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02x06 - Do Not Resuscitate

Posted: 03/02/21 08:46
by bunniefuu
Patient "A" is a -year-old male, with Stage-IV leukemia.

On January , he was bitten by a bat during the att*cks in Gotham Square, and he immediately began showing signs of sepsis.

Later that night, he received a dose of the miracle serum BP , which relieved the sepsis immediately.

He's here today, however, because we discovered hours later that it also cured his Stage-IV leukemia completely.

So today, we've isolated his white blood cells in an attempt to siphon and replicate their curative properties.

We're now mixing them in our synthetic granulocytes, and we are now injecting them into patient B, an -year-old male with a similar cancer.

Our hypothesis is that the new solution will attack his cancer in the same way.

We'll check back in hours and look for progress.




We need help in here!

Just... just try to sit back.

Just try to relax.




DOCTOR: Oh, oh...

The toxin spread by the bats was intentionally designed by Hamilton without a cure.

That serum cured it, and not just that, it reversed hereditary conditions, eradicated anemia, malaria, all types of blood diseases.

We can't replicate it, sir.

Try again.

Sir, with all due respect, how many people have to die for me to make my point?

And how many people get to live if I make mine?

Whatever was in the antidote for that bat toxin is gonna change modern medicine forever.

The supply was exhausted before we knew its potential, and it can't be synthesized.

It's gone, sir.

Well, it came from somewhere, right?

You really think someone's just gonna hand over the secret to a miracle cure?


I expect they're gonna cherish it like it's the most valuable thing in the world.


Don't let this door close.

What's this one's deal?

- Mr. Helzinger.

- What?

What's happening?

Aaron, it's me.

It's Dr. Rogers.

Uh, tell me you got a...

tell me you got a fix, doc.

Not at the moment, I'm afraid.



I didn't do anything.

Help me!



Aaron, you're okay.

You just... you just had an episode, okay?

I can't keep living like this.

Well, that's why I'm here.

There is a cure for you and for dozens of their patients that are cooped up in here, and, Aaron, you're gonna help me get it.

VESPER: The role of Batwoman will now be played by...

Well, we don't actually know her name, but .

seems to be sticking around for a while.

You got some big boots to fill, new girl.

Hope you like all-nighters.

WOMAN: ♪ I'm fighting when the city don't sleep ♪

- ♪ Can't put a lion on leash ♪

- Hi.


♪ No place for the wicked ♪

Nobody robs banks anymore?

You got to loot mom and pop shops?

♪ No taming me ♪

♪ I move my feet to the tempo ♪



- LUKE ON COMMS: Are you good?

- RYAN: Little busy.

Your heart rate is flooring it right now.

- If you need backup...

- I need you to let me do my job right now!

WOMAN: ♪ I walk these streets to the tempo ♪

♪ I, I, I survive ♪


WOMAN: ♪ Go do your recon ♪

♪ Find out who you're messing with ♪

♪ Because I'm the real one ♪

- ♪ You don't want to step to this ♪

- RYAN: Agh!


Believe it or not, the pacing, it isn't healing me.

What the hell's taking them so long?



We have been waiting for a doctor for two hours.


Actually, I'm not her attending.


Actually, have you heard of a little issue in your medical community called implicit bias?

I'm sorry.

We're coding down the hall.

- Let me educate you on something.

- Ang, please.

He's busy.

It is the reason Black women die of neglect at a disproportionately high rate in this country.

We're not having that tonight.

You need to get my girl some actual care before you need your own.

I'll find your attending.



that was extra.

Also, thank you for bringing me here.

I don't know who else you'd call at A.M., - and if you did...

- Uh-uh.

I would have been a little jeal.

Only you, babe.


Wilder, I'm Dr. Rodriguez.

I understand you have an infection.


Um, I've had it a couple of months.


This is really extensive.

- How'd you get this?

- A spider...

in my work's stockroom.

We'll get you some antibiotics.

Should start to clear up in about hours.

That's it?

When she showed up at my doorstep, she could barely stand.

Run some tests or something.

Unfortunately, her insurance doesn't cover any bloodwork.

I'll cover it, then.

Someone will be by to draw blood.


You're blowing up.

Now you have a shortage of words.

You know what I do, Ryan.

I don't need you judging me for it.

I'm not judging you.

I want you to get out while you can.

