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Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)

Posted: 02/20/21 18:10
by bunniefuu
There was a time, long ago, when evil men with greed in their hearts would lay siege to the king that possessed the ancient treasures of the Dark Ages.

But the king was in league with creatures of magic, forest spirits.

Leprechauns, these guardians summoned from the earth to protect the gold from falling into the hands of evil men, of wicked men.

The legend of their ferocities spread through the land and all would know not to trifle with these creatures.

The kings reign would come to an end, and the leprechauns would find their home again back in Mother Natures embrace.

Except for the myth of the one, the one that did not go back.

No, no!


Where is it? It's gone.

You can't hide it from me, Jacob. The rainbow always points to me treasure.

Never again, foul creature. You're going back to hell tonight, and the Lord will help me send you.

Poor misguided Jacob, even if you steal for God, you still have to pay the Devil.

Damn clovers.

The Lord is at my side.

In the name of the Father, I condemn thee to the valley in the shadow of death.

I shall not fear your evil.

Take it all, take it all! Just don't send me back.

I am sending you back to the earth, back into the grave whence you came.

I banish thee, spawn of Satan!

No! Help me! Please!

Help, help.

I'm sorry. Sorry.

They hiring at the salon?

Fool, it's a women's salon.

What do you think you're gonna do up in there?

I can give massages. I can help with those bikini waxes.

Bikini wax? Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

A little Mohawk, a little triangle.

I'm the f*cking b*mb with that shit, for real.

Shut up! Yeah.

They got everybody's hopes up for no reason.

Yeah, they broke as a m*therf*cker now.

Anyone ever figure out what happened to the money?

No. It vanished. I guess the project died with Father Jacob.

Damn! How come every time something good is about to happen somebody always gotta go and f*ck it up?

She looks fine as hell.

Girl! Hey! Girl what?

Come here.

Yeah, you, punk.

What's up, Watson? Don't Watson me, m*therf*cker!

What the f*ck is this shit? What the f*ck is this shit?

Well, that was a Christmas gift from my mom.

Shut up, punk. Turn this fool over.

All right, wait, listen. Hold on.

No. Why do you got to do this, man?

Watson! Listen... Come on, man!

What the f*ck is this?

You need something, punk?

I didn't think so, m*therf*cker.

You better have my shit by the end of this week.

You understand me, m*therf*cker?

And give me these m*therf*cking shoes.

End of the week, punk.

Hey, girl, what you gonna do with all that cash?

I'm saving up for college. I want to go to Kansas State.

What you gonna do with your ashy ass in Kansas?

Ain't no black people in that m*therf*cker.

Girl! She's going somewhere over the rainbow.

Excuse you, grandma! That child is always tripping.

Can I get some service up in here?

Will you be having work done to your extensions?

First of all, this ain't no nappy-ass weave.

Go ahead, feel it. Feel it.

Right, so like I said, can I get some service up in here?

Hurry up!

Girl, this ain't what I wanted. See, I knew I should've had Yolanda cut it.

Oh, no. I can just...

Let me trim a little off the edges. I need to layer it in the back anyway.

This don't look like no Julia Roberts.

I look like Raggedy f*cking Ann. Yolanda! Emily, come here.

I'm sorry. She kept changing her mind. She said she wanted long and curly.

Don't back talk, girl.

We got customers waiting, and if you can't cut heads faster than this, you gonna get your dumb ass replaced.

...good on this m*therf*cker, man. Wallet!

All through the 'hood, son.

Where you off to, Jackson? Nowhere.

Punk ass n*gg*r, drinking Kool-Aid.

It's Powerade, you illiterate m*therf*cker.

That's why you don't drop out of school before you learn how to read.

m*therf*cker, I'll beat your... Cedric.

Doing good for yourself, little brother.

You only on the streets a few months and already you're a big spender.

Just making ends meet, man. Yeah.

Only problem that you're making is you're not a part of this, m*therf*cker.

I don't want to fight you, Watson.

We understand each other.

My brother.

Punk ass m*therf*cker. What, n*gg*r?

Yeah. Get the f*ck out of here.

He shook like a m*therf*cker.

"Watson, I don't wanna fight with you." b*tch-ass, n*gg*r.

Watson, man, you had the n*gg*r's heart going like this, son.

You should have let me pop that m*therf*cker.

k*ll that m*therf*cker! f*ck.

You all right?

Hey, you want to go out Friday?


What, you got plans?

No, I ain't got no plans.

