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04x01 - Pax Penguina

Posted: 09/14/20 11:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Gotham"...

The infected are being k*lled all over the city.

I'm the one you seek.

I am Ra's al Ghul.

This man is your past.

Now embrace your future.

Use the waters, Bruce.

You were the one time I let love weaken me.

I want you around as a constant reminder to never make that mistake again.

I heard about Alfred.

Is he gonna be okay?

You don't give a damn about Alfred, and you sure as hell don't care about me.

I know you better than that.

I thought you did.

Jonathan Crane's father made a toxin from the adrenal glands of his victims while they experienced terror.

- What do you want?

- I'm tired of just surviving.

I want more.

I'm sorry, Alfred.

I've been trying to find who I am for so long.

Who am I supposed to be?



You need to find your true north.

And let that guide you.



Hurry up, huh?

Give me the ring.

You have one chance.

Walk away.

Who's this?


I got a license.

♪ Never gonna give you up ♪

♪ Never gonna let you down ♪

♪ Never gonna run around ♪

♪ And desert you ♪

♪ Never gonna make you cry ♪

♪ Never gonna say good-bye ♪

♪ Never gonna tell a lie ♪

♪ And hurt you ♪

♪ We've known each other...

♪ Nobody move.

Jewelry, watches, wallets.

- You know the drill.

Let's go.

- We want it all.

All your money.

- Come on.

Ah, nice.

Thank you.

- Ah.


Let me see that.


Cheapskate, huh?

- Come on.

- Excuse me.


That's Victor Zsasz.

I know who it is.

What do you want?

Oh, I was just passing by.

Heard the ruckus.

You know you can't commit a crime in Gotham now without a license from Penguin, right?

Is that right?

Well, we just started it, so word's still getting out.

We ain't kicking half our take to that little creep.


that's a problem.

Maybe you ain't noticed, but there's, uh, four of us, and only one of you.

My finger!

No license.

No crime.

Now, drop the loot and blow.

You tell Penguin he hasn't heard the last of this.

And stay out!

I can't thank you enough.

Don't bother.

Because you see those guys?

They do have a license.

Mazel tov.


Best wedding ever.

You know, we appreciate all you've done.

Do you?

Three months ago, following the Tetch incident, this city was in flames.

I came to you and offered to cut crime in half, and I delivered.

Violent crime is down 57%.

But now you want to, uh, literally, unionize crime.

- I mean, but we can't possibly...

- Quiet!

I remember when I sat there, in the mayor's chair.

I do not envy you.

Nor you.

Commissioner of police in a city notorious for crime.

That's why I want to help.

But, uh, we are fully aware of all you've done.

Are you?

What do you think really happened to those hordes of criminals who once prowled our streets?

I'll tell you.

I hunted them down...

- Oh, no, no, no, no.

- I made Gotham safe.


But this is Gotham City; there will always be crime.

What I am offering is crime in the hands of professionals.

And held to agreed-upon terms.

From which you'll profit.

God bless America.

You have a choice: an era of calm and prosperity...

...or a return to the good old days.

And they will return.

With a vengeance.

We deny everything to the press.


What you need to worry about is the GCPD.

When one of your officers finds someone committing a crime, if that person has a license, they walk away.

Three percent each.

Uh, from the take.

Two to split between you.

- Two and a half.

- One!

- You...

- Yes.




Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to go prepare for the grand opening of my new club, - the Iceberg Lounge.

- Good luck.

Smile, gentlemen.

It's a new day.

Hey, Frank.

Morning, Jim.

I'll get you coffee in a second.




Everything okay, Frank?

Everything's fine, copper.

I got a license.

Penguin approved.

- Is that right?

- Yeah.

I'll take that coffee to go.

Man, what the hell are you doing?

- Look, I-I got a license!

- Yeah.

And unless you shut up, you're also gonna get a fat lip.

We got a problem?

Penguin guarantees these numbers?


Cobblepot has negotiated them with the mayor and commissioner.

These are damn good numbers.

But I already heard from the commissioner.

We have to play ball.

