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01x05 - A Good Day to Die

Posted: 12/17/20 16:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Big Sky"...

RONALD: We lost one.

The young one somehow got loose.


Please, help!

You need to help.

I'm being chased.


TUBB: I can't be souring my relationship with a state trooper on a hunch.

Give me so much as a hint of evidence that Rick Legarski's involved.

DENISE: You're gonna plant a tracker at the sheriff's office in broad daylight?

JENNY: Time is not on our side.

If it is Legarski, we need to see where he goes.



Someone's here.

I feel we're close.



Where were you, Merrilee?

MERRILEE: I was dancing, Rick.

Remember the concept?

Dancing with who?

MERRILEE: Customer from work.

LEGARSKI: And what comes around tends to go around.

(stairs creaking)

♪♪ Mm.

♪♪ What are you doing?

♪♪ Rick, you're kind of scaring me.

♪♪ The idea of you dancing with another man...'s enough to make me lose my mind.

♪♪ I drove you to that dance.

I neglected you.

You deserve better.

Well, things are gonna change, my darling (chuckles lightly)

Starting right now.

I'm gonna take down that TV and put up that Rockwell print you love.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna wrap up a few items, turn over a new leaf, that's what -- a brand-new leaf.

♪♪ By chance, was it Trini Lopez you were dancing to?


Had to ask.


That would have been dramatic irony.

A brand-new leaf.

♪♪ Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, we're doing all we can, I promise you.

We've pulled in every state and federal agency we've got.

Everybody's working.

What about a reward for information?

-Would that help?

-Yeah, we've set up a state hotline that pays for information, had a few tips.

Nothing's panned out yet, but most of the time, I find we get our best stuff from citizens who are just trying to be helpful.

So, you still don't know where they are or who took them?

No, sir.

But you have my word that I will personally investigate every lead, every possibility.

ROBERT: Just find them.

I'm begging you.

DANIELLE, GRACE, JERRIE: I know I stand in line ♪

♪ Until you think you have the time ♪

♪ To spend an evening with me ♪

♪ And if we go someplace to dance ♪

♪ I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me ♪

♪ And afterwards, we drop into a quiet little place ♪

♪ And have a drink or two ♪

♪ And then I go and spoil it all ♪

♪ By saying something stupid like "I love you" ♪

GRACE: We're actually good.


We are.

Your father taught you that?

Yeah, he -- he would teach us all kinds of songs.

I keep thinking how freaked out they must be, Mom and Dad.

(lock disengages, keys jingling)

(door creaks)

♪♪ How's the leg?

Still pus-y.

Maybe you can suck on it.

You have an evil mouth.

I realize that's cool.

To be disrespectful, to be unkind.

Have you stopped to consider that it was your unkindness that got you here?


-RONALD: Calling me a loser?

This all began with your youthful disdain.

It didn't begin that way with me.

No, it didn't.

Your issues are quite different.

DANIELLE: Is that why you've come this time?

To lecture us on kindness, you psycho?

(chains rattle)

I know what pissed you off.

You probably got called a loser by some high-school girl.

Maybe all of them.


And it triggered you.

I probably represent all of the pretty girls who couldn't even be bothered to look at you.

And if they did, they'd just laugh, call you a freak.

GRACE: Danielle.


He needs to hear this.

We're the object of your hate because you've been the object of nothing but hate and ridicule your entire pathetic, little dickless life.

♪♪ You want to beat the crap out of me?

(chains scrape)


Do it.

But at least take these chains off first.

Or maybe you're afraid that I would beat the crap out of you.

Maybe you'd be no match for this pretty high-school girl with nice hair.

How pathetic is that?

♪♪ (chains rattle)

(taser powers up)

♪♪ That was a wonderful try.

I thought she was the clever one.




I've come to give you a little bit of good news.

Today's the first day of the rest of your life.

Isn't that lovely?

(door squeaks, closes)

(chains rattle)

I don't know what he means by that, but I doubt it's good.


What was that?


'Cause that seems to be where we're at.

(flashlight clicks)

♪♪ (cellphone clicks, dials)

(beep, line ringing)


Somebody's been here.

♪♪ I sincerely hope this is your imagination.

There's two sets of tire tracks.

This one's my truck.

This one is not.


From the tread, it's another truck, probably a pickup.

Could be random.

There's a bunch of broken milk bottles, too.

Whoever it is looked inside.

Anything taken?

Not that I could see.

Could be somebody just got lost.

Or it could be somebody came looking.

How would they know to look here?

