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Miracles from Heaven (2016)

Posted: 11/12/20 09:10
by bunniefuu
When I was growin' up, people didn't really talk about miracles.

I'm not sure I understood what they were or if I believed in them.

A miracle is defined as something not explicable by natural or scientific laws.

But then how do you explain it?

How does it happen?

Who or what is behind it?

Kevin, Adelynn, Annabel, let's go!

Kevin! Abbie!

Oh, my gosh. This is so fun! Wait. Wait. Okay, my turn.

Okay, okay. I want a turn now.

I never got a turn.

You'll get dizzy. You're dizzy.

Well, Adelynn, it's not good for a six-year-old.

Your brain's still developing.

It sucks being six.

You should watch your mouth, Adelynn.

You know, you could go to hell for swearing.

I'm not going to hell.

Hell is in California.

Who told you that, Adelynn? Liz Johnson from school.

Is she the one whose parents think that Disneyland's the work of Satan?

That's her. Well, no one here is goin' to hell.

Unless you girls get your clothes dirty.

How many times have I told you not to play outside in your Sunday school dresses?

Come here. Sorry, Mom.

Sorry, Mom. It's all right.

I'll just pretend you're not mine.

Hey, Kevin!

I have to tell you not to play outside before church, too?

They get cranky when they're hungry, baby, you know that.


Grab my sweater, would you, honey? Okay.

It's quarter to, hon. We're gonna be late.

Relax, baby, we're good.

We got to get you changed. Don't you worry about it, baby.

I got it all under control.

Well, it's not shirtless Sunday at church.

Come on, girls. Abbie, Adelynn, Anna, let's go!

Go on and get in the truck. Your mother's stressin' out.

You look pretty.

Thanks, Daddy.

Come on. They take after their mama.


So, do I look handsome?

Or fetching, maybe?

Buckle up, girls. Let's go.

Nothin', really?

All right. Tough crowd.


Here we go!

Help me out.

How 'bout we go this time. Come on.

Come on, help us sing it now

Let's hear it for Mac and the band!

Yeah. That's fantastic.

There is a common phrase, "No pain, no gain."

And it is, of course, attributed to the sculpting of our bodies.

But the same principle can be applied to the sculpting of our character and the deepening of our spiritual life.

So, when the road gets bumpy, when the storms rain down, I could do a few things to protect myself.

You know, I could get a nice helmet.

And we might be able to find ourselves an umbrella.

Just happened to be there.

Now that that's open, we better make sure that our insurance premiums are paid up, too.

So, we can get an umbrella, and we can get a helmet, and we can get insurance.

But there's one thing that we need that can't be seen, and it can't be bought.

And that is faith.

Yeah. Amen.

Faith is really the only true shelter.


Man, that smells really good.

Everybody, I just want to thank the Beams for opening up their home for our monthly picnic.

You're so good.

Remember, sign-ups for the trip to the Dallas Aquarium are this week.

Not next week, this week. Yeah, I want to go.

Yeah, we'll go. And finally, anybody who has an animal or who has a friend with an animal or a family member who has an animal or you are an animal, your husband who you want to get out of the house for maybe a little bit of time with, you know, some air conditioning and a bowl of water, take 'em over to see our brother Kevin Beam...

Yeah, Kevin! ...who has just opened the largest mixed animal clinic in Texas. Okay?

Send everybody! Send everybody and their animals.

Thank you. We'll be prayin' for you.

We'll be prayin' for all of you.

I do not even want to know what you paid for that.

More than I care to think about.

We took every bit of equity out of this house so he could open.


Every bit of equity.

You agreed to that?

See, no.

I could not let Travis do that. I would not be able to sleep at night.

That's good for you. Good for you that you're doin' that.

Any prayers you want to share?

I'm 13, Mom.

I know, almost a grown-up.

Okay. Okay.

I prayed that I make the Fort Worth all-star team.

Because I have the second most goals on the team, so, you know, I think that I at least deserve a tryout.

I'm with you.

Hey, goober nugget.

Hi. Bedtime.

Say your prayers?

Share one.

That I can be older than Abbie and Anna.

And I prayed that you'll change my name to Taylor.

Well, I wonder how that's gonna turn out for you.

Come on, Mom.

I love you, Adelynn.

I prayed that Daddy's business does well.

And I prayed that he can bring home some more dogs that don't have homes.

Can you cancel that part?

We have enough dogs, Anna.

Too late. It's already been sent.

Express mail.

Hey, how do you like this?

Love. Me, too.

I think I'm gonna spend a lot of time there, enjoying baguettes and freshly-ground espresso.

Hey, let's do that together.

Paris would be a good mother-daughter trip.

Count me in. I would love it.

I love you, Anna.

I love you, too.

Sleep tight, ladybug.

Okay, good night.

Good night.

Okay, honey.

It's okay, it's okay.


Oh, my gosh.


My baby.


Do you think it was something from the barbecue?

We all ate the same things.

You know, maybe you should run her by Dr. Sponder's in the morning.

Okay? I'm okay.

There you go.

Watch your feet there.

I need to be better for the aquarium.

You will be, honey.


Let's get you to bed.

I'm gonna sit with you.


Why are you still up?

Is it about Anna?

Anna's gonna be okay.

It's probably just a bug.

The doctor will give us somethin' for it.

I just feel anxious.

About what?

About everything. The kids, the house, your business.

The kids? Come on, the kids are fine.

Well, my business is gonna work.

Babe, you say that like it's absolute.

Now, this may take a while, but it'll be okay.

It'll be okay.

It's a good life, Christy Beam.

It's a good...

It's a good life, Kevin Beam.

I hope this gastroenterologist can get to the bottom of this.

I checked him out online.

He's supposed to be one of the best in Fort Worth.

Well, good. He better be.

He's the third guy we've seen.

I want to get this figured out.

How's your book, ladybug?

Well, everything looks okay.

It does? Yeah, I've gone through her entire chart and all of Dr. Sponder's notes, and the X-ray doesn't show anything.

Dr. Dorsi, she's in constant pain.

I mean, this little girl has been throwing up for weeks.

She hasn't kept anything down.

