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City of Gold, The (2018)

Posted: 03/08/21 06:37
by bunniefuu
You know the good stuffs inside.

Why don't you come on in and say hi to everyone?

Oh they're, they're not here for me.

They're here for you.

With their idle hands and empty pockets looking for charity from the great Richard Davenport.

I see.

Hm, do you?

Where's Liz?

Johnny, look how big you've grown.

Last time I saw you you were my height.

So, so what's next now?

You gonna join your dad at uh, Davencorp?

Could be quite a legacy.

Well, I'm sure my father'd love nothing more than to see that.

Hey, I just want him happy, you know.

That's the meaning of life, right?

It is.

See, I was taught that the meaning of life was power and money.

I mean that's why you're all here isn't it?

Pretending to give a sh*t about me.

Excuse me? Hm.

Stop it.

Don't do this, John.

Don't do what? Don't do this.

Am I ruining your party?

This is for you, John.

Everything that I have ever done has been for you.

Is that what you told mom when you neglected us for the sake of your company?

Why you failed to save her from her own depression?

Why you failed to save me from becoming the one thing you promised her I wouldn't?

Yeah, what's that?


You have no idea.

You have no idea.

And I hope you never find out.

You said you weren't afraid of taking risks.


Afraid to risk pain?

I feed on pain.

This is John.

Leave a message.


This is Dad.

I uh, just wanted to say that I love you.

There's so many things that I wish I could've done differently, John.

If I could do it, I'd do it all over again.

I've got a lot of regrets in my life, John.

But you aren't one of them.

Don't let it consume you, John.

Harder. You can stop it, John.


Don't let it torment you, John.


But that last one drew blood.

I said harder, God dammit.

Don't let it consume you like it did me, John.

Don't let it win.

Today we come together before God in grief as we acknowledge the loss of Richard Davenport.

May the winds guide his spirit in peace.



I'm so sorry.

Yeah, me too.

He was a really great man, John.

And he loved you so much.

All I ever brought him was pain.


Liz, this is Jack Harper, and he's a long time family friend.


Elizabeth Carlisle.

I've heard a lot about you, Elizabeth.

I'm pleased to finally meet you.

Though I wish it was under better circumstances.

Yeah, me too.

Uh, John, if you need a friend to talk to, um, don't hesitate to call me.


I'll see you.

It's good to meet you.

Same here.

How you holdin' up, John?

I feel like my life is out of control.

John, I know this really isn't the place to discuss this.

They're trying to bring in someone from the studios to run Davencorp.

Sons of b*tches, this is my father's company.

I know, I know.

You're my attorney.

Can't you do anything?

Look, it's complicated, John.

Honestly, your behavior this past year hasn't helped things.

They've ordered a psychological evaluation on you.

They think I'm insane.



Maybe overburdened.

You agree.

Look, I just need you to play along on this one, okay?

Yeah, right.

Thank you.

Hi, I'm Dr. Madison.

It's nice to meet you, Mr. Davenport.

Mr. Davenport was my father.

Call me John.

Oh, of course, John.

So, I presume you know why you're here today.


Now that my father's passed, the board of my family's company wants to prove I'm not mentally fit to run it.

And you are here to prove I'm insane.

That's a very critical outlook, John.

I'm simply here to evaluate your mental state.

Hm. Right.


When you're by yourself in a quiet space, what kinds of thoughts run through your head?

Peaceful fields, trees and mountains

babbling brooks.

You're not making this very easy.

I'm very sorry to inconvenience you.

You see, my father is dead and my own company wants me exiled.

Only reason I'm here is 'cause I care about the employees at Davencorp.

But you, you won't be satisfied

'til I give you something that you can twist and bend and prove their case.

Get your pen ready, doc.

Every night I dream of people dying all around me, of them being tortured to death.

I have daydreams so real that, that they terrify me.

I hear people calling to me but I can't understand what they're saying.

I see the pursuit of wealth and ungodly riches and, and the neglect of human life that comes along with it.

I see madness, doctor.

John, this sounds like a self admission that you're not fit to run a company that's... No.

