05x09 - Behind the Eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Prison Break". Aired: August 2005 to May 2017.*
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Brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows continue to evade the law.
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05x09 - Behind the Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Prison Break... We found Michael.

Never thought I'd see this face again.

You weren't supposed to.

I own you, Scofield. If you're planning something, I'll always be a step ahead of you.

Your husband.

Jacob is Poseidon.

He's a CIA operative, deep cover.

He runs a splinter cell called 21-Void.

He targeted me for my skills.

Four years ago, he betrayed me so he could have you.

How did he betray you? We were meeting a man named Harlan Gaines, a deputy director of the CIA.

Poseidon shot and k*lled Gaines that night.

I knew I was being set up.

Michael, he's with our son right now.

Scofield was looking for a partner, combing prisons, looking for someone who could handle himself.

What are you trying to tell me?

It was ingrained in you, son. You got it from me.

Screen grab of the Skype transmission he sent from the desert.

Of all things to encrypt, why that?

I'm done with 21-Void after this.

There's no leaving 21-Void, Van.

How about you just shut up and pay me, Burrows?

I don't have it.

You know who I am?

I'm gonna get you and your mother out of here.

We need to run.


Do you know that you're a psychopath?

I assure you, I'm not the first CIA man to hide his life from his family.

You hid it from the CIA.

Look, you want to screw something up?

Put a thousand people on it. You want to get it done right?

Put it in the hands of a few. What we were doing was advancing this country's cause.

How does freeing a man like Abu Ramal advance this country's cause?

Well, it doesn't.

The missions before, they were for the good of the country, but...

No, this one wasn't about country.

It was about you.

Nobody wants to die to their old life, Sara.

And Michael didn't.

He wanted to hold on to it so desperately.

In that moment, I wanted him to go away, the whole agreement, and just have you.

You sent him to Yemen to die.

Kept telling myself this was gonna be my last lie.

That it would fade with time as we had anniversaries, raised that beautiful child.

That is not your child.

I raised him.

That love is real.

It's not a lie.

You are using him as bait.

You son of a bitch.

She knows not to hurt him.

You were so obsessed with Michael that you would risk my son!

Michael? You mean you.

You don't love me. Your ego's too big.

You're too busy trying to be the smartest man in the room.

And then you met my husband, and you realized he's smarter than you.

I don't think so.

You sure?

I'm positive.

Our love was real, Sara.

Past tense.

I still love you.

Everything's set, boss.


Got to give you credit.

You'll go the whole nine yards to help one man steal another man's wife.

No, no, no. Don't talk to him.

Or what? He'll do something you're not already gonna do? You're going to k*ll me.

No matter how many times you tell me you love me first.

Shut up!

Michael didn't k*ll Harlan Gaines. He had no motive.

Shut up. He's the one with the motive.

Harlan Gaines was your CIA director and he was looking into Jacob.

He was gonna put him in prison.

Damn it!

Tape her mouth shut, please.

Tape it shut.

If you do, an innocent man dies, and the real k*ller walks.

Don't you understand?

Jacob k*lled Harlan Gaines.

Just shut it.

Is there a problem?

Here he comes. It's time to do this.

This place is gonna burn down in ten minutes.

There will be two bodies in it.

And if it's any solace, our son won't be one of them.

While the cat's away, the mice will play.

Something's wrong.

I got your map.

I'm gonna get you and your mother out of here.

I didn't draw a map.

We need to run.


What are you doing up here, Van?

I just want to make sure that we're getting the right guy.

Ask him some questions.

Let my son go.

Do whatever you want with me.

Just let my son go.

Orders weren't to ask questions.

It was to sh**t on sight.

Maybe we should ask questions, damn it.

If Scofield k*lled Harlan Gaines, we take him to the police, if we have to.

We get this done the right way.

Poseidon would never let us live.

He won't find us.

I told you. We want to disappear, we disappear.

I can make that happen.