Her little tummy's all bloated and she's been on, well, Xifaxan, she's been on Augmentin, four different antibiotics. Look, look, that's why I'm ruling out anything that's bacterial.

I don't think it's viral.

Ms. Beam, I think your daughter is lactose intolerant.


You think she's lactose intolerant? Christy.

Like, allergic to milk? Ms. Beam.

Considering what y'all have been through, I would think this is really good news.

This is easily treatable.

She can't have pizza?

It's not just pizza, sweetheart.

She can't have any dairy.

She can have cheese-less pizza. Who would want that?

Well, if Anna can't have pizza, then I won't have it either.

Well, Abbie, that's a great idea.

I'm in.

Me, too.


We're not gonna have pizza ever?

Well, until Anna's better.

Well, my body's still growing.

Wrong answer, genius. Abbie.

It's okay, Adelynn.

You're only six. No pressure.

All right, me, too.

Look at that. Yeah, that was hard.

Let's hear it for you, ladybug.

Okay. Here's to you gettin' well soon, sweetheart.







I'm coming!

I'm coming, baby, I'm coming. Mommy.

I'm coming.

No, Anna. Mommy, it hurts!

No. Kevin.

I'm coming. What is it?

Come here, baby. No. Mommy, it hurts!

What is it? It hurts, Mommy!

I think we need to take her to the hospital. It hurts!

I'm gonna call Emmy to come over. It's okay, baby.

I'm gonna call Emmy. We're gonna get you some help.

Hold on, hold on. Okay.

Here we go. All right.

It's all right, honey. It's okay.

Come on. Okay. Okay.

Okay. It hurts.

Open the door, honey.

There you go.

You're gonna be okay.

Hey. Hey. How is she?

I know. I know, baby. Thank you so much.

God. Thank you.

You'd do it for me.

All right, all right. Go, go, go. Thank you, my friend.

Here comes Mama.

Let me in, honey-baby.


What do we got here?

36-year-old male... Just hang on.

What do we got? Chest pains.

2201. 2201, please.

Thank you.

I'll be with you in just a minute.


...blind by then, of course, but they teach her to do it as well, so Mary is just twisting. They would have this...

It won't be long now.


Mom and Dad, you can relax. She's fine.

We got her fever down and she's starting to respond to some anti-nausea medicine I gave her.

You're good to take her home. Wait.

Anti-nausea medicine, but for what?

Well, I think this is just a severe case of acid reflux.

It's not. No, it's not.

I examined her throat and it's very raw, but other than that, everything is fine. Hold on a minute.

Everything is not fine, Doctor. Okay.

Maybe we can have this conversation outside.

We can do that.

Doctor, this is our fourth time here.

This isn't acid reflux.

Her throat's raw 'cause she's been throwing up for weeks.

Well, Mom, I'm the doctor, and that's my diagnosis.

So, if you'll excuse me, I have other patients I need to see.

Excuse me, this is not acid reflux.

She's not lactose intolerant.

There's something wrong with our little girl.

Mrs. Beam, you need to calm down.

No, you calm down!

You find me another doctor, you run some more tests!

I'm not leavin' this hospital until I know what's wrong with my daughter!


Listen, let's make sure she's okay.

Mr. and Mrs. Beam, this is Dr. Burgi.

He's head of our Pediatrics.

Dr. O'Neil to the ER, please.

Dr. O'Neil to the ER.

So, we did a series of X-rays and a sonogram, and I'm sorry to tell you that there appears to be 100% complete abdominal obstruction.

What is that?

Part of her intestines are twisted off.


So, I can tell you, emphatically, that if we don't clear that obstruction right now, your daughter's gonna die.

We're gonna need to take her right now.

I'm sorry.

Okay, let's go. I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.


BP 110/70.

Okay, all the fluids are ready.

Can you check the suction? Right. Suction's good.

Will you get me the Tegaderm, please?

It's standing by.

Mr. Beam, will you step back?

Okay. Thank you.


We'll need to insert this tube into Annabel's nose and then run it down into her stomach to begin suctioning, okay?

So, Mrs. Beam, if you could step back.

Mommy. Mr. Beam, if you could come and hold her down and help her keep her still, that will make it easier, okay?

Sir, it's imperative that we do this now, okay?

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Before we can give her any anesthesia, all right?

It's me. All right, sweetheart, here we go.

I'm right here with you, okay?

Baby, it's gonna be okay.

This is gonna make you...

It's gonna make you feel better, okay?

Okay, don't be scared, okay?

You need to swallow, sweetheart. Daddy!

Daddy, it hurts! You need to swallow, sweetheart.

Baby. There you go. There you go.

Baby, it's okay. It's gonna make you feel better, okay?

All right, all right. Okay, all right.

It's gonna make you feel better. All done.

All done.

What bird turns into other birds?

The tiny blue one. The blue one.

Are you talking about the one that launches...

Yeah. ...and you click it and three come out?

Okay. Yeah, it's that tiny little one.

What level are you on?

Chirp Valley.

I've been stuck on this King Pig Boss for quite a while.

That's not very good, Pastor Scott.

No. Mr. and Mrs. Beam.

Mr. and Mrs. Beam.


We're praying for you.

Give me your hands, little one.

Heavenly Father, we pray for the health and well-being of Anna Beam and the entire Beam family, especially these two...

So, Anna is okay.

She's in recovery.

But my findings weren't good.

There were other obstructions in the small bowel that required extensive dissection to free them.

You... You cleared 'em all out, though, right?

I did. I did.


Unfortunately, I'm afraid that Annabel appears to have a very severe intestinal motility disorder.

Are you sure?


What is that, Kevin?

It's when her...

Her body can't process food.

Since the...

The intestines aren't able to function properly, what she eats and drinks tends to sit there.

But she'll be all right now, right?

I mean, she's sick, but she'll get better, right?

There's no cure, is there?

I'm sorry to say that presently there isn't.

So, is she restricted to tubal feeding?

In the short term.

Eventually she'll need a gastrostomy tube, which aren't always successful in the long term.

I did talk with my colleagues, and there is a specialist, Samuel Nurko.

He's the country's foremost motility expert.

He's a pediatrician from Mexico who's based out of Boston.

He might be able to help.

I don't want to give you false hope, you know?