No, it's not.

It's a warning.

That neither you or the board understand what they're dealing with.

Davencorp is my legacy.

It's in my bloodline.

It's my curse.


You wouldn't understand.

All right, well, we'll skip the preliminary questions.

I appreciate you listening to me, doctor.

I'm gonna take some time off from Davencorp.

Jack, this is John.

I wanna say thank you for everything you've done for Davencorp, for me, and for my father.

The board will want answers for my actions.

You tell 'em whatever you like.

Tell 'em I'm the devil.

In yet another stunning development the already troubled Davenport family, Johnathan Davenport, heir apparent to the media giant, Davencorp, is being accused of forcing a young woman to engage in explicit sadomasochistic sexual acts.

The timing of these allegations do not help the already beleaguered Davencorp, the media conglomerate who's business holdings include television networks, film and entertainment studies, and internet providers, is poised to become the largest media giant in the world.

The shocking su1c1de of Davencorp's CEO, Richard Davenport, has left the company potentially vulnerable to a hostile takeover.

Officials have not commented on the allegations and Johnathan Davenport could not be reached for comment.

Hey, John.

Can I come in?

Yeah, uh, are you okay?

Yeah, I just needed someone to talk to.

Okay, do you want some coffee?

Uh, no, no.

Thanks, I'm fine.

Going somewhere?

Uh, yeah.

I'm actually going on a business trip.


Uh, so, I saw the news about you and that girl.

Old habits die hard.

Yeah, and stupid habits harm you and others around you.

What are you doing, John?

I thought you stopped that sh*t after we broke up.

Are you gonna lose Davencorp?

Looks like it.

They uh, ordered a psych evaluation.


Hey, uh, you wanna see something really cool?


I think you'll really like it. Come here.

Look at these.

They remind me of what you used to do in college.

So twisted, but so brilliant.

They're fascinating.


Uh, his name's Jorge Escamilla.

One of my dad's business associates sent me these from South America.

Apparently, he was somewhere in the Amazon surrounded by a bunch of violent revolutionaries.

He's an absolute diamond in the rough.




We gotta find him.

Uh, yeah, that's why I'm leaving on Monday to go find him.

There's no we on this one, John.

You're going alone? Mm-hm.

Oh, Liz, that's way too dangerous.

Yeah, things get way outta control when we're together.

I have to do this alone.

Liz, I...

I gotta figure out what the hell's goin' on in my head.

Something consumed my father.

And it's trying to do the same to me.

I'm not gonna figure anything out here with everyone out for my blood or my money.

Well, sh*t, I wanna help you.

I really do, but I can lose everything if I don't start selling again.

I know.

Liz, I need this.

I know this, uh, I know this art dealer, Carlos, who lives down there.

Um, he's actually helping me find Jorge in exchange for owning the collection after the first run.

Um, I'll call him and see if I can get your travel plans arranged.

Oh my god, Liz, I love... John, save it.

Save it for when you really mean it.

Fair enough.

Just please don't make me regret it.

I won't. I promise.

I hope your flight was good, Liz.

This is a very nice place.

You come at a good time of the year.

Welcome to Peru.

This is so beautiful.

You will see in a minute some of my best mercenaries.

Oh, there comes one.

Who is that?


She's my best mercenary.

She's very good at what she does.

She protects me, and she will protect you.

And she will help find your artist, no matter where he's at.

If he were anywhere, I'd go anywhere to find him.

He's amazing.

Ah, this is my wife, Maria.


Come greet our guests.

You're so beautiful.

Thank you.

This is Elizabeth Carlisle, the curator from Los Angeles seeking Jorge Escamilla.

And this is Johnathon Davenport.

You're both very brave to come out here at such a dangerous time.

Perhaps it's a little too dangerous for an art collector to build his throne.

This house was actually built on the exact spot where the Spanish Conquistadors had a fort.

Unfortunately, this is where many atrocious acts were committed against the Incan empires in the name of God.



This was built to show what human beings are capable of creating, out of that, which was used to destroy.

Carlos, Shiniki's here.

Who's Shiniki?

