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Hunger (1966)

Posted: 02/20/21 18:37
by bunniefuu
I'll come and buy up the lot at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

A little treat for a couple of children I know.


No, I've no time to talk to you.

Talk to each other instead.

Are you here?

Did they take you on?

They only want people who have passed exams.

As long as you're a master,of this or a bachelor of that it doesn't matter a damn whether you've got talent or not.

Bookkeeper at a grocer's...

Why not?


FIRE BRIGADE SEEKS RELIABLE YOUNG MEN OF SOUND PHYSIQUE Coming for something to eat? No, I'm not really hungry.

But I'll keep you company.

Listen, I'll come round one day and look at your painting, eh?

Do you have to sit on this bench?

What do you say?

I'm used to being alone on this bench when I'm working.

So I would prefer you to leave. I don't wish to be disturbed.

You needn't go straight away!

What are you doing here?

Would you be so kind as to tell me the time?

Two o'clock.

It's ten!

It's two! You're wrong, it's ten!

You'd better re-set your watch, my good man!


No glasses.


Hi, there! Boy! Come here!

Run into the grocer's with this. I'll give you a tip another day.

Go on!

Excuse me... What's the time?

Half past three. Fine! I can see you know your job.

You're dropping your book, miss.

You're dropping your book, miss.

What book is he talking about? I haven't got a book.

Never mind him, he's drunk.

You can see he's drunk!



At last,

Come in, My darling!

How heavily she's breathing, As you see... rubies everywhere, Her eyes are like... amber, Come to me, Come!

That red, soft silken divan!

Kiss me, Kiss me!

Her lips are glowing,

Up you get!

I'm sorry.


Don't forget your hat.

Of course. I'm sorry. I thought I'd forgotten something.

Move along!

No, I don't talk to shoes, I said.

Talk to one another instead.

You must leave tomorrow, cordially, Mrs. Gundersen,


Five... five kroner.

Ten... ten. A bargain at the price!

If you're thanking God, then thank him from me as well!

I wrote my first masterpiece here, 28th October 1890, K,P,

So you move out this morning?

I place my future in your hands!

And I'll put it down again.

Why don't you go home to the country?

You've no need to stay here.

Alright, I'll go.

Yes, please.

Would you be so kind as to wrap this up for me?

Thank you ever so much.

Be careful with that!

There are a couple of valuable vases inside.

I inherited them.

I'm sending them to Smyrna.

Thank you! I'm most grateful to you for your kindness.

TO THE EDITORIAL OFFICES Perhaps he'll come this afternoon?

No fixed hours here. Certainly not for the editor.

Ty again at 3 o'clock.

Could I put it on the editor's desk myself?

Or will you take it? Put it on the pile over there.

Are these manuscripts? All of them?

Yes. What's come in today.

-And you get this many every day? -We do.

How can I be sure the editor will read my article?

Excuse me...

I said, how can I be sure the editor will read it?

He reads everything. Come back at 3 o'clock.


You here?

Yes, I always have a little walk in the morning.

How are things?

I'm working for Christie's, the wholesale people. Bookkeeping...

It's alright, you know.

What have you got here?

Some cloth bought at Semb's. Can't neglect one's looks completely!

I beg your pardon.

Do you know him? Barely.

She's his latest conquest. She's married.

Let me recommend you my tailor.

There's nobody like Isaksen. Just say I sent you.

May I remind you that you owe me 10 kroner?

Good bye.

Just a few coppers...

For milk.


Money is a little hard to come by and I don't know if you're deserving.

I haven't eaten since yesterday in Drammen and I'm broke.

I haven't found work yet.

-Are you an artisan? Yes, a welt binder.

A what?

A welt binder. I can make shoes too.

I see. Well, that's different.

It's rather an unfortunate time of the day to ask.

It would have been better after 3 o'clock... but just a moment and I'll see what I can do.

One krone. I'd counted on one and a half.

If it weren't now a bit small for me I wouldn't have parted with it.

Of course not.

There you are. I'm glad you asked me first.

You've acquired the unpleasant habit of staring at people's knees when they give you a coin.

Take the blasted money, for the trouble I've had getting it!

Perhaps I owe you this sum for all I know.

Please realize you are talking to a thoroughly honest person.

Pick it up before somebody more deserving does!

There you are.

