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03x05 - The Dream of the Four Policemen

Posted: 01/02/21 12:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Berlin Station"...

I need to know if you've heard from Daniel.

I'll let you know as soon as we do.

Who the f*ck do we send to that shit show?

It might be a good idea to go outside the Company.

Get me B.B. Yates. Kolya?

Well, now he's the new head of Russian intelligence.

The Russian government is not behind what's happening in Estonia.

SOFIA: Paavo was debugging the server.

I don't understand what happened.

If I went back to Tallinn, maybe I could calm people down.

No, you can't. Not now.

The same people that k*lled Henrik are primed and ready to take you out, too.

When were you gonna tell us that you hacked for the Russians?

SOFIA: It's not about me. I have a country soaking up fake news, and I can't fight it locked inside a cage.

RAFAEL: My shadow. Sergei Basarov.

This is proof of Russian boots on the ground.

Working for who?

It could be one of the oligarchs.

Where do we start? Birdman.

If anyone knows who the players are in Estonia, it's this guy.

Find Birdman. Get him to talk.

We're gonna stop this invasion, but we're gonna find Daniel, first.

Everyone knows about his service to his country.

His courage and his loyalty.

And everyone knows about his demons.

God is mysterious.

We can't know why he gives some so many more burdens than others.

We met in art class, in high school.

I was terrible. Luke was the star.

He was gonna go to art school after his service in Iraq.

But as so many here know, service never ends.

After Iraq, Afghanistan.

And after Afghanistan, addiction.

Art school was always next year.

And so was help from the V.A.

Last year, I walked him into rehab in Minnesota, and two weeks later, he walked himself out.

Went right back to it.

We'll always remember Luke, but our country did forget him.

People are complicated. Our problems don't necessarily fit into little spaces on government forms.

We make bad choices. We make mistakes.

But people like Luke still matter.

Have you and B.B. kept in touch?

E-mail, mostly, and talk a few times every month.

She saw something in me at Langley, and it helped.

At the time, I didn't think there was much to see.

Well, let's just hope that she sees Estonia like we do.

We can count on B.B. She's never let me down.

Counting on people isn't really our business.

Convincing them is.

I made a lot of promises with the Sama Kaart program.

You put your trust in me, and I've fallen short.

But I've never betrayed you.

There are outside forces at work trying to divide us.

Russia is trying to take back Estonia by inciting us and telling the world that native Estonians and Ethnic Russians can't live in peace.

We know we can.

They sabotaged Sama Kaart, and they k*lled my friends to do it.

Right this second, they're producing algorithms of hate saying that I lie, that I'm delusional and paranoid.

Well, I'm not.

I was naive to think that there would be no opposition to a united Estonia.

It will be a fight.

And in moments like this, I ask myself, what would Henrik do?

He'd fight.

And so will we.

Sofia Vesik's office.














There must be thousands of arms dealers across Europe.

What makes you so certain he's the one who's supplying the Russians in Estonia?

Only a few iron mongers can put together an arsenal like the one I saw.

Sourced from all over the world, rare pieces... all the best.

And he's the Birdman?

Not the Birdman. He's not a superhero.

His name is James Birdman.

Top weapons inspector for the U.N. for many years.

Took a few bribes, then took more than a few dr*gs, started selling the weapons that he confiscated.

Soon enough, the hook was in.

He didn't notice or even care which side he was selling to.

If he didn't sell these weapons to Estonia, then he knows who did.

And a good bet is that whomever moved them into Estonia has Daniel.

The mission is Daniel.

Birdman just gets us to him.

Daniel's not just a mission. He's one of ours.

You know, I dragged

200 pounds of what I thought was Daniel through a forest in Estonia under fire.

I know that. I just meant...

All right, just do me this one favor, and don't talk to me again unless you have to.

Thank you.


Look who I found.

Hello, B.B., welcome back.

Thank you.

It's very strange being back someplace I used to work every day.

Looks identical, but decontextualized.

Not quite like home.

Bet there's a German word for that.

Uh, do you want to grab a drink later?

Sure. Okay.

Thanks, April. Please, B.B., have a seat.

Uh, so, how are you holding up?

Uh, you know, rough couple of days, as it goes.

Heavy is the crown.

So, catch me up.

Well, they've declared martial law in Estonia.

The unrest has been carefully choreographed.

We believe it's an oligarch who's driving it, trying to get the Kremlin to invade.

So, Kirsch and Rafael Torres...


