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06x10 - Some Measure of Justice

Posted: 10/29/20 07:16
by bunniefuu
Turn the page?

It's all there, signed by your lawyer and the D.A.

Plead to manslaughter, take your chances with the judge.

11-year max, right?


Okay. sh**t.

Start with the house where you took the girls and the man you gave them to.

Mariposa, south of Santa Monica.

The house at the end of the street.

Um, the guy you're looking for is named Hector Cruz.

What's the security setup?

Two, three guys.

Weapons? Never seen them, but yeah, sure, they're strapped. They're cartel.

Cameras? Cameras.

Yeah, they got cameras.

But pro tip, you drive up there in a van and you'll get right up on them.

They get a lot of vans coming and going. All right.

Edge, get your people, take the surveillance van.

Roger that. Pierce, Vega, you're backup.

Call me as soon as it's secured.

If this assh*le's lying, I want to know about it.

You got it.

Tell me about Daisy Clayton.

Daisy was a clusterfuck.

I wanted to take her, not k*ll her.

What went wrong? What didn't?

I mean, the first time, it was a scam. It was a setup.

Her boyfriend jumps out of the closet with his f*cking camera and gets my I.D.

There's nothing I could do about it.

Must've pissed you off.

Well, I got over it.

And next time?

I see Daisy on the street, and I talk her into my van.

Little street whore had a knife in her sock.


Well, I had to f*cking defend myself.

It was her or me, man.

So I grabbed the knife and I-I cut her.

It was self-f*cking-defense.

You cut her throat in self-defense.

Yeah, that's why I better not be getting no 11 years for this shit.

The whole, the whole thing was on her.

No sign of Cruz, but we got a line on him.

Intel's legit. We rescued three.

Good work. -But L.T., there's room in the house for a whole lot more.

Lock it down.

They rescued three.

Soaked her in bleach to get rid of the DNA.

The sex was her idea.

14-year-old girl.

I knew no one would believe me.


And then I drove around for a while trying to come up with a plan.

Go on.

I'd cleaned one of the Butcher's crime scenes, so I thought I could just sort of slip Daisy into the lineup, you know?

That's enough for now.

You better hope you serve all 11. Every minute of it.

No matter how long or short it is, I'm gonna be there when you get out, waiting for you, you f*ck.

And you won't see me coming.

Count on it.


Can you book him for me? Something I got to to do.

No problem. Thanks, brother.

What did you say to him in there?

After you cut the feed?

Told him to have a pleasant stay in prison.

What are you doing with that? Returning it.

Her mother?

Well, make sure to tell her about the three girls we did save.

Like it'll make a difference.




Oh, shit.

Oh, no.

First my son, and now Dwight.

What do I do, Jerry?

What am I supposed to do now?

They were my whole life.

What about your church?

Maybe there's somebody there you can talk to.

Lean on.

There is. I-I, I can.

I thank God for them.

You can call me anytime.

Thank you. I-I will.

Naomi, I'm so sorry, but I-I have to ask you a few questions.

I am so sorry.

Oh, it's-it's, it's all right.

You-you do what you have to do.

After he picked up your things from the church, did he say where he was going?


You-you told the detectives he left me a note.

A few days ago.

He said to give this to you if anything should happen.

I-It's like he knew what was coming.

Officials stress that although the two-acre fire is not fully contained, the chance of it spreading to nearby structures remains low, and dying winds will help further mitigate that risk.

Now breaking news in the L.A. city mayoral campaign.

At a hastily-called press conference this morning outside his Hancock Park home, Chief Irving announced he is bowing out of the mayoral race and throwing his support to Councilwoman Susanna Lopez.

The popular police chief's endorsement... -¿Qué pasa? expected to vault Lopez to a commanding lead over Valley businessman Jack Killoran among likely voters.

After his statement, Chief Irving took the time to answer a few questions regarding his decision.

She's honest and has the city, not herself, as priority one, which is what L.A. needs now.

And I think it's about time this city had a Latina mayor.

I look forward to working with her, as chief of police.

Chief Irving, please, just one question...

