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11x03 - Atonement

Posted: 12/19/20 07:30
by bunniefuu
In the Suffolk County offices about a certain birth certificate.

It'll be on the websites tonight.

They know who you are.

The secret is out.

Ma, I'm-I'm still a Hill.



As the most ancient of this clan, you're welcome here any time, but we also respect what distance you may want to keep.

And I say that with love.

Not for nothing, but it can come in handy if you're ever in a bind.

You know, you can say, "Let me run this by my grandfather.

He's the police commissioner." Which you've done how many times now?

It's really more so just knowing that you've got the card in your wallet.

- Uh-huh.

- I feel like this is some sort of karma.

Like I just brought this on from worrying, selfishly worrying.


World don't work that way, if you're asking me.


You'd be amazed how quick a story like this'll blow over.

By this time next Sunday, it'll be a giant nothing burger.

- By Tuesday morning.

- Yeah, a few people will yak about it for a few hours, and then it'll be done.

Can I make this about me for a minute?

When I married Jamie, I took the name, and at the end of the day, it hasn't helped, hasn't hurt.

Plus, she comes from a long line of felons.

One felon.

- That we know of.

- You, too?

It was more of a relief, really, when she took the name.

- Tough crowd.

- Sure is.

Uh, everyone...


Thank you.

It's all good.

It really is.

It is what it is, I guess.

It's all good.

A package just came for you, and I put it on your table.

- Okay.

Thank you, Annie.

- You're welcome.


Christmas present from Nicky?

Not wrapped like that.

Well, hey, is-is there a name there or a card?

Uh, not that I see.

You know, it probably already went through X-ray downstairs, but maybe I should open it, just to be safe.


You never know.



What the hell?

Is that...?

Dominic Reina.

Looks like, uh, ledgers from his gambling ring, overseas wire transfer receipts.


You don't think they're real?

How long have we been trying to nail this guy?

Now the whole case just shows up on our table, literally gift-wrapped?

Maybe someone's trying to stage a takeover.

Or eliminate the competition.

Any idea who?

Unfortunately, yes.

Donnie Hassett.

I told you, you so much as put a toe over the line, I would throw you back in jail without a second thought.

I'm clean.

Nothing but minding my own business since I got out.


Then why are you sending us Dominic Reina on a silver platter?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Come on.

The way the evidence was packaged, the note...

It's got your stink all over it.

Whatever it is you received, it clearly came from a good Samaritan, which ain't me.

This guy's funnier than I remember.

I don't know how you did it, and I don't know what your play is, but if you think you're gonna use us to force Reina out, you got another think coming.

Detective Reagan?

This young lady says she knows you?

My name is Liz Diaz, and I said my aunt's friend knows him.

Why don't you people listen?

Have fun.

Who's your aunt's friend?

Molly Chavez.

Yeah, Molly's a friend of mine.

Sit down.

How can I help you?

My grandfather...

He was m*rder*d.

He was mugged, thrown down some stairs, hit his head and died.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Did-did you see it?

Do you want to see it, too?

My God.

When did this happen?

Five days ago.

He was in a coma.

He just passed away yesterday.

Five days ago.

Why didn't you report this then?

I did, but like I said, you people don't listen.

Okay, wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Take it easy.

What do you mean, "you people"?

Who didn't listen to you?

The sergeant at the precinct I went to said he probably took the fall on his own.

That's why I went and found the video.

Okay, did this sergeant take a report?


What precinct was it?

And if you can remember, what was the sergeant's name?

He had the same last name as you.


- Hey.

- Hey.

You have a young Latina woman come in the other night?

A Liz Diaz?

Uh, hard to say.

We've been pretty slammed.

Well, she would've mentioned her grandfather.


She said someone pushed him down the stairs.

I asked her how she knew and she said God told her.

She said that?

God told her?

Yeah, that was my reaction exactly.

How come you're asking about her?

Well, I'm asking about her because her grandfather died.

Think someone pushed him?

I know someone pushed him.

She brought in video evidence.

I didn't even take the report.

No, you didn't.

Is there anything else she said that you'd remember?