A shaman, or a witch doctor if you prefer.

He is my best contact in the jungle, and the guide to your artist.


A witch doctor.

Sounds ominous.

Señor Volkov.

Let me present Elizabeth Carlisle.

So lovely.

Ah, thank you.

And Johnathon Davenport.


Nice to meet you, mi amigo.

We're seeking Jorge Escamilla.

Can you help us?

Jorge Escamilla?

I've heard of this man.

My tribe, they've talked about him.

He lives deep in rebel territory.

I do not want to risk going to the mountains unless we're certain of finding him.

Señor, this information is good.

Seems that your artist is in the heart of where the rebels run their cocaine.

Maybe it's best we'll let my men find him.

Oh, but Carlos, that's no fun.

It's much more dramatic if we can discover him, fly him out of the country.

They'll help him with his career and give me legitimacy in the art world.

Okay, then.

Tomorrow, you all go on your treasure hunt.

I uh, I just wanted to say that I love you.

There's so many things that I wish I could've done differently, John.

And if I could do it, I'd do it all over again.


Everything good?


You sure?


I'm sorry I crashed your little party.


It's okay, you can't really help yourself sometimes.

It's wonderful, isn't it?


Is that the Southern Cross?



Yeah, it's beautiful.



I am so sorry that I hurt you in the past.

You don't... John.

No, it, funny thing about the past is um, you don't always know quite where you left it.


John, it's fine.

He tried to, he tried to... John.

John... No, he tried to help me, but I... Look at me.

I wasn't listening.

And I wouldn't listen to you. Stop, stop, John.

John, look at me.

You have a choice.


You're fine.

Do this for your dad.

Do it for you.

A g*n for you, señor.

No, thanks.

I got my own.


I don't get one?

If you're att*cked and caught, it is much better that they see you as an object of desire, not a thr*at.

Your death will be simply that way.

Yeah, no sh*t.

There is 200 pounds in the back seat.

Make sure it finds the right home while you're out there looking for fairytales.

Let my people leave in peace, the shaman pleaded.

But beasts cannot be lived when dragons walk the earth.

When dragons walk the earth.

How many more must I slaughter, shaman...

before I get my answer?

Where is the city of gold?

I will take you.

Take me?

Take me where?

El Dorado.

Run, but he will still follow you.

From our blood, w*r shall consume these lands.

May the gods poison your blood, that infects you, your sons, and their sons for generations to come.

Now there is only one.

But soon there will be none.

Shiniki, how long until we reach Jorge?

At this pace, we should reach him by tomorrow.

His temple is just past these mountains.

It's almost night, mi amigos.

Let's set up camp.

Good. I gotta piss.

John, this is Dad.

I uh, I just wanted to say that I love you.


Shiniki, what is that?



We stay here. John!

There's so many things John. that I wish I could've done differently, John.

John, if I could Thank God you're okay. I'd do it all over again.

Do you hear that?

But you... Liz, wait.



Hey, bring them back, Vic.


Liz! Americans...

Will you hold on?

John, he's saying help. Stop!

We don't know what's down there.

Vic: What are you doing!


Liz, wait.

John, shut up.

Hey. Don't get too close.


Don't get close.

John: No.

No, n-n-no-no.

Get down, get down. Do as, do as they say.

Putting it down. Drop the g*n!

Drop your g*n! John.

Don't hurt her. (whimpers.


Okay, okay.


Liz, it's okay.

What do we do with them?

I get the girl first.


She's mine. Stop it!

Ow. Stop it, you son of a bitch!

It's okay.

She okay?

Yeah, she's just a little shaken.

She'll be all right.

Carlotta, thanks for saving us.

It's what I'm paid to do.

You don't like me, do you?

I just do what I'm told.

If I were paid to k*ll you, I would.

John, this isn't safe.

Let's go back.

It's too dangerous to go back now.

We push forward.

Get in.

We're looking for Jorge Escamilla.

We've been expecting you, my friend.

These ruins are where the Spanish Conquistadors had a fort.

Unfortunately, the committed several atrocities against the Incans in the name of God.