Do you know him?

Oh, yeah, he's been absolutely invaluable to us.

I can imagine. He is that kind of guy.

Well, they are both currently in Vienna as we speak, and they are trying to identify this oligarch who has pushed his chips forward in Estonia.

But, B.B., I have to ask you a question.

Are you here to report on Estonia and to help us find Daniel, or are you here to report on us back to Washington?

Both, actually.

And you know the drill.

I'm gonna take a look at all your evidence, see if I agree with the threat assessment, and then I'll run it up the chain of command.

Well, I must tell you that no matter how hard I try to convince Jason Wolfe beyond a shadow of a doubt, he just keeps telling me that he needs more.

And now you're here, and I just feel that we are back to square one again.

I cannot stress enough that we don't have time to waste.

I trust you, Valerie. My job is just to see the intel and then convince them.

So, where do I start?

ROBERT: Thank you.

Danke schoen.

How do you know Birdman?

Our paths have crossed a few times, in various theaters.

You listen to me!

Miro's got no f*cking clue how far I am willing to go.

You hear me? If one f*cking hair on Andrea's head is touched, if she's f*cking hurt, I swear to Christ... Hello?!






Oh, shit. Oh, amigo mío.

Holy shit. How the f*ck are you, man?

Wow, just like the old days, huh?

Like, oh, what, Yemen?

Uh, Niger?

Wait a second, hold on.

Hold on. You... You here to k*ll me?

No, no, no, no, no, no, James. Okay.

Come on, buddy. Come on, come on.

I just... I just need your help, okay?

Is that guy real?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, James.

He's real. James?

What? Come... Come on.

Come here, come here. Come here, man.

Focus. Okay.

I need you to tell me if you sold these weapons, okay?


I-I know... Yeah, I know those arms. All right?

They're... Those are mine. Mm-hmm.

You know, um, I'll tell you everything you want to know about them, um, when Andrea is back and... and she's safe, you know.

Maybe you guys come back like in a week and a half, 10 days.

No, no, no, no. Hey, James, how about we talk about this today?

No, no. f*ck off, Rafa. Come on.

It's not the f*cking time.

No, no, I can't f*ck off today, James.

No, no, no. James?

Actually, you can... No, you can f*ck off, okay?

Who's Andrea? What?

Who's Andrea? Oh.

She... She's, um... Hmm?

She's my... she's a friend and she's an ally, she's an associate, a partner, and... at my operation.

It can't... It can't... It can't run without her.

And that f*cking, you know, small-d*ck m*therf*cker Miro took her.

Who's... Who's Miro?

RAFAEL: Miro is his competition.

This m*therf*cker tried to muscle in on my deal with the Sinaloans, so you know what I did?

I under-bid him, 'cause that's what I do.

Only he got pissed, right?

And he just snatched Andrea right off the f*cking street.

How about we get Andrea? Yeah?

We get her safe and sound. Okay, okay.

Back to you. Okay.

Okay? Yeah.

And you just tell us everything that you know about those weapons, okay?

Okay, I'll... I'll... I'll... I'll tell you what.

If you... If you get Andrea back to me safely...

...right, I-I'll not only tell you who bought those arms, but I'll tell you about the American they... they're hiding in some undisclosed location.


Okay? Yeah.

You help me out, and then I'll point you to the American hostage.

I was surprised to get your call.

Felt like you were avoiding me.

I was.


Esther, there's no easy way to say this.

Daniel's missing.

What do you mean? What happened?

He was in Estonia with another agent.

Who? Robert Kirsch?

And they got into trouble.


That's really all I can say right now.

I'm not gonna tell anyone.

Valerie, I'm not a security risk.

I've already told you more than I'm allowed to.

You know that.

Okay, let me help.

I have resources, intel, contacts who've stopped talking to America.

I can't, Esther.

But I will keep you in the loop as much as I can, all right?


This is Daniel.

Yes, I know.

And we're handling it.

Thank you for meeting me here.

Yeah. I'm very excited.

I'm buying a...

I think you say a "pimp."

Oh, you mean a stud.

Uh, yeah. He makes babies. Little horses.

Ponies, yeah.

Yeah, uh...

You would like to have a drink? Oh, yeah, sure.

All right. Come.

Okay, you're a busy man, Mr. Holt, so I'll give it to you straight.

So, um, you've got, what, Germany's second-largest energy company, and you have no access to half the planet...

Eastern Europe and a third of Central Asia.

