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03x04 - How to Say I Love You!

Posted: 08/24/20 06:39
by bunniefuu
- Previously, on Good Witch: - Movies at the old Middleton Theatre - again?

That's a great idea!

- And they want me to invest in it with them.

If I listen to people more, I might get more of what I want.

I wanted you to know how much I care about you.

(sighing): You were so certain you were right!


I had tried the combination a dozen times!


Well, it's a good thing you tried a thirteenth.

Well, which allowed you to be right.

But I'm glad you were.

No, I wasn't trying to be right, I was trying to be nice.

See, I didn't want you standing outside your door in the cold on your first night here.

I never even imagined meeting a neighbor like you.

I can't imagine living next door to anyone else.

Almost makes a guy believe in fate. - I said, "almost." - See, that's what I love about you.

You never take anything at face value.

You wait 'til you're absolutely certain something is true before you say it, which is why it means so much more when you do.


Well, here's something that's true.

You changed everything for me.

And I hardly remember how we got here.

But I am glad we did.

I can't wait to see where we go next.

(romantic music)

And I want to say one more thing.


How could you possibly have known that that key box would open the last time?

- Let it go, Sam.

- It's going to bug me forever.

Well, maybe that's why I did it.

(mystical theme music)

(cheerful music)

Now, before we finish our meeting, let me just say what a pleasure it was to have Cassie Nightingale here with us this morning.

It's always nice to see a former mayor supporting the current one.

It's comforting to know that Middleton is in such good hands.

Well, you picked a good day to be here, because you get to see me honor Ben Patterson for all the valuable work he's done.



Now, as many of you know, Ben has been renovating the old Middleton Theatre, and he tells me it's just about ready for its grand re-opening this Friday night.

Tickets are on sale at the Bistro and at the box office.

It's a wonderful addition to our community and the council would like to give you a special thanks.

Oh yeah, sorry.

So Ben, I hereby present you with this special commendation for enhancing the beauty of our already beautiful surroundings.

Thank you, Madam Mayor.


this is really...


Jared, a picture, please.

Oh, I am so proud of him!

He's worked so hard on that theatre.

And I'm sure there are a lot of people who are going to - appreciate his work.

- Yeah.


You'll wanna hang that photo in the lobby, I'm sure.

- Maybe so.

- Well, I believe that that's just about it for today.

Jared, is there any unfinished business?

There was Councilwoman Barkley's bid to have new trees - planted in front of city hall.

- Oh, yes.

We've wanted to get those for a long time.

And the Westside Homeowner's petition for a new swing set at the park.

Can I approve them without discussion?

- If there are no objections.

- And who is going to object to the mayor?

Very well, then.

I hereby approve both proposals.

And, since there are no further motions, - this meeting is adjourned.

- (gavel rapping)


I've never been at one of these meetings before.

Is this always how they go?

They used to be a lot quieter - til she started using the gavel.

- Ah.

Oh, oh, oh.

One more order of business.

We need to buy a bigger gavel.

No objections?

So moved!

- Jared, come.

- Yup.

- Good morning.

- Did you know there was something called "Medical Assistant's Appreciation Week"?

- No.

- Neither did I, which is why I missed it, which is why I'm here.

I need to get Eve some...


Well, I'm sure she'll appreciate that.

(chuckling): That's the idea.

We just got some new orchids in as well, if you're looking for something for Cassie too.

- I'm just here for the candy.

- Are you sure?

Orchids are the perfect way to say, "I love you." Cassie knows how I feel about her.

Mmm, flowers say it louder.

(chuckling): I can speak for myself.

Thank you.


And put a couple of extra pieces in there for me, Please.

I didn't have time to make a lunch.

You're going to have candy for lunch?

- My doctor says it's OK.

- (giggling)

Wait, you think you have the bulbs here?

There's an interesting mix of odd things up here.

There's a box of old bulbs somewhere that I never wanted to throw away.

