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03x10 - Reversal of Fortune

Posted: 08/29/20 20:47
by bunniefuu

The correct answer is 18.

Not even close.

We were looking for...


The capital of Florida is Tallahassee.

Here it comes.

[Both laughing]

Mail call, Grizzle bros.

Finn, you got a letter from your parents.

Are you guys playing Jelly Beard?


Finn got every question wrong.

Yeah, 'cause if I got them right, I wouldn't get food hurled down my mouth.

So, you actually knew some of the answers?


You know, I love this game.

It taught me a lot.

Mostly that I cannot pull off a goatee.

Finn, is everything okay?

Yeah, just a tummy ache.

All that jelly's not sitting well.

Uh, you wanna play kick ball?

You always say when you're gassy, you run faster.

Yeah, it's like having a turbocharged butt.

But, you know what, I don't feel like it.

I'm gonna go take a shower.

Finn is taking a shower?

Something is definitely wrong.

Finn: This shower's too tiny!

I can't even get my head under it!

For the last time, that's the sink!

All: ♪ Kikiwaka, Kikiwaka ♪ All: ♪ Kikiwaka, Kikiwaka ♪ All: ♪ Kikiwaka, Kikiwaka ♪ Okay!

Here is everything we need to start building a new sustainable garden for the camp.

It's a great idea, Emma.

Growing our own vegetables is gonna be a lot healthier for the campers.

Plus, the kids are gonna love it.

Yeah, 'cause everyone knows the fastest way to a kid's heart is through vegetables.

They're the homework of food.


It smells like something died in here.


Oh, that's because Gladys got this shed from the old slaughterhouse.

This is where they used to store the cow hooves.

So, I'm guessing that's not dried red paint I'm standing in?


And that hair ain't from a paintbrush.

Okay, let's just get the supplies and get out of here before some footless ghost cow comes after us.

What do you suppose is under here?


Please, don't be hooves.


Zuri: The great balthazar?

Hey, this will look awesome in the mess hall lounge, right?

No, these things are super-creepy.

Lou, it's just a silly toy.


Skeeter and Betsy's discount carnival had one back home, and every fortune came true.

Name one.


Like the one that said Skeeter and Betsy would break up.

The next year, it was just Betsy's Discount Carnival.

What is the big deal?

So she kicked him out of the business.

No, she kicked him out of the Ferris wheel.

Poor Skeeter flew head-first into the day-old churros stand.

Something's clearly bothering Finn.

He hasn't eaten any of his fruit.

Or spilled it on himself.

That's his favorite part of lunch!

How do we get him to tell us why he's upset?

Finn is not exactly in touch with his feelings.

I know.

He once saw me crying, and asked why my eyes were raining.

Let's just play it cool.


Switching cool mode on.

Cool people don't do that.


Hey Finn.


Dude, what is bothering you?

Way to play it cool.

We both know I had no shot at that.

Guys, everything's fine!

How do you expect us to believe that?

You have a bowl of grapes, and you haven't shoved a single one up your nose.

You've been acting strange ever since you got that letter from your parents.

I don't wanna talk about it, okay?

If you're really my friends, you'll understand.

I guess we should just leave him alone.

Leave him alone?

Absolutely not!

We have to push him until we break him!

That's what friends do.

Attention, campers!

We are proud to announce a new addition to the lounge.

The all-knowing, all-seeing Great Balthazar!

Okay, now that you've seen him, go outside and play.

Save yourselves.

No, she's just kidding!

Okay, fine.

Have fun.

It might be the last bit of fun you ever have.


Maybe we should ask Balthazar what we should do about Finn.


I thought as a man of science you would think fortune-telling is silly.

I do.

But I'm a sucker for carnival games.

Guys, I'm telling you!

This machine is bad hoodoo.

We should not be messing around with the dark arts.

That's what you said about algebra.


Mixing numbers and letters is against nature, and I won't have it.


It's just harmless fun.


