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11x01 - Triumph Over Trauma

Posted: 12/06/20 10:12
by bunniefuu
Madeline Gleason from Forest Hills.

Looks like Madeline Gleason put up one hell of a fight.

She was 25 years old.

When I was 25, I was living in Alphabet City with some musclehead named Dario.


What do we have here?

25-year-old, apparent suffocation, defensive wounds on her hands.

Looks like she was dressed for a date, possibly knew her k*ller.

Witness called it in.

Well, if you end up running any lineups, just...

We haven't even started yet.

I'm just saying if you do, then make sure to run a double blind.

You can't run it yourself.

This isn't our first rodeo, you know, Counselor.

Okay, I'm just reminding you 'cause the D.A.'s been on my ass about it.

Oh, well, just because the D.A.'s been on your ass, doesn't mean you got to be on my ass.

Yeah, it kind of does.

I'm not talking to you!

Knock it off, okay?

I'm not having a discussion with you about it.

Well, you're the one that came down here, started the discussion.

We're trying to do our jobs.

Just saying do it by the book, and we won't have a problem.

But now I do have a problem-- you.

You, too.



You're now riding with Miller, okay?

Officer Janko, Officer Witten.

I need you to respond to the M.E.'s office.

Got a frequent flyer, threatening to burn the place down.


Well, they misplaced her father's body.

So what's the complaint?

She's threatening the employees.

Threw a boot at one of them when they told her to come back later.

Oh, gee, thanks, that sounds like a joy.

I'll get the car.

I'll get us some fresh batteries.

Hey, did you hear that your dad has a hearing coming up?

His lawyers filed a request for compassionate release.

"Compassionate release," based on what?

He's over 65, served more than half his sentence, has diabetes.

Hey, wait a second.

Why do you know any of that?

He called last night.

Said that he would love it if you would come to the hearing.

Yeah, said that he thought He called you?

he had a better shot going through me.

That you probably wouldn't want to talk to him.

He's right, I don't want to talk to him.

And I do not want to go to his hearing.

Lastly the mayor said he knows how busy you are, and that you won't need to attend tonight's reception.

"Won't need" or "should not"?

Couldn't say, sir.

If you could say?

I get the impression he's keeping police business at arm's length.

Tell me about it.

Welcome back to the Manhattan Morning Show.

We've been speaking with City Council Speaker Regina Thomas.

Uh, thanks for being with us today.

My pleasure, Jim.

You mentioned the NYPD and the decidedly anti-cop sentiment that has taken hold as a result of the widely publicized police brutality cases around the country.

You need to listen to this.

Bluefish running in Sheepshead Bay?


But this isn't about any of that.

This is about taking legislative action.

And a repurposing from top to bottom of the NYPD and their resources.

Okay, well, that-that brings us back to the "starting where" part.

So, uh, do we defund or retrain?

To get him to retrain would be like getting him to cop to the fact that there is systemic racism and oppression within his ranks...

What's so important that...?


...that's geared towards people of color.


Okay, so defund, then?


Now, you know there are those who are gonna say, "Well, who's gonna respond to my 911 call?" Hey!

Not her, you can bet on that.

All right, well, let's take some calls for City Council Speaker Regina Thomas.

Ronnie from Brooklyn.

Thank you for taking my call.

Last week I witnessed cops breaking up a group of kids just peacefully breakdancing outside the Barclay-- wailing on them with nightsticks and Tasers.

At least a couple of them were bleeding when the cops left.

Is he kidding me?


Ronnie, I want to thank you for your call.

I can't tell you how many of these calls I get a day.

Too many.

And I'm starting to think that Commissioner Reagan and his goon squad need to step back and get on the right side of history for once.

Turn it off.

We're gonna have to offer a rebuttal.

We'd just be answering the question, "Are you still beating your puppy, and if not, when did you stop?" You just want to let it stand?

Silence isn't exactly golden here.

You know something I don't know?

Hardly ever.

That caller sounded like he was selling something.

He said it was by the Barclays Center.

I'll check in with the 7-4 and see what's what.

What if it's what the caller said?

We'll deal with it.

What if it's not?

We'll deal with that, too.

Just don't ask me how right now.