Maybe one of them will fit the projector at your theatre.

It'd be a miracle if it did.

It's kind of a special one that no one makes anymore.

I'm never surprised at the kinds of things I discover in this old house.

I sometimes feel sorry for all the stuff up here, just set aside and forgotten about.

You feel sorry for things in the attic?

I know it's weird, but I dunno...

I want things to be seen and appreciated.


This has been in here ever since I moved in.

But I don't know what any of these are for.

The one for the projector is kind of long, and it's got these pins on the end and the product number is - D, L, N...

- ...Seven, five, zero, W?


Yes, this is perfect.

- There's a couple more in there.

- You can take the whole box.

Thank you.


- What are these?

- Film canisters.

Yeah, that's what movies used to come on before they started showing up on our phones.

It doesn't say what the name of the movie is.

I could show it at the theatre to find out.

Nick, why don't you take all that back to the theatre with Ben?

I'm sure he could use a hand getting the projector set up.

- Sure.

- Great.

- I'll see ya.

- Yeah.


Are we ever going to clean this attic out?

- I don't know.

- I kinda like the mystery of re-discovering forgotten things every time we come up.

Like finding old buried treasure.

A little bit, yeah.

Thank you for approving my proposal this morning, Madam Mayor.

It was my pleasure.

One of the great joys of being the mayor is being able to make this city a better place.

- Mayor Tinsdale.

- Excuse me, won't you?


Of course.

I need to talk with you about the things you approved this morning.


Why are we whispering?

Because you're gonna have to un-approve them.

I will not!

As mayor, my word is my bond.

If I say that we're getting trees and swing sets, we're getting trees and swing sets!

Except we have no money to get anything!

- Of course we do.

- No, we don't!

You've been saying "yes" to so many things that the extra expenditure account is nearly empty.

(whispering): How much money do we have left?

I shouldn't have said "nearly." There's nothing in it at all.

You mean we can't buy anything? - Not even a new gavel.

- Well, there's no need to add insult to injury.

OK, this goes down through here, then back onto the take-up reel, and if we did this right...

Ha ha!

Look at that!

It works!

Hey, you wanna watch it?

I mean, it's six or seven reels long.

What's the movie even about?

- I don't know.

Let's find out.

- (knocking)

- Hello?

- Hey.

- Oh, Nick.

- Hey, Grace.

- I didn't think you'd still be here.

- Yeah, Ben showed me all the work he did fixing up the place.

- He did a great job.

- Oh, thanks.

Well, hey, Mom sent me over here after she found this.

She thinks it's the final reel of the movie.

- We were just about to run it.

- Oh, can I watch?

Pick any seat in the theatre.

Please silence your cell phones, and no talking.

I know the rules, just start the show!

(classic-movie-style fanfare)

(elegant music)

- Hey.

How was the movie?

- Hey.


How did you know I saw the movie?

Well, I figured you'd get curious while you were there and want to see it.

Ah, is that why you had me go over there?

I just sent my daughter on an errand, that's all.

Oh, well, I'm glad that you did, because it was great.

I mean, OK, I've heard people say, "They don't make them like that anymore" - and now I know what they mean.

- Who was in it?

- Uh, I don't know.

- Nobody I had ever seen before.

It was one of those black and white movies from the thirties, and it was so funny and romantic and I can't wait for you to see it.

Ben decided to show it at the theatre for the opening.


I think that's a very good choice.

In the movie there was a woman named Jenny.

She just thinks that the town needs something - and then makes it happen.

- A woman of action.

Yeah, she had this sense...

well, she called it her "flutter"... where she knew when things were going to turn out right or wrong.


I think I'm going to like this movie.

I think you're going to love it.

Is it all right if I see the mayor tomorrow?

There's something that I want to talk to her about.

Is my daughter planning on changing the world?

Just a small part of it.

Well, I hope everything turns out the way you want it to.