You think I'm just gonna let you hand the election to Lopez?

I take it you got my answer.

Making a big mistake, Irv.

I still have the tape.

Jack, as an ex-politician, I'd advise you to save your dignity.

Now, you release the tape now and you reveal yourself to be a vindictive political hack.

And I expose your attempt to extort me, which could have legal ramifications.

Take my advice: let sleeping dogs lie.

Who was that?

The car czar.

Wishing me luck.

So... are we happy?


It's the right thing to do.

That's all that matters.


Sorry to hear about Elizabeth Clayton.

Yeah. Me, too.

Blamed herself, couldn't bear the guilt, or the fact the system placed such a low value on her child's life.

Her k*ller cuts a deal for 11 years for what he did.

So it goes.

Hey, there. Hey, Michael.

What up?

Harry. Yeah?

I want you to look at something.

Letter Dwight Wise left me.

"When the system fails, righteous men rise up."

What do you think it means?

It means you got to do what you got to do.

That look like self-defense to you?

Detective, we have been through this.

Dillon will do time. 11 years for a child's life.

In exchange for his intel and his testimony, we have taken down a major human trafficking operation.

Cruz is in custody, we saved three girls, and who knows how many more in the future. That's a win.

We didn't save that girl's mother.

A damn shame, a tragedy.

What about the other nine? I recovered a dozen IDs.

And we are working those names.

Cruz and his crew are going down for a very long time.

It's the greater good, Detective.

If we could prove Daisy didn't carry a knife, it wasn't self-defense, he's caught in a lie, his deal is dead.

We can try him for m*rder and really get the greater good.

We have some measure of justice here, Detective.

We have to live with that.

You know, somebody once said, "When the system fails, righteous men will rise up."

But not here, I guess.

Shame on us.

It's like I can't move on.

It haunts me, his evil spirit.

I just... I can't get rid of it.

Nobody bats a thousand.

Hey, you did the best you could.

It's just different when you know for a fact who the guy is and what he's done.

And nothing you can do about it.

He's playing you, laughing at you.

I can see the look on his face.

Put it behind you, Jed.

Yeah. Easier said.

I know.

Earth to Dad.

Don't burn mine. Charred steak is the one thing I can make. Check the potatoes?

There's a fine line between charred and burned.

I would never cross that line.

All I'm saying is, it'll be really cool to see her do her thing in court.

It's a m*rder case, Mads, not a sporting event.

I know that.

What, I can't admire a strong woman who's really good at what she does?

Trying to get guilty people off, I find that hard to admire.

Here we go again. She's just doing her job.

Just to be clear, Money Chandler's representing a k*ller, someone who planned the death of her husband.

Chandler is manipulating the system so that her client doesn't have to answer for her crime.

That's not cool. No, I get it.

When she's representing you, she's cool, and when she's representing anybody else, she's not.

"Patricia." Art Pepper.

Girl knows her jazz.

I told Antonio about this song.

I told him he wrote it as an apology to his daughter.

I guess you could look at it that way.


Can I ride with you to court tomorrow?

It'll save me a ton in parking, and if you still have work, I can Uber back and still come out ahead.


Night. Night.


Harry, I'm headed to South Bureau.

J. Edgar's been in an off-duty OIS.

I don't know all the details yet.

Jesus. What the hell happened? Is he okay?

He's fine, but there are two dead. -Who?

Jacques Avril and Remi Toussaint.

Jerry wants you to be his rep at the FID interview.

Yeah. Yeah. On my way.

I was parked outside Avril's house.

I saw a man walk up the drive, Remi Toussaint.

Remi Toussaint? Avril's right-hand man.

He cut down the side of the house and went to the back.

I got out of my car and I followed him.

What were you doing at Avril's?

I had some questions I needed to ask.


The unsolved m*rder of my CI, Gary Wise.

And why did you follow Toussaint?

I knew he was there to k*ll Avril.

I wanted to stop it.

But you just described him as Avril's right-hand man.

Toussaint knew too much.

