05x04 - The Prisoner's Dilemma

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Prison Break". Aired: August 2005 to May 2017.*
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Brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows continue to evade the law.
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05x04 - The Prisoner's Dilemma

Post by bunniefuu »

I called earlier about a missing U.S. citizen in the Middle East.

How are you, Sara?

I wanted the State Department, not you.

Any chance Poseidon will just let us k*ll her?

I've learned some things about who it is we're apparently both looking for.

You think Michael's in Yemen?

We're gonna get you out of here. I don't know who you are.

Your brother was using this shop for his escape.

We're here for passports.

Figure we got a day to get out of this hole.

We're still getting out. All of us.



Poseidon put us in here to get Ramal out, but then he abandoned us.

Ramal's Poseidon's guy, not ours.

Our friend told me about the escape.

He will betray you.

When those lights go black, we're gonna disappear from this place like ghosts.

I can't get it open.

Help me out.

You pull my brother up first.

Don't sh**t.


Hey. Hey.

How are you feeling?

Body is fine.

My head is trying to figure out how to get those passports we couldn't get last night.

For you, those kids.

Well, that's something you shouldn't be worrying about right now.

You should rest up. We're gonna need you.

I can rest when I'm dead.

Well, that's what I'm worried about.

Didn't know you worried.

About the right things.

Your brother.

He make it out?

I'm sorry. Yeah.

Sheba, do you mind if I borrow Linc for a second?

Yeah. Okay.

Please get some rest.

Listen. We got to start talking about leaving the country.

What are you talking about?

I spoke to my friends at the mosque.

ISIL is taking neighborhoods by the hour.

If they cut off the route to the airport...

I'm not leaving Michael.

If they cut off the airport, no one is getting out.

Not you, me, Sheba.

As much as it kills me to say... we can't risk all of it for... just one man.

You're right.

You can leave.

But I can't.

Get that family to the airport as fast as you can.

I'll work something out.

Mr. Burrows?

I wanted to thank you for saving my daughter.

And offer you something in appreciation.

I might have a solution for how to get your brother out of that prison.

Before the city goes to hell.


You hear that?

That was the closest one yet!

100 yards!

Just when you think it couldn't get worse locked up in a Porta Potti, they start dropping 2,000-pound bombs on the Porta Potti.

Whip. Keep it together, please.

The escape artist is nervous.

You should be, too.

Those a*tillery strikes, they don't discriminate.

The difference is I have faith.

Allah will deliver me.

What do you have?


Ja, are you there?

I'm here.

Whip's right.

The strikes are getting closer.

I pity you.

I triumph either way.

Either I will be in paradise or Allah will save me.

You, you're just going to die.

ISIL has broken through the checkpoints.

They're coming into the city.

These uniforms are like targets on our backs. ISIL isn't here yet.

The government says it will push them back.

You out of your head? This is happening.

Sana'a is falling.

They're going to retreat.

I've seen that look before in the army.

Men who will do anything to save themselves.

And how do we save ourselves?

ISIL takes this prison, we'll be the first they slaughter.

When they take this prison, it will be to liberate their leader, Ramal, but if when they get here, we have him with a knife to his throat, then we call the sh*ts.

And we might just live.

Whip, I got a Hail Mary.

That a prayer or a plan? Plan.

I left something the last time I was in here.

Let me guess, you got a contingency.

They lock me away in a box for four years.

I'm not just gonna sit there.

It's a long shot, but it might get us out.

The infidel still tries to escape.

The desperate rat.

The desperate rat's gonna light you up once we get out of here, you bugged-eyed freak. Whip.

Whip! An "S." Is there an "S" carved in your wall chest high in the corner?

Come on, come on.

That's not it.

I'm not seeing anything.

I'm not seeing it.

Ja, it's got to be you.

Come on. Tell me you got an "S" carved in your wall.

It's our last chance.


It's not here, no.

That's because I have it in my cell.

My armies of the caliphate are coming closer.

The moment they reach this place, all of you will be put down like the dogs that you are.


All right, Sara.

Our friend, Poseidon, has surfaced.

Good God.