The Inquisition.

Yes, the Inquisition.


Esta bien.

What in the world?

Bones of our brothers who have passed on.

Señor Escamilla.

Señor Escamilla.


That is so beautiful.

Thank you, miss.

But it is far from finished.

Oh good, you speak english.

Uh, I am a long time admirer of your work, eve though I've only seen a few examples.

It's amazing.

Thank you, miss.

Uh, please forgive me.

I'm Elizabeth Carlisle, and this is Johnathon Davenport.

Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Davenport.

Call me John.

And call me Liz.

Uh, Jorge, I own an art gallery in Los Angeles.

And John and I have come to Peru for the sole reason that we admire your work greatly.

We wanna introduce you and your art to the world.

I am very flattered but, I am just a simple carver.

I have had no formal education.

And that's why you're so special.

That's why your work is so fresh and exciting.

Where do you get your inspiration?

I have long been fascinated by the way human beings treat those over whom they have power.

I get my inspiration from books on the Inquisition and other records of human atrocities.

Your friend is looking at one of those books now.

John, don't be rude.

Come talk to Jorge.


That book...

It's very interesting.

Jorge, we can arrange for you to have your own show in Los Angeles in a month if you come back with us.

I'll make you famous.

I am not interested in fame.

But it's not just the fame, it's the fortune.

You could help your family with the money that you'd earn.

I have not family.

You really got him now, Liz.

Jorge, wait.

Jorge, wait.

Please, miss.

I do not wish to discuss this further with you.

Jorge, what about your people?

You can now bring them out of poverty.

My wife and my children were k*lled in front of my eyes by the revolutionaries, Del Luminoso.

My people did nothing to stop it.

Too consumed by their own fears.

Sorry, I didn't know that, Jorge.

You don't.

You also don't have any idea of the danger you have put myself and your friends in by coming here.

Please, be gone by sunrise.

You are face-to-face with evil.

Who was he?

Francisco Palma Asturias.

A conquistador with the Inquisition against the Incas.

I feel as though I've seen him before.

Hm, I hope not.

He is the devil.

Is this man so much worse than the others that call him the devil?

I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you believe, but I can sense something is wrong.

All I can tell you is this.

The heart of evil is selfish.

It's possible to become lost in your desires, blind to the answers that lie before you.

We're making a mistake staying here.

Those Americans won't leave without that artist.

Do they wanna leave without their artist or without their lives?

I hope your sh*t is as sharp as your tongue.

We're not alone.

What if we've come this entire way and he doesn't wanna come back with us?

You realize that he's in huge danger here, right?

We could kidnap him.

John, I'm being serious.

Shiniki, he doesn't wanna come back with us.

Well, Americans selling visions of grandeur, they have not had the best track record here.

Okay, so any advice.

Have you thought about kidnapping him?

I'm happy that you all seem to think this is a game.

Thank you.

American girls, my friend.

They're very determined.

You have no idea.







Are you afraid to take risks?

Pizarro is a damned fool.

We've come so far for so little.

Pizarro has taken 24 tons of gold and silver in the name of Spain.

That is good for the name of Spain, but what about the name of Francisco Asturias?

You are jealous, my friend.

That gold was taken on the blades of our swords.

And yet, we leave with no more than when we left Spain.

He has a point.

I have a wife and son in Spain.

They are sick of sprinkling herbs and spices on the rats that they catch in my home.

So, what are you gonna do?

Steal from Pizarro?

I am not a thief.

I am a conqueror.

I will take El Dorado.

You believe the native's lies?

Every lie starts with truth.

The both of you, you will help me find which it is.

And if we refuse?

Oh, but you won't.


All right?

Yeah, I'm fine.




Jorge, we have to get you outta here.

I told you this is happening because you came here.


She's not your enemy.


John, where were you?

They stole our vehicles.

We're outnumbered.

Which way outta here! I know a back route.

I'll show you all.


I'll hold them off!

Go! All of you!

You are coming with us.

No, my friend.

We, we knew this.

You couldn't hide here forever.

Beware of John.

