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03x09 - The Wish-Pretzel

Posted: 12/25/20 07:49
by bunniefuu

We're leaving now, anyway.

But it's 10:30.

You said we'd come, not that we'd stay.

But thanks for paying our electric bill.

That was loud.

I offered to pay gamma psi's electric bill.

Ashley didn't even know about it. That's not true.

Dr. Larsen, I was hoping you might be interested in sponsoring a project of mine. But I've already committed myself to sponsoring dale kettlewell.

I understand you turned down an opportunity to work with Dr. Larsen.

I'd rather take a chance working on my own project, even if they call me anchor until I graduate. I'll sponsor you.

This mean we're a team? This about Cappie?

It's pretty clear there are still feelings.

How I feel about Cappie is irrelevant since he's off with that night club girl.

I guess I should explain why I've been blowing you off.

Are we still, or not?

I want someone different.

Your cab's here! You better hurry before someone steals it!

Out of my way, b*tches!

It's a four-day weekend, you're not moving home.

Unless. Are you?

Sorry to disappoint, but I'll be back on sunday.

You could pay me to stay longer but I don't have an electric bill.

Are you going home Or back in time to return that suitcaseto to its rightful owner? I prefer the vintage look to the whole walking-advertisement label-whore whore thing.

But that's just me. Obviously. And yeah, I'm going home.

Thanksgiving at the cartwrights'.

I'll bet it looks like a norman rockwell painting.

Hardly. I'll probably end up spending the weekend with my old boyfriend.

Old boyfriend? Sounds like a home-for-the-holidays hook up to me.

It's not like that. I just want see how he's doing and catch up.

Please. The only reason to catch up with an old flame, when there's no flame.

Is for sex.

Just because you would, doesn't mean I will.

Right. Because you're the good one, and I'm the bad one.


At least we agree on one thing.

Happy thanksgiving. You, too.

I typed up the cooking schedule for tomorrow, breaking it into two shifts, which should give us equal time to hit the lab working on projects. I'm not going to the lab.

What about your special project? And the grant?

Proposals are due on monday. Every minute counts.

I hit a wall and hastings isn't the best person to show me how to get over it.

That's true. He's no larsen.

What's up?

I'm double-parked. Are you ready? Go where?

Our flight home that leaves in two hours, please tell me you packed.

We're not going anymore. Mom and dad cancelled our tickets.

They're off to maui for the weekend. How do I not know this?

She left you five messages!

She didn't leave me any messages!

Or, wait... Did she?

Started skipping mom's long voice-mails after she left one re-enacting a health care debate on c-span.

Now when I hear, "hey, case, it's mom," I skip it.

What a fun story. What about my message?

I left you one, too.

Just my luck!

I can't believe this. I was looking forward to seeing derrick.

And mom and dad.

Does that mean you'll be spending thanksgiving dinner with us tomorrow?

First one on our own. Another big milestone.

Might as well.

I'm not going home now.

What else have I got to do?

OK, not the most enthusiastic response, but I'll take it. I promise, anything you coulda got at home, you'll get right here.

I doubt that.

You going home this weekend?

My parents don't believe in celebrating thanksgiving.

They side with the native americans.

And the turkey, as vegetarians.

How about you? Going to the chambers estate to discuss extramarital affairs, feuding families, oil, and m*rder?

You been watching dynastyon dvd?

Dynasty? Never heard of it.

Never mind. No, actually, I will not be going to the annual chambers turkey extravaganza.

I politely declined the e-mail invite from my dad's secretary.

If we're both here, we should do something.

Maybe road trip to play some golf? Sounds good to me.

We should go tomorrow.

It's thanksgiving, so the course'll be open.

Or closed, which means we play for free...

Free... I can afford that.

Wait... Tomorrow?

I have the turkey hunt.

It's this thing we do every year...

One of the actives who's gone for the weekend hides a turkey, leaving clues for the kts who stuck around to follow.

It's kind of a kt thanksgiving tradition.

Turkey hunt? Seriously?

Aren't you getting a little tired doing the same old stuff with those guys all the time?

Come on, it's my first thanksgiving away from home.

Calvin and most of the other omega chis are gone.

Come on.

Fine, they can do it without me this year.

When you get done with work?

Sometime after lunch. I'll give you a call when I know.

And, I'll drive...

Get it?