Another ISIL attack.

They're ripping the city apart.

They're animals.

I've been a bureaucrat my whole life.

Hated it.

Corruption, backslapping.

But today, maybe some good will come of it.

I went to grammar school with this boy named Ibrahim.

All the years later, he's a federal judge.

You, uh, saying this judge can help us?

I called him a few hours ago and told him about your brother's case.


Redecorating, I see.

Just readying for the coming change of seasons.

Luxury is something the Wahabbists frown upon, so luxury will stay behind closed doors.

You should flee the country.

I'm a survivor, you know that.

I thought Mr. Burrows could perhaps help with his brother's cause.

Ah, yes.

A full pardon from the Supreme Judicial Council.

But you will have to uphold your end of the bargain, Jamil.

German engineering. 77,000 miles.

Five liter, seven speed, V10.

It will be a welcome bit of luxury.

Behind closed doors, of course.

Best of luck to both of you.

I really appreciate this.

Thank you.

It's already done.

It would've been left behind anyhow.

May both of our families get safely out of Sana'a tonight.

We can't just sit here and die.

You-you got a window like this one, right?

Maybe we can pry it.

It's too small, reinforced.

Built into the rebar infrastructure.

You got people on the outside, right?

And they're gonna try and get us out.

They were supposed to meet us at the shop last night and we didn't show.

We can't just quit and let Poseidon beat us. Ramal?

There's a way out if we work together, but escape has to start from your cell.

I'm no longer interested.

The only thing left for you to do is to beg.

Beg that I might let you live once my armies came, if only as a sl*ve.

I've been a sl*ve for the last seven years.

I won't do it anymore!

I will miss you when you're dead, but only for a minute.

Then you will be forgotten by both time and the world.

Well, she's my kid, too, Cindy.

I have the weekends and...

Well, no, I have the weekends and I don't want a Wednesday afternoon.

Why would I want that?

Yeah, nobody does.


No, that's okay, Cindy.


Yeah, that's fine.

What other days?

What other days do you want?

Actually, you know what?

I don't want to discuss this now.

No, we'll talk about it later.


Of all the things that mystify me in this world since I've been released, is that kale is the rage.


Theodore Bagwell.

Thing that mystifies me equally is seven years ago, you exonerated Michael, Lincoln, all of them, except me.

Really? Yes!

That's why you're here?

Because I didn't exonerate you?

A m*rder*r, a sexual predator a dozen times over.

"Was" is the key word.

I'm a man moving toward the light now, and the light's beckoning me.

I just don't know who's pulling the strings.

But Sara says it's you.

Oh, Sara put you onto me?


I don't know who the bigger idiot is, you or her.

I was helping her.

You were hacking her phone and sending those people after her... Don't... lie.

Now... how about you pour me one of them nasty little kale jobbies, and tell me what's all this got to do with Scofield and myself, who your friends are, who you are... I want to see the true face of who's pulling my strings once and for all.

You have two visitors in the lobby.

Tell them I'll be right down.


I got this, Grace.

They're in the city.

What are you doing?

What do you think I'm doing?

Don't run, you dog!

Don't run!

It is happening. Be ready.

This pardon better get him out of here.

We don't have much time... we have to get to the warden.

What's going on?

They're abandoning the prison. That's why Ibrahim gave us that pardon.

He knew it was worthless.

You and C-Note get the others to the airport as fast as you can... There's maybe one flight out.

Save two seats.

All right?

What are you going to do?

I'm gonna get my brother.


Back up!

Back up. Anyone comes at me, dies.

Understand? You think you can sh**t all of us?

Anyone else want to play the lottery?

Huh? You're filth.

I'll let ISIL sort you out.


Mustapha! Mustapha, wait!

Don't lock me in here!

You coward.

Mustapha, please.


I need to get in! I need to get out!

Well, give me the key. I don't have the key.

You passed the guy who does.

Stay back! I don't want to sh**t you!

The guards are gone!

They're abandoning their posts!

We're gonna be free!

No. We're not free.

Things just got a lot worse.

Push the gate open!

Stop! Stop!

What are you doing?