He knew Avril wasn't gonna let him live, so he decided to strike first, take Avril by surprise.

Okay, so you followed Toussaint. What happens next?

I heard sh*ts.

I drew my w*apon and went in.

Did you identify yourself?

No, I did not.

Why not? -BOSCH: It was the tactically sound move to make. He would've been a sitting duck with the city lights behind him.

Were you there, detective? No.

It's your role here to advise, not answer questions.

Even if the questions are bullshit?

Harry, I got this. Go on.

What did you do next?

I started searching the house.

There were boxes everywhere.

Avril was getting ready to split.

Stepped into a hallway, I could smell the gunpowder. I followed it.

I found Toussaint.

Shot in the head.

And where was Avril?

I didn't know.

I retraced my steps and went back into the hallway.

He ambushed me.

I was fired on and then I returned fire.

And how many rounds did you fire?

Two, three.

It happened fast.

I looked up and I saw he had me on camera.

He knew exactly where I was.

That's when I identified myself as a police officer.

I called out.


Is that you, Detective Edgar?

It's me. Put down your g*n.

And you put down yours.

It doesn't work that way.

Toussaint came to k*ll me.

You saw him.

If that's so, you have nothing to worry about.

The government will protect you.

Now put down your w*apon!


Very well.

I will trust you.

And I will surrender.

He still had the g*n in his hand.

He brought it down...

How many times?


Double tap. I didn't miss.


You have his story. Can he finish this up later?

We're almost done.

At what point did you call for backup?

I didn't. Why not?

I was in my private car. I didn't have a rover.

What about your cell phone?

I'd left it home by mistake.

Okay. I think that's enough for now.

I'll get back to you with any additional questions that come up.

Make sure you have your cell with you.

No problem.

It's been a long night, Jerry.

I think that Harry can handle court today if you want the time. I'll be there, L.T.

Are you sure? 100%.

You gonna be all right?

Fine, Harry.


I know what you did.

What are you talking about? Come on, man.

You don't leave your phone home unless you're trying to avoid leaving a digital trail.


I just hope, before you saw Toussaint show up, that you had decided that it was the wrong thing.

What you were thinking.

What you went there to do.

The wrong thing.

That's what Dwight Wise meant about righteous men rising up.

Harry, uh... I just forgot my phone.

That's it.

Okay, partner.


How long before they notice this stuff is gone?

Hopefully never.

The armory does monthly audits, but I have a guy.

We served in Afghanistan together.

He'll run misdirection and interference.

You can trust him? Yeah, I don't have to.

He's compromised. He rats on me, he rats on himself.


Okay, now it's set for speed dial.

You flip it open, and you press number one.

Make sure you have at least 50 yards separation to be safe.


I'll be long gone.

Where are we going so early? Science camp.

Forgot about science camp. LaTONYA: J?

What's up? Nothing.

Just wanted to see my boys.

What's up with science camp, fellas?

It's all AI this year. We're making robot rats that can find its way out of a maze.

And we got to go.

Okay, well, be good, boys.

Shotgun. What? Wait, you had it yesterday. LaTONYA: Just get in.

'Cause I called it yesterday.

You okay, J? I'm fine.


Maybe someday they'll invent a robot detective that can solve murders and not get pulled into the abyss.


What happened?

We'll talk about it later. You need to go.

Open it.


You happy, Detective?

Now I am.

Thought I was late. Waiting for the judge.

You see Reece? She's supposed to be here.

Uh-uh. I'm gonna call her.

Bosch. -Where are you?

Blair may need to put you on the stand.

I can't make it. We're working a credible t*rror1st threat.

What kind of threat? -I can't get into it.

But the tip came through the sheriff's department.

From who? -Snitch at men's central.

Anyway, it's all hands on deck here, I got to go.

You just have to win the day in court on your own.

Harry. Showtime.

Let you know how it goes.

Nice of you to join us, Detective Bosch.

My apologies, Your Honor.

We're back on the record in The People v. Alicia Kent.

There is a defense motion to suppress before the court.

Ms. Chandler, it's your motion.

