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02x10 - Line of Fire

Posted: 12/23/20 08:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Designated Survivor...

Warehouse burns down, dead body turns up, you're there.

Whatever you're mixed up in, your hands better be clean.

The account in St. Lucia in your name that Eric Little opened is damning.

Unless Hannah Wells can find the banker who set it up, we cannot clear you.

If Lang confesses that he was working at Lloyd's behest to make it look like the First Lady was getting a payola from Icarus, we can clear her name.

I'm gonna hit the loo.

See you in a second.

Mr. Lang.

We just missed him.

Someone tipped him off.

You need to fire Foerstel.

He's doing his job.

Maybe not the way we want him to, but I can't fire him for that.

If I did, who would I be?

My husband.

I ran Lang's cell phone.

You were right.

Somebody called him right before you got to his condo.

Call came from 4th and H.

I'm gonna hit the loo.

I'll meet you there.

Hannah, where did you go?

What are you doing?

I was just gonna get some water.

I could use some myself.

Too much red wine.

You don't have to get me drunk to take advantage of me.

Oh, you just can't handle your alcohol, sport.

I'll get you some aspirin.


I know a better hangover cure.

With dozens dead, billions in damage and more than one million acres consumed, the Shenandoah national forest fire's now one of the worst in American history.

After weeks of battle, the question now is whether the government will finally throw in the towel.

No, the question now is whether doing so will look like abject surrender.

It's an act of God, Lyor.

To most voters, the president is God.

God should be able to put out a fire.

This fire's lasted 26 days and we've barely made a dent.

Seth, how would you make this announcement?

I can have public engagement get quotes from leading conservation experts saying that letting the fire burn is ecologically sound.

Okay, we're done, we're gonna let this burn itself out.

- Prepare the statement.

- Yes, sir.

Aaron, we're about to announce that we're pulling back.

Have we managed to get everybody out of harm's way?

95% of it, sir.

National Park Service's going door-to-door to clear the remaining holdouts.

I'll monitor the situation closely.

Okay, thank you for your hard work.

Finish up there and get back home.

- As soon as I can, sir.

- Okay.

Sir, we need you to evacuate now.

We're on a religious retreat.

I appreciate that, but a command decision's been made to let this fire burn itself out.

- How many are you?

- Twenty of us.

We can bring you down.

No, thanks.

We have our own transportation.

Then get moving.

Fire jumps that ridge, you're out of time.


Thank you, sir.

You know what to do.

They call themselves the Church of the Witnesses of the Covenant.

It's a Christianity offshoot.

- A cult?

- Uh... evidence is to the contrary.

Few hundred members, taxpayers.

No legal problems, solid citizens.

If they're trying to barbecue themselves, they're a cult.

You're an atheist, Lyor.

You think anyone who's God-fearing is loony.

I'm actually agnostic, but I'll tell you what I do believe: letting 20 folks burn on federal land during Christmas is bad political mojo.

Also, the 20 people.

- How long's he been in there, Mike?

- Fifteen minutes.

These usually last 30 minutes.

This one will go longer.

He's getting every vet's detailed deployment history.

We have to clear the decks.

♪ God rest ye merry gentlemen ♪

- Oh, boy.

- ♪ Let nothing you dismay ♪

- Sorry, girls.

We'll find you later.

- Aw...

- You wanna pull him out?

- Not particularly.

You're the Chief of Staff.

You're right.

I'm ordering you to pull him out.


Secretary Pilson, what have you got?

Fire's crested Blackrock Gap.

Which means another 300,000 acres are as good as lost.

How long till it gets down to the bottom of the valley?

An hour, tops.

Unless the Forest Service continues to deploy its assets.

But we're talking about putting hundreds of people in harm's way.

To save 20 who can leave but won't.

It's not a great calculus, sir.

Either for the firefighters or the churchgoers holed up in that cabin.

Are we absolutely positive this isn't a hostage situation?

Doesn't appear so, sir.

The group's spokesperson is their deacon, David Sheridan.

He says he'll only speak to the White House.

What leverage has he got to demand that?

The leverage of knowing that I'm not gonna let 20 people die just 'cause I wouldn't talk to them.

I don't think I have a choice.

Mr. President, I don't want you involved in this.

We need an emissary.

You're right.

Aaron's already in the field.

Let's see if he can talk 'em down.

Mr. Sheridan, if you wanna talk, we'll listen.