What's up then? When we gonna hang out? We ain't gonna hang out.

Besides, what will we do, anyway, if we went on a date?

See, look, first of all, we'd go somewhere real nice. You know what I'm saying?

Then we'd drive to the beach. You know what I mean? Lay out a blanket.

You could have one of them tight ass bikinis on, then all the dudes'll be staring, like, "Damn, she is fine!" But the thing is, you with me so they will suffer.

That sounds good.

For real?

Except for a few things.

One, you ain't got no car to drive us in.

Two, you ain't got no money, and three, you ain't got me.

What about Saturday?

No? Sunday?

Well, how about dentistry?

Girl, I do not want to be sticking my hands down people's nasty ass mouths all day.

Oh, my God.

Looks like we're gonna be taking the bus to school.

Come on, it's just a car.

When's it gonna get better for us, Em?

Why our lives got to be like this?

We just got the bad end of things right now.

But it's going to get better.

Promise? Promise.

Besides, you don't want that old beat-up car.

You're too cute for that car. I know, huh?

Come on.

I thought you were saving your money up. You coming or what?

This building should've fell down yesterday. I'm not going in there.

Well, if you're scared, okay.

I'm not scared.


Good to see you again, Erica.

It's Emily. Close enough.

What are you laughing at, Lisa?

How do you know my name?

Come, sit. All will be revealed.

I see peril coming.

Danger awaits you.


Is that why we came here? Hush, Linda.

Lisa. You suffered a great loss, like so many other times in your life.

It began with the loss of your parents, and it has come to this.

The nest egg you have created is gone, along with the bird that stole it.

I see wealth in your future.

You'll come into it very soon.

Oh, child!

I speak of riches beyond your wildest dreams.

It sounds good.

But it must be denied, for it will come at a high price.

Wait. Wait. Why it got to be denied? At what price?

The very fabric of your essence will be torn apart. It must be denied.

Heed my words, Erica and Linda.

An evil so dark will come to reclaim it.

Does that always happen?

This that good shit, dog.

Rory don't play.

Yeah, you know you want some of this, dog.

No, no, you can't have none. This is my bud.

And if you want your own, you better go out and get a job.

Get paid and then you get to buy your own shit.

What the f*ck is this?

Oh, Rory got some f*cked up agriculture going on up in this m*therf*cker.

Boy, you talking to my dog again?

Just the man I was looking for.

Man, I'm gonna tell you right now, there ain't no clovers in my bud, all right? So chill with that shit.

Man, it was filled with the m*therf*ckers. Satisfaction guaranteed.

And I ain't no satisfied customer, yo. Satisfied customer?

Do I look like a Kmart?

Man, I know my rights, and that shit wasn't right.

All right. Where are the clovers?

See, I knew you was gonna say that, and that's why I brought these b*tches.

You know what I'm saying? They're right here.

A real bag of m*therf*cking Lucky Charms.

Man, I must have left the m*therf*ckers at the crib.

Left them at the crib?

Well, check this out, next time make sure you bring 'em with your sorry ass, 'cause no proof, no m*therf*cking refund. All right?

All right, man. Damn.

You ain't got to get all over my shit. I'll bring them. You'll see.

Filled with clovers, ninja. Ninja?

n*gg*r, did you just call me a ninja? Hey, man, hey.

You need to get out more, man. Don't nobody say n*gg*r no more.

Yeah. Like, "What up, ninja?"

"Look at them ninja's over there."

You need to stop smoking that shit, you dumbass n*gg*r.

Ninja, please.

Who's the mafia guy? Hey, homie.

Shut the f*ck up, man, or leave. This is business. All right?

What's up, Marcos?

Got something for you here. Got something for you.

I'm gonna be needing some more in about a week.

My clients love this shit.

I swear I sell more because of this chronic.

All right, man, just make sure you hit me up before you do. All right?

I'm sorry, "hit you up"?

Call me. All right. My n*gg*r.


Man, who you calling n*gg*r, n*gg*r?

I thought we were cool... No one says that any more, all right?

It's ninja. My ninja. Yeah.


My ninja. My ninja.

My bad, fellows. Play on, players. You look good. That guy looks good.

Baby Jordan over there. Okay. I'll look for you in the pros.

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.

Somebody got his ass kicked coming out here.

No matter, man. It's all green, you know what I'm saying?

Why we couldn't do this at the park, like normal people?

What park? You see any parks around here?

How about the beach?

Now, why you want to go to the beach when we got all of this right here?

