, yeah.

Let's get you aboard.

Could you go ahead and take my dad?

I'm going to rent a car.


Great, I'll see you there, Pop, thanks.


It's good to be home.

Yeah, it's grand you came for his birthday.

- Wouldn't have missed it.

75 years old?

- That's right, yeah.

- Still doing with the two gates?

- We are.

- Why?

- History.

There's a lot of history in Ireland.

- Who's this now?

- Tony!

- Welcome!

It's pissing rain.

- Good day for the ducks.

- Where's Adam?

- He'll be along.

- He's renting a car.

- An a*t*matic, I'll wager.

If he can get one.

Is it that much to shift the gears?

How's Aoife?

She's falling apart.

Her heart.

And her legs and lungs.

Blind in one eye.

Are they coming to the party?

They'll come.

Happy birthday.

There's nothing left of Johnny O'Brien worth calling Johnny O'Brien.

First, half his herd was cut across with tuberculosis.

Cut across with it.

Then he tried to k*ll himself, but the g*n only took off his lip.

It left him smiling all the time.

You wouldn't like to look at him.

Cleary, would you leave off?

You're scaring the children.

What's wrong with a little scare between friends?

Right, lads?

Mother of Christ.

Would you look at this.

What do you think?

Would you see this.

Is it an a*t*matic?

Anthony, that is a Rolls-Royce.

A Rolls-Royce.

Can you believe the sound of the words, Da?

A Rolls-Royce.

It's the finest car I've ever seen.

And that's how Anthony Reilly fell in love with a donkey.


Got you a little something.

What do you mean?

It's Tony's birthday, not mine.

What is it?

Open it.

- Huh?

- I am looking at it and I still don't know what it is.

Come on.

- It's a raincoat!

- It's white.

It's a white raincoat.


How are you?

I'm Tony's nephew, Adam.

Yeah, I know who are.

Rosemary Muldoon.

Yeah, I know who you are, too.

- You're on the next farm.

- I am.

And you own that little piece of land between those gates.

- I do.

- And you're going to sell it to me.

To who?


That's right.

You're a little confrontational.

- Do you think so?

- I do.

Too much so?

I don't know.

Look in my eyes and ask me again.

Are you going to sell me that land?

That was strong.


I don't know.

I might sell it, I might not.

I'm all aflutter.


What's he doing?

He got himself a metal detector.


Did he lose something?

No, he's just shy.

I guess that's one word for it.

I'm sorry to hear your mom's not feeling well.

It's nice you came for the birthday.


I wish I could stay a little longer.

I have to get back.

That's too bad.

You should come to New York.

What would I do in New York?

I could take you to see The Lion King.

I don't want to see The Lion King.

And anyways, who would see to my farm?

You run that by yourself?

Yeah, I do.

How many acres do you have?

I don't know.

How do you not know how many acres of land...

Because it's just a number.

I'm all about numbers.

I manage money for a living.

Oh, does money need you to manage it?

I'm not sure.

You seem set.

Waiting for that one?

I don't know.


I don't know.

What are you waiting for?

Me, I don't wait.

Well, I do like that.

You should come to New York sometime.

I don't want to see The Lion King.

What do you want to see?

The ballet.


Wouldn't have guessed that.

Never been to one.

I've heard he's fallen in love with a donkey.

Well, you heard wrong!

I'm sorry.

I don't understand you people.

You just seem to accept these crazy things, like that gate situation and...

And what?


- Is that your car?

- I rented it.

Why'd you bring such a fine car to a farm?

- For show.

- Yeah, I don't understand that.

Have you eaten?


Steer clear of the pudding.

I think it's off.

You know what?

I know it's off.

An Irish picnic.

What kind of madness is this?

We've done it for the Americans.

The Yanks thought it would be nice to have a picnic.

- Lord love them.

- Happy birthday, Tony.

Mammy sends her love.

Tell her to feel better.

I will.

You going?

I am.

How's Rosemary's mother?