But this conversation needs to happen away from here.

We're not afraid, Mr. Shore, but you obviously are, so I'll get right to the point.

- Grace Morgan.

- I don't know who that is.

Our parishioner Carrie Morgan's six-month-old baby girl in custody of the federal government.

- For what?

- Medical treatment.

Grace has a rare congenital heart condition.

And the medical intervention that the doctors recommend, it goes against Scripture.

You're refusing to let her have the surgery?

No, sir.

We're insisting on honoring God's word.

- Where is Grace right now?

- At Walter Reed.

And as soon as the government releases her to the custody of her mother, we will come down off this mountain.

I have a bus waiting for anyone who wishes to be transported to safety now.

Anyone who does should go with Mr. Shore.

No one should be here except of their own free will.

Sir, this negotiation will take time.

You have hours, maybe minutes.

Then I suggest you speak to the appropriate authorities because we've already convened with ours.

Yeah, this is Aaron Shore.

Put me through.

Mr. President, we have a big problem.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Subpoena prep.

We need to huddle with Kendra this afternoon before I head over to the FBI.

I cleared the decks.

Seth wants to move the National Christmas Tree Lighting to tomorrow afternoon if that works for you.


Give the public a sunny image in case it's a bad news day, right?

Something like that.

I'll be in the Oval if you need me.

Thank you.

Thanks for agreeing to see me.

Your daughter's beautiful, Carrie.

And so very sick.

They say Grace has tetralogy of Fallot.

Which means that not enough blood is getting to her lungs, not enough oxygen.

She'll turn blue first.

And then, eventually...

None of that has to happen.

I've spoken with the doctors and with open-heart surgery, she at least has a chance.

- That's not an option.

- Why not?


The Bible commands us to abstain from blood because only God is the giver of life.

The Bible also commands us to heal the sick.


But your choice would condemn her.


It would allow her to laugh and play and grow up.

I understand why the president sent you, Ms. Rhodes.

You know Scripture.

Which means you should know none of those things matter if we have to violate God's word in order to attain them.

This is the test we face.

Honoring God when it's easier not to.

Grace doesn't know anything about a test.

She is just trying to breathe.

And I would give my life to help her do that, but she's in God's hands now.

Okay, thank you, Emily.

Keep me posted.

Surgeons are standing by, but the mother won't give her consent.

Why do we need it?

A parent can't withhold lifesaving treatment from their child based on a religious compunction.

It's against the law.

It's not clear that it will work.

Open-heart surgery with transfusions on an infant?

It's risky.

If there is no guarantee of the outcome, we're in a gray area.

Which means our religious faithful are staying put in that cabin to keep the pressure on.

Aaron, how's it looking on the fire front?


I just spoke to the Parks Department union rep.

He's threatening to tell the firefighters to stand down.

Mr. President.

It's gonna be hard to control the narrative on this one if it drags on.

Try impossible.

Religious activists could slam you for interfering with the mother's rights.

Children's rights activists will declare you public enemy number one if you let the baby die.

Kendra, do we have legal options that will help us?

There's no legal prohibition for standing in the path of a fire.

Well, unless you're barking mad, which these people clearly are.



But we can challenge their competency.

If they're a danger to themselves, we can forcibly remove them.

Which would clear the way to operate on baby Grace and solve our problem.

Aaron, I wanna speak to the man who is leading these people.

- I'll set up the call, sir.

- Okay, thank you.

Chuck, I need to know if Damian tipped off that banker.

If he did, he may be part of the plot to frame the First Lady.

And he may be connected to Lloyd.

I can confirm two things.

Damian's SIM card proves the call that tipped off the banker came from his number.

And his phone was cloned.

Meaning what?

Someone could have used his number in an attempt to make him look guilty.

- Okay.

- Or Damian cloned it himself to throw us off the scent in case he came under suspicion.

That's a pretty wild theory.

Hannah, how much do you really know about this guy?

I know he helped me track down Patrick Lloyd.

- What else?

- I know you don't like him.

It's not about that.

I mean, yeah, I don't like him.

His smarmy British superiority, the way he treats me like his valet...

- Chuck...

- There's something off about him.

I can't put my finger on it.

But he's...


Thank you.

For what?

For always looking out for me.

But I can look out for myself.

Get me Detective Blakey.

Mr. Sheridan, you and your people are in a very dangerous position.