What the hell are you doing here?

Compliance with the licenses is key.


Cobblepot worries about Detective Gordon.

He has a history.

My men will honor the licenses.

You let me worry about Gordon.

Now, get the hell out of my office.


- Who was that?

- A, uh, dung beetle.

What's up?

I pulled this off of some guy robbing my corner bar.

You're a homicide detective.

Isn't, uh, a stickup a little JV?

I'm a cop.

I see a crime, I stop it.

This is the second one of these I've come across, - and I'm not the only one.

- Yeah.


Harvey, we cannot let this slide.

Word's come down from the commissioner, you find someone with one of those, they walk.

And before you get on your high horse, three months ago, this city was in a tailspin.

We survived because Penguin took control of the underworld.

I am not giving the city over to Penguin.

- I don't care what the commissioner says.

- What about your fellow cops, huh?

The past month, how many have been shot?


I know the stats.

Jim, we will bust Penguin one day, I promise you.

But this city has to get back on her feet.


Harvey, I get that.

But every day the citizens of Gotham look to Penguin and not the GCPD to keep them safe, the harder it's gonna be to win them back.

You want people to trust cops, there are better ways of doing it than spitting in Penguin's eyes.

You see one of these, you walk.

Bloody Penguin.

There must be some way we can turn this against him.

Oh, just-just stop.

Stop right there.

How does this fit in to what we're doing?

What was the initial reason that you popped on that mask and you went out there?

We agreed that I have to be ready for when Ra's al Ghul returns.

You yourself said there's no substitute for real-world encounters.

But my point is if that is our mission, we must hold to it.

My finger was on the button that released the virus.

- Oh, I see.

- I know I didn't press it, but I feel responsible for what happened.

And more than that, I can make a difference in Gotham, Alfred.

I know I can.

And that is what we call "mission creep," Master Bruce.

You're trying to achieve not one but two objectives.

So, go on, then.

Which one is your priority?

It's messy, sir.

It's dangerous.

I hear you, Alfred.

But I can prepare myself for Ra's and make Gotham safer.

You have to trust me.

All inmates, last call...

in five minutes, make your way to the door and the nearest...

This way.

Hey, Warden Reed.

Warden Reed's the boss here.

Where is he?

This way.

Back when I was an orderly in here, he'd always talk about his dad and this formula he'd made.

Some sort of scare juice.

Make you see your greatest fear.

We get ahold of that, we don't got to worry about Zsasz or Penguin, or nobody.

What's wrong with him, anyway?

The toxin his father injected him with overloaded Jonathan's fear response.

His mind created a sort of boogieman figure.

Now it haunts him.

I find it very useful for...

controlling him.

Jonathan, you're going with these men.



Where are you taking me?

We just want to give someone a little scare.



That's all, that's all my dad's stuff.

Look, I can't be here after dark, please.

I real...

I cannot be here after...

You were your daddy's little assistant, weren't you?

You helped with the experiments.

Some, but I don't know everything!

Now, you're gonna take your daddy's notebooks and make as much of that fear juice as I say.

And so you don't get lonely, the boys here brought you a friend.



No, don't!

Please, stop!

No, you don't understand!

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

May I have your attention, please!

All the money, now!

Give it to me!

All of it!


You have a license?

Look at me.

Fiery demons.


Fiery demons.

- Demons.

- Demons.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, we'll catch them.

Get him out of here.

- Go, go, go, go.

- Fiery demons.


Did Penguin issue a license for this?

Why you asking me?

Best of my knowledge, no.

Then why do something so public?

Unless you're trying to send Penguin a message.

I hope the message was "Please send Victor Zsasz down here to k*ll me," because that's exactly what's gonna happen.

- Not if I find them first.

- Hey!

You asked me to stop busting crooks with licenses.

This g*ng didn't have a license.

And you're gonna find them before Zsasz just to prove that GCPD still matters?

That's not thumbing your nose at Penguin?

- Fire me.

- Hey, don't tempt me.

You got a lead?

The victims, the way they're acting, their terror reminds me of Crane's formula.