- Get out?

- Yeah.

Ryan, I trap for the rich and famous.

The things I know about them, about my plug, I can't just "get out".

You can, if you let me help you.


I got to go, okay?

- We'll pick this up later?

- Mm-hmm.

OCEAN: To be clear, you think I pulled out a tube of my lipstick, wrote this note, hunted you down, and then tossed it at our feet because I don't have anything better to do?

Safiyah seems to think so.

I told you, I don't have anything to do with Kate Kane, and I didn't send this note, and I think if you really believed I tried to blow up your sister's airplane, this conversation would look a lot more like you fumbling to k*ll me again.

I wasn't fumbling.

I was due-diligencing.

It will be very clear when I transition to actual m*rder.


I'm sure.


I'm a botanist.

I work alone, I keep to myself.

The idea of picking a fight with a w*rlord sounds like a lot of work.

Trust me.

It's a full-time job.

So why does she think that you tried to frame her for my sister's death?

Why don't you ask her yourself?

The last thing I need is to be in the middle of two crazy b*tches trying to rip each other's hair out.

Have a nice life.

Doesn't it bother you that we both magically forgot being on Coryana together, that there were obviously pieces of both our memories wiped?

I grow psychedelic mushrooms for a living.

You think it's the first memory I've lost.

But did you forget that she has an army?

Those guys she sent are just the beginning, and you know it.

Even if you run to the ends of the earth, she has plenty of assassins with pointy weapons and a lot of frequent flyer miles, so why does she think you framed her?

I trained her army.

I followed her rules, I was a good little solder, and then I got bored.

- You tried to leave.

- Uh-uh.

Not just leave.

I tried to leave with one of her precious flowers.

I thought I could grow it here, do some good, make a decent living.

I got busted, and she exiled me.

So you got to leave, just without your little, green parting gift.

Woke up in Gotham Harbor with the worst hangover of life.

Meaning you didn't remember the how, the where, the with whoms.

Are you ready to hear what I think?

I've had an option this whole time?

I think that you didn't get caught trying to leave the island with the Desert Rose.

Based on my little... tch... hot flashes, I think we got caught... together, and I think she let us keep all our memories except the ones specifically with each other.

MARY: Can you believe the audacity of that lawyer?

He knows everything that you went through with Beth, and now he's trying to browbeat you into declaring another daughter dead so that he can, what, claim his % of Kate's multimillion-dollar estate?


It's disgusting.

He should have his license revoked.

You know, if this med school thing doesn't work out, there's always litigation.


Thanks for bringing me.


Moore, what'd you find?

- The Napier's a fake.

- What?

How is that possible?

It's pig's blood.

According to our forensics tech, the real Jack Napier would have favored a more... biologically human pigmentation.

So it's a dead end.

Not exactly.

We found a partial print, I.D.ed the forger to a -something male in Gotham.

Well, that means there's a good chance he knows a hell of a lot about the original.

- What's his name?

- Ocean, the guy Alice is looking for, and now we know why.

I might be able to track him down, but I need permission to use the high-frequency generator receiver.

- Granted.

Get it done.

- Copy that, sir.


I give up.

What's a high-frequency generator rec...

Not open yet.

The door was.

Good to see you staying out of trouble.

Good to have your approval that...

I don't care about.

Still not open.

I've been building a case on your girl Angelique Martin.

Looks like Snakebite's her new money maker.

Her name's linked to outstanding possession cases.

Party kids, no loyalty.

What do you want, Crow-phie?

She's the little fish.

I'm looking for her supplier, a grower linked to the psychedelic mushrooms being used in Snakebite.

Goes by Ocean.

Never heard of him.

Angelique has.

I saw her at his apartment before he split.

I just need your help getting his new location from her.


I'll just casually text her and ask.

You don't have to ask her anything.

Once this is within range of her cell, it'll install an invisible high-frequency generator receiver app.

Essentially turns her cell into a digital and audio microphone.

I just need you to get it close enough to transfer.

You can't be serious right now.

As serious as your girl doing to at Blackgate.


First of all, technology like this should not exist in a free society.

Second, screw you.

I'm not betraying my girlfriend.

This is the same Angelique who let you take the fall for her, right, who continues to sell even after you served time for being caught with her dr*gs on you?

Do the right thing here, Ryan.