[Machine whirring]

There is a massive windfall in your future.

Oh, no!

A twister's a-coming!

Batten down the hatches!


A windfall means a large, unexpected amount of money.

Just a random fortune.

It doesn't mean anything.


Hey, check it out.

100 bucks.


Balthazar was right!

Well, to be fair, my pockets normally have $100 in them.

I want Balthazar to tell my fortune.

Come on, Balthy.

Momma needs a new yacht.

[Machine whirring]

"A sister will betray a sister." Nothing on here about yachts.

Oh, this is how it starts.

Next thing you know, one of you is gonna fly out of a Ferris wheel and be impaled by a stale churro.

Okay, Finn's napping.

We have to get that letter without waking him up.

I'll do it!

My below average body weight guarantees my footsteps will not be heard.


But your above-average clumsiness guarantees we'll get caught.

Relax, I got this.

[Siren blaring]

What are you doing?

Uh, I'm tucking you in.

There you go.

Yeah, right.

You told me you'd never touch my sheets because this is where I blow my nose.

[Finn groans]

Okay, fine.

You wouldn't tell us what was in the letter, so we asked the fortune-telling machine what to do.

And Balthazar said to...

Be relentless in your pursuit of the truth and you'll find what you seek.

You want to know what's in the letter so bad?

You can find it in the toilet!

Better bring a snorkel!

[Toilet flushes]

Oh, sure, now he flushes.

I just love farming.

It makes me feel good from my head to-ma-toes.

Jeez, what a bunch of 'mater-haters.

Come on, Zuri, you need to help.

I am helping.

As a supervisor.

You're doing great.

You could lose the attitude, though.

Seriously, Zuri, let's go!

Okay, fine.


Thanks, Lou!

Jumping juju, see?

Balthazar was right.

Zuri just tried to betray you by almost giving your head a sun-roof.

It wasn't on purpose.

You guys need to start taking Balthazar's predictions more seriously, or we're all gonna end up like Skeeter.

Oh, come on.

It doesn't take a psychic to predict there'll be an accident at a discount carnival.

No kidding.

It would be surprising if someone did not get maimed.

Besides, my fortune said something of great value would go missing.

And I have nothing to worry about, since my Neil deGrasse Tyson bobblehead is safe back home.

Heed my warnings.

One time Balthazar predicted my boyfriend Servil would take a long trip.

The very next day, he fell down a ravine.

My heart was as shattered as his pelvis.

So, I hear you're pretty smart for a guy who can't get out of a box.

Well, I have a big problem, and I need some advice.

If you take an outrageous course of action, your problem will be resolved.

I know what I have to do.

Thanks, Balthazar!



Where have you been, young man?

You were gone for two hours!


You almost gave me a hard attack!

Maybe you deserve a...

Wait, did you just say hard attack?

Yeah, you know, like, when someone scares you real hard.

You get a hard attack?


At your school, are there teachers and books?

Or is it just somebody hitting you in the head with a hammer all day?

Miss Kipling, spread out the fingers, so we can reattach it.

Before his parents find out.


Finn, why did you sneak out in the middle of the night?

Uh, I went out to the woods to use the bathroom.

I think I broke our toilet when I flushed that letter.


You've put that toilet through far worse.

Here we are.

Ravi, what is this?

Oh, it is our menu for today.

A single almond, seasoned with paprika, and just a smidge of floor lint.

This is what you're serving for lunch?

I am sorry, this is all there is.

It appears that most of our food has vanished.

"Something will go missing." Balthazar was right again!

Now, let me take a sledgehammer to that devil machine before things get any worse.

That's exactly what you said the first time you heard your phone talk.

Lou, these are merely coincidences.

It was probably the g*ng of possums I chased out of the kitchen earlier.

Actually, now that I think about it, those might not be almonds.

We gotta figure out what's going on with Finn and that letter.


Last night, I caught him sneaking back into the cabin.

Also, Ravi says weirder stuff in his sleep than he does when he's awake.