She's in a bad way.

- How bad?

- Bad.

What kind of cows are these?

They're called Charolais.

Away, lads.

Go on.

What are you doing?

Picking mushrooms.

Are they okay to eat?


It's a grand thing to do with children.

- Pick mushrooms.

- Hmm.

What a beautiful spot.


That one looks a little freaked out.

It's the coat.

He doesn't recognize me in the coat.

They're hungry, though.

Come on now.

So how many acres do you have exactly?

I don't know.

How does nobody know how many acres they have?

We're not a direct people, you know.

Do you want to be a farmer then?


No, you don't.

You want to own a farm.

It's not the same.

I could be a farmer.

Wake up.

You're no farmer.

It would be a bloody farce.

Maybe you've been a farmer too long.

How's that?

You been talking to Cleary?

What did he say?

Something about you and a donkey.

I'm going to k*ll that man one day.

The world will thank me for it.

I can't sell you the farm.

Listen, Tony.

Even if I have to put up with the gates, I'm still interested.


God would fault me.

Is it those two?

I don't know what they're going to do, but I can't be the reason they're apart.

Lord, help me.

Oh, help me.

I was there on Aoife's wedding day.

I never saw a lovelier bride.



You all right?

Bring me my pipe.

Are you serious?

Your pipe?

You can't smoke with the oxygen.

I don't want it.

What are you doing?

You need that.

Roll that t*nk out of my room.

I mean to do it.

Okay, I'll do it.

The nurse will have my head, though.

The nurse won't come till morning.

She'll smell the smoke.

Her perfume is worse.

It's late.

That it is.

I saw a star out the window, down near the ground.

Have you ever seen a star down low?

When I was a boy, from that very window.

Light it for me.

All right.

I see it.

The star.

This was your room.

I'm choking.

I told ya.

Don't matter.

I like it.


Sit by me, son.

I'm sorry to be leaving you, Anthony.

Don't say it.

I'm sorry.

It's a lonely spot here and it'll be hard to face the morning when I'm gone.


The farm is yours now.

I'm sorry to be leaving it to you not as it was given me.

Don't think of it.

It's nothing.

Listen, son.

Your mam.

I didn't love her.

- What are you saying?

- Truth.

The loneliness...

had gotten into me and I don't know why she said yes.

I walked by her half the time without so much as a nod.

She bore me children.

Trish, Audrey, you.

I felt nothing.

Till one day...


gave way.

Out in the fields in the wet grass...

the quiet hand of God touched me.

Something came to save me, some...

And it'll come for you, too.

I can't name the day the rain let up.

The sun shone on me.

And I started in singing.

Just like that.

That old song.

- Mam's song.

Do you know it?

- Sure, I do.

♪ And they'll all Go together ♪

♪ To pull wild Mountain thyme ♪


In the field.


I was never that man and I knew it was Mary's song.

And I sold off that bit by the road to Muldoon for 200 quid and bought her...

a real ring of gold and took the brass one from her.

Oh, what days we had thereafter, the times...

in the kitchen, in every room.

And I'm going to her now, son, 'cause I know she's waiting by that old front door for me yet.

Can you forgive me, Anthony?

For what?

Selling the right of way?

- It's nothing.

- For having no faith.

That you'd find your own way, be your own man.

Am I proud of you too late, son?

I don't want you to die.

I'm sorry I sold that bit by the road and left you with two gates.

And that I thought of taking the rest from you.

However I hurt you, I want to die with a clean slate between us.

Surely, I forgive everything.

I love you, son.

I can't say it enough.

I love you, my daddy.

My daddy, my daddy.

Sure I always have.

Let go before you k*ll me.


Good man.

You are a good son.

Thanks, Da.

I have faith that love will find you out in those fields where you wander.

God bless you.

And you.

I'll sleep now.

Do you want the oxygen?

I'll try without.

My daddy.

My daddy, my daddy.

Good morning.

What's this?

