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04x09 - How to Make a Middleton Quilt

Posted: 08/28/20 14:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Good Witch...

Sounds like you've an admirer.

You think?

How many reviews call the restaurant owner "attractive"?

Solving another local crisis?

The city never sleeps.

What made you end up in Middleton?

It's a place to live.

What kind of flowers are those?


I love the flowers we saw today for our wedding.

And I learned about this great idea where we write each other letters the night before we get married.

I love that.

I can't believe you're putting together an entire wedding in less than three weeks.

When you're ready to get married, the answer is why wait?

[Cheerful music]

Good morning.


I made you some toast.



Thank you.


What're you up to, Grandpa?

Oh, these curtains keep falling off the rod, so I'm hooking them back on with these things that I found in an old vanity.

Those are hair clips.

You can call them anything you want.

All I know is they hold this to this.

So, Mom, have you decided what time you want your bachelorette party to start Friday night?

Oh, I don't know.

7 o'clock?

I'll get started on the invitations.

Morning, Sam.


There he is, our groom-to-be.

10 more days.

Ah, the countdown has begun!

When are you gonna have your bachelor party, Sam?

Eh, I'm not planning on having one.

You're not?

It's not really my thing.

That's too bad.

I was sort of looking forward to letting my hair down.

Well, I guess I'll have to hold it up with one of these.


Come on in, Martha.

Well, the front door was unlocked, so I already did.

I came by to see if you have any more of that thread that we used the last time we all worked together on a wish quilt.

I think I do.

It should be in this drawer.

Has Cassie told you about the gift that the ladies of Middleton will be presenting to the two of you?

We're making you a wish quilt.


Well, I'll still act surprised...

which will be easy, because I don't know what a wish quilt is.

It's a Middleton tradition.

And it was started by my ...wait, let me get this right...

my great-great-great- great-grandmother.

Catherine Merriwick.

All the brides friends get together to sew a quilt made up of squares that mean something to the bride and groom.

And they say if you make a wish while you're working on it, that wish will come true.

Well, mostly it's to emphasize our connection to each of you and how grateful we are to have you both in our lives.

Or you can use it to keep your feet warm when they get cold.


Well, then I already know it's a gift I'm going to use.

Oh, and Grace?

I'll see you and the other quilters this afternoon at Needlework.

Bring your finest sewing hands.

Oh, I carry them with me wherever I go.


Goodbye, Martha.


Hello, George.

♪ ♪ ♪ Morning, Abigail.

Brandon, you're the right person to ask.

Is this a good neighbourhood?

Every neighbourhood in Middleton is a good neighbourhood.

But are the homeowners nice?

Do they take in their trash bins?

Do they throw loud parties?

I'm thinking about buying a place for myself.

You're moving out of Grey House?

Well, Sam's moving in after the wedding, and I figured I should give them some space.

It seems like the right time to make a change, and I never really thought about Middleton as a place I'd live forever, but...

it's starting to feel like home.

That's great!

Well, when you find a place you like, let me know and I can tell you if the neighbours are friendly or not.

They're all pretty friendly.

But are these people gonna want to invite me over for backyard barbeques and chat about the weather over the fence?

You know, that kind of thing actually happens a lot in Middleton.

Well, I still think I'm going to enjoy having a place of my own anyway.

[Soft music]

[Indistinct speaking]


Cassie, I need your help.

Oh, sure.

Let me just finish helping this customer.



Drink some tea and light a candle.

It'll perk you right up.

I'll just be a minute.

Do you sell purses?

Martha, I don't have everything.

Oh, I knew it was a long sh*t.

Oh, but I did have some things brought over by the high school drama department this morning.

Maybe there are some purses in there.

I'll take a look.

I was working on that wish quilt of yours when I realized that I had accidentally given away a purse that would've gone perfectly with the dress that I bought for your wedding.

Well, Grace is really looking forward to getting together with all of you and sewing on her square.

And it's so wonderful to see the excitement of youth, which is why I didn't wanna say anything about her not getting her hopes up about this silly 'when you wish upon a quilt' idea.