'Cause I need to work on my tan.

Girl, you're a mess. Yeah, that's right.

All my hoes be cooking. Where my dinner at?

You are so ghetto.

Hey, daddy's home.


How could you afford this?

Well, I had a little help.

Jamie, I'm gonna k*ll you.

What? I had no money for the food, and I asked him would he float me.

He said, "No".

Then he asked me what for, and I told him we was having a barbecue and that you was going to be here, and that's when he bought all this extra shit.


Look, he even bought wings and some hot sauce.

You know how much I love my hot sauce, girl.

What's up, man? What's up, man?

What up? Not much.

What's up, Em?

You told her I was coming, right? Hell, yeah, man, she just shy.

Here, have a 40.

It's a shame they never finished this, huh?

We ain't got nothing to say to each other, Rory.

I didn't choose this life for myself.

Look, don't act all high and mighty. I never asked you for anything.

No, I was just dumb looking out for you.

I didn't want you to give up shit for me. Yeah, but I gave up everything.

And I tried to pay you back, right? With drug money.

You think I was going to take that, Rory? Then you really are stupid.

Oh, shit. Are you all right?

Yeah, get me out of here.

Here take this. Okay. Okay.

I'll be right back with some rope.

Emily! Emily!


Yo, you scared the piss out of me. You don't have to worry about me.

You're welcome. What's that? I don't know.

Let's see what's in it. Wait a minute.

Holy shit.

How much do you think they're worth? Weigh about eight ounces.

I say about four or five K apiece, maybe more if they're old.

You would know the weight.

That's like 200 coins, that's a million dollars.

That's 50 coins each. Nice.

What are you talking about?

Sounds fair to me, baby. Of course it does to you. She found it.

f*ck you. Yeah.

Hey, there's more than enough. We can all benefit from this.

Lisa, I want you to take some of this money and buy yourself a new car, so you don't have to take the bus to school. Okay?



I want you to do the right thing.

Jamie. Yeah, what's up, baby?

You cannot use the gold to buy bud.

What? No bud.

Damn! You heard me.

What you laughing at? It ain't funny. Shit.

We're in the money!

All right. All right. Yeah, baby.

Welcome to my lair!

You have it, right here. Your medicine.

Hey, look at this, this is my first one. I got it when I was in the fourth grade.

Damn, fourth grade? Fourth grade. Yeah, for real.

That explains a lot. Yeah.

That's bad, though. I'm liking that. My m*therf*cker, right here. Okay.

What about this? Man, I can't even touch that.

Yeah, you can touch it. You just gotta stroke it.

Stroke it right. She likes to be stroked. You know what I'm saying?

Yes, that will put you on your ass.

I need to get it out right now. Yeah.

Oh, man.

Hey, my baby. What's up, baby?

Y'all f*cking?

Hey, you know how we do it, baby. Hey, you do your thing, man.

You don't mind if I sit back and run one of these, right?

Oh, no, it's all good, man. Hey, my shit is your shit, baby.

Man, we need more black people like you, man.

What's up, girl?

He did not just walk up in here with that skeeze.

Oh, this is some good shit.

Oh, no.

What's up, little man? How you living, dawg?

You want a hit, man? You want a hit? Yeah.

I haven't smoked a good pipe in a long time.

Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Now let go. Let go. Yeah.

Yeah. You like that, huh? That's good shit.

Good shit, n*gg*r. It comes straight from Korea.

I mean, this ain't gonna stunt your growth or anything, is it?

Yeah, you my n*gg*r, man.

I like you, dude. I like you a lot, man.

You know what I'm saying? I'm gonna get you smoking up.

I'll get you some more, dude. I can manage.

Don't be stingy with my shit, though.

I swear, man, you cool.

Oh, man.

Where did you get that?

Hey, man, you don't need to worry about that, little man.

We just here to smoke, all right? You know.

That's me gold. Now give it back. There's a good boy.

What? I'm gonna get you high and you have the nerve to ask me for my money, man.

Man, f*ck you. You don't get it, man. f*ck you. All right? I'll hit a midget, man.

I mean, get the f*ck out of here, you hallucinating m*therf*cker.

What? What, you gonna get in my face?

Man, give me my bong back, b*tch.


Oh, man.

Thanks for the smoke.


Man, who the f*ck just took my shit?

Man, you n*gg*r*s is crazy.

Can't a m*therf*cker enjoy a smoke in his own g*dd*mn house without somebody stealing shit? f*ckers!

