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08x17 - Close Calls

Posted: 09/05/20 06:48
by bunniefuu
Jack, come on!

All right, see you later.

What are you doing?

I thought you were gonna help me clean up.

- Dad, I have practice, remember?

- Where's your brother?

He's still sleeping.

I tried waking him up.

Sean, come on!

You're gonna be late!

Uh, Dad?

We got a delivery.

See you.


What's going on?

There a Danny or a Linda Reagan at this address?

I'm Danny Reagan, but, uh, I didn't order anything.

I got about $12,000 worth of merchandise for you on my truck.

That's impossible.

Hey, you or your brother know anything about this?

No, and Jack didn't say anything.

Get dressed, you're running late.

Look, I'm telling you, it's not my stuff.

Dispatch gave me the forwarding address for you guys.

I didn't order anything, and my wife...

it couldn't be her.

All right?

She's never even lived at this address.

Look, maybe you should call the police.

What's the beef about this time?

Local mosque opens up a religious school next door.

Some of the neighbors don't like it.

How you making out?

Okay, so far.

We don't want your problems on our block.

What problems?

It's just a madrassa, a religious school for children.

Then why don't you put it in one of your neighborhoods?

You don't belong here.

"Don't belong here"?

I was born in this city.

Let's see some proof.

My brother, I don't need to prove anything to you.

Who you calling "brother"?

You're not related to me.

You don't want to be doing that, all right?

My religion is peaceful, but I got my limits.

I got mine, too, Osama.

So why don't you saddle up that camel and ride on back to the desert?

- Hey!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!



Back it up!

Break it up!


Break it up, break it up.


You just put your hands on a New York City police officer.

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, let it go.

Eddie, let it go.

It's okay, we're good.

Do you mind telling me what that's about?

What what was about?

We could've just collared that guy.

Hey, who is he?

Last time I saw him he was in my company in the academy.

First, he was there, and then, he just wasn't there anymore.

Where's the prisoner?

I pulled him out of a holding cell.

Assumed you'd want privacy.

Exactly right.

This way.

Thank you.

I can't explain.

You mean, you can explain?


I mean, I don't know what happened.

One minute, I'm having my second drink at a bar, and the next thing I know, I...

I'm waking up in a holding cell like I'm-I'm coming out of an anesthesia.

Lenny, it's almost 3:00 a.m.

Bad time for bad excuses.

I swear.

My watch is gone, my wallet's gone.

I don't know what happened to my pants.

I didn't get out of bed because your pants are missing.

They say I shot somebody.

Actually, you shot two people.

Lucky for you, neither one's likely.

Frank, you can't believe that I did something like this, can you?

Lenny, if you could see what I'm looking at, you wouldn't know what to believe, either.

Frank, it's me.

Yeah, it's you.


♪ Blue Bloods 8x17 ♪ Close Calls Original Air Date on March 30, 2018 == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man Great, I understand.


Good morning.


You look like hell.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, but...

Well, I got about three hours sleep.

Well, if this is about Uncle Lenny, we don't have a special prosecutor in charge of your ex-partners.

Hey, did I ask you for anything?

Come on, Dad, you taught us to go see the person we need a favor from in person.

Will you let me speak?


I need to ask you for something.

I don't know how much I can do.

The cash bail has already been set for half a million dollars.

Seems a little high, don't you think?

Not from where I'm sitting.

He shot a bouncer and a dancer in a strip club.

He says he has no memory of that.

Do you believe him?

Yeah, I think I do.

That "think" kind of waters it down.

Look, Lenny is one of my oldest friends, and...

And let me gently remind you that you used to say Lenny Ross could sell ice to an Eskimo and sand to a Bedouin.

Which was meant as a compliment to his imagination.

Which was meant to say he's a fast talker.

Which is a far cry from sh**ting up a strip club.

You want me to look the other way because it's him?


I do not.

In fact, I'm asking for the opposite.