Well, you said this Cassie Dewell suspects you.

And the wife.

Maybe they followed you here.


Nobody can follow anybody on these roads without being noticed.

Well, somebody's been here.

If not Cassie, then who?

The walls are closing in 'cause you took those teenagers!

Or maybe because you k*lled a cop!

(breathes deeply)

I'm gonna move up the pickup, get rid of these girls.

But first we're gonna need to deal with this other.

What other?

Cassie Dewell.

And Jenny Hoyt, too.

I worked with this police dog, a bloodhound.

She could track anything.

She'd pick up a scent -- relentless.

They remind me of that dog.

They're not gonna quit.

Which means they need to be stopped.

♪♪ Did you know there's gonna be a new moon this weekend?

Maybe we could go camping.

You wanted to take me fly fishing, right?

What did you say?

KAI: Fly fishing?

♪♪ CODY: What the hell are you doing?

CASSIE: What do you mean, what am I doing?

Always fish near the bank first.

You cast all the way there, probably spooking the big hog sitting right under your feet.

Forget thinking across.

Think below.

Call the reservations, see if any of the missing indigenous girls spent time at truck stops.

Something just wasn't right about that farm.

So I had my dad call an old buddy of his who worked for the Bureau of Land Management.

Sent me this blueprint.

Look at that.

Underground space?

Built back in the '60s.

Guys, guys, look.

He's back.


He's back there right now.

This is it.

It's gotta be.

Let's go.

I'll drive.

(door opens)

"Bye, Denise."

♪♪ (thunder rumbling, rain falling)

♪♪ (siren chirps)

♪♪ WOMAN: What is it?

(radio chatter)

You just sit there quietly.

♪♪ Something wrong, Officer?

Operator's license, registration, and bill of lading.

But what did I do?

We'll get to that in a moment.

♪♪ RONALD: Here you go.

This your wife or girlfriend?

Just a friend.

What's your friend's name?


Do me a favor.

Step out of the truck.

Now, Mr. Pergman!

(thunder crashes, truck door opens, closes)

Mr. Pergman.


May I call you Ronald?

Yes, sir.

I've been watching you, Ronald.

You drive this road quite a bit.

This isn't the first time you've lost the battle to your compulsions, is it?

Don't lie to me, Ronald.

No, sir.

I can see that you were raised right, Ronald, but not very confident, are you?

You should be.

Men like us -- truckers, troopers -- we're the unsung American heroes.

But even men like us have lapses in judgment, don't we?

Sage, can you step down, please?

(vehicle door closes)

He was just giving me a lift, is all.

Look at her, Ronald.

She's an occasion for sin.

This woman does not represent the same America as you or I, does she?


And a man like you doesn't deserve to be punished for falling victim to the evil that Sage is selling.


♪♪ Now, it seems to me you got a choice.

I can bring you in, make a mess, let your friends and family find out about this little stain on your record.

Or you can help Sage.

Lift her up out of the gutter and set her on the road to a new life and keep other good men like you from falling trap.

You'd choose the latter, wouldn't you?

I believe I would.


(thunder crashes)

(line ringing)

TUBB: This is Tubb.

I'm texting you the coordinates of the Bureau of Land Management shed north of Yankee Jim.

Legarski's been there three times in the past 24 hours.

Cassie pulled the records, and there's a basement, some sort of underground space.

TUBB: Hang on.

How do you know Legarski's been there?

We put a GPS tracker on his cruiser.

-TUBB: Jenny!

-Uh, save us the lecture.

JENNY: If you could tell me one good reason why a state trooper would need to drive to this specific location in the middle of nowhere three times in one day, we'll stand down.

You know as well as I do that their chances of survival dwindle with every minute.

If they are there and you didn't go...

I'm on my way.

And if Legarski's not alone?

Then we'll have to be enough.

♪♪ You ever think, if we did get out somehow, anything you'd do different in your life?

I've kind of already made the biggest change.

(chuckles lightly)

My mind goes to...

spending more time with people, like my grandparents.

You're here because of me.


I just had to go see Justin.

I just had to pass that trucker.

I didn't get my car checked out.

And now you're here (voice breaking) because I'm so stupid.


That'll be on my tombstone -- I got my little sister k*lled.

Nobody's gonna die here.

♪♪ I'd go see my parents.

As much as they hate me, they love me.

♪♪ (sniffles)

And I-I miss them.


♪♪ This reminds me of when I was a deputy.

Except I would drive.

My partner liked riding shotgun.