You put that girl to shame.

So you ain't got no beef with nobody on the street, huh?

You think this might have been Watson's g*ng?

No, man, I told you I squared everything.

What about all that ganja you guys been smoking?

Ganja? What ganja?

Oh, man. My mom's Italian. She likes a lot of oregano with her lasagne.

If you know anything, now is the time to speak up.

Told you everything, man. We don't know anything else.

Don't bullshit me! Hold up, man.

You've been making a lot of moves on the street in the past couple of days, Rory.

Something tells me you know exactly what's going on.

Hey, look, don't trip. We gonna get you out.

Man, I can't be nobody's prison b*tch. Don't leave me in there.

I know what they do. I can't be tossing nobody's salad.

Knock it off. Knock it off.

Yo, don't worry, man. We're coming to get you.

It's gonna be okay, Jamie.

It's real.

Can we speed this up, please? Thank you.

How long this gonna take?

So fly!

Yeah, I'm gonna look good.

You see that shit, man?

Man, that's a big f*cking account he just took from us, man.

I mean, f*ck this shit.

I say we go ice this m*therf*cker right f*cking now.

No, no, no.

Why not? He deserves better than that.

What the f*ck you talking about?

We're gonna do this right.

It's gonna be loud and messy.

I'm gonna make his ass a cautionary tale for the rest of the f*cking hood.

Hell, yeah.

It don't pay to be a nice guy.

Hurry up.

This is my last day. You can't do me like this.


You are still on my clock. Got it?

It's gonna take me three hours to rub her down.

I'm out of here. What?

Girl, you better get in there and rub her down and leave her satisfied.

Now I want you to remember I kept your ass employed through all your bullshit with Rory, when you would float your ass in here and do nothing for an entire month.

Now I have no idea what kind of crazy bullshit that you're mixed up in, but I don't like it.

The Emily I remember always kept her word.

That is the shit.

Don't I need some more of that, honey.

I need more oil.

How much they put in them small bottles?

They don't come in beached-whale size. What?

Nothing. I need some more oil.

Get that Caribbean coconut.

That shit is the b*mb.

Hurry up! Come start rubbing me before I cool down!

Oh, God.

This is wonderful. Work it, baby. Work it!

Oh, you got magic in those little hands.

Yeah, I've always had a way with the ladies.

Where's me gold?

Me eye.

Irish eyes will soon be smilin' again.

Rory! We can't spend any more money.

It's a leprechaun and he's after us. He wants his gold back.

He's the one who k*lled that guy, that guy at the party.

What the hell are you talking about?

Are you smoking Jamie's stash or some shit?

Girl, you need to calm down, acting all crazy talking about leprechauns and shit.

What's up, y'all?

We have to get Lisa. Come on. Come on, we have to go.

Get in the car. Get in the car. Come on, we have to go.

I just got here.

Just head home and I'll call you when it's over with. All right?

This doesn't concern you, all right?

Here, take this. Okay?



Come on, Em.

Into the bath, my pretty. I like my girls nice and clean.

Die, you little m*therf*cker!

Come on. Come on.


I can't believe she's gone.

I'm sorry, Em. I know how much she meant to you.

Did you?

All right, so what's next, y'all? We return the gold.

No. Hell, no. There's gotta be another way. f*ck that.

We return the gold and everything that's left and maybe all this stuff will stop.

Everybody ante up.

Hey, easy come, easy go. We're f*cked.

You done it again. How could you spend all of it?

What the f*ck is wrong with you, woman?

Oh, shit.

This shit is heavy as hell.



What you waiting for?

Yo, why you bullshitting?

I say we jump in the m*therf*cking '64 outside, and haul ass and don't stop till we get to Mexico.

You in it, partner?

We are not spending any more gold. We're giving it up.

That's a f*cking shame.

I can't believe you left this up. It was only four months ago.

It was a lifetime ago. You're right, Em.

We gotta give back that gold. It's your only play.

You found it. I knew you would. What is it?

None of you are safe.

The accursed one will not stop until he gets it back.

What are you talking about?

Where's Rory?

He said he had to get something from his bike.

Where's the gold?

Oh, shit!


Come to bed, my sweet. I don't have your gold.

I know that. I'm not here for me gold.

I'll catch that thief soon enough. What do you want?

Revenge. An eye for an eye.

Come on, baby. Come on.

Rory, where the hell you run off to? You better call me back.

I'm not playing with you. Call me back.


Hello, there.