We turn him in, and we're gone.

Don't make me choose like this.


Is it really even a choice?


'Cause there's no leaving 21-Void.


Your uncle's at the end of the driveway.

Don't turn around. Run! Go!


Where's our boy?

Uncle Lincoln, Uncle Lincoln!

No, no, no, it's me. What's going on?

They're sh**ting. I'm scared.

Okay. They've come for you. Who?

I am not gonna let them hurt you, you understand? Get in the car.

No, we've got to go now, Mike. We've got to go.

What about my mom?

Go, go, go.

Mike! No!




He took him.

Sara... He took our son.

Come back to me. Come back to me, sweetheart.

Come back to me.

We got to stay focused, all right?

This is not over. Not by a long shot.

Where's Linc? What?

We got to find Linc, okay?

We're gonna find Linc.


Oh my God.

Linc. Linc.

I let you down, Michael.

I should have taken care of Luca when I had the chance.

You didn't let me down. You couldn't have known.

We're so close because of you, Linc.

You got me home.

You got me home.

They've stabilized him, Michael.

There's nothing we can do.

We've got to get you out of here right now.

Okay, you got to give me some direction here, you know?

Some, um... fatherly advice on how to deal with having a father that's, um... you.

Well, you know, uh...

Is this blood freaking you out like it's freaking me out?

Yeah, yeah. Let me, uh...

Scofield said that it would deliver me. Both of us.

All I have to do is just get it to him.

I understand why.

So I can finally understand this.

He give you this?

"By your hand, you shall know the glories of your progeny..."

I-It's, it's...

It's "progeny," dear boy.


And our world will be made right forevermore."

Originally, I thought it was a religious thing.

You know, son of God, and all that.

But now I know it's... it's my own progeny.


It's a glorious thing indeed.

Even if I don't have a damn clue how to deal with it.

You and me both.

I've got a way to get our son back, Sara.

I've been planning to bring Jacob down ever since he forced me to turn my back on you and Mike.

A plan I had to put on hold while I was in that Yemeni prison.

I had to wait till I got out.

Till everything aligned.

Till now.

Tell me you got something.

It's eluding me.

There's an even bigger code encrypted into the eyes.

And what's it say?

I don't know yet.

But with the amount of processing power I throw at it, we're gonna find out real soon.

What's wrong?

I-I don't know how to say it, so, um...

That man was a police detective, and he told me your moth... your mother's dead.


I know. I know.

But I'm gonna take you somewhere safe, where those people that are trying to hurt you can't reach you.

Why would they try and hurt me?

It's because I love you.

And they're trying to hurt me...

Take the one thing that I truly love away.

Why would they try and hurt you?

Because there are some things I haven't told you about me.

I sent that letter to you for a reason.

Poseidon was monitoring my communications with everyone who could possibly be a resource or an ally, but not with people I despised.

Give it to me straight... How you really feel about me?

I figured if I showed grace to a man who'd never seen it before in his life, maybe he'd be grateful, do something for us.

All of us, himself included.

"And our lives shall be made right forevermore."

I'm talking about normal, everyday life.

The kind of freedom none of us has known in a long, long time.

But Poseidon's not just gonna let us go.

He's got me and your son in an iron grip.

Someone has to make him let go.

Do you understand?

I'm tracking where you're going.

Only way we're gonna get that beautiful, mundane life you're talking... Any of us...

Is if I take his.

We'll be safe here for now.

Hey, listen, I promised I'd explain.

The reason those people are after me...

I know this is gonna be hard to believe, but I'm basically a secret agent.

Come on in.

You know that fort you've got in the backyard?

It feels good to go somewhere like that, right?

A place no one knows about, where no one can get to you.

Well, that's what this place is for me.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Would you please show him your credentials, Agent Blake?

Agent Emily Blake, CIA.

I'm sorry that had to happen in front of you at the house.

She was stationed at the house to protect you... from exactly the man who ended up coming, the man who said he was your dad.