You had a partner?

You sound surprised.

Just don't seem like the partnering type, is all.

Well, I am.


You wanna pull over and braid each other's hair, too?

We got a job to do.

Let's just do it.


Why did you leave the force?

Just wasn't for me.

Could have fooled me.

You're more of a cop than I am.

Must have been something bad to knock you off course.

I think justice looks different for different people.

Plenty of cowboys with badges.

I wanted mine to count for something.

I can't argue with that.

♪♪ Legarski's still here.

♪♪ (helicopter blades whirring)

-(siren wailing)

-Should we wait?

No, if we can hear it, so can he.

♪♪ (indistinct shouting)





-Move, move, move!

-Up here.

Come on.

(g*ns cock)

♪♪ OFFICER: Yeah, let's go.


-Let's go this way.

OFFICER #2: Let's go.

(chains clattering, door squeaks)

♪♪ (muffled whimpering)

(muffled screaming)

I know what you're gonna say.

-Not now.


Damn it!

-He must have moved them somewhere.

-JENNY: We weren't wrong.

Legarski knows where those girls are.

And Cody.

I know.

Okay, we're gonna find them.

We're gonna find all of them.

Legarski and whoever he's been working with have been one step ahead of us this whole time.

JENNY: Well, that ends right now.

We don't let up, not for a second.



Put 'em down.

Okay, listen, Rick.

What in God's name did they say to you?


Must have spun some hell of a story for you to SWAT me like this.

We were following a lead.

She's lost the plot, Walter!

You all have!

Cassie's got you all wound up.

Hey, how did you even know I was here?

They put a GPS tracker on your unit.

I beg your pardon?

What are you even looking at me for?

Putting that on somebody's car -- that is a crime!


You are revealing yourself to be an old, half-out-to-pasture sheriff without much of a clue.

That's not a good look, Walter.

You know what I am?

I am decorated.

I am a distinguished officer of the law.

And you think, what, that I have something to do with these missing girls?!

What were you doing out here, Rick?


Last time I checked, it's a free country.

Perks of being a state trooper is, I get to eat my tuna sandwich wherever I want to!

You should be ashamed of yourself, asking questions about me.

You ask questions about her, huh?


You know she quit the academy just a little bit before graduation?

-Did you know that?

-You know what, Rick?

She has an issue with law enforcement, a bias against the blue.

That's just my guess.

She's playing you like a fiddle.

♪♪ (muffled screaming)


(screaming continues)


Don't worry.

It won't be long now.

(footsteps ascending stairs)

(light switch clicks)

My, my, my.

You should have seen their faces.

I'd forfeit my pension just to see that look again.

Bunch of amateurs.

We're vulnerable here.

People pass by every day.

Just a couple of hours, and we're in the clear.

We bought ourselves much more than that.

After today, I am out of the kidnapping business.

(bottle opens)

Taking too much of a toll on me, on my wife, my marriage.

Merrilee went dancing last night.

What do you mean, she went dancing?

Some customer from the quilt shop.

Can you believe that?

Quilt customer?

Probably q*eer as a $2 bill.

How'd you find that out, that she went dancing?

She told me.

I mean, some kind of cry for help, best I can figure.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to try to improve, be a better man.

What else can I do?

She's all I got.

Kids are grown and gone.

Merrilee is...

I'm eroding, Ronald.

I can feel it.

I was always the biggest kid when I was a child.

It has an impact on how you grow up.

It made me feel so proud, being big.

Like I was singled out for something special.

Look at me now.

♪♪ I'm sorry I took the girls.

I got angry, and I made a mistake.

Two more hours, it's all in the rearview.


TUBB: You put me in a hell of a spot.

Opened up a huge can of worms.

Obviously, he found the GPS, then used it to cover his tracks to lure us in.

Yeah, and you fell for it and took me with you.

♪♪ Commander Sosa, I wasn't expecting you.

SOSA: When one of my troopers almost gets gunned down, I make it a point to find out what happened.

Who's handling the crime scene?

There is no crime scene.

There were crimes.

Brandishing a loaded w*apon, threatening a state trooper, stalking.

I'm...handling it.

It doesn't look like it.

This is between us.

Was I talking to you?

My officer nearly got his ticket punched today by his fellow lawmen, all because some washed-out ex-deputy with --


-I'm handling it.

You don't find his behavior odd?

♪♪ Both of you are under arrest for criminal stalking.

It was my idea.

It was all me.

You want to arrest someone?

Let's go.