We have to get through the gate! If ISIL controls the city, like they say, it will be a prison out there as well.

We will be persecuted, as we have been in here, only worse!

At least there's a chance!

You want a chance?

Our chance lies in there, in solitary.

Our bargaining chip.

We get Abu Ramal!

We negotiate passage out of the country.

No, it's madness.

Come on. If we work together, we can push open the gate.

Is that you, Princess?

It is you. We remember this one!

Right? We remember him! Please...

Friend to Kaniel Outis, the man who would not lend my brother a hand!

The man who k*lled my brother, as far as I'm concerned, right?

We are going to go in there and get Abu Ramal! No! Please!

No! Please! And when we are there, I am personally going to slice Kaniel Outis' throat.

And you are going to be the one who's going to help me do it.

No! You sent him!

Take him!

All of you!

Will you stay here?

And let ISIL slaughter you?

Or will you stand with me?

And fight!

Doesn't sound very promising!

Ramal, you want to rethink helping us?

Escape has to start from your cell!

All you infidels can go to Hell!

We are in Hell, Ramal.

Question is do you want out?

Smash through the door!

Tell me what to do.

Come on, come on...








I'm not hacking anybody's phones.

You're so off base on this, you have no idea.

Am I?


That is terrible, by the way. What is that, an act of contrition?

Like a hair shirt?

t*rture yourself with kale to make up for your sins?

I don't have any sins anymore, man.

That's you. How about the sin of deceit?


A kale-drinking man named Kellerman by the light of day, a murderous CIA rogue named Poseidon at night.


His eyes light up.

She was right.

Oh, you think I'm Poseidon?


Are you mixed up with Poseidon?

Oh, hell, we got to go old school with this?

Is that what you want?

T-Bag snapping fingers. Ow!

That's very... you just gave me something to work with.

Poseidon? Poseidon.

I'll tell you about Poseidon.

I mean, he's one of those myths you hear about in the system.

He's an operative so untouchable, so deep, you couldn't find him with a nuclear sub.

Hence the nickname.

And how does this involve me?

What's he want with Michael?

Ramal, listen closely.

The brick with the "S," it's loose.

You got to remove it.

It's a spoon, string.

How? A string a day from my uniforms for four years.

A spoon a guard overlooked one time in a thousand.

There's a water pipe above you.

Hook it, pull it down.

Do it!

Hey. Let me get this straight. This is getting him out?

It's getting us all out.

This is a two-cell job, mine and his.

That's why I couldn't pull it off when I was in that cell, because the guy across from me, the guy in this cell, wouldn't cooperate.

We have to work together.

Come on!

No. Cross!

I'm not working with you.

No. No.

Come here! Come on, sweetheart.

Show them your pretty face! Come on, get up here!

Look! Stop what you're doing and tell Kaniel Outis I will k*ll the girl!

Take him!

Come on! I'm not through with you yet!

They're beating the crap out of Sid. They'll k*ll him unless we surrender. If we surrender, they'll k*ll us. They only want Ramal.

Our best chance of saving Sid is getting out of here.

Make them forget about him, start chasing us.

Okay, good.

Now pick it up. String the cord and pull it through.

Come on, come on!


I will k*ll the girl, I swear it!


I will say it again, there will not be any k*lling in this prison!

Not on my watch!

This is completely insane.

It's a freakin' Mexican soap opera out here!

Ramal, don't stop. Don't start thinking.

Don't pin your hopes on one guard.

Walk away!

Hide in the cell block!

What are you doing?

The prison is done, brother.

For the love of God!

For the love of God, a man seeks justice.

In everything he does, at all times!

Now, everybody, back in the block!

There are no prisoners and guards anymore!

You realize that, right?

If ISIL gets in here, we are all the enemy.

Sinners, deviants... and those that locked up their leader.

You will be the only guard that they catch.

The noble one.

They will behead you for it. But... if we work together, we get Ramal, we have a bargaining chip.

I will see to it that you will get out with the rest of us.

Just give me the keys to solitary.

I don't have the keys.

I know you do.

Join us and you will live.

I give you my word.