But people do come from all over the world to see him, so...

Excuse me.

I'm very sorry.

Thank you.

Tramadol, gabapentin, glucosamine.

Hi, baby.

Do you have water, Anna?

Here you go.

Let's see how breakfast was today.


Well, must have been good. It's all done.

Did you get that assignment done?

It looked really hard. Was it okay? Great.


It looked really hard to me.

I'll tell you that. Ready?

I did my homework. I bet it was easy for you.




Almost, almost, almost. It hurts, Mommy.

I know, honey. I know.

You did it.

Okay, let me get you dressed.


That's a girl.

Here you go, baby.


They're all like that. Not to worry, baby.

I'll take you shopping.

But for today...

For now, let's try these.

All right.

Why do you think God hasn't healed me?

There are so many things I don't know.

But I know God loves you.

Hey, Anna.


I'm sorry you had to miss the aquarium.

Yeah, me, too.

Hey, where are you going?

I don't know.

Library. I'll go with you.


Of course. I love the library.

Dr. Nurko's office.

Hi, there. This is Christy Beam calling from Burleson, Texas, again.

I just wanted to make sure that Dr. Nurko had received my letter.

Mrs. Beam, as I assured you the last time you called, we're making every effort, but Dr. Nurko gets a lot of letters.

I'm sure he does, but there are specifics to Anna's condition that I think that he would find...

I really don't know if I'll get a chance to ask him about the letter today, Okay, then I'll call again tomorrow.

Thank you so much.

Bye now.

Fort Worth Hospital.

Hi, Dr. Burgi's office, please.

This is Dr. Burgi.

Hi, Dr. Burgi, this is Christy Beam calling. I just wanted to make sure.

Have you spoken to Dr. Nurko?

I just am wondering why I haven't heard from him.

It's been weeks.

I know.

Well, I want you to know I've called him three times, and you're on the waiting list.

I just checked the other day. You're still on it.

You know, his schedule opens when people no longer need his care.

So, you mean when they're cured?


No, I don't mean that.

So, I have to wait for someone to die and just pray that Anna doesn't go before then?

Are you there?

Do you even hear me?

'Cause I don't hear you.

Hi, Daddy.

Hey, munchkins.

Hey, baby doll.

I brought you a little somethin' to brighten your day.

He's so cute. Ain't he?

My. He's a Yorkie terrier.

His name's Napoleon. He's adorable.

He's French.

Bonjour. Ain't he cute? Oui, oui, oui.


His owners never came back for him.

It's strange. Oh, my gosh.

Look at his little face! Really?

'Cause he looks like a purebred, probably from a breeder.

See, Mom?

Express mail.

Hello. He's so cute.

So cute.

Stop putting me in that position.

Is there anything wrong with trying to make her feel better?

You know, giving her something to look forward to when she comes home from school instead of laying on that couch day after day?

Well, now we have five dogs.

Five. Don't have a savings account, but we have five dogs. I don't care if we have 50 dogs.

Well, I care.

I'm the one who has to look after 'em.

Now's probably not the time to be adding somethin' to my plate.

I'm just trying to lift her spirit.

And I'm not?

We need a solution, Kevin. We need it now.

Yeah. And we'll get it.


By not losin' our faith.


How's that goin' so far?

Good night, baby.

If I'm not happy in a particular situation, I need to ask myself, and you might want to ask yourself, "What am I doing or what am I not doing

"that's creating this?

"Have I sinned?

"Have I drifted astray?

"And if I have, I need to man up and get back on track."

Great message. Keep on askin' that question.

Nice to see you.

Thank you very much. Thanks again.

I'm glad your mom is feeling better.

Did you forget your sweater?

Yeah. I'm sure it's...

I'll grab it. Well, now or never.

I'll be right back. Good to see you.

All right. Let me think of something.

Let's do it. Christy, hey.


How is that sweet little girl of yours doin'?

Bye-bye. Good days and bad days.

Yeah. Christy, we just want you to know that we're prayin' for Annabel.

Thank you.

Thank you. It's been goin' on for quite a while now.

Well, longer than you can imagine.

Well, since she's not been healed, it may be a good time for you and Kevin to ask yourselves some difficult questions.

I don't understand.

Honey, Anna is not better, and she should be.

Now, somebody's sins are preventing the healing.

Either yours or Kevin's or maybe even Anna's.

Excuse me.

Christy. Christy, I don't think you understood.

Pardon me.

Christy. I think you might have misunderstood us.

I'm not havin' it. I'm not havin' it.

Look, you can't... I'm gonna go and give them a call.

No, you can't, you can't, you can't. I'm gonna...

I don't want the girls to know that we're fightin' about people at church.

Why is Mommy yelling at the cows?

Let me tell you something.

I think they're fighting about me.

But why?

Just like Pastor Scott said, you need to look at yourself...

Well, because when someone you love gets sick, it causes stress.

I can handle her thinkin' that this is your fault or my fault, but no one can say that this is Anna's fault!

Okay. Baby, relax.

Okay, just because we're all in the same church, don't mean we're always gonna see eye to eye.

You just got to let it go.

It'll be okay.

It won't be okay! Stop sayin' that!

Nothin' is okay!

And until it is, I am never goin' back to that church.

Where you goin'?

I'm gonna take Anna shoppin' to see if I can get her some clothes to make goin' to school more bearable!

Come on! Girls, let's go.

You okay?

I prayed that Anna would get better and that we could play soccer again like we used to.

I like that prayer.

Is Anna gonna die?

A recent open letter saying that climate change is, quote "not valid"...


Can you pick up Abbie and Adelynn from school tomorrow?

I think so. Why?

I'm taking Anna to Boston.


Okay, we don't have an appointment yet.

She's dying, Kevin.

I can see it.

Baby, I'm scared, too, okay, but you can't just take her to Boston without an appointment.

Yes, I can.

Ladies and gentlemen, from the flight deck, this is your captain speaking.

Our flight to Boston today will take approximately three and a half hours, so please sit back and relax.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.



I brought your book.

Here you go.

Hi. Hi.

What doctor are you here to see?

Dr. Sam Nurko.

And what time is your appointment?

Well, I don't have an appointment.

