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03x08 - Fight the Power

Posted: 12/25/20 07:48
by bunniefuu
You really aren't clear on the meaning of "no."

But I'm very good with yes.

As in: "yes, tomorrow night sounds great."

I thought if the two of you could be friends again, then maybe we could all go back to the way things used to be.

We can't go back, but maybe all three of us can try to move forward together.

Get off!

Look at those jackasses.

We should go finish what they started.

Easy, bro, easy, bro. Come on.

Zbz is constantly embroiled in some kind of turmoil, and no one likes a dysfunctional drama case.

I would say ZBZ is ranked Fourth?

Fourth? It's all part of the cycle.

If it really is a cycle, then it's too late, right?

It's like fate.

As seniors, we have to fight this cycle.

The truth is we're not number one anymore.

We were hoping to throw some k*ller mixers and eventually have the best rush this campus has ever seen.

I hate putt-putt.

And cute golf attire is beyond even my powers.

Just keep smiling. We don't want The sisters to figure out how much this mixer sucks.

This mixer sucks. I think they know.

It's 9:00am. On a thursday.

I should be asleep. Nicole's asleep.

I can't even flirt with the seven pi sigmas who bothered to show up because I have coffee breath.

They're not paying attention to us anyway.

I remember the days when all they wanted to hump was us.

I hate not being number one anymore.

I thought you were going to get us out of this, president ashleigh.

I know our social schedule isn't what it was, but things are looking up.

And I'm working on getting our prime table at dobler's back from Gamma Psi.

We lost our table?

And may I remind you we had a pinning ceremony last week?

Heather got pinned to jeremy from kappa tau.

Hardly good news.

You sound like my parents!

I heard a few sisters talking about de-activating.

One of them might've been me.



But they haven't heard the best part!

We are having a mixer this saturday.

At night.

With omega chi.

We are?! Yeah, remember?

You and Evan are such good friends now and you guys were talking about how you missed the houses mixing and came up with the idea? It was brilliant!

We did.

And they can't wait. Omega chi and ZBZ, reunited and it feels so good.

And you decided not to tell us until now?

That's what makes it a surprise!

It's like our reintroduction into the social top-ti and I'll be in charge of making our pledges hump-able again!

You should be thanking me.

We have three days to pull off our reintroduction into the social top-tier with a mixer that doesn't exist?

Look at the happy faces on all the children.

They're finally not looking at me like they want to k*ll me in my sleep.

What's up, guys?

New drinking game.

Every time jeremy snores...

we drink. It's harder than it looks.

You have to stop drinking at the end of the snore.

Or you get penalized.

You just said "penalized."

I Miss you guys.

Where did you go?

Oh, god...

Did you learn how to manipulate space and time so you could disappear without us noticing?

I knew you could do that!

I might be a little bit buzzed.

Yeah, I've been so busy with so much crap lately.

School, man, is so tough, ex-girlfriend trouble...

I'm just in the mood to be with my boys and cut loose!

You're on the moon right now, aren't you?

You're a hologram.

You're so buzzed.

Is cappie upstair?

It's your little bro.


Get out of here, perv.

Greek 308 Greek Team


We get it. We're ranked number four.

No need to rub it in.

I think he was trying to make a golf joke.

Some people appreciate my sense of humor.

Some people appreciate crocs.

We had a golf mixer with pi sigma.

The old putt-putt blow-off?

We did the same thing last year to tri-pi after their president dumped dino.

Exactly. Which is why we need you guys to invite us to a mixer this saturday night.

Do you guys have plans? Nothing set in stone.

We were thinking about having a low-key weekend.

Think again, because we're giving you a chance to mix with ZBZ!

In the spirit of reuniting old friends.

It would really mean a lot to our house during a rough time.

Please, please, please!

Great! One more thing.

We kinda need you guys to formally invite us, tonight during dinner.

Maybe you could throw in a little serenade?

You don't have to... The girls will expect it!

No worries i would do it.


Thanks, Evan. See you tonight. All right.

And, watch out for those sand traps!

That wasn't funny at all.

Thanks, case! No problem.

It was an accident.