You don't believe in that?

I grew up working on quilts with my mother and she would always ask me what new toy I wished for.

And then lo and behold, it would appear like magic.

But I figured out that it was she who was doing the shopping.

Well, it was nice of her, though, to make sure you got your wishes.

Perhaps, but eventually I had to get used to the realities of life, rather than just the fantasies of the wide-eyed child that I was.

I like to believe there's a wide-eyed child in all of us.

Well, mine still needs a purse for your wedding, so...

Well, what kind are you looking for?

Oh, I'd be thrilled if I could find something like the one I gave away.

It had pearl-coloured beads over a silver base and...

There it is!


How did the purse that I gave away make its way here?

The right things always seem to come back to those who love them.

Well, I certainly love this.

I know.

I can tell by how wide-eyed you've become.


[Theme music]

♪ ♪ ♪ Martha: I'm so glad that we can all finally get together and start working on this.

We should've started weeks ago, but I think if we keep at it, we can have the quilt done by Cassie's bachelorette party.

Ooh, which I will be passing out invitations for later this week, but it'll be on Friday at Grey House at 7.

But you guys are still gonna get invitations because I made them myself and they look great.

[All chuckling]

OK, how big are these supposed to be?


Here, you can use this square as a guide.

Oh, thank you.

I am making my square out of an apron from The Bistro.

That's a wonderful idea.


And it comes with a complimentary dinner for two for the first time that Sam and Cassie wanna come in as a married couple.

Even more perfect!

That looks really good.

Yeah, it turned out great.

It's the same colour as the first rose that Sam bought for Cassie.

All: Aww.

Boy, if I had a dollar for every flower he's bought her...

Well, I guess I have a lot more than that.

A man in love is very easy to upsell.

Well, I'm going to put the town crest on mine.

The new one, since we just had it redesigned.

Well, you did a great job.

Oh, you're too kind!

So what is the maid of honour's square going to have?

Well, I put my name and my birthday and I'm sewing on a pair of socks too, which my mom said used to be my favourite but now, they barely fit on a toe.

Although they do look comfy.

Well, I'm sure the sight of those will make your mother very happy, just as happy as she'll be when you present her with the four somethings.

The four somethings?

It's for the bride on the wedding day: something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.

The maid of honour is supposed to get those.

I didn't know I was supposed to do that.

I hadn't even thought about it.

I'd be happy to find them for you.



Martha used to be a wedding planner, so she's got lots of experience thinking about those kinds of things.

I don't wanna brag, but prenuptial preparations is one of my many strong suits.

I can find your four somethings in my sleep.


Excuse me, Madam Mayor.


Pull up a square.


No, no.

I'm just here to get some papers signed.

A mayor's work is never done.

This month's new business licenses were dated incorrectly.

Well, who did that?

There's no need to name names.

It was me.

But we'll get this batched signed, and we can go ahead and have them open just as planned.

All right.

Let's see.

"The Oasis Day Spa." Where's that?

Oh, it's right around the corner from The Bistro.

Yeah, I'm catering their opening event tomorrow.

In that case, I better give them the official OK.

Oh, I would love to spend a day at a spa.

Who wouldn't?

A whole day just getting pampered?

Sign me up too.

This is gonna turn into one very interesting blanket.

It's a quilt, actually.

What's the difference between a quilt and a blanket?

A quilt has baby socks on them.


♪ ♪ ♪ Nick: After you guys get married, are we gonna be having dinners like this together every night?

We don't have to do it every night.

Oh, I was kind of hoping we would.

I mean, I'm gonna need a place to eat.

So many mouths to feed.


Did you have a nice time with Martha, working on the quilt?

Oh, we had a great time, Mom!

I mean, working together, talking about everything that we wanted to do for fun.

Oh, did you know that there's a new spa opening up near The Bistro?

Oh, Oasis?

Yes, that's it!

Everybody was talking about how much they would love to have a day there, so they are going to be getting plenty of business.