That would've been funny if you still had your car.

Yeah. You should drive. Yeah, I will.

Rusty and I will handle all the cooking, if you'd like to contribute, bring a bottle of something.

I think a dry ginger ale might go best with deep-fried turkey.

It's a kettlewell tradition.

Sure is. Along with making a wish on the wishbone.

Wait, rusty and I do that every year, too.

It's a cartwright tradition.

Considering how things've been going in my love life, I could use the help.

Why am I telling you this?

I Miss ashleigh.

You can have the wishbone, but you'll have to fight me for the gizzard.

It's all yours.

Isn't this a little ambitious?

I didn't stay in town to dilly-dally and plan on getting some serious work done.

Over a holiday weekend?

Dale's applying for the gary wyatt innovation engineering grant.

Which could land me 40 gs to fund further research, and some serious bragging rights.

I'm working on waste-printed circuit board with my advisor.

You might know him fromcharlie rose?

Or from the cover of the latest issue ofew?

Engineering weekly?

He was number two on their "must list."

Our project's one of the top contenders.

Are you applying, rus?

No. It's fine. I get to concentrate on more important matters, like our first thanksgiving dinner without mom and dad.

Yeah, without them fighting over who gets to carve the turkey, or who makes better gravy.

If you Miss it, I can always nag you on your bad table manners.


Hello? Anybody home?

You really do think your life is a romantic comedy, don't you?

What are you doing home?

Flight was cancelled, and flying standby on thanksgiving depresses me. What's your story?

My parents ditched me for maui.

So no booty call for casey?

I told you, it wasn't a booty call.

Right. My mistake.

So were you texting, emailing each other?

How exactly did you make the booty arrangement?

I at least hope you had the decency to cancel, so he can make other booty plans.

Looks like it's just the two of us this weekend.

Just my luck.

If you guys are interested, dale and I are having thanksgiving dinner at our apartment.

Why would we find that interesting?

Because I'm inviting you guys to join.

Sounds awesome. As long as it's after the turkey hunt.

You're hunting with us, right?

I don't know. I have to cook, and I should be thinking about my polymer science project but I'm so far from the solution, it's pointless.

How about you find the turkey with us, and then we help with your polygamy science project.

Has anyone seen my pitching wedge?

I left it here a few years ago.

Thank you.

What are you doing in town? Thought you were going home.

Our parents ditched us for Maui.

Casey's still in town?

She's coming over tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner.

Dale and I are cooking.

Maybe you should come.

Tomorrow? sh**t.

No, I wish I could. I got this...

Charity golf tournament thing... For the poor.

But what about the turkey hunt?

Thanksgiving dinner.

Next year, I promise.

Combo shot... you guys. Interference.

Game over, I win.

It was tied!

Sure, it was, until cap knocked in one of my balls.

Combo shot.

The electrons could pass through a cross-linker!

I gotta ask Dr. Hastings if I can try a combo shot.


You're right! I'm gonna tell hastings I'm gonna try a combo shot, whether he likes it or not.

Yes, darling.

I agree, your mother is insane. Certifiable.

We could leave her at the nursing home this year.

Of course i'm kidding!

I'll pick her up on the way home.

I have a student here now.

Talk to you soon.

What is it, cartwright?

I think I know how to make a self-healing polymer wire reconduct.

That's not knowing.

How do you think it could happen? With a combo shot.

Are you on dr*gs?

We need to make the cross-linker conductive, as well.

That way, there will be more pathways for the current to travel.

Certainly sounds plausible.

But you haven't tested this theory yet?

Then why are you here? Go try it!

If it works, then I'll get excited.

Then you might have a shot at the Gary Wyatt grant.

Really? You think so?

Well, it is you we're talking about here, so I won't hold my breat but if you do get lucky, even I may have to stop calling you "anchor."

But my friend's already going for that grant.

You think it's OK that I try for it, too?

There are no friends in the lab, Cartwright.

Remember that.

Is that you?

Stop doing that!

It's creepy enough in this empty, huge house without you stalking me.

I keep hearing noises.

It's an old house. Things creak.

I know! And I can sleep through drunk singing in the hallways, or late-night Beyonce all the single ladiesdance parties, but it's like The Shining in here.

Red rum Red rum. Please stop!

Rusty did that once when he was six and still swears he's never seen the movie.

What are you doing?