I'll get you the information you want, and then this file right here, it disappears.

Is that clear?

I do this, you can't touch her.

You can't protect her forever.

No, but I can protect her from you.

Is that clear?


- Mary?

- I'm fine.

I'm fine.

- He didn't hurt me.

- Ugh.

What is this place?

I don't know.

Looks like some sort of underground clinic...

Not that I've ever seen one.

AARON: Finally.



First hostage.


Unfortunately, no.


I mean me.

I've never done this before, but if all goes right...


All goes right...

Now I forgot what I was gonna say!



Spontaneous rage issues!

M-My brain's a little wonky.

What do you want?

The antidote.

The antidote Hamilton used on the bat toxin.

We don't have anything to do with Hamilton Dynamics anymore.

I don't know anything about the antidote.

I'm not talking to you.

I'm talking to her.

They said it's somewhere in this underground lab, so where is it?

She doesn't know anything about it either.

Actually, I know literally everything about it.

There's none left.

- No!

- Aah!

Oh, I can't k*ll her.

I need her.

W-Where did you get it?

Long story short, on the night a total bitch named Alice poisoned my mom and me, she gave me the cure, AKA the serum, from this fabled island flower.

It's called the Desert Rose, okay, but a few months later, I had this blood...

well, let's just call it a transfusion, and it was no longer in my system anymore, but, unbeknownst to me, Alice stole a pint of the transfusion blood, and on the night of the bat attack, she gave it back to me.

She gave it back to me, and she said it would save everyone because it still contained the Desert Rose.

I gave it to Hamilton, and I told them to make an antidote.

To my shock, it actually worked.

Why didn't you tell me about this?

Would you have believed me?

I believe you, and I need you to make more.

Don't you think that I tried?

The solution only retains stability after one generation.

- Huh?

- Hamilton doctors could extract it from my blood to treat patients with it, but once it's been extracted from the second bloodstream, it loses its curativeproperties.

Trust me.

I would love nothing more than to be the one who finds the cure for blood disease.





You're learning all this at Gotham U., are you?

No, Dad.

I'm not.

Oh, God.

This isn't the way that I wanted to tell you, but I've...

been practicing underground medicine for two years.

What do you mean underground medicine?

I mean, the reason why he's here looking for the antidote is because the antidote came from here.

This is my clinic.


Damn it.


ANGELIQUE: Oh, I know your client is a major star and way too busy to walk to an ATM, but that still doesn't change the fact that I don't use cash apps.

This isn't her save the pigs charity.




ANGELIQUE: You kept the plant I gave you, what, like, years ago?

You're soft, babe.

How are you feeling?



I don't get it.

It's your uniform for your new job at the Hold-Up.

It's legit, and I can protect you.

- Oh.

You will protect me?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Because you said you wanted out.

This is me giving you a way out.

That's very, very sweet, Ry.

Good because you start tomorrow, and Gays order some weird-ass drinks

- that you have to learn how to...

- I don't want out.

- Wait, but you said that you...

- I lied.

I like my job.

I'm good at it.

People actually respect me.

What people?

You sling to influencers.

Sorry I'm not living up to your moral standards, but some of us didn't get brangelinaed from the group home.

What is that supposed to mean?

Somebody found you, Ry, and you got a new life.

I didn't.

I didn't know what it felt like to be found by something.

Now I do.

I went to prison for you.

And I have apologized for that.

It doesn't count if you don't chan...

oh, my God!


- I can't...

- Ry.

The room is spinning.


What... what can I do?

My medicine's in the bathroom.



What is happening to me?

I think they're underneath the sink.


ANGELIQUE: I don't see them.

Are you sure?

They should be under there.


They were in the medicine cabinet.

- Mmm.

- I need to go check in on some people.

Take these, please, and I'm not saying that as some shady dealer.

Consider this misfiled.

I know this was hard for you.

But you don't, though, because you don't know what we've been through.

I know you're right back in the exact same situation you already served time for, and you're choosing to stay there.


You've never been in love, huh?

Of course I've been in love.

And now you're alone.

See, when I care about someone, I fight for them.


Ryan speaking.

Ms. Wilder, this is Dr. Rodriguez from Gotham City General.

I'd like you to come in for retesting.

What's wrong with the first test?

Unfortunately, I think there was a contamination - with the sample.

- Contamination?