I have a feeling it might.

For all of us.

(cheerful music)

Well, I guess we should go with candy bars then.

What's standard?

OK, sounds good.


Who were you talking to?

I'm doing concessions for opening night at the theatre so just ordering snacks.

- Plain old snacks?

- Movie stuff, yeah.

- It's supposed to be a special night.

- It is.

For Ben.

And don't you want him to know how much you love him?

I always want him to know that.

Well, if it were me...

- You know what, never mind.

- What?

I just think anything "plain" is gonna seem like you hardly even tried.

You know, you're kind of right.

I just remember my high school graduation party, all my mother put out was tortilla chips.

No salsa.

And it still bothers you, doesn't it?

- She barely made any effort at all.

- Well, you don't want Ben to remember that night the same way you remember this one.

Who puts out chips without any salsa?

So, you're going to try harder for Ben.

Oh, you bet you I am, for sure.

Madam Mayor?

Madam Mayor.

- Oh, hello.

- I'm sorry to bother you, but I went to the city manager to place the order for the new swing set and he told me all spending is on hold.

Did he?

Well, that's odd.

Perhaps there was a mix-up in the communication.

You know, he's a little hard of hearing in his left ear.


Well, should we call him and try to clear things up?


Uh, let's not bother him with this, shall we?

I'm sure we'll get everything straightened out before swing... season - comes along.

- When is "swing season"?

Well, it's certainly not tomorrow, so that gives me at least one more day.

- Hey Sam.

- Well, this is a nice morning surprise.

Well, I thought we could have some tea and coffee before you went to work.

- And I've got a few minutes; come on in.

- Great!

- Oh!

Good morning.

- Hey.

And you're just in time, 'cause the coffee pot's done.

- Agh!

- (chuckling)

Every single time I forget that's broken.

He always says he's gonna fix it, but he never does.

Thank you.

- I gotta get to school, so...

- Have fun.

Learn stuff.

- Heh.

I'll try to do both.


- Bye.

So, do you wanna go to a movie Friday night?

- Ben's opening his theatre.

- What's he showing?

- Grace saw it last night.

- It's a romantic comedy.

Oh, like when a guy and meets a girl and a couple hours later, they're saying, "I love you"?

Well, I don't know how this one ends.

Well, I hope it ends better than that.

- Do you not believe in romance?

- You know I do.

I just find it hard to believe that two people fall in love that fast.

So, how long is it supposed to take for someone to say, "I love you"?

Longer than it takes to watch a movie.

- (cell phone ringing)

- Sorry.

Doctor Radford.


How are his vitals?

Oh, good.


No, um, tell him I'm on the way.



One of my patients came in with chest pains.

- He's doing better but...

- ...You should go see him.

We'll have to skip this.




- (chuckling)

- (insistent knocking)

Oh, Grace.

It's always good to see you.

Come on in.


Thank you, Madam Mayor.

Now, what can I do for you?

Well, I was just kind of wondering how a person might go about getting money for a city project.

So you're looking for funding.


For something maybe Middleton needs.

Our city funds are historically low right now.

How low?

(chuckles nervously)

We don't have any.

We have enough money to keep everything running.

We just don't have enough to put the trees in front of city hall like we wanted or buy that new swing set for the park.

Those sound like really good ideas.

- Yes, and they are.

- But we're just going to have to - get by without them.

- There's nothing you can do?

I'm sorry.

(sighs regretfully)

If you'll excuse me, I have to slip out before Councilwoman Dornati sees me and asks me to approve something else.

Don't tell anyone I was here.

(calm music)

- Hey, honey.

- Hi, Mom.

How'd your meeting with the mayor go?

Well, she told me something about how much money the city does and doesn't have and then she kind of sneaked out on her tip-toes.

So you won't be making anything special happen the way you wanted to?

- It doesn't look like it.

- Hmm.

