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04x18 - 'Ohana

Posted: 10/29/20 06:05
by bunniefuu

[keyboard clacking]


[keyboard clacking]

What are you doing?[gasps]

Oh, Nick, you scared me.

I thought you'd gone home.Forgot my keys.

What are you doing in here so late, Ginny?

Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?

I'm sorry. I'll leave.


I'm sorry.


[bees buzzing]

[gasps]Whoa! Tasha, it's me!


Guess I'm wound a little tight.

You guess?

Dominic just buried Jane alive and got away.

There's gotta be something here that points to where he might be.

No one expects you to find him on your own.

[door opens]


Hey, Tasha.

Here's the bagels you wanted.

You weren't still here working at 4 a.m. when you texted us about craving bagels, were you?

All right, a little breakfast with the whole team in the conference room.

That's-- Hey, what happened to you?

Nothing happened to me.

Excuse me, did you mess with my system?

What? No.

Oh, I am trying to add a VR component to the Tattoo Squad board game.

[whispering] Hey, doesn't what's-her-face look a little peaked to you?

I have been sifting through every file we have on HCI Global, looking for any hint of where Dominic might be.

All right?

Tasha... we all wanna catch him.

But you gotta take care of yourself, too.

Look, why don't you go home and get some reset.

Right now, home is a cheap motel in Newark.

I gave up my apartment when I went deep cover.

I know you don't need a key to get into my place, but take these.

I'm not taking no for an answer, Tasha.

Get some sleep.

Thank you.

Still no lead on the person that accessed the Sandstorm bunker where we found all this.

Shepherd's last game.

You know, I don't know if all this was meant to haunt me or help me, but, honestly... it's been kind of freeing.

I used to think of Remi as this boogey-woman, but... she's part of me.

You really believe that?

Yeah. Yeah, you know, I'm able to connect to parts of my past that aren't just triggering trauma.

Oh. So, what category does this poetry that you wrote fall into?

Don't. Give that to me.No.


"Encroaching darkness.

"A looming flock of ravens.

"My hand on a cold window.

"I look at the world, trapped.

The dark of night is my haven--"

Oh, stop!What?


Who didn't have a gothic phase as a kid?

Uh...Okay? Except for you.

Yeah. All right.[phone alert]

Uh, that's Patterson.

So we can get back to your flock of ravens.

Yeah, we can follow them into the haven of darkness.[Jane laughs]

[Rich] So, bad news, Jane has a deadly poison called tetrodotoxin on her body.

Wait, what?

No. No-no-no-no-no!

I-It's not in her body.

It is on her body. It is a tattoo we solved.

I said "on her body." Why would that be grammatically confusing for anybody?

Wait, that's a super-dangerous type of food poisoning, right?

Like E. coli or salmonella?

Okay, I guess we're not here because a few people had a bad burrito.

TTX is a rare but deadly marine bacteria.

It is found in the guts of the absolutely scrumptious fugu pufferfish... which, if you've never had it, it's like Russian roulette on a plate.

It's a wild ride. Also, there's no cure.

Just a single drop could k*ll in minutes.

And my system has been flagging every reported case, but none of it has seemed out of the ordinary, until now.

There have been 26 this morning.

So far, half of the victims have died.

Any word from the CDC?

A few, yeah... all of which are the "wear brown pants" level of terrifying.

None of these victims consumed seafood.

These poisonings are not typical or natural.

Were the victims targeted? Are they connected in any way?

No, aside form ingesting the toxin.

So someone's messing with New York City's food supply.

This is an attack.

So we need to find the source of this TTX and stop it now.

Patterson, Rich, you guys work with CDC, see if you can find where this is coming from.

Weller, Jane, coordinate with NYPD.

I'm gonna contact the mayor's office and let them know this could be something big.

[Weller] Copy that.

[distant sirens]

[Patterson] I got an update from the CDC.

All of the victims had one food in common that they consumed in the last 12 hours.

Cucumis melo.

A.k.a., cantaloupe.

People are dying from eating cantaloupe?

We put out a recall, but it's too late for anyone who's already ingested it.

[Reade] How does poison from a fish get into produce?

We don't know the how, but we were able to track the where.

All of the contaminated melons traced back to a research farm outside Quaker Hill.