It seems as though you saw milady naked.

There's only one way to restore the power balance. Come on, drop trou.

He's right.

It's only fair.

Let's see the goods.

I'm really sorry.

Oh, my god, I'm not at my breast right now.

"Best?" Right!

And I came here to blow off some steam with my big bro!

There's no one better to do that with than cappie.

We're actually on our way out to get something to eat.

You should come with. I don't want to intrude.

No, don't worry about it.

I think I left my backpack upstairs.

Why don't you go get it?

Hurry up, you don't wanna be late for our threesome.

How cute is he?!

I'm on board with the threesome, I just didn't think it was gonna be with spitter.

He's so sweet and innocent. I can't wait to corrupt him.

That's just what I thought when I first met him.

Again: can you just assure me we're not having sex with spitter tonight?

What would you say if I told you that grant and I think we're ready to tell the house?

I'd say go for it, man.

The guys love you and the guys love grant.

Why should that change when you tell them you love each other?

"Like" each other.

And that's what I'm worried about. It's change.

People don't always react well to change.

I'm assuming that's why you told griffin you joined the treble makers acapella group when he saw you in your pink bow-tie.

Maybe we're over-thinking all this.

Maybe sexual orientation and socio-economic status aren't that big a deal in the world. People are people.

Yeah, you know what?

This is only a big deal if we make it a big deal.

We have the power.

Maybe you go first?

No, you've been gay way longer than I've been broke.

You're up first.

Do you have a lot of parking tickets?

I can't afford to. Why?

Forget to pay your bill, Chambers?

And apparently you can't cover a lease payment with dobler's drink coupons.

And it looks like my secret's coming out first.

Irish car b*mb!

Your turn, rusty. I'm underage.

He's not exactly good with liquor. Hence the nickname, "spitter."

But he's not spitter tonight. He's rowdy rusty.

Rowdy rusty. All right, I love it!

You don't have to do this, spitter, if you don't want to.


All right.

You did it!

Sort of.

Yeah. Good job, spitter.

Excuse me, rowdy rusty.

Now what?

No, I think that's quite enough for one evening, rowdy.


See our waiter over there ignoring us?

We asked for our check, like, 30 minutes ago.

What a douche bag, right?

You want me to say something to him?

"Excuse me, pal, where's our check?"

We're going to dine and dash.

Spitter's not gonna dine and dash.

And as a member of the food services industry yourself, you should be sensitive to the fact that this poor guy probably works here three...

Wait up!

I'm sure most of you guys have figured out, I gave up my trust fund.

It is a really personal situation with my family but it's nice to know my brothers have my back.

Even if I'm gonna have to start hitting you up for beer money from now on.

So any new business?

What's with this ZBZ mixer?

It's this saturday...

I know all that. But why are we going?

Aren't they all about mixing with those kt losers this semester?

Yeah, that's true but come on...

And this year, they kinda suck. And it's not like they're Gamma Psi.

And last year, they dissed our pref invite.

I think we should go. The girls could use our help.

They just want our help so they can climb back up.

We're doing the mixer because I said we are.

I'm president and it's done.

We know you've done half the girls in that house, but that's no reason the rest of us have to waste a saturday on them.

Watch your mouth, trip. You're way out of line.

I say we put the mixer to a vote.

As pledge class president, I would like to formally report that we are super excited about the omega chi mixer! Thanks for making that happen!

Just doing my job.

When are they officially going to invite us?

Any minute now! Great.

I hope it's any minute. Can you ask fisher to hold on dessert?

He's already kept them waiting 20 minutes!

They're sorority girls. They can deal with hunger pangs.


Sit up straight. Shoulders back. Boobs out.

And heather, unbutton your shirt a little.

It might as well be a turtleneck.

Why do I have to learn how to flirt? I already have a boyfriend.

Not a good one. And this isn't about finding a boyfriend.

This is for the sisterhood.

Saturday night we want to leave the omega chis dying for another mixer with us as soon as possible.

We're set to starve the girls for 20 more minutes.

Now where is...

everyone, i'm sure this man needs no introduction, and as for his brothers.

As for his brothers...