I don't have them.

k*ll him!

But you have something much better, huh?

Move. Move!

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. They k*lled the guard!

They got his g*n. They're coming for us!

Got to make this count, Ramal.

String that fishing pole through that slot.

That's right.

Now, you can remove the pinions on my door... the hinges.

There are two of them.

No way.

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

I'm doing mine.

We don't have time for this, Ramal!

I'm telling you, it's a two-cell job, that's the point. That side of the wing is new construction. The pinions are covered in the hinges... You can't pull them.

This side is original. They're open, loose.

You want me to free you?

Yes, and I, in turn, free you with those keys, down there.

Why would I trust you more than the madman out there?

'Cause you just heard what his word is worth.

Kick it.

This is it. It's all about whose word you trust.

I promise you... you release me, I release you.

Little more, little more.

Thank God. Come on.

Okay, the bottom.


Come on, come on. Come on. Come on.


Almost there!


Come on.

Got to hurry up, come on.

Yes. Yes, come on!

Where are you going?

Open my door.

I'm getting the hell out of here.

Open my door.

Leave him, man, you crazy? Open my door.

Once we're outside these walls, we need safe passage out of the country.

Even now, you negotiate.

We work together or we both die.

You have my word.

Open the door.

We got to go now.

No, no!

Mr. Tic Tac.

What are you doing here?

You gonna fight ISIL men?

Get out of here, kid, hide!

This is no place for you. You gonna fight ISIL men?


Listen very closely, all right?

American! American!


You go to Bubble Gum Man now? Yeah.

Thanks for your help. Here, take that.

Get somewhere safe, okay?

Mr. Tic Tac goes to Bubble Gum Man!

Ramal... don't want to k*ll you.

Just your friends. You understand?

What are we doing in here? This is not helping us.

You're gonna make a phone call so you can hold up your end of the deal.

There's an auto body shop off Nashwan plaza.

I want vehicles there, full tanks of gas so we can get to the border, all of us.

I'm not going with you to the border.

You don't have a choice.

We're gonna ride to the border, then say sayonara.

You're our insurance.

Ramal, I don't want to k*ll you.

You understand?

Or would you rather be their insurance? Take it.

I want to know what he's saying. He could be screwing us.

He's screwing with us, all right.

We just need to screw with him first.

Where's Ja?

I don't know.

Oxycodone... Hey, we got to peel.


Come on, you Japanese junkie son of a bitch.

I'm Korean, you Canadian monkey.

Canadian? Oh, that's really funny, Ja.

You'd split my sides if we weren't about to be slaughtered.

Hey, remember what Woody Allen said.

What did he say?

"I don't mind dying.

I just don't want to be around when it happens."

Hey, come on.

We need you, okay?

What's the holdup?


Scofield's a dead man.

He's tangling with Poseidon.

I see what you're doing here.

Talking Poseidon in third person, like you're not him.

State Department has been looking for Poseidon for years, you idiot. He's a rogue CIA operative.

Nobody knows who he is.

Here we go. I know it's a little above your pay grade being a common criminal.

I mean, we're talking about a single man.

Right? A hawk who apparently doesn't like how the White House goes about foreign policy, and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Not with armies, not with invasions, but by getting a single person k*lled, by getting a single person elected to office, by getting a single person released from prison.

Prison, like the one in Yemen, where Michael's at.

You want my guess?

It's Abu Ramal that Poseidon wants free.

Guy I seen on the prison telly.

Wait, I thought the CIA was supposed to k*ll t*rrorists, not release them. Poseidon is no longer CIA.

He doesn't report to anybody.

He just pursues his own ideology.

Okay, for instance, listen.

Let's say you think Russia and Iran are having too much influence in the Middle East, and you don't think Washington is getting the job done.

You free Ramal.

Sure, he's an Islamic radical nut job, but he will fight Iran and Russia for you.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

And what's so shrewd about Poseidon is he does it all without a network, which is why he's so hard to find.

One man can pull strings like that?

One man manipulating a handful of others.

Abu Ramal is a monster.

