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03x05 - The One Where A n*zi Gets Punched

Posted: 02/08/21 20:04
by bunniefuu
Happy now?

- Are you talking to me?

- If you didn't like Maia, you could've - just come out and said that.

- This isn't about disliking her.

We've all been told that there is a zero-tolerance policy on dr*gs.

- Maia didn't use dr*gs.

- However, she's been arrested twice, but because she's white...

Oh, my God, this isn't about race.

In this case, it absolutely is.

You had it out for her ever since she first got here.

- I don't think you understand...

- But if it was any one of us...

That is insane.

I would've been thrown out of here because of a zero- tolerance policy.

That's exactly what it is.

This isn't something that is just gonna fade away.

The associates are angry.

Yes, and Marissa is stirring the pot, downstairs, right now.

She's only stirring the pot because she feels that Maia was made a sacrificial lamb...

- Come on.

Come on....

- To the fact that the partners don't want to pay for true financial parity here.

It's not that we don't want to pay for financial parity.

- Well, then we need to...

- We don't have the resources, Diane.

You think you handled this by firing Maia, but you only broadened the argument.

Now, that I agree with.

There are a whole lot of hurt feelings out there, Diane.

And now it's dividing, along racial lines.

Hey, so should we talk about money?

How much would true financial parity actually cost us?

What, you mean paying all the first year the same, - the second year the same, and third?

- Yup.

Well, haven't run the numbers yet, but, uh, - probably $800,000 more a year.

- You see, the problem there, you raise the lowest to the highest, the highest will still want more because they're bringing in more billable hours.

Well, maybe we should consider it a human resources issue.

What do you mean?

- Well, let's bring in an organizational psychologist and send the associates through sensitivity training.

Ah, do those work?

We can interview a few, maybe find out if...

- Mr. Boseman?

- Yeah.

There's a call from Judge Dunaway's clerk.

He wants to know why we're not in court.

Uh, I don't understand.

Why would we be in court?

He says there's a motion in the Second Helix suit.


There's nothing till June.

He says one of our associates is in court arguing it.

- Which associate?

- He didn't say.

- Call the court.

- Find out which associate.


Who else was on the Second Helix case?

- Oh, my God.

- What?

The associate that was on it is Maia.

Well, she would never do that.


Snake us on a case?

Diane, she was very angry, and she became very friendly with that class.

Yeah, it's only our biggest lawsuit...

$30 million.

Let's not get paranoid.

Maia would never do that.

Call her.

She's not returning my calls.

It's Diane.


We just got here.

And it's very cold.

You're welcome.

We have an emergency regarding Second Helix.

We have been called into court because one of our associates requested a hearing.


I thought Second Helix wasn't until summer.

It wasn't.

You were supervising Maia on this?

I was.


- Could she still be pursuing this?

I don't understand.

She's not with us anymore.

I know.

No, Diane, that's not Maia.

I didn't think so either, but you haven't heard from her?


Okay, we'll talk.

What was that about?


Are they bringing her back?


They think she's out to sabotage them.

Oh, Jesus.

It's like Lord of the Flies out there.

Do you think we f*cked up?

What do you mean?

I mean...

they sent us all the way out here, and they gave us a week off.

They think we're rabble-rousers.

Law firms all over Chicago are sending poll watchers out.

Yes, but Boseman could have sent anyone, and he picked us?

- Are you the Democratic ones from Chicago?

- Yes.

We're the volunteers from The Legal League...

These are your badges.

Wear them at all times.

These are your Republican counterparts.

Okay, I'm gonna tell you all once, and that's it.

You see a problem, you bring it to me; I decide what to do.

There is no appeal in here.

The judge is always right.

No talking to voters or arguing politics within 100 feet of the polling location.

I've drawn a line out on the walkway where that 100 feet ends.

This is a special election, so I know everybody's keyed up.

The last contest in this precinct was decided by seven votes, seven measly votes, so I know you're both gonna be working - to undercut each other's voters.

- Oh, no...

Uh, that's not why we're here.

Yeah, save it.

I'm here to make sure that every vote counts: every Republican vote, every Democratic vote.

And I'm not gonna let any Chicago lawyers get in the way of that.

Polls open in 20 minutes.

Any questions?

That was a joke.

I'm not here to answer questions.

Just do your jobs, and I'll do mine.

So now I can talk?

- Are we supposed to hate each other?

Well, that's up to you.

But come to this side of the line first.

So let's talk about Black Lives Matter.

Oh, this'll be fun.

And look who finally decided to show up.

Three partners.