I've made enemies defending America over the years.

Worst part is that this particular one dredged up the memory of your father.

The truth is, Mikey, despite what you may want to believe, your father died seven years ago.


This is Michael Scofield.

We were just talking about you.

I'm giving you one last chance to save your life.

Hand the boy over or I can't be held responsible for what happens next.

Are you threatening my life?

Only if you don't hand him over.

I'd never hand over my son.

He's not your son and never was.

Stay away from my dad, you hear?

Stay away!

Good boy.

He called him Dad.


No, he's-he's brainwashing him, that's all.

Man like that, you're right.

He deserves to die.

Where is he?

Where is Poseidon?

He'll be dealt with.

Wait, hang on, hang on, hang on, man.

If you get caught...

If he gets caught, he's going back to the pen.

Come on, come on. I'm not...

And if I don't do it?

Criminy, I want you free and clear, and if that's the only way to do it, then I got to be the one that does it.

Scofield ain't gonna do it.

He don't got the k*lling gene.

No one is getting caught.

There's a very specific order to this.

Sara, I want you to make sure Linc's safe and out of harm's way.

Whip, T-Bag, you're gonna collect a wild card for us.

One that Jacob doesn't know is out there.

I'm gonna go to the nest, where this all started, where the secrets lay hidden, and where blood will finally be spilled in its rightful place.

The call I just got from Scofield...

I want to know where it came from.

Location data coming to you right now.

Middle of nowhere.

Started moving northeast and the phone was shut off.

Maybe tossed.

You and your damn zoo, Scofield.

I'm gonna find out once and for all what you were really doing there.

What you were really planning.

And then I'm gonna k*ll you.

I know everything about you.

Even your most mundane actions.

Like the zoo. What's with you and the zoo?

I had to know everything about the man who wore his plans on his skin.

In plain sight, yet so mysterious.

The secret to real power is to never betray your intentions.

To wear nothing on your sleeve, and to never let anyone see your face.


I'll always be a step ahead of you.

I can see everything in your eyes.


I decrypted the code from the eyes.

It's a quote from Napoleon.

What quote?

"Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."

It's what's behind the eyes that counts.


Thought you should know I'm looking at your closed servers right now.

I'm holding your hard drives in my hand.

All your secret communications.

Enough to send you away forever.

Bravo, Michael.

However you got in there, bravo.

You sent me to the zoo so you could get into my office. But you and I both know your threat's a hollow one, because you know I've got something that's even more valuable to you: your son.

So we're back to game theory.

Do we work together, make a trade so we both get what we want?

Or are you gonna try something underhanded?

You know I will.

As will I. So why don't we cut past that and make a deal?

Sure, Michael. Yeah, let's do that.

Old shipyard.

Warehouse A.

5:00 p.m. tomorrow.


Uh, excuse me?

My brother-in-law... did-did Lincoln Burrows, did he get moved?

No, ma'am. He checked himself out.

He was down a lot of blood. I know.

We tried to stop him, but if a patient insists, if it's within their power, we have to let 'em go.

Uh, this is Dr. Ballard.

He did the surgery. Hi, Sara Scofield, I'm an internist, actually, up at Ithaca.

Do you have any idea where my brother-in-law might have gone?

No idea. Right.

What happened up in Finger Lakes, do you know? Another g*nsh*t victim came in from the same area at the same time.

My brother-in-law was alone. It must be a coincidence.

But thank you.

Well, I'm heading out. I've done what I can.

He's on life support up on three, but candidly, I don't think he's making it till morning.


You had me running there for a bit, thinking I'd done something wrong.

You did. You stiffed me $100 grand.

Nah. It's blood money.

No debts with blood money.

Say we're clear.

Eat me, Burrows.

Say we're clear.

I'm gonna get more guys.

And you're gonna be running again.

Not this time.

Are those your fake friends again?

You son of a bitch.

No. This time, they're real.

