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08x04 - Revenant

Posted: 08/27/20 17:46
by bunniefuu
She was a trouble maker in the UK as well.

Strictly no contact with the outside world, no phone privileges, no visitors.

You know that surgery you said you wanted?

How much is that gonna cost?

40 grand.

I've got contacts on the outside who could raise that, if you do me a favour.

I want someone k*lled: Ruby Mitchell.

I got a present for you.

Oh yeah?

Bub, this sh1t could be cut with anything.

We need some f*cking help here!

All right, everybody clear out!

Make some room!

Oh sh1t!

We found your laptop.

We will be charging you with terrorism offences.

We have the power to hold you indefinitely.

Saw you at the dole office.

I thought you were Kath for a minute.

She disappears and you turn up using her name.

It's not a coincidence.


Yeah, Police.

Someone's been att*cked.

[Dirt thuds]

I am in here!

Get me out of here!


Get me out of here!


[Voice echoes]: My name's Ms Ferguson, but you can call me Governor.

You can call me Governor.

We exist to correct.

They call me a freak.

Do you think there might be a deficit in me that needs correcting?

You know, you're not who you think you are.

Your true nature will eventually come out...

it will have to.

I give you order!

I give you strength!

And without those things, anarchy reigns!

I'm the only person who does what needs to be done!


Whispers: You f*cked the wrong lunatic.

Get me out of here!


[Scream echoes, fades]

[Monitors beep steadily]

She presented with severe head trauma, skull fracture.

She underwent surgery to remove the haematoma and release pressure from her brain.

We assumed her name was Kath Maxwell, based on a Health Card she had with her.

What's the prognosis?

Well, she's been comatose two weeks.

With brain trauma like this, it's impossible to know.

She might never wake up, or she might wake up tomorrow.

Do you know who she is?

Good morning.

All: Morning.

Sorry for the late notice.

I'll keep it brief, but I have a very important announcement.

The decision has been made to close the protection unit immediately.

You're kidding me.


As you know, we have to reduce the budget, and the staff-to-prisoner ratio in protection makes the cost of running it prohibitive.

The bad news is there will be staff retrenchments.

The good news is that it won't involve senior officers.

When's it happening?

Listening ears, Deputy Governor.

I said immediately, so today.

Mr Jackson will oversee the prisoner relocation.

Thank you for your time.

This is a huge mistake.

I heard you the first time, Will.

Well, I want my objection noted in writing, please.

What about you, Vera?

Would you like to make your objection official?

Does it have to be so sudden?

Could you give us some time?

There is no time.

In a week, I have to present to state ministers and the press.

I have to show them real physical evidence of how we are rationalising resources, especially since that disaster with the food supply.

And I'm not blaming you, OK?

We're a team here, so let's make this work, yeah?

What a f*cking nightmare.

Now I've gotta tell Novak and can get her onside.

Who's gonna tell Winter?

Is this a joke?

It's a directive from management.

Look, it's up to us to make sure it happens without incident.


As in you and me?

I need you to make it clear to the women that these ex-protection prisoners are off limits.

You seriously want me to help you after you've bugged my cell?

I told you the authorities had a special powers warrant.

We had no choice.

We had to cooperate.

Yeah, well, I do have a choice, and I don't have to cooperate.

Allie, we need to work together on this.

You bugged my cell!

I can't work with you if I can't trust you.

Wait, this doesn't include Marie, right?

Tell me that she's not being released back into general.

Are you gonna guarantee Ruby's safety?

Winter's retracted her statement against Mitchell.

Yeah, and what if that was just a trick?

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, Governor.

I'll guarantee the safety of every protection unit prisoner.

Except one.

Marie Winter can take her chances.

That there are four types of oppression...

personal, interpersonal, institutional and cultural.

Yep, and there is also the sh1t that happens in here, eh?

That's institutional, Booms.


And then there's, like, the oppression of, like, Daz rooting me sister and Trina, like, rubbing me nose in it.