Jim, let's get their cocounsel in here.

- Yes, sir.

- Your Honor, good morning.

We apologize for being late, Your Honor, but we were unaware we had a motion this morning or a cocounsel.

Again, Your Honor, we're ready to go whenever you want, but we, on the, uh, defense are feeling a bit outnumbered here.

Everybody says that, uh, corporate interests are the Goliaths, but I think here, I'm the David.

Which you've mentioned five times now, Mr. Andrews, and we never grow tired of it.


Uh, Reddick/Boseman, here's your cocounsel now.

Did you find my bathroom, Mr. Blum?

- I did, Your Honor.

- Thank you.

I hate using public restrooms.

Ah, so my cocounsels decided to show up.

How you all doing?

Slept in?

Your Honor, this man is not our cocounsel.

He does not represent our class.

Well, that would come as a surprise to these 21 members of the class who signed retainer agreements with me.

Your Honor, we have been working on this case for two and a half years.

We have gathered together a class of 45 individuals who were denied health insurance by the actions of the genetics company Second Helix.

All true.

And Mr. Blum has insinuated himself into this case at the very last minute.

How did he do that?

I think I can shed some light on that, Your Honor.

Three weeks ago, I found Mr. Blum searching through my desk, and the next day, the contact information to our class was missing.

I thought another lawyer had borrowed it.

It wasn't until this moment that I realize Mr. Blum took it.

Now, I would only hope that when that slander proves false...

And false it will be proved...

Ms. Lockhart retracts it with equal conviction.

Do you deny breaking into my office and going through my desk drawers?

With every fiber of my being!

And if you saw me going through your desk, why didn't you stop me?

I'll tell you why.

Because it's a lie.


I don't know how Mr. Blum persuaded 21 members of plaintiff class to sign with him, but... they have.

Accordingly, the court recognizes Roland Blum as cocounsel with Reddick/Boseman.

So, people who call Consult a Lawyer want real legal advice from a real lawyer.

And that's where you come in.

- So, what was your name again?

- Maia.

So, I don't know what your last work was like, Maia, but here, your main job is to get as much information from the client as possible.

All right?

Here's your cubicle.

So, when a call is directed to you, we have the client's credit card info.

They pay by the minute.

The longer the call, the better your commission.


Yeah, that chair wobbles a bit.

I'll get you something to put under there.

Your opening greeting is posted on the screen.

Always follow it exactly.

- You understand?

- I do.

And you see that mirror?

Check yourself on every call.

If there's no smile on your face, there's no smile in your voice.

People like to hear the smile.

Oh, and there's coffee.

Uh, but it's on the honor system...

50 cents a cup.


I'm Sandra.


- I've been top earner for four months.

Want to know my secret?

- Sure.

- If it's a guy, tell him he has a nice voice.

Then laugh at his jokes, even if it's not funny.

This one guy redid his will 12 times just to hear my...

"Thank you for calling Consult a Lawyer.

This is Sandra." - Sexy, right?

- Very.

- Are you being sarcastic?

- No.

No, never.

Thank you for calling Consult a Lawyer.

This is Maia.

Please tell me a little about your issue, and go slowly so I can take notes.

You act like we're all robots.

You are robots.

Trump says Russia is good, and all Republicans fall in lockstep.

And that's why you guys lose elections.

'Cause you look down on everyone.

Excuse me.

The midterms.

You'd call that a loss?

Two Senate seats flipped Republican.

I'd hardly call that a win.

His T-shirt.

Let's challenge.

- It's electioneering.

- It's a T-shirt.

A T-shirt displaying a political message.

- Sir?

Sir, could you come over here, please?

That's not electioneering.

Is marijuana one of the candidates?

Referencing a Democratic campaign slogan.

That wasn't a campaign slogan.

It wasn't even from this election.

- Wait.


- Give me a second here.

- What's the problem?

Sir, you can't enter this polling place to vote.

- Come on!

- You are welcome to return in a content-neutral shirt later.

- I have to head to work.

- I'm sorry.

Rules are rules.

You can come back later to vote in a content-neutral shirt.

One vote could mean the difference in this election.

What if he takes his shirt off?


It's not electioneering if he's not in his shirt.

- You want him to vote without a shirt?

- Why not?

There's no law against it.

Yes, but it offends the decorum of the inst...

Of what, this cafeteria?

Sir, if you prefer, you can vote now, but you'll have to take off your shirt.

But you don't have to.

- Excuse me.

Let him decide for himself.

- It's chilly in here.

- That's all we're saying.

- No, it's not that cold.