I turned her away pretty quickly.

- Son of a bitch.

- Don't beat yourself up over it.


It happens.

I lost us the jump on this one.

The first , Danny.

It's a homicide.

Yeah, well, going down a rabbit hole is not gonna help, okay?

We'll find the guy.


Recruitment is down %, losses to early retirement up about the same amount.

Not to mention enrollment in the academy.

% lower year to year.

Any good news?

Well, hopefully there's more Reagans out there we don't know about.

I'm kidding.

Too soon?

Just the one.

Uh, when were you gonna tell us?

He was waiting for Joe to come forward on his own time.


You knew about this, too?


Come on, guys.

She figured it out on her own.

I'll just say, I would maybe have run the victory lap differently had I known.

Well, you're right.

In hindsight, I should have told you, but that horse is out of the barn.

How'd he take it?

Uh, he seemed okay.


Truth is, I don't really know my grandson well enough to know how he feels.

Boss, listen, we call this what it is.

Joe Hill was already a hero cop, and now he's a Reagan, too.

Sid's right, this will play well.

Among some people.

Don't worry about the negative spin out there.

That's my job.

I don't mean just out there.

You thinking he's gonna take crap from within the department?

And you don't?

He's a decorated cop.

No way.

Come on.

You were Danny's CO.

Okay, he got some tough love being a Reagan.

Including from me.

It's a lot to put on a young guy who's already had his world turned upside down once this year.

You think he's up for it?

For me?

That's unknowable.

Reagan, my office.

What is it, boss?

And past boss?

What are you doing here?

Thought I'd drop by, download Lieutenant Gee on wrangling Danny Reagan.

So you came by to slander my name.

Nice to see you, too.

You're gonna wish you hadn't, though.

Why is that?

'Cause you're off the Diaz case.

I'm off the Diaz case?

I just started running with the Diaz case.


- You got a conflict of interest.

- Uh, what is that?

Your brother.

My brother's not even working this thing, I mean, not really.

The Borough Investigation Unit is looking at him at the way he handled the complainant.

They're investigating my brother, the saint?

He reported himself to his CO.

He did what?

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Pass off whatever you got to Byrne and Kelly.

Appreciate you showing up, Mr.


I heard you might charge me with something.

Call me curious.

We have enough to get you on money laundering and racketeering.

Adds up to more years than you got left.

I'll take the over-under.

You're awfully sure you're gonna walk.

Because my client is innocent.



What do you think you know?

You're an informant for the FBI.

That's why this office could never touch you.

You two are smarter than you look, huh?

So what?

So you're old.

Tell us who's next in line to run the family.

I'm still top dog.

In name only.

You're practically retired.

Tell us who you groomed to run the family, or I promise you will never see the outside of a prison again.

- That's an empty threat.

- Is it?

As you said, my client is protected.

We'll still put him away.

Feds or no Feds, these charges will stick.

Johnny Deangelo.

But I'm only telling you that because he took the family legit.

Let me guess, Dominic, importing olive oil?

That's all I'm gonna say.

We're gonna need more than that.

Why the hell do you always have to be such a Boy Scout?

- What are you talking about?

- You reported yourself?

Yeah, I had to, according to protocol, Danny.

Our job is to solve crimes, not to tie our own hands behind our backs.

What do you care what I do, anyway?

If I report myself, it's got nothing to do with you.

Of course it does.

My boss just pulled me off the case because you reported yourself.

Now it's a conflict of interest, for me.

Who's on it now?

Byrne and Kelly.

They any good?

No, they're average at best.

Fortunately, they owe me a favor, so...

No, I... look, I don't want any part of this.

- I'll just take my lumps, all right?

- All we got to do is solve this thing before Lieutenant Gee finds out we're still on the case.

What are you thinking?

Well, Liz said it was God that let her know about the m*rder.

- Yeah.

- Well, obviously that's a load of crap, but something did...

We just got to find out what.

- Or who.

- Exactly.

The thing is, why go to all the trouble to get the surveillance tape if you're gonna just protect the m*rder*r anyway?

Well, that's what we have to figure out.