Well, maybe I'll have to take my maid of honour there before the wedding so we can relax.

She would like that very much.

I remember doing that kind of thing with my friend Melanie before her big day.

Wait, who's Melanie?

Oh, Melanie Anderson.

We did some volunteer work together at the end of college and got really close.

And then when she got married, the week after graduation, she asked me to be her maid of honour.

That was the last time we saw each other.

What happened?

Life, I guess.

We both went off to different parts of the world and just kind of lost track of each other.


That happened a lot before the internet thing.


In ancient times.

Yeah, I tried to look her up online once, but I didn't know what name she was going by, so...

I guess I'll just have to get by with the memories.

Well, this is ready.

Does that mean we can eat?

As soon as somebody sets the table.

We have to use dishes?

We are still guests here.

Eve: Thanks so much for coming in, Mrs.



Radford is trying to see as many patients as he can before he goes off on his honeymoon.

He was going to give me a referral.

I'll print out the doctor's name.


Oh, this has been happening all week.

It freezes up every time I try and print something.

I'll write it down for you.

Who's next?

Ah, Mr.


Come on back.

And here you are.

Thank you.

♪ ♪ ♪ Hi, Risa.

Oh, Grace!

Do you know anyone who has enough room to take care of three dogs?


I've been fostering these guys for the last couple of days, and I really wanna make sure they all end up together.

Well, you never wanna split up good friends.

They're really well-behaved and they love to play, and the one in the middle, when he's scratched behind the ears, he sighs really loudly.

Well, at least he and I have one thing in common.

I will spread the word.



Hey, Grace.


Hi, Tara.

Hey, honey.

Have you had lunch?

No, I was just about to.

Tara and I were just waiting for a table.

Do you wanna join us?

It's on me.


Well then, I got here just in time.


Cassie, do you have any more of that pink salt that you sold me that's better for Tom's heart?

I do.

I'm gonna need more until we hear about Tom's test.

He went in for a cholesterol check but apparently, there's some sort of backlog at the lab and I want him to keep eating healthily while we wait for the results.

Here you go.


Why are you carrying pink salt around in your purse?

Because if I carried it in my hands, it would fall through my fingers.


When's your car supposed to be fixed?

Oh, I don't know.

Every couple of days, my mechanic just says, "in a couple more days." Well, if you need anyone to carry any more boxes for you...

I will let you know.

All right.


So, what's all this?

Oh, these are gift baskets from the grand opening of Oasis.

The owner gave them to me as a thank you for catering the event, and I wanted to give one to each of you.


There's a gift certificate for a free day in every one.

Are they good any time?

Uh-huh, for a full day of pampering.

Respite for a mayor's weary bones!

I'll take it for my bones too.

That's quite the coincidence.

What is?

Well, Grace told me that you had all wished for a day at the spa, and you got what you wanted.

Yeah, I guess we did.


Maybe that quilt you're all working on is already doing its job.

♪ ♪ ♪ [♪ ♪]

Find a world of inspiration.

Ever changing selection.

Ever amazing prices.


Go Finding.

All my pants are gone!

Ever amazing prices.

All MY pants are gone!

Bye bye, britches!

You wanted a sundae, but didn't want to put on pants.

So, I got you Blue Bunny Load'd Sundaes.

Delicious sundaes, right from your freezer.

New Blue Bunny Load'd Sundaes.

Give in to the Bunny.

[Cheerful music]

This is coming along so well.

I know.

My mom and Sam are going to love it.

What are those?


I had these lapel pins made to match the new design for the crest, and I thought I'd pin a couple to the quilt.

Because the more Middleton, the better.

Now Grace, let me know when you're finished with that sashing, and I'll have you work on the border.

Oh, if that's the case, then I can get started on the border right now.



How did you finish so fast?

And every stitch is perfect...

Oh, and look at what I found!

If we need another square, it was in the trunk that came from the art institute.

With Elizabeth Merriwick's clothes?

It's got her initials right here.


And I think it's just about the right size to be a square on the quilt.