Meaning that because I know the defendant, I want to put up a firewall.

I am more comfortable-- in this particular instance-- with your office taking a more active role.

You want the DA's office to take the lead and run with this investigation?

I didn't say "run," I said take a more active role.

How well do you still know him?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means people can change.

It means what was hijinks back in the day can become hard-core lifestyle later on.

I mean, I've read his book.

He is no altar boy.

Doesn't make him a felon.

sh**ting up a strip club does.


Do your thing.

And if your friend turns out to be the bad guy here, you cannot expect any leniency from this office.

Nor would I ask for any.

As you well know.



- How are you?

- Good.

Thanks for meeting me uptown, Jamie, man.

I got to stay away from places where people know me.

Yeah, absolutely, no problem.

This is my partner Eddie Janko.

A pleasure, Officer.

Sorry if I got a little handsy on the street.

Mm, it's okay.

I just was a little confused.

And I...

I still am.

What's going on, Tariq?

I haven't seen you since you dropped out of the academy.

Dropped out?

I didn't drop out.

I got pulled out.

By who?

You really didn't know?

I guess you're not supposed to.

I'm an undercover.

You're still a cop?

Almost ten years.

Gave me my shield, took it away, said go meld in with the community.

It's getting so I don't even know who I am anymore.

That's why I reached out, Jamie.

What's going on?

I can't take it anymore.

The first three years were okay, now it's like I've been in Siberia.

I'm barely in contact with anyone at the department.

Well, I mean, I guess that's what it's like when you're working a deep cover assignment.


Now it's gone too far.

It's like they've forgotten about me.

I can't get promoted, I can't have a real life.

I'm sorry, Tariq, I mean, not...

nothing I can do about that.

Remember that time we talked about our fathers after the last study session?


Look, I hate to put you on the spot, Jamie.

Tariq, look, I...

I can't just walk into One PP and ask my father for a favor every time a cop comes to me about a rotten assignment, I just...

I get that, Jamie, but...

look, I'm getting desperate, man.

I got nowhere else to turn.

What the hell are you people talking about?

I never bought any refrigerators, and I sure as hell didn't buy any juice makers.

Now, you're gonna take those charges off my account, or you're gonna know what trouble is, you got it?



Can you believe this?

Over a hundred thousand dollars so far charged on credits cards in mine and Linda's name, and we didn't buy any of it.

Reagan, this is Detective Chamberlain from I.D.

Theft Squad.

He's been looking into who could've done this to you.

This follows a pattern we've been seeing from groups like the Albanian mafia.

Now, they open credit card accounts in other people's names, and they use them to buy millions of dollars of goods.

Then they fence the goods to finance major arms deals.

Okay, but where the hell'd they get the information for the accounts?

None of it's online.

Been having any problems with anybody lately?

Every single day, I'm a detective.

That's not what I mean.

They need inside information to get past the security questions.

They normally get that from someone closer to you.

I always wonder why they call it a "gentleman's club." Looks better on your credit card receipts?

Excuse me.

Management around?

Yo, Mickey.

I'm Detective ABETEMARCO, this is ADA Reagan.

You the manager?

Yeah, Mickey Cardoza.

I was on the job in Suffolk.

Were you here when the sh**ting happened?

Yeah, it was wild.

One minute, this Lenny walks in.

Everything's normal.

The next, he's whipping his g*n out.

We're in the Wild West.

Did you see what precipitated it?

Nothing, far as I could tell.

Said he was here to meet a friend, talk about investing in the club.

The friend ever show?


So this Lenny character said he'd stick around, have a couple of drinks, a few laughs.

I look up, he's on stage with the girls, taking his clothes off.

My bouncer tries to get him down.

He starts sh**ting.

Did he have a lot to drink?

Not that much.

Am I right?


But some people can't handle their liquor.

He was blabbing about how he's friends with the police commissioner and all that.

Got any video?

Nah, camera's empty.