We sent out a team to secure the property, and the good news is only one of the enclosures grew cantaloupe-- Greenhouse 18.

But whoever's renting the property is hiding behind shell companies.

We were able to use qwerty sorcery to establish that the receipts came from a building in Ozone Park.

So this incident of intentional food poisoning might just be the tip of the iceberg.

And who knows what other deadly toxins they may be experimenting with.

All right, Rich send us the address.

Patterson, you're gonna come with us.

If it's as dangerous as you say it is, we're gonna need your scientific expertise.


We gotta take these guys down before anyone else gets k*lled.

[sirens blaring]

[Weller] FBI! Show me your hands!

Don't move. Don't move.


[Bill Nye] Honey...

What's goin' on?




The facility we raided is called Spelta Research Lab.

They're privately funded by Worldwide Science Innovation.

[Reade] And Bill Nye is one of their lead consultants.

Why didn't you tell me the criminals are your family?

I could have recommended a fantastic support group.

My dad wouldn't even let me k*ll spiders as a kid.

There's no way he poisoned innocent people with TTX.

I agree.

Bill Nye is an American hero.

No, I know a secret bad guy when I see one.

Bill Nye is about as bad as they come.

That bowtie doesn't fool me one bit.

Did you know your dad was working for Spelta?

No! He has so many jobs.

I mean, he consults at so many different places.

But why would he keep his work with the lab a secret unless there was something nefarious about it?

Because these labs are covered by major NDAs.

So even if he wanted to, he couldn't have told Patterson.

[Jane] This feels like Roman's doing.

He designed certain tattoos to create rifts within the team.

Regardless, we still have to treat Bill like any other suspect.

[Patterson] Let me talk to him.

I'm sure there's an explanation for this.

All right, I'll come with you.

I mean, a familiar face might help things.

You mean like his daughter's?


Patterson, you and Rich talk to Bill, see what you can find out.

And I want you two to go through the Sandstorm evidence Shepherd left us.

We have to figure out why she sent us there and what this mystery man has to do with it.

Okay.All right.

[indistinct whispering]



Dad, I can't hug you right now.

Gotta work.


It's just good to see you.

Maybe I should get arrested more often.

Do you understand how serious this is?

Science Guy by day, Poison Guy by night.

It's a brilliant cover.

So tell us, how'd ya do it?

I didn't poison anybody.

Dad... I want to believe you.

But you taught me to trust the evidence, and right now, everything is pointing at you.

You've been secretly consulting at a lab that rents the greenhouse that grew modified poison cantaloupe.

This is preposterous.

I've worked alongside Bill for three years.

He is innocent... and I am willing to testify on his behalf in court.

I'm sorry, who are you supposed to be?

[Bill] This is Ginny Kelling, my research assistant.

The Luke to my Yoda.

Okay, that's... great.

Ginny's great.

But how did-- how did this happen?

How is the lab that you're working with connected to the contaminated melons?

Honestly, this is the first we've heard of it.

We've been working on a number of things: diversifying nutrient-dense crops, urban farming...

[Bill] Bee repopulation.

Genetic modification...Okay.

Which one of these admittedly laudable pursuits do you use Greenhouse 18 for?

Greenhouse 18...

I believe is housing bees this winter.

So which one of your staff is developing cantaloupe as a m*rder w*apon?

'Cause TTX doesn't just wind up in cantaloupe by accident.

Have you looked into the watering system at the farm?

Bacteria can sit in the water supply and...

Contaminate the food

Ob-Obviously I know that. That is why, uh, I-- I already... sent someone out there.

[Rich] You did?

Oh, that's what that was. Yeah, yeah.

I will let you know if we have any more questions, but right now, this does not look good for you.

And until we can figure out who is behind this attack, you will be treated as suspects.

Shepherd gave me this in junior high.

Toucans were my favorite animal.

So your favorite animal was a parrot... and you wrote Goth poetry.

What's that?I don't know.

Everything in this room is meaningful.

I can place almost all of it except this.

I've never seen it before.

Let's show it to Patterson.

See if she can work out what that symbol means.

I think this card belonged to the person accessing the bunker.

How do you know that?

Remember how the mystery man or woman was wearing a green jacket from Housley's Ribs?

Wait, I thought this was a dead end.

It was.

But then I noticed this green stain on the card.