We'll figure out where it fits and then we'll sew it on at the very end.



Excuse me.

I can't get a moment away.


Yes, Jared?


No, no.

I can't do tonight.

Definitely can't do tonight.

Well, I don't know!

They're just gonna have to play three-handed.


You'd think that not having a fourth for pinochle was the end of the world, as if they can't get by one week without me.

I could sit in if they need to fill another seat.

You play pinochle?

No, but...

I wanna meet new people and how hard can it be?

The game has taken me a lifetime to master.

Ooh, that long?

Just tell them I'll be there.

Fine, but these women take their card-playing very seriously, so...

I will make sure I look very serious when I show up.

Hide the quilt, ladies!

The bride-to-be is here.

Ooh, Cassie!

Come on in.

No, no!

It's OK!

I was just dropping Stephanie off and I don't wanna see anything until it's finished.

We can keep it out of sight!

Well, OK.

Cassie and I were just discussing when we can get to Oasis to use our gift certificates.

And I have one for you too.

Thank you!

I heard you got a bunch of free days there.

It's kind of like what we all wished for.

As if one thing had anything to do with the other.

Well, you did get your purse back too.

I suppose I did.

What would you wish for, Tara, if there was something you always wanted?

Well, remember after I got my master's and I was gonna go for my PhD?

At Cambridge.

I was doing lab work at the school and really liking it and...

I kind of wish I could do it again.

And what about you, Martha?

Oh, I'd wish for what every mayor wants, just one day without people wanting so many moments of my time so I could finish the quilt and get ready for your wedding.

You know what I'd wish for?

I'd wish for Risa to find a place for those dogs.

I don't want them to have to get split up and worry about where the other ones went.

Well, I would wish for a personal chauffeur so that my friends didn't have to drive me around everywhere.

Oh, and three more wishes.

But I guess I would've had to wish for that first.

And you, Abigail?

That three more wishes thing sounds like the right way to go.

But after that?

I don't know.


I don't know.

Well, when you decide on something, let me know if it ever comes true.

[Soft music]

[Indistinct speaking over pa system]


It was really good to see you.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I was just in the neighbourhood and wanted to say hi to one of my customers.

I didn't think your customers ever needed places like this.

There are a few who don't do exactly as I say.


Hi, Cassie!



I guess I should call you Dr.

Radford when we're at work.

When did you get a job at the hospital?

This is my first day.

The lab called last night and said they'd been behind with test results and would I be interested in helping as an assistant.

I didn't know you applied.

Oh, they had my resume from a few years ago and I don't know, it somehow ended up at the top of the stack.

Maybe what they said about that quilt really is true.



I saw you talking to that hospital administrator who does the hiring for the lab.

Oh, is she the one that handles that sort of thing?

Are you the one that told her Tara would be good for the job?

I don't know the details of hospital hiring practices.

Don't you?


Sometimes things just happen, Sam.

As if by magic.

If you say so.

[Door bell ringing]

Hi, Abigail.

Hello, Grace.

I brought you something.

It's the official invitation to my mom's party tomorrow night.

I wouldn't miss it.

I know how excited she is to see the quilt.

And to hear if our wishes came true.

I might be sitting that part of the conversation out.

Wishes and I don't have a great history together.


What you wrote in that birthday book was a long time ago.

And I've regretted Shaun McLachlan my whole life.

But if you were to wish for something, what would it be?

Can I just go with an overall something other than a guy?

You can go with whatever you want.

Because I guess what I want the most right now is to...

I don't know.

Settle in.

Meet people who feel the same way about Middleton that I do.

People who look at this place like it's their home and actually wanna stay here.

There are plenty of people like that!

Well, I can't just sit around and wait for them to walk through my door.

[Door bell ringing]



Hey, Grace.



Can I help you?

Yeah, I wanna get some flowers and maybe some chocolates for my neighbours.

They're having me over for dinner tonight and they've really made me feel welcome, which is just another reason I love living here.

Middleton's a really nice place, isn't it?