I wish I could be more like Jenny in the movie who just got things done and then had everybody talk about how great she was after she did it.

Is that really why she did it?

So she could get all the attention?

No, it actually wasn't.

But after everything that Martha said, it's all over now, anyways.

Honey, when you get home, could you do me a favor?

- Sure.

- When we were in the attic yesterday I saw a box of old newspapers that needs to go in the recycling.

- You want me to bring it down?

- When you get a chance.

- Yeah.

No problem.

- Thanks.

- I'll see you later.

- Bye.


- Hey!

- Oh, hello.

Do you have anything to put, like, popcorn in?

- Oh.

Uh, like a bowl?

- Like some fancy containers.

- I need a whole bunch of them.

- Hmm.

I don't think so.

Well, I knew it was a long shot.

It's just...

you sell so many different things in this place.

I like to keep a variety, just in case.

Well, I need something that really stands out because of what's going to be in them.

Well, I'm experimenting with all kinds of different flavors so that Ben knows just how much effort I put into it.

Well, then, I hope you find the one thing that's perfect.

Yeah, I'll just have to keep looking.

Are you going to the theatre now?

- Yeah, then the grocery store.

- Could you give this to Ben?

- Sure.

What is it?

- Oh, it's just a few odds and ends that I was hoping someone could put to good use.

I can't wait to see all the work he's put into the theatre.

- Oh, it is so impressive!

- I just love places like that with history, you know?

You almost think a famous movie star is going to walk down the steps and into the lobby looking all spectacular and ready for opening night.


Well, I just hope that I'm ready for opening night.

(both giggling)

Here ya go.

- See ya later on.

- Yeah.

Thanks for coming, Dr.


I thought you might like to see a familiar face.

Is he gonna be all right?

Well, the attending said it wasn't a heart attack.

How come it felt like one?

Because it might have been a slight arrhythmia, which can indicate weakness, or damage.

That's why they want to take you upstairs for more tests.

- Is that what you'd recommend?

- That's the right thing to do.

But I'll be right here when you come out.

Take Mister Rossi up to, uh, third floor, outpatient, please.

- Take good care of him.

- They will.

I love you.

Love you, too.

(cheerful music)

- All fixed.

- You know you don't have to keep coming here and doing free work for me.

I've been working for free?

- Maybe I can pay you in movie tickets.

- Sounds like a fair trade, but it's been fun.

I'm glad you needed a helper.

- Look what I found!

- Where did you find that?

Behind some boxes in the storage room under the stairs.

Cassie was talking about some movie stars coming down them and I wanted to see what was under there.

- Does it still work?

- All I need is for the light to work.

I'm gonna make the popcorn at the Bistro, but I wanted to display it in here - so things don't look so plain.

- Plain isn't always a bad thing.

But you deserve more than that.

Which is why I'm going to make it more special.

(under his breath): Wow.




My piggy bank.

- Madam Mayor!

- (dramatic gasp)


I don't want anyone to know that I'm here.

We need to tell the council members about our financial shortfall.

And see the disappointed looks on their faces when they learn that I've let them down?

- I could put it in a memo.

- But I'd still feel the shame.

And what should I tell people who want to speak with you?

Oh, I don't know!

Make something up.

Just don't let them know I was here.

- Jared!

- (shouts in surprise)

I need to speak to the mayor about the sidewalks outside my shop.

- She's not here.

- I just saw her.



That, um...

That was her... daughter.

She doesn't have a daughter.

- She just adopted one.

- That looks just like her?

I know!

They grow up so fast!


It's good to see you out and about.

Well, I try to see the sunshine at least once a day.

- What's all that?

- Oh!

Popcorn toppings that no one's even dreamed of yet.

You're going to be at the theatre opening, right?

Cassie invited me, yep.

Well, I just want to make sure Ben knows how extra special - he is to me.

- So you'll say it with popcorn.

Food has always been one of the ways - I show Ben how much I care.