I was able to find out which dyes and materials the jackets are made of.

And it's an exact match for the pigment on the card.

What, so the dye in the jacket must have bled through and stained it.

They could have dropped the card while in the bunker.

What about the symbol?

It is for Monroe's Shelter for Women.

It's a few blocks from the bunker.

So the hooded figure might be there.

Chelsea Chalgren.

Chelsea Chalgren. I know that name.


Shepherd said she met a Sandstorm informant through her.

Good thing you have your Remi memories back.

Do you remember if she was a part of Sandstorm?

No, no, but she'll likely know who Shepherd was looking for.

All right, so let's bring Chelsea in and see if she can identify this mystery person.

Oh! Hey, heads up!Whoa.

I got great news!

You figured out how the tetrodotoxin got into the cantaloupes?

I can't just touch things and figure out what happened to them.

Who am I, Deanna Troi?

Although I can feel people's energies.

Can you feel my energy telling you to get to the point?

Okay, Ginny's brilliant idea was a big, fat load of nothing.

The farm has one watering system, and it's TTX free.

If the poison had come from the water supply, the entire farm would be infected, but it's isolated to Greenhouse 18.

You would think... Ginny would know that if she worked there for three years.

Unless... she's responsible for the poisonings.

Whoa. Excuse me. Is somebody jealous of Ginny's relationship to their father, Bill Nye?

I'm not jealous!

Why would you be? You got this great job.

You got me. This lab. Me. I'm here.

You have an exorbitant number of tabletop board games.

Okay... Ginny has access to the lab and the farm, so she is the logical explanation for all of this.

Logical? Slow your roll there.

Okay, let's just stick to the science, all right?

We need to figure out how the poison got in the cantaloupes before there's another attack.

Where are the scalpels?

Anthony, where are my scalpels?


[faint traffic noise]

[Madeline] You hadn't decided which side you were truly on.

You still haven't.

[phone buzzing]


Oh, thank God.

Claudia... is everything all right?

I have to talk to you about something important.

I can't tell you over the phone.

Is there somewhere secure we can meet?

I'm in New York.

I know just the place.

Whatcha got?

Well, on top of the TTX, we also found traces of lactobacillus.

It's a bacteria bees leave behind on plants when they pollinate.

Didn't Bill say bees were being stored in Greenhouse 18?

Yeah, about 30 hives' worth.

Nobody say "candy man" more than four times, okay?

I'll get a field team to secure them.

[Jane] And you said TTX naturally occurs in a certain type of fish, right?

So how could the bees be carriers?

Well, there's have to be gene modification to get the bacteria into the bees, and the only way to do that would be with CRISPR technology.

CRISPR is a family of DNA sequences--

I bet Bill Nye has a video on this!

I mean, he makes science fun.

I can be fun.

Hey! Kurt was right. I found something.

[computer chirps]

CRISPR stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.

We can use it to change an organism's genes, the bits of DNA that determine almost everything about us or any living thing.

Our size, our shape, hair color, number of legs, and so on.


Now, here are a pair of my pants that feature a serious mustard stain.

Now, the stain represents a genetic sequence that predisposes me to some syndrome, like "enthusiastic hot dog consumption."


Researchers can use CRISPR to go in and snip out...

[grunting] that... genetic sequence, and mend or replace it.

It's like having a pair of scissors and a sewing kit all in one!

For jeans!

Or... jeans!

[Weller laughing]Okay.

That... is how you explain science.

While you were enjoying Genetic Modification Over-Simplification 101, I checked the Spelta files and found this article.

"Bee Populations." What does that have to--

[Rich] Take a look at the author.

Ginny Kelling?

And there's a section in here about how this technology could eradicate entire populations.

So she's using bees as a w*apon to poison crops.

Oh, I knew she was bad!

The hives from the farm are missing.

If those bees are released... they can k*ll millions of people.


Why are you poisoning people?I'm not poisoning anyone.

You wrote a thesis paper on modifying bees.

You have an entire section devoted to the deadly use of your method.

That is a research paper. It's purely theoretical.

37 real people are dead.

That is more than a theory.

You genetically modified bees to carry TTX.

Where have you taken the infected bees?

I haven't taken them anywhere--

We have a record of you accessing the lab where they were being studied after hours, you buying CRISPR equipment, and of you calling the farm.

