05x02 - Thief + Painting + Auction + Viro-486 + Justice

Episode transcripts for the TV show "MacGyver". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"MacGyver" centers around Angus "Mac" MacGyver, who creates a secret U.S. government organization where he uses his extraordinary talents for problem solving and his extensive knowledge of science to save lives. A reboot of the 1985–1992 ABC series of the same name.
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05x02 - Thief + Painting + Auction + Viro-486 + Justice

Post by bunniefuu »

MAN: Hello.

Let's get down to business, shall we?

You arranged a meeting so you could make a deal.


- My people are willing to pay...

- Your people?

You mean... the British government?

- You think I'm MI ?

- Of course, Ms. Meyers.

Did you think...

I wouldn't find out?


Look, I don't know who you've talked to, but I'm not SIS.

My boss is willing to pay a small fortune for that vial.

If we can't do business, then you can put that...

I'm afraid I can't let you go.

Do you really think you're gonna get away with this?

I think our conversation is over.


Well, if you don't mind, uh, we'd like to make a...

how do you say in English?


an instructional video for our real buyers.

A sort of how-to guide, with a bit of before and after.


(breathing heavily)



♪ ♪ (indistinct chatter nearby)

♪ (tires screeching)

(horns honking)

(tires screeching)

(horn honks)


(phone ringing)



(doorbell rings)

(doorbell rings)

(laptop beeping)

Her phone's in the house.

She's in there.

♪ (quietly): Riley, call her phone again.

(phone ringing)


What was that?

C- , armed with a mercury switch.

Move a muscle, it'll blow your hand off.

- I'm calling the cops.

- I wouldn't do that.

We own your phone.

Also, that hidden security camera in your speaker over there is being monitored as well.

Oh, and not to be a snob or anything, but a mercury switch has to be stable before it's activated, and the way you threw it in my hand would have blown this whole house up.

Sorry, I didn't know I was dealing with the Geek Squad.

And C- has a density of .

grams per cubic centimeter.

So, whatever's in my hand is far too heavy, meaning it's a...

My grandmother had this exact same one...

(pained groan)

Who are you?

I need you to come with me.

Give me one reason why I should listen to you.

How about $ million?

The estimated value of the Matisse painting you stole prior to retiring seven years ago.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Your name is Jess Miller.

Your parents died when you were six.

You were adopted by your grandparents, Edward and Anne.

You did a brief stint on the U.S. Olympics gymnastics team.

You placed eighth in the final event, and the loss forced you to hang up your tights and turn your attention to another career...

as a cat burglar.

You want me to go on?

Who the hell are you?

_ MATTY: Ms. Miller.

I see you met MacGyver and Riley.

I'm Matilda Webber.

- This is Desi.

- I'm Russ Taylor, owner of this operation.

- You're wondering why you're here.

- It's crossed my mind.

This photograph was taken eight years ago from a surveillance camera at Lancaster Oil.

A painting was stolen from the CEO's office, a Monet, worth approximately $ million.

Do you recognize this place?


How about this?

I'm not sure what this is about.

I'm a third grade teacher.

These photographs are all the authorities had to go on back then, 'cause no technology existed allowing them to see through the disguise.

So the investigation closed quickly.

RILEY: That was technology before.

But now... Pose Invariant Person Recognition allows us to I.D.

gait and body profile.

So, once we get that...

TAYLOR: Surprisingly calm for a -story fall.

I'd hate to see my face during a base jump.

If this is about taking me to court with this little magic trick, you'll have better luck winning the California State Lottery.

MATTY: Maybe, if we hadn't then run DNA from one of the unsolved crime scenes that fit your profile.

We got a match on a diamond theft from a TL- safe with a biometric scanner.

MacGYVER: You cracked that?

It's impressive.

- I want to call a lawyer.

- I'd find a good one if I were you.

See, what you don't know is that Lancaster Oil was a CIA front company.

You broke into a government facility, Ms. Miller.

You committed a crime against your country, and that's all the government will look at.

And I will make sure of that...

- personally.

- You're blackmailing me?

You have skills we need.

I'm retired.

I've had some...

- setbacks.

- Seven years ago.

Lifting jewelry from the penthouse of a six-story building, you miscalculated the height of the drop for your descender rig, shattering your left leg beyond repair.

Still stuck the landing, though.