Just there for security.

Truth is, part of what people are paying for here is discretion, right?

We can't protect that, we're out of business.

Make sense?

You know this could be a wild-goose chase you got us on, Danny.

Says you.

I say this is the spot where the stuff that was ordered was supposed to be delivered.


Ergo, it's where we'll find whoever was scamming you.

It doesn't necessarily mean - it's someone you know.

- Unless...

Hang on.

What do you got?

I don't want to say it.

You don't want to say what?

"You're right again, Reagan"?

You're right this time.

It's him.

And he's here.


All right.

Read them and weep, fellas.

It's a full boat.

Yeah, baby.

You cheat.

Don't be ridiculous.

You're bottom dealing.

Saved by the bell.

Maybe you guys sent in your cooler 'cause I'm so hot right now.

All right, all right, keep your shirt on.



Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry to bother you.

I just hit a car out here and the fender's hanging off.

It's a Camaro, I think.

A Camaro?

That's my car.

Show me what you did.



Baez, meet the scumbag who made up a scam using my dead wife's name.

Not to mention, he happens to be her brother!

Danny, I think you broke my nose, man.

You think?!

You want me to finish the job?

- Huh?!

-Okay, okay, come on.

Let's go.

Come on.

What are you doing?

You uncuffed that dirtbag?!

And you, you proud of yourself?

You mean generally or right this second?

You're running a credit card scam for the Albanian mob?

I can see how it looks that way.

You know, I ought to kick the crap out of you.

Using Linda's ID, your own sister?

After you missed the funeral?

I tried, Danny.

I missed the flight.

Ah, get out of here.

How the hell did you get the information to start the fake accounts?

Linda was trying to help me get back on my feet.

She didn't want you to know because she thought you'd get mad.

She was right.

Baez, you might want to stop outside.

I'm gonna have to have a different kind of conversation.

No, no, no, miss, please.

Do not leave me alone with this animal.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't take you down to Central Booking right now.

You know what, Danny?

Your side of the street ain't so clean, either.

Okay, you know what?

Maybe I will go out and make that cup of tea.

Last time I saw you, you dropped me off at a mob joint to catch a beatdown.

That's because they were gonna k*ll you for busting a champagne bottle over a made guy's head.

I bargained for your life!

You could get in trouble if I talked.


What'd you say?

Not that I would do that, Danny.

I wouldn't do that.

What the hell am I gonna do with you?

Danny, I'm sorry I'm in deep again.

I had nowhere else to go 'cause you told me to stay away.

Poor you, right?

Poor little Jimmy all over again.

You're gonna have to make right on this one.

And you're gonna make right by wearing a wire.

A wire?


These guys are K*llers.

That's right.

They're responsible for a half dozen murders, so I'm gonna make it easy for you.

You wear the wire or me and you are done.

If you get locked up and your ass goes to prison, don't expect a visit from the family.

Erin's taking a look.

That's good.

I didn't ask her to overlook, just look.

Still good.

I got nothing to hide.

Still, your lawyer ought to be looking at plea options.

Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence.

Hey, come on.

You know how this works.


You don't sh**t a racehorse just 'cause he's got a little limp.

That's a stupid metaphor.

You know, Lenny, I have known you a long time, which means I know how you like to shadowbox the truth.

This isn't like that.

This is different.

Then give me something besides "the dog ate my homework." I was supposed to meet a guy about going in on a piece of the club.

What guy?

Bobby Z.

I only knew him by text.

If they dump my phone, you can get the number.

That's how you're doing business now?

A "Bobby Z"?

I'm gonna let that go.

He was partners with one Mickey Cardoza.

Related to Detective Sal Cardoza?

The same.

Youngest son.

Shakedown Sal Cardoza.

I had hoped that story died with him.

Not the department's finest hour.

I didn't even put it in my book.

Yeah, I know.

I read the book.

So you see.

Things I wish I could unsee.