That's personal.

Oh, yeah, I know, but I don't mind talking about it.


You don't...


Too much.

No, it was f*cked.

Hey, I'm meeting my lawyers today.



More than one?

Knowing my dad, they'll be the guys who got OJ off.

The spooks will sh1t themselves.

You hear that, arseholes?

You will sh1t your pants.

Yeah, you'll sh1t your pants, arseholes!

All right.

What's up your bum?

The screws are closing down protection, moving them all into general.


No frickin' way.

What, even the kiddie fiddlers?

What about Marie?

Oh sh1t.

Who's Marie?

One basket each.

What you can't fit in, you can't take with you.

When are we moving?

I told you..

this afternoon.

Oh, this is f*cked up!

I'm sorry, you must have me mixed up with somebody who gives a sh1t.

Hurry up.

This doesn't include me, does it?

You're not that special.

You and I both know that me going back into general is a death sentence.

You got what you wanted.

Last week you couldn't wait to get back in there.

Yeah, but that's when I wanted to die.

Hurry up, Winter.



Do you have a second?


Hey, I know it feels like I sprung this on you, but it was always part of the plan.


You planned this from the start?

Yeah, you don't get where I am by flying by the seat of your pants, Vera.

Right, well, I wish you'd told me, maybe before you enticed me back to work.

You know my mandate... bring law and order back to Wentworth, slash the budget, make the prison pay for itself.

Closing protection...

will hardly bring order.

It will be chaos.

Possibly, for the short term.

So how does that fit your mandate?

We're not in the business of pandering to lawbreakers, Vera.

It's not a zoo, Ann.

They are not animals.

They're people.

Who have committed crimes.

And they are in here paying for.

Our mandate should be to send them out into the real world better people.

You've spend most of your career in a bubble, Vera, and I haven't.

I have actually been out there in the real world, where the public want to see criminals pay for their crimes.

We still have a duty to protect them.

As far as I'm concerned, when they broke the social contract, they forfeited their right to any form of state-sanctioned protection.

Well, you're forgetting another thing.

This decision puts the staff in danger as well.


Sorry to interrupt.

The police are here in the governor's office.

They want to see Ms Bennett.

[Tense music]

Ms Bennett.


Please come in.

I'm sure what I'm going to tell you will come as a shock.

Joan Ferguson is alive.

[Dramatic music]

I'm sorry, what?

She turned up in a hospital, alive but in a coma.

It's hard to believe, I know.

Well, yes, given...

she was found dead in a box, buried in the ground.

We've known for a long time that it wasn't Ferguson in the box.

DNA analysis told us that.

You did not tell us that.

We didn't tell anyone.

We didn't want that information getting out.

We wanted Ferguson to relax, let her guard down.

We were trying to lure her out.

And we have.

Just not in the manner we expected.



why are you here?

Just to inform us?

No, not just that.

We need a formal ID.

That can only be made by someone who knew her.

She doesn't have family, so...

[Tense music]

[Monitor beeps steadily]

Can you tell me who that is?

Am I going mad?

Didn't we all see her dead f*cking corpse?

It wasn't her.

Ferguson had a fake ID on her in the name of a Kath Maxwell.

Who the f*ck is Kath Maxwell?

She was a homeless person.

After she escaped from the box, Ferguson must have k*lled her and put her in it.

They used Maxwell's sister's DNA to confirm the match.

How did she get out of the ground?

[Voice echoes]: It's me.

I need your help.

Listen to me very carefully.

Police think she contacted Murphy just before her escape attempt.


They found Ferguson's fingerprints in Brenda Murphy's house when they searched it after Channing shot her.

Murphy probably followed Will from the depot...

and watched him bury her.

[Ferguson gasps]

And then what?

They came up with this plan to extort us?

Which involved putting someone else in that box, so when we panicked enough to go and dig her up, there'd be a body in there that looks like her.