Cleaned out the high pasture.

They're like locusts.

God love 'em.

Crows have a lot to say.

Wish your father had k*lled them all.

He tried.

Still smoking, I see.

Brought you some stew on the bench there.

- I can cook.

- You don't though.

And now that Mam's gone I've got no one to do for.

It keeps me busy.


It's good walking weather.

One place is the same as another.

How can you say it?

I was down at the bog cutting turf.

The heather is everywhere.

You're cutting your own turf?

Who else?

It's a bit late.

Got to it.

It's a two-man job.

Or one woman.


That's the world now.

- Men are useless.

- That's not so.


Men aren't useless.

What's a man for now?

What's his place?

That's for you to say.

And I'm not talking.

Maybe the quiet around a thing is as important as the thing itself.

Do you still hear the voice in the fields?

I don't know.

It's not a modern idea.

I'm not a modern man.

You have the farm.

I do.

Are you happy?


Why not go ahead, be happy?

Don't know how.

There is no one left to catch you laughing, Anthony.


How many days do we have while the sun shines?

It's not shining.

I believe that it is.

You all right then?

In what way?

Up there in the house, alone.

I see you put this gate between us.

I did.


I've been having such dreams.

Dreaming about everyone who ever lived.

That's a lot.

Ancestors, and more.

The whole circus.

The history of people.

And me at the front like the leader of some marching band.

Jesus, I sat up in me bed.

Didn't know what to make of it.

Here I am, alone as a castaway, and my night is spilling over with people.

We're known to each other quite the while now.

Yeah, we are.

Have you ever thought about what I said?


We never speak.

I see you at church.

I wouldn't go if you didn't.

I think you should evacuate this country altogether.

Do you mean it?

Why not?

Do you want me to?

Maybe you should.

Maybe I will.

Come by the house sometime.

I will maybe.

You won't.

You should quit the smokes.

Maybe I will vacate the country!

Maybe I will.

Today is the day.

It's like teeth, isn't it?

Come again.

The buildings look like teeth.


What got you on the plane?

I lost my sense of purpose.

I have to go back tomorrow.


You're kidding.

No, I've hired a man for two days, no more.

You came here for one day?

I did.

I bought tickets to the ballet.

Will you take me?


I have to say, you looked like an absolute goddess today watching that ballet.

She protected him.


The bird?

The white swan.

You're the white swan.

How did you know?

I was joking.

I am, though.

Listen, Rosemary, I...

I'm from the school of thought where it's best not to let romantic ideas ruin your life.

Who's doing that?


But my head's a lot harder than yours.

Right, but if you want to be happy, you have to be a little more realistic.

I'm not so sure about love, but...

marriage is a practical partnership.

"Who's gonna take out the trash?" That kind of thing.

What marriage?

Do you want to be married?

Is that a proposal?


I mean in general.

Do you want to be married?

I suppose.

Me too.

Anthony, however, I don't think he's the marrying kind.

How would you know?

Because you're right there.

You are right next door.

And nothing happened.

I'm not next door now.

No, you are not.

And I find that very promising.

Have you ever had a dream...

like since you were a child...

and you couldn't let it go?


What did you do?

I let it go.


Because the kinds of dreams kids have make adults miserable.

Like a banker dreaming of being a farmer?


But let me ask you this.

Has your dream made you happy or miserable?

Look at the lights everywhere.

Everything to your satisfaction?

'Twas grand.

The river is gorgeous.

Oh, my God.

What did you do?

You know exactly what I did.

And now being the gentleman that I am, I'm going to walk you back to your hotel.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


Oh, hey, Adam.

Yeah, I'm flying over.

Is that right?

Well, all right.

I wanted to get your opinion on something.


I don't want to step on anybody's toes, but...

Do you now?

Uh, uh...


No, no, no, no, no problem.


Well, uh...

Do you mean it?

Well, okay.

All right, okay.




Anthony, I've seen ya!

- Go back down.