I thought I could spend the night here. Keep you company while Ash is gone.


... thanks.

I guess you're not that good of a person, after all.


If a psycho axe m*rder chops me up into little pieces, it's on your head, which he'll probably chop off, too.

OK, fine, fine! You can stay.


Just for tonight.

Brought your alarm clock? It's a rain machine.

It's proven that white noise helps you sleep more soundly.

You can thank me later.

You're up early.

And wearing jeans?

I'd recommend something a little more elastic today.

I'm heading to the lab.

I think I know how to get my self-healing polymer wire to reconduct.

You weren't working on eco-polymers?

I was, but this seems more exciting to me.

And here's the thing...

If it works, Hastings thinks I should go for the grant.

My grant?

It's not yours.

Well... I mean, not yet.

Wanted to make sure it's OK with you 'cause I know you're going for it, too.

We're both honors engineers.

There aren't a lot of undergrad grants going around.

No, of course it's OK! You're right.

It's not mine. Not yet. I haven't won it. Yet.

I will.

I mean, it's not like you can call grant dibs.

But if you can, I totally did.

I'm just kidding.

Go for it.

You know what, I'll go with you.

I padded that schedule.

This way, we can cook together when we get back, and...

... be best friends.

OK, let me get some clothes on.

I think we should go back to separate rooms tonight.

You think? You're the one with the rain machine and humidifier.

And you snore like a beached seal.

I rather take my chances with an imaginary axe m*rder.

Maybe I was snoring because of all the humidity from tropical storm Rebecca.

What are you up to today?

Well, I'm volunteering with CRU's moveable feast.

They deliver turkey dinners to the elderly.

I mean, things haven't exactly been going my way lately.

ZBZ's fourth.


My parents ditched me.

Still waiting for a decision on that stupid board position from Katherine, and my dating life is pretty much in the gutter.

The whole Cappie thing? I was talking about Derrick.

But anyway, I've decided to give back to the community in order to get some good karma and hopefully reverse the trend.

How selfless of you. At least I'm doing something.

I'm writing a check.

How generous of you.

For 10,000 dollars.

That is generous.

But if you really cared you'd invest your time and not just your money.

I care about old people. I watch Desperate Housewives.

And I can totally volunteer with you today.

I don't have any plans.

I didn't mean today.

I meant... in general.

You're not the only one who needs good karma.

I've wondered, with all those balloons, there's not one mischievous guy with a pellet g*n?

It's almost noon!

Let the turkey hunt begin!

Here you go, Beav. You get the first clue.

"Take my cue, this pool is too shallow for swimming, but does have deep pockets."

We don't have a pool.

Check your pockets!

Wait, we don't have a pool, but we do have a hot tub.

The next clue's in the hot tub! No, guys, guys! Come on...


Pockets? Pool?

Don't you think you should check the pockets at the pool table?

Got it!

Cap, you want to read?

He can't. He has golf with poor people.

Remember? Yeah, he has better things to do.

Come on. Golf is slow, I'll just play fast and catch up. Let me see the clue.

"Smaller than a lion, bigger than a mouse, I'm hiding under a trash can in the smelliest room of the house."

Bathroom! - Kitchen! Could be anywhere.

What filthy animal am I staring at right now?


It's beaver! The clue's in Beaver's room.

You guys are terrible... Whatever, let's find this turkey.

I guess we weren't the only ones with this idea.

Excuse me.

We're here to help deliver food to old people.

More volunteers.

We always get so much help on Thanksgiving.

I think we have it covered now but you're welcome to volunteer any of the other 364 days of the year.

You deliver thanksgiving dinners to the elderly year-round?

They don't know what day it is, they just want to eat.

We'll totally do that. We're just... feeling really charitable today.

Join the club. If you'd really like to help, write us a check.

Oh, my God!

Thank you!

That is so generous!

Looks like I'm the good one now. And I'm good on karma through Christmas.

How about you?

Let's count it down. Ten...



It works!

What happened? What works? The combo shot! Look!

Why would you do that?

If it turns back on, then it works.

A conductive wire containing self-healing microcapsules isn't a breakthrough, but a self-healing reconductive one is grant-worthy.

You think so? Because Rusty mentioned earlier that a wire like that is still a ways off, and we only have until monday so...

Who is the nosy ninny? And why does he know about our project?