- Huh.

My mom was the same way.

I guess it was easier to hand us a plate than actually say the words.

Well, I gotta get going, but I'll see you at the movies!

- It's supposed to be a great show.

- Yeah.




Um, is Mayor Tinsdale in today?

I've been looking all over.

No, she's at home, avoiding people.

I mean, taking some personal time.

Which is fine, you know, since it gives me some time to recycle - all these city budgets from years ago.

- Oh.

You're recycling?


We print up these for the townspeople to look at, but hardly anyone's ever looked them over.

Could I look them over?

Don't see why not, but I don't know what you're looking for.

Me either!


I know you had quite a scare, but sometimes that's good.

That gives us a chance to get ahead of things before you do any damage to your heart.

Well, I'll take whatever pill you tell me to.

There are medications that can help, but I think we're talking about a lifestyle change, mostly.

Oh, no.

Is this the "no more red meat" speech I was hoping I wasn't going to get 'til I turned sixty?

You're gonna have to cut back.


Those are hard words for a man who loves his steak.

And you're gonna have to exercise more.

- Three times a week.

- I'll do whatever it takes.


Well, I'm sure your wife will enjoy having those extra years with you.


I hope so.

I'm so lucky to have her.

Make sure you tell her.

Heat this up in the microwave and apply it twice a day and you'll forget your shoulder was even hurting.


Can I help you find something?

Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but do you happen to - have any light bulbs?

- Ooh.

I have candles.

Yeah, I need a light bulb for my popcorn machine.

I've been to three different stores!

I can't find the right size.

- What size do you need?

- Well, uh...

I need something that would fit perfectly into something like this.

Same height, same size around...

Oh, sorry, the only thing I have that fits in there is salt.

- For the shaker.

- Ohhh, it's a salt shaker!

It's not very fancy.

- Well, it's for salt.

- I guess what I mean is that most things you have in here are a lot more special than this.

That salt shaker does its job exactly the way it's supposed to.

It sprinkles on something that accents the dish rather than stand out on its own.



- Sam.

- Grace let me in.

You know you can just come in anytime you want.

- Yeah, well, you know, manners.

- Which are never a bad thing.

I brought my own coffee, in case you wanted to make yourself a cup of...

- (teapot whistling)

- ...that.

Well, your timing is perfect.

Oh, what happened with the patient you went to see at the hospital?

Oh, he's great.

I talked to him today, actually.

He was telling me all about how he...

Well, he's just really in love with his wife, that's all.

It's always nice to hear about a man who feels that way.



Is there something on your mind?

I just wanted to see you, that's all.

(calm music)

- Morning.

- Morning, yeah.


When did this start working?

- Right after I fixed it.

- You fixed it?


I picked up a few skills at the theatre so I thought I'd bring them home and use them here.

Well, how did you find hinges to match these exactly?

Stephanie said Cassie picked them out from her store.

Well, she found the right ones.

And you did a great job.


Are you actually going to take a cup out of there?

- Let me admire my son's work.

- Enjoy.


- (desperate whisper): Cassie!

- Martha?


Don't say my name so loudly.

Are there any city council members who might have come in - when I wasn't looking?

- (whispering): I don't see any.

Oh, thank goodness.

I've been avoiding them all week.

Dealing with the harsh realities of being the mayor?

Only because I said "yes" to too many good things.

Because I want the decisions of my administration - to outlive even me.

- Well, I'm sure the next generation will take into account everything that you've done.

If there's anything to take account of.

I heard Stephanie saying she was taking her concessions to the theatre.

I'm sure she could use a hand.

- That's an excellent idea.

- To get me away from anybody - I don't want to see.

- And to help out a friend.


Oh, yes.

Of course.


Those look spectacular.

I know!

I mean, thank you.

Cassie said you might need some help getting it all - over to the theatre?

- That is so sweet!

- No snacking on the way.

- I'll try to resist.

