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08x10 - Heavy is the Head

Posted: 09/02/20 16:46
by bunniefuu
(tires screeching)

(blows horn)

What the hell?




No, no!



Get him out!


Get out of the truck!



Let me go.

Let me go.


DRIVER: Take the truck.

Take the wallet, take the phone, okay?


I won't say a word.

Damn right you won't say a word.

'Cause I know who you are and where you live.

Okay, I swear.

Take the truck.

I won't say a damn thing to nobody.

I believe you.

(yelling, crying)

(crying fades)

30 years old?

That's what it says on the label.

30-year-old Rebel Tears.

That stuff's impossible to get.

I know a guy.

How'd you afford it?

Me and 11 guys went in on a case.

My guy got us a discount.


- Hey, when opportunity knocks, you answer.



I can't just stand by and not notice if you guys are drinking in here.

Nah, we're not drinking; we're just admiring.

30-year-old Rebel Tears.

Whatever that is.

Liquid gold.

- I'm not crackin' it.


So, I just got a phone call from my old sergeant.

He made captain a few weeks ago, and they gave him Group 1 at IAB.

Captain Bullman.

He asked me to come work with him.

In his group, answering directly to him.

(chuckles): Wow, that's great, Abby.


It's staying sealed.

We all get it.

You gonna take it?

I don't know.

I wanted to talk to you guys first.

Boss is gonna be, I don't know, I can't even imagine.

Well, that's a big part of my hesitation.

What do you think I should do?

Go back in time and not tell us about it?

I promise I will not tell him that we spoke about this.

Actually, you won't have to.

He'll just know.

Not if you don't tell him.

He'll just know in that way that he just knows stuff.

I have been with him going on nine years.

Great years, but I've gone from being detective to Miss Moneypenny.

- Abby, he really values your smarts.

Anybody could see that.

I know.

I just feel like a small fish in a big pond.

This is hard.

I hear you.

It's one of those things that's "nothing personal" that gets taken as "very personal." By a man I owe and admire more than I can say.

♪ (thumping)

(tires screech)

Are you okay?

Help me.

Are you all right?


Help me, please!

Are you all right?

Come here.

He's trying to k*ll me!

Okay, it's okay.

- Where do you think you're going?!

- Let her go!

Let her go!

(all grunting)

(overlapping shouting)

I got you.

(bone cracks)


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

It's okay.

It's okay.

I've got you, I've got you.

You're gonna be okay, all right?






What's going on?

- Hey!


Please hurry!

You have to help the others!


There's a guy in there trying to k*ll her!

Stay put.


JANKO: Police!




You set?

- Go.


JAMIE (grunts): Police!

Don't move!


Don't move!

You got it?

- Go, go.


You're gonna be okay.


Anybody else in here with you guys?

Just stay put.

We're gonna help you out.

Eddie, I got two more.

Call it in.

Central, 12-David.

10-85 forthwith.

I got multiple hostages at this location.

And we got one under.

♪ Blue Bloods 8x10 ♪ Heavy Is the Head Original Air Date on December 8, == sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man ♪ ♪ Was there anything unusual about them?


Were they short, tall, black, white?

You know the thing that really gets me is they didn't have to do this, 'cause they already had the truck.

So they just did it for giggles.

Which is why we want to make 'em pay for that.

So, anything you can give us to help will go a long way.

I already told you what I know.

Three guys in masks took your truck.

That's what happened.

The best way to protect yourself is to put these guys behind bars.


I didn't see a thing, okay?


Do you mind if we, uh, take a look at your wallet?

Your license is missing.


I lost it.

They threatened you, they took your license, and now they have your address, which is why you're not gonna help us.

I didn't see a thing.

Can we go?

PARKER: Is she gonna be okay?

Word from the hospital is she's on her way to stable condition.

And the two other girls you found?

Being treated as we speak.

How bad was it in there?

Listen, the truth is it's gonna be a long road to recovery, but tomorrow's gonna be a lot better for them than yesterday, thanks to you.


I just...


By stepping up.

99 out of 100 would have turned away.

Trust me, I'm no hero.

If you knew me in real life, you'd know I'm just a regular guy.

Well, trust me, there is nothing regular about you.

Parker Mack-- is that your full name?

Yeah, that's right.