- It's his decision.

Stop talking.

You're the one not letting him decide.

- Hold on.

Hold on!

It's up to you, sir.

You can vote now if you take off your shirt, but you don't have to.

All right.

Great choice, sir.

I can go vote now?

Yes, sir.



Okay, that's offensive.

A swastika doesn't mean a Republican voter, so...

All of you outside again.


Are you sure, Joy?

Because we've been working on your case for two years now.

Yeah, but faster isn't necessarily good.

It's this desk here.

I want locks on all of the drawers.

Listen, uh, Joy, this is what I'm asking.

Just give us...





21 of our class signed with Blum.

He's promising them results in 48 hours, instead of the years that we have taken.

- He's on his way in here now.

- What?

Here - ?


Yeah, my guess?

He just wants the five percent finder's fee, and he'll just bow out.

The man hates to work.

Uh, Marissa, do you know who Roland Blum is?

What's the matter?

You mean, besides the fact my best friend was fired?

You know I had nothing to do with that.

- I know she has no money, and she's working at Consult a Lawyer.

All right.

I'm calling three top firms who might be interested in her, so she won't be stuck there.

Don't worry.

Now, can I ask for your help?

Roland Blum...

he's coming here in a few minutes.

I need you to stick with him the entire time that he's here.

He has stolen from us before, and he will try it again.

- Okay.

Don't worry.

We will take care of Marissa.

I'm Marissa.


We will take care of Maia.

I'm sorry.

I'm distracted.

- Yeah, what floor am I on?

There he is.

Watch him.

This is where I'm going?

I hate this f*cking place.

Look at it.

We attack now.

sh**t 'em in the face while they're still smiling.

- We're not ready.

- Yeah.

You haven't been ready for two and a half years.

What are you waiting for?!

Evidence, witnesses.

We have a whistle-blower who's the cornerstone of our case.

I guess you wouldn't know about that, having stolen your way into this.

Oh, my God!



This is not a f*cking book report.

You're not entitled to, uh, extra credit because you made a graph.

I say we go to court now, today!

You don't win a case in a day.

We're not trying to win this case.

We're trying to scare the shit out of the other side so they settle.



- Am I boring you?

- No.


Their IPO is tomorrow.

Second Helix want $850 million on their initial public offering.

- We know that.

So, why the f*ck are we in here playing with ourselves?!

Hey, hey!

Give us a minute.

We'll discuss.


If what you're threatening is a Hundred Years' w*r, Second Helix doesn't care.

You're in court in an hour moving for an expedited hearing, they'll be here in two hours with a check in their hand.

You seem to hire the best.

So, what's your story, baby?

I'm a fourth-year associate who came here after spending ten years as a Russian mail-order bride.

Ah, the humor of the American Jewess in full flower.

So you think they're siding with me?

- Nope.

- I think you're right.

Go to the door, keep guard for me.

Yes, is that Jonathan Habor of The Wall Street Journal?

My name is John Barron from the investment firm of...

Barron & Mumson.

That's right, John Barron.

♪ I am sad and dead inside ♪ So much ego, so much pride ♪ I've made mistakes I can't defend ♪ ♪ That's why I need my secret friend ♪ ♪ He's on the phone so they can't see ♪ ♪ He has my voice because he's me ♪ ♪ The guy at Forbes believed his lies ♪ ♪ I made the list of richest guys ♪ ♪ Because John Barron understands ♪ ♪ The world is putty in your hands ♪ ♪ If you just lie and say you're who you want to be ♪ ♪ Who you want to be ♪ ♪ He says some things that I am not ♪ ♪ And sexy ladies think I'm hot ♪ ♪ Talks a wall around my sins ♪ Turns my failures into wins ♪ ♪ Because John Barron brings me fame ♪ ♪ He eats my feelings and my shame ♪ ♪ And then it's almost like I'm who I want to be ♪ ♪ Valleys and peaks, it's good copy either way ♪ ♪ My spokesman speaks ♪ And they fall under his sway ♪ All his cash, all his stuff ♪ Still somehow it's not enough ♪ ♪ But anytime I feel alone ♪ I can just pick up the phone ♪ And now John Barron's coming by ♪ ♪ And it's just me, myself and I and John ♪ ♪ And all of us are who we want to be ♪ ♪ Who we want to be.

♪ That's right.

John Barron.

I understand that the Second Helix IPO is in danger.

There's some sort of class action lawsuit in the Chicago courts, and I was wondering why you are not covering it.

That accent is terrible.

You don't have to take my word for it, old chap.