That is, unless you fire yourself before we even get to.

This conversation never happened.

You ever think what Gee will do if he catches us?

If Lieutenant Gee catches us, I'll take the heat.

This was my idea.

What are you gonna do?

Like hell you will.

I want to make this right for Jamie, too.

Well, then we'll both take the heat.

- Mrs. Diaz?

- Yes?

Detective Reagan, my partner Detective Baez.

We'd like to speak to Liz.

Is she home?

Come on.

Detectives, what are you doing here?

We're just checking in.

Excuse me.

He okay?

My brother Andy?

He's taking it really hard.

Again, we're sorry for your loss.

Your family religious?


My family, too.

Though, God never really speaks to us directly.

I'm sorry, I don't follow.

Well, that's what you told the sergeant, right?

That God spoke to you and told you that your grandpa was m*rder*d.

Well, God didn't speak to me directly.

I prayed on it and the thought came to my head.


Lucky you.

I wish we could solve crimes that way.

Well, maybe we should hire her.

I'm telling the truth.

No, you're not.

And whoever you're protecting, you shouldn't be protecting because they k*lled your grandfather.

They didn't!

Who's M.G.?

No one.

When I was in high school, I fell in love with this guy, Theo.

And I would have done anything to protect him.

Including lie to the cops.

If they didn't have anything to do with the robbery, then they wouldn't be in any trouble.

I swear, he didn't hurt anyone.

Then he's got nothing to worry about.

His name's Marcus.

What's the story with Marcus?

He joined up with a g*ng a while ago.

The Dead Twins.

The night my grandfather was jumped was their initiation night.

And what was the initiation?

Rob people, collect a few wallets?

The bigger the score, the bigger the cred.


Grandpa had an old Rolex he always wore.

I figured it wasn't a coincidence.

You're sure Marcus didn't have anything to do with it?

I know he didn't.

He knew your grandfather had a nice watch.

Well, yeah...

We're gonna need to speak to this Marcus.

Please, he's a good guy.

If he's a good guy, he has nothing to worry about, right?

We're gonna need you to tell us where we can find him.


Thanks for seeing me on such short notice.

What do you want?

I've got more information for you.

Oh, so now he admits he gave us that box of evidence?

Keep it down, I'm not trying to paint a target on my back.

Yeah, well, we don't need any more from you.

I'm trying to help you guys.

We don't need your help.


Even if it's not about Reina this time?

What are you talking about?

You want to bring down the whole family, right?

Not just the old man they put out to pasture?

What do you think you know?

Not what.

More like who.

Johnny Deangelo.

The real capo di tutti capi. Oh, come on, this can't be a surprise to you guys.

And I got what I came for.

What just happened?

I think we just gave him Deangelo.

How long you been seeing Liz?

- Uh, about a year.

- Mm-hmm.

About a year.

She tells me you and her grandpa were pretty close.

He used to take us to the Mets games.

Mets games, huh?

I love the Mets.

Must've been pretty tough for you to see what happened to him then, huh?

You know, she told me about the g*ng initiations, the robberies.

What, you gonna lock me up?

Not unless you had something to do with it.

I didn't.

I swear.

But somebody in the Dead Twins did, right?

- Man, I don't know.

- Come on.

I'm trying to help your girlfriend here.

All right?

Tell me what the hell happened that night.

New members went out to snatch wallets, bikes, you know, small stuff.

And the vets witnessed them, that's it.

You tell anybody about Mr.

Diaz's watch?

- No way.

- Nobody?


You didn't tip anybody off?

Not even by accident?


I'd never.

He was a G.

I loved him.

We all did.

You said the vets witnessed what happened.

That include you?


So what did you see?


- Nothing.

- Nothing?

So you're upset at seeing what happened to him, but you saw nothing?

So maybe it was you who did this to Mr.

Diaz, huh?

I think I want a lawyer.

Everything okay?


Can't I just have a nice lunch with my daughter?

You can...

right after you tell me what's bothering you.

As a family trait, we wrestle our demons in private.

That's the instinct...

Not to be a burden.

I saw you wrestling from the door.