That's Dale. He's my friend.

We were in your physics class together.

Listen to me closely, Cartwright.

He is the enemy.

Do not share any information with other students.

Keep your guard up. I told you...

There are no friends in the lab.

What a grouch!

Don't listen to that old has-been. Don't let him push you around.

He can't expect you to be finished by monday, right?

It's nearly impossible, right?

Yeah, it would be pretty amazing.

But all I can do is try.

Exactly! You might as well try.

Dale. Your project.

It's good... Your project!

Looks like you're sinking with the anchor.

I was so close.

I could taste that stupid grant, and now I gotta find a new circuit board and start all over.

Frank Stallone!

Dale, I'm really sorry about that. If there's anything you want me to do.

Yeah. Go for Dale.

Hello, Dr. Larsen.

Yeah, well... Yes, sir, we seem to have sailed into some rough waters.

I've lost a couple days' work, I don't know if there's time to...

Yes sir, I do want the grant.

Yes sir, I am a champion.

Yes sir, of course, I would like to be on Charlie Rose someday. I don't...


He really milks Charlie Rose for all he's worth, doesn't he?

He sure does.

Hey, it's on!

That's too bad. No, no, it's too good!

It reconducted! But it wasn't sustainable...

Could be the battery.

Or I might have to adjust the cross-linker monomer ratio.

That's great, Rus.

So happy for you. Yours didn't even catch on fire... which is awesome.

It still doesn't work like it should, but it's a small gain.

I really don't appreciate your tone.

I'm just fried.

I'll start again tomorrow.

See you at home.

I'm telling you, it has to be in my room.

"The KT that gets the most box?"

Look around.

I think it's meant to be ironical.

I don't know. I think the next clue's in Cappie's room.

I'm flattered, Wade. But I think Heath may have a point.

This is a lot of box.

What gives? You start a shipping business?

I'm graduating in a few weeks. Remember? I'm moving out.

What? Hold up. Rewind.

You're moving out? Graduating?

And there's no shipping business? You didn't know, Cap?

I thought you knew everything.

I'm so disillusioned right now.

But we haven't even begun to organize your going away party!

Actually, we have. It's next saturday.

And if anyone's secretly gay and wants to declare their love for me, now'd be the time.

Sorry, Cap, but you haven't been around much lately, so we took the initiative.

Found it!

"In the chambers of the rich and pompous, where Tom Sawyer sits and taunts us."

It's at Omega Chi.

"Chambers?" Evan chambers. Jeez, you guys suck at this.

We have to break into Omega Chi for the next clue?

Looks like we do.

You're coming with us?

What about your golf tournament?

It was just cancelled, actually.

Something about an unruly gopher and expl*sives.

And Heath, it's your last turkey hunt! I'm sorry I almost missed it.

Let me get my ski mask!

Get ready, I'll meet you guys out there.

There's a canned food drive at Dobler's.

For every five cans donated, you get two-for-one drinks.

That was yesterday.


Looks like you do need good karma. Anything to get me out of this funk.

I don't know.

I really wanted to see Derrick this weekend.

So it was an interstate booty call!

Fine. Yes. It totally was.

And I probably still could've gone home to see him, but when my parents bailed, it suddenly felt...

Super slutty?

I was going to say "unnecessary", but yeah, a little slutty.

My flight didn't get cancelled.

The more I thought about it, the more I dreaded going home. So I didn't.

So Derrick's that good, huh?

I've had better.

Like who? Cappie or Evan?

I'm not going to answer that. What about Evan?

Did you guys say my name? Yeah.

I saw you coming.

I mean... I said, "Hey, here comes Evan".

So what are you up to? And why do you smell like yams?

I was working.

And then I had plans with a friend, but he flaked so here I am.

Walking home alone.

You're not alone now.

You should come to dinner with me at Rusty's apartment.

I doubt he wants me there. It's Thanksgiving.

I'll just call and tell him to add another place setting.

You invite Evan, but not me?

I assumed you wouldn't want to go.

Would you? I would. Thank you for the invite.

You're stirring way too fast.

If we wanted a stuffing smoothie I'd throw it in the blender.

You sure about setting up that deep-fryer on the porch?

That doesn't seem safe, like, at all.

I know what I'm doing. Never had a turkey go up in flames.

I don't plan on it happening today.