Why didn't she just take off after Murphy was k*lled?

She was trying to get money together.

They arrested the guy that assaulted her.

He had a backpack with nearly $30,000 in it, which they think was hers.

Maybe she'll never wake up.

[Knock at door]


Mustn't have got the memo.

What is it, Linda?

We're about to move the protection prisoners.

You forget about the meeting you called?

Thank you.

The prisoners will be put in units with women who don't have any historical grievances with them.

If you'd like to refer to your schedule, you'll see where they are to be relocated.

Where's Winter going?

H, um...


That has prisoners that weren't involved in the siege.

Wasn't just prisoners in the siege.

All officers must be vigilant to avoid any incidents.

That means particular focus on Winter.

Any questions?

Are the rumours true?

Word is Ferguson's alive.

[Lock buzzes]

[Suspenseful music]


f*ckin' dirty b*tches!


Kiddie fiddlers!

Child rapists!

If that lands, Saad, you'll be eating hummus through a spit bag.

Oh, you'll get yours.

Hey, Slattery.

k*lled any kids lately?


Can't wait to see what's gonna happen to you.

You'll get yours!

[Suspenseful music continues]

[Prisoners shout abuse]

f*ckin' pedo bitch!

All right, settle down.

[Gates clang]

Well, that could have been worse.

You all right?



How'd it go with your lawyers?

It's f*cking legal aid.

♪ I need to call my dad.

f*ck, they won't let me use the phones.

I don't know whether to be relieved or feel guilty about Ferguson.

I'm relieved I'm not a m*rder*r.

Is that wrong?

Of course not.

Yeah, but I've dumped us in the sh1t, Vera.


Mr Jackson?

What is it, Novak?

Judy Bryant.

She should be allowed to contact her father.

It's an abuse of her human rights.

Bryant's being held on terrorism charges, which means...

That is a problem with her laywer.

.. no contact from the outside world.

I get the severity of the charges, but she's hardly more than a kid.

Well, maybe I should arrange a phone call under supervision.

No, no, no, no.

Don't you do it.

You won't get it past Ann.

Hey, can you smell the fear on them?

I can.

They stink of it.

[Prisoners mutter]


Pedo patter!

[Chair scrapes]

You really stink.

I don't know if I want you sitting next to me.

Sitting next to your new mate, Marie?

You know, I knew we had a mouse problem, but now we got Rattray, creepy critter.

Hey, you should get up real close to her, 'cos critter likes 'em small, don't ya?

Welcome back.

[Cutlery clatters]

Guard: That's enough!

Let her go!

Yeah, f*cking get her!

That's enough.

Sit down!


Sit down!

Get her in the slot!

That goes for anyone else who tries it on!

It'll be a week in the slot!

Clean that up, Winter.

f*ckin' Winter!

I warned you, Saad.

Couldn't keep it in your gob.

If I catch you anywhere near Ruby, I'll k*ll you.

You've got five minutes.

Hey, spunk.

Hey, you miss me?

Oh, God, I missed your face.

What are you... ?

How come you're still in here?

Hey, Shen, can Reb come back to unit with me?

She has to spend her first night back from hospital in medical under obs.

It's protocol.



He has to spend his first night in medical.

That's what I said.

I'm really sorry.

What's going on?

Are you all right?

If I can't live as a man...

I don't want to live at all...

I'd rather die.

[Prisoners call out]


[Prisoner yells, howls]

[Dramatic music]

[Prisoner howls]


[Prisoners shout abuse]

I wish they'd shut up.

Dumb molls are all talk!

At least Mon did something.

And look where it got her.

The first duty of a revolutionary, Booms, is to get away with it.

So, how many died in this siege of Marie's?

Well, Mr Brody shot two people...

Kosta and...

Boomer's mum.

So Allie shot Mr Brody in the head.

That makes three.

Hey, Allie?

When are we gonna make our move?