Actually it's just me.

Let's just get on with it.

Can I talk to you for a second?

Evan's just shy.

Cheesecake! Now!

What's going on?

I'm sorry, but the mixer's not going to happen.

I really tried, but the brothers, they voted it down.

What? Why?

They brought up last year's pref, about how you guys dissed us, they said ZBZ's just not a big draw anymore.

And you're not exactly Gamma Psi?

You're their president. It's a party.

Order them to party with a group of hot chicks.

That's just it, Due to a weird situation that's recently come up in the house, some of the guys have been questioning me.

Why would they do that? You're Evan freaking Chambers!

Yeah, it's funny you would say that.

Here's the deal.

I gave up my trust fund.

I didn't want my parents controlling my life.

I haven't spoken to them since. I'm broke.

So much for Evan Chambers.

Seriously? I know, I'm an idiot.

It's probably the biggest mistake of my entire life.

No, it's the bravest thing you've ever done.

I can't believe it.

I'm so proud of you.

I wish some of the brothers reacted the same way.

But coinciding with me not being a "Chambers" anymore, I seem to have lost a lot of my influence on them.

I'm sorry, but the mixer's off.

The girls took down that cheesecake like coyotes on road k*ll.

What's going on with the mixer?

What do we tell the girls?

Their sugar is gonna start wearing off and they'll be demanding answers. We can't say the mixer's off.

I just keep thinking about what Evan did.

Giving up all that money on principle and then being shunned by his own parents? That must be so hard for him.

He's always felt the weight of the Chambers name.

I remember that being a dilemma.

But still, to actually give it all up like that?

I don't think i'd be able to do that. Oh, my god, snap out of it!

We're supposed to be figuring out how to salvage the party here!

What's there to figure out? There's nothing we can do.

We're not Gamma Psi.

What if we get Gamma Psi?

We make the mixer a four-pack.

Us, omega chi, gamma psi, probably lambda sig.

And not just any four-pack: a super-fancy semi-formal four-pack!

Where we have champagne, a band, twinkle lights!

In three days? We have the founders' day money.

But why would we even want to party with the Gamma Psis?

They stole our table at dobler's.

And apparently our social life.

Besides, they're kind of weird.

It doesn't matter if they're serial K*llers. They're number one.

If we get them, we get the guys. It worked for Janet Gunderson.

Your dorky friend with the mono-brow in seventh grade?

She befriended me and became popular by association.

Then I introduced her to tweezers and she stolen my boyfriend.

See, it's perfect! We are Janet Gunderson.

The Gamma Psis are 12-year-old me.

And we become number one by association.

I don't think that's how it works.

What other options do I have?

You're the president.

I'm so hung over and I don't even care!

Last night was amazing.

I did things I never thought I would do.

You're not hung over.

It's not spitter anymore. I know.

From the small amount of irish car you managed to imbibe, you're gassy from the carbonation at best.

Fine. Maybe I didn't succeed at the drinking, but I did do a dashing dine! It's "dine-and-dash."

Boys! I hate to interrupt your girlish squabble, but predators of the deep is back on.

I've never watched so many episodes of one tv show since thatjoan of arcadia marathon with my parents.

Did I say parents?

I meant my friends.

My cool friends.

And it was porn.

Don't you have art history in ten minutes?

I was gonna head to women's studies. We can walk together.

And don't you have a bar mitzvah to work tonight?

I called in sick. And you guys shouldn't be going to class either.

The next episode is k*ller whales.

You can't Miss that! k*ller whales!

It's on. Like donkey kong! Jinx!

I just figured out why you two are so perfect for each other!

She's like the lady version of you. Lady cappie!

I'd like to think of you as the male version of me.

She's a keeper.

She's a none of your other girlfriends would blow off work for predators of the deep. Just don't screw it up.

That whale just ate that whole seal.

What was up with you in yesterday's meeting?

Backing up j. p. And trip like that.

Since when did you become so anti-kt?

I just think they're kind of obnoxious. As do most of our brothers.

You're clearly biased because of "that rusty."

"That rusty" is my best friend.

And Evan's been a really good friend to me, too.