Well, Erin's smart.

She'll figure out a way to put this two and two together without linking it to back in the day.

Ah, fudge.

I'm used to seeing my Rolex here, the one that you and the guys gave me for my retirement.

I never took it off except to read the inscription.

Laying it on a little thick, aren't we?

Hey, that was an extravagant watch for guys making what we made.




So who lifted the watch from the property room?

Little Richie.

Obviously, I only found out about it much later.


Little Richie.

What a piece of work, huh?

So, we eating?

Yeah, but I ain't drinking with you.

Tariq's got a legitimate complaint.

He's been working undercover since we were in the same company at the academy.

Then he should know enough not to be talking out of turn.

We let every cop dictate their own assignment, we have anarchy instead of a police department.

But he deserves a shot at a promotion, right?

And a chance at a normal life.

He's paid his dues ten times over to both this city and this country.

Listen, he's a precious commodity.

Speaks Arabic, knows his community, writes great reports.

I could use a couple of thousand of him.

So he's getting punished for doing a good job?

It's not a punishment.

Well, he's got no path to promotion.

It's called public service, Jamie.

That's how it is sometimes.

And would it be the same if his name was Rizzuto or O'Hara instead of Ali?

That's got nothing to do with it.

All right?

Your friend is where he is because we need him there.

For how long?

I can't answer that.

So he just needs to suck it up 'cause he doesn't have a hook at One PP?

I'm sorry, Jamie, you know?

Sometimes you got to take one for the team.

It's Jimmy.

He's been hiding here since you last saw him.

He has the door locked from the inside.

Says he won't come out until you get here.

I know he's your brother-in-law...

Former brother-in-law and former best friend.

Those days are over.

- Is this the room?

- Yeah.


Jimmy, I'm coming in!


Come here.

You're lucky I don't throw you out the window face-first.

Get up!

Get up!

Get him out of here!

Take it easy.

Get out of here!

Relax, dude.

Nice bathtub.

♪ So fine ♪ ♪ I want to take you home tonight ♪ ♪ Watching from the corner of my eye ♪ ♪ Come over here ♪ ♪ I'll treat you right...

♪ You!

Cut the music!

All right, everybody out of the pool.

Fun time is over.

What are you guys doing here?

- I answered all your questions.

- Not quite.

That's a warrant for us to search the premises, Mickey.

Go ahead and take it.

What's your probable cause?

Oh, right, you did mention that you were on the job.

What you failed to mention was that your father worked with Lenny Ross.

Is that right?

What if he did?

See, my father's been dead 20 years and Lenny Ross just shot up my club, so who's the bad guy here?

That's what we're trying to find out.

There've been a lot of reports of customers having their personal property stolen from here.

You can come in and answer some questions or we'll just keep the place shut down, Mickey.

I'm coming.

I'm coming.

Sorry, Miss Reagan.

You accused me of holding out on my father working with Lenny Ross.

What about your father and Lenny Ross?

You're not just carrying the water for your old man, are you?

All right, come on, let's go.

- That's not a fair question?

- Let's go.

- Right?

- Shut up, Mickey.

Get in.

Sit down and shut up.

Danny, what's going on?

What's going on?!

I'm gonna put you back in intensive care, that's what's going on.

Hey, I'm sorry.

Danny, come on.

Stop it.

I'm sorry, I panicked.

All right?

Panicked my ass.

You know, I worked out a deal for you.

I worked out a deal for you because we were friends, and because Linda was your sister.

Now you're dead to me.

Okay, Reagan, get out of here.

What are you talking about?

You asked me to step out before, now I'm asking you-- you're too hot.

Don't think you're getting off easy.

He's not totally wrong, you know.

He threatened to put me back in the hospital again-- you heard him.

That was all talk.

He's been having a rough time.

You know why, don't you?

Yeah, I get it.

She wasn't just his wife.

She was my sister.