(dramatic gasp)

There's Councilwoman Talley.

Quick, load me up with another - box so she can't see me.

- OK, here.


- Oh, Mom.

- Hey, honey.

Hey, did you know there's a bank in Middleton - that's over a hundred years old?

- In the brick building, yeah.

- I've never been in there before.

- Why were you in there today?

Well, I found...

That is a little bit of a secret.

Oh, my daughter's keeping secrets from me now?

You'll probably find out eventually, but for now, - I'm not saying a word.

- Then I won't ask.

Are you excited about seeing the movie again tonight?


And if everything goes well, right before it starts, the mayor will be able to announce something very special.

Oh, Ben!

You've done wonderful work.

The Middleton Theatre is just about ready for its close-up!


I'm looking forward to people seeing what I've done.

I couldn't have done it, though, without this guy.

There, that's the last of them.

And now, to see how they look...


Those look wonderful under the lights!


I found some bulbs in a box in the projector room.

The box from Cassie's attic?

Those things were from Grey House?

They were the only bulbs I could find that fit.

Is this cart "all you can eat"?

You can help yourself.

There's Parmesan garlic, salted caramel, bacon-cheddar...

I didn't know popcorn came in so many flavors.

I know.

I really outdid myself.

What kind are you looking for?

Oh, uh, I was hoping you had plain.


I didn't want to do just plain for such a special event.

Hmm, I really wanted just plain.

But I have so many different kinds.

Yes, all fighting for my attention when tonight I'm just going to want to be watching the movie and nibbling on something a little less, well obtrusive.

After all, it's not the popcorn that's the star of the show.

It's the show.

Here you go.

I'm sure she'll say yes.

- Hey, Sam.

- Hey.

- Need more candies for Eve?

- Actually, I would like some more for me.

Best lunch I had all week.

Oh, well, I'll get you another box.

- You sell a lot of these?

- Every single day.

But that is the beginning of the end, right there.

- What?

- That.

Well, how many people have you said, "I love you" to?

- Just a few.

- Are you still with any of them?

There you go.

I've been told "I love you" by so many people that those words don't even mean anything anymore.

Those words will always mean something.

Well, then I'll leave it to you and the balloons.

(relieved sigh)

(high-pitched shriek)


Like mother, like daughter.

I thought I could sneak in here without getting caught.

I wasn't trying to catch you.

I just need you to look at this.

Oh, what is it?



Nobody who works in city government should ever have to look at numbers.

Except those are good numbers.


- this one.

- How so?

It's a bank account that everybody seems to have forgotten about.

I found it while I was looking at old budgets that were about to be recycled.


I ended up finding a piggy bank in there.

We used to keep city money in a piggy bank?

No, but you had a benevolent fund.

You know, I do remember hearing that the city did used to have one, once, but that account has been closed for, well, at least thirty or forty years.

- Except it wasn't.

- Because there it is!

Oh my goodness, it's as if you found a buried treasure!

There's more than enough money in there to plant some trees and buy a new swing set, - don't you think?

- Yes.

Yes, there is!

I'm gonna give all the credit to you.

Special recognition, at our next city council meeting.

Thank you.

But no.

I didn't do it for the attention.

I just wanted to make a difference, and to get things done.

You really are becoming more like your mother every day.

And that is the nicest thing you could have ever said.

It's OK...

You're going to be OK.

♪♪ Some people say ♪ Just take a minute.

Then you'll be feeling better.

♪ Travelling far ♪ You don't have to be afraid.

I'll stay here with you...

Until you're ready to soar.

♪ As you were driving away ♪

♪ Love ♪

♪ My curious heart is ♪

♪ Furious and falling for you ♪♪

(heartwarming music)

I did not know this many people would want to come and see a movie.


I just hope that nobody smudges up that handrail.

I spent a lot of time trying to make that thing look good.

They're going to smudge it up, Nick.

It's a handrail.