Yes, I know. This is not new information.

Well, I only bring it up because I have a solution.

Um, knowing facts is great, but knowing people, that's when you get results.

You're the third consultant to tell me this.

You're all the same.

Not exactly.

I have a map on my phone, Mr. Frost.

Years ago, when I was posted in London, I had a very good relationship with the local constable.

We had a deal.

Minor violations from interesting people, he would turn them over to me, and we'd work it out together.

So one day, he calls me up, and he says, "Traffic violation from the son... of an exiled Russian."

George Sokolov?


Yeah, now, officially, property records are kept under wraps, but, come on, we all know this tract right here.

That's Georgie's.

I've been trying to get pipes through there for years.

We can get in there?

I can.

After all of these years, he has finally agreed to sell mineral rights.

And, uh... over here, of course, is, uh, Zaman's.

You call him Zaman?

You should hear what he calls me.

Oh, yeah, we...

You know, we've known each other for years.

In fact, I helped get his kid in the University of Chicago last year.

Well... maybe we make a deal, you and I.

I would like to, I really would.

But, gosh, I'm awfully busy.

What could make you less busy?

More time.

Jetting all over the world, back to Provence.

That's a lot of wasted hours flying commercial.

Lucky you.

I have a spare Gulfstream fueled and ready.

You probably would have advised against live-streaming like that, eh?

I lost all veto rights when my boss pulled your Wi-Fi.

I understand why you're in the wind, but I hope you can trust me now.

You took a risk defending me.

You took a risk, speaking out against Russia.

I don't think that Valerie can, uh, question your loyalty now.

Listen, I need to get out of here.

I'm starving and I know you're going to follow me if I leave, so let's just have dinner together.

Okay. There's a place, uh, by Hermannplatz metro...

Cafe Adrienne.


I'm in.

And... thanks for watching my back.

Keep your guard up.







Daniel Miller.













We got no joy at the front door.

They're both packing.

Hold on.

Station's sending over building schematics in just a second.

Valerie says that rioting in Estonia has gotten bloodier.

They're on the cusp of a f*ckin' civil w*r.

Okay, here we go.

This place used to be an old bank.

They divided it up into five apartments.

Miro's got the second floor.

There's a back entrance.

They kept the old bank vault, which is in his apartment on the second floor off the master bedroom.

If Andrea's here, she's in the f*ckin' vault, and that's where I'm going.

Let's get the design and override entry, get the f*ck in, and get the f*ck out.

Back entrance. Let's go.

Esther? This is a surprise.

Um, would you like some wine or something?

ESTHER: Whiskey.

Okay, help yourself.

20 euros for a drink.

Who can afford that?

- I can, apparently.

Now, there's ice in the fridge.

Do you know Paul Klee's painting Full Moon?

No, can't say I do.

The Berggruen just sold it.


I grew up with it.

It was the first piece of art I noticed as a kid, first that moved me.

I even dreamt about it.

And now it'll be on view for the public no more.

It's gonna sit in a freeport in St. Petersburg, where it'll never get out of its box.

Hmm, the craven rich.

Yeah, it's hard to lose something you care about.

Daniel's missing.


I mean, I understood they hadn't heard from him, but...

You knew about this.

Esther, they'll get him back.

They won't stop. They'll fire it all up.

It's gonna be fine. It is.

I don't know, really. I mean, none of this feels right.

He's been away before.

He always found a way to stay in touch.


And there is something else.

Daniel called me when he was in Estonia, agitated, talking about his mother.

The night she died.

What about it?

You've heard of Diver?

The spook?

Daniel thinks he was real.

He thinks Diver k*lled his mother.

He... He said he knows who he is, but didn't leave it on my voicemail.

I tried to pry it out of Gilbert Dorn, but got nowhere.

Wow, you are tenacious.

Dorn's a good idea.

Uh, he knows all, but he only lets it fly when he's good and ready.

I can talk to him.

Thank you.

They'll find him.


We find bodies all the time.

In the river, chopped up and sealed into baggies.

None of that, no.

We're gonna bring him home, Esther.

You need to get loud and draw their attention.

I'll get Andrea.

Oh, I can get loud.

You never come to a party empty-handed.

I'll improvise if I have to. Jesus Christ.

Don't you think that's a little overkill?



I'll meet you back here once I've got her.

That's Miro.

Well, that could be useful, too.


Get her and get out.

Yep, on it.

Ballet is Kolya's pet cause.