- Don't order me on my own property.

- Do you mind that much?

- Come down to the house.

- I can't.

I have a full day.

- Don't you dare!

I've seen enough of your back.

- I have a full day, I tell ya.

- Don't point that thing at Blister.

He'll k*ll us both!

Irish Farmer.

You're not an Irish farmer, though.

How do you know?

Well, for one thing you don't look tired enough, and for another your hands don't look like feet.

Okay, well, everyone has a fantasy, and mine is farming.


Most men's fantasies aren't about farms.

Open the shutters.

It's a good day to keep them shut maybe.

I'll take what comes.

Go open them.

Open the shutters.

Take what comes.

Miss High and Mighty.



Mother of Christ.


Hold on, hold on.

Jesus Christ!

Come in!

Come in!

Did you see that?

I saw.

It's rain.

Just give us the coat.

You should see to your horse.

She's all right.

No, she's raising hell.

There's nothing new there.

I can't stay.

Are you serious?

Look at yourself.

Take off those boots.


You've every light burning.

It's in your honor.

It's a fortune in electricity.

I'm half blind with it.

Is that better?


- What?

- Jesus, would you look at the rain?

- It'd drown a fish!

- It would.

Oh, God.


What's she doing?

She's jealous, I'd say.

Your horse is no better.

- Bad cess to her.

Let her drown!

- I will not!

- You shouldn't have let her in.

- Why not?

I let you in.

- It's all right, Flossie.

- Come on now.

Here, make yourself useful.

Swab that floor.

Mother of God, don't look.

The house is in ruins.

What are you talking?

It's a bloody showcase.

No, it's a sty.

If I'd known you were coming...

Is it a bad time?

Well, what time isn't?

You know, if it weren't for rare signs from heaven, I'd have nothing in me mind but doom.

Rare signs from heaven, is it?

And few they are.

Here, sit down.

Sit down.

You're three quarters drowned.

Here's a towel.

I have a handkerchief.

Jesus God.

How long has that been in your pocket?

I don't know.

It's half alive.


Give it.

I'll wash it, if it doesn't jump up and run.

- Look, I have to go.

I'll come back another time.

- You'll come back, will you?

It's your first time here since never.

Put down the weed whacker.

It's not a weed whacker.

It's a metal detector.

What are you after out there besides the odd treasure?

Unexpected stuff.

- Coins maybe.

- Coins.

You're out looking for coins in this weather?

Rosemary, I...

Just let me see if I have a Guinness.

I have a full day.

- Why do you make everything so hard?

- Me?

Well, not you specifically.

The Irish.

It's like they never can really seize the day, make a move.

Well, it's an island, you know?

You gotta be careful.

You don't want to call attention to yourself.

Well, see, I like attention.

Of course you do.

You're an American.

I tell ya, I'm just here for the minute.

You will visit or I'll know why.

Now, they say this new bottled Guinness is as good as the pub, but that's a lie, but it isn't too bad, maybe.

Does it taste of glass?

It does.

You know what?

Don't open it.

I'm going to open it.


It's done.

I've opened it.


It's useless but to drink now.

All right, share it with me.


I couldn't.

- Pour it out into two glasses.

- You're only saying that to divide the time in half you'll stay.

Sit down and share it or I won't touch it.

Look at you.

You are a demon tempting me with a drink.

- Slàinte.

- Slàinte.

Jesus, have you got a rope?

It's a perfect day to be hanging yourself.

Don't joke.

Do you think about it?




Do you think about it?


I think of little else.

You're not serious.

Should probably blow meself up and be done.

- With what?

- The shotgun.

Your father's old cannon?

You don't still have it?

I do.

She lives in the hall closet.

Loaded and ready.

- I don't believe it.

- See for yourself.


Why do you keep it?

Against the depression.


You're depressed?

Are you serious?

I'm shattered with depression.

I'm shattered with black clouds of depression.

But why?

Since I quit the cigarettes.