I would never do that to Bill.

Oh, cut the act, Virginia!

Ginny is not short for Virginia, okay?

This is a requisition form for 36 live cultures that are the same bacteria that produces TTX.

And that is your signature.

Hold on, that's not me.

No, I'm serious. That really isn't me!

You see the date? That's my birthday!

January 27th.

Bill and your mom had me over!

They made lasagna, because it's my favorite.

And there was no way I could have signed and submitted that form at 8:56 p.m., because I was too busy kicking their butts at the Star Trek-themed Settlers of Catan.

[Reade] Okay, you just said

"this" wasn't you.

Does that mean you confess to the rest of it?

I'm trying to help people, not hurt them.

I have been looking into creating edible vaccines via pollination, just like in my paper.

Imagine stopping flu season with a piece of fruit.

But I-- I barely even started.

I just ordered the bees to begin testing-- that's it.

You sit tight.

I'm gonna have to corroborate your story.

And you better hope we can, or the next lasagna you'll be eating will be off of a prison cafeteria tray!

Yeah, we're done here!

Right now, Ginny is our most likely suspect and you've been making her all my favorite foods.

You mean Ginny's birthday dinner.

Your mother and I had her over. So what?

Sir, we realize you want to protect Ginny--

No, I remember! It was January 27th.

We made lasagna.

You and Mom haven't had me over for my birthday in years.

We invite you every year, but you always say you're busy.

Your work is so important.

You're... my little superhero.

Which one? Batman, isn't it?

Right? If she's Batman, then I'm Catwoman, which is great, 'cause I look fantastic in a leather unitard.

She's been genetically altering bees right under your nose, and using your lab to do it.

Ginny... I warned her not to use CRISPR to modify animals, but she was so certain this project could help people.

Look, it's like the time you built that supercomputer.

Remember, when you were nine?

I told you not to do it, but you did it anyway...

[chuckling] and the power surge blacked out the whole neighborhood.

I was helping Mom with her nerve-mapping algorithm, and our IBM PS/1 just wasn't cutting it.

And-- and-- I didn't k*ll anyone.

Neither did Ginny!

I hate to say it, but your dad's right.

I don't hate to say that. I love your dad.

Love you, Dad. I can call you that, right?

That's not weird? Is that weird? Dad?

[Reade] Let's focus.

If this requisition was forged, then that means someone had to fake it.

So who was at the lab who could have ordered the TTX?

The way I'm remembering it, I left Nick Pomeroy in charge of the lab that night.

All right, let's track Nick down.

Did Mom make the lasagna how I like it, with the... you know, little diced-up yellow squash?

That's how you make lasagna!

[Zapata] What couldn't you say over the phone?

Madeline's in jail.

Case all wrapped up in a neat little bow?

I don't think this is over.

Neither do I, but MI6 does.

When you arrested Madeline, I returned to my life... ended the pretense of being dead.

I was ready to get to work and dismantle HCI Global.

But they wanted me to sit at a desk and push papers with my head in the sand.

FBI's slow-rolling it, too.

They don't know Madeline the way we do.

That's why I came to you.

You're the only one I trust with this.

Not my team, not your bureau.

I want to take down Madeline's deadliest fixer.

I intercepted coded text messages from a number I know to be his.

His name is...Dominic.

We've met.

What do you have in mind?

Your name came up in connection to a case of ours, Chelsea.

Do you know this woman?

I'm not sure, I...

My shelter helps hundreds of women every month.

Lying to the FBI is a very serious crime.

So think very carefully about how you answer our questions.

[exhales shakily]

The details are a bit fuzzy, but... someone who looked like her came to my shelter years ago.

She was looking for someone who had been in and out of the shelter-- Jessica.

She wanted to protect her, just like I did.

Wanted to know where to find her.

Wait, so you gave Jessica's information to a complete stranger?

Shelters are supposed to be havens.

These women are vulnerable.

They trust you.

I slipped up.

Do you recognize this person?

I think that's Jessica.

So, what makes you say that?

It's been years since I've seen Jessica.

I convinced myself I did the right thing.

But then, a couple of weeks ago, Jessica came back to the shelter.

[fighting tears] And she was wearing that same jacket.

Is Jessica at the shelter now?