Excuse me. I had a pencil in the pocket in the waistcoat I left with you this morning.

You'd better look yourself.

Here we are. Thanks!

Of course it would never occur to me to go to all this trouble for the sake of any old pencil.

But this one has a story attached to it.

It has helped me make a name for myself in the world.

It's the pencil I wrote my philosophy thesis with. In 3 volumes.

Perhaps you know it? I know of it.

Well I'm the author. So don't be surprised at my being fond of it.

I almost regard it as a little person.

Thank you so much!

I shall remember you. I'm that sort of person, see?

Thank you.

The Morning Post will start a course in French lip-reading, You now see a number of photographs of the mouth saying the passionate words

"Je vous aime": I love you,


Excuse me, Mr. Christie?

I sent a message with a letter about a vacancy for a bookkeeper.

I don't know whether it will have served any purpose?

Well now, your handwriting is nice enough but you seem to be a bit careless with figures.

You've dated your letter 1848.

Even you aren't that old!

Oh, have I? A slight error...

A moment's distraction...

But I need a man who never makes mistakes with figures.

Your handwriting is very clear and it's a good letter. But...

Yes, a pity. Of course it won't recur.

A tiny slip like this doesn't prove I'm not a good bookkeeper.

I'm not saying it does.

But it means so much to me that I've decided on somebody else.

You mean the job is taken? Yes.

Then there's nothing more to be said!


Good bye.


Excuse me, my carriage is waiting.

Colonel Schinkel? No. Why?

Doesn't Colonel Schinkel live here? Sorry. I have a small cannon for him.

LARSEN Butcher

I'm to fetch a parcel for a young musician named Grieg.

But I don't understand. It must be here.

I'm certain of it.

We've got nothing today!

I'm sorry I rang so loudly. I don't know the bell here.

An invalid gentleman advertised for a man to push his chair.

A Mr. Hojbjerg.

There's no Mr. Hojbjerg here.

An elderly gentleman?

2 hours' wheeling a day at 40 cents per hour.

Then it must be on the first floor. I'm sorry.

I only wanted to recommend a man I know who has a philanthropic outlook.

My name is Wedel-Jarlsberg.

I beg your pardon.

Excuse me, I wonder if I could have a small bone for my dog?

There doesn't have to be any meat on it.

Where would we be?

Have you seen that fellow?

Damnation! Is there nothing one can keep for oneself?


Excuse me. May I help you?

Yes... What's the time?

Five to three.

Five to three?

I should have known! Five to three!

This is really too silly. Do you thank your God?

That I do.

Then thank him warmly from me too.

In 5 minutes I'll be a happy man.

And God has done this for me. I must see if it's...


The editor has been in but won't be back again today.

Did he read my article?

What did he say?

Come back tomorrow after 3.

-What's the matter? He wants instant payment.

You must come back tomorrow at the same time.

Do you need money?

Not at all.

It's just that I'm leaving for Denmark soon, to finish a book.

Let's hope you don't leave before the editor has read your article.

Come on. We can always have a cup of coffee.

Good evening. Oh, it's you!

I came to see your picture.

Am I disturbing you?

Oh, no. It's just that it must be seen by daylight.

Why do you have to come in the evening?

Can't I see it anyway? There's not enough light.

Besides, I've got a girl with me. So it's not so good.

I understand. Of course I won't disturb you then.


Have you got anywhere to stay? Oh, yes.

Would you like to join us?

No, thank you. We're on our way.

Come on! Hurry up.

We'll take a cab.

I'm a little indisposed.

But tomorrow I shall be the happiest person in the world!

Tell her that from me.

Say I'll be coming tomorrow. I'll be coming tomorrow...

Very nice, eh?

Let me have 50 cents for these glasses.

I'll redeem them --

They're only steel-rimmed?

I can't take them.

No, it was only a joke.

But I've got a quilt here that I don't really need.

I might just as well...


It's the worn side-- It wouldn't fetch 10 cents.

The glasses as well... 25 cents.

It's no use.

My hat. That's worth something.

You cannot part with your hat. I'd part with my trousers...

Five kroner.

Here, take this to Mr. Christie and he'll give you 10 kroner.


Today is the big day.

Stick it for a few more hours. Until 3 o'clock.

You're not afraid, are you?

I mean to say...

A parcel like that is a terrible temptation.

