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01x09 - Let It Be Him

Posted: 02/17/21 08:52
by bunniefuu


Will he recover?

If he does, not as himself.

His brain looks to be shut.

I kidnapped a young woman?

Three of them.

He could have amnesia or - He could be faking.

You recognize this person?


I have no idea what the truth is.

Penelope Denesuk.

I'm your husband's lawyer.

What's the point?

He's clearly guilty.

Best efforts, Merrilee.

Best efforts.

I've decided to report you to the police.

Is your mother here?

She hasn't been returning my calls.

His face is plastered everywhere.

He's gone to ground like cornered animals do.


Have you seen Erik?

He didn't come home.

Come at me, you psycho!

I've got plenty of staples.

Too much to do.

Are you going to k*ll me?

Are you going to k*ll me?

Why do you keep asking me that?

It's annoying.

And when I get annoyed, I can be unpleasant!

You k*lled him.

And the woman who was in the freezer.

So you're one of those smart kids who can put two and two together.

Shut up.

Is it smart to be doing that with gasoline everywhere?

You... have pissed... off!

Whoo, whoo-whoo!

You know that serial k*ller who m*rder*d 93 people?

He got away with it by k*lling people nobody cared about.

People care about me.

Especially my mother.

Would you please shut up?!

If you k*ll a kid, you'll never even make it to trial.

This is Montana.

Shut up!

Prisoners don't take kindly to those types.

Shut up, shut up, and shut up!

Many ways to die.

Getting shanked in the lunch line can't be one of the better ones.

Don't say a word.

Remember me?

Ms. Thing-a-ma-goo?

This is a dream.

It's a dream?

You think this is our dream?

I'm s-sorry.

I'm so...



It just got out of hand.

Just got out of hand.

It just got out of hand.


Can you wake up, Rick?


Who were you apologizing to?


You were saying you were sorry, that it all just got out of hand?

I-I don't know.

How we doing?

Doctors say better.

That true?

Well, he was apologizing in his sleep.

Maybe his conscience is back, if not his memory.

Can I talk to you in private for a second?

Where do you stand, Merrilee?

Where do I stand?

Not a trick question.

I can make it multiple choice.

With your husband or not?

I can work with either, but...

I need to know.

And what result are you going for, exactly?

I told you.

Step one, he's incompetent to stand trial.

That buys him a mental facility instead of prison.

Facility means treatment.

With that, more medical improvement, which one day - Could mean freedom.

Try not to seem giddy.

Are you giddy?

'Cause this would be quite the rabbit out of your disgusting hat, wouldn't it?

I don't shame, if that's where you're headed.

I don't beat myself up.

Difference between us, I guess.

I do.

Just tell me which side you're on.

My own.


Can I help you?

Hope so.

I'm looking for a boy named Erik.

He delivers your newspaper.

You his mom?

I'm helping his mom and the sheriff.

The boy's missing.

Well, he must've been here this morning.

I got my newspaper.

Mom, did we get the paper today?


What is it?

We canceled our subscription six months ago.

Fake news.


Sorry to bother you.

I'm - I'm Cassie Dewell.

We're looking for your newspaper boy, Erik.

Have you seen him today?

I think I saw him this morning.

Eh, may have been yesterday.


You're not sure?

Did something happen to him?

We hope not.


Do you - Do you normally see him delivering the papers?

It's not really the kind of thing I'd notice.

Truth be told, I try to avoid the news these days.

So depressing.

Is there anyone else at home I could ask?

Um, Helen Pergman?

That's my mother.

Uh, she's - It's her house and her newspaper subscription.


Is she here?

Uh, she isn't at the moment.

Um, she's away.

But i-if you leave a number, I can have her call you.



Good luck.

Finding the boy.


You're welcome.


You're welcome.

You're welcome.


If that was him, we need to get back there, set up a perimeter.

Jenny called.

She's with Tubb, waiting for confirmation.

It's not exactly him, but it's damn close.

Okay, he's a ghost.

I put in Ronald Pergman and his address and came back with exactly nothing.

No social media presence.

But his mother has one.

Just lots of photos of her clean house, a cat, her church - What about her son?

Oh, my God.

That's definitely him.

Cassie: Are you sure?

If so, we're about to SWAT his house.

Are you absolutely sure?