Okay, how about we cut to the chase, okay?

Door number one has prison for the rest of your life.

Or door number two: accept the mission I'm offering you.

What's the job?

TAYLOR: About a month ago, a deadly anthrax-based bioweapon, code-named Viro- , was stolen from a chemical weapons facility in Libya.

It's so toxic that one drop, if properly mixed in the airstream, can k*ll anything in a -mile radius.

MATTY: As evidenced in a dark deployment two years ago.

TAYLOR: Civilian casualties were well over , .

Hannibal Teague, German diplomat suspected of brokering a deal to sell Viro- to an anti-American t*rror1st cell known as Black Sun.

Have we identified a target yet?

We have reason to believe it's the climate summit at the United Nations next month.

If Black Sun is successful, anything within a -mile radius will be affected.

million people dead.

Give or take.

How do you know this guy Teague has it?

All allied governments have been looking for this w*apon for the past months.

MI tracked it down to Teague's class TXTL- high security home safe.

Sent someone to retrieve it, and...

sadly, the agent failed.

We have reason to believe that Teague used her as a guinea pig to test the virus.

MATTY: Your job is to steal the bioweapon before Teague has a chance to make the transaction days from now.

You understand I can't do what I used to do.

TAYLOR: We're not asking you to.

You're going to teach Desi.

Whoa, wait.

Trying to train someone to do in under two weeks what took me years to learn is a bad idea...

it's a very bad idea.

Then let's not waste any more time and get to work.

Shall we?

(door opens)

BOZER: All right, right this way. Figured this would come in handy.


Teague's house is , square feet on five acres, two stories with a basement.

His office is on the second floor.

Well, what about the target?

I need box schematics.

As ordered.

Our intel says Teague keeps his safe inside of a vault hidden in the walls of his office.

A safe within a safe.


What kind of steel is the vault door?

Pressurized titanium outer seal.

Then it's German .

Six plates, one-and-a-half inch each.

All those plates, it's gonna have to be a burn job.

That'll be quick, right?

'Cause I'm only gonna have seconds to get in.

I'm sorry, did you say "seconds"?

MacGYVER: Ultrasensitive biometric sensor.

Door has to be opened in seconds or the alarms trigger.

The only way to deactivate them is a panel on the other side of the vault.

It's virtually uncrackable.

Everything is crackable.

Room sensor configurations?

No windows, armed skylight, doors are wired with traps, and that's once you're outside.

- Once you're inside...

- BOZER: Ten-point laser knot.

Audio sensors in every corner.

Can it be done?

With the right tools and...

enough time to prepare...

... yeah.

I don't know about her.

We've broken into safes before.

TAYLOR: Not like this.

This needs an expert.

There's no margin for error.

Yeah, but your plan puts Desi at risk.

TAYLOR: A risk that needs to be taken.

Teague already has blood on his hands.

I won't let him have any more.

There's more to this than just getting that w*apon.

Did you know that MI agent?

In passing.

One of these days, you and I are gonna play poker together, so I can take all of that money of yours.

The truth, now.

Rebecca Meyers.

I plucked her from the Police Development Program.

Smart, insightful.

Had all the makings of a top MI agent.

I trained her.

She called me her mentor.

No one ever called me that before.

She was the most promising agent I'd ever seen, and she was taken from this world far too early.

Her family deserves justice for her death.

Rebecca deserves justice.

The tightest section is in the middle of the room, right there.

Make it to here, you're home free.


♪ Yes, no, maybe so ♪

♪ Like a rocket, gonna blast off, watch me go ♪

♪ Yin yang, say my name ♪

♪ Haters gonna hate, but I'm hotter than the game, so, ha ♪

♪ Hello, bye-bye, everybody looking at me ♪

♪ But I don't mind, 'cause dang straight ♪

♪ Righteous as what... ♪

JESS: The high-tech audio sensors pick up everything, including breathing.

One breath and it's all over.

So you're gonna have to learn to control that.

♪ Check it out, come on, now ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work ♪

♪ Fat stacks, buy me up ♪

♪ Thirsty for a dollar and a lot of cheap luck ♪

♪ Sweet sweat bustin' my chops ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work, check it out ♪

♪ Come on, now, come on, now, let's work, check it out ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work, me, me... ♪

JESS: You can do this.

It's just like ballet.

Don't say that word.

What's wrong with ballet?