I never got a chance to say good-bye to her...

because I was too afraid to go to the funeral.

You know, to be honest with you, I think she was ashamed of me the last time I saw her.

So you honor her by using her identity to set up a credit card scam?

I'm not a bad person.

I just make bad decisions.

I had a brother who was like that.

You gotta make this right.

By risking my life and wearing a wire?

You run now, you'll never stop running.

Even if you could outrun Danny and the Feds, you could never outrun the shame.

Maybe you're right.

This is your last chance to turn your life around.

Come on, I know you got it in you.

Fine, put a mic on me.

I'm sick of running.

He went for it.

So you had no idea that Lenny Ross and your father had a beef back in the day.

What I know is it don't matter.

I never laid eyes on Ross until the other night.

Come on, you gotta admit it, Mickey.

- Looks a little suspicious.

- Wow.

See, you don't look like a yoga master, but that's quite a stretch.

You're saying it's my father's fault that Lenny Ross pulled a g*n in my club?

After you had a contact invite him and not show.

That's circumstantial.

That don't prove nothing.

Why don't you make this easy on yourself?

Why don't I make this easy on myself?

You mean help the police commissioner's friend?

The man who destroyed my family?


Now we're getting somewhere.

Yeah, we're getting out of here, because you got no case.

Lenny Ross can go to hell, and so can both of you.

What's Crystal doing here?

Oh, we got her on possession of Lenny's watch.

She offered it up for a story about you setting up Lenny.

Well, Crystal's a liar.

She's got a record.

Well, you know how this works.

First one to talk gets the deal.

So basically I'm stuck with no hope of getting out.

That's not how they put it.

Well, how'd they put it?

That you're too good at what you're doing to be reassigned.

So it's a catch-22.

Keep doing a good job, I can't get promoted.

It is what it is.

Let me ask you something, Jamie.

What would you do if you were me?

I don't know.

Yeah, I guess you don't have to.

'Cause it could never happen to you.

Because my father's the police commissioner?

You gonna argue with that?

Only in that it doesn't make me an example of anything.

I'm in a folder all my own, I know that.

- Can I give you a piece of advice?


You've got the hardest sell I've ever heard.

You're indispensable where you're at, and yet you want the bosses to pull you out of there.

Yeah, that's one way to look at it.

It's the only way they're gonna look at it.

Then what are my options?

I'm not saying I know.

I'm just painting a picture of what is.

Thanks for the talk.

Tariq, listen.

You know what me and 99% of other cops are not, that you are?





Before you chuck it, at least put some value on it.

Now you're sounding like a boss.

And I don't mean that as a compliment.

Why do you assume it's bad news?

The corollary to the favor protocol-- if you gotta give someone bad news, go see them so you can leave right away.

Well, I'd like to give you the good news first.


Your pal was almost certainly set up.

The arranged meeting was a ploy.

Cardoza Jr.

instructed the bartender to doctor Lenny's drinks.

That's very good news.

Who sang?


We found out she already had a record, so she agreed to roll on Mickey.

So what's the bad news?

When we went to document that Mickey's father and Lenny had business back in the day, there was nothing there.

Well, there was a beef.

What kind of beef makes the department delete the records of someone's service?

Water under the bridge.

Come on, Dad, you asked for my help here.

I need to understand what we're looking at.

Sal Cordoza was shaking down drug dealers from the day he was assigned to Narcotics.

He recruited Lenny, and Lenny joined up.

Lenny was a dirty cop.

No way.

No way.

Lenny wore a wire and turned Sal in.

Why destroy the records if it was that cut and dry?

Well, word came...

word came down to bury it and let Cardoza retire.

They covered it up?


Erin, we're talking about the late '80s, a year after the Buddy Boys scandal at the 7-7.

My guess is One PP did not have an appetite for another public flogging.



Before Pop.

Wow, the bad old days.

Yeah, tell me about it.

What's that movie?

You know, the one where they invent a ray g*n to erase your memory?