Well, I've already shot her, Booms, but, if you want to have a crack, go for it.

This place, you guys, it's like some f*cking mafia movie.

The Godmother.

Notorious prisoner, Joan Ferguson, What?

Holy sh1t!


has been found alive.

Although police have confirmed it's Ferguson...

Holy sh1t!

.. they're yet to release details of where and how she was found, but repeating, notorious escapee Joan Ferguson is tonight alive and under guard in this hospital.

We will report back later, as further details emerge.

No way.

No f*cking way.

Who's Joan Ferguson?

No f*cking way.

No f*cking way!

Prisoners [chant]: Freak!



Mr Stewart?

Mr Stewart.

Mr Stewart.

What the f*ck?

You said she was dead!

You said she was dead!






Hard to believe, isn't it?

[Monitor beeps steadily]

Had to see her with your own eyes?

You gotta laugh, though.

I mean, how incompetent is Derek Channing?

If the guy had any balls or brains, he would have k*lled her first...

made sure of it.

If she wakes up now, we get her statement, we'll charge him with another attempted m*rder.

Idiot deserves everything he's gonna get.

I wonder what's going on inside that head of yours, Joan.

[Voice echoes]: Hey.


Look at me.




[Ominous music]

So pathetic.

Snap out of this malaise.

Right now.

Don't you dare succumb to the darkness.




Stay with me.

Without me, you're nothing.

You're worse than nothing.

You're a victim.

Remember who you are.

Who am I?




Joan Ferguson.

Say it.



Joan Ferguson.

Say it.






[Whispering voices overlap]

Say it!

Say it!

Say it!

[Tense music]

[Monitor beeps steadily]

[Ominous music]

Get the f*ck out.

Allie, please, just let me explain, all right?

I want to make everything right.

Get out!

I don't want to hurt Ruby.

I don't.

I was wrong about her, about Danny.

I know that now.

I'm so sorry.


f*ck you!

You don't get to apologise.

But I need you to understand that something has happened to me, Allie.

I don't give a sh1t!

Do you want me dead?


Is that what you want, really?

Because you had the chance to k*ll me, and you didn't.

Please, Allie.



When the women come for you, I won't stand in their way.

I'll cheer them on.



She's in a coma with a head injury.

If something happened, they wouldn't autopsy that.

What, and I've got to do it?

I f*ck up, so it's my responsibility?

We've got to sort something out to save ourselves, to save Vera.

[Knock at door]

You asked for Bryant?

Yeah, I did.

Come in, Bryant.

You've stayed out of trouble for a few days.

You're lactating.



She's cute.



It's a phone.

It's one of those old-fashioned desk types.

You can use it to call your father.

It's 11pm in London.

It's a supervised call.

It has to stay on speaker.

[Dial tone]

[Buttons beep]

[Ringing tone]

Man on phone: Hello?

Dad, it's me.

It's Judy.


Where are you calling from?

I'm still in prison, Dad.


haven't let me use the phones.

I'm calling because there's a problem with the lawyer.

What lawyer?

Yeah, that's...

They won't let me see the lawyers you've hired.

I haven't heard any lawyers.

Christ, Judy.

An act of terrorism!

No, Dad, I was set up.

They planted that stuff on my laptop to frame me.

I'm sorry, Judy.

I just...

I don't believe it.

Come on.

You know I would never do anything to hurt people.

Releasing secrets...

that hurts people.

Do you have any idea the embarrassment you've caused me?

That's not what I was trying to do.

There's an election next year, and my daughter's a t*rror1st.

How do you think that's going to play?

I'm sorry.

Not as sorry as I am, Peanut.

[Call disconnects]

Thank you.



Yeah, so what'd you find out?

Is she as cashed up as she claims?



I haven't worked out like that in ages.

It feels deadly.

Hey, what's wrong with you?


What, I'm punching too hard?



Then what?

No, I'm...

What is it?

I gotta pay Marie back.