I appreciate that, Mr. President.

Then please, come down.

We'll sit together and talk this through.

Will you release Grace to the custody of her mother?

I don't have the legal authority to do that.

A federal court has decided that in the best interests of the child, she's to have the surgery her mother is trying to stop.

Then, I'm afraid there's nothing for us to talk about.

Sir, it's Christmastime.

We're supposed to be celebrating the story of a child that brings us together, not pulls us apart.

Yes, sir.

But the Christmas story, it's a story of faith.

There is no more appropriate time for us to demonstrate ours.

I have been in touch with the National Weather Service.

Rain is coming.

But even with that and everything we're throwing at this, we will not be able to stop the fire before it reaches you.

I understand.

And I'm in constant contact with Carrie Morgan.

The moment that the government releases baby Grace into her custody, we will evacuate.

Not before.

Thank you, sir.

Does he strike you as someone who's lacking competence?


He's aware of the danger and is choosing to ignore it.

Which means he doesn't fit the legal definition of crazy.

Which means we've lost our judicial option.

We need to start thinking outside the box, shake the trees.

Find another solution that will work for everyone.

- Yes, sir.

- Yes, sir.

I just got back from the Shenandoah fire, Detective Blakey.

I'm running behind, which means I don't have a lot of time for you today.

I won't take much of it.

I got a job with the Bureau.

Closing my case files.

Thought I'd leave you with something.

It's about Damian Rennett.

Security footage.

He's not a White House employee.

So Agent Wells informed me.

Problem is, he doesn't seem to be anyone's employee.

British embassy won't answer questions about him.

White House won't.

All I can tell you, he's been detailed here to help on some investigations.

Here's what I can tell you.

That guy is bad news, Mr. Shore, as in you shouldn't trust him.

Can you be a little more specific?

Video's pretty specific.

Merry Christmas.

You know what I learned as a prosecutor?

The more a target reaches out, the more they have to hide.

First Lady isn't reaching out.

I am.

Lawyer to lawyer with an offer.

I'm listening.

You're on a mission to prove that the First Lady is involved in some bribery scandal with Icarus Astrotech.

It's clear I won't stop you from pursuing that.

- Correct.

- I wanna ask you something different.

Postpone your subpoena.

Continue your investigation.

You have my word the First Lady will cooperate.

That's not an offer.

That's an admission of desperation.

The desperation is yours, Mr. Director.

You rushed your subpoena so you could capitalize on the pressure on the White House because of the media coverage of the Icarus investigation.

Your presence here suggests I've succeeded.

You're worried, Mrs. Danes.

I'm pragmatic.

You have nothing.

But you might strike a lucky blow, catch her in some trivial contradiction that you can exploit.

And to forestall that uncertainty, you're offering a vague promise of cooperation?

I'll specify it.

We'll not oppose any reasonable discovery request.

Not a single interrogatory or document request.

No, you'll use the additional time to formulate a better defense.

We already have that defense.

The truth.

The more information you'll find, the more you'll see the First Lady isn't complicit in anything.

I have a counter offer.

That's the price for me standing down.

Take it to the First Lady.

Deal expires in two hours.

You wanna plead to obstruction of justice?

To put an end to this investigation, yes.

Foerstel's offering me a no contest plea.

That's not an admission of criminal conduct.

But legally it's equal to a conviction, right?

Yes, but Foerstel's got the US attorney to suspend any sentence and to grant Mrs. Kirkman immunity from any other events arising out of these facts.

There won't be other events.

Tom, I understand that and so does Foerstel.

Tying me to a bribery conspiracy will be a hard case to make.

But he's offering an obstruction plea so that he gets to walk away with something after all this and I get to reduce risk.

What's her exposure if she walks away?

If today's questioning doesn't go well, she'll be looking at an indictment on a bribery charge.

I take the plea and we get to walk away from this nonsense.

Innocent people don't plead.

Tom, we've been through everything Foerstel has.

It paints a false but damning circumstantial case of a conspiracy.

The best course is for me to take the Fifth to everything.

That screams evasion.

Per our agreement with Director Foerstel, the proceedings are sealed.

We all know how Washington works.

Eventually, it'll leak and that will dog my wife's life forever.

Tom, Foerstel is a really smart guy.

I answer his questions, he twists my words, he exploits the inevitable ambiguities.

There is no perfect solution to this.