♪ Like your mommy... ♪ INSTRUCTOR: Two, up, three, four, port de bras forward.

Two, up, six, seven, cambré back and...

Desiree, roll through your feet.

Engage your abs.

Two, up, three.

This is, like, the easiest move in the world.



I don't do ballet.

What do you think the problem is?

There's no feedback on the strings, so when I make a mistake, I just can't feel it.

I have an idea.

♪ Like a rocket, gonna blast off, watch me go... ♪

MacGYVER: Electricity as a defense w*apon had been postulated in fiction by Jules Verne, Fanny Trollope, and Mark Twain.

But it wasn't until when New Zealand inventor Bill Gallagher used the ignition magneto to electrify a ,

-volt fence
to shock cattle when they tried to leave the property.

Once the cattle experience these unpleasant consequences, they tend to avoid the fence for good.

Same principle can apply to humans, too.


DESI: So let me get this straight.

I touch one of these strings and I get zapped?

It's just a little big stronger than an electrified cow fence.

- Thank you.

- I think you just lost your chances of ever dating that woman.


♪ Come on, now, let's work ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

- ♪ Come on, now, let's work ♪

- (electrical crackling)

- No, no, no.

You're gonna need...

- You know what?

- I got this.

- ♪ Come on, now ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work... ♪

All right.

You're in.

Let's see what you got.

DESI: It's so cool.

You'll be holding your breath and moving.

It's twice as hard, so I'm gonna need you to beat a minute.

- Start again.

- (exhales)

♪ 'Cause we ain't sweet like your mommy ♪

(inhales deeply)

♪ Come on, now, let's work, check it out ♪

♪ Come on, now ♪

♪ Come on, now, let's work ♪

♪ Come on, now... ♪

- Start again.

- (exhales)

- Keep going.

- (gasps)



- (laughs)

- What?

Now do it blindfolded.

♪ Na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na... ♪

What gives?


You just got shot in the head because you were too slow.

- Again.

- ♪ Na, na, na, na, na. ♪

(electrical crackling)

(phone beeps)

_ Matty.

You, uh, wanted to see us?

How's the training going?

Crushing it.

Oh, she's making progress.

Another week of -hour days and she'll be halfway ready.

MATTY: Okay, let me ask you this: how good can you get by tomorrow night?

- What?

- We just got intel Teague is planning on moving the bioweapon ahead of schedule.

Buyers must be getting restless.

JESS: Well, we'll get it from the buyer.

Black Sun just won't sit on it.

Once it's in their hands, they'll deploy it within hours.

MacGYVER: Well, then we're gonna have to improvise,

- because this plan will never work.

- Desi isn't ready.

TAYLOR: Then you are going to Cyrano this thing.

Talk Desi through the grab.

She isn't ready.

She goes in now, it's not gonna work.

MATTY: Well, it's gonna have to work.

Because if it doesn't, we're gonna watch an entire city die.

- ♪ I can feel it coming in the air tonight ♪

♪ Oh, Lord ♪

♪ I've been waiting for this moment ♪

♪ For all my life ♪

♪ Oh, Lord... ♪

(whistles) What's up?

♪ Coming in the air tonight? ♪

♪ Oh, Lord... ♪

The next guard shift is in ten minutes.

How's it looking inside?

Five thermals on the first floor.

Second floor is clear.

All right, Desi, you're green to go.

♪ Oh, Lord.. ♪



You can do this.

♪ Oh, I remember ♪

♪ I remember, don't worry ♪

♪ How could I ever forget? ♪

♪ It's the first time ♪

- ♪ The last time... ♪

- RILEY (over comm): Desi, freeze.


(speaking German)


You're clear.

♪ I can feel it coming... ♪

- ♪ In the air tonight ♪

- In position.

Riley, disarm the skylight.

♪ I've been waiting for this moment... ♪

- Disconnecting now.

- ♪ For all my life ♪

♪ Oh, Lord... ♪

Time to fly.

♪ For all my life... ♪


♪ Oh, Lord. ♪

TAYLOR: Periphery check.

MacGYVER: All clear.

JESS: Nice landing.

Now don't breathe.

Your breath.

Hold it.

Hold it.

You're clear.

- (sensor beeps)

- Okay, you got seconds.

Remember, you just have to cut through the locking mechanism.

Keep the beam thick.