Do you know the term "gentleman thief'?

It's a rich man who dresses in rags and steals for pleasure.

Once a man has got what he can with the help of money, he's willing to get whatever he can without it.

May I offer you a cigarette?

You're not from Christiania?

No. Yes, of course I am.

Where do you live?

2 St. Olafs Place.

No. 2?

I once knew everybody at no. 2.

Who's your landlord?


Happolati? A sailor, isn't he?

No. You must be thinking of his brother. This is J. A. Happolati.

Very clever fellow, isn't he?

Yes, fantastic.

Ever hear of the electric hymnbook he invented?

The letters are electric and shine so that you can sing in the dark.

Yes, a big concern, worth millions. Big jute mills, printing-shops...

I think he employs 100 people. 100?

You should see his daughter, Ylajali.

A fairy, a princess!

She lies on a couch of yellow roses. Three hundred slaves!

I swear I've never seen a more beautiful person in my life!

She's lovely, wickedly lovely!

When she looks at me, it's like a stream of wine that penetrates straight into the phosphorus of my soul.

Every glance is like a kiss.

Why shouldn't she be beautiful?

Do you think she's somebody in the Fire Brigade?

Or a female debt collector?

No, she's a glory of the heavens. A saga!

He owns a lot of property, then?

I don't know anything about that.

Kindly remember that his name is Johan Ahrend Happolati, known by his initials.

Johan Ahrend Happolati?

You should see his wife!

The fattest woman in the world so help me God.

Don't you believe she's fat?

Oh, I dare say. A man like that probably has a fat wife.

Hell's bells! Do you think I'm telling you a pack of lies?

Perhaps you don't believe there's a man called Happolati?

I never thought I'd find so much nasty spitefulness in an old man.

Do you think I'm a little louse sitting here in my best clothes?

That I haven't got a fine case full of cigarettes, eh?

I'm not used to your sort.

I won't tolerate it from you or from anybody else!

Understand? Take your parcel!

Give me a sign.

O Lord!

Where to, sir?

Many places. First to 48 Nordbygaten.

I have to meet a man.

I have to meet a gentleman there. A wool merchant.

We have a lot of business to do together.

Wait here a moment.

Mr. Kierulf, the wool merchant?

I'm to meet him. Joachim Kierulf.

But my dear woman!

That's how people are nowadays.

He wasn't there.

Wasn't he?

Drive to 1 Repslagergangen.

They've sent for me. Something dreadful has happened.

I'll be back in a minute.


Excuse me. Do you have a room?

For how long? Probably for quite a long time.

Perhaps permanently.

I'm an author so I want a quiet room.

Well, this is excellent.

Do you have a candle?

You have to provide that yourself.

Reserve this for me, will you?

No hurry as far as I'm concerned.

Just something I've had at home, for quite a long time.

Been quite a nuisance in its way. I was passing by anyway.

Just a little set of buttons.

Just a few coppers to buy a cigar.

Of course I'd throw in the glasses.

You know I can't take your glasses.

10 cents... 5... Just as you like.

I cannot accept your buttons. Please go.

And God be with you.

I'll tell you one simple truth:. God doesn't want to help me!

But, even if he did he can go to hell. Understand?

Do you know what you are? You're his pack-mule!

But I'll keep him at arm's length. That's more than you would dare.

You're too much of a coward.

If only God would let me live for two more hours... or two-and-half hours. Then I'd have money.

I'd be happy, happy! I'd do what I like!

But then you come along and take my last sigh from me.

You won't grudge me the tiniest thing... so that I can live a little longer.

But you're ill! You must go home.

Home? Where?

-Aren't you from the county? Don't mock me!

Is it very misty today?

I know the police. They always deny the facts!

Oh, it's you, is it?

You write well. A little excitably, perhaps.

You may write a little for our readers.

Your article shows talent. I'd like to use it.

But re-write it and tone it down a little.

You can do that easily by tomorrow.

There'll be 10 kroner waiting for you outside.

You can easily manage it.

You're not short of money, are you?

No. I'm just... so happy.

Thank you.

A little excitably, easily manage it, you write well, Shows talent, shows talent...

Well, are you moving in now?

If it suits you. How much will you pay in advance?

I was going to talk about that. I'll pay tomorrow.

I have 10 kroner waiting for me at my editorial office.