Maybe not, but there's the right one, which is us fighting, you fighting.

No deal, no plea.

I'm dealing with 20 people who are holed up in a cabin willing to die for their beliefs.

Here's what I believe in: Your innocence.

And that's worth fighting for.

That's where I stand.

Excuse me.


How long have you had these suspicions about Damian?

Few days.

Since I learned the banker who tried to set up the First Lady could've been tipped off by Damian.

But you don't think the intel you've acquired so far is conclusive.

It's not.

Especially if somebody tried to clone his phone and set him up.

Detective Blakey gave me this video.

It's from the warehouse fire that you two were in the middle of.

Yeah, Damian got there early, cut the fence.


If you check the time stamp, he got there two hours before.

He cut the fence and walked through, which makes him a prime suspect for the arson.

Two hours before me?

There has to be some explanation.

There is evidence Damian is working against our interests.

Now, you know that.

You come to me and try to cast doubt on that evidence...


Aaron, I did not.

Come on, Hannah, I know you two are involved.

As national security advisor, you don't think I know what people in this building are up to?

Especially people who report to me?

Okay, so what next?

Damian helped us capture and k*ll Lloyd.

That much we know.

What we need to find out is why he's trying to t*nk our investigation into who's framing the First Lady.

But that "we" doesn't include you.

You're sitting this one out.

- Let me run a sting.

- No.

You think I'm compromised.

I know you're compromised, which is why he was able to play you.

The fact is no one can get closer to him than I can.

And now I have a score to settle.

Let me do this.

All right.

Under my direction.

And you're on a short leash.

Dr. Rune, thank you very much for coming.

Your political director was quite insistent.

He knows talent when he sees it.


You have a remarkable background.

13 patents.

I've been told you were responsible for groundbreaking work in the use of artificial blood in pediatric surgery.

Yes, sir.

Could you perform open-heart surgery on an infant using your new techniques?

- Theoretically, yes.

But I can't.

- Why not?

Every licensing board has stripped me of my credentials.

I lost my license in DC in 2009 after I performed a liver transplant using technology which had not yet been approved by the AMA.

The patient survived.

My career did not.

We know that.

And Congress normally controls the regulatory authority over the District of Columbia, except when it's in recess, which it is, then it reverts back to me.

Based on everything I've read, I'd be more than happy to reinstate you.

Sir, I believe in my research and I'm confident in my abilities.

But medicine is like art.

The surgery will be very risky.

I can't guarantee an outcome.

I'm not asking you to.

I'm asking you to try.

Doctor, if you don't intervene, this child will not make it.

- I will do my best, sir.

- Thank you.

The American public wants to know why the president's pandering to religion.

He's not.

He's honoring freedom of expression.

By caving to religious extremists?

By finding a solution that respects individual rights, but protects baby Grace.

It's called being president.

What do the hundreds of firefighters he's putting in harm's way call it?

Their job.

- What's this?

- My people call it a present.

Open it.


I put in for a week with the embassy.

Got us a beach-front room.

But I didn't get you anything.

Well, you still got time.

A good spy is skilled at the art of deception.

What can I say?

My guard is down around you.


Put it on.

You'll class up the joint.

Just don't wear it to Hawaii.

I don't wanna watch the clock.

Speaking of time, have you got an hour for an afternoon diversion?

I wish I did.

I'm following a lead on our banker.



I couldn't sleep last night.

I was up the whole night working on my laptop.

But if I find anything, I'll let you know, okay?

Mrs. Morgan, Emily tells me you have concerns about the surgery.

Yes, sir.

How can I help?

Tell me this isn't a trick.

Mrs. Morgan, I consider myself to be an honest man.

And as a person, I understand your conflict.

But as a parent, I completely disagree with what you've chosen to do.

I don't believe that religious text is some inflexible doctrine.

I think of it more as a guideline.

If you ask me a question, I will tell you the truth as I know it.

When I give you my word, I give you my word.

Thank you, sir.

- The doctor will explain everything.

- Okay.

First, wind slows the fire's progress.

Now rain does.

Random atmospheric disturbances.

You're not buying this whole divine intervention thing?

- Couldn't be buying it less.

- What part of you is agnostic?

The part that isn't sure whether this is the most boring conversation I've ever had.

Awash in holiday cheer, I see.

Let me ask you a question about Ramadan.

You got the wrong guy.

I was adopted.