No. I haven't seen her since.

Do you know Jessica's last name?

A lot of women who come in don't wanna be found and give fake names.

She called herself Jessica Smith.

If we brought in a sketch artist, could you describe her?Yes.

Anything I can do to help.

Rich, can you send in a sketch artist to speak with Chelsea?

If she gives us something solid to go on, we might actually be able to bring in the Sandstorm informant.

I know just the person for the job.

Not Boston.

Why do you hate me?


Nick Pomeroy is in the wind.

Our agents couldn't find him at Spelta or his house.

I've put a BOLO out and have agents on his relatives.

What do we know about him?

36, has a doctorate in microbiology.

Yeah, he applied for a raise last year.

The company denied it.

I know he wasn't happy, but I guess he was angrier than I thought.

Probably had a bee in his bonnet.

Nice, Kurt. Solid bee pun.

Oh, boy. All right, so it looks like Nick's credit score was so low it was in the double digits.

Massive amounts of debt.

Collection agencies are after him.

He found me once in the bee lab after hours.

I thought he was gonna rat me out to Bill, but... he must have been working on his TTX experiments.

He wouldn't have wanted anyone to know he was there.

So Nick co-opted your research and turned it into a deadly w*apon that would infect the food supply and k*ll millions of people, and we have no idea where he is.

If Nick and the bees are missing, it's a pretty good bet they're together.

They're too dangerous to hold onto for too long, so why risk moving them?

Unless he's planning on selling 'em.

We have to find Nick and stop him before these poisonous bees exchange hands.

Wow, that is a crazy sentence.


[phone beeps]

The sale is on.

Transfer the down payment.

Be at the meet in ten.

Any update on Nick's whereabouts?

He hasn't made a single purchase or phone call, and no one has seen him since yesterday.

Yeah, what about the sale? Anything on the dark web?

No. Although, if Nick is selling these bees, he probably already knows the buyers.

Right, he could have anyone lined up: t*rrorists organizations, hostile foreign governments.

Look, people, this is a w*apon that could wipe out an entire population.

How do we know they aren't already out in the world?

Well, 'cause they couldn't survive in the cold.

If they got out, they'd already be dead.

Oh, God, the poor bees.

Poor bees? You mean, poor humans.

This k*lled 37 people just as a proof of concept.

Do you know how many more people would die if this w*apon was used globally?

Humans can't survive without bees.

Einstein once said that without them, humans would only have four more years to live.

Ginny's right, much of the food we eat depends on pollination, and bees are already well on their way to becoming an endangered species.

This would be very bad PR for them.

Nick just received a wire transfer of $40,000.

[Ginny] Oh, God. We're too late.

No, that kind of w*apon is worth way more than 40 grand.

That's a down payment.

Well, Rich and I will dig in and see who's behind this.

Yes, there's nothing we can't accomplish if we put our heads together. We're like two bees in a pod.

Now is not the time. Here we go.

[trills and beeps]

[sighs]If I hear that noise one more time.

We have tried every cipher known between the FBI and MI6.

Whatever code Dominic's using, it's new.

Without those messages, we have nothing.

I sent the code to my team at the FBI.

If anyone can crack it, it's Patterson.

I thought we agreed no teams.

I came here for your help, not the FBI's.

Maybe I was wrong about you.

Or maybe we're too close to this.

Wait, that's it.

We've been so focused on decoding the "what" that we missed the "where" right in front of us.

If we bypass the coded messages and look into the phone's encrypted meta data, we get the serial numbers.

So we can figure out where the phones were purchased and by whom.


Dominic's phone is a dead end, but I got a hit on the other one.

It was purchased at a convenience store in Brooklyn.

It left their inventory yesterday at 1 p.m.

Do we have security footage?


That is our guy.

He knew not to get caught on tape.

We keep hitting dead ends.

I will send the footage over to my team.

They will scan it--No! Are you mad?

You're the reason we're still hunting Dominic and HCI Global.

Had I been the one to stay undercover, HCI Global would be dust in the wind by now.

Look, I understand that you are frustrated--

I am not the one who failed the mission.

Why don't we just take a breather and regroup in the morning?

I'd rather figure it out on my own.