I didn't think that was possible.

But, yeah, Finn's been acting weird lately.

Even for him.

And he once taped his thumbs to his hands to see if he would make a good dinosaur.

Okay, if we're gonna figure out what's going on with Finn, we need to keep our eyes on him at al times.

Great idea.

We'll never let him out of our sight.

Where'd he go?

Normally, we would just follow the smell.

But he took a shower in the sink!

Dang it!

Why did Finn have to pick today to take up personal hygiene?


You've been in there an hour!

We have to go work on the garden.

Zuri: I'm sick.

I blame Ravi's possum almonds.

Nice try.

You didn't even eat any.

Is Swimmer's Elbow a thing?

'Cause I think I have that.

Maybe Balthazar did this to her.

No, Lou, she's just faking to get out of helping with the garden.

It won't work!

It's worked pretty good so far.

Zuri, get out here now!


What is it that you hate about gardening so much?

Let's see.

Manual labor, cow manure, not getting paid.

Does any of that sound like a "Zuri's gonna love this" situation to you?

Zuri, you're an owner.

This is good for the campers.

You need to help with the garden.

Uh, guys, where is the garden?

Balthazar strikes again!

I told you he was evil!


He got rid of vegetables and got me out of work.

Sounds like a saint to me.

Where the heck is Finn?

Well, we know that he's not behind that tree.

You already jumped from behind there hiding from a butterfly.

In my defense it was really big for a butterfly.

And I'm very small for a human.

You're not that big for a butterfly, either.


This looks like a bunch of supplies from camp.


What's that noise?

I hope it's not that giant butterfly coming to finish me off!

Both: Finn?

Hey, guys.

What are you doing out here with all this stuff?

This isn't what it looks like.

It looks like you've stolen a bunch of supplies, and built your own camp site.


Well, then it's exactly what it looks like.

I can't believe the entire garden is gone.

Zuri did it.

Why would I waste my time stealing veggies?

Now, if you're growing cupcakes, I'm your girl.

I know it was you.

Balthazar called it.

A sister will betray a sister.

Lou's right.

It all make sense now.

Zuri, you hated this garden.

No, I hated that you were making me help with this garden.

A small, but important difference.

She's lying.

She can't be trusted.

Help me lock her in the shed.

I wouldn't advise that.

Upsetting me then giving me access to power tools is a bad idea.

Uh, guys?

We have a major problem.

You're darn right.

Balthazar is tearing us apart, just like Betsy and Skeeter's relationship.

And Skeeter's legs.

By the time that Ferris wheel got done with him he was too short to ride it.


A councilor just told me that Destiny, Finn, and Matteo disappeared from soccer practice.

They cannot find them anywhere.

That's it.

That's the something of great value that will go missing.

The campers.

Well, certainly Destiny and Matteo.

We are victims of Balthazar's black magic.

I'll get my seance kit.

Or we could go look for him.

Less fun, but okay.

Finn, we are not leaving until you tell us what's going on.


Grab a tent, and if you're hungry, there's some Otter Nuggets in that box.

I'll never be that hungry.

Is all of this about that letter you got from home?


What did it say?

It doesn't matter.

We're just trying to help you.

But we can't if you don't let us.


The letter said that my family is gonna move at the end of this summer.

So I have to leave all my friends behind.

It's just so stupid.

Finn, I am so sorry.

Why didn't you tell us?

Because talking about it makes me wanna cry.

And I didn't want you guys to see me with my eyes raining.

Hey, you can always tell us anything.

We won't judge you for it.


I only judge you for not washing your hands after you go to the bathroom.

And for using your boogers as glue.


Why did you decide to make your own Camp Finn-iwaka out here?

Because I went to Balthazar, and he said to do something outrageous and it would fix my problem.

So I did, and now I'm never gonna have to move away.

I'm gonna stay at Camp Kikiwaka forever.

So that's why you took all these things from camp?

Why didn't you tell us your plan?