Have your reporter check the docket for a Judge Peter Dunaway.

That's right.

- Dunaway.

- Toodle-oo, have to run.

Okay, so that's 20 seconds for him to call Second Helix corporate, another 20 seconds for them to call their lawyer.

Another 40 seconds for them to call here, starting... now.

How can you take anything that that man says seriously?

Because he has a point, Liz.

Second Helix is vulnerable right now.

So are we, Adrian.

We are not ready.

And even if we were, we'd need a separate strategy just to deal with Blum.

Jared Andrews is on the line.

Oh, great.

He's calling to gloat.

Yeah, Jared.

What's up?

Whoa, wait a minute.

I have nothing to do with The Wall Street Journal, Jared.

What are you talking about?


What did he say?

He's on his way in here with a check.

This is our final offer.

It's fair, it's just, and we will never pay you more.

I don't even have to look at it to know, by the end of the day, you'll be paying us double.

Roland, just...

Oh, my God.

Are you in-f*cking-sane?

That barely covers our catering cost.

- Take it or leave it.

- Here's a third option.

Bend over, so I can shove it up your ass.


See you in court.

We're moving for an immediate motion to dismiss.

After our expedited hearing.

You tell your Second Helix overlords their IPO is f*cked.

Oh, you overplayed your hand.

That was $3 million to end this.

We'll never pay another cent.


You'll be coming back here on your hands and knees begging us to take ten times that amount.



It had to happen.

Three million was highway robbery.

I agree.


That's what I wanted to see!

The k*ller elite!

Oh, let's take this assh*le down!


Just say you're pro-abortion, not pro-choice.

Why do you have so much trouble just saying it?

Because it's not true.

I want women to have the option.

Okay, in no other debate are euphemisms so blithely accepted by the press.

Well, what about pro-life?

You have the same problem.

I'll take anti-abortion.

I'll wear that one proudly, because that's what I am.

But you have to take "pro-abortion," then.

I'm Lance McAlvoy, live-streaming from the center of the action today.

And the Red Jackets are here to make sure there is no voter fraud.

The Red Jackets are here.

We are proud of America.

We refuse to apologize for Western culture...

Oh, shit.

Call the firm.

Right now.

"I am white." What do we do now?

If this trait doesn't describe you, take one step away.

- So, what does this do?

- It's a diversity game.

I take all of your associates, and I have the African Americans and the Caucasians stand back to back.

We come to understand our differences and our similarities.

"I have more African American friends than I do Caucasian friends." "I have black hair." Okay, I think we get the idea.

You wanted me to show you what sensitivity training looks like, so please.

What is that, a duel?

We have nowhere else to go.

- And I think we get where we're going here.

"I like singing." If this trait does describe you, take one step backwards.

"I like the singer Prince." "I like the movie Roma." "I like Hannah Gadsby." - Mm.


- Diane?

Lucca on the line for you.



Uh, we need some help here.

There are a lot of Red Jackets gathering.

What, at the polling place?


We've had...

five cars of black voters drive off.

It's an attempt at voter suppression.

There goes another one.

This district got decided by seven votes last election.

Well, we can't spare anyone at the moment.

Uh, we've got an emergency motion in court.

It would take someone two hours to get there anyway.

Diane, this looks like a riot forming.

I'll see what I can do.


Hi, it's me.

I need your help.

I thought we weren't calling each other.

Not unless there's an emergency.

I have some poll watchers at the 14th.

There are about 50 Red Jackets who showed up to intimidate voters.

- Got it.

- Can they get me photos?

- Can they...

- Why?

So I can dox them.

Molly Harper.

I work at home as a transcriptionist.

Can you tell us what happened to your husband, Ms. Harper?

Uh, Your Honor, this isn't a trial.

We've made a motion to dismiss.


And we've moved for an expedited hearing.

So sit the f*ck down.

Your Honor, that is what I've had to deal with.

To decide on either motion, I have to hear on the subject of the case, so please continue, Ms. Harper.

And, Mr. Blum, shut up.

My husband Harlan decided to try one of those home genetics kits from Second Helix.

That would be... one of these?


Harlan thought it would be fun.

He'd heard he had Irish ancestry and wanted to find out.

And when the test results came back, what did you learn?

Harlan had the gene for atrial fibrillation...

A heart condition...

That he was at high risk for stroke.

Obviously, we were scared.

Got two little girls at home.

So we decided to get life insurance.

This way, if something happened, we would have help.

- But the insurance company denied coverage?

- Yes.

They said that Harlan had a preexisting condition.