I don't know why anyone would ever wanna leave.


I don't recognize half the things on that shelf.

This is where they keep the organic and all-natural foods.

Well, that explains it.

Oh, would you look at that?

Even before they're married, they're already shopping together, putting all of Middleton's other couples to shame.

Well, that's our goal.

What are you two doing here this time of night?

I had to make an appearance at a neighbourhood watch meeting, and Jared wants something to raise his blood sugar before he drives me back to City Hall.

I feel I need to be at my most alert when transporting such precious cargo.

Now, no dawdling.

I have wall-to-wall meetings tomorrow that I need to prepare for, which is barely leaving me any time to help get things ready for your party like I promised your daughter I would.

Well then, I hope you find those few extra moments that you need.

[Phone beeping]


Is that me?




Looks like your morning meeting got canceled.

Well, that's a bit of good news!

[Phone beeping]


And the one after that needs to reschedule 'til next week.

Fine by me.

[Phone beeping]

And the city manager needs to push tomorrow's working lunch 'til some day next month, and he also wants you to know that the Sanitation Department doesn't need to get together until Tuesday.


Does that mean that suddenly, tomorrow is completely clear?

You have the entire day to yourself!

Well, that's like a wish come true!

In fact, that's exactly what I wished for on that quilt.


Oh, come on!

Let's get you fueled up so I can get home and start my day of freedom as early as tonight!

Yes, Madam Mayor.


that was nice of you.

What'd I do?

I'm not quite sure.


I'm watching you, Nightingale.

You let me know what you see.

Oh, I will.


[Soft music]


Is that the same kind of a cake that Stephanie brought to my surprise party?

I knew it was your favourite.

It's really good.


You seem happy.


That's 'cause Risa found a place for these dogs!

Somebody saw the flyer, said they had the perfect home for them with plenty of room to play, and they can all stay together.

Well, that's great to hear.

I'm gonna go get a coffee.



and the list keeps growing.

Uh, what are we keeping a list about?

Something tells me that your daughter mixed in a little wish-making with her quilt-sewing, and that you had something to do with making it come true.

Well, I don't know how I could've done that.

You're not saying you didn't.

I don't think I'm saying anything.

Why don't you?!

Why don't you tell people what's going on, so they know these things don't just happen?

There's nothing wrong with letting people see that there's magic in the world.


Hey, you two.


So I hear that you're not having a bachelor party?



Come on!

I was looking forward to, you know, hanging out with the guys.

You might still get a chance to hang out with the guys.

Yeah, but not with Sam as the centre of attention.


Me being the centre of attention, that's enough reason for me to not want to go.

All right, I get it.

See you later.

See you.

How do you think Stephanie makes this?

Maybe one day, she'll let you in on her secrets.

♪ ♪ ♪ [Door bell ringing]



Hi, Abigail.

Um, do you have a second?

I have something I need to talk to you about.

With me?

Well, you're the one I came here to see.

[Door bell ringing]



Oh, Abigail!

I'm glad I caught you.


Liam, this is one of the women I played pinochle with last night.

Playing pinochle now?

Yes, and she plays like a pro, which is why the ladies and I voted you into our regular rotation starting next week.

Isn't that Martha's seat?

Oh, please!

That woman doesn't know a jump bid from a non-Tr*mp run, but you seem like you've been playing the game your whole life.

I enjoy it, that's all.

So, you'll join us?

Sure, sign me up.


It was nice meeting you.

You too.

[Door bell ringing]


[Phone ringing]

I'm sorry.


Yes, we do.

How many?

And it's for pick-up?

4 o'clock.




You know, I can catch you later if you're busy.


No, it's OK!


[Phone ringing]


Hold please.

Now, we have all the time you need.


You know what?

This is probably something I should talk to you about in private anyway, so...

maybe another time?



I'll see you later.

Oh, how's Mr.

Borma doing?

Well, but could you print out a full listing of his medications?

He wants to make sure that everything is up to date.

Oh, that's right.

You're having printer problems.

Oh, not anymore.