Well, you've known me all your life.

You know my tells and I know yours.


we don't know Joe's.

What are we in danger of here?

I don't know.

And I think that's what bothers me the most.

Have you talked with him?

Not since dinner.

Well, no news can sometimes be good news.

Until it's not.

He wanted to keep it secret.

He told you that?


You can't always get what you want, as the song goes.

He liked being a hero.

I thought he got sick of the spotlight fast.

Uh, that's not exactly right.

He got the jitters that the spotlight might lead to...

Well, what it did lead to.

Where are you going with this?

He... loved the attention he got, jumping in front of that van.

The rush.

The praise.

Most cops do.

Most cops don't have something to prove the way he does now.

So, you think what?

That he's gonna go looking for other chances to be a hero?

That's unknowable.

But I do know it's a dangerous game.

A wise man once said...

Better not be me.

Who said it was you?

A wise man once said...

There is no sense in rehearsing for tragedy.

Taking your own advice is highly overrated.

What happened?

Johnny Deangelo was out walking his dog.

Got a b*llet to the back of his head.

Any cameras, any witnesses?

They're still out canvassing; Doesn't look good.

This is on us, Anthony.

No, this is on Hassett.


We confirmed Deangelo to him.

It's the gold standard of ID'ing a guy.

The DA's office says so.

It's a dead mobster.

It's an act of community service if you look at it right.

So what you want to do?

Our own act of community service.

Hey, Danny.

How you doing, Eddie?


Am I interrupting?

Oh, no, no, no.

Come in.

You want some brownies?

No, no.

Actually, I just needed a word with my brother.


I'll give you guys some privacy.


You, uh, heard anything on your case?

Not yet.

We believe our guy is a member of a g*ng called the Dead Twins.

What are you doing?

Updating you on your case.

It's not my case.

Come on, I saw the way your eyes lit up when I told you how we could work this.

Yeah, well, I don't need your charity, and we don't work well together anyway.

Well, that I would agree with.

Look, you know I'm under investigation.

I can't be involved, Danny.

And you know that Baez and I are putting our asses on the line for you here.

Yeah, well, I didn't ask you to do that.

You know, a thank you would be nice.




- What do you got?

- Three kings, ace high.

Come on.

- Yeah...

- All right, all right.

Hurry it up, hurry it up.

The game's over at : , okay?

Some of us actually have to work in the morning.

Fine by me.

Some of us?

What does that mean?

Oh, you didn't hear?

The golden boy got himself another rip.

No shop talk at the card table.

It's like the guy's going for a new world record or something.

- Truce, all right?

- For tonight.


- Hey!

- In here!

You're late.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.


What happened?

It's nothing.

Doesn't look like nothing.

You all right?


Thought about not coming, but I figured you guys would find out eventually anyway.

Uh, I got in a fight back at my command.

You get a rip?

They're offering me three days.


Reagans are dropping like flies, aren't we?

- Yeah.

- Thank you.

So what really happened to lead to this happening?

Some of the guys were pissed that I was hiding a connection to One PP this whole time.

Made it out like I was pulling a fast one on them.

Then they started going in on you guys, and...

...I lost it.

Did you win?

I survived.

You don't need to fight our battles, Joe.

This is my battle.

They made me out to be some kind of fox in a henhouse.

Well, I'm sorry it happened.

It's not your fault.

You ever had a beef with these guys prior?


And please don't go looking to ID them, okay?

I won't.

Never crossed my mind.

He won't.

This time.

I might.


You fight one of us, you fight all of us.

He won't.

There's gonna be more crap to take, but it'll get easier.



How did you guys deal with it?

Well, in Jamie's case, he would just call his older brother Danny to the rescue.

Yeah, and he'd be - .


You do the only thing you can do: Ignore the BS.

Yeah, I got it when Pop was PC.

We all have.

Your dad.

All of us had to prove we weren't born with shields and stripes.

Just keep your head down.

Work hard and, uh, that'll shut them up.

I've always kept my head down.


And now it feels like I got eyes on me from all sides, all the time.

Maybe take up kickboxing?