Just a detail I have to alter here. Then you shall have 5 kroner.

I thought as much.

But, my dear woman, it's a mere trifle! I can easily manage it.

You shall have 10 kroner. 10! Whatever you wish.

I must have somewhere to work in peace.


But, if somebody can pay cash, out you go!

Good evening, miss.

Good evening. -Are you looking for somebody?

You must excuse me. I thought perhaps I could help you.

Perhaps somebody I know?

I'm not looking for anybody. I'm just standing here.

I see. Would you care to take a glass of wine with me somewhere?

I don't think so.

But if you'd like to walk down the street with me a bit...

It's so late to walk alone.

You must be cold without a coat. No, not at all.

I very seldom wear my overcoat. I think you get...

I mean... it's such a cumbersome thing that I'd rather...

But you shouldn't be walking with me. I put you to shame.

You've seen me before.

You followed me for half a day.

Were you drunk?

Yes, I'm afraid I was.

You mustn't come any further. Goodnight.

-Why don't you ask me to walk back? -Would you really...?

Just a little way.

Incidentally, it wasn't you I was following that day but your sister.

My sister?

That is, the younger of the two ladies.

The younger?

Oh, you're a Mul!

By the way, I've seen you before.

At the theater, a year ago. You were with three friends.

I'm afraid you were drunk then too.

-What makes you think that? People turned at your laughing.

I used to laugh a lot then.

Not now? Perhaps I still do.

I think life is so wonderful.

Will I see you again?



You can meet me here tomorrow evening... if you'd like.

Really? May I? At 8.

But you mustn't think too badly of me.


Getting cold, isn't it?

And you wanted a loaf?

No, a candle. Just a candle.

And a loaf for you, wasn't it?

Oh, it was you? Yes, now let's see, that's 4...

The account book.

4 kroner 15.

There you are.

Hello there! Wait!

You forgot your candle.

Who'd have thought? You!

It's been a long time. I hardly recognized you.

I was here the day before yesterday.

That was my day off.

Anything to drink? A beer? On me, that is.

Have you finished?

Hello there! Wait!

Of course, my candle,

Getting dark early these days.

There'll be snow tomorrow. It seldom comes so soon.

I haven't come to listen to your weather forecasts.

Do you know I cheated you?

That I never gave you any money?

Some people are so disgusting!

A grocer who cheats himself deserves to be cheated!

You just talk and talk and give me change from 5 kroner I never gave you.

Did you know that? That's despicable!

It's not despicable! You've got a measly shop-assistant's mind.

I didn't keep the money! I'm too honest.

Where is it?

I gave it to a poor widow.

Why didn't you bring it back?

So you think it's my fault? I took the money, I admit that.

But I gave it to a poor widow. Do you want to be less charitable?

Here am I explaining. You should be ashamed!

Shame on you! Shame! Shame!


Has the Nun sailed yet?

The Nun? Yes!

The Nun... well, maybe...

How far is it to Holmestrand from here in nautical miles?

Holmestrand? Let me see...

Or Veblung Head?

Yes... Holmestrand... That would be...

Lend me a little tobacco, would you? Just a little.


Welt binder!

Good evening.

Have you been waiting long? Not at all. I've just come.

It wouldn't have mattered if I'd had to wait a little.

I thought you'd be coming from there.

No. I took mother to see a family. Mother's out this evening.

-Where shall we go? Oh, wherever you want.

I don't like having to decide.

There's no light in your windows.

It's the maid's night off. There's nobody at home but me.

But we can go up, can't we?

I could sit by the door.

You don't have to.

Don't look at me like that.

You put me to shame. I'll never do it again.

What won't you ever do again?

I'll never kiss you again.

Oh no?

You're so awkward!

We can sit over here.

No, not there.

You're much too shy. Come on!

Come in!

You sit there and I'll sit here.

That's it.

Shy people are awful!

You have to do and say everything yourself.

I don't get any help with anything.

Don't try to make me think you're always modest like this.

You're just pretending.

I remember the day you were drunk and followed me and pestered me.

You were cheeky!

"You're dropping your book, miss!"

That was really mean of you!

Why don't you say anything?

You're so pretty.

I find myself becoming quite fascinated by you.

Sometimes your eyes shine like flowers.

Well, perhaps not...