The gene for atrial fibrillation.

And they heard about this from Second Helix?

Objection, Your Honor.

- Calls for speculation.

- Sustained.

Molly, what happened to your husband after he was - denied insurance?

- He had a stroke.

He died, and the bills kept piling up.

So you and 44 other members of the class, you want compensation from Second Helix for sharing private information that prevented you - from protecting your family?

- Yes.

Thank you, Molly.

Just a few questions, Your Honor.

Leave it.

The judge is with us.

Never leave any lily ungilded.

Hello, Molly.

Can I ask you a personal question?

What does Machu Picchu mean to you?


Harlan and I went there on our honeymoon.

We were planning on going back, but he died.

Do you recognize this, Ms.


Oh, dear God.

♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra We have to stop this.

♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-li ♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra ♪ Hush now ♪ Don't you cry.

Do you recognize the song?

That's what he sang to me.

That was his...

I'm sorry.

He's gone.

He's gone.

♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra ♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-li ♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra ♪ That's an Irish ♪ Lullaby.

Uh, uh, Your Honor, um, objection.

On what grounds?

Uh, uh, uh...

♪ Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra What's Diane gonna do with photos?

I don't know.

You have a better idea, be my guest.

Hey there.


I think I've got a story for you.

Hi, Rainbow Sweetshop?

I'm a concerned customer, and I saw one of your employees on a website called "Red Jackets Intimidating Voters." I'm very upset.

I will never come to your shop again.

What's going on with the whistle-blower?

He's on vacation in Japan.

We can't get ahold of him until tomorrow.

Well, we can't wait until tomorrow.

We lose our advantage.

He was the cornerstone of our case.

I got someone.

- Who?

- Someone.

We need to wrap this up now.

The judge is on our side.

The IPO is tomorrow.

Let's move.

I don't disagree, but who is it?

Arthur Garber.

I worked for Barnaby Life & Casualty just shy of eight years.

And why'd you leave?

Crisis of conscience, I guess.

We were buying the results of genetic testing from places like Second Helix and using them to charge higher premiums, sometimes to deny coverage altogether.

- And did you speak up?

- Sure I did.

First they humored me, then they ignored me, then they let me know I wasn't a team player.

Who are these men?

I wanted to be an insurance executive.

Nothing further.

Unfortunately, Karen, the fact that you were wearing high heels on the ice at the time of your fall means a jury might find you contributed to your injury.

You used the term "stiletto," and you were walking across a hockey rink.

Well, how many inches were they?


- I don't see you smiling.

- Okay, uh, Karen, I will e-mail you over the paperwork, but I would advise you to reconsider.

You're on the phone.

- Why does it matter if you smile?

- My super believes that smiles can be felt over the phone.

What is this?

The stuff you left in your office.

- I left it for a reason.

Even these?

God, I forgot about those.

Hey, bitchin'.

Who is this?


It's someone Roland Blum put on the stand.

And that's my problem why?

It's your Second Helix case.

It is not my case anymore.

I was fired.


- What's this?

- Something from Diane.

Three interviews at top firms.

She'd give it to you herself, but there's a crisis at work today.

- I'm fine.

You're not fine, Maia.

Look around.

This is what "not fine" looks like.

Diane doesn't care about me.

Next time, clear your friends ahead of time.

- Will do.

Look, you're gonna get me fired from the last place that will hire a Rindell, okay?

Who is this?

It's Arthur Garber, Blum's dietician.

You're kidding.

- No.

He has a fluid sense of job descriptions.


What was he supposed to be on the stand?

A life insurance whistle-blower.

- Oh, my God.

- Call these numbers.

These are top firms.

Seriously, Maia.

This place is depressing me.

If you don't call them, I will.

Right, yeah.

Got it, Diane.



This is like a telethon.

Who are you calling now?

The police.

I thought they weren't breaking the law.

- Yeah, they weren't.

- But two of them are registered sex offenders who are currently within 500 feet of a school.

Hi, could I speak to a detective, please?

Hello, yeah.

This is Lucca Quinn.

I'd like to report two registered sex offenders in the parking lot of Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School.

Yup, I can hold.

Uh, yes, I'm here.

He doesn't work at Barnaby Insurance.

He's Blum's dietician.

Oh, dear God.

How do we know this?


She was with him for five days.

You don't think she's lying?

Are you kidding me?

Don't believe her if you want, but stop asking me to investigate, then.

So what do we do now?

We do nothing.

It's the defense's case.

My God, you're starting to sound like Blum.

Shouldn't we be telling the judge?