You can't do anything dumb, Booms.

Trust me, Marie's not worth it.

Nah, 'cos, like, that's the funny thing, eh?

Like, after what I done to Liz...

I'm cactus.

Like, I can't get no more time, can I?

So, you know, I might as well be the one to take her out for good.

For Liz.

I still love me mum, you know?

Like, and probably I always will.

Is that weird?

Look, your mum couldn't handle the grog, and I hated the way she treated ya, but, yeah, I know what you mean.

And Lizzie...

what happened in that siege thing, like, it...

it probably helped give her the stroke, eh?

We don't know that.

No, 'cos I keep thinking, like, she might still be here if like that didn't happen.

All right.


Grab that bag.


Go over there and hold the bag.

Come on.

Yep, that's it.

Look at me.

This is Marie.


So whatever you're feeling in there, you put it out over here.


So watch me.

You just go whack!


It's Marie, and you're punching Marie's titties.

Left titty, left titty, left titty!

Right titty!



I knew I'd get a smile out of you.

It's 'cos you're a d*ck.

[Both laugh]

You'll be right.


I gotta go have a shower.


Catch you later.


[Ominous music]

[Gate bangs close]

Hey, come here.

What's up?

I promised I'd take care of you, huh?

What's happening?

So, I had Trav look into that Marie Winter chick that offered to pay for your surgery, and it turns out that she owned brothels and sh1t.

She's gotta be loaded.



Mitchell's just gone to the shower, and I don't reckon there's gonna be anyone else in there.

Wait, what?

Ruby Mitchell.

I can do this for you, but I've gotta move now.



Everything that you want to be, I can give you that.

All the sh1t that's gone wrong, I can fix that for you in an instant.

I want you to be everything that you want to be.

If you'd rather die than not live like...


You're not a m*rder*r, Lou.

Hey, I can do this.

Let me do this for us, for you.



f*ck, OK, yeah.

You checked with Marie, right?

There's no time.

No, no, do not do anything until I check with her.

I mean it.


OK, but you gotta hurry.

I'll meet you by the shower.


Where's Marie?

[Suspenseful music]

Oi, where's Marie?

The slag's in there.

Hey, the deal still stands, right?

What deal?

[Shower runs]

[Both grunt]


Aw, f*ck!


You can't run forever!

You slag!

[Tense music]



Give me the f*cking shiv!

f*ck you!

Give me the f*cking shiv!

I am not paying for this, all right?

This is not what I want.

We gotta go right f*cking now!

Give me the f*cking shiv!

I'll f*cking slash you!

Lou, I need you to come with me right now!

Jesus, come on, baby, we gotta go now.

Now, now, now.

Come on, baby, we need to go!


[Ruby groans]





[Alarm blares]



Hey, hey.

Ruby, it's OK.

I'm here.

Am I gonna come over and have a play soon?

What's on the wall there?


Can you see something on the wall?

What can you see on the wall?

What's on the wall?

What's that?

Is that a flower?

[Baby fusses]

Heading home?


No, it's OK.

I have been such a selfish prick, Vera, for so long.

She's made me realise that...

I'm not the most important person in my world.

I've finally got something that I care about more than...


But this whole Ferguson thing could take it all away.

[Baby coos]

Here you go.


You know, I think...

I think Grace is very lucky to have you as her dad.

Lucky you found her when you did.

She's my guardian angel.


What's up with Mitchell?

Epileptic fit.

Jenkins found her.

I'll wait, escort Jenkins back.

No hurry.

OK, thanks.

[Lock bleeps]

Let's go, Jenkins.


Yeah, no, I just wanted to check, that's all.

All right, great.

Hello again.

Now, I'm gonna give you 24 hours to come up with that money that you promised Reb.

40 large.

You see, I told you, I changed my mind on that.

OK, I can run with that.

You forget Mitchell.

If you don't come up with the cash, I'll k*ll you instead.

You see, I don't have any money.