[door opens]

Claudia![door closes]

[Rich] Nick Pomeroy got his money from Fortified Agriculture, a front company for Alverson Aerospace, a defense contractor that's also spent billions developing 3D-printed squid drones.

And now they're buying and positioning the bees as a w*apon.

That is very not good.

[Jane] Well, releasing bees into enemy territories would be easier than dropping a b*mb.

Plus, the TTX-causing bacteria is all over the bees' guts, which means... the stings are deadly, too.

They might be looking to use CRISPR to modify other creatures into weapons.

More people could die. This is all my fault.

I'm so sorry.We need to stop this sale and take down Alverson Aerospace.

They would need a place to keep the bees and amass a larger population.

Bees are homebodies. They don't travel well.

So, they'll likely do the sale in the same place Alverson plans to mass produce them.

If they're planning to propagate more bees, they need tons of indoor space and the energy to heat it, plus, they'd require a massive generator to kick in for power outages.

Okay, what else ya got?Um... uh, ventilation.

Yes! The space would be heavily modified.

Look for buildings that have been retrofitted with ventilation systems to control smoke.

And they probably want it to be pretty remote, just to keep it hidden.

Yeah, that's... that's good, too.

Okay, there are a dozen warehouses in the New York vicinity that qualify all those requirements, and if we factor in recent construction on the property, we're down to three.

Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait. Let me look at that.

As of two weeks ago, a subsidiary of Alverson Aerospace purchased that warehouse.

[Reade] All right, we all know what to do.

[Weller] Let's move.

[Bill] Be safe!

Oh! "Bee" safe. [chuckles]

Kind of... kind of fell backwards into that one.

I never meant for the melons to get out into the world.

I just wanted to be sure that the CRISPR worked.

Our boss had to make sure you were legit.

We made a quick call to the farm, pretending to be you, and told them to sell the crops you'd grown.You just k*lled dozens of people.

And you're about to be a very rich man.

FBI! Show us your hands!



[alarm screeching]

[bees buzzing]


Jane! No!Aah!

Don't let those bees out of the truck!

It's too late for me!

I'm so sorry.

[buzzing continues]

[Nick screaming]


[Rich] And that is why you don't mess with the FBI.

[Rich] Hey, hey.Hey.

Where's... where's Bill?

Back at Spelta Labs.

Nick had stores of infected bees there, and they're looking into taking out the TTX using CRISPR.

So, he's trying to cure the infected bees?

That's pretty adorable.

He is the nicest guy in the world.

Why didn't you go with him?

I-- They don't need my help.

And plus, I have so much work to do here anyway, so...

Hey... there's more to life than work.

I'd k*ll to have Bill Nye as my dad.

[Jane] There's always gonna be plenty of excuses to not spend time with family, but one day they're not gonna be here, and you're gonna wish you had more chances.

Okay. All right.

I'll go relieve Agent O'Neil.

Hey, O'Neil. You can head back to the NYO. I got this.

[Patterson] Hey.

Hi, kiddo. What are you doing here?

I just wanted to see if you needed any help.

Well, sad to say that we can't get the toxin out of the bee.

Introducing RNA that destroys the TTX bacteria... also kills the host.

It breaks my heart, but it looks like we'll have to euthanize the bees and start over with a new hive.

No! That's not a solution. Y-You...

It can't just be out with the old and in with a newer, younger version. These bees have a history, and you can't just erase that and then replace it with a whole new fresh crop.

That's-- No. You gotta fix this.

Ginny, may I have a minute alone with my daughter?


This isn't about bees, is it, kiddo?

I'm not replacing you with Ginny.

Nothing can replace a child.

It's just that you have your own important and very busy life these days.

We're like, uh, Neptune and Pluto.

We're in different orbits.

You're calling me a dwarf planet?


Dad, get behind me!




[key clicks, computer beeps]


[phone beeps, line ringing]

[Zapata on phone] You lied to me.

Ugh, we're spies. That's kind of our job.

You know that man on the surveillance video, don't you?

Yeah, I had a few run-ins with him while I was working for Madeline. Did I not mention that?

You didn't leave because I was failing.

You went to go chase down this lead.

You know as well as I do, sometimes you have to do things on your own if you want to get them done.

Claudia, he is too dangerous.

Wait for my team.

We can back you up. Goodbye, Tasha.

I'll look you up next time I'm in New York.