He's been through a real tough time lately, I just...

I don't think he needs all that crap from the house.

It wasn't personal.

I'm sure it felt that way to him.

I just feel bad.

He's been so supportive of us coming out soon, like we talked about.


I've been thinking.

Things are good the way they are.

So sneaking around, and coming up with excuses why we're always together?

You don't think that's holding us back?

I really like our relationship how it is.

Besides, seeing the way everyone gossips about Evan, I really don't want to go through that.

Guess what? I stole you a dining hall muffin!

What are you doing here?


We're readingeat, pray, love this week and thought we'd do a little of all three.

I'm opting to partake in just the eat part. Not that I don't love you.

What are you doing stealing dining hall muffins?

You know that's frowned upon. Don't you have a date with Lana?

I did, but I've been rescheduling shamelessly on daley here, I really needed to make it up to him. Sparkling cider?

It's non-alcoholic but the fizzies get up your nose and it's fun.

You're just gonna blow her off?

It's not like she's never flaked on me.

Our first date she kept me waiting while she prank-phone called her old boss.

For two hours.

Excuse me. I have to go relieve some cider fizzies.

That girl is amazing and he's flaking on her?!

He's gonna drive her away.

Is Lana really worth all the trouble?

Oh, my god, she's the most amazing girl I've ever met.

For him, for cappie.

If she's so perfect for him, why would he blow her off?

It's obvious! He's scared of how much that he likes her.

But you know he'll never admit it.

I think we're gonna have to go see Lana about this situation.

You're friends with cappie. You're broke.

Any other secrets you want to reveal?

I have a job that requires me to wear a pink bow-tie.

Stripping at the other gentleman's choice?

No, actually that probably pays much, much more.

I'm a cater-waiter.

I have no car, I can't pay my house dues.

I can't pay my house dues.

I should grovel to my parents and get my trust fund back.

You can't start doubting yourself now.

You did the right thing. As your friend, I will help you.

We'll figure it out. Well, can you help me figure out how to get these guys to take me seriously again?

Because apparently the only title they care about is Chambers.

To think I believed that these guys were doing what their president said because they respected me.

Well, you know what? Screw them.

Just because a few jerks... A few is enough to make a difference.

So make a name for yourself that has nothing to do with your parents.

Or their money.

You have friends who really care about you.

I said coquette, not spastic.

Melanie, you look like you're smuggling something.

This was on the porch!

It's from Natalie, the Gamma Psi president!

There's a note, too!

Casey, can I see you in our room?

It's OK, Case. Presidential orders.

We'll talk more later?

"Thank you for thinking of Gamma Psi in regard to this weekend's four-pack.

We regret to inform you that we have a prior commitment.

But please consider Gamma Psi in the future.

XoXo. Sisters in solidarity.

Gamma Psi."

You have to stop. That's your fourth.

Then stop rereading the letter! It's not gonna change their answer!

Plus, I'm eating the evidence.

There's no point in eating the evidence.

The sisters will know we're not having a four-pack if we don't have one!

We've been rejected twice. We have to accept it.

No, we've been rejected twice and no one can know about it!

The whole school knows about this party! I hired a photographer to take pictures.

Pictures that will be memorialized in hardback.

The yearbook, Casey!

Is Abby hiding in here? She's late for her lesson on how to drink seductively from both a cup and a bottle.

You'd better go find her then, because this party is proceeding as planned!

I can't be the one responsible for running this house into the ground.

You're not responsible for running this house into the ground.

It's the cycle, or fate or whatever.

Girls might deactivate if I don't do something. This four-pack has to happen.

Please help me.

Let's make this work. The Gamma Psis are reasonable girls.

They're so nice, it's almost disgusting.

So if we appeal to them woman-to-woman, lay our cards on the table, maybe we can get them to change their minds.

OK. That sounds good.

You could talk to Katherine. She's a Gamma Psi, maybe you can play the panhellenic-solidarity card.

It's one thing for me to ask Evan for a favor, but I don't want to drag my brand-new relationship with Katherine into this, especially since I'm hoping she will give me this panhellenic board position.

Let's take it straight to Natalie.