Men in Black?

Yeah, that's it.

I just used one of those on you.

Is he really blaming you for not getting him reassigned?

Line up single file.

We need a head count.

He's just frustrated, Eddie.

I would be, too.

He's done nothing wrong.

You won't replace us, Cat Stevens.

We know what you're really up to.

Sir, give it a rest.


You're protecting the rights of the t*rrorists by harassing ordinary American citizens.

We're not harassing anyone.

We're just trying to keep everyone safe.

If you want everybody to feel safe, you should investigate that guy.

Whatever he is, he's not who he pretends to be.

Officers, please.

We have an emergency.

What's the matter?

Someone left a backpack on board, and there's wires coming out of it and a timer, like a b*mb.

All right, just try to stay calm, okay, and we'll take care of it.

Now, you get back.

Eddie, we gotta clear the area and notify b*mb squad.


Everyone, move back, move back.

Hey, hey, stop.



Tariq, what are you doing?

I did two tours in Iraq.

We saw IEDs like this all the time.

Off the bus, Tariq.

Come on.

You don't outrank me, Jamie.

I don't have time to argue about this.

This thing could blow up at any second.

We gotta get these people out of here and clear the area.

We might not have enough time.

O-Okay, okay.


They got it rigged so that we can't tell how much time we have left.

Just trying to figure out these firing circuits.

You never told me you did b*mb disposal in Iraq.

I didn't.

I just said that I saw bombs that looked like this.

How do you know which wire to cut?

Just trying to make an educated guess.

Tariq, listen, I got this.

Come on.

Let's go.

No way, my brother.

I signed on for this.

Green means go, red means stop, right?

Unless it's the other way around, yeah.

Come on.

All right, say something so we can make sure the Bluetooth's working.


I hope that's sweat running down my leg.


You getting that?

All right.

You understand what has to be done in there, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Get 'em talking on the wire about the g*n shipments.


And let me take the lead guiding the conversation.



For your protection.

In other words, so you don't screw it up by doing something stupid.

Danny, can I talk to you for a second?


All right.

What now?

Danny, I know these guys.

They're not gonna believe that she's my girlfriend.

And they sure as hell ain't gonna like her taking the lead.

You're not flying solo.

No way.

Danny, I don't need a babysitter.

In fact, the only way this thing goes down is if I go in on my own.

So I'm supposed to just trust you?

After everything that's happened?

After everything you've done?

Danny, we go way back, you and me.

I know I messed up with you.

That's an understatement.

I feel bad, the way I left things with Linda...

and you.

Please, give me a chance to show that that's not all that I am.

It goes bad in there, what do you do?

I say the word "flush," you bring in the ghosts.

I got this, Danny.

I won't let you down.


Well, you better not.

Because if you do, I will make it my life's mission to see to it that you never draw another breath as a free man.

Now go on and act like you're having a good time.

All right.


I feel like I'm Donnie Brasco.

What's up, guys?


There he is.

King of plastic.

Sit down, Jimmy.

What do you got for us?

Pick a card, any card.

They're beautiful.

You know, the old-time wise guys used to call these "muldoons" because liquor always taste better on a muldoon.

Sweetheart, champagne for the table.

How's he doing in there, Baez?

So far, so good.

No one's got a hand cut off yet.

Just keep an eye on him.

He's still family.

So what are you guys gonna use these cards for this time?

What's it to you, Jimmy?

Just curious.

What are you doing?

I got this for when I get nervous.

It's one of these new Bluetooth doohickeys.

Tells me if someone's transmitting from my area.

Would you look at that?

Who's "Lindabro"?

Beats me.

Thought you had a sister named Linda you used to set up one of the cards.

Looks like we have a problem.

Hey, you guys don't want to flush this whole deal down the toilet over this, do you?

He's been made.

Go, go!

Get out of the way.



Out of the way, folks, out of the way!



Get out of the way!