It's 100%.

Call Tubb.

Let him know I'm on the way.

Well, um, uh, Er-Erik's mom, Rachel's, on her way in.

What do you want me to tell her?

Definitely keep her here, and you may need to hold her hand.

I'm out of your range.

But you're not out of mine.

Now drop the Taser and kick it out of the cage.

Go to hell.



I'm going to ask you again, nicely.

Drop it now, please.



Isn't this exciting?




Probably shouldn't admit this.

But there's a part of me that hopes he doesn't surrender and that I have to k*ll him.

It's not as much fun as you think.

It'll be fun enough.

To repeat, we don't know what's waiting for us on the inside.

We can assume he's armed, dangerous.

Once in position, I'll announce our presence, give him a chance to surrender.

If he doesn't take it, we move quickly.



Can't wait for them.

No time.

Are you taking responsibility for them?

They're deputized.

Since when?

Since right now.

Okay, gear up.

All teams.

Copy that.

Let's move.

I want to go.

I want to be there.

It's way too dangerous, and the area's sealed off anyway.

What exactly are they planning to do?

I don't know the details, but, basically, it's get in that house and rescue Erik.

If he's in there.

After we breach the door, my guys clear upstairs, Tubb and his deputies clear downstairs and the basement.

What about us?

You two go with me.

And, again, we have a dangerous man inside.

But also perhaps a hostage.

Be sure of your targets.

Let's move.

Confirm position.

Awaiting visual.

Eyes on.

In position.


All team leaders, wait for the call.

Ronald Pergman.

This is the Lewis and Clark Sheriff Department.

Your house is surrounded.

You are to come out the front door, hands above your head.

Failure to do so, we are coming in.

Exit the building now.

Mr. Pergman, come out of the building.

You are surrounded.

He's not coming out.

Mr. Pergman, this is your last warning.

Let's go.

Everyone, move!

Move in!

Let's go!

Let's go, go, go!

Hold up!

Let's go!

Move it!

Watch your back!

Every room.

You're gonna be okay.

I need a medic - now!

It's a trap g*n.

There may be others.




What is it?

What are those?

I can't get them open, but I'm smelling gasoline.

I think the place is booby-trapped.

Everybody, get out of here!

Clear out of the house!

We have a potential b*mb!


Jenny, where are you?

Move it!

Let's go, let's go!

Checking the basement.

Thought I heard something down here.

You have to get out of the house.

It's wired to blow up.

Move back!

Everybody out of here!

Out of the house!


Oh, God.

Okay, Erik.

Talk to me.

What's happening?

Jenny: I found Erik.

He's knocked unconscious.

I'm getting him out of here.

Damn it!

He cuffed him to the floor!

You have to get out now!

I can't just leave him here.

Jenny, move it!

Come on!

Jenny, you have to get out now!

Clear the house!

Jenny, move!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Ronald's mother?

So where's Pergman?

And where's the boy?

They're either still inside or...

This has been a diversion.

One deputy was reported wounded, we're being told a g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Now, he has been transported to hospital and is expected to survive.

Meanwhile, behind me, you can see the police and fire presence has continued to grow as authorities investigate this rather harrowing and bizarre event that just took place and sift through the debris to see if they can find any clues as to what exactly happened.

Oh, my God.

Are you positive?

I-Is it okay to tell her that?

Tell me what?

There's no evidence that Erik was in the house.

Or Ronald Pergman, for that matter.

Then where are they?

We - We don't know.



You sure you're okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

No, look, you don't do that ever again.

I don't want to have to tell your son you're not coming home.

You hear me?

I get it.

So there was no one inside?


They think he got out through a basement window.

He must've made me and realized we were coming.

Well, the mother's been dead for some time, according to the M.E.

Long before we showed up.

He dressed her up as a boy to throw us, and it worked.

We're here, and he's gone.

Oh, it gets better.

Or worse.

Father Ted Maynard apparently missed his afternoon sermon.

His colleague says he was last on his way here to visit Helen Pergman.

How we doing?

How you doing, Rick?

Looping toward shortstop, Petrocelli's back.

Ah, he's got it!

It's 1967.

The Red Sox keep winning the pennant.

Petrocelli's back.

He's got it!

Little development, Rick.

Need you to listen closely.