You want to drop your piece, so I don't have to k*ll your friends?


Nobody... nobody has to get hurt here.

We'll see about that.

[g*n clatters]Kick it over here.

Go.[Ginny breathing heavily]

What do you want from us?

That guy Pomeroy told my boss there were more k*ller bees in this lab.

So, we're here to collect. Where are they?

[Bill] They're dangerous.

If you release those insects into the world, you'll k*ll millions of people.

You're gonna get us those bugs.

You're gonna get 'em ready for transport, or we're gonna k*ll him.

I don't know, man. You know who this is?

I don't care if he's Mary, Queen of Scots.

I count to five, they aren't helping, you sh**t 'em dead.[Patterson] Okay...

Let me take you to them, and just leave the two of them out of this, okay?

And take away your motivation?

No way. Let's go.

You too.

[Ginny panting] No.

Chaz, keep an eye on the science guy.

♪♪ Something doesn't feel right.

I'm all abuzz with anxiety.

Uh, what are you trying to say, Rich?

The agent that Patterson was supposed to relieve, O'Neil?

He hasn't come back. And neither of them are picking up my calls.

What if Alverson Aerospace didn't give up after that sale?

Not gonna take any chances.

You two take a team over to Spelta Labs and make sure everything's fine.

We'll stay here and hold the fort in case O'Neil gets back.

Go on, get 'em ready for transport.

Okay, okay, okay. We're gonna do it.

We just need a little space to work, please?

We have a lot that needs to be done.

You got five minutes, then whichever one of you I decide to keep finishes the job alone.

Okay. Okay.

Move it!

All right, here we go. We're gonna do this.

We're not really doing this, are we?

No-no-no-no-no. We're just gonna, uh, pretend. Look busy.

We just got to figure out a way to stop them, okay?Okay.

Oh, no. Okay. It's okay.

Just stay calm, okay?

We're gonna be fine as long as we keep our heads.

They're gonna behead us?Oh, no-no-no-no-no.

Look at this. I need you to stand here, and I need you to type the periodic table, okay?

I find that it centers me.


I should have listened to Bill when he told me not to modify bees.

Now we're gonna die and it's all my fault.

I was just trying to impress him.

He talks about you all the time.

I mean, you built a supercomputer when you were nine.

Eh...How can I possibly compare to you?

Hey... you compare.

Your proposal to spread vaccines through food, that is brilliant.

You got three minutes, ladies!

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

Just gettin' there.

It's Agent O'Neil.

No pulse. We got to get to Patterson.

And Bill.

Chaz... [clears throat]

You ever wonder what the difference is between a regular western honey bee and a k*ller bee?

I'd imagine, the killin' part.

That's right. That's very good.

But what happened is, bees from Africa were...

[Jane and Chaz grunting]

Bill! You okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

Where's Patterson and Ginny?

Oh! Oh, uh... the mercenaries took 'em down to Lab 7.

There were two guys with them and, uh, Pomeroy has two infected hives down there.

They're in danger.

Now, look, this is my daughter, okay?

I'm going down there with you.

What are you doing?

It's a reactant.

Once the filtration is off--

I don't need a science lecture, just do it!

You got a minute before one of you dies.

[Patterson] Okay, just... just take it easy.

This is very, very, very, very sensitive work.

Plus, it's crazy, 'cause I can't stop thinking about Einstein's theory of relativity and how it applies to synchronizing clocks.

You want to set two clocks to exactly the same time, you need photoreceptive cells to attach to each clock, because the speed of light, "B," is--

You mean, the speed of light, "C."

Time's up, ladies!


Okay.[both typing]

Okay. Yeah?

[computer beeping]

[alarm screeching, bees buzzing]

[Patterson] Keep spraying!

It'll keep them off of us!

[mercenaries screaming]



[Patterson spraying]Ginny...

Hey, we need to figure out how to get the bees back in the hives, okay?

Um, leave it to me. Okay.

Okay, okay.All right.



I'm releasing lemongrass into the hives.

The smell mimics the queen's scent and attracts them.

Now, smoke masks the defensive pheromones that triggers them to attack.

[smoke hissing]Okay...

[buzzing continues]


And now, we can close the hives.

[typing][alarm continues]

[computer beeping]

Oh, my God.My God!

Oh, my God.