I'm utterly in love with you. I know it's quite unreasonable.

Do you know what I've called you?



It sounds so gentle... sorry of rippling.


Is it a foreign word?

No, I suppose not.

It doesn't sound ugly.

I really think you look a little better than last time.

Not much.

Only a little bit. Don't give yourself ideas.

Last time you really looked bad.

And you were very keen to go and drink wine with me somewhere.

Was it because of my miserable appearance that you wouldn't?

No, it wasn't that.

Now you mustn't be angry with me but... last night when I lay down to go to sleep

I put out my arm and pretended you were lying beside me!

How lovely!

You'd only dare do that at a distance, because otherwise...

Don't you think I'd dare? No, I don't think so.

Oh, you can expect anything from me.

Can I?

You see, I can scare you just by frowning a little.

By heavens! I'll show you.

Your kisses taste like apricots. Sweet...

A little chocolate sweet.

May I see? May I see?

What a lot of hair.

How does a person of your age keep losing so much hair?

I don't know.

You probably drink too much. You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'd like to know what sort of a life you lead.

Probably dreadful.

You really ought to tell me about it. Begin!

Tell me now!

May I kiss your breast first?

No, you may not! Certainly not! No! What do you want?

You'll see.

Don't. How can I be certain you're not mad?

Do you really think I am?

No... Yes, when you behave in a funny way.

When you followed me, perhaps you weren't drunk after all?


May I? May I?

No, I'm afraid! Leave me alone! You'd better kiss my breast then!

God in heaven what sort of a game is this?


The maid will be coming home soon.

Was your father in the army?

How could you guess that? It just struck me.

Sometimes I sense certain things when I'm in certain places.

It's probably got something to do with my madness.

Are you going now?

Why don't you tell me to go quite frankly?

No need to be shy.

Instead of reminding me that the maid will be back soon you could say, "I've got to fetch my mother now

"and I don't want your company in the street."

I wasn't thinking that at all. Yes, you were.

The way you picked up your jacket and put it down again, it's quite obvious.

One doesn't have to be mad just because one is a sensitive person.

There are people who live on trifles and die because of a harsh word.

Alright, I'm going.

Look, my hand is already on the door handle.


Goodnight, I said.

At least you could say goodnight now that I've said it twice.

I'm not asking to meet you again because I know it would pain you.

Why didn't you leave me in peace? What have I done to you?

Did I get in your way?

Why did you turn your back as if I didn't exist?

But you say nothing.

You just want me to go.

I like you all the same.

How beautiful you are now!

You can't go in there!

The room has been let to somebody else.

But it's my room!

It is? And what have you paid, might I ask?

But you promised--

I said that if somebody else came and paid in advance you'd have to go, didn't I?

But what shall I do? I need somewhere to work.

Well, come and sit in with us. You can sleep in the passage.

I'm afraid I must ask you to let me spend the night here.

Did the wife say so? Yes. Someone else has my room.

And in his eye.

Will you stop spitting at them, you old runt!

They won't leave him in peace.

You can keep your trap shut, or it'll be the worse for you!

You're all off your bloody rockers!

If you're going to stay here you'd better keep quiet!

You can stay the night but don't kick up a fuss as well!

It's our bookkeeping friend. How's Mr. Christie?

Getting on all right?

The days are getting shorter.

There's snow in the air.

You sound like a shopkeeper.

Why don't you start up as an undertaker and travel round the county and drink coffee with people, seeing's as you've got a face like a professional mourner?

Do you know her? No.

You were so chivalrous.


It makes no difference.

As long as she's with that fellow I wouldn't care to answer for her.

Good bye.

Come and have a look.

Look at the old man.

Just sitting there watching it all!

God Almighty! Are you here again?

Sorry. I only want to say good bye.

Get out before I fetch the police!

I haven't touched-- Out! Out!

You can get out this minute!

I'm sick and tired of you. Get out!

Do you know this person?

Wait. I think this is for you.

What is it?

What nonsense is this? Who is it from?

I don't know. A lady gave it to me.

All is lost, ladies and gentlemen! All is lost!

Ladies and gentlemen, all is lost!

Excuse me, what's the time?

About 4 o'clock.

That's it. I can see you know your business.

I shall remember you.

Hello, Captain! Can you use a man?

Alright. Go forward and wait until we've pushed off.