I've seen into his soul.

He's the one.

Go, go.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Where are they?

Beyond your reach.

And will you do to me like you did to the rest of his family?



My friend.

It is unwise for you to tread forward alone.

We can offer you protection.

With a group like this?

I suppose something will happen soon.

At the very least, one of them will sh**t himself in the foot.

It doesn't seem like you have much respect for us.

I respect real soldiers.

But I have seen mercenaries like you before.

Where I am going, you would be devoured whole.

Is that you what you think, artist?

It's what I know, butcher.

You wanna leave, then leave.

One less mouth to feed.

Let's go.

Hey, Jorge.

Jorge, wait!

Haven't you Americans caused enough bloodshed?

We came here so what happened tonight wouldn't happen to you.

Your story and your art needs to be shared with the world, Jorge.

The dragon in your paintings...


Why is it so prominent in your work?

It is the mark of Francisco Palma Asturias, the Inquisitor.

You're honoring a madman?

What are we talking about?



Francisco Palma Asturias was one of the grand inquisitors of the Incan people under Pizarro.

You are familiar with the history?

Not only did Asturias t*rture and m*rder many of the Incan people, but he also k*lled my father.

How is that possible?

That was centuries ago.

The soul of the living is passed on to the next generation at death.

It is eternal, unbroken, with a memory of past good and evil.

Passed on through the bloodline?


Asturias befriended the shaman of my ancestral tribe, a man who foolishly believed that Asturias would spare his people if he give him what he desire.

But Asturias betray him, butchering his people before turning his blade on the shaman himself.

The shaman use his last breath to put a curse on Asturias's soul, forever condemning his lineage to eternal torment.

What was it Asturias desired?

The location of El Dorado.

The lost city of gold?

Well, that's what the Spaniards called it.

But it means much, much more than that.

Isn't that right, my friend?

El Dorado is a sacred place where anything you wish will come to reality.

You guys can't possibly believe that.

Asturias believed in it, enough to slaughter a nation.

Escamilla believes in it, enough to pursue it for seven years.

Is this true, Jorge?

Do you know how it feels to watch your loved one bleed to death in your arms, powerless to save her as she whispers your name in her dying breath?

Do you know the madness that plagues you in the days, months, and years after?

If not, then you will never understand the sacrifice that one is willing to make.

I cannot come to America with you.

We'll help you.


We'll help you find El Dorado.

But you have to help her.

She came a long way to find you, Jorge.

Who are you, Johnathon Davenport?

Someone who also knows what it feels like to... to be haunted by the death of a loved one.

You are very persuasive.

I guess I have little to lose except some of my independence, huh?

Oh my God.

Thank you, Jorge.


I promise you won't regret this.

I suggest that we keep this pursuit of El Dorado a secret from our trigger happy friends, huh?

The dragon has returned my love, for my revenge and your resurrection.


Rebels again?


John, I think that we should turn back.


No way, I'm staying to help Jorge.

Help him what?

Find El Dorado?


It is useless.

There's no sign of the him.

It's possible he was eaten by a jaguar, Kirk! or a puma.

The jungle is very hungry.


You and I both know this ain't no puma.

I've often wondered about how paranoia sets in, before death.


Back to base!

You and I both know that you can't bring people back from the dead.

Yeah, but what if the dead can bring themselves back through the living?


You know those nightmares I have?

Yeah. Becoming more and more clear since I've gotten to Peru.

What do you mean?

I feel like something's trying to warn me.

Warn you about what?

Let's go!

What are you gonna do?

Look at this.

I wanna help you.

Do you know what it takes to k*ll somebody, my friend?

I know what it takes to live.

John, what are you doing?

I'll be alright.

Oh, it's hot.

It's so hot.

Oh, it's caliente.


Oh, that lucky.

Very nice.

g*n down!

Where are my seeds, mi amigo?

With your mother in hell.

Don't be stupid, boy.

For you and your men, do the right thing.

Ash to ash, dust to dust.

Say hi to my mommy.


Come on.

What's the matter, huh?

Never k*ll anybody before?

Come on.