My last name's Wright.


I'm Jewish.

Yeah, Boone is the Americanization of Baranowsky.

Look at that, see, we finally learned something personal about each other.

- Yeah.

Let's never do this again.

- Definitely not.

♪ Silent night ♪

- Sorry, girls.

No time right now.

- Aw...

- Hello?

- Hey, Damian, it's me.

- I thought you were working.

- If you still wanna meet, I've freed up.

Sorry, I'm at the embassy.

See you for dinner?

Sure, see you then.

He's at the embassy.

British Embassy is on Massachusetts Avenue, heart of DC.

The tracker in the watch you gave him puts him in Arlington, Virginia.

Where I live.


I can access your computer through Remote Desktop Protocol, but you'll need to put in your password.


You're toast, mate.


I just wanted to wish you good luck.

It seems like everyone is gonna be needing that today.

Whatever you decide to do, answer Foerstel's questions or not, I know you'll make the right choice.

Thank you.


I know these last few days have been awful.

I'm just so angry that they're doing this to you.

Whatever happens when you get back, I'll take tonight off and try and make it up to you.

Is that a promise?

Yeah, it's a promise.

I'll see you soon.

Chuck, can you run a plate?

I'm afraid we've hit a snag.

The heart-lung machine that's pumping the artificial blood is working as hard as it can.

But Grace is hypoxemic.

I don't understand.

Synthetic blood is not as efficient as the real thing.

Her cells are not getting enough oxygen.

As surgery progresses, she needs more, not less.

Meaning what?

I can't continue without hemoglobin.

Your daughter needs a blood transfusion, ma'am.

Real stuff.

Your blood type is AB negative.

Same as your daughter's.

Your blood might save her.

- Carrie.

- No.

You gave Grace life.

Why can't you give her your blood?

Because I can't.

You've already agreed to the use of artificial blood to save her.

You're not gonna agree to use your own?

That doesn't make sense.

- You're trying to trick me.

- No, I'm not.

All I'm trying to do is save Grace.

And I know that's what you want, too.

Here she comes.

Second car!

- Madam First Lady!

- Just two seconds!

How long have you been under investigation?

Has the president known all along?

Is the White House counsel defending you?

Are you going to plead?

What about Icarus?

Did you take a bribe?

Is the president involved?

I don't understand.

There must have been a dozen cameras there.

How did they know?

My testimony is under seal.

But your presence here is not.

Foerstel probably leaked it to the media.

So he's trying to hem me in.

Compel me to answer questions.

All these reporters, I take the Fifth, it's gonna leak.

It's dirty pool, Mrs. Kirkman.

And you don't want to play.

- I have to.

- No, you don't.

Your appearance here was tied to a condition that no longer exists.

- What?


- Yes.

Even if we can't connect Foerstel directly to the leak, no court is gonna find you in contempt if we walk away.

Then what happens?

He re-issues the subpoena.

And you and I both know we'll be back here.

Could be weeks, could be months.

But we will be back.

But Foerstel won't have that element of surprise.

It will be a fair fight.


I can't live like this.

Not anymore.

One way or another, this investigation ends today.

- You wanna unseal the proceedings?

- Yes.

- May I ask why?

- Does it matter?

If you expect a quid pro quo, it does.

There won't be one.

I won't limit the scope of the subpoena simply because you agree to make your testimony public.

I'm not asking you to limit the scope of anything.

The subpoena, the bounds of decency.

Nor your ambition.

- I don't know what you think I did here.

- Oh, we both know what you did.

The question now is what you're going to do.

Consider the proceedings unsealed.

Thank you.

How you doing?

There's a line of Scripture I keep repeating.

"I will lift up my hand to the nations." "And your daughters shall be carried on their shoulders." Isaiah.

It's about salvation.

I'm interested in the part about saving daughters.

Are you devout?


Nine years of Catholic school.

But I never...

I never saw God there.

- I'm sorry.

- Don't be.

I see God in other places.

Like in a mother's love.

The doctor needs us.

Grace has been through a lot.

We had to repair her pulmonary valve as well.

She's gonna come through it.

- Would you like to see your daughter?

- Yes, please!

Get me the president.



Baby Grace made it through surgery.

And she's well.

And none of her mother's beliefs were compromised.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Mr. Sheridan, I kept my word.

- I need you to keep yours.

- Sir?

I need you and your people to get out of there now.