My daughter is Annabel Beam.

That's her right there.

I'm Christy Beam.

I've probably called 100 times.

Anna's doctors have called, they've written letters.

We're from Texas.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

The doctor can't see you without an appointment.

Do you have kids of your own?

Because if you do, you'll understand why I flew all this way without an appointment.

Is Dr. Nurko available?

I'm sorry, ma'am, but he's got a nine-month waiting list.

I know. We're on it.


It's all right here, how sick Anna is.

She starts her day with Align/Culturelle for digestive immune support.

At 9:00 a.m., she takes rifaximin, an antibiotic for bacterial overgrowth in the GI tract.

She takes hyoscyamine for intestinal spasms.

At 12:30, she needs gabapentin for...

To regulate her intestinal nerves, and lately she can't make it more than three to four hours without tramadol.

She's always in pain.

I'm so sorry.

I have to check in other patients.

Zach. Zach will...

Bye. happy to explain our patient policy to you...

Look, Anna's always played soccer.

When she was little, we used to call her Monkey.

Because she was forever climbing on everything.

I'm sorry.

And then one day she got sick.

Out of nowhere, she just got sick.

And nobody knew what it was.

And they told me, "She's lactose intolerant."

"She has acid reflux."

"It's an infection."

And I knew it wasn't. I'm her mother.

And I knew, I just knew it was something bad.

I'm not sure Anna can wait much longer.

I am so sorry.

I want to help you, I really do, but I've only had this job for two weeks and I really need it.

I'm just doing what I'm told.

Of course.

Of course, I'm sorry.

I'm just trying to help my little girl.

Sorry. If something opens up I'll let you know. Excuse me.

I'm so sorry.

Come on.

Are you okay, Mom?

Yes, baby.

You need to eat, Mom.

You can't let yourself get iron deficient.

Don't worry about me.

Here, take these.

God. Great. It's okay.

Now, this day's just gettin' better and better, huh?

Thank you, sir.

I'll take the table.

Be my guest, your majesty.

No, I got it, I got it.

Don't worry about it. Okay.

Everything is fine. Thank you.


For what? Being human?

Don't mind him.

He don't have kids, and he has no personality.

You know, when you got kids, things get messy.

I have three.

See? So, you know.

You either roll with it or you get rolled on.

You get rolled on, you get flat.

So, where y'all from? What you doin' here?

Well, we're from Burleson, Texas, and there's a doctor at Children's Hospital we're tryin' to see.

Well, Boston is one of the finest cities I know.

I mean, you ask me, it is the finest city in the country.

But I might be a little biased because I live here.

I mean, I'm here.

Of course it is.

But, no, it's a gorgeous city.

So, yeah. Well, good.

Well, maybe we should try to do a tour while we're here if we have time.

Yeah. Yeah.

You know...

I'm off tomorrow.

I mean, I could be your tour guide.

Would you like to see the city?

Yeah. You know what?

We can't. We can't.

We don't have time, honey.

I don't know what the schedule's gonna be and...

But, Mom, I really want to go. It's...

Well, we're just... Mom, please.

We're just hopin' to get this call from this doctor.

Mom, please. Right, right.

You got a cell phone, right? Well...

I have a cell phone, either way. I do have...

Of course I have a cell phone.

I mean, we don't have to go far. I mean, I could...

But I could show you a couple really cool places.

Well, I just need to be able to get right here if they call us and tell us... I'm a fast driver.

You should see me drive. Mom, please.


You want to go, baby?


All right.


Then we're goin'.

I'm Angela Bradford.

I'm Anna. This is my mom, Christy.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

Angela, you know, how about you leave the guests alone and help the rest of us get some work done here?

These are now my new friends.

This is Anna and Christy.

Welcome now. And they're gonna give me a huge tip in a few minutes.

Just kidding. I'm sure they don't want you to lose the job either. All right.

I got to take care of these customers.

We'll talk in a sec. I'll come back.

Okay. Bye.


She seemed nice.

Maybe something came up.

What do you mean?

Well, maybe she had to work, maybe she forgot she had an appointment.

We don't know her.

You know? Things happen.

So, ready to have some fun?



Hey, sweetie.

So, I was thinking, why don't we start at the aquarium.

Oh, my gosh.

I say something wrong?

No. No.

Well, come on!

Maybe we should look for a crosswalk.

Or just wait for the traffic to thin out. This is thin.


Watch it! Out of the way, lady!

Get a life!

What is wrong with you? Sorry.

It's early and I'm trying to quit smoking.

What are we doing?

Getting in.

I told you, this is a personal tour.

It's great.

Let me help you, sweetie.

You know, we could meet you there.

We could... No, I got you.

We could all hop in a cab or there are buses...

There we go.

After you, beautiful.

I won this garbage can in a divorce settlement.

I'm getting me a new one as soon as I get my license.

Wait a minute. I'm sorry.

You don't have a license?


I'm gonna become a certified financial planner.

Of course I have a license. I'm sorry.

Well, I'll just get in the backseat.

You know, I meant to get that out of there.

So, why don't we just go three across?

Three across.

Three across. Three across.

All right, let's do it.

All right, thank you, ma'am.

Okay. Off we go. Does this close?

Here we come.

What would your daddy say?

Put on your seat belt, Anna.

All right.

Hey. Hey, hey!

Here we go.

That's the Prud, the famous Prudential Center. What?

Yes. It's so big.

Now, this is very important. Focus.

Fenway Park.

That's a fire hydrant right there.

Nothing famous about that.

Now, this is the famous Beacon Hill.

This is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the entire city, and it's home to my sweet, sweet boyfriend, Tom Brady.

Does he really live there? Yeah, he does.

Hey, babe!

Oh, my gosh.

Look at that fish.

Oh, my gosh!

It's so big.

Look at that.

My goodness. What is...

Look how cute they are.

They'd be even cuter on some rice with some soy sauce.

Angela, there are fishes here!

You are awful.

I'm just kidding.

I really would fry 'em with some... My...

I'm just...


May I speak with Christy Beam, please?

Yes, this is... This is she.

I'm calling from Dr. Nurko's office.

We just got an opening at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow Can you make it?


Yes, ma'am.