Come one!

Right now! Do it!

Come on!

You can't do it.

You can't do it.

sh**t me!

Carlos Volkov comes here with you and kills all of my brothers!

Kills everybody!

f*ck you!

f*ck Volkov.

You don't know what I've seen!

Do you!

You forgot what you are.

What are you waiting for!

I got nothing left!

Listen to me, John.


Hey, Alonzo.

What the hell are we doing out here fighting?

Mr. Carlos is gonna be paying our asses overtime for his.

Yeah, I'm telling you, man.

I'm gonna work overtime on the American girl, brother. Ooh.

Muy caliente.

What is wrong, Elizabeth?


I feel like everything that I've done since I've been here has been completely wrong since working with Carlos and bringing John, and... Me?

No, definitely not you.

Hey, Alonzo.

Did you hear the white boy went crazy on that?

I told you there's something off about him.

That mother fucker needs Jesus.

But I tell you what's even crazier.

I used to run with those

, and I swear to you I think we k*lled Jorge's wife back in the day.

Crazy sh*t, right?

Hey, Alonzo?


You lost, American?

What are you gonna do with that?

What the hell are you doing?

I heard what that rebel said.

He said Volkov's name.

As an artist, I must rely on my feelings to guide me.

I always trust my soul.

These trees, they speak to me, as do the mountains and the water.

My soul tells me you have no need to worry.

I uh, though you only drew inspiration from human atrocities.

You bastard.

Mi amigos.

The mercenaries went back to Carlos with his transport.

Come sunrise we head to El Dorado.

Uh, excuse me, Jorge.

I see you've woken the dragon.

And he is very, very hungry.

We must move quickly.

He will only grow stronger.

Our time is now, brother.






The heart of evil is selfish.

It's possible to become lost in your desires, blind to the answers that lie before you.

Jorge Escamilla is a wanted man.

He's not just an artist, my friend.

Maybe he knows the way to El Dorado.

I'm sorry, that's completely bullshit.

Well, that information could be a little valuable.

You know it's amazing the trouble you can get yourself into when you're looking for answers.

We got lucky.

For the first time in my life I have a clue about what's been tormenting me since I was a kid.

I have a chance to figure out this curse.

It's a chance my father never had.

Oh, this is so beautiful.

It's El Dorado.

Johnathon! Join me!

You seem like you've been here before.

I have, seven years ago.

I watched as my family was slaughtered in the name of sacrifice.


It is not by coincidence that you are here, Johnathon Davenport.

My tribe, as well as Shiniki's, have long known the location of El Dorado.

And for far too long we have been hunted for this knowledge.

But today we turn the tide.

I don't understand.

Seven years ago I was forced here by the rebels who sought to acquire power they could use to defeat a foreign presence in Peru.

A Russian crime lord.

Your friend, Carlos.

I could not satisfy their wish as I was unaware that the land's sacred powers have been locked by the blood of Francisco Asturias.

The Inquisitor.

My family was butchered as punishment and inspiration to force me to find the bloodline of Asturias.

For their greed and so that I could revive the powers of El Dorado and bring my family back from the dead.

Shiniki has spent almost a decade researching you, your lineage, your lost love.

How is this possible?

Everything was calculated to raise the spirit of thee Inquisitor that's festered inside you, John!

Do you think it was just a coincidence that you received that email of Jorge's paintings, or that you are seeing Asturias in your dreams!

You have performed well, Johnathon

slaying those who dare to stand in our way.


You're coming into your destiny, John! No.

The evil that we need!

John, no!


You're crazy. Finish your journey!

It ends here, John!

No, John!

Shiniki, no.

You are the direct descendant of Francisco Palma Asturias.


Your life will be used to bring joy for so many, mi amigo!


Your life for hers.

Your life for hers!


Your life for hers!

I'll give it to you!


I love you.

Do it!

You have no idea, and I hope you never find out.

Where is the city of gold?


El Dorado.

There's only one god.


Does this look like madness!


This is Dad.

Don't let it consume you, John.

Don't let it consume you like it did me, John.

Don't let it torment you, John.