Lab contaminants.

We're picking up a presence of radioactive material, so unless you were taking selfies at Chernobyl, you wouldn't have readouts like these.

The front desk will give you a call to set up an appointment.

Have a good day.


You're gonna need to learn to make more of that serum right now, or he dies.

I told you there is no antidote.

There is none.

- Unh!

- Aah!

Who are you working for?

No, no, no.

No names.

That's the rules.



Pain meds.

Far cab... far cabinet.

Over there.

Far cabinet.

Did he hit your celiac artery?

I'm fine.

I'm more concerned with how I could be blind to yet another daughter's secret life.


It's not your fault.

When you met my mom, all of your energy was focused on finding Beth, and then when you couldn't find her, it was about building the Crows, and now... it's all about finding Kate.

Truth of the matter is I've never really been on your radar.


It's okay.

I could tell him about Coryana.


Absolutely not.

He's gonna k*ll you.

If he kills me, he's got nothing.

I have had years of resistance training.

I'll be fine.



That craniotomy scar, is that what you're trying to heal?

Shrinks called me amygdala, said I had my circuits mixed up, that I reacted wrong to things.

Saw a puppy, I got pissed off.

Saw a kid crying, it cracked me up.

Then years ago, the doctors decided I'd be the perfect lab rat for this secret experimental treatment, so they fried the bad parts of my brain with UV light.

Some two dozen treatments later, I go to a movie.

I'm sitting there.

At one point, I started laughing, and then I hear everybody else around me, and they were laughing, too.

That had never happened before.

For the first time in my life, I...

I felt normal.

The UV exposure, it worked?

It did... for a week, and then cancer bloomed in my brain like a cherry blossom.

Sometimes, the tumor rubs up against my amygdala, and...

- JACOB: Agh!

- AMYGDALA: I have an unfortunate moment!

Please, please, please stop, stop!

You don't want to do this.

You're gonna k*ll him.

Don't you get it?

My amygdala is infested with cancer.

His pain doesn't compute with me.

I don't feel anything but angry.


There's more antidote.

- Where?

- Mary, no.

There's an island, and if you can get there, you can have all the cure that you want.

Just... just let my dad go.

How do I get there?

She doesn't want anyone knowing the location of the island, so she blitzed my memory - so I can never get back.

- She didn't just erase that day.

She erased our entire existence from each other.

That's not strange to you?

You're right, Alice.

Maybe you were the one busted stealing the Desert Rose, and maybe you framed me to save your own ass.

I don't think I would have done that.


Too honorable?

You helped me gut men yesterday.

You really don't remember, do you?

Remember what?

You and I had a thing together.

From the looks of it, it should have been memorable.

Oh, crap.


My thoughts exactly.

RYAN: "Kryptonite is comprised of sodium, lithium, boron, and elements not found on earth.

As a result, this makes it the singular material that can penetrate the Batsuit and the only failsafe that protects the suit against corruption".



There you are.

You haven't checked in all day.


I was busy betraying my girlfriend so your Crow Sophie can make a drug bust.

- Oh, you mean Ocean.

- How do you know about that?

Sophie told me that he forged the fake Jack Napier painting and might know where the real one is.

So her story about having a case on Angelique to catch her dealer, it was all B.S.?


It was not all B.S.

We need Ocean to find Kate.

What does he have to do with Kate?

According to Alice, he has ties to Coryana, so we ran a search, but the guy's practically a ghost.

I'm gonna need you to go back to the part where you said, "According to Alice".

When were you talking to Alice?



So at Sophie's condo the other day, she was there, and when I showed up, she pulled a g*n on me.

And then you left and promptly called .

And then you left and promptly called to tell the cops the location of the bitch whose g*ng k*lled my mom.

Right now, Alice is our only way to Coryana.


It's Mary.


Uh, not a great time.

Lucas, hey.

I'm gonna need you to bring me that map to Coryana.


What are you talking about?

My dad and I are here at my clinic, and he asked to see it.

What the hell is your dad doing at the clinic?

I'll tell you as soon as you bring me the map, okay?

Fast as you can, you know, like a bat out of hell.

Mary, everything good?

I'm fine, Lucas.

Just bring me the map.

I'm not messing around.

Her dad can't know about the clinic.

She's never called me Lucas ever, not once.

"A bat out of hell"?