Do you have witnesses or do you wish to proceed to oral arguments?

Uh, Your Honor, we have witnesses and the defense would like to start by calling Detective Harry Bosch.

Very well. Detective Bosch.

Your prostate must be the size of a donut.

I wish. Grapefruit, more like it.

...before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Reviewing the m*rder book, I noticed that in the demand photo sent to Stanley Kent, Alicia Kent's robe was thrown over the back of a chair.

But when I entered the bedroom and freed Mrs. Kent, her robe was in the closet.

She asked me to retrieve it, and I did.

And based on that, you believed she'd m*rder*d her husband?

Not based solely on the photo. There was other evidence.

Detective Bosch, didn't this discrepancy between the demand photo and your memory send you into a tunnel in which you could only see Alicia Kent as a suspect and not the victim she was?

I'm sorry. Could you repeat the question, please?

Isn't it a fact you had tunnel vision?

Oh, for Pete's sake.

Your own report said the private investigator never confirmed Mrs. Kent was having an affair, correct?


And yet in your search warrant application, you didn't mention that.

Barrel, what?

Heather Strout. She just got on the elevator, but her backpack is still here.

You're sure she left? Yes, and I got news for you.

Her sovereign pal is a sheriff's deputy working in the building.

Name's Hughes.

Shit. Everybody out. We have a b*mb.

Everybody out.

Go, go, go. Hurry!


Maddie... Maddie, go. Get out.

Get out! Go!

Anybody in that holding cell?

Empty. I got the b*mb Squad on its way.

No time. Open that door. Clear the floor.

Dad! Maddie!



Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Dad... are you okay?

I've got you. I've got you.

You gotta go, Mads.

No, I'm staying with you.

Only law enforcement allowed in the building.

They're looking for a bad guy. It's not safe.

I'm fine. Now, you gotta go. Let me take you down, Maddie.

Your father's right. Go on, honey, go. Go, go, go.

Harry. We got him. Downstairs.

Where's Heather Strout?

We got a BOLO out. Nothing yet.


Ah, shit.

I found the backpack with the pamphlets in it.

It was in his locker.

Which you opened without my permission.

Illegal government intrusion.

Exigent circumstances, m*therf*cker.

Where is Heather Strout? I want a lawyer.

My daughter was in that courtroom, you piece of shit.

You want a lawyer, you tell us where she is.

Sacrifices need to be made, Bosch.

Like in any revolution.

Government is the enemy.

There's bound to be collateral damage.

It can't be helped.

Save your crazy bullshit. Where is she?


Harry, what?

Reece said they were working a credible threat.

A tip, from a jailhouse snitch through the sheriff's.

It's you.

They just wanted to make sure all hands were on deck at the task force, everybody in one place.

Maximum carnage.

There's a second b*mb.

Reece. -Reece, it's Bosch.

Heather Strout's coming to you. She's got a b*mb.

Shit. Shit. Shit!


Heather Strout, it's over.

Step out of the car, kneel down, and raise your hands.

I'll never kneel to you people.

Heather, put down the phone.

Nobody got hurt at the courthouse.

You don't have to do this.

Heather, step out of the car.


Heather, put down the phone.


Hannah Blair.

Sobel dismissed the defense motion.

Wiretap evidence comes in.

You surprised? Not really.

She authorized it in the first place.

She didn't buy Chandler's argument you misled her?

Because I didn't.

You know, Dad, what you and your friends did today...

Part of the job.

I changed my mind.

About law school?

No. I still want to go to law school.

About which table I want to sit behind.

Maybe one day you can hook 'em and I can cook 'em.

What are you gonna tell Money Chandler?

That I want to intern for her next summer.

A good prosecutor should know how to think like a defense attorney.

So.... how much time do you have off?

Grace says I can take as much time as I want.

Can we go down to Borrego?

To the cliff?


Just give me a couple of days.

I got a feeling I'm gonna be sore tomorrow, and there's something I gotta do the day after.


Very well... I will trust you.

And I will surrender.

And on the day of judgment, raise her up... dwell with your saints in paradise...