How'd you get it working?


Cassio came in for a follow-up appointment and worked some sort of magic while he was waiting to see you.

So, that's good then.

It's sort of like a wish come true.

Oh, before I fget, Liam called, and he ...let me make sure I get this right...

he wants you to meet him at your house at 7PM so he can escort you to an event that Cassie has planned marking your transition into married life.

That sounds like a bachelor party.

He told me to tell you it wasn't a bachelor party.


I guess I can do that.

Do you want me to put this into the computer and print it out for you?

No, I think I can remember.

I'm gonna do it anyway, just so I can see it say "now printing." Whatever makes you happy.

♪ ♪ ♪ Where are you taking me?

Not too far.

And we're here.

Cassie wanted you to bring me to Grey House?


All I'm doing is following orders.

Let me know if you have a good time.

What, you're not coming inside?

No, I've got somewhere else to be.

Somewhere else?

She said just to go right in.

There he is!


You made it!

I did, but I'm not sure I'm in the right place.

Oh, you're in the right place.


This is your party.



My mom thought that you would like things better this way.


this is my bachelor party?

Oh, no.

Of course not.

Everybody knew that you didn't want one of those.

But Cassie thought you wouldn't mind hanging out with us.

We thought that we could watch a movie, maybe play a game.

And Cassie also suggested that I teach you to bake a cake.

Oh, we're...

going to bake a cake?

It's the one you really like.

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting?


I got everything we need.

Well, this is turning into a party I could learn to love.

Well, before things get too messy in the kitchen, we have something special just for tonight.



I hope you like it, because there's one for all of us too.

Well, now it is a party.

All right, let's get started.

You can cr*ck the eggs over there and I'll sift the flour.

I'm on it.

I don't suppose the guys are wearing aprons with Cassie's face on it at their party?

I doubt it, no.

Oh, the guys are having a party?



Maybe we should team up.

Although I guess we can't play boys against the girls.

How about...

whoever can sink a run to the 8 ball wins.

You sound like you've played this game before.

I might've spent some time in a hall or two.

Cassie: What's a run?

It's all of the solids or all of the stripes.

Should we put a little bet on it?


How about...

a month's worth of car washes?

That's hardly a bet.

OK, then.

Let's make it a year.


And now it's a bet.

Who goes first?

It should probably be ladies first.

Such a gentleman!


Here you go.

Thank you.

All right.

What am I aiming at?

If you wanna go for the solids, start with the 1 ball.

OK, the 1 ball.

That's the yellow one.

Right there.


And what happens if I make it?

Then you go for 2 through 8.

Sounds simple enough.

It's not quite so simple.

Isn't it?

♪ ♪ ♪ I'm beginning to think she's played this game before.

♪ ♪ See the people ♪ ♪ Walking down the street ♪ ♪ Fall in line just watching all their feet ♪ Oh!

♪ They don't know where they want to go ♪ ♪ But they're walking in time ♪ OK.

All right.

♪ They got the b*at ♪ ♪ They got the b*at ♪ ♪ They got the b*at ♪ ♪ Yeah, they got the b*at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Ho-oh...

♪ All the kid just getting out of school ♪ ♪ They can't wait to hang out and be cool ♪ ♪ Hang around 'til quarter after 12 ♪ ♪ That's when they fall in line ♪ ♪ They got the b*at ♪ ♪ They got the b*at, kids got the b*at ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Kids got the b*at ♪ ♪ [Sighing]

I like my tires extra shiny and a little extra wax on the hood.


So, when can we eat it?!

Well, as soon as it cools.

How long will that take?

A little over an hour.

So what are we supposed to do until then?

We make frosting.


This party keeps getting better and better.


Hi, Martha.

Grab an apron.

I don't know if there are any more with my face on them...



I'm so sorry, I don't have time to participate.

Grace, I need some more of that thread that your mother gave me for the quilt.

I ran out with just a few stitches to go.

Well, she keeps all of that in here.

Uh, what colour?

Oh, I'll take whatever you have.