Did you ever live in Pennsylvania?

I went to college there.


What's up?

You ever involved in a grand larceny auto situation down there?

Oh, that.

- Jamie?

- I can explain.


Jamie, wh-what's going on?

I'm afraid you're under arrest.

Your name popped on an outstanding warrant in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Jamie, you can't be serious.

This kid-- he's a hero.

He's also a wanted felon.

Let's go.



Come here.

Hands behind your back.

BAEZ: I don't blame him.

Pack of animals like that knows where I live, I wouldn't be talking, either.

So you'd just let them go and do it to somebody else, too, right?


Priority number one is protecting my family.

That attitude is exactly what those animals are counting on.

It's why they even do this crap, and they're gonna keep doing it until someone's brave enough to stand up.

Well, I don't know what to tell you, Reagan.

Not everyone has your cojones.


Fair enough.

What about the Finest Message?


Did the Finest Message go out on the truck?

- Probably.

- Well, we got to find out definitely.

We need to find that truck.

What, are you thinking someone left behind some fingerprints?


If they were smart enough to wear masks, they're smart enough to wear gloves.

Well, so what then?

That then, right there.

The dash cam?

If I owned the fleet, I'd have one of those bad boys on board every vehicle on the road.

We got to find that truck.

Straight after the lunch with the archbishop, you're up to Washington Heights to dedicate the new...

We're gonna have to push that a half hour.

Oh, we can't.

The whole day is back to back.

He never makes it out of lunch with His Eminence on time.

GORMLEY: Can't you politely remind the archbishop that...

There's no way to do that, especially seeing as the commissioner is also a devout Catholic.

She's right.


I'll take care of it now.

GARRETT: After the dedication, you got...

Just a sec.


You guys notice anything about Abigail?



Like what?

Well, I know she gets allergies.

Maybe it's a high pollen count day.


Maybe you just ask her?

I will, but I'm asking you first.

Any heads-up you can give me?


What do you want to know?

What it is I don't know.

She has a job offer.

Her old boss, Bullman-- he's now a captain at IAB, as you know.


And he reached out to her?


- Yes.

And she's pretty torn up about it.

Well, I can imagine.

You can?

- Yeah.

I mean, for ten years, she's been at that desk.

Her rank isn't Gal Friday.

It's Detective Second Grade.

There's got to be frustration there.

Well, that's almost exactly the way she put it.



So, they think it's gonna be another day or two before they can transfer Parker back to Pennsylvania.

Yeah, paperwork on these things can take a while.

Yeah, so we got that going for us.

Got what going for us?

Just hear me out.

- Oh, no.

Jamie, this is crazy and wrong and stupid.

It's also black and white.

He broke the law.

- Technically.

Look, I'm not happy to see it going this way, either, but the guy's wanted on an outstanding warrant.

You heard his side of the story.

His friends stole the car and picked him up hours later.

He had no idea the car was stolen.

Yes, that's his side of the story.

And you don't believe him.

Doesn't matter what I believe.

He's got to fight a judge in court just like everybody else.

But you don't want to help?

Help how?

- I don't know.

But I know you, and I know you can come up with something.

I'm not some sort of criminal justice magical genie.

Just-just listen.

Think about this for two seconds.

Imagine what life would be like for those three women if not for what that young man did.

That's got to count for something.

I'm not making any promises.

I knew I could count on you, Jamison Reagan.

(Jamie groans)

Okay, let's go.


(siren chirping)

Tell me you got good news for us.

See for yourself.


Well, I was right.

Truck was outfitted with a dashboard cam.

Then how come you ain't doing your little happy dance?

Because somebody else was expecting it to be outfitted with a dashboard cam, too, and they smashed it to bits.

Detective Reagan.

Well, if it isn't The Artist Formerly Known as TARU.

You remember me.

- Mm-hmm.

- You remember her.

Yes, I do.

I never forget a face.

What do you got?

It's for Detective Baez, actually.

Oh, well, she's right over there.

You, uh, asked us to take a look at that dashboard cam.

- But it was smashed to pieces.

- Figured it was worth a look anyway.

And it was.

Because it was a digital recorder, I was able to salvage one frame off the chip.

You got the license plate.

A partial, at least.

We ran a lawman search, got three possible registered owners.

Well, what do you know?

One of the names ring a bell?