Federal agents!

Hands where I can see 'em!

Hands up! Burrows!

Do it now!


I need your help.

I need to find my boy.


He's an evil man and he's got my son.

You've got to know someone.


Some way I can get my boy back.


You sure this is where my son is?


Thank you.

It's all right.

k*lling ain't right.

Yeah, I read the Bible.

You did?

You know, I scanned it once in a hotel room.

Well, what you gonna do?

Don't k*ll anybody unless they really deserve it.

Yeah, you must've read the Old Testament part.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Sure, whatever.

Yeah, I'm just saying, sometimes, certain... Certain sons of b*tches, they just need to be plain old eradicated.

Mm-hmm. World's just better minus them.

Like Abu Ramal.

But for the most part, you know, k*lling's just bad.

Yeah, absolutely.

Except Poseidon.

Yeah, he's got to go, too. Got to go.

I just don't want you to get the wrong idea about me, okay? Okay.

You got to see it like the yogis, okay?

Destroying the negative to create the positive.

The dance of the Shivas and all that.

m*rder the dark, so the... The light can be born.

You're out of your damn tree, aren't you?

Now you know where you got it from. Great.

Is there a BlueHawaii in there?

Yeah, don't just dillydally, come on in.

I assume you two desperados are Scofield's guys.


He get you out of prison, too?


But I do owe him.

Where'd he break you out of?

Barranquilla, South America.

They were gonna eat my lunch down there, pretty boy like me.

Scofield took pity.

Saw a talent in me, I guess. Got me out.

Said he might call on those talents some day in return, and now here we are.

Soon as I put the touches on this, I'm yours. Got bored waiting.

It's incredible.

Rebuild of Dealey Plaza, where JFK was shot.

This here is a book depository.

Attention to detail like that, drive a man crazy.

Look at me. I'm a crap house loon.

Excessive need to bring the past back to life.

Make it real.

But enough of that.

Time for the real dance to begin, am I right?

We're going to get him back, okay?

We got your wild card ready to go.

Thank you.

Me that should be thanking you.

You brought me all this way.

We did it together.

We'll be doing this together.

You gave me family.

Seriously, thank you.

Speaking of family...

Let's go.


Don't touch that, please.

It's not an option right now.

Now where is my son?

You ask questions you know there isn't a chance in hell I'm gonna answer.

So we're back to the game.

The truth is, we never left.

You're not holding the cards.

I am. Are you?

Every law agency in the world is looking for you.

Doesn't sound like a position of power to me.

If I get arrested, those servers will be released, and everything you've done will be exposed.

I'll find them. I'll destroy them.

Like I said, I'm holding the cards.


Didn't expect that.

It's beneath you, Michael.

Let him go!

Now that, I expected.

Thank you.

How about we drop it, lady?

You don't think I expected this?

We could do this all day.

Play contingency after contingency.

But do you really want to do that?


No! David. Dammit!

Back off, or I k*ll him right now.

And that must be the last of your contingencies.

Thank you so much for showing me, Michael.

Oh, yeah.

You should also know I called the FBI.

An anonymous tip saying that Kaniel Outis would be at this warehouse.

Keep clear. Moving to second position.

Okay, they're in the building. There's no more time.

The hard drives, or we'll start sh**ting your pieces. Hand over the damn boy!

Shut up.

Lady, put the g*n down, walk away, as I cannot be held accountable for what's about to happen.

He moves, sh**t him! I k*lled a guy in a bar fight once. He was taking yang to my girl.

Took me one second to do it. Don't do it!

Should listen to him. He's a very smart man.

I'm talking to you, Whip.

It's not worth dying for. This is my fight!

This is our fight. We've come too far to let this son of a bitch win.

This wasn't the plan!

Don't do it!

Some sons of b*tches just got to go!

We're the only ones who could do it.

Ain't that right, Pa? David!

Try me.



Whip. Whip. No.

Come on. Whip.