Nobody appreciates great art.

- Popcorn, get your popcorn!

- There's only one kind.



I decided that the concessions aren't supposed to take over the whole night.


just supposed to accent what is already here.

That way, the star of the show can be the star of the show.

- Glad I made it.

- Hey!

Yeah, just in time.

There you are.

- Thank you!

- Can we just share your popcorn?

Oh, I'm a little protective of my snacks.

- OK, I'll have my own.

Thank you.

- That's a really good idea.


Can I have everyone's attention, please?

Now, first of all, I want to acknowledge Ben Patterson, whose determination and craftsmanship are the reasons all of us are here.


Before we get to the lighting of the marquee, I wanted to make a special announcement.

Many of you have been wondering when we'll be getting the new trees in front of city hall and I'm very pleased to announce that they are fully funded and will be planted next week.

And I just placed an order for a new swing set for the park, which will be arriving very soon, as well, all because of the fortitude of one Middletonian who wishes to remain anonymous.

So, now, everyone!

If we can all move out here, please, for a better look.

That's right, fill in.

Here we are.

Are we ready?

Alright, then.

Here we go.

Three, two, one.


(crowd exclaiming, clapping)

It gives me great pleasure to be able to say: let's go to the movies, Middleton!

What's this movie about, anyway?

Oh, I think the title says it all.

Well, I hope you're in the mood for a romantic comedy.

- I actually am.

- And I'm ready for this one to surprise me, for a change.


(classic-movie-style music)

(elegant music)

You're a funny girl, Jenny.

You read "Aesop's Fables"
and you won't accept anything but candy, fruit, and flowers. And hospitality.

Of the right sort.
But I want to know that I'm doing the right thing. - For the town and for everybody.

- How can you be sure?
There's something in here that tells me if I'm right or wrong. If it's still, then it's all right.

But if it flutters...
- it's wrong.

- Oh, but you, Jenny.
You're different.

You're not like any other
woman I've ever known before.

You're a dream.

A poem.
You're like a dewy white flower waiting to be crushed. - (Crash!)

- (crowd laughing)

...then you cheated Mr.

Dayton, but you better give him
back that option because if you don't, someday you'll have a flutter in your stomach. I've been having flutters all my life. Why else would I have three doctors? You don't need a doctor for a flutter.

That's just your conscience
telling you what to do only you don't pay any attention to it! Because you've been ready to say, "I love you" for too long and there's no good reason why you haven't said it. - The reason is it didn't last.

- Well, maybe you've never
said it to the right person. Jeffers, this is very important.

Tell Mrs.

Brand she's...

♪♪ Each and every day ♪

♪ 'Cause honey nothin' ♪

So, what did you think?

I actually liked it better than I thought I would.

A lot can happen during a movie.

- Where are you parked?

- Right over there.

- Oh.

Wanna give me a ride home?

- I thought you had your car?

I do.

I'd rather ride with you.

- OK.

- ♪ You can make me cry ♪

♪ See me comin' ♪

♪ And you can pass me by ♪ What a beautiful night.

- Yeah.

I really did enjoy it.

- Hey, you don't have a key box on your door you need me to help you open, do you?

I don't, no.

Good, because we'd end up stuck out here forever.

Hey, I was thinking about you... and us...

and the fact you wouldn't even share your popcorn with me.

You've now seen one of my darker sides.

It's everything else about you that makes me...

You just make me want to be better.

You're one of the best people I've ever known.

You know how hard I have to work at being that way?

And everything comes so naturally to you.

All I know is I look forward to every minute whenever I'm with you.

So stick around, OK?

I'm not going anywhere.

♪ I'd just say welcome home ♪

♪ 'Cause honey, nothin' ♪

I love you.

I love you, too.

♪ This love I have for you ♪

- Then that's good, huh?

- Yeah.

♪ Ohhh yeah ♪♪

(romantic instrumental continues)