I also want to know where they got these cupcakes from.

Because they're really good.

Hey, it's Rusty... Seriously, Rusty?

You have to be planning this.

What are you doing here?

I know something happened with Cappie.

I think I'm kind of done with him.

Jackass blew me off. No, wait! That might be my fault.

I told him that joke about how he shouldn't blow it because you're so perfect for him.

That freaked him out.

I don't date guys with issues. Someone without a college degree shouldn't be so choosy.

Who is this? Please!

Can you give him another chance?

This isn't exactly a mystery, Rusty.

When a guy starts breaking dates with you after things get physical, it means he just wanted to hook-up.

I have a wedding between a labradoodle and a shih-tzu to cater.

Sorry, Rowdy.

It's cool.

She's all right.

I mean, Sheila had a way better rack.

So did you hear we might be having a four-pack with Gamma Psi this weekend?

You and Grant gonna go together?

Yeah, I guess, the same way we always go together.

Pretending like we're not together.

Maybe you should just go together.

Like for real this time.

Because, you're planning on telling the brothers at some point, right?

What is this about?

All anyone can talk about is how I gave up my trust fund.

Or they're questioning everything I do, like Trip.

Trip's still pissed off about how hard you hazed him during hell week.

I wouldn't take it personally.

Maybe I would. But what are you saying?

That we should come out so they'll talk about us instead?

It sounds kind of obnoxious if you put it that way.

Kind of.

But since you want to come out anyway...

I don't know what I want to do. But it's up to me to figure it out, OK?

ZBZs, what are you guys doing here?

You know, the usual: chatting about global politics, and, a house-related leisure issue... We need to talk to Natalie about the world's most awesome four-pack! That too.

We know about your prior commitment... There's no prior commitment.

That is what Natalie tells people whom she doesn't want to mix with.

Did she send you the little frowny-face cupcakes?

We were just wondering if there was a chance you would put in a word for us about her changing her mind?

That's Natalie's ouevre. I don't really do leisure issues, so...

Good luck.

What bakery did she get those cupcakes... from?

You liked the cupcakes?

I made them myself.

Secret ingredient: a little bit of love!

What an honor to get a visit from my two favorite ZBZs!

The honor is all ours! We're so bummed to hear about your prior commitment.

Especially since it apparently doesn't exist?

I was trying to spare your feelings. I was being polite.

I didn't want ZBZ to spend that money when I know my girls aren't gonna go.

They wouldn't show up? Our gals are pretty selective.

They're always wondering, "What's in it for Gamma Psi?"

The political stuff gives me a tummy-ache, but what can you do?

You're fourth.

Then, I guess there's no... There's got to be something we can do!

Anything! Do you guys need a favor of some kind?

Like doing our laundry or something? Paying our electric bill?

No way. OK.

What? Really?

Yes. The electric bill.

Ash! We can't...

I got this.

We'll pay your electric bill until the end of the school year.

What do you say?

What a generous offer.

And of course you will make sure all your sisters show up tonight?

Of course.

And we can keep this little exchange between us? Of course.

Chocolate bunny?

Thank you for your service. I salute you.

I knew it. I knew you loved her!

Don't startle a man in a strip club. What if I'd been in lap-dance position?

How'd you know I was here? Beaver told me you were here.

This is an unclean place. You shouldn't be here.

I have a friend and I want to introduce you to.

His name is Jesus, and he pays much greater dividends than those dollar bills in your underpants.

Why are you blowing Lana off? We talked, and she's ready to give up on you.

You talked? Yes. She had her shirt off.

That doesn't matter! I know you're in love with her and you can't stand it or else you wouldn't be here.

You only come here when your heart's broken.

I'm here because I want to be around girls no more complex than strippers, who are really just nice girls with bad dads.

Tell me about your father. Was he bad?

Because I have a very good father I'd like to talk to you about.

This is what you do.

You did it with Casey because you were scared you guys were too different.

But lady Cappie is never going to give you a hard time about the things that make you.

And that's why I couldn't let you do this.

Spitter, what did you do?

The name's Rowdy.

Rowdy takes matters into his own hands.