Nicky Farina.

Part of Victor Lugo's crew.

Victor Lugo as in "Defective Reagan"?

"Defective Reagan"?

Lugo's a mob capo with a pet name for our Danny Boy here.


Defective Reagan.

That's a good one.




How you doing?


Sorry to bother you.

Not at all.

Everything okay?

It's my Good Samaritan.

Oh, right, I heard about that.

What a story.

Pretty courageous thing to do.

Yeah, it was.

And he is.

Is there a problem?

When I took him back to the station, his name popped on a GLA warrant.


- Yeah, down in Pennsylvania.

I spoke to him, and he says he didn't know the car was stolen, and for what it's worth, I believe him.

It's not worth much.

No offense, but he's wanted on an out-of-state felony.

Pretty much out of moves.

That's true, but...

But what?

I know a lot of times the DA's Office has forgotten about these.

Maybe they don't even care about it.


What if a certain someone spoke to the Bucks County DA's Office and put in a good word?


I'm sorry, Jamie, but as someone who sits on this side of the desk, if some out-of-town cop calls me with a sob story about some collar he has a soft spot for, it's going in one ear and right out the other.

Probably right.

But what if it's not coming from some cop with a soft spot?

What if it's coming from someone who sits on the same side of the desk as him?


You want me to do it?

Thank you so much.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.

I didn't say yes.

- You are the best.

No, Jamie, Jamie, come Ba...

I hate my brothers.

Then just tell him his captain has a different last name now and a different way of doing things.


Get it done, please.

As you were, please.

Uh, I was just upstairs with Chief Halleran, and I wanted to stop by and congratulate you on your two bars.

Thank you, sir.

And I understand you've been talking to Detective Baker about joining you here.

Well, in a sense.

In a sense?

I was very clear with her when she came to me.

She came to you?

And my first response was no substantial talks unless and until the commissioner had given his blessing.

I appreciate that.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

She is a valuable member of my team.

You'd be getting the best of the best.

And I would make the most of that opportunity, I can tell you that.

I'm sure you would.

Anyway, congratulations.

Overdue and well-deserved.


She goes like this: one, two, three, four.


That's how fast I just took this baby from zero to 60.

(chuckles): Left your ass on the line.

Get out.

- No, you get out.

This, gentlemen, is the world-famous DB11, brought to you by the legendary Aston Martin.

Check out this interior.

You know what this is?

You know what this is?

This is genuine Bridge of Weir leather hides from Scotland.

Hand stitched with ten gauge thread.

Smell that.



Nothing but class.

You know what I think of when I think of class?

I think of you, Victor Lugo.

Step back.

Well, if it isn't his Royal Defectiveness.

Not for nothing, but you might want to come up with some new material.

Oh, fellas, the defective wants some new material.

All right, how about this?

What are the four major food groups for a cop?

Jelly, powder, frosted and chocolate glazed.


That's good.

And this is one sweet ride.

Little bit above my price range, but very nice.

Hey, you start saving now, you could probably afford one in, like, 900 years.

But not to worry.

Tony's got a line on some used Hyundais you might be interested in.

I'll be sure to give Tony a call.

But you know what's even funnier, guys, is that this numbnuts was dumb enough to go out and purchase a vehicle like this only three days after hijacking an 18-wheeler.

Wrong again, Defective.

I didn't hijack nothin'.

DANNY: And look at that price.

Over $200,000.


That's steep.

Although, with the $300,000 you made out with from the truck heist, that actually leaves you plenty of gas money, give or take $100,000.

I got to hand it to you, Reagan.

You almost made me flinch there, almost.


He is a tough nut to crack, I got to say.

But your old pal and cohort, Nicky Farina, he's not so tough to crack.


You talked to Nicky?

I didn't talk to Nicky, but Nicky did talk to me.

Get out of here.

- Oh, yeah.

Just a few minutes ago, right around the corner, actually.

Anyway, see you.

What, he's over here?

DANNY: Well, not for long.

No, no, he doesn't want to see you right now.

No, no, let me see.

He's feeling a little bad about...

No, no, let me see.

Hey, Baez.

DANNY: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah.


That's my car.

Your car's over there.

BAEZ: I don't know about this, Reagan.

Look, all you got to do is sit in the box with Farina and have him sign some generic paperwork.