See you tomorrow, then.

Thank you.

Excellent. Good.

There you go.

Anna, I need you to relax, take deep breaths and don't move.

Hey, somebody there?

Now, let me hear your thoughts.


Okay, lie down.

So, tell me, do you prefer Anna or Annabel?

Well, my friends call me Anna. Annabel's too formal.

Yeah, I understand.

My real name is Dr. Nurkobel, but I prefer Nurko.

Why do you wear an Elmo tie?

I lost a bet to him.

If I had won, he'd be wearing a Dr. Nurko tie right now.

And when can you take it off?

When my next patient gets better.

So, do me a favor, get better fast because my wife pretends she doesn't know me when I wear it.

So, what I'd like to do next is a motility test and an endoscopy.

I want to put a camera inside and look around.


Will it hurt? Not a bit.

You'll be sleeping.


Again, picture, please.

There. Got it.

Heart rate is 73.

She's holding steady at 11 5/74.

Mrs. Beam, I didn't take her medical history at face value.

As you know, we ran an extensive battery of new tests.

And unfortunately, the testing confirmed that she is very ill.

And in a tremendous amount of pain.

Okay? So, look.

I'll show you.

This one shows normal function.

The other side, it's what's happening to Anna.

It's called Pseudo Obstruction Motility Disorder.

Her condition is akin to a...

To a paralysis of the GI tract.

The top part of the stomach works, but the bottom doesn't.

The nerves don't fire correctly, so the intestines can't pick up the messages the neurons are sending.

Well, what about the pain she's in?

Well, I have to say, pain is one of the most complicated things to treat.

Dr. Nurko, we came all the way here because everyone told me you were the one person who could help. Yeah, I know.

That you were the person who could help me. Listen...

That you were the person who could help my daughter.

Mrs. Beam, I see this every day.

And although there is currently no cure for Anna's condition, our treatments are focused on improving quality of life and controlling the pain.

There's hope.

Now, the good news.

Our center is one of the very, very few places that's been granted permission by the FDA to prescribe a drug that can help Anna digest some foods.

If it's successful, the distension in her stomach would be reduced and we could end the tubal feeding.

This would give her the semblance of a normal life.

A normal life.

That would be wonderful, Doctor.

I mean, however, there's potential side effects.

Headaches, diarrhea, swelling, and some that are more dangerous, like cardiac arrhythmia.

Because of that, I am required to see her every six weeks for monitoring.

I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't believe it was worth the risk.

$1,000 for plane tickets to Boston every six weeks.

$2,000 more a month to increase our yearly cap.

All the non-covered procedures, the new medication, the out-of-network doctors.

Our co-pay is going up across the... Kevin.

I'm listening. I don't know how we're gonna afford this.

Well, I'd say sell the house, but there's no money in it.

I know. It just makes me crazy!

I just never thought you needed such a big place!

Man. Okay.

Here we go. So now it's my fault?

I need to know how we're gonna do it.

Well, we'll figure it out.

No, no. You can't say that. I hate when you say that!

Well, I'm sorry, babe, but I don't have any answers right now. I need an answer!

I can't give you an answer, but... I need an answer!

I cannot operate under the assumption that it's all just gonna be okay! I...

It's called faith, Christy!

I don't have faith about anything.

I can't even pray, Kevin.

I'm sorry. No.

I hear you.

But I can't help you with your faith.

But I tell you, I'm gonna do whatever I have to do.

Okay? I'll open this place seven days a week.

All right? I'll work double shifts.

I'll get a second job if I have to.

Okay, whatever it takes, I'm gonna do.

I really appreciate you coming by. I got to say, I miss having you here.

Kevin put you up to this.

Well, he's worried about you.


I'm a little worried about me, too.

Well, Kevin told me what those ladies said to you, and I...

I have to say, I sure wish that I could give everybody a spiritual IQ test before they walk in the door.


We can't choose our neighbors.

We're just asked to love 'em.

Well, I'm gonna have to try and love 'em from home, 'cause I'm not going to church with 'em.

Christy, that's not the reason you stopped coming, is it?

What can I say or do to help you come back?

Well, you could tell me why a loving God would let Annabel suffer the way she has.

I'm sorry. I don't have an answer for that.

But just because she's sick doesn't mean there's not a loving God.

Let me tell you, at the lowest points of my life, I've tried it both ways, doing everything I can to connect to God or walking away.

And in my experience, one feels a whole lot better than the other.

"...he seemed more interested in the potted plants

"in the courtyard than in coming in to tune the piano."

"...there's also always..."


Do you know him?

Anna, he loves you.

Angela, look, she's coming over!

The crazy thing, I thought we were good.

Good years.

I think I'll use this one.

I like this yellow one.

Which one do you want?

That one? Okay.

They just got her going from one test to another to another.


We can't do anything?

I am a healthy pirate.

Okay, let's take a look.

Let me see.

How's the tummy?


Nurse tell you I threw up and it was green?


That's why we're gonna do some more tests.


Hey, pretty girl. I like your necklace, but we're gonna have to take it off.

But I like it near me.

You know what?

If we put it here, its power will go into the liquids, and it will protect you from the inside.

What do you think?

That's a good idea.

I know.

Doc, you're a smart guy.

I know, birdie.

I'm very smart.

How's that?

Merci, Dr. Nurko.

Fondue. Croissant!

Foie gras. Mardi gras.

More tests. Is she okay?

With these disorders, there are flare-ups.

Everything becomes paralyzed.

Nothing moves, not even the air she swallows.

Anna is not responding to the medicine as well as I'd hoped she would.

So she needs to be closely monitored.

I just want to make sure she doesn't have any obstruction that requires surgery.

Once the episode resolves, she can go home.

What's your name?


I'm Anna. I'm from Texas.

Do you have a horse? No.

But we have five dogs, two pigs, three cows, and some goats.

And a donkey.


My dad's a vet.

He brings a lot of dogs home for me.

Makes my mom mad.

My dad writes for the newspaper.

Sometimes we get tickets to see the Red Sox.

It's just me and him.

My mom left.


Why do you want the cross with you?

It's just, like, a reminder.

Of what?

That Jesus is with me.

Do you think he's with me, too?