Jenny Hoyt, you're under arrest for criminal stalking.

Jenny, you don't have to do this.

It's alright.

Let Denise know.

I'll be outta here in a couple of hours.

Tubb may be sheriff, but out there on the roads, those are my guys, and I will not stand for anyone endangering them on a whim.



♪ Maybe I left too many things unspoken ♪

♪ And I don't blame you ♪

♪ For the fact that you blame me ♪

♪ And I won't hate you ♪

♪ If you wanna forget me ♪

♪ And say it was all a cloud of smoke ♪


♪ And say it was nothing but a joke ♪


♪ Everything that you said about me was true ♪

♪ Just for the record, I really loved you ♪



♪ You laugh with your friends ♪

Drink some of this.

♪ When they talk about us ♪

♪ You agree with them ♪

♪ When they say I was never good enough ♪

I know you think you're like him.

-You're not.

-* For all that you needed ♪

♪ That I wasn't giving ♪


It's never too late for us to make a different choice.

♪ I guess it was easier to put it like this ♪

♪ And say it was all a cloud of smoke ♪

I think you were the kind of girl to share her snacks at school, sit by people who didn't have a friend.

♪ Everything that you said ♪

You should have never ended up here.

♪ About me is true ♪

I wish...

♪ Say it was nothing ♪

I wish...

♪ But a joke ♪

Just let us go.

♪ For everything that I did ♪

♪ I used every excuse ♪

♪ Just for the record, I really loved you ♪

I hope this is the right thing for you.

That you're safe.

But you know I'll never be safe again.

♪ Just for the record, I really loved you ♪

I'm sorry.

♪♪ All good?

RONALD: All good.

What happens to them?

Don't you start that now, you hear me?

This is done.

Like it never happened.

Why won't you tell me?

(clears throat)

Because you're weak, Ronald.

You're not equipped to handle these things.

So I'm doing the favor of handling it for both of us.

Uh, one last thing.

In conversation with the sheriff, seems Jenny Hoyt and Cassie Dewell are bearing down on the trucker connection.

Evidently they went to the very truck stop where you grabbed that lot lizard, looked at security footage, got license plates.

God knows you fit the profile.

I'm careful.

They've got nothing on me.

Well, be a good lad.

Make yourself scarce.

♪♪ And, remember, even if they don't have anything on you, doesn't mean you're in the clear.

♪♪ -Hey, Denise.

-Hey, I'm glad I caught you.

I was just about to go post bail.

The missing fisherman -- they discovered his truck.


Come here, come here.

I'll show you.

They found his truck here, less than 2 miles from here.


-Which is?

The storage shed.

Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.


We had him.

We're running out of time.

I can feel it.

What would Cody say?

Get in his head.


Get in his head.

Where are you going?

Let me know when you've got Jenny.

(door opens)

What kept you?

Your business associate?

I don't like you hovering.

I don't like what you're up to.

What am I up to?

I don't know, but I have a feeling it has something to do with your prurient urges and those missing teenagers.

You're a sexual pervert, aren't you, Ronald?



♪♪ Don't you ever call me that again.

♪♪ Yes.


It's off the state route.

You couldn't be more than 20 minutes away.

Yes, I'm ready.

-I appreciate -- -(line clicks)

♪♪ (sighs)

♪♪ (light switch clicks)

Don't you clean up nice.

We made it this far without having to k*ll you.

Let's not ruin it now.


This isn't the life for us.

-Me neither.

-I have an idea.

How 'bout you let them go?

Keep me.

And I-I can work for you.

I-I can make you more money over time than you'll probably make selling us.

Eliminate the middle man.

My, my, my, Fake Missy.


-You don't get me at all.

-Please, sir.



We're past that, don't you think?

Don't touch me.



Don't touch me!

-I don't want to hurt you.

-I'll bite your hand off!

-I don't want to hurt you.

-I'll bite -- I'll...

-GRACE: Get off of me!

-I don't want to hurt you.

-I will bite your hand off!

-I don't want to hurt you!

♪♪ Now stay still.

(door opens)

It's official.

I'm a stalker now.

I need to be on the road for a bit, and I figured I'd just come by to say hi and to tell you I had a -- a very nice time last night.

It was nice.

But not to be repeated.

Mitchell, I'm married.

My marriage, however challenged, is important.

So I'm not gonna go down this road.

Some secret friendships can be good for a marriage.

It's not happening.


That makes me sad, but we'll leave it at one dance, then.

Thank you.

It had meaning.