Well, let's hope he's in a good mood and doesn't have too much of a grudge against me for having him expelled from the United States.

Oh. Wish me luck.

Valerie, I am so delighted that you made it.



Danke schoen.

So, what on earth have I done to deserve this?

Well, I am celebrating.

A new ballet, a new life in Berlin, old friends.

Like your buddy B.B. Yates.

It's so nice that she's here.

Kolya, would you mind terribly if I ruined your little celebration and talked about business just a bit?

Everything is business with people like us.

Of course. Please.

What's on your mind?

Well, we've heard that oligarchs are trying to make the Kremlin smile.

And I've heard that a certain oligarch has even amassed a private army.

Uh, like this Erik Prince?

Well, he's a real American cowboy, eh?


Well, imagine if this oligarch's private army were to overstep in a major global way in, say, oh, I don't know, Estonia.

And imagine if one of my officers, who's very, very good at his job, uncovered that plot?


Eh, when I went to Arizona, I heard this lady say, "If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, I would be a very rich woman indeed."

Smart lady. Mm-hmm.

Well, if an American was found where he wasn't supposed to be, and if one of your countrymen...

...took him home for safekeeping...


Kolya, I just want you to know that we'd be open to a deal.

If... I find an American, uh, where one is not supposed to be, I will contact you immediately.

Enjoy the evening.

You, too.

I know you, right?

I definitely do.

Do you?

No, no, no! Don't touch me!

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Are you Andrea? I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm here to get you out, okay?

Hey, uh... you know what time it is?

Oh, what happened?

Oh. Oh, wait.

Ah. That was hot.

Okay, hold still.

Did James send you? He did.

Okay, we gotta go now.

We gotta move fast, and we gotta be f*ckin' quiet, okay?

Put this on.



Here is my good little hostess, always making sure everyone feels welcome.

I've been watching you.

It's amazing how much free caviar you can eat.

So... how's the NSC treating you?


Yeah, I like serving my country.

And you're still haunting Berlin Station?

Well, there's very few people in the intel game.

You have to share sometimes.

I would've thought, by now, you could have made some new friends.

You know, B.B., keeping in touch with old friends is a fringe benefit of not burning bridges.

You should try it sometime.

Nice caviar, too.

Where the f*ck is he? He should be here by now.

g*dd*mn it.

ROBERT: f*ck. Wait here till I get back.

And don't move.

You like to gamble?

I have been known to roll the dice.



Let's test your luck.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

He's one crazy m*therf*cker, huh?

I'm crazier.

Know what this is?

C-4... military-grade plastic expl*sive.

Don't tempt me, pony-boy.

You sh**t me, the whole building goes boom.

You can go back the way you came, eh?

Your friend, he's in good hands with us.

Nah, I'm sorry.

I don't go anywhere without him.

Let's go.

Thank you for your hospitality.

The police believe Paavo was m*rder*d.

Only problem is that Daniel was the only new face anyone remembers at Tervik that day.

Was there security-camera footage?

Whoever k*lled Paavo and whoever fried the server, he must have wiped out all the data in the files that they had stored on the mainframe computer... and the backup files.

Run. What?




Let's go.

Take my hand and f*cking run!


This way!


Do you trust me? All right, let's go.


Sofia! Get on!

Get off her!


We gotta go.

Come on.

Let's go.

Hey, did you manage to get through everything we've got so far?

I did. I think you have a strong case.

Good. Good. I'm glad to hear that.


I just heard about Daniel.

So whatever you need, I'm here, okay? Anything.


We were att*cked.

Torres' guy, Sergei.

Jesus Christ.

Is she dead? Did they get to Sofia?

I don't know. I lost her.

April, what did I tell you... keep her in the hotel room and none of this happens.

Get a team out searching for her immediately.

Do you understand me?

Are you all right?

I'm alive.

Get a team out, now.

And call me back with a debriefing.

What are you doing here?

You texted me, kid.

How many of those have you had?


Two, maybe four.

Come here. What happened?

This guy took a run at Sofia.

I've trained for years.

I thought I could handle this on my own, but not against this guy.

Is she alive? I don't know.

I sent a team after her.

Valerie told me to stand down for the rest of the night, so...

Is she upset with you?

Don't take it personally.

Did you do your best? Make any stupid mistakes?


And yes.

Then you did your job, and maybe you learned something too.

Go home, clean up, get some sleep, and tomorrow, you get right back to it.

Sofia's gone.