Because I didn't want you guys to talk me out of it.

Well, if you had we could have given you some advice.

Like don't leave ice-cream out in the summer.

Hey, if I'm gonna be stuck eating these vegetables all winter, I'm gonna want some dessert.

There you are.

Hey, is all this stuff from the garden?

How did it get here?

It was me.

I took it all.

But he has a really good explanation.

Oh, I know what the explanation is.

Balthazar's black magic compelled you.

Evil spirits, be gone!

He's not possessed, Lou.


Not now.

Just did the whole hand, head, demons-be-gone thingy.

Finn, why would you bring all of this out into the middle of the woods?

It doesn't matter.

I'll start taking this stuff back to camp.

What the heck has gotten into him?

It's a long story.

Well, let's go talk to him.

You two can fill me in on the way back to camp.

So, looks like you were wrong about my stealing the garden.

I'll take my apology in hundreds, thank you.

Zuri, I don't think I have any more hundreds on me.


Hey, another one.

Apology accepted.

Hey, Finn.

Destiny and Matteo told me why you took all that stuff from camp.

I get it.

So you think it was a good idea?

Lordy, no.

You would have been eaten by bears within a week.

But I get why you did it.

And I'm so sorry.

I know how much you love your home town.

It's not just my home town.

I'm leaving all my friends.


I'm totally fartbroken.

Uh, you mean heartbroken?


Ever since I found out I was moving, my stomach just seized up.

I haven't farted in two days.

Maybe he should move away from the fire.

Look, I know how hard this is for you.

My mom and dad didn't even ask me if I wanted to move, Lou.

And I can't do anything about it.

It's not fair.

It's okay, Finn.


I know that this sounds like the end of the world to you, but I promise you it's not.

Yes it is.

Hey, you remember when you first got to camp?

You didn't know any kids here, did you?


Now you've got these two.

Yeah, and we're your best friends.

And the coolest.


Just best.

And you're gonna make friends in the new place too.

I just know it.

You guys really think so?


It's what you do.


And I'll come visit you as soon as you move in.

That way it won't seem so scary.

I'll come visit, too.

Maybe it won't be so bad.

Who knows, it might even be fun.

A whole new town full of stuff you haven't broken yet.

That does sound like fun.

That's the spirit.

Thanks, guys.

I feel better now.

And I'm not fartbroken any more!

[All gagging]

You don't have to tell us.

Seriously, get him away from the fire!

Here we are.

An assortment of fresh vegetables without even a trace of possum droppings.




Wow, Ravi.

These look amazing.

Are they from the new vegetable garden?


The farmers market.

Turns out everything in the garden died.

I'm sorry.

I thought sustainable meant you didn't have to water it.

That's it.

Does someone here owe Lou money?

No, I'm smashing Balthazar back to the underworld he came from.


Actually, I believe he came from the American carnival supply.

Is that in Hades?

No, Missouri.

Who cares?

Now out of my way, Ravi, or you're gonna be a foot shorter.

Which honestly, you can't afford.

Lou, the machine had nothing to do with it.

We made all the predictions come true.

What about all the missing stuff?

Balthazar told Finn to do that.

No, he didn't.

All Balthazar said was to do something outrageous.

And Finn misinterpreted that because he has a brain the size of a fruit fly.

Thank you.

See what I mean?

And Zuri didn't betray me.

I jumped to conclusions because I was hurt she didn't want to help me with my garden idea.

I'm sorry, Zuri.

I forgive you.

And I would never betray you, Emma.

At least not in any way that could be traced back to me.


You see, Lou?

We are the architects of our own fate.


The great Balthazar is just a carnival game.

Well, maybe you guys are right.

Of course we are.

And I'll prove it by getting a fortune to show you how silly it is.

[Machine whirring]

You will never be known for your physical strength.

I'll show you!

Hand me that hammer.


[Thud) (Groans]


Well, you didn't have to be Balthazar to see that coming.