Are you kidding me?

Are you kid...?

I'm not filling out anything!

I told you...

You're trying to get rid of me and you can go to hell 'cause I ain't moving!

Hey, hey, what seems to be the problem?

They lost my dad's body!

And I will not We didn't lose it.

be pushed around.

I told her she needs to come back, but she's refusing to leave and she's upsetting the other people that are coming here to identify their loved ones.

Well, lucky for them they didn't lose their loved ones!

They have them identified already!

You can't stay here.

You have to leave.

Make me, pig!

That can be arranged.

Hey, we know you're very upset.

The nursing home where he lives said he was sent to St.

Benjamin's, and St.

Benjamin's said he died and they sent him here.

And this bitch here is telling me she doesn't know where he is!

First of all, you got to calm down.

And then you got to watch your language.

What you gonna do, arrest me?

Pepper spray me?

I'm recording you right now.

This is the third time we've been called.

Because nobody is listening!

You've had two warnings already.

So either you leave right now, or you're under arrest for disorderly conduct.

Screw you!

Phone down, let's go.

Turn around, hands behind your back.


Other hand.

Hey, Wit-Witten, hang on.

Come on.

What's your name?


All right.

I'll tell you what, I'm gonna f-find out what happened to your dad's body, but you have got to leave here right now.

I'll leave.

But you've got one day before I'm back here.

No, no, no, no, why is it that when someone like me is good at their job, people say they're difficult to work with?

Well, it's why we're here right now, isn't it?

Because you decided to follow a lead without consulting me first and before we've notified next of kin.

Okay, it's a lead.

I mean, that's why you follow it.

You got to strike while the iron is hot.

Hotheaded is more like it.

Very funny.

Detectives Reagan and Baez.

Did something happen?

No, ma'am, actually we're wondering if you could, uh, answer some questions about a case we're working.

Do you recognize this young woman?

Madeline Gleason?

No, should I?

We have reason to believe she may have visited or been in contact with someone in this home at some point within the past few days.

I don't recognize her, sorry.

You live here alone?

No, my son Harold lives with me, but he's not here right now.

He didn't come home yesterday.

And he didn't call or tell you where he was?

He's been acting kind of strange lately.

Strange how?

I don't know, just spending a lot of time in the basement.

Do you mind if we take a look around inside?

Okay, I guess.

Excuse me.

The door to the basement is down the hallway.

Right over here?


I'll take a look.

You don't think something could've happened to Harold, do you?

No, does he often disappear like this?

No, not often.

He hasn't disappeared like this since last summer.


Can I get you guys anything?

Cup of coffee?

No, we're good, thanks.

Did you find anything?



You okay?

What the hell happened?

Someone pushed me from behind.

Hold on one second.

Hey, open the door!

Okay, it's okay, come here.

Where are you hurt?

My knee.

Just call an 85.

Come on!

There's no service.


Listen, hey, I have to move you.



Somebody comes through that door, it's gonna be a problem for us, okay?

No, Danny, just leave me.

It's okay.

It's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt.



I left a message for Danny and Maria.

Neither one of them called me back.

Detective Raines from Nassau County PD.

Hey, Luke, how are you doing?

Erin, this is Luke Raines.


Erin Reagan.

Luke was one of the best detectives I've ever worked with, until he decided to...

leave for greener pastures on Long Island.

Yeah, well, it turns out greener pastures are not without skeletons, which is why I'm here.

What can we do for you?

You had a D.O.A. this morning?

Uh, Madeline Gleason.

I'm handling two homicides from last summer with the same M.O. as Gleason.

Victims are early-to-mid 20s, suffocated with a bag and found along the shoreline.

So you're thinking this is a serial k*ller?

That's what we believe.

Nassau crime lab confirmed that DNA found on the victims match, but the suspect isn't in the system.

Have you talked to, uh, Detectives Reagan and Baez?

I tried, but neither of them got back to me.

How many victims?

Two from Long Island, the victim from this morning, and possibly a Nassau County detective.

Possibly a detective?

I don't understand.

She was assigned to the case before me.

She just went missing.

And you think...

the same suspect is responsible?