She's gone.

And Daniel...

It's okay to feel.

It's part of what makes you a good officer.

But you have to put on a brave face, whether or not you feel it.

People want service to be easy.

They expect you to be John Wayne.

It's not like that. It's sacrifice.

It is hard, dirty work, and sometimes it's humiliating.

But you keep your eyes on the higher purpose while you feel the pain.

You gotta hold onto that, April. Otherwise, you get lost.

Wait, wait, wait!

James! Hey!

Come here, come here, come here.

Oh, my God.



You okay? Hmm?

Did Miro touch you? Hmm?

Did he hurt you?

Hang on a second.

There you go.

I love you. I love you, too.

Just hang on a second.

Thank you, Rafa. I think the fog has lifted.

I love you, too. Go ahead.

Your opponent's name is Vassily Krik.

He's a w*rlord from St. Petersburg.

He won the biggest f*ckin' battle in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion, almost single-handedly.

Or so the story goes.

Is Krik close to the Kremlin?

He's beloved.

He once bit off a man's finger. Not in combat, at the Russian Tea Room in New York City.

Waiter looked at his girlfriend too long.

Anyway, the weapons that he's moving into Estonia are just a drop in the bucket.

He's got enough for Latvia, Slovakia.

Can you confirm he has the American?

Well, he's got something he's pretty excited about.

And it's either your boy or a new puppy.

And I'm pretty sure he doesn't like dogs.

Krik's dangerous, but his number two, Roman Platov, well, he's a straight-up k*ller.

Hey, Petal.

Thank you.

Hey. Are you okay?


I love you.

There's nothing new under the sun.

I am as the big fella made me.

We make choices, all of us.

I just finished reading your report.

Thank you for your exhaustive work.

All credit goes to Berlin Station.

So, where do we go from here?

Well, we keep gathering proof.

More proof?

Jason, I feel like there is plenty here.

B.B., do you know what we have on our plate today?

The usual insanity of North Korea, a riot in Iran, a shit storm in Afghanistan.

We both know what it takes to qualify as a crisis in this day and age.

Jason, why did you send me here?

I'm just saying it's tricky. Don't misunderstand me.

No, I understand perfectly.

You put me up for this mission, Jason, because you thought I would come out of it looking like a fool.

You thought I'd dig and dig and come up empty-handed and look like an idiot for wasting time and resources on an unpopular mission.

That had nothing to do with my decision.

Remember this moment, Jason. I know I will.

Hello, B.B.

So, I have news. Unfortunately, it's not what you want to hear.

We feel Berlin Station, and you especially, have done a tremendous job on this.

Everyone is very impressed with your dedication and analysis.

Thank you.


However, we need something more tangible.

Sofia Vesik is missing.

And Daniel's being held in Russia.

Is that not tangible enough?

I know it looks huge from here.

But imagine the view from Washington, with fires erupting all over the planet.

It doesn't loom quite as large.

That's the brilliance of the Crimean Playbook.


I have confidence in you, Valerie, and your team.

Keep doing what you're doing.

We'll prove it.


I thank you for your honesty.

And for your time.

Send me, Valerie. Just send me.

No, I understand that you want to hunt Krik down in St. Petersburg.

But I need you here, so you're on a 12:15 back home.

Thank you, Robert. I appreciate what you've done.

You got it. Thanks.

Can I have a word with Torres, please?

It's Val.


VALERIE: Schwechat Airfield.

You're going to St. Petersburg, and I want you to find Daniel, and I want you to get close enough to Krik to help us stop Estonia.

Good copy.

You're going to St. Petersburg.

Guess this is where we part ways.

Talk to someone about it.


What happened down there.

Talk to someone about it... a friend, a fellow officer.

I'm fine, thanks.

At 4:00 in the morning the night after tomorrow, you won't be.

The lives we take, they stay with us.

You're a different person now.

And yet I never wanted to know what this felt like.

Just look at it this way.

You're a much braver man than you ever knew.

Better man.

You saved my life.

That's something to feel good about.

Doesn't feel good.

I know.

It never does.


Get it done. Get it done.

Find him.

Steven Frost. Good to meet you.

Rafael Torres.

Yeah, Valerie tells me you have an adaptable skill set.

And I have a helpful contact with access to Krik.

And you have a plane. Ain't she a beauty?

Come on, let's get Daniel and bring him home.

MAN: Blake...


Hold on a minute.


If you're gonna take Vienna...

...take it.