And there's a spot in Hell reserved for him, but the hottest spot is reserved for Poseidon, because he is letting Ramal loose on the world again.

Those men, they have the blood of thousands, thousands on their hands.

Compared to them, you and me are a couple of angels.

"Angels"? Mm-hmm.

You find out who Poseidon is, and how Scofield is wrapped up in it, maybe your fate... is to be a patriot.


Go. Go!

There's a time for everything.

911? I need help... now.

They're going over the top.

Let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go!

This way!

It's locked!

It's a dead end.

No, no, no, no. No. No, no, no, no.


Hide! Hide!

I don't want to k*ll you! Just your friends.

You understand? Sid, you're alive?

We'll see about that. Ramal?!

Let's hand the son of a bitch over.

Won't work.

They'll g*n us down anyway.

Can't just wait here and die.

Your game is up.

Come out!

Anyone who gets between me and Abu Ramal dies.

You understand?!

Where is Ramal?

Tell me now!

There's a boy.

Ithaca, New York. Mike Scofield.

If I don't make it out of here alive, tell him his father loves him very much.

"His father"?

If I don't smother that g*n, they'll k*ll us all.

Move back!

Move back! Go!

Let me through!

Michael! Michael!

Michael? Michael!

Poseidon sent you?

Where's your friend?

He's long gone.

Back door.

Locked from the inside.

He's in here.

Find him.

I was you once, k*lling for a lie.

Now you're what?

Dying for the truth?

It's human nature to find stuff out, so you will.

Or she will.

And then the lie has to k*ll the truth.

Which one of you is gonna die Ne...?

Time to get scarce.


What did he say to you?


Auto shop's a few blocks up.

And your men better be coming.

They will be there.

Where is Ja?

Ja, what are you doing? I'm starving, man.

You know how long it's been since I seen fruit?

You're stopping to eat?

Are you high?!

Don't come at me, man. You're not my mama.

You know what? You're done.

You're gone. What?

Wait. I said, walk! You're a liability!

Wait. Wait. You said you'd get me out, all the way home. That was the deal.

Ramal, this man follows us, tell your men to sh**t him.



Where'd you go, Michael?

Where'd you go?



There you are, my men.

Seize these dogs so that we can put them down.



Ramal, what are you doing?

You thought you tricked me?

Take the long way around while your friend... gets here first to get weapons.

You were going to screw me. That's the American slang.

Isn't it? You were gonna screw me.

So much for our word.

Lying to enemies.

It's called Taqiyya.

Take off the camera.

I will show the world what happens when you screw Abu Ramal.

On your knees!

It's not gonna happen. Make them on their knees!


Drop your weapons.

Step away from my brother.


How much do you love this brother of yours?

Why don't you step down from that truck?

Stop. Stop, stop, stop. No, it's not going down like this, okay? Just... stop. I got way too many questions for my friend here.

Step back! I went to prison for k*lling a guy in a bar fight. I didn't even want to get into it, okay? He starts talking yang to my girl.

I tell him to beat it.

He pulls a knife, and I see red.

One second later, I'm holding his bloody knife, and it's his body on the ground.

You're not that fast. One second.

Please don't do this.

You will lose.

Listen to your friend.

I'm talking to you, Ramal.

I told you! Step down from that truck.

Pick up your weapons!

You've got one second till that one second happens.

Go to hell.

We got more coming!

And more over here! This is a big problem.

Let's get the hell out of here.


You wanted to see us? Ouch.

Come on. Come on.

Behold the villain.

Who the hell is this guy?

He's my brother.

He's my brother.

I can't believe this.

I just can't believe this. I can't believe this.

Back at the prison. Why?

Why did you say? I had to deny you.

You were... you were filming me.

They can't know. Who can't know?

They can't know I'm getting out. Who?

I'll explain everything later, just...

Sara and-and Mike?

They're good.

They're fine. Oh, thank God.

Thank God.

Questions just keep piling up, huh?

That's you.

It's all of us.

What are they saying?

That ISIL has taken over the government station.

That their beloved leader, Abu Ramal, has been martyred.

That we're the ones that did it.

The entire army of ISIL just declared w*r on us.
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