She's here to give you another chance. Hey, Lana.

Listen closely, spitter: I don't want another chance...

Really? You don't like her?

This looks amazing!

Totally A-, very last minute.

With these lampy light things, I hope we're not paying OC's bill, too.

I did what I had to do.

And see, the yearbook photographer is documenting all of it for posterity.

Oh, my god, is that a caricaturist!?

Look, I'm on the moon!

It's classy because it's art.

And he was also half-off with the ice sculptures.

Ice sculptures? The founders' day money is supposed to last us through next year's rush. But that's next year.

This will get us back on top now. When I said you weren't running this hous into the ground? I was wrong I'm the one everyone's gonna blame if we start losing sisters.

You asked me for help and then you don't listen to my advice!

I'm the president. I have to do what I think is right.

I'm going to go greet Gamma Psi's president.

So, Tim, lacrosse sounds like an interesting sport.

What position do you play? Mid-fielder.

That's awesome.

See you around.

What was that? You have something against mid-fielders?

You said leave them wanting more.

And I have a boyfriend!

This is how you leave them wanting more. Watch.

You really wear a suit. Most guys can't.

What are you doing?

Sorry! Um, I was teaching the pledges how to flirt. That was a demonstration

Great job.

Come on, heather, let's go find another guy for you.

I don't know what's taking them so long at the bar.

I'm gonna go ask. No, wait, wait...

Look how talented these girls are.

And limber.

What are they, cats?


If you wanted to break up with her, why didn't you just tell her?

Hey, I was doing the immature guy thing where I blow her off and wait for her to get the hint. It's worked for men for thousands of years, because their friend don't usually intervene and screw it all up.

You sure you're not just driving her away because you love her too much?

I think you love her too much. I barely know her.

There is something.

I think I want someone a little less flaky.

She's like you.

You see yourself reflected in her, and don't like what you see.

Are you growing up? You shut your damn mouth!

Cappie, if I can get rowdy, then you can...

You guys having fun?

So far ten girls are coming with me to bible study next week.

Or I just became their new pimp.

Can I talk to you for a second? Sure.

I'm not a dumbass. I know you don't want me here.


I'm sorry. Can you just tell her the truth?

No touching the girls.

Excuse me...

Viper. This is a misunderstanding. She's not a girl.

Not a girl?

You're saying strippers aren't real people?

I got news for you, these women are somebody's daughters.

Or mothers. Heck, I got a grandmother here.

You better think about that, pipsqueak.

The name's rowdy rusty.

Uh, rus, I wouldn't. He's really...

And I'm not scared of your pierced things and your tattoos.

Katherine? You're leaving?

My policy on parties is basicaly a five-minute walk-through, but I rather enjoyed the caricaturist and thought he captured my likeness, so I stayed a little bit longer.

You're lucky ZBZ paid for an open bar.

Hey, trip, you're lucky you ever got into omega chi in the first place.

Looks like you need a drink as badly as I do.

Oh, I am the talk of the party.

I didn't know how good I had it when people were nice to me because of my last name.

I don't even think i'd be omega chi president if I weren't a Chambers.

You have to give yourself more credit.

And if it makes you feel any better, ZBZ is going to be more broke than you are by the end of this party. What was ashleigh thinking?

She was thinking about how it feel being president who's losing control of house Take it from me, it can make you do some really crazy things.

But it's the responsibility of the president to have a cool head and to do what's best for the house But you're forgetting how it feels to have that much responsibility.

Especially in a crisis when it's your ass on the line.

I guess I'm still trying to figure out how to be the president's best friend.

Cheers to that.

I just love caricatures, don't you?

Oh, my god, I totally love caricatures! I knew it was a good idea!

Can I talk with you for a minute?

Not right now.

Natalie and I were just talking about how much we love caricatures.

Yes. But you two talk. We're leaving now anyway.

Leaving? But it's 10:30.

We said we'd come, not that we'd stay.

Thanks again for paying our electric bill!

Oops! That was loud.

You paid the Gamma Psis to come to this party?

This is pathetic. I knew we shouldn't have gotten involved with this party.

Come on, guys.