Something's wrong.

I need to get to her.

- Ohh!

- Whoa.

What's up with you?


No, no, no.

I just...

I just need some space.

- Okay.


what can I...

- I don't need your...


Whoa, Ryan, Ryan, hey.

Ryan, what's going on?

It doesn't make sense.

You're a painter?

Do I have to draw you a... picture?

When people don't hate each other very much...

I mean, Coryana was remote, but I was never desperate.

Well... apparently, I was.

Where you going?

To call Safiyah's side-chick.

SAFIYAH: Can I assume it's done?

I was calling your henchman.

Do you normally answer the phone for your underlings?

It's normally not you.

How are you, Alice?

I've never asked this to a woman, but...

You didn't happen to roofie me for months straight, did you, because I'm hitting a lot of potholes on memory lane that need filling.

What did you do to me?

I made you a woman who could put a knife through a man's heart.

Tell me everything you erased.

Happy to, but first, ask yourself, "Is that really what I want?" Wouldn't it be so much easier not having an emotional attachment to the man you've been tasked to k*ll?

Why don't you ask someone who has emotional attachments?

Says the girl willing to do anything to get her sister back.

I wondered why you tasked me with such a specific piece of work, and... now I know.

So you could sit back and watch me k*ll an old flame.


You're sick.

No, Alice.

Sick would be telling you all the details of your story with Ocean and then asking you to k*ll him, which, again, I am happy to do if you so desire.

Let me know what you decide.


Did that just pulsate?

This is why no one can help me.

This from the Kryptonite?

You said you were fine.


I thought I was.

I knew it could pierce the Batsuit, but when you survived Tommy sh**ting you, I assumed it meant it was only fatal if the shot hit a vital organ.


Kryptonite kills, just hella slow.

Why didn't you say anything?

What I was about to say after I begged to put on the suit?


Got to take a sick day"?

I spend every second in that thing trying to convince you I'm at least half as good as Kate.

Wasn't about to give you one more reason to doubt me.

Um, I'm sorry.

We don't have time for this.

I need to get to Mary.

You can barely walk.

You can keep telling me everything I can't do, or you can make yourself useful and have my back for once.

_ Hyah!

EMILY BLUE: ♪ Emotions come, I don't know why ♪

- ♪ Cover up love's alibi ♪

- You're an idiot.

♪ Call me... ♪

Now use my weight against me.

♪ On the line ♪

♪ Call me, call me any day or night ♪

♪ Call me ♪

I think Safiyah will like you.

I want to escape, and I want you to come with me.

♪ Call me, my love ♪

♪ Call me, call me any, anytime ♪

♪ Call me ♪

- What'd you see?

- What did you see?

That this is, um, getting complicated.

[g*n COCKS]

SOPHIE: Hands where I can see them.

Oh, we're kind of in the middle of a thing.

I'm not here for you.


Ocean, I'm Agent Moore with the Crows.

Where's the Napier painting?

What Napier painting?

The one you were looking at when you forged the fake.

No idea what you're talking about.

It'll take two minutes to have this place swarming with a bunch of Crows, looking to catch the man responsible for Gotham's latest drug epidemic.

Give me the map, and I'll let you go.


Oh, now I'm intrigued.

- Hand it over.

- Don't.

The faster she gets to the island, the faster I'll need you dead.


Not my problem.

Show me the map!

I got the map.

Any chance you know how to read a nautical chart?

No, but you need to bring it to the clinic.

I think someone's got Mary.

She said her dad is with her and that she needs the map.

Oh, my God.


I'm on my way.

She sounded deadly serious, and this goes without saying, but you can't actually hand it over.

I won't, but I'm also not gonna gamble with their lives.

What are you doing?

That island is growing the only thing on this planet that has a shot at curing me.

I'm not putting my life in the hands of some Crow.

Look, Ryan.

The suit can discharge a single dose of adrenaline.

When you need a boost, say the word.

I got this.

I know.

You're one of them, aren't you?

I'm so stupid.

Stupid, stupid!



Stop, stop, stop!

Stop, stop!

One of who?

Just another lying Hamilton.


What are you talking about?

Hamilton doctors did this to you?

It's not possible.

You said this happened years ago.


My mom was CEO then.

She would have never signed off on secret human testing.

Why do you think they call it secret, genius?

And your doctors, they promised...