No, I was just...

just thinking.

Uh, Fiona Novak, founder and CEO of Second Helix.

I guess that means I'm the bad guy here.

Oh, no.

But thank you for coming in on such short notice.

We know you're busy.

Now, this is the, uh, standard, uh, contract for Second Helix.

When people send you a DNA sample to test, they agree to the terms of this agreement?

Yes, that is correct.

Uh, would you read the, uh, highlighted section there, please?

"I agree to share "the genetic information contained herein with Second Helix, its associates and affiliates." - Can I see a copy of that?

- Of course.

So, uh, when your customers sign up with Second Helix, they are informed that their genetic information will be shared and used because that is part of the mission - of your company?

- Absolutely.

O-Our customers know that we are committed to serious medical research.

We've already got a promising new drug for ALS.

Your Honor, in light of Ms.

Novak's testimony, the defense - moves to dismiss the case.

- Your Honor, uh, we'd like to recall Arthur Garber as a rebuttal witness.

Uh, just...

You're not putting him on the stand.

Well, we can rebut her testimony.

He's your f*cking dietician, and you're not putting him on the stand.

Your Honor, I've just been informed - Mr. Garber is, uh, unavailable.

- Okay.

I'm ready to rule.

On the motion to dismiss, I am inclined to agree with Mr. Andrews...

Your Honor, can I interrupt here?

Oh, Y-Your Honor, I-I didn't recognize you.

- I-Is there something you need?

- Yes.

My apologies.

I should've come directly to you.

But unfortunately, I need Adrian Boseman in my court.

Only for a few hours.

It's an emergency hearing.

I understand.

Well, um, we could reconvene back here at 4:00 in the afternoon.

Would that be enough time, Your Honor?

- I believe it will.

- Good.

Then I will rule in three hours.

Thanks for the reprieve.

That wasn't for you.

So what do you think?

I think she's too much money and it's stupid.


But other than that?

Well, I mean, loo...

Her-her point seems to be that if we all realized how much we had in common, there'd be no more racism.

That's not my experience.

What is your experience?

That human nature cannot be solved by a sensitivity game.

Okay, so I say we offer midyear bonuses to all the associates.

Call it a onetime windfall.

They'll know we're buying them off.

Yeah, and we are.


Oh, we're gonna have to convince the partners.

It's gonna be a lot of money.

$10,000 bonuses over three years.

So, Prince, huh?


Did that surprise you?

Eh, well, you know, I just thought you were more the, uh, Renée Fleming type, you know?

♪ She wore a raspberry beret ♪ Kind you find in a secondhand store ♪ ♪ Seems that I was busy doing something close to nothing ♪ ♪ But different than the day before ♪ ♪ That's when I saw her, ooh, I saw her ♪ ♪ She walked in through the out door ♪ ♪ Out door ♪ She wore a raspberry beret ♪ The kind you find in a secondhand store ♪ ♪ Raspberry beret ♪ And if it was warm, she wouldn't wear much... ♪ When I say so.

You really enjoy being a judge, huh?

Best thing in the world.

A few weeks ago, I got pulled over by a cop.

He said my windows were too dark.

I let him play his little power game.

"Get out of the car, ma'am.

Stand by the curb, ma'am." I was polite.

I got his name and his badge number.

I said, "Have a nice day, sir." Then I drove to court, called his supervisor, and had them both come in for a judicial examination.


He didn't recognize me at first, until I said, "Have a nice day, sir." Then his face.

Ooh, you should've seen it.

He saw his whole world turn upside down.

He had a rush of shit to the brain.

And that's when I realized, every single bad moment in law school, it was worth it.

You are so sexy.


So how long have you and Blum been working together?

About five hours.

How you liking it?

Oh, God.

Yeah, you two are a lot alike.

- Oh, no, we are not.

- Oh, yes, you are.

You're like characters out of Shakespeare.

Half showmen, half con men.

I'm not a con man.

How do you know Blum, anyhow?

New York.

Everybody knew him.

He did... favors for people.

Did he for you?

Your head is like a sculpture.

I want to cut it off and put it on my desk.

What favors did he do for you?

You have an opening with your judge, you know.

With Dunaway?

- What do you mean?

- He was supposed to be on a four-month patent case, but they settled.

He's looking for a cause.

You can use that.

Thanks for coming in.

Uh, sorry, what's your name again?

Maia Ri...


You are lucky to have Diane Lockhart in your corner.

Uh, how are you with labor law?

I've worked on several cases.

I know the latest statutes.

Ah, good.

You're exactly what we're looking for.