Nice job.

Should we take off?

This is kind of a disaster.

So you're on trip's side?

It's cool. We can stay.

I may not have money anymore, Trip, but I am still your president.

You may not be for long. You're turning omega chi into a joke.

First by being dumb enough to give away your trust fund, and now this slag-fest.

Well, I guess it can't get any worse.

Smile for the yearbook.

What the hell were you thinking?

You kissed my boyfriend!

That is not gonna work anymore. We're really screwed.

How could you let us be humiliated like this?

I know it looks bad...

Forget number four we'll be lucky if we're top ten after this. And since you spent all our money on this supid party, we have no way of getting back up Give me one good reason why all of us pledges shouldn't de-pledgeright now.


I can't.

How can we have any faith in you as our president?

Because she didn't know anything about it.

I did it.

It's my fault.

I panicked and I offered to pay Gamma Psi's electric bill.

Ashleigh didn't even know about it.

No, it's true. She's just covering for me, because she's a good friend.

That's not true.

Ashleigh is the best president we've ever had.

We need to rally behind her, and move on.

So you slipped on a wet dollar bill and fell.

You're still rowdy Rusty, standing up to Viper like that.

Yeah. And I got up after I fell!

Yeah, but then you fell down again.

Why was that dollar bill wet?

Have you thought about pledging the JC House? Let me tell you about him Hey, if I can stand up to a guy named Viper, you can break up with Lana.


It's not gonna k*ll you.

Viper didn't k*ll me!

Jesus knows how to party.

Dude makes his own wine.

Come on. Let's get you cleaned up.

I guess I should explain why I've been blowing you off.


We were just hanging out.

Are we still, or not?

I guess not.

I thought this was what I wanted, but I want, um, I want someone... Different.

All you college guys are the same.

Hook up with a hot townie for a while before you realize you can't handle it.

Something like that.

Why do you care if I'm ok? I'm the jerk that tried to mess with your relationship to benefit my presidency.

Sorry. It's all right.

I know you're feeling lot of pressure. Maybe I should just resigne before trip starts his coup. Don't give that jackass what he wants.

There's plenty of other guys in the house that have your back.

Like me Thanks man And please know that when you do decide to tell the house about grant, I've got your back too.

I'm not sure that i'm going to be telling the house anytime soon.

What do you mean? I mean I'm starting to wonder if he's the right guy for me.

Pizza? I'm buying.

It really does make your nose tingle.

I think I'm sticking with sparkling cider for a while.

Rowdy rusty's retiring.

He was too easily influenced by hot naked ladies anyway.

And he made me behave like a grown-up more than i'm comfortable with.

I can't handle rowdy rusty.

Let's just give the nicknames a rest. now that you're acting all mature.

Shut your damn mouth... Again. slightly more mature. Thank you.

Now will you tell me? Why did you go to gentleman's choice?

I like the lukewarm taco meat.

Come on.

Don't read into it, You only go there when you're thinking about a girl.

Last time it was...

I think I see where this is headed.

Don't read into it, dale.

Come on, let's just do another shot

That was the longest night of my life.

They kept us up talking about the state of the house until four in the morning.

Girls talk a lot.

Should we get up?

I'm scared to leave this room.

I'm just gonna resign.

There's no reason you should take the fall for me being a terrible president.

You can't resign.

Don't say it. Don't say that I souldn't resign because i'm a great president.

I wasn't going to say that you're a great president.

I was going to say that you can't resign because that would only lead to further instability. Which we cannot have. We'd be playing right into Gamma Psi's hands.

You're right.

And Gamma Psi seemed so nice.

With their cupcakes and their bunny mascot.

Bunnies look cute, then they bite you with their big sharp bunny teeth.

And they sleep where they poop.

You can't trust a bunny.

So what are we gonna do?

You won't mind taking my advice?

Are you kidding?

Let's discuss the facts.

Gamma psi targeting us for humiliation is a good thing.

They wouldn't need to destroy us if they didn't think of us as a threat.

We're still in the game. We're still in the game.

So let's go start playing.

I'm gonna eat a frowny-face cupcake for breakfast.