05x06 - Phaecia

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Prison Break". Aired: August 2005 to May 2017.*
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Brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows continue to evade the law.
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05x06 - Phaecia

Post by bunniefuu »

We're gonna get you out of here.



Poseidon put us in here to get Ramal out, but then he abandoned us.

Ramal is Poseidon's guy, not ours.

The escape is on.

He's my brother!

Who the hell is this Poseidon guy?

A frustrated policy wonk in the CIA, who created a cell within the CIA called 21-Void.

And he needed my help breaking out people imprisoned all over the world.

We've awoken something.

Any chance Poseidon will just let us k*ll her?

Point. It's three and four.

The man, and the woman was the sh**t.

Step back! That's not gonna happen.

Go to hell!

Let's get the hell out of here.

The only way out now is up, brother.

I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, brother.

We gotta move.

No. We go on the streets tonight, we're dead.

You know it, and I know it.

Even on the outside, I feel the world crushing in.

That's what being locked up does.

You carry the prison with you on the outside.

I can't live that way.

I've got to know the walls disappear.

It's called being scared. Happens when you're sober.

Don't give me the pill talk.

I won't give you the poor little orphan talk.

How your friend here isn't the father figure you thought he was gonna be.

This isn't helping.

The walls are going away, brother.

We're gonna make 'em go away.

We're getting out of this country.

All of us.

Oh, really? Which contingency's that gonna be?

You burned through them all.

Truck to border, train, airport.

None of those.

We're exactly where I don't want to be: improvising.

Well, we need to improvise something real fast or it's gonna be us down there, strung up like that.

Omar. Sheba's guy.

She said he had a way out.

We can trust him?

No. But he's our last option.

You made bail. You're being released.

Don't be a stranger, sugar.

Poseidon got you out first.

I thought I was his favorite.

Son of a bitch really escaped.


But why k*ll Ramal? I thought they were allies.

It's not our job to ask questions.

Maybe we should.

Poseidon says we find Kaniel Outis and k*ll him.

That's what we're gonna do.

And I think I know how to do it.


What are you doing here?

You're radioactive, my friend.

You k*lled Abu Ramal. Really?

That was a very stupid move, man.

Just tell us where you're headed.

300 miles across the desert. Phaeacia.

Old smuggling friends.

Uh, autonomous zone. No ISIL.


Not perfect.

Four of you, one of me. Not enough seats.

Okay, okay, all right. What about getting another vehicle?

Tell you what.

Because it's Sheba and I owe her, maybe we can help each other.

I have another vehicle.

A Land Cruiser.

I was going to leave it behind, but if you can get it, it's in a parking garage two blocks from here.

I'll let you follow.

Deliver my second vehicle, and maybe I get the Phaeacians to get you a boat somewhere, to Europe, France, Italy, Spain, wherever you want to go.

How's that sound?

Keys are here.

Uh, left side, the red brick. First floor.

Battery might be dead, so you might need all of you to push. We got it.

Whip, you stay with him. Let's move.

He always give you orders like that?

It's complicated.

I got an order for you.

Load up.

One more bag inside.


Give it a push on my say.

Battery's working perfectly.

How far away is this garage?

Only two blocks. No problem.

Someone says there's no problem, there's always a problem.

He set us up. Get in!

Hold on.

Nothing personal, my friend.

In another life, no doubt we smoke the hookah together.

No! No, you don't!

Whip, you okay?

Thought you were gonna be a millionaire, huh?

I didn't have a choice.

Come on! Coldcocking son of a bitch!

Hold on, hold on. Easy now, we may need him.

Yes. You need me.

I want a map to this Phaeacia place.

You do realize this is Yemen, don't you?

Phaeacia is a hundred people.

Mud huts. There is no map.

But I can lead you there.

You want to trust this guy?

Well, if he screws with us, we'll just let Whip finish what he started.

And I will k*ll you.

I can't wait to k*ll him.