Oh, thank goodness.

I'll be back as soon as I'm finished, and then we can make the presentation.

I can't wait for Sam and Cassie to see it!

I know, I know!

So I better work fast.

I don't think I've ever heard myself say this, but I'm really looking forward to seeing a quilt.

It really is nice.

And what they say about it making dreams come true might actually be true.

And you really believe that there's magic in a blanket?


Come on.

I wanted to work in a lab for years, but I never actually said it out loud.

And then I did say it and the next day, I had a job.

Martha got her day off.

My printer started working.

And there are three dogs that have a brand-new home.

And you think that's because of the wishes you made?


what's so wrong if we do?

[Soft music]

You are actually really good at this.

All it takes is a smooth hand, like bisecting a tricuspid valve.

That medical degree's finally good for something.

So, this is where the party's at.




Where have you all been?

At your bachelor party.

And we had a great time.


The only thing missing was the actual bachelor.

Although it looks like you guys had fun.

We did.



I was hoping you'd be here tonight.

Well, I'm a bachelorette.

So can we maybe finally talk?

Um, sure.


How about...

Oh, good!

Everyone's here.

Tom, do you have the frame for the quilt in the back of your car?

I do.

I can set it up.

Let me give you a hand.


Now, someone's gonna have to clear away all this furniture.

The quilt is gonna look wonderful.

We can display it right here, in the centre of the room, using the wooden clips that I...


...forgot at home.

Well, is that a problem?

It's a huge problem!

We need something to clip the quilt to the frame, and now we have nothing!

Would some old-fashioned hair clips do the job?

Hair clips?

Well, they did a great job attaching a curtain to a rod.

Maybe they'd do the same thing for the quilt and whatever you attach a quilt to.

Well, I suppose they'll just have to do.

There's some in the kitchen.

So, um...

how was your ...what do I call it...

bachelor party?

It was fun.

We hung out at the microbrewery, played some pool.

I didn't know you played pool.

Oh, a little bit.


I'll have to challenge you to a game sometime.

I'm always up for a little friendly competition.


So, what did you wanna talk about?


I've been living here for a while now, and I've really started to consider Middleton my home.

Me too.


that got me thinking about all the people I've gotten to know here.


So, I was wondering if you think Stephanie would wanna go out with me?

You and Stephanie?


Well, you know her so well, and I...

I don't know why I'm being so high school about this.

I just...

I was wondering if you thought that she might, or if we might...

I wanted to know what you thought first.

That's all.

Let me tell you something about Stephanie.

She's a great friend, a great person.

One of the best I know, actually.

And I think the two of you would be fantastic together.


I never say things I don't mean.

Well, unless it's for a legitimate purpose.

But I meant every word of that.

Then that's good to hear.

So, I guess we better get back to the party.

Yeah, we probably should.

Well, those work just fine!

I'm gonna want these back when we're done.

I've grown as attached to them as they were to the curtain rod.

Grace, as maid of honour, it's your job to present the bride with her quilt.




[Soft music]

Aww, it's really wonderful.

Oh, look!

Your birthday, my favourite day of all.

And my baby socks!


I remember when your feet were that tiny.


Oh, and the logo from my store.

I did that one.

And who did the Rod of Asclepius?

I did.

And I had to put up with staring at that snake the whole time while I sewed it on.

Oh, and Nick's birthday.

It's certainly one of my favourite days.

Oh, and this square features our new Middleton crest, plus a pair of pins that you can wear as you proudly stroll through town.

Because wearing a quilt would probably get you some looks.


Oh, where is this from?

That was Elizabeth Merriwick's.

Grace found it in the trunk with all her old clothes.

But we had enough squares, so we didn't need it for the quilt.

And I didn't use all the thread you gave me either, so maybe you can use it to...

oh, well, I don't know, repair a teeny tiny blue doily.

Everything is beautiful.

It was a delight to work on it.

And it really did make so many of our wishes come true.


The door was open, so...


What are you doing here?

I wanted to surprise you!

But I didn't mean to interrupt a party.