I'll walk Lugo past.

He sees his buddy scribbling something down, and then this hamster does the rest.

I'm not doubting that it will work.

Then what?

It just feels wrong.

What feels wrong?


We're allowed to lie.

Okay, deceit is perfectly legal.

It doesn't mean it's right.

We're not the God Squad, we're the cops.

Okay, if it holds up in court, we do it.

Come on.

Come on.

Okay, but I still don't feel good about this.

Then we'll visit confession after and you'll feel all better-- get in there.

Victor Lugo.


Oh, yeah, that.

Well, you know the game.

Whoever cooperates first gets the deal.

He can't see you, Einstein.

So much for honor amongst thieves, huh?

Give me a pen.

Let's do this.

Okay, right this way.

Detective, not another word to my client.

Talbott, what are you doing here?

And you keep your mouth shut.


- Shut it.

Detective Reagan, valiant effort, but I'll take things from here, thank you very much.

You sure you want to do this, Lugo?

I mean, whoever cooperates last gets the bottom bunk at Rikers.

Have you ever been the bottom...?

Another word to my client, Detective, and we go right to One PP.

I know some people there.

Yes, you do, which is why the press will jump at my tale of you getting my client down here on false pretenses like catnip.

Yeah, I don't read the press.

False pretenses?

- He lied to you, dummy.

- Just a little bit.

Did you say anything?

Not a peep.

Let's go.

You're right to be miffed.

Bullman said Baker reached out to him.

But you can't blame someone for wanting a change.

She's young, she's sharp.

That's not it.

According to the guys, she said he reached out to her.

What does it matter who called who?

Well, Baker slots easily into a whole lot of roles.

But Internal Affairs?

Not top of my list.

But maybe hers.

I don't think so.

And it's been ten years since she worked for the guy.

He's been closer longer to a whole lot of people since then.

Why reach so far back into the past?

Because of where she sits in the present, right next to the PC every day.

He'd be hiring a great big hook into One PP.

There you go.

Thank you.

Well, I'm just playing along here, Francis.

I'm not saying that's definitely the motive.

But more than just a possibility.

But one that there's no way you can bring up to her without insulting her to her core.

But there's a trust there.

Between boss and subordinate.

But you can't just turn around and be the friend from work with the sympathetic ear and the sound advice.

Those days are long gone.


Hey, good news.

Your sister just showed up.

You mean bad news.

Bad news-- how do you know?

Reagan thing-- good news is easy; bad news, you show up.

No go?

Bucks County DA gave me a hard no.

Because he's a hard-ass or because he knows something on this that we don't?

Reading between the lines, he's up for reelection.

Oh, and his opponent's hammering him for being soft on crime?

Pretty much.

So my guy's collateral damage?

Well, he did commit a felony, Jamie.

A four-year-old E felony, and the kid's got zero record before or since.

Well, I'm sorry, but it is what it is.

Did you tell him what my guy did?

Did you tell him that he single-handedly saved those three girls' lives?

Of course I did, but he's a politician.

If there's nothing in it for him, then it never happened.


Thank you for trying.

You should know they're gonna try to extradite him to Pennsylvania today.

Okay, on it.

You got the Mack file?

We really have to transfer him now?

Yeah, forthwith.


Hey, what are you doing?

I asked you for the Mack file.

Yeah, and I...

I, uh, I thought you had it last.


No, I thought you had it.

Are you sure?

Let's check our desks.

It's got to be there somewhere.


Hey, what are we doing?

How come you're not saying anything to me?

Because I've nothing to say.


You are so mad at me.

I am so not mad at you.

Well, if you're not mad now, you're about to be.

- Why?


Uh, Detective Reagan?

Wh-What are you?

♪ Oh, Detective Danny

♪ You are so defective

♪ With every objective

♪ You are so ineffective

♪ This isn't subjective

♪ It's everyone's perspective

♪ Irrespective of your electives ♪

♪ Subjectives

♪ The verdict is

♪ You are defective.

Uh, compliments of, uh, Victor Lugo.

Are you done now?

Oh, yeah, yeah, sorry.

Good, then get the hell out of here.

- Thank you.

- My uncle's a cop.

Thank you.

Get out of here.

(officers laughing)

Go ahead, help yourselves.