Of course he is.

Do you have cancer?


I have a weird stomach disease. That sucks.

I have a weird bone disease.

It always hurts.

Me, too.

Are you afraid you're gonna die?


Okay, Anna, we are gonna roll you down the hall.

All right, now let's get you down gently. Ready?

Now, step back.



You okay? Good.


I'll see you when I get back.

That's the first one.

Yay. Right.

Good. All right.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Now, there's two more.

Wait to see.

Okay. All right.

This one's red now. It's bold.

I like that one, too. All right. Okay.

Good choice. Not bad.

So, tell me... Tell me about your friend.

Your roommate.

Her name's Anna.

They live in Texas.

They have five dogs, three cows, two pigs, goats, and a donkey.

She told me not to be afraid to die.

Why'd she say... Why'd she say that?

You're not going to die.

Because she's not afraid.

She says God is always with her.


I guess if that makes her feel better, that's good.

That's her.

Hi, Anna. Welcome back.




Here you go, ladybug.

Here you go.

Hold on to Mama.

Okay. Nice and slow.


One, two, three.

Nice and easy.

I want to give you something.

Don't reach, honey.

I'll get it for you.

I want Haley to have it.

Thank you. You're welcome.

It's pretty, isn't it?


Can we?


I'm Ben, Haley's dad.


Look, I'm happy that the girls hit it off, but I'd appreciate it if your daughter didn't...

Didn't fill her head with that kind of stuff.

Well, I don't know what made Anna do that, but I am certain that she didn't mean any harm by it.

No, no, I'm sure that she didn't.

But it's not really our thing.

So, I just don't want anyone to give her false hope.

I hope you can understand that.

More than you know.



Hey, sweetie.

What's wrong?


Come on, what is it?

I said, nothing.


Did you all eat?


Why not?

Because I didn't think I'd be here.

I thought I'd be at my all-star tryouts and then we'd pick something up.

Baby, I'm so sorry.

It's okay. I mean, there's another one next year.

Maybe you'll remember that one.

Abbie, wait.

Abbie. Abbie!


Abbie, can I come in?

Baby, I need to talk to you.

It's okay. I'm not mad at you.

It's just hard without Mom here.

What's wrong, Daddy?

Baby, nothin'.

Daddy just made a mistake.

Go back to bed.

I love you.

I love you too, Daddy.


All right.

Let's see here.

Can I take you down to the playroom? No.

Would you like to read? Can I read to you?

I have King Arthur and His Knights, A Tale of Two Cities, Moby d*ck. I don't feel like reading.

A Moveable Feast.

It is Hemingway, and it's set in Paris.


I'm never going to Paris anyway.

I just want to go home.

Haley got to go home.

We just can't take a chance, honey.

Can I have the heating pad for my stomach?

Yes. It's getting worse, Mommy.

Yes, baby.


I need another tramadol.

It isn't time yet, baby.

I'm sorry.

But it hurts, Mommy.

Don't you understand that it never stops hurting?

It never stops.

I'm sorry, honey. I know it does.

I know it does.

I want to die.


I want to go to heaven where there's no pain.

You know, baby, if you went to heaven, you...

You wouldn't with me and Daddy anymore and you would...

You'd leave a hole in my heart.

I'm sorry, Mommy.

I don't want to make you sad.

I... I just want it to be over.

Not this one.

Come on.

We still have to go through security.

...front of the line. Sir, can we go ahead of him?

Is there another line? How many cards does he have?

Really? This is nuts.

This is embarrassing.

What if Anna dies before we get there? Hey, she's not gonna die, okay?


I'm sorry to hold you up. No.

I need to see. We're gonna miss our flight.

That's the last one.

Why is this taking so long?

The flight boards in 20 minutes.

Come on. Really?

This is nuts.

Everybody stop... Can we move it along?

Do I have to get in another line?

We've been here for 30 minutes already.

There seems to be a problem with my system.

I guess I'm gonna have to manually issue the tickets.

Just be aware there may be an overdraft fee from your credit card company, okay?

The nurse wants you to take a shower.

Tell me why.

Annabel, it's been five days. You need a shower, little girl.

For what? Why do I need a stupid shower?

It doesn't matter. None of it matters.

Look at me. Annabel, look at me.

Don't say that! I am here trying to help you!

Well, I don't want any more help!

I just want to be left alone! Well...

Hi, honey.


Hey, I was wonderin' if you...

Maybe you'd be able to put Annabel on the phone.

Yup. She's right here.

It's your daddy, young lady.

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, sweetheart.

Hey, how do you feel about playin' a game before you have a shower?

How do you know I need a shower?

Well, 'cause I can smell you right out here in the hall.

One, two, three, go!

Surprise! Surprise!




You want a hand?

Yes. God. Hey.

Come here.

This is more like it, huh?

There we go.

Look at my girlies.

We missed you, baby.

Look at my girlies. We missed you.

Stop squeezing so hard.

Stop being such a baby.

Come on. Who are you calling a baby?

All right. Who's the baby now?

You are.

No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.

Hey, girls, you're gonna get us kicked out of here.

Excuse me?

Have you lost your mind?

Watch it!

Hey, get Daddy. Get Daddy.

Hey, hey, hey!

You're supposed to be sick.

Hey, all right.

We could use you as a pillow.

I love you. I'm sorry.

That hurt! I love you, too.

Get your mom.

Get your... Get your mom.

Get Daddy! Get Daddy!

Get down there. Get down there.

Baby, I miss you.

I missed you, too.

Why do I always have to go out in a wheelchair?

My thoughts exactly.

That's what I keep telling the nurse.

I'm the one who's old, so let's switch.

Okay? My turn, mademoiselle. S'il vous plaƮt.

I'm so tired. So tired.


I'm so tired.

Faster. Faster.

End of the trip.

All right, pretty girl.

Have a safe flight, okay?

Thank you, Dr. Nurko.


Christy, it's not uncommon for kids to fall into a depression.

And depression can make the pain worse.

So, make an appointment with a child psychologist as soon as you can.

Okay? Okay.

And, Christy, spend all the time you can with her.

Her family is the best medicine right now.

All right, team Beam.

Bye-bye. Say, "Bye-bye."