No, you are not interrupting!

Everyone, this is my friend from college, Melanie.


How did you know to come here tonight?

What's tonight?

It's a celebration.

I'm getting married.


To who?

Next week, to me.


Well then, I couldn't have picked a better day to get back in touch with my old friend.

No, you couldn't have.

Although I have a feeling that my maid of honour might've had something to do with this wish coming true.

No, it wasn't me.

I wouldn't have even known how to make it happen.


Well then, how?

Don't look at me.

I didn't do anything tonight except decorate a cake.

♪ ♪ ♪ Cassie: Well, I'm not gonna worry about how you got here, I am just gonna celebrate that you are.

It's so good to see you.

How long has it been?


I have a son who just got his master's degree.


And I have a daughter who is about to graduate high school, Grace.



She has your eyes.

Does she take after you in the other ways too?

She takes after me a little.

So it's hard to walk into a room without her already knowing you're there?

She used to do that to you too?

It drove me crazy!

But she also could find the light in any situation and always seemed to know that things were going to work out for the best, and was there for every single one of her friends whenever that happened.

She still does that too.

Well, Melanie, you got here just in time, because, well, we made this quilt for my mom and Sam, but now you can share in the moment when we give the bride-to-be her four somethings.

Mayor Tinsdale?


yes, about that...


I was so preoccupied with finishing the quilt, I completely forgot about what I'd promised to do.

So we don't have what we need?

I'm afraid not.

I'm not so sure that we don't.

The handkerchief from Elizabeth Merriwick is something old.


the pins from the crest are something new.

Because they're the revised design.

And the hairclips are borrowed from George.

You're welcome.

And the thread you used to finish the last stitches is blue.

The four somethings.

So, I can carry all of those with me on our wedding day.

See, Sam?

That blanket might be worth believing in after all.

[Grace giggling]

♪ ♪ ♪ [Sighing]

Oh, Abigail!

I heard from Margaret that you made quite the impression at the pinochle table.

I managed to meld a few rounds.

They told me you're sitting in for me for a few weeks.

They invited me.

Well, you're making the kind of friends in Middleton that will last you well into your old age.

Well, I mean, that's a very long time from now.

Oh, sure.

Rub it in.

Do you have a ride home?

Oh, yeah.

I do.

Tara is outside waiting for me.

She has to stop at the lab though, which is quite a detour, but...

Well, I could take you straight home, if you'd rather.

Are you sure?

Of course.

I'd be happy to be your personal chauffeur.

Your chariot awaits.

Thank you.

♪ ♪ ♪ I can't believe you just showed up here tonight with so much going on.

You're the one who always said that things happen right when they're supposed to.

Well, I'm glad you happened tonight.

How long can you stay?

Oh, just 'til tomorrow.

I have to get back to Cambodia.

I'm teaching at a school there.

Still making the world a better place, are you?

My guess is you are too.



A man who helps with the dishes.

He also decorates a pretty good cake.

Now, I'm even more jealous.

Well, it's really good to meet another one of Cassie's friends.

I'm just so glad I could get here tonight.

But I'm gonna get to bed, because I want to dive in to our catching up as soon as possible.

I'll be up with the sun, so we can get started first thing.

Good night.



Well, that turned into one of the best parties I've ever been to.

I just loved seeing you so happy.

Yeah, and I still can't get over how she just kind of showed up.

Well, if you wanna believe that sometimes things just happen...

You got her here?


I did a little detective work.

I figured out the date of her wedding, which you said was just a week after the two of you graduated.

And since I know the city your college is in, I just searched the local records.

But she insisted that she tell you it was all spur-of-the-moment because she wanted to see the look on your face.

Why didn't you tell me you were just behind it all?

Well, I planned to, but...

after listening to Grace and everybody talk about the wishes they made on the quilt, I...

It made me realize that...

sometimes it's good to believe in things that can't always be explained.

You ever gonna start telling me any of the things you would like to wish for?


I don't have to.

My wish already came true.

♪ ♪ ♪