Oh, yeah, I heard you quit the damn smokes.

That's very good.

No, it isn't.

I've thought of taking poison.

I can't stand being alive.

It's like a kettle boiling blood that comes up into me.

You know, all these feelings.

Jesus, your own blood turning against you.

I can see it.

Is it that plain?

Sit down again.

Don't stand over me.

It's only the rare signs from heaven that give me hope.

What you've got is anxiety.

That's what it is.

Is that the name for it?


It comes over me in waves.

It's nothing.

It's feelings boiling up, isn't it?

Sure, I hate them.

Feelings are useless.

I think it's worse in a man.

I can't stand a man with feelings.

A man with feelings should be put down!

Can I make you a sandwich?

- No.

- I'm going to.

I told ya, I have a full day.

There you go, Flossie.

The Guinness is good.

- Do you like it?

- It's perfect.

It's not the pub.


You should come by more.

A girl needs a chat.

Can I make you another sandwich?

Rosemary, I have to go.

You do not!

I have to get to the airport.

My cousin is coming from America.


Frank's son.

Adam Reilly.


The show-off?

The one with the grand car?

The one who missed all the funerals?

Yes, that one.


He's going to want to be brought round.

What do you mean?

Well, he called me.

- He did?

- He's going to want to meet people.


- Well, you'd be good.

- Me?

We could swing by.

Swing by?

You've never swung by anywhere in your life.

All right, if you want to know the utter truth...

I believe Adam is coming from America in search of a wife.

That seems a long way to come.

He has an idea an Irish woman would be made of better stuff than these girls he meets in America.

- That's true.

What about Mary O'Connor?

- Mary O'Connor?

Does she still have that whistling tooth?

Yeah, she does.

God love her.

No, I was...

I was thinking more somebody like you.



Who's like me?


y-you are.

I was thinking that maybe I might let him take a look at you.

Take a look at me in what way?

Your beauty.

My beauty.

Well, this is the first I've heard about beauty.

Oh, don't pretend you don't know.

Do you want to put me in a shop window like one of those Euro floozies in Amsterdam?

What are you talking about?


I'm talking about your cousin!

And you'd bring him round to look me over, would ya?

Like I was a red heifer.

I see what you mean about the smoking and giving it up.

- You're not yourself.

- How would you know?

- Your temper's rough.

- Did he offer you money?

- I've got to get the car.

He'll be waiting.

- Don't walk out on me.

I have to go.

Don't you make me reach for that shotgun.

Jesus Christ, Rosemary.

The shotgun?

What are you talking?

If you turn your back on me, I swear by Satan, I will blow a hole in ya.

Christ, Rosemary, if it's this bad, go back on the cigarettes.

You'd put me back on the smokes, would ya?

Bad cess to ya.

Hey, don't be cursing me!

After what I've been through with the detoxification.

Just sit down.

You're upsetting Flossie.

He lands soon.

I still have to get the car.

I'll drive ya.

You'll be there.

Sit down.

You'll calm yourself then.

All right.


- You'll have another Guinness.

- I can't have two.

You haven't had one.

You had a half.

Jesus Christ.


Peace now.

Drink the Guinness.

Go on.

- Isn't that nice?

- Mm-hmm.

Are you a h*m*?

- What?

- Are you gay?

Are you gay?



Don't stand over me.

Why would you try to give me away to your cousin?

It's a solid idea.

He's a fine lad.

He's rich.

So what?

So what?

Don't you want to be rich?

No, I want a man!

Adam's a man.

Adam smells like soap.

He smells like the lilies of the field.

Why do you want to smell the cows on me when you can smell the lilies on him?

I'm the one who should smell good.

A man should stink.

Like you!

Oh, well, thanks for that!

- Don't provoke me!

- Me provoke?

The fact of you is enough to put me off my game.

It's good that you're tall.

Men are beasts.

They need that height to balance the truth and the goodness of women.

There's no answer to blather like that.

Hope, it's a force...

and women are the salvation of the world.