See? See how impressive you are?

Plus, I was panicking for a second because I didn't think that you were gonna get my code to get the bees out of the hive.

I almost didn't, but then you said the speed of light is "B," and I'm like, "Come on, everybody knows the speed of light is 'C.'"

That it's "C"! Oh, yes!

Okay. Hey![beep and hissing]


Oh, my God, Bill!

Oh, I'm so glad you're safe.Yeah.

Both of you.[Patterson] Yep.

Are the bees contained?

Yeah.All of 'em. Yeah.

I-- I couldn't have done this without Ginny.

Nice work.

[Patterson] Yeah.


Reade... look, I know I'm not supposed to be working, but when you get this send backup to my location.

Claudia showed up. We're on Dominic's trail.



[indistinct chatter, sirens]

[helicopter overhead]

I tried to stop her but I couldn't, and now she's dead.

Coulda been me.

I've been on my own for such a long time, I forgot what it's like to work with other people.

To be a team.

And I'm so tired.

I'm sorry I didn't listen--No. No.

You don't have to apologize, I do.

I haven't been there for you.

I know you have the team, but you also have me.

I promise, I'll be a better friend to you.

And you're not alone.

We're gonna catch whoever k*lled Claudia.


You hear me?

Ecuadorian authorities brought in the head of Alverson Aerospace.

He's awaiting extradition.[Rich] As for the company, they won't be getting their stingers into anything sinister anytime soon.


[Jane] Hey.

I'm so sorry about Claudia.

I'm really glad you're okay.

Can we do anything?

No. You guys are here. That's... that's enough.

This might help. I was able to decode some of Dominic's messages that Claudia gave you.

What'd it say?

[Patterson] All right, Barry says, "Sent you the Helios plans.

Got the device you asked for."

And Dominic responded, "I need it to be ten times more powerful."

Well, that certainly does sound terrifying.

All right, we need to find this guy and take him down before he does any more damage.

Helios is Madeline's plan.

It was on her SD card.

Which means Dominic is still working for her.

Zapata's right.

Madeline might be locked up, but she is not done.

We stop Dominic, we end this.

I tell everybody the story of when you shut down the power to the whole neighborhood.

Why? That is so embarrassing.

Oh, no.

I was so proud of you.

All the other kids were sticking pennies up their noses, and you were out there changing the world.

Okay, Dad.

Oh, you don't get it right now, but one day you'll understand, when you have kids.

I mean, I am so proud of you, kiddo.

All that you've accomplished.

I mean, what more do you want?

Maybe I should come over this weekend for some lasagna.


And, uh... bring your boyfriend.

My what?

Okay, okay, if it's unofficial, I get it. [clears throat]

But watching you and Rich work together...

I mean, you two have more chemistry than... Pierre and Marie Curie.

I am not dating Rich.

Clearly we need to spend more time together.

You can stay for as long as you like.

I won't stay long, I promise.

I'm gonna go look at apartments tomorrow.

Okay, I can come with you to... to help, if you want.


If you're gonna stay here, though, you gotta figure out how to clean up after your damn self.

Fine, as long as you get a damn coffee maker.

Well, that's not gonna happen.

In the meantime, though, I'm gonna make some tea.

You want some?Sure.

We have chamomile, chai, ginger...

You know what, I'm just-- just gonna make lemon.

You want some honey... with your tea?

Cheers.[glasses clink]


These last few months have been...

They haven't been easy.

But I finally feel like things are where they're supposed to be.

I love getting to know everything about you.

Your past, your present... your future.

[chuckles]I love it.

[knocking on door]

No, no...Well, who's...?

No...Hold that thought.

I am holding that thought.[laughing]

Am I interrupting something?


Oh, really, do you need someone to film it?

[both] No.

Okay, well, the offer's on the table.

Rich, what are you doing here?

Oh, I thought you'd wanna see the sketch of the Sandstorm informant the moment it was completed.

Look, whoever this is gave Shepherd vital information.

We don't know what this could kick off.

There could be sleeper cells about to activate.

Whatever or whoever that is... we'll deal with it.Yeah.

There's not much Shepherd can do to... surprise me anymore.

[Rich] What?

Kurt, isn't-- isn't this...?

[Rich] Isn't this what?

What? Who is that?

That is my mother.