You coldcock me, I end you.

Rule number one in my country. Okay?

And rule number one in my country is when things get bad, go to the desert.

We are desperate, desperate men.

Not as desperate as Omar right now.

If there's one man you don't want to get on the wrong side of, it's Whip.

That might apply to you, too, Michael.

I get the sense the kid thinks you betrayed him somehow.

I could understand why he thinks that.

I really am sorry, my friend.

When I'm scared, I make poor choices.

Zero comes out of your mouth. Okay?

I'm having a really bad couple days. Just the worst.

Agent Kishida.

Settling into your new office, I see.

I still see this as Kellerman's office, ma'am.

As you probably know, before he was k*lled, Kellerman had been looking into 21-Void.

I knew that. Yes.

I need Paul's files.

Obviously, he was getting close to something and they k*lled him for it.

Actually, I've been looking into his leads, and there's nothing there.

I hate to say it, but this file is full of dead ends.

There's nothing here.

There must be something.

Look, I don't want Paul to have died in vain, but we need to look at this whole thing with new eyes.

Read it for yourself.

Okay, you want to put new eyes on this? Fine.

Now that you report to me, I need you to look into the possibility that there was an insider involved.

Here? At the State Department?

Anywhere along the evidence chain.

Will do, ma'am.

Agent Kishida.

I wasn't expecting a call at this hour.

I just wanted to follow up on our earlier conversation.

The situation in the Middle East?

Situation's developing.

We need to meet soon.

Fair enough.

The moment we're back, we'll call you.

You worked at NSA?

Team Eye in the Sky for ten years.

Watched the most heinous crap you can imagine by satellite.

Stonings, r*pes.

Just had to sit back and watch it like a horror film, helpless, until Poseidon tapped my shoulder, gave me a chance to do something about it.

Emily, good to see you again.


You got my message? Kaniel Outis?

You gonna help us locate him?

Look, protocol says no.

We stay clear of CIA, any offensive action.

We're surveillance only.

We just want to put eyes on him.

I think I can get you in as observers under inter agency auspices.

I knew I could count on you.

But you owe me.

That B&B we went up to in Connecticut, I want that weekend again.

That exact weekend.

What you got back here, anyway?

What is this, g*ns, dr*gs?


You don't understand the Phaeacians.

They are beautiful. Generous.

They just want to smile.

Unlike you.

Oh, is that right?

Ah, holding grudges.

It's very bad for the heart...

You know what else is bad for your heart?

If I shove a Roman candle through the middle of it.

Ja, please.

Don't check out on us.

Still trying to figure out why you got me out.

I need that great big mind of yours clean and clear.

It's the number from the airport last night.

C-Note, what's up?

Lincoln, it's Sheba.

I got Benjamin's phone.

Oh, hi.

Did you find Omar?

Yeah, we found him.

We're traveling.

You okay?

Yes. We're in Jordan.

Leaving for the U.S. tonight.

How's C-Note?

He's fine.

We all are.


We're going to make it.

It's because of you.

Because of my money.

It's because of you.

Come on.

There is nobility in you, Lincoln.

Hey, uh... when I get back, I'll, I'll buy you a drink.

I don't drink.

But I'll buy you a drink.

How about that?

Sounds good.

We got a hit, Franklin's cell phone lit up in Jordan.

The one he bought with a credit card in Yemen a few days ago.

Making an outbound call to an unknown number.

Currently right outside Sana'a, Yemen.

Rerouting a drone to that target now.

We just found our man, didn't we?

There. Two vehicles heading west.

Drones in position.

Let's take a peek.

They're stopping.

Pull up all known data on that location.

Why did we stop?

Phaeacia is 300 miles that way.

We need to fill our gas tanks up to the top.

As-salamu.'alaykum. Alaykumu s-salaam.

Michael, where you going?

Been under Poseidon's thumb for the last seven years.

It's about time I got out from under it.