We don't know for sure, but she was investigating one of the homicides when she dropped off the radar.

I'm all over it.

Let's go, Luke.



Where's your arrest?

Well, she agreed to leave.

Wait, wait, wait.

You agreed to help locate the body, didn't you?

We are not social workers, Eddie.

Well, sometimes it's the same thing.

The M.E.'s office says she threatened to burn down the building.

What if she makes good on that and you could have prevented it?

I will prevent it by helping her.

Hold on.

Call this number.

She's a criminalist in the M.E.'s office.

She always helps me out.

She cute?

She's 60.

Well, I'm gonna be 60 someday.

And I'll still have the hots for you.

Hey, are you okay?

You seem a little distracted.

Erin called.

Danny and Baez haven't responded to their radios or their phones since this morning.

Well, hey, I'm sure they just got wrapped up in a case.


I'm sure you're right.

I'll call you soon as I hear.

Go find your dead body.




Hey, Loo.

I'm about to take that lost time.

The C.O. of the 7-4 said it didn't happen.

None of it?

Two radio cars responded to excessive noise complaints.

They issued warnings.

Not even a summons?

Boss, they just handled it.

You've got that...

look like, "Pick me, pick me." The morning show invited you to come on to respond to Speaker Thomas.

Well, that's very nice of them.

So it's a yes?

That's a no.

Why not?

Give 'em our side.

My gut tells me I'd just be playing Whac-A-Mole with the caller, and I don't want to play that.

She's here.

Who's here?

Speaker Thomas.

Who called who?


She called us.

Let's have her.

Okay, Frank, uh...

please be careful.

Okay, I will carefully ascertain whether I need to build a fire, start a fire, or put a fire out, okay?

Nice to see you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you.

Nice to see you, Garrett.


Please have a seat.

Thank you.

Listen, I...

may have gone a little overboard today.

I don't want you to think I'm trying to start a fight with you.

Hey, we're good.

We are?


The truth is, I enjoy fighting with you.

But, Regina, what exactly are we fighting about this time?

About-- and you're not gonna like this-- the NYPD being on trial.

Well, because you're putting it on trial.

And, by the way, everyone is entitled to a vigorous defense, even my people.

Do you really not see what's going on here?

I do.

Every single cop is being painted with the same brush.

And when anyone in my rank and file conducts themself in a way that is not worthy of the uniform, they get dealt with.

Every cop is wearing the same uniform, so if you get stopped walking while Black, how do you know which one is walking up on you?

Okay, how's a cop to know what he's walking up on?

See, that fuse gets lit both ways.

At least we can agree on that.

I need you to get your cops in check.

Fine, as long as we can keep the criminals in check.

You got a way to do both?

You have criminals in your ranks.


Regina, you need to get your head out of your ass.

Don't talk to me like that.


Look, that caller set you up.

It never happened.

According to your officers.

Okay, give me evidence otherwise, and I'm all over it.

I need you and your people to stand down.

Me and my people are paid to stand up.

Yes, well, you, then, need to stand up for everyone.

There are no fences left to sit on.

: I don't know.

So, how'd it go?

Not my finest hour.

I'm gonna take your g*n, okay?

: Okay.

I'm gonna put it right here.

Anybody comes through that door and doesn't identify themself, you put one in 'em, okay?

See if we can get out of here.

Did you tell the boss where we were going before we left?


Did you tell the boss where we were going before we left?

No, because you usually do that.

You think this is my fault?

No, I don't think it's your fault.

I turned my back for one second.

I-I didn't say it was your fault.

I knew we should have tracked her family down first, but you insisted...


Listen to me.

I'm gonna get us out of here, okay?

I promise.


Yeah, you always say that.

And I always do.


Look, neither one of us knew this was gonna happen, all right?

Why are you so mad at me?


Are you kidding me?

You get mad whenever anyone questions you or doubts you, like with Erin this morning.

You're mad at me because of my sister?

No, I'm not mad.


I'm hurt.

I'm in pain.

I'm scared that something terrible is gonna happen to me, and I'm never gonna get to do the things that I want to do, the-the things that you seem to take for granted.

And what would I take for granted?


that's what I was thinking about when I watched you with Erin this morning.