Uh, you know, Yaz won the Triple Crown that year.

Did you know that?

I know your sports heroes will always let you down.

Especially in Boston.

Ted Williams was a bit of a jerk, Brady went to Tampa Bay, and Bobby Orr voted for Trump.

Now, you listen to me.

Police are after your accomplice.

They've confirmed it's this man here.

Do you know this man?

Do you know him, Rick?



Full disclosure, a little memory could actually come in handy.

This man's on the run.

He may have a 12-year-old boy with him.

If you knew where he might run to, there's a lot I can do with information that saves a 12-year-old boy.

I could play some serious ball.

Any idea where he might go, Rick?

He has a child.

I don't know who this man is.

You're lying, Rick.

You know.

You know.

They pitched him on two days' rest.


Gibson had three.

Gibson had three.

Denise: Hey, Cass.

You finding anything?

Yeah, a neighbor said she saw Ronald parking a car down the street this morning, but not seeing any other cars that belonged to Helen.

Okay, call the church.

Find out why Father Maynard went to see Helen.

Or if they know anything about Ronald that might help.

Okay, will do.

Any luck?

It's so strange to look at him.

He seems so sane in this photo.

This Ronald Pergman, you may know him better than anybody, honey.


Anything that comes to mind, even if you think it's irrelevant.

He had issues with his mother, but I didn't peg him as a k*ller.

Certainly not of a child.

What if he's desperate?

He was here an hour ago.

He can't be far.

The Suburban is registered to his mother.

Jenny: He could be in his big rig.

I didn't see a rig when I was here.

I suppose he could also be on foot.

With the kid?

What about the priest?

What does he drive?

News Anchor: Law enforcement says he's driving a black Tesla, license plate TME322.

He's thought to be with a kidnapped boy, the subject of an Amber Alert.

They've stopped every Tesla in Montana.

He can't just vanish.

You can in the mountains.

Or dirt roads.

People go where they know.

He's a trucker.

He knows the interstate.

What's going on with you?

What's wrong?


You were singing that song.

I'm fine, Mother.

Okay, here's the deal.

You be nice, and I'll let you ride in the front like a big boy.

Let's go.

Get in.

Put on your seatbelt.

We have breaking news in the case of that missing 12-year-old.

Just a few moments ago, state and federal authorities released the name of the kidnapping suspect.

His name is Ronald Pergman.

Pergman is wanted in the case of the ab- Why would he do this?

We're doing everything that we can, Rachel.

I just want my boy back.

Jerrie: Hey, you'll get him back.


You can't lose hope.

I really don't think he'll hurt him.


Cassie, Jenny, do you read?

Cassie: Loud and clear.

We're in the air, west of town, heading north.

What's our best guess?

Do you think he's driving to his truck somewhere or just running to Canada?

No, he'll be hard-pressed to make it to Canada.

The Teslas don't have the range.

You know, when it knows it's cornered, a smart animal stays put, waits for the hunter to pass by.

Then runs.

I say he's running.

Things are getting too hot here.

How many routes take him to Canada?

All of them, if he takes the long way.

But the fastest route is a straight shot up the interstate.

Let's go that way.

The interstate.

W-Wait, wait, wait.

Is that him?

Wait, we see him.

We see him.

We see him.

Black Tesla.

Same plates.

We're texting you the coordinates now.

Let's go.

Cassie, keep your distance.

Closest unit is 20 minutes away.

He must've seen us.

He's flying down the road.

Okay, now, listen up.

Don't try to stop him, okay?

Just follow him till we get there.

Do you understand?

Oh, come on.

Okay, we see you.

Okay, go, go, go, go.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Damn it!

Fall back!

We don't need you two getting yourselves and the hostage k*lled.

Damn it.

What's our best plan?

We got a high-speed chase with a child victim in the car and a desperate k*ller at the wheel.

I'd say we have options.

And they're all bad.

Local police and Montana Highway Patrol are in hot pursuit.

But we remind you, this is unconfirmed.

What's the range on the Tesla?

300, I think?

I don't know.

Eventually, he could run out of juice.

Th-This could peter out to a crawl.

Yeah, if we're lucky.

How many more pennants?


Know what I've been doing, Rick?

While Petrocelli's been catching balls at shortstop?

I've been reminiscing.

About our marriage.

Our vacations.