Yeah, get some pepper spray.

Buy the next round of drinks once a week.

It's hard enough being a cop these days as it is.

Being a, like, Kennedy of cops...

...doesn't make it any easier.

Well, we can wallow in self-pity, or we can play.

Full disclosure, I'm barred from the poker table at three Atlantic City casinos for winning so much.

- That's okay.

- Really?

'Cause the name of the game here is Go Fish.

I'm sure you're aware that Johnny Deangelo was m*rder*d yesterday.

Rest his soul.

That's all you got?

It's an occupational hazard, pal.

You know that going in.

You don't worry you could be next?

Could be me, could be the next guy, yeah, yeah.

Tell me... did Hassett find out that Deangelo was the new boss?

He tricked you, didn't he?

I think what's important here is that we get Hassett for m*rder,

- and you're going to help us.

- Sure thing.

You got your methods, I got my methods.

Don't even start with that eye for an eye crap, Dominic.

It's just an offer to help you clean up your own mess.

Uh, Mr.

Reina is speaking figuratively here.

Oh, yeah.

Figuratively, of course.

I will literally put you in jail if you try to take matters into your own hands.

She's tough.

My client has been nothing but cooperative so far.

And he will continue to be cooperative if he knows what's good for him.

Or what?

Or I'll put conspiracy on top of the other charges.

I'll call my people off.


Check the dumpster by, uh, Manzarelli's there on Newman Street, eh?

You'll find what you're looking for.

Forgot to bring that to you at poker night.

You were on the right track.


But let's talk somewhere else.

Come on.

These high school kids, they live half their lives on social media, right?

Yeah, I know, but I checked all the Dead Twins' social media accounts.

There's nothing there.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too, until I looked at Marcus's gamertags, and I found one linked to a different social media account.

All these Dead Twins, they've got separate pages under aliases.

Did you find anything interesting on them?

I think they just use these pages to boast about the crimes they pull.

Okay, well, did one of them brag about robbing an old man for his Rolex?


But one of the newer guys has the same last name as the vic.


Not Andy Diaz, Liz's brother?

I think maybe Liz's boyfriend pulled him in?

I don't know.

Son of a bitch.

That would explain why he was so distraught when I went to her place.

You don't think he's just in mourning?

Well, he might have been in mourning, but he might have been feeling guilty for setting the old man up.

Either way we got to find out.



- you, uh, remember my brother Jamie.

- Lieutenant.

You do know I wasn't born yesterday, right?

What do you mean?

I know you're still working the Diaz case.

I'll give you hours.

Well, you heard him.

I got hours, my partner's in court.

You want to tag along?

Come on, you can make right on this.

Come on, just tell us where he is.

I don't know.

I haven't seen him since this morning.

You have no idea where he is?


What's he doing here?

I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before, Liz, but we need to find your brother.

What do you want with him anyway?

We just want to talk to him, okay?

That's all.

You think he's involved with my grandpa's m*rder?

- No.

- Are you crazy?

We're not saying he's involved in anything, we just need to talk to him.

Then what are you saying?

We just need to make sure he's safe, Liz.

That's it.


My mom makes us share our location.

What is it?

That's weird.

What's weird?

It says he's here.

He's here in the apartment?

- No.

- You check the rooms?

Whole house.

What about the roof?

You check the roof, I'll check downstairs.

You sit right there.



You the cops?


It was an accident.

I believe you.

I didn't even want to join up.

I really didn't.

I believe that, too.



- Stop!

- Hey.

Hey, hey.

Hey, hey.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Andy, wait.

I thought it'd be easier to just grab Grandpa's watch than mugging a stranger, I didn't...

I didn't think he would fight back.

Why don't you just come down off the ledge so we can talk about it.

But I k*lled him.

I k*lled him.

Don't you get it?

I k*lled him!

It was an accident.

You said so yourself.

I can't live with that.


Andy, your family loves you.

Your grandfather loved you.

This is the last thing that he would've wanted.

You can still live a life that he would be proud of.

Just give me your hand.


It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

You did the right thing.

Well, I gotta tell you, the old man came through.