You know, you just have this perfect family, and you don't even realize it half the time.

My family's far from perfect.

Yeah, well, they're there for you, and they love you.

That's pretty perfect.

I honestly wish I could trade places with you right now, I do.

I guess that Reagan luck never runs out, huh?

It ran out on Linda.

And it ran out on my brother Joe, so I guess it does happen sometimes.

I'm gonna get us the hell out of here.


Did you find something?


I didn't find anything at all.

If you don't like the answers you're getting, check your premises.

Which ones?

That cops are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Frank, good cops can be part of the solution.

But when you have a bad cop, it would be nice if you could step out, or someone like you step out, and say, "Hey, this is not great behavior from our department." I don't shy away from doing that.

Well, you know, a little empathy could go a long way to help things deescalate.

On both sides.

Uh, Regina...

I came here to try to rewind and start over.

We've always had a pretty good relationship.

Yeah, it's a transactional one, but, I mean, it's nothing personal.

Okay, have it your way.

It's not my way; it's a fact.

The fact is, this city is dividing into two camps who are just shouting past each other.

Frank, you've got to get your guys to deescalate.

I think you do, too.


Just 'cause you say something doesn't make it so.

Tell me you're not pretending you don't know that your guys step over the line.

I have a well-documented history of firing the ones who do.

Well, you should share that with people of color.

I don't... think they're gonna listen to me.

Well, they're not gonna listen to me, 'cause I always take up your side.

The only time I can get your attention is if I'm screaming at you or screaming about your cops.

You're so sure of your sight.

Your heroes and villains are...

so clear to you.

Well, God save us from your vision if you're right.

TARU located Danny's vehicle.

Unfortunately they left the radio in the car.

Maybe they hopped out to interview a witness or to follow up on a lead.

Who knows?

All right, hey, listen, we're doing a door-to-door search.


Two blocks in every direction, log every address we hit.

Let's go.

You got it, Sarge.


You heard him.

Let's go, let's go.


What are you doing here?

Hopefully getting a chance to help look.

Yeah, we can add one more.

That'd be great.

Uh, Anthony, this is Joe Hill.

He's my, um...

Family friend.

I'm not looking to be on the clock.

Just want to help out.

Anthony Abetemarco.

I work with Erin.

She told me about you.

I'm a, uh, family friend, too.

Let's hit it.


He's in there.

Let's hear it.

Short and sweet, like you asked.

"To: Mayor Peter H.

Chase..." I know that part.

"Dear Mayor Chase, please accept this letter "as notice of my resignation "as commissioner of the New York Police Department, "effective at noon on the last Friday of this month.

Sincerely, Francis X.

Reagan." "P.S...." Resignation letters don't have a P.S.

This one does.

"I take this action with a heavy heart "and a full measure of regret.

"It has always been clear to me that the person "holding this office must protect "our citizens and, with the same vigilance, the men and women of this department." "But lately... that has become an impossible balancing act.

To serve one is to betray the other." "In regret, "I have always held that a willingness to speak "the unpopular or inconvenient truth was essential to effective leadership." "This city, and especially this department, deserve no less." Garrett?

Thank you.

My pleasure.

The truth is, I didn't log in our location because I was... distracted.

I just, I just kept thinking about that girl.

The vic?

No, the-the 25-year-old me, living in Alphabet City with the musclehead boyfriend.

What about her?

She was promoted to detective third grade that year.

And, and musclehead didn't show up.

No one from my family showed up.

I'm sorry.

I-I didn't realize.

It doesn't matter.

The landlady said I'd find you here.

She should mind her own business.

Do you mind if I sit?

It's a free country.

This is a nice place to hang out.

Been coming here since I was a kid.

That's Hell's Gate Bridge.

I remember asking my dad why we lived near the gates of hell.

He said they're also the gates out of hell.

We located your dad's body.

It's about time.

Someone in the M.E.'s office had switched his first name with his last name, and that's why they were having trouble finding his records.

Someone's gonna pay for that mistake.

It was an innocent mistake.

There are no innocent mistakes.

So, where is he?

He's buried in potter's field on Hart's Island.

That is where they bury people when they're unclaimed.