How the f*ck you get in here, you crazy-looking m*therf*cker?

That gold didn't even belong to the one you stole it from.

Listen, don't hurt me. I ain't have nothing to do with this.


g*dd*mn crackers, always breaking into n*gg*r*s' houses.

You have such a nice smile. Say, "Ah."

Pull over right now. Rory, come on, pull over.


Yo, Emily, we don't have time for this shit.

Why should I trust you?

Everybody was right about you. You are no good.

You're right. I ain't no good.

But I'm trying, Em. I'm trying to do the right thing.

Hit it. Take the alley and cut him off.

Where you going in such a hurry, boy? We're being followed.

You shut your trap. What you got in that box?


It's my dirty laundry. Just give us a ticket and let us go.

Hey, hey!

Here. Let her go!

What the f*ck are you? A little early for Halloween, ain't we?

They have me gold. Oh, it's your gold.

Of course, you're a leprechaun. So we'll just hand it over to you.

I'd appreciate it. Why don't you go home to your mama?

What did you say about me mother?

You want some more?

Come on!

Give that back.


Come on.

Watch out, kiddies. Revenge will be mine tonight.

Oh, bloody hell.


We don't want none. Man, damn.

Hold on.

What's up, y'all? Y'all want some smoke smoke?

We got to get rid of this gold, right now. We have to go.

Why? We are being chased by a leprechaun.

Yo, come on. Man, you can't be smoking your own shit.

That's the first thing they teach you, ninja.

Ninja? Don't ask. Come on, man, let's go.

Hey, big spender.

How's the business treating you? What the f*ck you got here?

Oh, shit.

Oh, f*ck. You slick m*therf*cker.

No wonder you be acting like a f*cking pimp.

Yo, we cool, right? You got the gold.

No, m*therf*cker. We ain't cool. Shit.

Police, n*gg*r.

Hell, man, that's nasty.

What the f*ck is that?

Yo, Watson, sh**t that little freak for real. - Shut the f*ck up.

Hello, lads, I think you got something of mine.

What the f*ck you want? You Lucky-Charm-looking m*therf*cker.

You have stolen what's been stolen from me.

Hold on, hold on.

Yeah? Where the f*ck are you?

Hey, hey, baby, how you doing?

You think youre really slick... No, baby, I can't get into that right now.

You with some skanky ho, aint you?

No, baby, I ain't with nobody. Look, I'm with you and only you, baby. Come on.

I know, look, look, I can't. I got a problem, a small m*therf*cking problem.

Look, why don't you call a brother back? Okay, love you.

Me too, baby.

Now, you were saying, little m*therf*cker?

You have stolen what's been stolen from me.

Now, be a good lad. Give it back.

Oh, the gold is yours? Of course, a f*cking leprechaun.

And you want the gold back? Aye.

Well, hold on. Let me get that for you. Yeah.

Come on, m*therf*cker, get up. Come on.

You hit like a wee lass. Yeah? Okay, m*therf*cker.

Come on. Yeah.

Who's the wee lass? The weak lass, the m*therf*cker.

We start this class, b*tch. Welcome to the hood, baby.

Come on, man. What's the f*cking big deal, man?

Getting tired, are we?


f*ck you!

Damn, Watson.

f*ck, man!

What the f*ck?

Who the f*ck...

What's up, ninjas? What the f*ck?

k*ll this m*therf*cker.

Rory, jump in.

Let's get out of here. You said it.


Hello? Who the f*ck are you? Wheres Watson?


No. He's unavailable. Sorry. Are you one of his boys?

You better not run with no skank. What you look like?

What do I look like?

Well, I got red hair and a nice smile.

That sounds good. Yeah, and I'm a pretty sharp dresser.

Okay. Yeah.

You work out? You got a good body? Yeah, I think I got a good body.

How tall are you, sweetie? How tall am I?

Well, about 3'6". 36!

Yeah. But I make up for it in other areas, if you know what I mean.

Hello? Hello?

Why we stopping?

Man, it's all done. Oh, man. There ain't nothing we can do, man.

He's gonna f*cking k*ll us all, man.

Just like he tore apart Lisa.

Just chill out, all right?

This is your fault, man. I ain't keeping quiet no more.

You better slow your f*cking roll, you... b*tch, out of my face.

Get out of your face? n*gg*r...

You f*cking crazy?

Stop it! Stop! Stop it! Man, you said you weren't going hurt me!

You said you were my friend, man. You supposed to look out for me.