This wasn't the plan.

David, stay with me.

Stay with me, boy. Stay with me.

The hard drives. Now.

I got him. It's okay, I got him.

All right.

Okay, okay...

It's that way.

Keep it calm, boy.

Stay calm. If he tries to play hero, too, execute him.


You shot him, you bitch.

He shouldn't have tried me.

David... Hands up! Freeze!

Do it now! Federal agents!

Federal agents!

Hands where I can see them!


I'm good. I got to s... see your face.

Freeze! Get your hands up!

Go easy, son.

How we doing?


Better than you.

Oh, thank God.

You okay?


Up ahead, in the next bay.

I'll take that call.

We got him, Michael. We got our boy.

Good news for you.

But now you've got no reason to give me what I want.

Which kind of makes it bad news for you.

Federal agents!

You son of a bitch.

The cabin.

Gaines' jacket.

Camera, taking my picture.


You wanted me to take the g*n from you back there.

You're better than I thought.

Re-framing me for the m*rder I actually committed.

The one you framed me for.

Michael, pick up the body, make it look like it never happened.

Genius, really.

But no one will ever go for it.

The truth is whatever you tell people it is.

You taught me that.

Oh. Too bad the feds'll be here in two minutes, see your little diorama here, and know it's all bull.

Except none of this will be here.

And neither will I.



This is for the last seven years.

Freeze! Get your hands up!

Put 'em up!

It's him! It's Kaniel Outis!

Thank God you're here.

Thank God!

Thank God.

Thank God.

Hands up!

Thank God you guys got here when you did, that's all I can say.

I mean, he would have...

I'd be dead right now.

Look, if it's okay with you guys, I'd like to go home, clean myself up a bit. As you can imagine, it's been a long day.

That's okay.

Thank you.

Jacob Anton Ness?

Can I help you?

You're under arrest for the participation in the m*rder of Harlan Gaines. If you're talking about that nonsense in there... We're talking about blood evidence found in your office at the university. An office only you have access to.

Harlan Gaines' blood.

And blood will finally be spilled in its rightful place.

What? How...

These are the missing frames from the night of the k*lling.

The ones Poseidon edited out.

Yes, I was there. I've never denied it.

He forced me to... so he could frame me.

So the blood evidence found in your belongings was because he tasked you with disposing of the body.


And with the revelation of the additional blood evidence found in his office at the university, it neatly supports your theory, doesn't it?

That he was there.

That he was the gunman.

I guess I would have one question for you.

I'm director of the CIA.

I'm aware of that. That's why I sent you the e-mail with the evidence directly.

My question is... would you be manipulating me, too?

How would I do that?

Well... you look too closely at this evidence...

Metadata in the pictures, degraded blood evidence...

You might find some problems.

Depends how motivated you are to look closely.

Poseidon k*lled your deputy director.

He was a cancer inside your agency for years.

I've shown you his face!

Now, calm down.

You should know that we have Mr. Ness' accomplice, Andrew Nelson, in custody, thanks to your brother, Once we saw your e-mail, we interrogated him.

He's fully disclosed 21-Void's conspiracy to frame you for the m*rder of Harlan Gaines and bury your identity by giving you a new one:

Kaniel Outis.

What does that mean?

It means... you're free to go, Mr. Scofield.

You don't know how long I've waited to hear someone call me that.

One other thing.

The level of ingenuity that you displayed with all of this...

We could use a person like that.

I am not looking for a job.


There is one thing you can do for me.

You liking it here?

It's strange.

Being alive again.

Not running.


I've been running, too.

I know.

Why'd you call her?

Because I knew you wouldn't.

What's really strange is... things actually working out.


I love you.

I love you, too.

He's better at getting himself into...

He's stubborn.


Hey, babe.



Not used to guys smiling, coming in here.

Yeah, just not planning on sticking around long, that's all.

Yeah, right.

Have a good one.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No! No!

Guard! Guard!
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