You think someone's using the fear juice?

It ain't him.

He's dead, remember?

Not that that matters much in this town anymore.

He's dead.

His son isn't.

Jonathan Crane's condition is fragile.

I'm afraid he can't see anyone.

Certainly not the two men who k*lled his father.

Yeah, so, uh, how many loonies you got in this joint?

436 total.

We mustn't call them "loonies." Course not.

How about staff that had access to Crane?

Any of them not show up for work?

All present and accounted for.

You don't want to check?

- I don't need to.

- See, that's impressive.

'Cause I run a precinct, and if half my cops - didn't show up, I'd be none the wiser.

- It's true.

He wouldn't.

Clearly we have different...

professional standards.

Jonathan Crane's father created a toxin that makes people see their greatest fear.

This morning, it was used to rob a bank.

How is that my problem?

Let me explain it to you.

See, whoever robbed the bank, they challenged Penguin.

And all we have to do is tell Penguin that you're involved, and he'll send Victor Zsasz down here to talk to you.

Jim, how would you describe Victor?

Victor Zsasz?

A homicidal maniac and sadist.

A homicidal maniac and sadist of the highest professional standards.

So you can talk with us here and now, or you can talk to Victor.

They threatened me; I had no choice.

We want a name, putz.

I knew it rang a bell.

Grady Harris.

Ran a crew a few years back.

Him and his cousin Merton.

Couple of cowboys from the sticks.




Well, well.

Look at what we got here.

What's wrong with you pigs?

Harassing honest fellas like us, when there's real criminals out there.

You robbed a bank in broad daylight.

- That don't make you a criminal?

- I'm an outlaw!

Outlaws have a code.

Criminals, they'll take everything.

They'll take a man's livelihood.

Like the Penguin.

And his licenses.

But we're gonna show him, you'll see.

Penguin wouldn't give you a license if you begged him till the cows came home, you stupid hick!

You're lucky I'm not the Penguin.

We would gut you right here.

We're better than them!

Take care, pigs.

- They see him anyway.

- Hey, check it out.


Looking for company?

She all by herself.

Just let me go, okay?

Not a chance.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Don't turn your back on a guy unless you're sure he's down.

Otherwise, not bad.

Does this mean we can get pizza?

I'm just saying, you steal my pepperoni again, I'll break your fingers.

So you're saying do steal your pepperoni again?

I come in peace.

You ladies were not easy to track down.

Then again, I can see why you don't advertise.

Didn't you used to be rich?

That was before your boss stole my club.

Well, you m*rder*d his mom and tried to k*ll him.


call it even?

There a reason you're here?

You know about these?

The boss can't have you operating on your own.

Now, he could just k*ll you, but he figures it's time to let bygones be bygones.

How big of him.

Tomorrow night's the opening of his club.

Come by, kiss the ring, get your license.

Is that pepperoni?

Goes without saying, this is one of those...

"or else" kind of deals.


We got to find a new place.


We join Penguin, we can at least get work.

I came to you because I wanted to move up.

And look around.

We're barely making it.

I'm not working for him.

Now, pack.

Detective Gordon.


I didn't hear you.

What happened?

Uh, nothing.

Harvey and I were tracking a g*ng.

We let ourselves get surprised.

What brings you down here?

I found this when I was in the city.

Wasn't sure what to do with it.

One of Penguin's licenses.

Apparently, crime is legal now.

And you're going along with that?

Not really.

There's a number on the license.

I was thinking Penguin must have some sort of master list.

Connecting the crime and the criminal to the license issued.

List like that would tell you not only who committed that crime, but crimes that haven't even happened yet.

Unfortunately, the judges are going along with the licenses.

I'm trying to track down who in Penguin's organization keeps the list.

It would set off too many alarms.

I see.

But you haven't given up.

You just said you were out tracking a g*ng.

That's different.

This g*ng isn't licensed.


Penguin will come after them, if he hasn't already.

And when he catches them, it'll be more proof that Gotham doesn't need the GCPD.

Sorry, it's been a long day.