They have no clue we're watching, do they?

Not at this height.


Who is this?

A friend from far away.

Your government has always considered us an enemy.


But some of us have a more enlightened view.

Abu Ramal was a great visionary.

You have our sincerest condolences.

What do you want?

The same thing you do, to eliminate the men who k*lled him.

And as a sign of good faith...

we'll tell you exactly where they are.

Hey, can you see me?

Not yet.

Blasted computer camera thing.

Who makes these things?

All right, I see you.

Come on, hurry. Get this off of me.

Hold your hand still.

Just do it already.

Do you want to stay like this?

You're lucky we cut you loose.

The men who k*lled Abu Ramal, Leaving Sana'a, heading west on Highway 80.

Okay. Highway 80.

We're leaving now.

I'm coming, too. No.

This is not your fight anymore.




You know it's been four years since I've had air conditioning?

I'm done with the heat.

Kind of like it out here.

No walls.

No walls, okay? Ain't about walls.

My opinion, you know what you need more than anything else in the world?

Got to laugh more.

If he wants to laugh, Phaeacia 's the place.

I always wanted to bring Sheba; for her to see the people.

No technology, no politics, no modern nonsense.

They know how to enjoy life.

No technology?

Freddie Mercury here couldn't hack it.

Freddie Mercury?

I could hack it.

I was alive before cell phones.

You're more addicted to that screen than you are to them pills, and that is saying something.

Be ready.

Ah, my friends. We got problems!

Michael, we got to go!

Michael? Let's go!

I got to go.

Hold on, let me try something else.

Can you see me now?

No. Take a screen capture.

What of?

A screen capture. Take it.

ISIL militants coming from the east.

This should get interesting.

Don't think one b*llet is going to get us out of this.

One b*llet? Who the hell carries a g*n with one b*llet?

The man who would k*ll himself before being captured by ISIL.

Get closer. Zoom in.

Hold on.

These militants, how'd they find them?

Dammit, what are you waiting for? sh**t back!

We only got one b*llet.

One b*llet? Exactly.

We're seriously screwed here.

Unless I can make this one b*llet count.


You sure as hell made it count, kid.

Hell yeah, you did.

Oh, my God.


He's in a bad way, Linc.

More coming, we got to get the hell out of here!

What are they stopping for?

Don't know.

We can't go any further.

We can go a lot further.

We've got to get to Phaeacia.

There's no roads, Whip.

The roads are in Omar's head along with the map.

That's what I'm trying to tell you.

Our map is dead.

We got to head back.

To what?

He's right.

We'll die out there without a map.

We don't know that.

We 99% know that.

Guess we're not out of the woods yet!

We got to lose this guy, whoever he is!

Let's go! Then move it, damn it.

All targets now bearing 2:15.

Stay with them.

No. Pull the drone.

Time for our visitors to leave.

What are you talking about?

We find Kaniel Outis in Yemen, and then rebels show up to take him out?

Was I supposed to think that was a coincidence?

This isn't surveillance, is it?

This is assassination.

You're using me for some sort of black work, aren't you?

This is way over your head, Tricia.

Stop asking questions.

If you don't get out of my sight, I will blow the whistle.

Right now.

Would've been a hell of a weekend in Connecticut.

It's playing with fire, co-opting other agencies like that.

You think she'll talk?

Run it up the flag pole?

You got designs on k*lling her?

I'll k*ll you.

Relax, will you?

I'm getting pretty tired of chasing Outis.

Always being behind him. Me, too.

That's why I keep thinking about all that time that he spent in that gas station in Yemen.

ISIL on his tail, and he just hangs in there?

What was he doing in there?

The sun is directly overhead.

I can't tell which way is east, west...

We got to stop.

Hey, Ja.

You got a compass on that phone?

No signal.

We're flying blind.

Completely blind.

But he's not.

We're leaving him a beautiful set of tire tracks to follow.

Who the hell is this guy?