Get outside.


Hey, you okay?

Yeah, I just got grazed.

They grabbed Jimmy and they took him back that way.

They're both armed.


You stay with her.

You, on me.

Come on.


Get outside.



Get out.


Hurry up.

Get back.

Grab that.

Cover him.


Is that you, Danny?

What the hell happened here?


Snap out of it!

What happened?

You sh**t both these guys?


I guess I did.

You got the jump on 'em both, huh?

I did good, right, Danny?

Yeah, you did great.

Now get your finger off the trigger.


Let's go.

Get out of here.

Okay, Jimmy was a friend.

No, he's an acquaintance.

The person who introduces you to the person you marry is automatically upgraded to friend.

No, they are not.

Brother-in-law, yes.

Pain in my ass, yes.



Albatross around my neck, no thanks.


It's your turn.


Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive...

From Thy bounty.

...through Christ our Lord...

And when a friend becomes a life sentence, they cease being a friend, especially a Judas like Jimmy.


I'm not sure that qualifies as grace.

- Pope Francis okayed it.

- What?

Yeah, ushering the church into the new fast-paced modern times.



- No.

- You can still be friends with someone without buying into their illusions about themselves.


Did you say that or is that a quote?

I don't know, but it rings true.

Especially with friends like Uncle Lenny.

Yeah, that comes in handy.

Or a guy like Tariq.

Who's Tariq?

The cop you were with on the bus?

Yeah, even when I met him back in academy-- and I went out of my way because he was the only Muslim in our class, he had a chip on his shoulder.

Being the only Muslim, he probably earned that chip.

Standing out all the time.

But there's a limit, there's a time you go, "Man, how many times you gonna play that same card?" I don't know if you can set that limit unless you've been dealt that hand.

All right, you got a point.

I'll say it again, if your friends have to be perfect, you won't have any friends because...

Nobody's perfect.

Plus he's Uncle Jimmy, means he's family, means you have to forgive him.


Yeah, no.

No, thanks.

- Not a choice.

- Sure it is.

He betrayed Danny on about five different levels.

At least.

Thank you, Dad.

But I do think you need to be careful when you draw those lines; who stays and who goes.

The supply of new friends goes down to a trickle as you age up, and a new old friend is an oxymoron.

A great depression.

Jumbo shrimp.

House Intelligence Committee.

Unbiased opinion.

I get it.

I get it.

Aw, thanks.

Tariq, hey.

What's up?

I just wanted to stop by and say thanks.

For what?

I just got the call.

They're taking me off the undercover assignment at the mosque and putting me on the Joint t*rror1st Task Force as a detective.

All right.

- Congrats.

- Thanks.


And thanks for putting in a good word, Jamie.

It wasn't to do with me.

You got it strictly on the merits.



I never even picked up the phone.

But then why...

I guess sometimes things just work out the right way.

I mean, look at this.

I'm the one with the hook, and I'm still in the bag.

And you're the one getting the Gold Shield.

Well, then, thanks for staying on the bus with me when you didn't have to.


Riding shotgun now, huh?

I'm the Police Commissioner, I can sit anywhere I want.

You owe me.

That was, after all, evidence in the Cardoza case.

I pulled some strings.

Don't ask.

I swear to God, I feel like I'm walking around with a part of me missing these last few days.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So what if it's hot?

It's the thought that counts.

Lenny, there is one more thing.

No, no.

No more things, Frank.


When the investigators dug deep to find the vendetta, they found something else.

What's that?

The g*n you had on you?

You let your New York carry permit lapse.


Oh, come on.

It's gonna pop with the Florida state Liquor Authority.

You can't run a restaurant without a liquor license.

True that.

Let me guess.

Who has never picked up a check at one of Lenny Ross's restaurants?

His friends at the State Liquor Authority.


Love you, Lenny.

I love you, too, Frank.

Thank you.

Fly safe.

I'll see you.

Not if I see you first.