Jump in.

I'm probably making more of this than is necessary.

If it's important to you, it's important to me.

Thank you.

Baker, it's just you and me here.

That's the thing.

I have so much respect for you.

Why don't you start with "We've known each other a long time"?


An opportunity has come up for me that I'd like to take and I'd like your blessing.

At Internal Affairs.


Captain Bullman and I worked closely together before I came to you, and he's asked me to join his team.

He asked you?

Yes, sir.

This is not something I sought out.


I hope you know...

and if you don't, I'm telling you now, straight up, how much working with you and learning from you has meant to me.

I think I do.

And thank you.

Abigail, you are a smart, talented detective.

Anybody'd be lucky to have you.

You are most needed here in this office, however.


I am deny...

I am denying your request for transfer.

I'm sorry, I know that's not the news you wanted to hear.

No, it's not.

Be that as it may, that is my decision.

That's it?

No discussion.

We just had the discussion.

I will be at my desk if you need me.

(door opens)

(door closes)

I've already given you my answer, Detective.

I know.

And I respect that, I do.

Obviously not.

No, I do.

It's just, there's more to it than that.

Yeah, for you.

No, for you, too.

For all of us.


Wh-Who's us?

You know, the truck drivers, the neighborhood, the city, the country.


the whole damn world, when you really get down to it.

The whole damn world?

- Yes.

If everybody in your situation made the same decision you made, because you're afraid, we'd have no bad guys behind bars.

I'm not everybody else.

I'm Roberto Alonzo.

Husband to Maria Alonzo and father to Randy, Ana, and Julie Alonzo.

I know that.

I have to get back to work.


You're empty-handed.

Yeah, you were right.

You happy?

Not very, but I get it.

Well, I don't get it.

Who are you calling?

Don't worry about it.

This guy doesn't want to do the right thing, I'll do it for him.

Well, what are you doing?

Just trust me.

- Victor Lugo.

- Hey-- Shh.

Danny, don't.


It's your old pal, Defective Reagan.


I wanted to thank you for the doughnuts.

That was very, very thoughtful.

I also wanted to let you know that you just purchased yourself a first-class ticket to Rikers Island, my friend.

Oh, yeah, you did.

Because that truck driver you robbed, Roberto Alonzo, he picked you out of a photo array.

So hope you have a nice trip.

- What the hell are you doing?

- Just...

You just signed that man's death certificate.

You happy?

♪ ♪ Police!

Drop it!

What the hell?

Turn around!

(sirens wailing)

Turn around...

Victor Lugo...

(grunts)'re under arrest.

Guess your plan was a little defective, huh?

(handcuffs tighten)

(Danny chuckles)

JANKO: There you are.

I've been looking all over for you.

Did you get any of my texts?


Were you going to respond to any of them?

I was busy.

Doing what?


(phone chimes)


While you were busy doing "things"" I was getting chewed out by the sergeant.


I saw.

Did you also see that I had to turn over Parker's file?

I tried to stall, but he was not having it.

I know.

And it's gonna be fine.

How is that gonna be fine?

They are prepping Parker for extradition to Pennsylvania as we speak.

Look, it's gonna be what it's gonna be.

I cannot believe you are being this blasé about it.

I can.


- Erin?

What, you didn't tell her?

Tell her what?

Come on.

You really think I'm gonna fall for that?

Fall for what?

Tell me what?

I don't know what she's talking about.

You're a terrible liar.

But you're a pretty damn good person.

What the hell's going on?

I just got a call from the Bucks County DA Turns out he's had a change of heart.

Dropped all the charges against Parker.

Apparently, all three women that Parker saved reversed their decision not to talk to the press and gave an exclusive interview to a local reporter in Pennsylvania.

And you put that together?

Your guy is now a local hero.

The DA had no choice but to vacate his warrant.

Pass the potatoes, Pop?


What do you mean, no?

Hold on, hold on.

What's going on, Gramps?

Before I pass you anything, I need to know, since when did we go into the business of just letting criminals walk away?

Well, that's not exactly the case.

Says his coconspirator.

Wait a minute.

The guy was a Good Samaritan.


JAMIE: A hero, even.

Under attack, he helped save three women who were being held and tortured by some psycho.

FRANK: He was also a fugitive with an outstanding warrant for grand theft auto.