It's the guy who k*lled Sid.

Son of a bitch is like a dog with a bone, huh?

You k*ll someone's spiritual leader, they'll follow you to the ends of the Earth, apparently.

Why is he stopping?

He's refueling.


He knows he's got more gas than we do.

All he has to do is follow our tracks.

Then wait until we run out.

There are four of us.

Let's just swarm him, take him out.

Not out here.

Not with an AK-47.

We wouldn't get within a hundred feet of him without taking a b*llet.

Then we got to out think him.

What you gonna do with that, flog him?

Gonna transfer gas from that t*nk to this one.

Almost all of it.

It's not gonna help.

It's gonna help this one get to Phaeacia.

We pile into one vehicle?

He still has more gas than us.

He can still follow our tire tracks.

That's why we leave a little bit of gas in that one.

And make two sets of tracks.

He's gonna have to choose.

I got four rocks in my hand.

Three red, one white.

Get the red rock, get in the Jeep, go to Phaeacia.

Get the white rock, deal with our friend.

Stick out your hand.



Come on.




You knew the rules, Linc.

He's picking up again.

I'm not leaving you out here to die.

I have no intention of dying.

Anyway, you've got the harder job.

You've got to find Phaeacia out there somewhere.

Leave tracks so I know how to find you.

Just one.

You want to play, you son of a bitch?

Now how the hell am I gonna get out of this?

We're driving blind.

It's the same damn thing everywhere we look.

There's something to be said for that.

Makes you use your senses.

Will you stop talking crap and talk elephant in the room, please?

We just left Michael back there.

It's completely wrong.

I'm the last guy you want to say that to.

Well, why are we doing it, then?

Because he said, that's why.

One thing you don't understand.

When Michael takes on the world, the world always loses.

We've been looking the whole time.

That's the problem.


Stop the engine.

You hear that?


Not just birds. Gulls.

As far as I know, gulls got no interest in the desert.

They only got interest in the sea.

It means we're close.

All you got to do is follow them.

Maybe we got GPS after all.

Is this Phaeacia?

Phaeacia! Phaeacia!

Omar! Omar!

Omar, Omar.


You bring Omar car, but not Omar?

Omar had to go somewhere safe.

Because of the w*r?

Yeah, the w*r. That's right.

He told us to bring this stuff for you.

Also said you could arrange a boat for us.

Back in the city...

I told you you would die.

We will both die out here, American!

Turns out that gas station outside Sana'a had a computer with Internet access.

He sent this image from Yemen. Why?

We're gonna find out as soon as we talk to the guy he sent it to.

Blue Hawaii in Portland, Maine.

Think we got a snowbird?

I don't think that's quite it.

Welcome to Graceland.

Don't just stand there and let the AC out.

Come on in.

What can I do for you fine folks?

Linc, where are your tracks?

Tracks, tracks.

No, no, no, no!

No, no. No.

Come on. Come on!

Come on, Mike, come on.

Where are the tracks?

Where are the tracks?

This is for you. Look.

W-Wait, go easy, go easy. Start with the small stuff.

Flowers, snakes, we'll move onto the a*tillery later.

Fireworks okay?

Yes, yes, of course.

It's okay to use? Thank you.

Omar was right.

This place.

It's like the rest of the world doesn't exist.

I'll go check on Linc.

Hanging in there?

You're right. I shouldn't have abandoned him.

If he doesn't find those tire tracks by nightfall, he never will.

Where are you going?

Going out to find him.

You can't go out there at night.

You'll never find him.

Doing nothing's not an option.

I didn't say do nothing.

You got to have faith.






That's it.


Thank God, you made it.

He poisoned me.

What?! Antifreeze.

Need a doctor.

Get the doctor now.

The doctor, the only doctor is in Sana'a.

We can't go back to Sana'a.

We just came from there.

It's 300 miles across the friggin' desert.

We got to do something. He's dying.

Michael, Michael.
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