It ain't my fault I'm scared, man. Just don't hit me no more.

He started this shit! You started it!

Both of you, shut the f*ck up!

That thing is gonna k*ll all of us if we don't get our shit together.

The only way we can survive this is together.

So stop acting like a bunch of mama's boys!

My bad, man.

Are we cool?

Yeah, we cool, man.

So, what are we supposed to do now? No more running.

So, we just sit here and just wait for him to k*ll us?

No. We gotta k*ll him first.

How? b*ll*ts don't do shit.

Neither does getting squashed by a two-ton car.

How do we k*ll it? I don't know.

But I know just the person to ask.

We need to talk. What about my dead wife?

She'll still be dead tomorrow, man. Come on, let's go.

Get off me. Come on, man. Let's go.

Did you heed my warning? Of course not.

No one ever does once they have the gold.

And now you have his wrath upon you.

How do we stop him? Why should I help you?

How about that?

These creatures, the Leg're Ghaun. They are guardians from the Dark Ages.

They were protectors of the king's fortune, born of earth magic, and retrieve the king's gold and punish anyone who would steal it.

But after the king died, they were all whisked away, back into the earth. Except for one.

He stayed in this mortal world and became twisted and evil.

How do we k*ll this little m*therf*cker?

This creature's only weakness are two things.

His gold and the four-leaf clover.

Four-leaf clover?

Where the hell are we gonna get a four-leaf clover in the hood?

Yo, come on, man. This ain't no time to be lighting up.

Told you. Clovers.

My ninja.

How do we use this to k*ll the Leprechaun?

What about a crucifix? This creature predates Christianity.

What about garlic? Will that work? Lf he is hungry.

That's it. A silver b*llet.

Man, why you even buy a GL*CK, man? Those b*tches always jam.

Hollow tips.

What you doing?

Time to go f*ck up some little people.

Here you go.

Man, how the f*ck you get a g*n and all I get is a g*dd*mn bat?

What am I gonna do? Hit a homerun?

Jamie, I just need you to watch my back, man.

Man, look, all we gotta do is wait until the morning and the little fucker's toast.

Morning? Yeah. Sunlight and shit.

He's not a vampire, you dumbass.

Oh, look at you. Look who's the expert on leprechauns now.

How you know sunlight ain't gonna work? You don't know.

How come you think you know everything all the time?

All right, you hold right here. I'm gonna go check on Em, all right?

You better come back, too. Leave me and this m*therf*cker by myself with a g*dd*mn bat!

Good luck, my child.

I thought I had problems before.

Baby, I'm...

I was just, you know... Yeah.

Setting up a trap for me, boyo?

f*ck you, you little mick m*therf*cker.

Damned clover!

Don't k*ll me.

Take your gold. Take it all.

Just spare me life.

I'll never harm you again. I swear.

You swear? Say hello to Saint Patrick for me, b*tch.

It's jammed!

Stay away from my friend!

You used me gold. That's right, b*tch. I bought me a new car.

I bought some ice, bought some new kicks and an assload of bud, too.

And I smoked that shit and it was good, you m*therf*cker.

I have no quarrel with you, witch.

Well, that will have to change.

Run, Emily. I have an unwanted guest to deal with.

You can't take the gold. You can't take it.

It's mine. I want it back.


You son of a b*tch!


Sorry, that hurt the old knee, did it?

f*ck you up!

This is what you want, isn't it?


My babies!

Come and get them.

No escaping from you this time, darling.

You're going to hell with all the others who stole from me.


I'll k*ll you!

I like her.

We've had our fun.

Now give me what's mine, and I might spare your miserable life.

Why did you k*ll them? For this?

You evil f*ck. Don't presume to tell me right from wrong.

You compromised all you believed in once you got the gold.

Just like all those before you. Your kind is weak and will always give in to your selfish yearnings.

Brings out the worst in us, doesn't it?

You really want to die so badly?

You can't live forever.


I'm melting!

Come on, Rory.

Wake up.

Wake up.

Where is he? He's dead.

It's all over. How did you get the g*n to work?

g*n? The clovers.

Nothing like a nice fire to warm the soul.

Come on!

For 2,000 years, you filthy mortals have tried to steal my riches to satisfy your greedy urges.

And it always ends the same, with you begging for your miserable lives.

Rory! f*cking...

I'm slipping!

Was it all worth it in the end?

One day your kind will learn that the treasures of the Leprechaun...


All out of clovers, lad? That's too bad.

Check out my ninja.