- Yes, sir.

- Thank you.

It's been two hours since First Lady Alex Kirkman appeared at FBI Headquarters in response to a subpoena regarding the ongoing Icarus investigation.

- Mike, gonna need the motorcade.

- Sir?

I want to go to the hospital, see that little baby.

Yes, sir.

Merry Christmas, sir.

Merry Christmas, Mike.

...First Lady's mother accepted a bribe in exchange for privileged...

We don't want to sing that song.

Why not?

I gave you the music.

You can read music, right?

Yes, but it's not a holiday song.


No one wants to listen to you, okay?


So it's either my song or the door.

What's it gonna be?

And a one, two, three, four.

♪ Looking from a window above It's like a story...

♪ Stop!

You're coming in a little hot there, Freckles.

Find your level.

And you...

You're pretty good.

Keep it up.

And a one, two, three, four.

Thank you for appearing, Mrs. Kirkman.

You are here in response to a subpoena issued by my office in connection with an investigation into Icarus Astrotech, correct?

That is correct.

You understand there are no restrictions as to the confidentiality of your testimony, - which will be public record.

- Yes, I do.

Do you wish to invoke your Fifth Amendment rights?

No, I do not.


Well, let's begin.

This is Exhibit A.

Point of procedure, Mr. Director.

Mrs. Kirkman would like to read a statement into the public record.

Not necessary.

She'll have ample opportunity to speak in response to my questions.

For the record, you are refusing the First Lady's request?

Go right ahead, Mrs. Kirkman.

Thank you.

Based on an investigation which was spurred by a document uploaded by the mass m*rder*r Patrick Lloyd, which pertained to my father's heart transplant 30 years ago, the FBI has now been investigating me and my family for almost three months.

To date, that investigation has spawned numerous document requests and interrogatories.

A subpoena to my 70-year-old mother, which was quashed and a subpoena to me.

Excuse me, Mrs. Kirkman, your opinion on this investigation has no relevance as to its merits.

- Can my client continue?

- No.

She can answer my questions.

Let the record reflect that Director Foerstel refused to let Mrs. Kirkman finish her statement.

Please finish up, Mrs. Kirkman.


That investigation has involved 34 FBI employees at a cost of $16 million...

- Where did you get this information?

- An FOIA request.

If it's inaccurate, we're happy to amend the record.

- Your statement is now concluded.

- Almost.


At the inception of this investigation, Director Foerstel formed an exploratory committee for a senate bid.

Turn the recorder off.

He also formed a political action committee.

You heard me.

Turn it off!

- Hey.

- Hey.

We got the plates back from the suspect's car, the guy who met with Damian.

Why didn't Chuck just give me this directly?

He thought it best you hear it from me.

He was right.

The car comes back to the Russian embassy.

The driver was Oleg Pushkin.

He's an attaché there.

He's also FSB.

And it's not the first time he's met with Damian.

I think you know where I'm going with this.

Damian is MI6.


He may have turned.

We never found a connection between Patrick Lloyd and Russia.

Meaning whatever interest Russia could have in thwarting the Icarus investigation that Lloyd started is a mystery.

Maybe Russia's just taking advantage of the situation.

Destabilize our government by making us chase our tail.

Or maybe we're missing something.

No, maybe I miss something.

I'm gonna bring Damian in and find out.


if this guy is who we think he is, he's beyond dangerous.

That may be true, Aaron, but no one is more dangerous than I am right now.

This is my mess.

I will clean it up.

All right.

Put your team together.

So what is this big surprise?

That I know.

Know what?

About the warehouse fire.

Alfonso Lang.

Oleg Pushkin.

- I don't understand.

- Yes, you do.


Let's start from the top.

I saved you from that warehouse fire.

After you set it.

I trusted you.

I really trusted you, and you lied to me about everything.

I didn't lie.

Turn around.

Middle of a bridge.

That's smart.

- Nowhere for me to go, right?

- I know where you're going.

- You're gonna be there a long time.

- Hannah.

Turn around and put your hands on your head.

I need to show you something.

It'll explain everything.

I just need to reach into my pocket, okay?

- You reach for anything, you're dead.

- I have to, Hannah.


Hello, Tom Kirkman's voicemail.

This is Tom Kirkman's wife, who is no longer the subject or target of a federal investigation.

I beat it.

We beat it.

And the only thing I wanna say to you is I love you.