I believe that.

I mean to make you believe it.

I'd like to believe it.

There's no truth to that business of you and the donkey, is there?

- Who told you that?

- I never believed it.

I'll k*ll Cleary one day.

You should have come for yourself.


Thought maybe it was the cigarettes put you off, so I quit.

You did that with regards to me?

I did.

Brought me to my knees.

I can tell you, my emotions were unspeakable, Anthony.


I was desperate.

I went to New York.

- What?


- Tuesday.

There goes the electric.

You went to New York on Tuesday?


On a plane and back Wednesday.

You went to New York City for one day?

- And I kissed Adam.

- You what?

I kissed him!

I kissed him, I kissed him.

Good morning, folks.

We are now starting our descent into Ireland.

Are you being met?

I am, yes.



You snore.



I don't think I do.

Well, you must be single.

What stops you?

Is it Fiona?

Are you still mooning over Fiona?


I think it's Fiona.

Oh, to hell with Fiona!

I opened my heart to her and she was gone like yesterday.

What did you say to her?

Never mind.

- Say it to me.

- No.

Have you ever wondered...

what I wore when I wore less?

You've lost me.

Have you seen me naked in your mind?

Oh, Jesus Christ, Rosemary.


Shut up with that.

I see you at church.

You say I'm beautiful.

So have you thought about me?

Have you thought about my shape?

I don't know.

Have you thought about picking me up and carrying me off to the moon?


What is it?

Just tell me.

Are you a virgin?

I'm past the time!

I've still to get the car!

No, I'm driving you!

You kissed him!

It was he that kissed me!

That's what got him worked up!

That's why he's coming!

Time is running out.

Now you tell me your secret, Anthony.

I told Fiona and she ran like Satan.

I am off-kilter.

It doesn't matter how.

Is it because you hate people?

No, I don't hate no one!

You can't shock me.

I have thought of everything.

I've made my peace with it.

Go on.


All right.


I believe that I am a honey bee.

Say that again.

I believe that I am a honey bee.

I'll get the car.

I don't believe it.

You don't think you're a honey bee!

You're having me on.

You do?

How long?

I don't know.

I think that I'm a honey bee.

I always have.

- You are Anthony Reilly.

- Whatever I am, God knows me.

Is this why you never told me I was beautiful?

Well, that and the nearness of your farm to mine.

And it's true.

Bees don't like smoke.

Let me drive.


Slow down.

I don't care if you think you're a bee, Anthony.

You think you're a bee!

I mean, you think you're a bee!

Keep your eyes on the road.

Never mind!

I don't care!

I'm half dying with living for you.

Watch out!

Mind the road.

Do you think I'm a bee?


- May I know what I am?

- You're a flower.

The most beautiful bloom that grows.

- Do you really think that?

- Yes.

Anthony, you are good for me.

No, I'm a disgrace!

We'll get Adam.

You've already kissed him.

- He kissed me!

- You'll marry and go to America.

- Have you never thought to marry me yourself?

- I have.

- What stopped ya?

- I came to your house and when I looked for my Mam's ring, sure I'd lost it altogether.

Is that what you've been doing with that metal detector?

Looking for your mother's ring?

The fact that I lost it said it all.

A man like me should not marry.

Watch out!

You're going to bust the axle.

- Everybody thinks they're something they're not!

- But not a bee.

Watch out!

Watch out!

You've destroyed the car.

It's fine.

It's not fine!

It's my car!

Look at it!

To hell with the car!


Oh, perfect!


Would you make up your mind!

Are you raining or shining on us?

Tell me, standing on this holy land of Ireland, why shouldn't you marry me?

I see things.

I'm delusional.

For the love of God, woman, I think I'm a bug.

So what?

Sometimes I think I'm a house cat.

- You do not!

- But I don't stay with it.

Because I know I'm a swan.

You do not literally think you're a swan.

I do.

Does that make me useless as a wife?

Don't muddy the waters.