I lied to Reb when I told her I did.


But I've got jack sh1t, so you're just gonna have to k*ll me.

Good luck with that.

Pa: Attention, compound.

Count will commence in five minutes.

Attention, compound.

Count will commence in five minutes.

That means you, Jenkins.

Move it.

Come on.

Keep moving.

In you go.

Let's go.

Standing by your cells for the count.

Hey, where's Ruby?

In medical.

She had a fit.

I, um...

I walked into the showers just when she was having it.

Lou and Marie were in there, and they were trying to stick a shiv in her.


But I...

By your cell.


[Suspenseful music]

[Ominous music]


[Heartbeat thuds]


[Alarm bleeps]

[Alarms blare]


Oh, no, no, no, no.

Let's leave that there.

Everything's OK.

No, no, no, no.

You're just in a hospital.

[Banging on door]

You need to pack now.

I'll get the baby.

We need to leave.


Grace is sleeping.

What is going on?

She's awake.


She's awake, Vera.

How do you know?

I was there, at the hospital.

I went there to hot-shot her.

You what?

I was doing it for Grace, for us.

No, I mean for me.

But she woke up.

She woke up right in front of me!

Just shove whatever you can in the car.

I'll get Grace.


We need to leave!


No, we are not going anywhere.

Not tonight.

But Vera...

Jake, go home.

We will talk about this tomorrow.

What if... ?

Nothing is going to happen before tomorrow.

Trust me.

She looked right at me.


No, no, no, no, I understand.

OK, thank you.

She is conscious.

But the hospital can't tell me anything else right now.

Apparently the...

the police are talking to her now.

Oh, f*ck.

That's it.

We're done.

We're f*cked.

We should've left last night.

No matter what, Vera, we'll protect you and take full responsibility and leave you out of this.

Yeah, of course.

It goes without saying.

Grace needs her mum.

Well, that's all very well and good.

But what if Ferguson has a copy of Murphy's photo, the one with all of us by the grave?

You know, I wish they'd hurry up and take you out, so we can all get some f*cking sleep.

Don't worry, you mightn't have to wait too long.

f*cking liar!


[Prisoners shout]

Get her off me!

You're dead, Marie!

You're f*cking dead!

Novak's in the slot.

We can't keep her there forever.

Sooner or later, that feud will continue.


I've been a bit snarky with you, and, I'm sorry.

Do you forgive me?

I do know how stressful this place is.

There's nothing to forgive, Ann.

[Phone buzzes]


Oh, I have to get this.


Thank you, Miss Miles.

You can wait outside.

Thank you, Miss Miles.


I've got a proposition for you.

Oh, are you going to take me out to dinner first?

I want you to take Marie Winter and the other ex-protection prisoners under your wing, guarantee their safety.

I can't afford another incident like today.

And I know your reputation in here affords you some power, and that you have ambition for more.

So think of it as a ready-made crew.

Oh, of freaks and f*cking weirdos?

Who have been marginalised because they don't adhere to the norm.

Oh, of course, yep.

Also, I want you to keep an eye on Bryant, report to me anything of interest.

I want you to be my eyes and ears on that side of the bars.



So you, uh...

you want me to lag for you?


And what do I get out of this other than a bunch of carnie folk and a sh1t sandwich?

I'm willing to let Keane resume her HRT.

And I'll be a sympathetic ear to her desire for top surgery.

I know how much you love her.


I got caught up in visitors, couldn't get away.

What is it?

What's happened?

I got a call from Detective Collins.

He wants to meet me at the hospital immediately.

He didn't say why.

Just you?

Nah, f*ck that.

We'll all go.

If this is it, we face it together.

I agree.

[Ominous music]

I was only expecting Ms Bennett.

But that's fine.

Since you're here.

Joan, do you recognise these people?

[Ominous music swells]


And I told you, please don't call me Joan.

My name is Kath Maxwell.

[Dramatic music]