Bye-bye, Annabel. Bye.


Hi there, this is Christy Beam.

I was referred by Dr. Samuel Nurko up in Boston, regarding my daughter, Annabel Beam.

I was hoping I could talk to Dr. Crites for a few minutes please.

What are you doing?


Why don't you come outside with me and Adelynn?

And do what?

I don't know. It's just better than being in here.

Come on, it'll be fun.

We can play soccer if you want to.


Hi. Christy Beam, referred by Dr. Nurko.

Hi, Dr. Crites, this is Christy Beam.

I'm calling regarding my daughter, Annabel Beam.

You want to climb?

You know I can't, Abbie.

Why not?

I mean, we've done it 100 times.

I'll help you.

It'll be fun. Okay.

Come on.

Here, grab my hand. Okay.


We haven't done this in so long, Abbie.


I want to climb, too.

This one's too high for you, Adelynn.

Don't call me Adelynn. My name's Taylor.

Whatever. You're weird.

This is fun.

Okay, this is it.

I think we're high enough, Anna.

I really miss being up here.

This feels so good.

Beats being inside, huh?

Good call, Abbie.

I bet we're as high as the Eiffel Tower. Maybe.

Abbie! Abbie! Abbie! It's okay.

Abbie, Anna, what's going on?

Anna, see the hole over there?

Go over to it and sit in it.

No, Abbie. It's okay. I'll go around and I'll help you. No, Abbie, I don't want to.

What do you mean, "No"? We're gonna fall. Go!

Abbie, I'm scared! Just do it!

Okay, I'm going. Just go, okay?

Okay. Can you do this for me, please?

Okay. Anna, please.

I don't want to move until you're safe.

You need to sit in the hole before I can...

Oh, my God! Anna!



Anna, please!

Anna, can you hear me?






Mom! What happened?

Where's Anna?





Can you see her?


My God. Can you hear me?

Baby, it's Dad! Mommy, I'm digging her out.

Daddy, I'm digging her out.

Anna! Baby, we got to get her out!

We need to get... They're right behind me.

Officer, over here! Hurry!

They're right behind me.


Hey, we're gonna need a...

Sir, we're gonna need a rope or something to get all the way at the bottom!

Abbie, we need to get going.

Can somebody get up here with a rope?

Her name is Annabel and we call her Anna, and she's at the bottom of the tree! There's no way we're gonna be able to cut this tree down. It's too hollow.

It's gonna collapse in on this little girl.

We're gonna take good care of your daughter, all right?

Little girl named Annabel, about 10 years old.

Need an ETA on that ladder truck.

Frank, you got a visual? Anna?

Anna, you're gonna be fine.

We're gonna get you out of there, okay?

Chief, the victim's unresponsive. We're gonna have to send a man down.

We got more trucks comin' in here.

I'm gonna need you to step back.

Little more. Right there.


Keep goin'. Keep goin'.

Right there.

It's been three hours since 10-year-old Annabel Beam fell headfirst three stories down the center of this giant hollowed-out tree.

Paramedic unit is on site.

Victim is showing no signs of life.

First aid and CPR procedures are ready, Copy that. We show you on scene.

Let us know when you have an ETA.

According to the rescue workers that I've spoken to, this tree could be as much as 100 years old and, apparently, is rotted all the way out to the bottom.

CareFlite 3, CareFlite 3, what's your status?

We don't know the extent of her injuries just yet.

She's still unresponsive.

Can't confirm that, though.

Just notify Fort Worth Hospital that injuries have left her comatose at this time.

At this point, no one knows how injured Anna may be or if she's even alive, as she's been unresponsive to repeated calls of her name.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. My baby.

Oh, my God. My child...

Oh, God.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day, our daily bread...

Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

How's the clearance?

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven.

Anchor points aren't gonna work.

Okay, easy.

How's it going down there?

She's secured!

Okay, let's bring her up.


Nice and slow. Careful, guys.

Oh, my God.

Scratches on her arm, on her face as well...

Just secure her neck.

Got her?

Oxygen comin' through, guys.

She's released.

Watch out, guys. Let me in.

She's breathing.

Thank you, God.

One, two, three, up.

Trauma One, we got a female, 10 years old, possible brain and spinal injuries.

Mrs. Beam, I need you to follow me. Okay.

I'm gonna need you to stay here, Mr. Beam. I understand.

All right, let's swing around.

Fort Worth, this is CareFlite 3.

We are at the LZ ready for transport.

We'll advise en route.

Copy that. Trauma team standing by, All set. Good to go.

Mr. and Mrs. Beam.

I don't know how to say this, but other than the possibility of a slight concussion, your daughter has no broken bones, complete movement of all her limbs.

There's no internal bleeding, no indication of bruising.

In fact, after hitting the ground skull first with dirt packed to the top of her head, she regained consciousness, woke up with a smile on her face.

Oh, my God.

Quite frankly, I've been a doctor for 25 years.

Never seen anything like it.

Hey, come on. Come on.

Go get it.

Anna, take it easy, honey.

I will, Mom. I don't want you to overdo it.

My. Honey.

Kevin, I forgot to give Anna her pain medicine this morning and she hasn't asked for a single pain pill.

Come on. Two days ago, she could barely get off the couch and I don't know how in the world she's doin' this.

Hey, I'll take a good day whenever we can get it, babe.

It's okay. I'm fine. Okay.

Hey, Mom, have you seen my pink jeans?

No, honey, I put those away.

Here, I have a couple other options for you.


What... It's normal.


It's flat. Kevin!

Mom, stop acting so weird.

He told me I'd be fine.

Who told you you'd be fine?

Something happened in the tree that I didn't tell you about.

As soon as I hit, everything went black.

And I stepped right out of my body.

But it was kind of weird because...

Because I could see my body, but I wasn't in it.

And then what happened?

The butterfly was there.

The butterfly?


I didn't know where I was at first, but...

But I knew I was safe.

I love you.

Baby, you spoke to God?

Yeah, but...

But it was different.

It was like... It was like you could talk to each other without really saying any words.

You know?

Like, I said I wanted to stay, but he told me I needed to come back.

And he told me that when I came back, I'd be healed.