So why not use Penguin to lead you to them?

If I could figure out how to do that, I would.

It was good to see you, Detective.

You should come by the house for dinner.


I'd like that.

How about we grab a bite...


Exclusive, but welcoming.

Urbane and edgy.

Tonight's opening will establish the Iceberg Lounge as Gotham's newest place to see and be seen.

And you say you acquired the club from Barbara Kean?

Is that a question?

It's just, no one's seen her for months, and...

Well, Barbara Kean's whereabouts are not my concern.

This was The Sirens club.

It is now mine.


Cobblepot, there's a rumor going around about criminals being given licenses.

The rumor is you're issuing them.

Tell me, what is the crime rate in Gotham?

- We're at historic lows.

- Historic lows.

You know, Augustus Caesar once presided over the longest period of peace and prosperity the world has ever known.

It was called the Pax Romana.

Perhaps one day, this will be known as the "Pax Penguina." That's not a denial.

We're here to talk about my club.

Your readers will find this interesting.


That's Edward Nygma.

Turns out Ed had a very rare brain disease.

There was only one option: to freeze him and wait for the cure.

In his final lucid moments, he begged me, "Oswald, do not hide me away.

Put me out with the people." It was the least I could do.

Anyone tell him he was being frozen?

I have affidavits from his doctor, - if you would like to see them.

- No, thanks.

Well, Jim, I'm rather busy.

So whatever your business is...

I came to tell you you're a fraud.

The g*ng that has Crane's fear toxin, they're not afraid of you.

Others will find out.

That's how it begins.

You've had a nice run, Oswald, but it's over.

Oh, Jim, it's so hard to admit when you've become irrelevant.

Let me tell you what's gonna happen.

I'm going to find this g*ng, and I'm going to crush them.

And everyone will see that it is Oswald Cobblepot, the Penguin, who keeps Gotham safe.

Always good to see you, old friend!

As he prepares for the opening of the Iceberg Lounge, Oswald Cobblepot announced that he would destroy the g*ng that att*cked Gotham First National Bank yesterday.

He described them as cowards and pond scum.

Penguin's going down tonight.

- You finish that new batch yet?

- Yes.

Now, can you please, can you please get rid of that, please?

What, you and him ain't getting along?

Please, just get rid of it!

Listen, I got to do some things tonight, but I think you guys should spend some time together, - huh?

- No, please.

We all have our fears to face.

Stop, stop!


Stop, please!



Let me out!

Remember how you accused me of being a sl*ve to my emotions?

No more.

I have banished those feelings.

And look how I have risen.

But at what cost?

I wonder which of us is frozen.


He's, like, totally frozen.

Ivy, go somewhere else.

All right, I want two unmarked units at street level, and another two teams with me and Harvey watching the entrances to the club.

The moment that g*ng arrives, we move.

You heard the man.

Suit up!

Let's go!

Can we count on them?

Let's see, you tricked Penguin into baiting the g*ng to attack his club, hoping to arrest them before they cause mass panic, only so you could embarrass Penguin, so I would say yeah, they're about as dependable as any other part - of this cockamamie plan.

- Thanks.

I'll get the gas masks.

Please, let me out!


Let me out!


- So you guys work for Penguin, huh?

- It ain't like that.

- Sure.

- Come on, Gordon.

Since Penguin's been cracking down, life's been good.

Why you got to rock the boat?

What happens when he starts giving out licenses for murders?


What then?

I'm wasting my breath, aren't I?

Pretty much.

All right, then.

Who wants it first?


Wayne, Mr.


I am so glad you could make it.

It's our pleasure.


We were just admiring your frozen mate.

Is he still alive in there?

I fear we may never know.

Well, you'll know when you finally thaw him out.

When they discover a cure for his disease.

Oh, yes.

Then, of course.

I wanted to personally thank you for everything you've done for this city.

Thank you, Mr. Wayne.


can I ask about the licenses?

Uh, a little discretion, if you would, Master Bruce.

Everybody's talking about it, Alfred.

I just want to know how it works.

So, does someone come to you and say "I want to rob a bank"?