Jesus Christ in heaven, we're walking in circles.

We're standing on your land.

Just give us a chance.

If it was meant to be, I'd have found the ring.

We say what's meant.

Life is here.

We name it.

- But Adam is waiting.

- Look at me.

Look how I look at you.

I don't know if I can live shut in a house with a woman.

You can have the winds and the fields.

You just think of me as the open door.

And here, fool.

You can have your ring, too.

- What's this?

- Found it by my gate.

My mother's ring.

Thought it heaven-sent to give me hope.

What do I have to do?

Do I have to swat at you to get you to sting me?

I'm afraid.

Of what?

Of love.

Just think of the pleasure.

Take your ring.

Sure it's yours.

It always was.

That's it!

What are you doing?

Look up that hill.


There's a bit of light up there.

And I don't know about you, but I'm goddamned tired of living in the rain.

I'd like to bring a fella up here who knows one song, not two.

Don't let him escape.

Lock the door.

I'm told he's got a singing voice, but no one's heard it save his wife.

And she's not talking.


I'm mad too, you know.

How are you mad?

You'll find out, when it's too late.

Will you take down the gates?


Stood up?


I don't know.

Have you ever seen the Ring of Kerry?

I have, yes.

Would you like to see it again?

The voice I heard in the fields, it didn't say, "Go." Not just that.

It said, "Go to her." Look at that mad horse of mine.

♪ Now the summertime Is coming ♪

♪ And the flowers Are richly blooming ♪

♪ And the wild mountain thyme ♪

♪ Grows around The blooming heather ♪

They say if an Irishman dies while he's telling a story, you can rest assured, he'll be back.

♪ To pluck Wild mountain thyme ♪

♪ All around The blooming heather ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

I need you to come up.

Rosemary, come on.

♪ I will build my love A bower ♪

♪ By the clear And silver fountain ♪

♪ And I'll cover it over ♪

♪ With the flowers Of the mountain ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

♪ If my true love She'll not come ♪

♪ I will surely Find another ♪

♪ To pull wild mountain thyme ♪

♪ All around The blooming heather ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

♪ And we'll all go together ♪

♪ To pull wild mountain thyme ♪

♪ All around The blooming heather ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie, go ♪

♪ Will you go, lassie ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Climb until your legs ♪

♪ Are weary ♪

♪ Climb until your heart ♪

♪ Goes mad ♪

♪ Climb because You love me ♪

♪ Dearly ♪

♪ Up we'll go on a path ♪

♪ The good and bad ♪

♪ And when you come To my window, laddie ♪

♪ I'll be singing ♪

♪ When you come To my window, laddie ♪

♪ What a joy ♪

♪ Strength to strength I'll go ♪

♪ And you'll go with me ♪

♪ Any length we'll go to ♪

♪ As the road leads on ♪

♪ With your old coat ♪

♪ And me beside you ♪

♪ Up the steep slope Of the mountain ♪

♪ We will go ♪

♪ And when you come To my window, laddie ♪

♪ I'll be singing ♪

♪ When you come To my window, laddie ♪

♪ What a joy ♪

♪ With your old coat And your eyes of fire ♪

♪ Up the steep slope Of the mountain higher ♪

♪ We will go ♪

♪ We will go ♪

♪ And when you come To my window, laddie ♪

♪ I'll be singing ♪

♪ When you come To my window, laddie ♪

♪ What a joy ♪

♪ With your old coat And your eyes of fire ♪

♪ Up the steep slope Of the mountain higher ♪

♪ We will go ♪ ♪ We will go ♪

♪ With your old coat And your eyes of fire ♪

♪ Up the steep slope Of the mountain higher ♪

♪ We will go ♪ ♪ We will go ♪

♪ With your old coat ♪

♪ And your eyes of fire ♪

♪ Up the steep slope ♪

♪ Of the mountain higher ♪

♪ We will go ♪

♪ We will go ♪

♪ We will go ♪