And so I asked him if he was 100% certain because...

'Cause I didn't want to come back unless he was right.

Have you told anyone about this?

No, not yet.

I'm worried what they might say to you.

It's all right, Mom. Not everyone's gonna believe.

And that's okay.

They'll get there when they get there.

You're right.

We get there when we get there.


She's asymptomatic.

Both her stomach and her intestines are functioning normally.

I mean, all the parts are talking to each other.

I know that's what's happening medically, but can you tell me how?

Can you... Can you explain it?

Maybe when she fell and hit her head, something happened.

Her central nervous system has been regenerated.

It's like her software's been reset.

So you're telling me that when this baby girl fell 30 feet, she hit her head just right and it didn't k*ll her and it didn't paralyze her and instead it healed her?

People in my profession use the term "spontaneous remission" to explain what can't be explained.

You're saying she's cured?

There's no cure for Anna's condition.

But according to everything you're telling me, she's cured.

I can't medically say that.

Then please figure out what you can say.

Hey, Dr. Nurkobel!

Watch me!

My patient's better and I have a wonderful feeling that this is good-bye.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you so much.

Thank you. Thank you for my little girl.

Thank you, thank you.

All right, you take care of yourself, Christy Beam.

You, too.

I have something for you.

I've had this one since I was really little.

Anna, honey.

And I have a question.

What is it, baby?

Is it okay if I call you Aunt Angela?

Because you're way more than a friend to me.

Of course. Of course.

Next, from our sister station in Fort Worth, Texas, this is a feel-good story that we wanted to share with you.

Ten-year-old Annabel Beam from Burleson, Texas fell 30 feet headfirst down a tree.

While rescue workers were trying to get her out, she says she went to heaven and had an experience with God.

Ten-year-old Annabel Beam fell into a hollowed-out cottonwood tree she and her sister were climbing and plunged 30 feet to the bottom.

The fire department from Burleson, Texas, quickly assessed the situation.

The rescue would take time and extreme caution.

According to the rescue workers that I've spoken to, this tree could be as much as 100 years old.

Come on, let's go.

Now is usually a time that I choose something to talk about that interests me and I try to ignore some heads that may be nodding off while I talk.

But you're gonna be happy to know that I'm not gonna do that this week. Yeah.

I've asked our dear friend Christy Beam to speak with us today.

I'm sure that's why most of you are here, because I don't usually get this big a crowd.

By the way, you had better put things into the collection plate, television people.

Christy, please.


Scooch over.

Oh, boy.

Well, I wasn't sure I was gonna do this today

'cause I didn't think I was comin' back here.

When Anna got sick, I just couldn't understand it.

Why was this devoted, God-loving little girl going through this?

I felt hopeless.

I felt alone.

I was angry that our prayers weren't being answered.

I lost my faith.

Because of that, I didn't see what was all around me.

Albert Einstein said there are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle.

I'm the first to tell you I wasn't living my life as though everything is a miracle.

I missed a lot.

Miracles are everywhere.

Want to climb, Anna?

Miracles are goodness.

You guys finish without me.

Hey, Anna.



I can't make it to work tomorrow.

Sometimes showing up in the strangest of ways through people who are just passing through our lives...

There seems to be a problem with my system.

And the distension is bigger because... Dr. Nurko?


I'm the new receptionist.

All right. dear friends... Come on, buddy, let's go.

...who are there for us no matter what.

No, no, no. Let's go back to sleep.

One, two, three.

Surprise! Surprise!

Miracles are love.


Miracles are God.

And God is forgiveness.

Why was Anna healed when today around the world there are so many children suffering?

I don't know the answer.

But after everything I've been through, I've realised

I'm not alone.

And whatever you may be going through, I am here to tell you, you are not alone.

Miracles are God's way of letting us know he's here.

Thank you.

Is it possible that Anna wasn't as sick as you said she was?

Is she serious? I'm sorry?

Did you seriously just say that?

I want to know. I'm sure you can all understand this is a little hard to believe.

Why would they say that? And there's a lot of people out there that are just lookin' for publicity. That's right.

I can't believe this.

I believe her.

I saw Anna in the hospital.

She was gravely ill.

So much so that I wasn't sure she was going to make it out.

I've never been a religious person.

But my beautiful daughter...

My beautiful daughter d*ed recently.

Her name was Haley.

And she was 10.

She had cancer.

And she suffered a great deal.

But the last few weeks of her life were different.

She felt...

She felt safe.

She felt loved.

She felt...

She felt God.

And she felt that way because Anna gave her faith.

She gave her peace.


I came here today from Boston to thank Annabel.

And to thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you all.

Thank you all very much for coming.

If you'd like to join us weekly, you can sign up in the back. Yeah, sure.

Our deacons will take care of that. Thank you.


I am so sorry to hear about Haley.


How can I ever thank you?

Look at this. I can't believe you came.

Hey, sweetie. Hi.

How are you? Good.

You look so good. That's a very cute dress.

Here we go, the great pizza reunion.

All right, ladybugs. Can we eat now?

I'm starving.

Well, let's let your daddy say grace.

You know what, baby? Why don't you say it?

Bow your heads, girls.

Dear God, we give thanks for this meal.

We give thanks for each other.

We give thanks for you and all that you are.


Amen. Now! Amen.

Ready? Get it.

Here we go! Wait!

Wait! Wait! Wait, what?

What? What?

Let's let Abbie go first.

It was her idea not to eat pizza until Anna got better.

No, you go first. I mean, your body's still growing. You can go first.

No, you go first. It's okay, you can go first.

You... No. You go first. It's fine.

I don't really care. You can go first.

No, you... You can go first.

Okay, I'll go first.

Yeah. All right.

Thank you! Cheers. That's more like it.

Cheers. Cheers.


What do you think, sweetie?

The most amazing thing I've ever tasted.

I second that.

As you can see, we now live as if every day is a miracle.

Because for us, it is.

Hi, Daddy, Hey, Anna. How are you?

Adelynn, say hi.

This is my little sister, Adelynn. Hi.

This is my big sister, Abbie.

Hey, stop texting and say hi to the camera.


This is my mom, Christy Beam.

And this is me. I'm Annabel Beam.