Give me some good news.

There was a g*n in that dumpster.

They got Hassett's prints off it and the ballistics match the b*llet in DeAngelo's head.

- How did Reina know?

- My guess is he's been running a tail on Hassett since he first moved against him.

And Hassett was still able to get to their boss?


He's good at what he does.

Well, so are we.

So what's the play?

What's the main focus that Hassett has had from the beginning?

Eliminate competition.

That's right.

And there's one left.

And Reina's on his way up.

So you're gonna put him under protection.

But not the way you think.

Hey, boss.

You want me to wait?

Nah, I'm gonna call it a night, kid.

See ya tomorrow.

Know what I hate?

Whacking a guy back of the head.

He don't know who hit him.

Not satisfying.

Screw you.

Say my name.


Donnie what?

Donnie, uh...


Don't move!

Drop your w*apon!

Drop your w*apon!

Move, move, move!

Drop it now!

Put your hands behind your head!

You took your time.

Donnie Douchebag.

I like that.

I was just gonna scare him a little, that's all.

You can't get me for more than intimidation.

We're not the least bit intimidated by you.

And we're charging you with m*rder one.

Friend or foe?


Come on.

Hope my security detail didn't hassle you.

I told 'em you were coming.

Uh, I never even saw them.

You're not supposed to.

Hope you got room in the fridge.

What do you got?

Well, I didn't want to be the only person in Reagan history who didn't contribute to family dinner.

So I made a trip out to Razzano's in Glen Cove.

Sweet sopressata, hot sopressata, ...prosciutto di Parma...

eggplant rollatini...

Real mortadella.


Look at this.

Fresh mozzarella.

It's still warm.

It's Saturday.

Dinner's on Sunday.


I know.

Why the extra trip?

Thing is, um...

I'm not sure that I'm gonna make it tomorrow.


What about work on Monday?

Doesn't look good.

I just need some time.

I just need to think these things through.

I mean, shopping for this food was the first time in weeks that I've been able to just make a choice without it feeling impossible.

You file for a leave?

Late yesterday, yeah.

I was really looking forward to meeting Nicky and Jack.

They around?

They don't get in till tomorrow.


See, they were coming straight here from the airport for dinner, if you...

I'll try, yeah.

Only if it works.

I'd have to move some things around.


I really wouldn't want to miss them.

I'll-I'll try to make it work.

They'd love that.



Thanks for the grub.

My pleasure.

Pop, did you make all this?

No, Joe brought it.

It comes from a place called Razzano's, out on Long Island.

Looks so good I don't know where to start.

- Yeah.

- I know.

I call dibs on the meatballs.

I love coming home for Christmas.

Feels like being a kid again.

Not to mention we have a new cousin this year.

I can't wait to meet him.

You guys are gonna love him.

He's the best.

One down, one to go.


Where's Joe?

I'm not sure he's gonna make it.

Wait, he's not coming?

He had to go out of town.

He had to go out of town, where?

I'm not sure he said.

He called you just now, Dad?

No, he gave me a heads-up when he brought the food yesterday that...

he might have a conflict.

And did he say how long this conflict may last?



...he filed for a leave.

So I guess we screwed up giving him the pep talk.

Do you think he's gonna come back?

I don't know.

I do know he's got a lot of thinking to do.

Why didn't he at least stay around for dinner?

I know a part of him wanted to.

He probably had enough attention this week already.

I was just really looking forward to meeting him.

Me, too.

I know.

You guys don't think that he's, uh, trying to run away from us, do you?

No, of course not.

It's not like he's gone for good, either.

Maybe he just needed to get away, you know?

Yeah, name one person that didn't need some space from their family at some point.


- Ring a bell?

- What?

Ooh, there's a lot of distance between here and San Francisco.

Your Uncle Danny went all the way to Fallujah.

Yeah, that was a little different than this, but...

point taken.

Look, if that's what he needs, so be it.

Maybe you and Jack, while you're in town, can get in the car or hop a train and go say hey.

Do you know where he is?

I do not.

But I have a sense that he will be in touch.

It's almost Christmas, and we are family.