Well, that is great news.


Do you think you can start in November?

Oh, I thought this was for now.

No, it's a long-running class action.

We expect to be depo-dumped at the end of the year.

So, six months from now?


Maybe seven.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I-I need something now.

I completely get it.

Uh, stay in touch if you're still available in November.

Did Diane know about the late start date on this?

I don't know.

I think so.

Thank you.

Don't you have a life?

You're my life.

Ah, good of you to show up.

So we're heading to court in one hour.

- Yeah.

I've just been told that Judge Dunaway may be open to a pivot on the case.

- Told by who?

- "Whom." - Somebody in the know.

- Okay, so what's the pivot?

I don't know.

We have an hour.

- We just need a lifeline.

- Well, we're not gonna - win with a lifeline.

- It's not about winning.

It's about scaring the other side shitless.


Thank you.

Okay, so we have a sympathetic client, you know?

Judge liked her, started to cry.

So we stick with her and the class.

So does that mean the pivot is in the law or the facts?

We still don't have the, uh, whistle-blower connection?

- Uh-uh.

- The law.

- Okay.

So do we attack contract of adhesion?


It was an online contract.

Wait a second.

What did that, uh, CEO say?

Oh, some pious shit about...




Wait, right.




- In pharmaceuticals.

- What did she say?

- Uh, a promising new drug...

- For ALS.


m*therf*cking ALS!

The mother lode!

- Hell yeah!

- It's scary watching you two.

We are brothers now, you and I.

We have spilled intellectual blood together here today.

Oh, now to court.

Men shall quake to see us approach.


At the end of the day, all people are not created equal.

That extends to the vote.

So, you don't believe every American citizen - has a right to vote?

- I believe women vote based on emotion.

Muslims vote for sharia law.

Blacks are out for blood.

They want revenge for perceived sins of the past.

So everyone's got an agenda.

Wouldn't you say you have an agenda?

My only agenda is protecting American culture.

- I can't watch.

- So she's your girlfriend?

Uh, she's someone who I am with.

Oh, my God.

It's like you're being deposed.

How long has this been going on?

Let's not make a big deal of it.

One month.

How could she not vomit interviewing him?

- She's a reporter.

Objectivity is the whole point.

Yeah, well, some people you shouldn't be objective about.



Here we go.

Rounding up the sex offenders.

So, thank you, everyone, for returning.

Prompt as always.

I am ready to rule on the motion to dismiss.

Your Honor.

Plaintiffs would like to amend our suit.

You're kidding.

The Illinois Code of Civil Procedure allows plaintiffs to amend at any time before final judgment.

Only on just and reasonable terms.

This is neither just nor reasonable.

We only today learned a new key piece of information.

Information that the defense disclosed in sworn testimony to this court.

What new information?

The CEO of Second Helix stated plaintiffs' data is being used, and has been used, to develop... blockbuster dr*gs.

- So what?

- So we're owed a share in the profits.


I'm not an anarchist.

I'm an agitator.

If this place is still standing in 100 years, I think history will prove that.

Thank you for your time, Lance.

Let's shut this down.

Good talking to you.

No, thank you.

Do you mind?

"Black people are out for blood"?


- You said, "Black people are out for blood." You got 50 people out in that parking lot scaring the hell out of the neighbors, and we're out for blood?

If it helps any, given your racial profile and...


probably can't help yourself.

You okay?

I'm gonna help you up.

It's too bad you fell down like that and hit your head on the sink.

These floors can be slippery.

Hey, we're good here if you want to head back.

You sure?



I know what you f*cking did.

I know what this bitch did!


- She doxed me!

This bitch doxed me!

- What are you talking about?

My boss just fired me 'cause someone sent my photo to him!

- Yeah, me, too!

- They canceled my credit card!

Hey, everybody just take a breath here, all right?

She didn't do it, you moron.

I did.

- You're asking for trouble, lady.

- Did she call someone a moron?

She didn't do it.

I did.

What'd she say?

No, I did!

I did it, over here.


Take them all down!


Is it all right to hit a n*zi unprovoked?

I was always taught to never throw the first punch.

Never instigate.

Defend, but don't attack.

But then I saw a video of the white nationalist Richard Spencer being punched in the face during an interview, and I realized Spencer was in a pressed suit, wearing a tie, being interviewed like his opinion mattered, like he should be considered part of the conversation, like Neo-Nazism was just one political point of view.

And then I realized there's no better way to show some speech is not equal.

Some speech requires a more visceral response.

It's like Overton's window.