Please, John.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

Don't let it win.

What have you done, John?

What have you done?

Don't let it win.

We're dying, John.

You've bartered our life for what?

They were gonna k*ll Liz.

Weakness k*lled Liz.


You've made a fatal mistake, boy.

You've already let it win.

The desire for those to bath in our blood.

You failed her.

Just like your father failed to strike down his enemies.

What enemies?

You know absolutely nothing.


Help me.

Help me to destroy my enemies.


What do I get in return?

What do you want?

It was never about gold, John.

It was about power, the power to ensure my legacy was long protected, to ensure my legacy reigned throughout the generations.

Their blood, John.

Not ours.

Then help me, and I will give you rebirth.

Death is only the beginning.

My god is thirsty for treasure.

Not water, shaman.

The treasure that you seek is all around you, Spaniard.

But before you can take from the gods, you must give.

Give what?


Forgive me.

Bath your desires in the blood, Spaniard.



You have done well, shaman.

My god is pleased.

I am very, very pleased.

Now let my people leave in peace.

May the gods poison your blood that infects you and your sons and their sons for generations to come until there are none.

There's only one god, old man.


After seven years, give me what I desire!

Give me my family back!

What is happening, shaman!

Why isn't it working!

It needs more than his blood!

It needs his flesh!


Has you hunger for gold not been satisfied?

You've taken enough to feed your family for generations to come.

Stop this madness.


Does this look like madness!



Why not wish for a mountain of gold and call it?

I prefer to earn my pieces.

Bring me the next.

Why don't you go back to Pizarro?

I need conquerors, not cowards!

The pretty one.

Oh, the pretty one.

I, I will have to think, to think of something grand for your death.


Get her!

Get her!

I will use her blood to save me.

Get her!

Are you prepared to take risks?


You are the Conquistador.

You are the Inquisitor!

The bastard's spirit is trying to protect itself.

Finish him!

I only want my family!


John, no!

John! John!

John, no!

Look at me, John!

This is not you!

This is not you.

Look at me.

You know you don't have to do this.


I love you.

I love you.


Don't do this, John.

Earlier this morning the board of directors of Davencorp moved to appoint Michael Streeter, board member and industry insider, to the position of CEO of Davencorp.

The move was made after a two week absence of Johnathon Davenport, son of the late Richard Davenport and heir apparent to the media giant.

Johnathon Davenport's attorney, Jack Harper, commented to reporters that Mr. Davenport is doing well and taking some time off following the death of his father.

Jared Martin, 6K News, Los Angeles.


Look how big you've grown.

So, so what's next now?

You gonna join your dad at uh, Davencorp?

Could be quite a legacy.

Hey, I just want him happy, you know?

That's the meaning of life, right?

He was a really great man, John.

And he loved you so much.

I've got a lot of regrets in my life, John.

But you aren't one of them.



John. I uh...

I just wanted to say, John, that...

That I love you.

Hey, hun. Hey, honey.


Señor Volkov, we must speak.

What do you want to speak to me about?

Your cocoa fields.

I pay you well, shaman, to keep the piece.

Yes, well, it's not that easy to keep the piece when you deal with revolutionaries, my friend.

Just go head and ask Jorge Escamilla.

Where did you get that?

Well, that information is very valuable.

Do not play games with us, shaman.

The legend is true.

Good things happen to those who are faithful to my tribe.

I'm not a fool, Carlos.

My people have suffered too long.

We just need the protection.

Tomorrow, you will carry out a new load of cocoa into the fields.

Do not fail me, shaman.

I can be trusted, Carlos.

Thank you for your time.

You okay?

Uh, no, not really.

There's um, a Russian drug lord scouring the earth for us.

Uh, a vindictive shaman who knows more about us than we do ourselves.

Oh, you're possessed by a 15th century spirit, and I k*lled a man in Peru.

And now I have to shut down my only.

At least you got me.

Why are we going to Mexico, again?

I found this in my father's office.

For that brief moment that I d*ed in Peru...


I learned something.

Asturias didn't die at El Dorado.

He was reborn.