Some of the drives we took just to drive, just to be together.

All kinds of things.

That's nice, Mother.

The songs you used to sing.

Like "The Little Old Lady Who Swallowed the Fly." You would sing that song whenever there was a problem to solve.



That's it.

She swallowed the spider to k*ll the fly, swallowed the bird to get the spider.

Song was about k*lling.

And the refrain - "perhaps she'll die." Then there's the other song.

"If I Had a Hammer." And it dawned on me.

You were about to k*ll me that night.

You had this crazed look.

You weren't about to rehang the Rockwell.

You were getting ready to bash my skull.

Cody Hoyt.

The fisherman.

Next, me.

Does this jog your Red Sox, Bob Gibson memory at all?

I was a problem.

And this was your problem-solver.

What do you mean?

What do I mean?

I don't like your tone, Mother.

You don't like my tone?

I do not.

You know what I have a hard time with?

You k*lling two people.

Thinking about k*lling me.

And you going free.

That's kind of awful.

This is your menopause talking.

That is the wrong answer, Rick.

Means your memory's back.

Pull up to the passenger side.


That's too dangerous.

We need to make sure the kid is still alive.

And that he knows we're gonna save him.

We're not gonna lose anybody else.

Okay, hold on.

Oh, God.

Get in front of it!

Go, go!

GGet in front of it!


The kid's alive.

Thank God.

Tubb: Okay, listen up.

Tesla says they can't shut it down remotely.

And we can't sh**t out the battery, either.

It's in the bottom of the car.

So we wait for it to run out of juice?

No, we are five minutes from traffic and residential areas.

We need to stop him.

Tire spikes?

Too dangerous in a hostage situation.

It could flip the car over.

Pull up again.

I'll try to get a shot at the tires.

Here we go.

Did you see inside that car?

The priest is behind the wheel.


Yeah, he's dead.


It's on autopilot.

There's a truck coming at you!

Watch out!

Jesus, I thought you said the road was locked down!

Somebody screwed up.


Yeah, no kidding.

Tubb, Father Maynard is behind the wheel.

He's dead.

What are you talking about?

The car is on autopilot!


How does it go?

So long as there's weight on the steering wheel, the auto-drive just keeps going.

I heard of something like this happening in California.

A drunk guy fell asleep behind the wheel of his Tesla on autopilot.

The only way to stop it was to get in front of him.

The car has an a*t*matic disable that keeps it from running into other cars.

Okay, got it.

Here w- here we go, here we go.

Cassie, what are you doing?

Hold on.

Hold on!



Hold on!

Go down, go down, go down!

It's okay.

It's okay.

You're safe.

It's okay.

Now, come on.

It's - It's all over.

It's all over.

It's all over.

I want my mom.

I know.

We'll take you to her.

I promise.

You sure you're okay?

Thank you.


Can you tell us about the man?

The man who took you?

Do you know where he is?

He jumped.

He jumped?

I think.

Back at the bridge.

He put the car in drive.

And a-as it took off, I saw him climb up on the guardrail.

You saw him jump?

We sped away too fast.

You sure you're okay, kid?

Erik: Yeah, I think.

I can't believe I'm not dead.


Not even close.

Come on, kiddo.

Let's call your mom.

That was some driving.

Are you kidding me?

And this happened when?

Okay, thank you.

Oh, my God.

Good news?

Maybe, actually.

Your pal Rick Legarski?

What about him?

He won't be going free after all.

What do you mean?

He's dead.


Wife k*lled him.


that's some kind of justice.

Yeah, but not the kind I was looking for.

There hasn't been any justice for Ronald.

He's still out there.

We're gonna find him.

Damn right we are.


Oh, thank God.

Thank God!

Thank God.

It's over, Mom.

I'm fine.

Oh, I was so scared.

I'm sorry I didn't believe you.

It's okay.

Hey, come on.

Let me go.

Aw, give her a second.

Denise: Yeah, after what your mom has been through, she gets to hug you for at least five minutes.

I don't know what to say.

No problem.

It's no big deal.

W-What she means is, you don't need to thank us.

But you saved my son.

I-I don't know how to thank you.

I-I'll take a hug, if you want.

Th-Thank you.



She's so cool.


She's, like, super cool.

She's not into taking credit.

The best ones never are.