How much celery is in there? You even bother to measure?

Sort of. It looks fine to me.

Don't you understand the importance of precision?

Because, yeah, it may look fine, but then you realize you underclocked the cpu so much, that your processor is useless spinning at such a low speed.

Wait a minute. I thought we were talking about the stuffing, not your project.

We are. But the stuffing or my project, you have to be precise!

If you want, maybe tomorrow I can help you get back on track?

I can do it on my own.

Are these cranberries?

These are! There's no cranberries in the recipe!

That's it! Thanksgiving's ruined! I'm going to the lab.

What about dinner? Dinner's cancelled!

Dinner's cancelled!

I guess dinner's cancelled.

What are we supposed to do for dinner now?

I've got an idea.

We pretend like we're delivering them, but we keep a few meals for ourselves.

That's serious bad karma.

Yeah, that won't be happening.

I have an idea.

Look at all these people with nowhere to go.

Let's have Thanksgiving at the ZBZ house!

And everyone's invited!

It's gonna be so great.

OK, guys, we're gonna have Thanksgiving at the ZBZ house!

Microwave pizza?

It's turkey sausage. Happy Thanksgiving. Next!

What's in this stuff, anyway?

This is cranberry juice and an assortment of half-empty bottles I got from catering.

I call it "cranberry sauce".

Is Cappie in town? We should ask him over.

There you go.

He's the flake I had plans with.

Is he with Lana or something? No, they broke up.

They did?

But you know Cappie, he's probably got drunk with the KTs and skeet sh**ting dinner plates, skateboarding off the roof, or something stupid like that.

Check under all the chairs.

It's still cold!

Someone was just here.

Where Tom Sawyer sits.

Good one.

I found it. Let's get outta here. Wait.

We have to pull a prank, right?

Yeah, let's saran wrap the toilets. No, let's steal all their underwear.

Let's do something to Chambers's room. You guys have any eggs on you?

Or rancid trout? Anyone need to pee?

No one's doing anything to Evan's room! Let's get out of here.

What's up with you lately? You don't want to prank the OCs?

It's, like, bizarro Cappie!

There's no pranking today.

It's not me, it's in the KT by-laws.

"On thanksgiving day, all KTs must adhere to a brief suspension of hostility in the spirit of the holiday."

It even suggests we invite our enemies over to watch football or... Or skateboard off the roof.

KTs and OCs will never get along. We're too different.

You don't want to screw with Evan Chambers?

The guy who hit Spitter with his own pledge paddle?

The guy who stole your girlfriend?

It was a long time ago.

I had the opportunity to be with her, and I...

I didn't want to risk it. You didn't want to risk it?

Seriously, what's going on with you, Cap?

You used to live for risk.

And chutes and ladders.

All I'm saying is...

Why would I want to go through all that again?

To be with the love of your life?

Come on, let's just get out of here, OK?

Aren't you supposed to be at dinner?

I left for more brown sugar, and unfortunately, I had car trouble.


I'm changing my tire as we speak.

What happened to dinner with your friend?

Cancelled it to keep working.

You know, I had a friend like yours once.

We pioneered the work that led to the miniaturized hard disk.

However, without my knowledge, my friend published a book about our research and forgot to credit me.

He went on to make millions, win the Pulitzer, and marry a Victoria's secret model.

No friends in the lab?

You're going after the same result.

You can't both win.

I've been getting along with her for two solid hours now.

Must be the spirit of the holiday.

You know, it could be the cranberry sauce.

That helps, too.

Sure you don't want to call cap? I love that the three of us are friends again.

It's like old times.

These people don't know yet...

Well, maybe the omega chis and kts should embrace the spirit of the holiday a little, too.

I need a refill. You good?

Were you two just talking about me?

Paranoid much?

What did he say? Did he see me talking to that cute guy?

Think it made him jealous? What's going on with you?

Nothing. Hey, check it out!

Hey! You're not allowed up there!

That's my roommate's shirt! I'm on it!

I think it's time we close the kitchen.

All right, everybody, listen up! Thank you for coming, but we are now closed, so be careful out there.

Happy thanksgiving.

What are you doing?

I was just curious.

Going through my notes? Spying on me? That's cheating.

And unethical, at the very least.

Our projects are nothing alike. I just wanted to see how close you were.

You should take this as a compliment

'cause I saw you making progress and realized you're real competition.