People no one cares about, people with no family, people you just want to sweep under the rug.

You need to understand that at the time of your dad's death, there were hundreds of deaths a day.

I want him moved.

But I want to see where he's buried first.

Well, I'm not sure that they're taking visitors right now.

They can put your loved one in a mass grave without telling you, but you can't go visit?

I'll find out.

Can't let you fall asleep, okay?

You hit your head.

Got to keep you awake.

I'm trying.

I know.

You know, when I was younger, I was, um...

...I was the jokester in my family.

I would never think of you like that.

After my brother died, I...

...I made a promise that I'd never let my guard down again.

Always be first in and last out.

Somehow that's led to me being known as a hothead.

Costed me every partner I've ever had.

Except you.

I love you, Danny.

: I love you, too.



Hi, I'm Sergeant Reagan and this is Detective Hill.


Can we ask you some questions?


Down here!

Have you seen either of these two people?



How about, uh, this woman?


Did something happen to them?

They're missing.

You heard or seen anything unusual?

Nothing I'm not used to, but I'll keep an eye out.

Any word?


Brought you coffee.

Thank you.

You'd be the first call I'd make.


How you holding up?


My challenge these days is figuring out which fire to put out first.

Anything I can do?

No, I'm good.


You never buy my poker face.

How's that?

Mom taught me well.

Yeah, well, she also left me the owner's manual for you.

What's on your mind?

Who said anything was on my mind?

Long way to come for coffee.

We had words.

And not just "good morning"?

Well, I saw him at a crime scene and I said something that triggered him, and the next thing you knew, we were just going at each other for no reason.


You guys battle all the time.

You always work it out.

But what if I can't this time?

What if my last words were just...?

Erin, if it turned out your last words to me were "Dad, you're so full of crap," do you really think my last thought of you would be, "For 109 years, she thought I was full of crap?" 109 years?

Eh, that's the plan.

Clean living.

You are full of crap.

Well, I am and I'm not.

He knows you love and respect and value him.

No string of words is gonna change that.

And... there's no sense in rehearsing a tragedy.

And, look, it's Danny.

He's a slippery one.

So let's put our money on him.


We got a whole team of detectives, and I'll call you as soon as we have them.

We're very close.

No, don't come in.


Love you, too.

You're not a great liar.

Probably why I'm a cop and not a lawyer.

I really looked up to him.

Guess that's a perk of having siblings.

It's kind of weird because you remind me of him.

I don't know the first thing about him.

He had a wicked sense of humor.

And he was a adrenaline junkie.

He loved motorcycles, Jet Skis, roller coasters.

This must be tough for you.

I keep thinking that, uh, it's unusual that Danny would leave a crime scene in such a hurry.



It must be something important if he didn't have time to phone it in.



Uh, where are we at on talking to the two witnesses?

I talked to the victim's girlfriend.

The vic was talking to a guy at the bar most of the night.

We're looking through the security footage now to see if we can get a screen grab.

Didn't the uniform at the scene say that there was a pocketbook?


We took a voucher for evidence.

Can I see the case file?

I want to take a look at the contents of the bag.

What are you looking for?

I just figure if, uh, the vic was talking to a guy at the bar all night, then maybe he gave her a phone number or a business card.

The address on this one's 9208 156th Avenue.

Where the car is.


Check it out?

Yeah, let's go.



Open up!

Anybody home?

Anybody home?



Hey, you okay?

There's a woman right there.

She's just not responding.

Hey, Joe, listen.

You hear that?


Get on the air.

Have ESU respond.

5-4 task force detective requesting ESU respond to this location.


Anybody here?






Ma'am, police.

5-4 task force detective.

10-13 at this location.

Down here!





Hey, Danny!

Danny, is that you?



I hear him.

Stand back.

I'm opening this door.


Danny, you all right?

You guys all right?

She needs a bus.


Hey, EMT!

Down here, downstairs.

Come on!

Hey, you all right?

Is she all right?

Are you okay?


You all right?



Some people will do anything to get some time off, huh?

Good to see you, too.

How's my sister?

Well, she's a Reagan, so, thanks to you, the last 24 hours has been a living hell for me.

Well, there's one positive in all this.