And I know that sounds silly to think a single encounter with another person can have impact, but I'll remember our dance.

As will I.

♪♪ Goodbye, Merrilee.

♪♪ (bell rings)


-You're welcome.



(bell rings, door closes)


My name's Cassie Dewell.

Have you heard of me?

Can't say that I have.

Should I have?

Have you heard of the two missing girls that disappeared in Yankee Jim Canyon?

My husband's a state trooper.

He's working on that case.

So am I, as a private detective.

I'm actually working with your husband, which is why I thought you might have heard him mention my name.

He doesn't talk about his cases much.

How's he seemed lately?

What's going on?

It's possible your husband might have something to do with their disappearance.


You must be joking.

Did he mention Cody Hoyt?

That's my partner.

He went to meet with your husband regarding the teenagers.

Then he disappeared.

Ms. Dewell, you are way off-track here.

You have no idea.

That's possible.

But sometimes it's the spouses who have no idea.

Has anything seemed out of the ordinary?

No, and I think you've worn out your welcome.

-He hasn't seemed erratic?

-I said no.

But if it gets you out of my shop, he's just the same as he's always been.

He's a creature of habit.

He eats at the same time and the same place every day.

Hell, you can set your watch to his bowel movements after.

So I can't help you.


♪♪ I'm sorry.

You're sorry?

You nearly k*lled me.

I'm under some stress.

My business associate.

I'm not sure I can trust him.

And I fear that he's leading me down a very bad path.

Have you got those girls, Ronald?

I see you glued to the reports.

It coincides with your urges.

He's got them.

And I fear he might incriminate me.

So I'm -- I'm under stress.

Who is this person?

I can't tell you that.

It would put you in danger.

And why not go to the police?

That's not an option.

I'll handle it, Mom.

I've got a plan.

(breathes deeply)

♪♪ (sighs)

♪♪ (cellphone rings)


You're out.

-Denise posted bail.

They gave me notice to appear.

Where are you?

Just came from seeing Merrilee.

Now I'm headed to The All In Bar.

-Where Cody was last?

-CASSIE: Yeah.

Something Merrilee said about Legarski being a creature of habit.

When Cody met him, he was having his breakfast at The All In Bar.

When I met him, he was doing the same, except for...

Today he was at the shed.


-JENNY: I'll meet you there.

♪♪ (cellphone rings)



All set.

All according to plan.

♪♪ Alright, ladies.

Your ride's here.

♪♪ LEGARSKI: (muffled)

Down here!

♪♪ (chuckles)

Cassie Dewell.

As I live and breathe.

You're like a dog with a bone, you know that?

Hands where I can see them.

-I'm sorry?

-You heard me.

First, you are trespassing.

-Again, I should say.


Second, you've drawn a w*apon on a Montana State Trooper, a decorated law-enforcement officer.

Hands in the air now.

Is that really what you want?

You forgot to add "Missy." But it's up to you.

Hands in the air, or I will sh**t you.

Well, I know they didn't teach you to say that at the academy because that gives me self-defense.

(muffled screaming)

Who's that?

Who's there?

Oh, it looks like the three girls who are missing.

That I just showed up to rescue.

They can hear everything you're saying, by the way, including you telling me you're going to sh**t me.

CASSIE: They're also proof that I've caught you in the middle of an ongoing kidnapping, and their lives are in danger, both of which give me every right to sh**t you right where you stand.

Put your hands behind your head and walk towards me.

See, my concern with coming closer is, you'll use it as an excuse to sh**t me.

Best you come down here.

Get down on the ground.


Better idea.

I'm going to reach for my w*apon slowly and use it to put you under arrest.



You just allowed somebody you consider to be a suspect to draw their w*apon.

Very disappointing.

I just came from Merrilee's quilt shop.

She seems like a nice lady.

Be a shame to make her a widow.


You seem to have a keen interest in the women I've married.

Your hand's shaking, by the way.

Can you see that?

My hand's solid as a rock.

You're the one shaking.

Put the g*n down!

Don't test me!

Tell you what.

I usually count to three, but I'm gonna let you hit from the ladies' tee.

I'm gonna count to five.

If you don't put your w*apon down by the count of five, one of three things will happen.

"A" -- I'll put my w*apon down.

"B" -- Raise it in the air like Alexander Hamilton.

"C" -- sh**t you.

My money's on "C." ♪♪

(breathes deeply)


-Drop the g*n.


-I'm not kidding!



(g*n clatters)

My, my, my.

♪♪ (muffled screaming)