What does that mean? I wasn't competion before?

You know, you're the anchor.

You actually think that little of me? You think I'm that bad?

I don't think you're bad, I thought your project might've been a little ambitious.

I've looked at you like a friend and you've looked down on me like the anchor

It's just a nickname!

It's just a nickname!

It looks like all he took was that one shirt. What an odd choice.

It's funny, I thought I'd be spending tonight alone.

I thought I'd be spending it with an old boyfriend.

Cranberry sauce.

Old boyfriend?

I thought all I wanted was a booty call, but I realize now I want...

... more.

I know exactly what you're saying.

No, I... I mean...

Us In general. No offense.

What? No... None taken.

Yeah, I knew what you meant. In general.

I chased him three blocks before I realized we're doing Ash a favor by letting him keep the shirt.

Anyone else hungry?

So busy being charitable, I forgot to eat.

I just got a text from rusty, inviting us to thanksgivingat the kt house.

Great! Let's go.

The kt house?

What are you doing on the roof?

Don't worry, i'll protect you.

Scooter, what are you doing on the roof?

Not much. Just thinking.

This is definitely the spot for that.

I do my best thinking up here.

Just gotta watch out for bird poo.

Heard you guys found the turkey.

It's being prepared for the big feast as we speak.

Sorry we had to cancel dinner at our apartment.

Don't worry. I know you and Dale are busy.

What's going on with you?

It kinda involves, your sister, so I don't know if you. It's fine.

Pretend like she's not my sister. Pretend like she's some other girl.

See? That's the thing. She's not just some other girl.

At least not to me.

I had the opportunity to be with her, and my "friend"... talked me out of it.

Maybe this friend doesn't have your best interests in mind.

Maybe he's just looking out for himself.

i'm working on this project...

I'm making progress.

I mean, the...

Bulb lit up.


But it's something.

It involves this wire that heals itself.

This wire can get cut, but it just keeps growing back.

It could get cut over and over again, and just keeps growing back.

It does not give up.

Neither will i.

No matter how many times they call me the anchor.

So what are you gonna do?

I'm gonna have thanksgiving dinner with my brothers.

He's not coming inside. We don't care if it's thanksgiving.

It's not a big deal. I can just go.

Can you help us out here?

What seems to be the issue?

They won't let our guest in.

No OC is stepping foot in this house without getting pounded... my fist.

In the face! I don't know... Look, guys.

If the pilgrims and indians can set aside their differences for one meal...

Can't we? And he brought a peace offering that's much better than corn...

You know what? If... the cowboys and indians can do it, you know, so can we.

Come on in.

Sorry I bailed.

Turkey better be good.

Which one of these looks more like an anchor?

As we near the end of our meal, i'd like to propose a toast.

And no toast would be complete without... The turkey!

Finally, some real food.

It's not that kind of turkey.

To the success of yet another turkey hunt! Kts for life!

You know, some people can't pull it off

...but I bet you'd look really good with a shaved head.

Maybe I should go.

You shave him, I shave you, beaver.

Come on, rus. It's a Cartwright tradition. Make a wish.

sh**t. I was hoping for some good luck with my project, so I can destroy my competition.

Should probably go work on it.

I think I should get going, too.

I'll walk you home.


See you at the house.

Thanks for having me, guys. This was really fun.

Thanks for the walk home. I think I can take it from here.

How about a nightcap?

No, I meant... I mean...

Wow, it must really be scary being the only one here.

No boys allowed upstairs.

Wait, wait...

There's something I need to say.

I've been thinking... About...


Really? Me too. Like, should I get my hair colored?

Would I look good as a brunette?

I think you'd look gorgeous with any color.

Good to know.


So anyway...

You... You've been thinking.

I was thinking, um...

I was just...

I'm sorry, I'm nervous.

I really wish things worked out with us.

That was my wish, too.

Dale! Hey, I got it...

I got it to work.

So your wish?

Is that what you wished for on your wish... Pretzel?

You know, I'm sorry, I've been drinking. Um, let's just talk tomorrow, ok?

No, let's talk now.

I poured my heart out to you at the end of the world party, and you didn't come after me.

You should've come after me.

I know.

And I have no excuse.

But I'm here now. And I'm telling you...

Telling me what?

I want to try us again.

I want to be with you.

I want to be with you, too.