They promised, they promised to fix me!

Did you know that this was happening?

Apparently there's a lot I don't know about.



MARY: Oh, my God!

SOPHIE: Drop it, or I sh**t!

MARY: Stop, stop!

She brought the map!

You're not a k*ller!

Your family did this to me!

RYAN: Huh!


Get her out of here.

Go out the back.

I'm not leaving my agent in a damn hallway.

I'll protect her, I promise you.

Now go!


Luke... now.




Batwoman to Batcave, I got it.

That's okay.


Sedate him in the car.

We don't need any incidents.

Who are you?

Just a man looking for a map.

Don't give it to him.

I will sh**t this Crow in the head.

Her blood will be on your hands, Batwoman.

Is that really how you want to start your legacy?

We need that map.

I know....

But I also can't let you die.

What do you mean she's dying?

I looked at the wound.

The meds were working.

Why didn't you tell me?

She asked me not to.

- But we're the Batteam.

- Not to her.

Well, the meds aren't working.

Her prolonged exposure to the Kryptonite radiation is lethal.

Ryan's only hope is the Desert Rose, which is on Coryana with Kate, who we're never gonna see again.

Since putting on the suit, Ryan's...

Ryan's made the streets safer, she's inspired the city, and she helped us find Kate, and she's done it all while having a terminal illness.

I mean, if that's not a hero, what the hell is?

So we're gonna find Coryana, we're gonna get Kate back, and we're gonna save Ryan's life.

Except we have no way of doing any of those things.

That's not true.

We have my dad.

JACOB: If these people have anything to do with Hamilton, I want to be the first to know about it.

I want that map in my hands.

I shouldn't have said anything about Coryana.

You were acting on instinct.

That man was totally unhinged.

Do you think mom knew what they were doing to that guy?

I think your mom was a lot like you, a woman who would do anything to help people.

I know you're pissed about the clinic.

I'm shutting it down, Mary.

- Why?

Why would you do that?

- It's illegal.

Yeah, but a lot of people in Gotham can't afford health care in the legal way.

Practicing without a license, impersonating a doctor, possession of narcotics, need I go on?

I've saved hundreds, maybe thousands of lives, and even more than that, I make people feel like they're worthy of being alive!

Gotham City General can't say that.

I'm not questioning your passion or the good that you've done, but did you not listen to what the man said?

This is exactly how your mother started... with good intentions and a lot of disappearing lines in the sand.

Mom knew about the clinic.

She was proud of me.

She was conducting human experiments, Mary.

Well, I wouldn't do that.

Every sick person who walks through your front door is an experiment because you are not qualified.

So is this what being a Dad means to you?

You finally pay attention to me, and then you take away the thing that means the most to me.

I liked you better when you acted like I didn't exist.



RYAN: I didn't actually think you would come.

I did.

You don't look so hot.


It's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.

It's something pretty serious.

Like what?



Let me guess.

Cops got you on the hook for something.

Why would you think that?

I don't know, Ryan.

Why would I think that?

I have no idea.

Is it maybe...

Because you slipped some creepy spy tech onto my phone?


Oh, no.

I heard static, and half my apps stopped working, and my tech guy thinks he deleted it, but who knows?

The feds could be listening to every word of this.


I did not have a choice.

You did, though, and you chose to snitch.

They had a case on you.

You would be in a holding cell right now.

That's not how this works, Ryan.

The cops, the Crows, they're not the ones I'm afraid of.

You know what?

My bad, Ang.

I am so sorry that you can't drug-deal in peace.

I am so sorry I cannot trust you.

Oh, don't you dare turn this around on me!

How do I know you don't have this whole place bugged?

How do I know you're even who you say you are?

Because you know me!

You are the only person that knows me, and I need you right now, I really need you.

You should have thought of that before you ratted me out.

JOY OLADOKUN: ♪ Did you ever really love me? ♪


♪ And did you ever really love me? ♪


CHORUS: ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Did you ever really love me? ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

SAFIYAH: Hello again.

This is where I say thank you.

- For what?

- Your advice.

The less I knew, the better.

Ocean's dead.

I'll need to see his body.

And I'll bring it, and you'll give me Kate.

Now send your little errand girl to come fetch.

I'll be damned.

You're a bigger lunatic than I thought.

Thank you.

MAN: Greg, move your head!