It burns hotter.


Ten seconds.

Do not breathe.


Two seconds.



Sensors are off.

I'm in.

Guys, I got a visual on Teague.

Who's he talking to?

Kind of hard to tell from this angle.

Mac, we need audio on that conversation.

Coming right up.

When you can't get near a t*rror1st having a shady conversation, you can always use light to eavesdrop.

Light reflects off glass, and the brightness of the light changes because of tiny oscillations.

These variations in brightness will be converted to sound when the light hits the photodiode.

Then all you need is to understand German, which, luckily, I do.

Okay, guys, I can hear what he's saying.

He says, "You're late." The other person's saying something about the...

chartered jet not being on time.

"I want you to leave tonight." "Okay, I understand." Okay, that's it.

W... we need to get a clear visual of whoever he's talking to.

Unless he turns around and says "cheese," this is the best we got.

We've got a whole bunch of nothing.

Almost there, Desi.

(metallic clang)

Are you guys seeing this?


Yes, it's gone.


MATTY: Well, either we got bad intel, or Hannibal already sold it.

Desi, get out of there.

Copy that.

(German accent): Ja...

Mac, you got three hostiles headed your way.

They don't look like they bought the accent, Johan.

(speaking German)

Riley, I need , hertz of frequency in my comm, stat.

(high-pitched ringing)

(guards groaning)

Hey, guys, gate's compromised.

We need a new exfil.

I got to get Desi.


We are on our way.


(g*nf*re continues)

Mac, what's happening?

Looks like you got me.


Change of plans.

LZ is hot.

(speaking German)


- Hey.

- Hey.

(alarm blaring)

- We should get out of here.

- Yeah.

Hey, guys, where's the new exfil?

TAYLOR: Back gate.

There is no back gate.

- Oh.

There it is.

- Halt!

Come on, get in.

Hang on.

Well, if it's not in the vault, then where is it?

Hannibal's kept his movements to a minimum these last few weeks.

And Black Sun hasn't surfaced.

So we can rule out the exchange having already taken place.


We can't be sure about that.

- Well, then, let's hope.

- Look, need I remind you the destruction that Viro- will cause if released into this world?


We get it.

We'll work up scenarios and get back to you.


- You did good back there.

- No.

You did.

Well, you got me through it, so thank you.

When I was in the service, I had a close friend who lost a leg.

And I know how much it changed his life.

You must have gone through a lot.

I respect you for that.

Sometimes I think it's my payback.


For all those years stealing.

But then I remember the world doesn't work like that.

I was dealt a hand, and now I play it the best I can.


can I go home now?

TAYLOR: Right, everyone.

Gather round.


Sounds like a no.

I was thinking about this, um, this mystery guest of ours.

You mean the guy Teague was talking to?

DESI: I got to say, late-night visits, talking about chartering planes.

He wasn't just there to visit an old friend.

- You think he was a mule?

- Perhaps.

Look, we need to find him, but we can't do that without a clean visual of him.

RILEY: I got a reflection here in the mirror.

I can enhance it, see what happens.

Yes, get on with it.

What are you waiting for?


- Everything okay?

- Yes, I'm fine.


- You don't have to tell me.

- No.


No, I do.

I owe you that much.

After all, you're putting your life on the line, well, for what is more than the retrieval of a very dangerous w*apon.

The MI agent that disappeared trying to retrieve Viro- was my protégé.

I taught her everything she knew.

What happened to her wasn't your fault.

But what is my fault is altering her life's path.

Placing her at MI .

- If I hadn't...

- She'd be alive?

Russ, you don't know that.

But what I do know is that you gave her purpose.

The same way you did when you gave us all a job.

When you brought us all back together.

How many lives did you save just doing that?

- (computer beeps)

- Guys, we got a hit.

His name is Henri Bellouse.

He's a world-class forger.

DESI: So, a forger visits a corrupt diplomat for a late-night meeting?

The very night the bioweapon disappears.

MacGYVER: Why would Hannibal use Bellouse as a mule?

He's a forger, not a bio courier.

MATTY: Well, that's what we need to find out.

Got a position on him.



Turning this plane around.

- (siren wailing)

Damn it.

Place is empty.

Target's gone.

What about the package?

DESI: Russ, check this out.

There's enough evidence here of his forgery business to put him away for life.

The only issue is...

the package has moved.