You talk to the M.E.?


The homeowner Susan Roberts-- looks like she was suffocated.

M.E. says she was k*lled about three hours ago.


You know, we got a serial k*ller here.

I saw the photos.

Yeah, and Nassau County's got a couple of similar vics, too.


We got to go through that place with a fine-tooth comb, okay?

I want to get this son of a bitch.




Glad you're okay.

Thank you.

I-I got to go see Baez at the hospital, all right?

Make sure this gets done right.

Don't worry.

I'm on it.

Come on, I'll drive you.

Hey, we're locking the house down, all right?

I don't want anybody in there who doesn't need to be, okay?

Yes, sir.

Hey, Joe, uh, you want to help at the scene?

No, I think I should get back to my team.


Right, okay.

Thanks for your help.

You got it.


Hey, Joe.


You coming to family dinner on Sunday?

I can't.

I have plans.

Thank you.


I'll see you.

I haven't seen this long a queue of listeners calling in since...

I don't know when.

I hope you're ready, Commissioner.

Well, Jim, you give the people what they want, and they come out for it.

So, bring on the pitchforks and torches.

You're gonna be fine.

It's a good thing we're on the radio.

Thank you, Regina.

That's very reassuring.

Muriel from Queens, you're on the air.

What plans do you have to earn back the community trust of police officers?

What am I supposed to say to my children when they see those videos?

How am I supposed to tell...?

I heard they use prisoners to dig these big, mass graves 'cause it's okay to take advantage of poor people.

City thinks it can do that 'cause they don't have to answer to anybody, but they'll be answering to me.


This would be the spot.

You know, I really am sorry for your loss.

Last time I saw my dad, we fought.

I told him I was dropping out of college to move to Florida with my boyfriend.

He said, "He's a loser, and he's gonna drag you down." Yeah, Dad, you were right.

I know I didn't listen to you.

He loved the water.

He'd like looking over at Manhattan.

It's the only time in his life he could afford this kind of view.

Really is pretty.

But growing up, my dad always coached my basketball team, and he'd say a prayer before every game.

Dear God, today is game day, and I place myself in your loving hands.

: Help me to be a good sport.

I pray that I don't seek individual glory or accolades but that I play for your glory and for the good of my team.



He never missed a game.

That really is a nice prayer.

Thank you.

For everything.

You're welcome.

Um, I'm gonna give you some time alone, okay?


This is Eddie Janko.

Could you get a message to my dad that I will be at his hearing?


Caesar salad, as requested by Pops.


I also requested deep-fried Oreo cookies.

I don't see them anywhere on the table.





Here they are.

Hey, you made it.

You guys all remember my partner Maria Baez.


Hey, Maria.


Thank you, Commissioner.

Uh, Frank at this table, please.

Hey, Maria.

How you feeling?

A little better every day.

Well, you deserve a medal, you ask me.

Oh, no.

It's nothing serious.

Well, not for the boo-boo, for partnering with my brother.

Frankly, I think you should collect hazard pay for putting up with this one.

Give me a break.

Don't believe her.

I'm sure the whole time we were locked in that basement, she was worried out of her mind and feeling terrible for being a pain in my ass.

No, I didn't.

Tell the truth.

Dad, she was worried, wasn't she?

Oh, I can neither confirm nor deny.


They're always at it, these two.

I will concede there's one thing that Danny is better at than me, and that is being a pain in the ass.


Tough crowd.

Oh, we haven't even gotten to grace yet.

Hey, you're a rookie.

We'll go easy on you.

Well, this all looks so nice.

I can't remember the last time I was at a Sunday dinner like this.

I can't remember the last time I wasn't.

Oh, God.

Always the wise guy.


Thank you for inviting me.

We're the lucky ones.

Yes, we are.

Yeah, not every day we get to break bread with the only partner that Danny's been able to hold on to.

A concept that you two have taken to a whole new level.

Oh, I see being captured for a day didn't slow your comebacks time.

That's right.

Well, I, for one, am grateful to have you both with us.


I don't know about you guys, but I am starving.


Well, I kind of thought Danny might want to say grace.


Bless us, oh, Lord, and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty.

Through Christ, our Lord, amen.