Now, Bruce, if I didn't know any better, I would think that you wanted me to implicate myself.

Anything you say stays between us.

First, let me ask...

you would be agreeable to the idea of licensed crime?

If crime had been licensed and controlled three years ago, my parents would still be alive.

Exactly so.

Well, between us, I have nothing to do with the licenses directly.

I provide the guidelines while Mr.

Penn handles all of the details.


would you excuse me?

- Well done, sir.

- Thank you.

Now we know who has the list.

The next step is...


Where's your babysitter?

- It's kind of a package deal.

- Yeah.

Well, he's got me.

Is that good enough or not?

Actually, we're both in.

I should...

- pat you down for weapons.

- Sure.

If you want to lose a hand.

It was worth a shot.

I'll tell the boss.

See ya.

You were worried about me.

Hey, man, I been looking all over for you.

Ooh, ouch.

Think we can forget about backup.

I see you talked to some of your fellow officers.

- Probably not a bad thing.

- How's that?

Guys get to let off steam, resentments don't fester.

Next time, you can get punched in the face.

This beautiful mug?

No one would dare.

Let's go.

All right, once inside, gas Zsasz and Penguin first, and then go crazy.

I still don't see Penguin.


I'm guessing that gas isn't faster than a b*llet.

What do you think?

Jim Gordon and his ham-fisted manipulation.

He thought he fooled me.

You want to do 'em here or downstairs?

- Might be a little loud in here.

- Neither.

I have something special planned for them.

What do you want, Bruce?

You knew I'd follow you.

Just like I knew you'd come up here.

You don't know anything about me.

I wanted to apologize for what I said at the hospital when you came to visit Alfred.

You were making a kind gesture.

You want to talk to me, come up here.

My point is I'm sorry.


You were a jerk.

I saw you arrive with Tabitha Galavan.

I'm not sure I'd choose her as a mentor.


That means absolutely nothing to me.




you want to say something?

That's a lovely dress you're wearing tonight.

Honestly, you two.

Why can't you just go to the cinema like normal teenagers?

Uh, Master Bruce, we got a bit of a...

bit of a situation downstairs.

What sort of situation?

Miss Kyle.

For the past three months, I have given this city a tranquility it has never known.

Now I would like to ensure that peace for the future.

In the weeks to come, you will hear whispers about what's happening in the streets of Gotham.

All you need to know is without me...

this is what you get.

Men who want to bring fear back to our city, who promise a return to the old days.


tell your families, tell your friends, it is Oswald Cobblepot who keeps them safe, not the GCPD.

You're welcome!

I have my things in the car.

We can stop them in the parking garage.

Absolutely not, Master Bruce.

Alfred, Penguin is gonna take those men out and k*ll them.

Undoubtedly so...

but as you said before, you can make a difference.

There is a time for masks, and there is a time for Bruce Wayne.

What's going to be done to you...


I want to know what you're going to do with those men.

You need not concern yourself with that.

Are those men going to be turned over to the police?

Earlier tonight, you thanked me for making the city safer.

Now, how do you think that happened?

I do the dirty work no one else will.

I understand.

But I'm asking you, turn those men over to the police.

You're young.

You have a good heart.


Enjoy your party, Penguin.

You little twerp.

What's wrong?

You scared?!


You're under arrest, by order of the Gotham City Police Department.

Cuff him.

Help me!

Help me!

Help me!

Help me!

Help me!

Penguin ain't gonna be too happy.

Screw him.

I'm just worried about finding Jonathan Crane.

If he's out there, with access to his father's formula...


We'll find him.

I wouldn't expect too much help from these parts, though.

There's good cops out there.

They just need reminding.

You have a list of all the licenses you've given; I want it.


I can't.

Penguin, he'll...

- What about the alarm?

- Forget it.

We got a license, remember?

Guys, come on.

Oh, no.

What the...?!


Gotham Police!

You're under arrest!


You got to make more of that fear gas.

We got to get Merton out of jail!



Jonathan Crane isn't here anymore.

Just the Scarecrow.