You getting in on this, too, huh, Dad?

Well, you know me and Pop, we like things done by the book.

The book is there for a very good reason.

With no room for common sense interpretation?

He didn't know the car was stolen.

He able to prove that?

Well, not forensically.

How, then?

I believed him.

And I believed him.

I thought you were a cop and a lawyer, not a judge and a jury.

And I'm really starting to love this whole thing.

NICKY: Love what?


Restoring law and order to the family dinner table.

All you need to know is in the book.

Well, not all.

But continue, please, Gramps.

I'm pretty sure that the oath cops take does not include a phrase about taking the law into your own hands.

DANNY: Right.

This is a lot, Pop, even coming from you.

Yeah, Grandpa.




Do you get our point?

Yes and no.

I think so.


Well, what is our point?

That the law, on the books and by the books, always beats what cops and attorneys think are...

What's that word, before "circumstances"?

"Extenuating." Right.


But then you might as well have software and robots handing out justice.


I'm with Mom and Uncle Jamie.


- Um, yeah, I got to say...

well, what she said.


I'm with Nicky on this one.

Don't be sorry.

Music to my ears.

DANNY: What?

How can it be music to your ears?

They just disagreed with everything you guys said.

As my granddaughter rightly said, even a robot can be programmed to strictly go by the book.

The good cop, the valuable lawyer can put the book down and look into the heart of the matter.

What was this whole thing, just some con you guys cooked up?

No, no, no, no, no, it's just what they call "a teaching moment" nowadays.

They also still call it a con and a scam.

Teaching moment.

DANNY: Mm-hmm.

And they all passed with flying colors.

The next generation of a long, proud line.

Hear, hear!

JAMIE: Well, next time your run a con on me, could you let me in on it?

Gave me indigestion.

Well, if I let you in on it, it wouldn't be a con, now, would it?

(Henry laughs)


I'll be honest with you, Reagan, when you lied to Lugo about Roberto I.D.'ing him, I thought you'd officially gone off the deep end.

You really thought I was just gonna leave that poor guy out to dry like that?

Well, I know how much Lugo got under your skin.

Hey, no, that clown did not get under my skin, okay?

"Defective Reagan"?

Didn't bother me.



That's why we're driving around in his car?

DANNY: It's not my fault this vehicle was purchased with funds derived from criminal activity.

Which, incidentally, make it subject to, uh, confiscation under asset, uh, uh...

(snapping fingers)


- Forfeiture guidelines.


I learned a lot working with the DEA.

(engine revving)

Hang on one second.

(tires screeching)




What the hell are you doing?

Hey, isn't that Lugo sitting right there?

(horn honks)

DANNY: Hi, Victor!

We'll be seeing you around.


Hang on.

(engine revs, tires squeal)

WOMAN: Excuse me, is this seat taken?


I was expecting Garrett.

I know.

He sends his regrets.

BARTENDER: What can I get for you?

What he's having.

This is straight whiskey.

What he's having, please.

And back him up.

What my gut tells me?

- sh**t.

The boys told you about the offer, and you led them to believe that you were going to sign off on it.

Based on what I knew, yeah.

And then, you pulled the rug right out from under me.

Well, that's one way to put it.

So I dusted myself off, tried to focus.

What I knew was you're a hard guy, but not a mean or petty one.

At least I thought I knew.

I hope you know.

I reached out to Captain Bullman, asked if you'd contacted him about the transfer request.

He said you'd stopped by his office.

I was able to glean that he'd framed his offer as a response to me asking him to get me transferred there.

But the offer originated with him.

Why do you think he fudged it with me?

I gleaned that he thought it would be seen as poaching if you knew the offer came from him.

I mean, there's always a push and pull between divisions to harvest the best people.

Yes, but not out of your office.

That's just not done.

And that told you...

That my real value to Captain Bullman was as a hook into One PP.

And I came to the same conclusion.

But there was no way of sharing your doubts without insulting the living crap out of me.

At least.

So instead of sending me off to be a pawn, you denied the transfer request without telling me why.

- 'Cause I couldn't.

- Yes, you could have.

Maybe someone else, but not me.

If you're waiting for a thank you, don't hold your breath.

I'm not.

How 'bout just...

case closed?

Okay, case closed.


Nice work, Detective.