That's the term for which ideas are tolerated in public discourse.

Well, Overton's window doesn't mean shit unless it comes with some enforcement.

So, yeah, this is enforcement.

It's time to punch a few Nazis.

Ms. Novak, can you see the screen all right?

Clear as day.


Can you read the language displayed there?

Do you, do you recognize that?

Looks like the contract I read before.

It is.

But when Mr. Andrews had you read it, he gave you a paper copy.

Objection, Your Honor.

Where's this going?

Patience, Mr. Andrews.

Let's find out together.

Ms. Novak, you read from a paper copy of the agreement, but that's not actually the agreement that your clients receive, is it?

- Uh, how do you mean?

- You don't send them a paper copy of this agreement.

They actually sign up online.


So, and this agreement that we're reading from is actually found under a tab on your website.

We went looking for it.

It's actually remarkably difficult to find.

Counsel's testifying, Your Honor.

- Sustained.

- Let me rephrase.

Ms. Novak, isn't it true that when clients sign up to have their DNA sequenced by Second Helix, all they really see... is that?

- What am I looking at?

- Contract of adhesion.

Ms. Novak's told us the reason her customers sign away their genetic information is because they care about scientific progress, but this shows they don't know what they're signing up for.

- When they create an account, this box is already checked, Your Honor.

It signs them up automatically for whatever Second Helix decides.

Is this true?

Well, that was something.

Yeah, well, I could comment on the violent times we live in.

- Or we could drink.


Thanks, George.

I'm Naomi, - by the way.

- I'm sorry.

I thought you two knew each other.

- Uh, no.

But we have cracked the heads of several Neo-Nazis, so we are sisters for life.

So, are you the coworker that Jay had a crush on?

- What?

- I don't have a crush.

Was I not supposed to say anything?

Who did you - have a crush on, Jay?

- No one.

I don't know who she's talking about.

Who did he say?

Okay, I guess I stumbled into a sensitive area, so I'm gonna just drop it.

But I am jealous.


Probably time to go home.

- Really?


I was just starting to enjoy the country and...

Oh, finally.




Maia, can you...

Damn it.



Maia, can you hear me?


Lucca's away from her phone right now.

Leave a message.

You'll get used to it.

I did.

Thought I'd be here two months.

Been here two years.

It's not bad.


Everybody ready?



Is our best and final.

This check has one string attached.

Oh, you're in no position to have strings attached.

- What is it?

- The, uh, five of you are now under contract with, uh, Second Helix to help defend us.

Are you kidding?

There are seven class actions like yours in the works.

We don't want you sharing your work product with them, so we're tying you up.

We will pay you an additional $4 million for the next year's work.

That's $4 million you don't have to share with your clients...

We really got you guys scared, huh?


We just want you inside the tent, pissing out, that's all.

You'll pay us $4 million to do what, exactly?

Review the other class actions, um, advise us how much to pay them and to keep your collective mouths shut.

I-I-I just need an agreement on the terms before I'll show you the check.

Look, we have no problem working with you.

But just us, not him.


We don't want Roland Blum running off making mischief.

It's all of you or none of you.

That's the string.

You say no right now, we'll see you back in court.

Oh, way to make me feel unwanted.

I thought we had something special.

All right, we agree.

Let's see the check.


Are you sure?

I'm-I'm free tomorrow for an interview.

Yes, that's right.

Uh, Diane Lockhart set this up.


Uh, yes.

You-you want to meet in four weeks?

That sounds great.

Thank you.



I'm sorry for not getting in touch earlier.

I've been trying to call.

It was a really weird day.

Jay and I were poll-watching out in the middle of nowhere, and there was a riot.

A real riot.

And I miss you, and I...

I want to know what's going on, so I thought we could maybe go grab dinner.

Francesca could watch Joseph for a few more hours.

That's okay, Lucca.

All right, so let's get dinner.

I'll pay.

Come on, I-I feel awkward about how things went down at work.

You don't have to feel awkward.

I know, but I-I do.

Lucca, everything's fine.

We were work friends.

♪ I am sad and dead inside ♪ So much ego, so much pride ♪ I've made mistakes I can't defend ♪ ♪ That's why I need my secret friend ♪ ♪ He's on the phone so they can't see ♪ ♪ He has my voice because he's me ♪ ♪ The guy at Forbes believed his lies ♪ ♪ I made the list of richest guys ♪ ♪ Because John Barron understands ♪ ♪ The world is putty in your hands ♪ ♪ If you just lie and say you're who you want to be ♪ ♪ Who you want to be, who you want to be.