MATTY: Guys, he just entered the building.

(g*ns cock)

Bonjour, Monsieur Bellouse.

Bellouse says he mixed the Viro- into paints that he used to make a fake Rembrandt for Teague.

- Why?

- Well, the sale is rigged.

Teague's made arrangements for Black Sun to buy the painting at auction for $ million.

What's the best way to hand it over with all the attention?

If the virus is in the painting, it'll k*ll everyone at the auction.

A... actually, no.

The paint traps the virus in a solid state so it can't move through the air.

Then, once it's in their possession, they wet down the canvas, they... they run it through a filter and distill the bioweapon.

Only it'll never happen.

Well, how are you gonna prevent that?

We're gonna steal the painting, replace it with a double.

Once Black Sun make the transaction, we'll track them out of play.

We get the virus and shut down a terror cell?

- I like it.

- I like it, too.

In theory.

And we've got the best thief in the business to talk us through it.

What else do we need?

Where's the auction?

Central Moscow Auction House, in six hours.

So we need to steal the painting, replace it before it goes on the block.

We can make a forgery here, but it wouldn't get there till tomorrow.

No, I got a contact in Brussels.

He can get you the statue of David in a half hour. All right.

Well, you call him.


RILEY: The security in this place is no joke.

It's gonna take some serious improvisation.

Well, that's just the way I like it.

MATTY: I like your confidence, Mac, but I'm not quite sure a Swiss Army knife is gonna get us out of this one.

Well, maybe not, but we do have a three-hour plane flight.

I am sure we can figure something out.


No pressure or anything.

If not, thousands, maybe millions, of people will die.

Only if we fail.

Failure's not an option.

Copy that.

(overlapping chatter)

TAYLOR: All right.

Room's clearing out.

Desi, post up outside.

DESI: Copy that.

Jess, you're up.

Mac, make sure the room stays clear.

You sure this will work?

My specs, your build?

Could've made a good team back in the day.

Back in the day.

That means the past, right?

Of course.


(tires screeching)

MAN: Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.

The auction is about to begin.

(lock clicking)

RILEY: All right.

We got control of their phones.

Would you like to do the honors?

- (beeps)

- (phone rings)


(speaking Russian)


MacGYVER: In , Harry Houdini made an elephant disappear.

Houdini used mirrors to create the illusion, reflecting one half of the empty stage over the elephant.

Since a Rembrandt is much smaller, a thin sheet of Mylar covering the painting reflects the wall on the opposite side of the room, hiding the painting in plain sight.

Oh, nyet.

(disconnect tone)

(phone ringing)

(siren wailing)


Rebooting security system now.

RILEY: Hurry up.

You only have ten seconds before the cameras come back online.

_ (exhales sharply)

Matty, we got it.

AUCTIONEER: Last call.

$ million.


(bangs gavel)

BOZER: Those guys are gonna be pissed when they find out they paid $ million for a forgery with no bioweapon in it.

MATTY: Mac, follow them.

We'll turn them, use their intel to shut down the cell.

Don't move.

- (silenced g*nsh*t)

- (groans)

I told you.

Do I know you?


But you k*lled someone very important to me, and I'm going to do what she meant to do.

(laughs softly)

k*ll me?

Put you in a cell for a very, very long time.

For her.


For me.

Teague is on his way to The Hague, the Black Sun operatives gave up their entire organization, and the bioweapon will be destroyed once we get it to the lab.

So, to success.

Now you get to go home, Jess.

- With a great story.

- Which you can never tell anyone.


I need to ask you something.


What did you mean back there, at the auction house?

I saw the bank blueprints under your students' homework in your house.

I know you're not retired.

Are you gonna arrest me?

And miss out on all the fun catching you?

No way.

Oh, no, I'm not really in the mood to celebrate.

Thank you.

Well, this isn't for what we did.

It's to celebrate her life.

To Rebecca Meyers, a true hero.



Yes, well, in our line of work, it's...

it's hard to keep secrets.

Especially from family.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, your daughter did not work in import/export.

Rebecca worked for the British government.

MI .

She was a truly outstanding agent.

When I first recruited her, she...

she was hesitant because of the lies she would have to tell.

To you.

Last week, your daughter gave her life to save millions of people.

When we first sat down, you said, "Sorry for your loss." I'm sorry for yours, too.
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